Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to David Pilato (the "Author") under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. Author licenses this * file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.settings.Elasticsearch.Node; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.elasticsearch.client.Response; import org.elasticsearch.client.ResponseException; import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient; import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Simple Elasticsearch client over HTTP or HTTPS. * Only needed methods are exposed. */ public class ElasticsearchClient { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ElasticsearchClient.class); private final RestClient client; private String FIELDS = null; private ElasticsearchClient(List<Node> nodes, String username, String password) { List<HttpHost> hosts = new ArrayList<>(nodes.size()); for (Node node : nodes) { hosts.add(new HttpHost(node.getHost(), node.getPort(), node.getScheme().toLowerCase())); } RestClientBuilder builder = RestClient.builder(hosts.toArray(new HttpHost[hosts.size()])); if (username != null) { CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password)); builder.setHttpClientConfigCallback( httpClientBuilder -> httpClientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider)); } client =; } public RestClient getClient() { return client; } public void createIndex(String index) throws IOException { createIndex(index, false); } public void createIndex(String index, boolean ignoreErrors) throws IOException { logger.debug("create index [{}]", index); try { Response response = client.performRequest("PUT", "/" + index, Collections.emptyMap()); logger.trace("create index response: {}", response.getEntity().getContent()); } catch (ResponseException e) { if (e.getResponse().getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400 && (e.getMessage().contains("index_already_exists_exception") || e.getMessage().contains("IndexAlreadyExistsException"))) { if (!ignoreErrors) { throw new RuntimeException("index already exists"); } logger.trace("index already exists. Ignoring error..."); return; } throw e; } } public BulkResponse bulk(BulkRequest bulkRequest) throws Exception { StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); for (SingleBulkRequest request : bulkRequest.getRequests()) { sbf.append("{"); String header = JsonUtil.serialize(request); if (request instanceof DeleteRequest) { sbf.append("\"delete\":").append(header).append("}\n"); } if (request instanceof IndexRequest) { sbf.append("\"index\":").append(header).append("}\n"); // Index Request: header line + body sbf.append(((IndexRequest) request).content().replaceAll("\n", "")).append("\n"); } } logger.trace("going to send a bulk"); logger.trace("{}", sbf); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(sbf.toString(), Charset.defaultCharset()); Response restResponse = client.performRequest("POST", "/_bulk", Collections.emptyMap(), entity); BulkResponse response = JsonUtil.deserialize(restResponse, BulkResponse.class); logger.debug("bulk response: {}", response); return response; } public void putMapping(String index, String type, String mapping) throws IOException { logger.debug("put mapping [{}/{}]", index, type); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(mapping, Charset.defaultCharset()); Response restResponse = client.performRequest("PUT", "/" + index + "/_mapping/" + type, Collections.emptyMap(), entity); Map<String, Object> responseAsMap = JsonUtil.asMap(restResponse); logger.trace("put mapping response: {}", responseAsMap); } public String findVersion() throws IOException { logger.debug("findVersion()"); String version; Response restResponse = client.performRequest("GET", "/"); Map<String, Object> responseAsMap = JsonUtil.asMap(restResponse); logger.trace("get server response: {}", responseAsMap); Object oVersion = extractFromPath(responseAsMap, "version").get("number"); version = (String) oVersion; logger.debug("findVersion() -> [{}]", version); return version; } public void refresh(String index) throws IOException { logger.debug("refresh index [{}]", index); String path = "/"; if (index != null) { path += index + "/"; } path += "_refresh"; Response restResponse = client.performRequest("POST", path); Map<String, Object> responseAsMap = JsonUtil.asMap(restResponse); logger.trace("refresh raw response: {}", responseAsMap); } public void waitForHealthyIndex(String index) throws IOException { logger.debug("wait for yellow health on index [{}]", index); Response restResponse = client.performRequest("GET", "/_cluster/health/" + index, Collections.singletonMap("wait_for_status", "yellow")); Map<String, Object> responseAsMap = JsonUtil.asMap(restResponse); logger.trace("health response: {}", responseAsMap); } public void index(String index, String type, String id, String json) throws IOException { logger.debug("put document [{}/{}/{}]", index, type, id); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(json, Charset.defaultCharset()); Response restResponse = client.performRequest("PUT", "/" + index + "/" + type + "/" + id, Collections.emptyMap(), entity); Map<String, Object> responseAsMap = JsonUtil.asMap(restResponse); logger.trace("put document response: {}", responseAsMap); } public boolean isExistingDocument(String index, String type, String id) throws IOException { logger.debug("is existing doc [{}]/[{}]/[{}]", index, type, id); try { Response restResponse = client.performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/" + type + "/" + id); Map<String, Object> responseAsMap = JsonUtil.asMap(restResponse); logger.trace("get document response: {}", responseAsMap); return true; } catch (ResponseException e) { if (e.getResponse().getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 404) { logger.debug("doc [{}]/[{}]/[{}] does not exist", index, type, id); return false; } throw e; } } public void deleteIndex(String index) throws IOException { logger.debug("delete index [{}]", index); try { Response response = client.performRequest("DELETE", "/" + index); logger.trace("delete index response: {}", response.getEntity().getContent()); } catch (ResponseException e) { if (e.getResponse().getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 404) { logger.debug("index [{}] does not exist", index); return; } throw e; } } public void shutdown() throws IOException { logger.debug("Closing REST client"); if (client != null) { client.close(); logger.debug("REST client closed"); } } public SearchResponse search(String index, String type, String query) throws IOException { return search(index, type, query, null); } public SearchResponse search(String index, String type, String query, Integer size, String... fields) throws IOException { SearchRequest request = SearchRequest.builder().setQuery(query).setSize(size).setFields(fields).build(); return search(index, type, request); } public SearchResponse search(String index, String type, SearchRequest searchRequest) throws IOException { logger.debug("search [{}]/[{}], request [{}]", index, type, searchRequest); String path = "/"; if (index != null) { path += index + "/"; } if (type != null) { path += type + "/"; } path += "_search"; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); if (searchRequest.getQuery() != null) { params.put("q", searchRequest.getQuery()); } if (searchRequest.getFields() != null) { // If we never set elasticsearch behavior, it's time to do so if (FIELDS == null) { setElasticsearchBehavior(); } params.put(FIELDS, String.join(",", (CharSequence[]) searchRequest.getFields())); } if (searchRequest.getSize() != null) { params.put("size", searchRequest.getSize().toString()); } Response restResponse = client.performRequest("GET", path, params); SearchResponse searchResponse = JsonUtil.deserialize(restResponse, SearchResponse.class); logger.trace("search response: {}", searchResponse); return searchResponse; } /** * Search with a JSON Body * @param index Index. Might be null. * @param type Type. Might be null. * @param json Json Source * @return The Response object * @throws IOException if something goes wrong */ public SearchResponse searchJson(String index, String type, String json) throws IOException { logger.debug("search [{}]/[{}], request [{}]", index, type, json); String path = "/"; if (index != null) { path += index + "/"; } if (type != null) { path += type + "/"; } path += "_search"; Response restResponse = client.performRequest("GET", path, Collections.emptyMap(), new StringEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)); SearchResponse searchResponse = JsonUtil.deserialize(restResponse, SearchResponse.class); logger.trace("search response: {}", searchResponse); return searchResponse; } protected String setElasticsearchBehavior() throws IOException { String version = findVersion(); // With elasticsearch 5.0.0, we need to use `stored_fields` instead of `fields` if (new VersionComparator().compare(version, "5") >= 0) { FIELDS = "stored_fields"; logger.debug("Using elasticsearch >= 5, so we use [{}] as fields option", FIELDS); } else { FIELDS = "fields"; logger.debug("Using elasticsearch < 5, so we use [{}] as fields option", FIELDS); } return FIELDS; } public boolean isExistingType(String index, String type) throws IOException { logger.debug("is existing type [{}]/[{}]", index, type); try { Response restResponse = client.performRequest("GET", "/" + index); Map<String, Object> responseAsMap = JsonUtil.asMap(restResponse); logger.trace("get index metadata response: {}", responseAsMap); Map<String, Object> mappings = extractFromPath(responseAsMap, index, "mappings"); return mappings.containsKey(type); } catch (ResponseException e) { if (e.getResponse().getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 404) { logger.debug("type [{}]/[{}] does not exist", index, type); return false; } throw e; } } public boolean isExistingIndex(String index) throws IOException { logger.debug("is existing index [{}]", index); try { Response restResponse = client.performRequest("GET", "/" + index); Map<String, Object> responseAsMap = JsonUtil.asMap(restResponse); logger.trace("get index metadata response: {}", responseAsMap); return true; } catch (ResponseException e) { if (e.getResponse().getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 404) { logger.debug("index [{}] does not exist", index); return false; } throw e; } } public static class Builder { private List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); private String username = null; private String password = null; public Builder setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; return this; } public Builder setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; return this; } public Builder addNode(Node node) { nodes.add(node); return this; } public ElasticsearchClient build() { return new ElasticsearchClient(nodes, username, password); } } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static Map<String, Object> extractFromPath(Map<String, Object> json, String... path) { Map<String, Object> currentObject = json; for (String fieldName : path) { Object jObject = currentObject.get(fieldName); if (jObject == null) { throw new RuntimeException("incorrect Json. Was expecting field " + fieldName); } if (!(jObject instanceof Map)) { throw new RuntimeException( "incorrect datatype in json. Expected Map and got " + jObject.getClass().getName()); } currentObject = (Map<String, Object>) jObject; } return currentObject; } /** * Create a mapping if it does not exist already * @param client elasticsearch client * @param index index name * @param type type name * @param mapping Elasticsearch mapping * @param forceUpdate If true, it will try to update the mapping * @throws Exception in case of error */ public static void pushMapping(ElasticsearchClient client, String index, String type, String mapping, boolean forceUpdate) throws Exception { boolean mappingExist = client.isExistingType(index, type); if (!mappingExist || forceUpdate) { if (forceUpdate) { logger.debug("Mapping [{}]/[{}] will be updated if existing.", index, type); } else { logger.debug("Mapping [{}]/[{}] doesn't exist. Creating it.", index, type); } logger.trace("Mapping for [{}]/[{}]: [{}]", index, type, mapping); client.putMapping(index, type, mapping); } else { logger.debug("Mapping [" + index + "]/[" + type + "] already exists."); } } }