Example usage for java.lang String join

List of usage examples for java.lang String join


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang String join.


public static String join(CharSequence delimiter, Iterable<? extends CharSequence> elements) 

Source Link


Returns a new String composed of copies of the CharSequence elements joined together with a copy of the specified delimiter .


From source file:edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.doc.JaxrsProcessor.java

public static APIResourceModel processRestClass(Class resource, String rootPath) {
    APIResourceModel resourceModel = new APIResourceModel();

    resourceModel.setResourceName(/*from ww  w  . j  a v  a2s . c  o  m*/
            String.join(" ", StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(resource.getSimpleName())));

    APIDescription aPIDescription = (APIDescription) resource.getAnnotation(APIDescription.class);
    if (aPIDescription != null) {

    Path path = (Path) resource.getAnnotation(Path.class);
    if (path != null) {
        resourceModel.setResourcePath(rootPath + "/" + path.value());

    RequireAdmin requireAdmin = (RequireAdmin) resource.getAnnotation(RequireAdmin.class);
    if (requireAdmin != null) {

    //class parameters
    mapParameters(resourceModel.getResourceParams(), resource.getDeclaredFields());

    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    int methodId = 0;
    for (Method method : resource.getDeclaredMethods()) {

        APIMethodModel methodModel = new APIMethodModel();

        //rest method
        List<String> restMethods = new ArrayList<>();
        GET getMethod = (GET) method.getAnnotation(GET.class);
        POST postMethod = (POST) method.getAnnotation(POST.class);
        PUT putMethod = (PUT) method.getAnnotation(PUT.class);
        DELETE deleteMethod = (DELETE) method.getAnnotation(DELETE.class);
        if (getMethod != null) {
        if (postMethod != null) {
        if (putMethod != null) {
        if (deleteMethod != null) {
        methodModel.setRestMethod(String.join(",", restMethods));

        if (restMethods.isEmpty()) {
            //skip non-rest methods

        Produces produces = (Produces) method.getAnnotation(Produces.class);
        if (produces != null) {
            methodModel.setProducesTypes(String.join(",", produces.value()));

        Consumes consumes = (Consumes) method.getAnnotation(Consumes.class);
        if (consumes != null) {
            methodModel.setConsumesTypes(String.join(",", consumes.value()));

        aPIDescription = (APIDescription) method.getAnnotation(APIDescription.class);
        if (aPIDescription != null) {

        path = (Path) method.getAnnotation(Path.class);
        if (path != null) {

        requireAdmin = (RequireAdmin) method.getAnnotation(RequireAdmin.class);
        if (requireAdmin != null) {

        try {
            if (!(method.getReturnType().getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase(Void.class.getSimpleName()))) {
                APIValueModel valueModel = new APIValueModel();
                DataType dataType = (DataType) method.getAnnotation(DataType.class);

                boolean addResponseObject = true;
                if ("javax.ws.rs.core.Response".equals(method.getReturnType().getName()) && dataType == null) {
                    addResponseObject = false;

                if (addResponseObject) {
                    ReturnType returnType = (ReturnType) method.getAnnotation(ReturnType.class);
                    Class returnTypeClass;
                    if (returnType != null) {
                        returnTypeClass = returnType.value();
                    } else {
                        returnTypeClass = method.getReturnType();

                    if (!"javax.ws.rs.core.Response".equals(method.getReturnType().getName())) {
                        if (ReflectionUtil.isCollectionClass(method.getReturnType()) == false) {
                            try {
                                        ReflectionUtil.getAllFields(returnTypeClass).toArray(new Field[0]));
                                        ReflectionUtil.getAllFields(returnTypeClass).toArray(new Field[0]),

                                aPIDescription = (APIDescription) returnTypeClass
                                if (aPIDescription != null) {
                            } catch (InstantiationException iex) {
                                log.log(Level.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
                                        "Unable to instantiated type: {0} make sure the type is not abstract.",

                    if (dataType != null) {
                        String typeName = dataType.value().getSimpleName();
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dataType.actualClassName())) {
                            typeName = dataType.actualClassName();
                        try {
                                    ReflectionUtil.getAllFields(dataType.value()).toArray(new Field[0]));
                                    ReflectionUtil.getAllFields(dataType.value()).toArray(new Field[0]), false);

                            aPIDescription = (APIDescription) dataType.value()
                            if (aPIDescription != null) {

                        } catch (InstantiationException iex) {
                            log.log(Level.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
                                    "Unable to instantiated type: {0} make sure the type is not abstract.",

        } catch (IllegalAccessException | JsonProcessingException ex) {
            log.log(Level.WARNING, null, ex);

        //method parameters
        mapMethodParameters(methodModel.getMethodParams(), method.getParameters());

        //Handle Consumed Objects
        mapConsumedObjects(methodModel, method.getParameters());

    Collections.sort(resourceModel.getMethods(), new ApiMethodComparator<>());
    return resourceModel;

From source file:com.coinblesk.server.service.ForexService.java

public Map<String, BigDecimal> getExchangeRates(final String... pairs) throws Exception {
    // mark as used
    Map<String, BigDecimal> exchangeRates = new HashMap<>(pairs.length);
    // this empty most of the times:
    List<String> unknowRates = new ArrayList<>(1);
    for (String pair : pairs) {
        exchangeRatesSymbolCache.put(pair, Boolean.TRUE);
        BigDecimal exchangeRate = exchangeRatesCache.getIfPresent(pair);

        if (exchangeRate == null) {
            unknowRates.add(pair);/*from  ww w.j  a  va 2 s  .  c  o m*/
        } else {
            exchangeRates.put(pair, exchangeRate);

    if (!unknowRates.isEmpty()) {
        String values = String.join("\",\"", unknowRates);
        String rates = '"' + values + '"';
        final String url = YAHOO_API.replace(PLACEHOLDER, rates);
        final StringBuffer response = ServiceUtils.doHttpRequest(url);
        // gets actual exchange rate out of Json Object and saves it to last.
        final Gson gson = new Gson();
        if (unknowRates.size() > 1) {
            final RootMulti root = gson.fromJson(response.toString(), RootMulti.class);
            for (RootMulti.Query.Results.Rate rate : root.query.results.rate) {
                BigDecimal exchangeRate = new BigDecimal(rate.Rate);
                exchangeRatesCache.put(rate.id, exchangeRate);
                exchangeRates.put(rate.id, exchangeRate);
        } else {
            final RootSingle root = gson.fromJson(response.toString(), RootSingle.class);
            BigDecimal exchangeRate = new BigDecimal(root.query.results.rate.Rate);
            exchangeRatesCache.put(root.query.results.rate.id, exchangeRate);
            exchangeRates.put(root.query.results.rate.id, exchangeRate);

    return exchangeRates;

From source file:org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchAdapterTest.java

 * Used to create {@code zips} index and insert zip data in bulk.
 * @throws Exception when instance setup failed
 *///  www  .j  av a  2 s . c  o  m
public static void setupInstance() throws Exception {
    // hardcoded mapping definition
    final String mapping = String.format(Locale.ROOT,
                    + "{'city':{'type':'keyword'},'state':{'type':'keyword'},'pop':{'type':'long'}}" + "}}}",
            ZIPS).replace('\'', '"');

    // create index and mapping
    final HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(mapping, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
    NODE.restClient().performRequest("PUT", "/" + ZIPS, Collections.emptyMap(), entity);

    // load records from file
    final List<String> bulk = new ArrayList<>();
    Resources.readLines(ElasticSearchAdapterTest.class.getResource("/zips-mini.json"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8,
            new LineProcessor<Void>() {
                public boolean processLine(String line) throws IOException {
                    bulk.add("{\"index\": {} }"); // index/type will be derived from _bulk URI
                    line = line.replaceAll("_id", "id"); // _id is a reserved attribute in ES
                    return true;

                public Void getResult() {
                    return null;

    if (bulk.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No records to index. Empty file ?");

    final String uri = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "/%s/%s/_bulk?refresh", ZIPS, ZIPS);
    Response response = NODE.restClient().performRequest("POST", uri, Collections.emptyMap(),
            new StringEntity(String.join("\n", bulk) + "\n", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));

    if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
        final String error = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
        final String message = String.format(Locale.ROOT,
                "Couldn't bulk insert %d elements into %s (%s/%s). Error was %s\n%s\n", bulk.size(), ZIPS,
                response.getHost(), response.getRequestLine(), response.getStatusLine(), error);

        throw new IllegalStateException(message);


From source file:com.sisrni.managedbean.ProyectoReportMB.java

public String obtenerOrganismos(List<Organismo> listOrganismos) {
    List<String> nombreOrganismo = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Organismo organismo : listOrganismos) {
    }//from w ww.  j  a  v  a2  s . c  o  m
    return String.join(",", nombreOrganismo);

From source file:org.twilmes.sql.gremlin.plugin.SqlRemoteAcceptor.java

public Object submit(final List<String> args) throws RemoteException {
    try {//ww  w.j av a  2 s. c  o m
        final String query = RemoteAcceptor.getScript(String.join(" ", args), this.shell);

        // if the query starts with 'explain', return the plan instead of the results
        if (query.toLowerCase().startsWith("explain")) {
            int explainIndex = query.toLowerCase().indexOf("explain");
            return compiler.explain(query.substring(explainIndex + 7, query.length()));

        return compiler.execute(query);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new RemoteException(e);

From source file:it.iit.genomics.cru.simsearch.bundle.utils.PantherBridge.java

public static Collection<String[]> getEnrichment(String organism, String fileName, double threshold) {
    ArrayList<String[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    ArrayListMultimap<String, String> genes = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    ArrayListMultimap<Double, String> pvalues = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    HashSet<String> uniqueGenes = new HashSet<>();

    try {/*from   w w  w  .  j a  va  2  s.  co  m*/
        String[] enrichmentTypes = { "process", "pathway" };

        for (String enrichmentType : enrichmentTypes) {

            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            MultipartPostMethod method = new MultipartPostMethod(

            // Define name-value pairs to set into the QueryString
            method.addParameter("organism", organism);
            method.addParameter("type", "enrichment");
            method.addParameter("enrichmentType", enrichmentType); // "function",
            // "process",
            // "cellular_location",
            // "protein_class",
            // "pathway"
            File inputFile = new File(fileName);
            method.addPart(new FilePart("geneList", inputFile, "text/plain", "ISO-8859-1"));

            // PANTHER does not use the ID type
            // method.addParameter("IdType", "UniProt");

            // Execute and print response
            String response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();

            for (String line : response.split("\n")) {
                if (false == "".equals(line.trim())) {

                    String[] row = line.split("\t");
                    // Id Name GeneId P-value
                    if ("Id".equals(row[0])) {
                        // header
                    // if (row.length > 1) {
                    String name = row[1];

                    String gene = row[2];
                    Double pvalue = Double.valueOf(row[3]);


                    if (pvalue < threshold) {
                        if (false == genes.containsKey(name)) {
                            pvalues.put(pvalue, name);
                        genes.put(name, gene);
                    // } else {
                    //    System.out.println("oups: " + row[0]);
                    // }

        ArrayList<Double> pvalueList = new ArrayList<>();


        int numGenes = uniqueGenes.size();

        for (Double pvalue : pvalueList) {
            for (String name : pvalues.get(pvalue)) {
                String geneList = String.join(",", genes.get(name));
                String result[] = { name, "" + pvalue, genes.get(name).size() + "/" + numGenes, geneList };

    } catch (IOException e) {

    return results;

From source file:net.sf.jabref.model.entry.CustomEntryType.java

 * Get a String describing the required field set for this entry type.
 * @return Description of required field set for storage in preferences or bib file.
 *//* www . ja va 2  s  .  c  o m*/
public String getRequiredFieldsString() {
    return String.join(";", required);

From source file:it.uniud.ailab.dcore.annotation.annotators.RawTdidfAnnotator.java

public void annotate(Blackboard blackboard, DocumentComponent component) {
    initIndex(component.getLanguage());/* www  .ja va  2  s  .  c o m*/

    List<Sentence> sentences = DocumentUtils.getSentences(component);

    for (Sentence s : sentences) {
        for (Gram g : s.getGrams()) {
            if (!g.hasAnnotation(TFIDF)) {

                String stemmedSurface = g.getSurface();

                String[] tokenizedSurface = OpenNlpBootstrapperAnnotator.tokenizeText(stemmedSurface,

                SnowballStemmer stemmer = SnowballStemmerSelector

                for (int i = 0; i < tokenizedSurface.length; i++) {

                    if (stemmer.stem()) {
                        tokenizedSurface[i] = stemmer.getCurrent();

                stemmedSurface = String.join(" ", markTokens(tokenizedSurface)).trim();

                ((Keyphrase) g).putFeature(TFIDF, tfIdf(IOBlackboard.getCurrentDocument(), stemmedSurface));

From source file:com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.salesforce.ChangeDataCaptureRecordCreator.java

public Record createRecord(String sourceId, Object source) throws StageException {
    Pair<PartnerConnection, Map<String, Object>> pair = (Pair<PartnerConnection, Map<String, Object>>) source;
    PartnerConnection partnerConnection = pair.getLeft();
    Map<String, Object> data = pair.getRight();
    Map<String, Object> payload = (Map<String, Object>) data.get("payload");

    Record rec = context.createRecord(sourceId);

    // Process ChangeEventHeader since we need the object type
    String objectType = null;//  ww  w. ja  va2 s .c  om
    Record.Header recordHeader = rec.getHeader();
    Map<String, Object> headers = (Map<String, Object>) payload.get(CHANGE_EVENT_HEADER);
    if (headers == null) {
        throw new StageException(Errors.FORCE_40);
    // event data becomes header attributes
    // of the form salesforce.cdc.createdDate,
    // salesforce.cdc.type
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> header : headers.entrySet()) {
        if ("recordIds".equals(header.getKey())) {
            // Turn list of record IDs into a comma-separated list
            recordHeader.setAttribute(HEADER_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + header.getKey(),
                    String.join(",", (List<String>) header.getValue()));
        } else {
            recordHeader.setAttribute(HEADER_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + header.getKey(), header.getValue().toString());
            if ("changeType".equals(header.getKey())) {
                int operationCode = SFDC_TO_SDC_OPERATION.get(header.getValue().toString());
                recordHeader.setAttribute(OperationType.SDC_OPERATION_TYPE, String.valueOf(operationCode));
            } else if ("entityName".equals(header.getKey())) {
                objectType = header.getValue().toString();
                recordHeader.setAttribute(SOBJECT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, objectType);

    // payload data becomes fields
    LinkedHashMap<String, Field> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : payload.entrySet()) {
        String key = entry.getKey();
        Object val = entry.getValue();
        if (!objectTypeIsCached(objectType)) {
            try {
                addObjectTypeToCache(partnerConnection, objectType);
            } catch (ConnectionException e) {
                throw new StageException(Errors.FORCE_21, objectType, e);
        com.sforce.soap.partner.Field sfdcField = getFieldMetadata(objectType, key);
        Field field = createField(val, sfdcField);
        if (conf.createSalesforceNsHeaders) {
            setHeadersOnField(field, getFieldMetadata(objectType, key));
        map.put(key, field);


    return rec;

From source file:com.netflix.spinnaker.halyard.deploy.spinnaker.v1.service.local.debian.LocalDebianServiceProvider.java

public String getInstallCommand(GenerateService.ResolvedConfiguration resolvedConfiguration,
        Map<String, String> installCommands) {
    Map<String, String> bindings = new HashMap<>();
    List<String> serviceNames = new ArrayList<>(installCommands.keySet());
    List<String> upstartNames = getLocalServices(serviceNames).stream()
            .filter(i -> resolvedConfiguration.getServiceSettings(i.getService()).getEnabled())
            .map(i -> ((LocalDebianService) i).getUpstartServiceName()).filter(Objects::nonNull)
    List<String> serviceInstalls = serviceNames.stream().map(installCommands::get).collect(Collectors.toList());

    TemplatedResource resource = new JarResource("/debian/init.sh");
    bindings.put("services", Strings.join(upstartNames, " "));
    String upstartInit = resource.setBindings(bindings).toString();

    resource = new JarResource("/debian/install.sh");
    bindings = new HashMap<>();
    bindings.put("prepare-environment", "true");
    bindings.put("install-redis", "true");
    bindings.put("debian-repository", artifactSources.getDebianRepository());
    bindings.put("install-commands", String.join("\n", serviceInstalls));
    bindings.put("service-action", "restart");
    bindings.put("upstart-init", upstartInit);

    return resource.setBindings(bindings).toString();