List of usage examples for java.lang String equals
public boolean equals(Object anObject)
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { PatternLayout pl = new PatternLayout("%d{ISO8601} %-5p %c: %m\n"); ConsoleAppender ca = new ConsoleAppender(pl); Logger.getRoot().addAppender(ca); Logger.getRoot().setLevel(Level.INFO); // create Options object Options options = new Options(); // add t option options.addOption("r", "read", false, "read a file from the DHT"); options.addOption("w", "write", false, "write a file to the DHT"); options.addOption("g", "gateway", true, "the gateway IP:port"); options.addOption("k", "key", true, "the key to read a file from"); options.addOption("f", "file", true, "the file to read or write"); options.addOption("s", "secret", true, "the secret used to hide data"); options.addOption("t", "ttl", true, "how long in seconds data should persist"); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); String gw = null;/* w ww.j ava 2 s . c o m*/ String mode = null; String secret = null; String ttl = null; String key = null; String file = null; if (cmd.hasOption("r")) { mode = "read"; } if (cmd.hasOption("w")) { mode = "write"; } if (cmd.hasOption("g")) { gw = cmd.getOptionValue("g"); } if (cmd.hasOption("k")) { key = cmd.getOptionValue("k"); } if (cmd.hasOption("f")) { file = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); } if (cmd.hasOption("s")) { secret = cmd.getOptionValue("s"); } if (cmd.hasOption("t")) { ttl = cmd.getOptionValue("t"); } if (mode == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: either --read or --write is required"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } if (gw == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --gateway is required"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } if (file == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --file is required"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } if (secret == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --secret is required"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(1000); sbuf.append("<sandstorm>\n"); sbuf.append("<global>\n"); sbuf.append("<initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("node_id localhost:3630\n"); sbuf.append("</initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("</global>\n"); sbuf.append("<stages>\n"); sbuf.append("<GatewayClient>\n"); sbuf.append("class bamboo.dht.GatewayClient\n"); sbuf.append("<initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("debug_level 0\n"); sbuf.append("gateway " + gw + "\n"); sbuf.append("</initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("</GatewayClient>\n"); sbuf.append("\n"); sbuf.append("<FileShare>\n"); sbuf.append("class bamboo.openhash.fileshare.FileShare\n"); sbuf.append("<initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("debug_level 0\n"); sbuf.append("secret " + secret + "\n"); sbuf.append("mode " + mode + "\n"); if (mode.equals("write")) { if (ttl == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --ttl is required for write mode"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } sbuf.append("ttl " + ttl + "\n"); sbuf.append("file " + file + "\n"); } else { if (key == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --key is required for write mode"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } sbuf.append("key " + key + "\n"); sbuf.append("file " + file + "\n"); } sbuf.append("client_stage_name GatewayClient\n"); sbuf.append("</initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("</FileShare>\n"); sbuf.append("</stages>\n"); sbuf.append("</sandstorm>\n"); ASyncCore acore = new bamboo.lss.ASyncCoreImpl(); DustDevil dd = new DustDevil(); dd.set_acore_instance(acore); dd.main(new CharArrayReader(sbuf.toString().toCharArray())); acore.async_main(); }
From source
/** * Command-line tool//ww w .java 2 s . co m * * <pre> * java -cp target/regression-0.1-uber.jar com.linkedin.lab.regression.LibLinear * </pre> * * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String cmd = "Input parameters (separated by space): \n" + " run:<command> (required) train or predict\n" + " ftype:<file_type> (required) libsvm or json\n" + " data:<file_name> (required) Input data file of the specified type\n" + " out:<file_name> (required) Output file\n" + " bias:<bias> (optional) Set to 0 if you do not want to add an\n" + " bias/intercept term\n" + " Set to 1 if you want to add a feature with\n" + " value 1 to every instance\n" + " Default: 0\n" + " param:<file_name> (optional) for run:train, it specifies the prior mean\n" + " (required) for run:predict, it specifies the model\n" + " File format: <featureName>=<value> per line\n" + " priorVar:<var> (required) for run:train, <var> is the a number\n" + " (not used) for run:predict\n" + " init:<file_name> (optional) for run:train, it specifies the initial value\n" + " File format: <featureName>=<value> per line\n" + " posteriorVar:1/0 (optional) Whether to compute posterior variances\n" + " Default: 1\n" + " posteriorCov:1/0 (optional) Whether to compute posterior covariances\n" + " Default: 0\n" + " binaryFeature:1/0 (optional) Whether all of the input features are binary\n" + " useShort:1/0 (optional) Whether to use short to store feature indices\n" + " option:<options> (optional) Comma-separated list of options\n" + " No space is allowed in <options>\n" + " Eg: max_iter=5,epsilon=0.01,positive_weight=2\n" + " (not used) for run:predict\n"; if (args.length < 3) { System.out.println("\n" + cmd); System.exit(0); } // Read the input parameters String run = null; String ftype = null; File dataFile = null; File outFile = null; double bias = 0; File paramFile = null; File initFile = null; double priorVar = Double.NaN; String option = null; boolean binaryFeature = false; boolean useShort = false; boolean computePostVar = true; boolean computePostCov = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i] == null) continue; String[] token = args[i].split(":"); if (token.length < 2) cmd_line_error("'" + args[i] + "' is not a valid input parameter string!", cmd); for (int k = 2; k < token.length; k++) token[1] += ":" + token[k]; if (token[0].equals("run")) { run = token[1]; } else if (token[0].equals("ftype")) { ftype = token[1]; } else if (token[0].equals("data")) { dataFile = new File(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("out")) { outFile = new File(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("bias")) { bias = Double.parseDouble(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("param")) { paramFile = new File(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("init")) { initFile = new File(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("priorVar")) { priorVar = Double.parseDouble(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("option")) { option = token[1]; } else if (token[0].equals("binaryFeature")) { binaryFeature = Util.atob(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("useShort")) { useShort = Util.atob(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("posteriorVar")) { computePostVar = Util.atob(token[1]); } else if (token[0].equals("posteriorCov")) { computePostCov = Util.atob(token[1]); } else cmd_line_error("'" + args[i] + "' is not a valid input parameter string!", cmd); } if (run == null) cmd_line_error("Please specify run:<command>", cmd); if (ftype == null) cmd_line_error("Please specify ftype:<file_type>", cmd); if (dataFile == null) cmd_line_error("Please specify data:<file_name>", cmd); if (outFile == null) cmd_line_error("Please specify out:<file_name>", cmd); if (run.equals(RUN_TRAIN)) { Map<String, Double> priorMean = null; Map<String, Double> initParam = null; if (paramFile != null) { if (!paramFile.exists()) cmd_line_error("Param File '" + paramFile.getPath() + "' does not exist", cmd); priorMean = Util.readStringDoubleMap(paramFile, "="); } if (initFile != null) { if (!initFile.exists()) cmd_line_error("Init File '" + initFile.getPath() + "' does not exist", cmd); initParam = Util.readStringDoubleMap(initFile, "="); } if (priorVar == Double.NaN) cmd_line_error("Please specify priorVar:<var>", cmd); if (!dataFile.exists()) cmd_line_error("Data File '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' does not exist", cmd); LibLinearDataset dataset; if (binaryFeature) { dataset = new LibLinearBinaryDataset(bias, useShort); } else { dataset = new LibLinearDataset(bias); } if ("libsvm".equals(ftype)) { dataset.readFromLibSVM(dataFile); } //else if ("json".equals(ftype)) //{ // dataset.readFromJSON(dataFile); //} else cmd_line_error("Unknown file type 'ftype:" + ftype + "'", cmd); if (computePostCov == true && computePostVar == false) cmd_line_error("Cannot compute posterior covariances with posteriorVar:0", cmd); LibLinear liblinear = new LibLinear(); liblinear.setComputeFullPostVar(computePostCov); liblinear.train(dataset, initParam, priorMean, null, 0.0, priorVar, option, computePostVar); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(outFile); Util.printStringDoubleMap(out, liblinear.getParamMap(), "=", true); out.close(); if (computePostVar) { out = new PrintStream(outFile + ".var"); Util.printStringDoubleMap(out, liblinear.getPostVarMap(), "=", true); out.close(); if (computePostCov) { out = new PrintStream(outFile + ".cov"); Util.printStringListDoubleMap(out, liblinear.getPostVarMatrixMap(), "="); out.close(); } } } else if (run.equals(RUN_PREDICT)) { throw new Exception("run:predict is not supported yet :("); } else cmd_line_error("Unknown run:" + run, cmd); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { PrintStream hier_out = null;//ww w .j av a 2s .com PrintWriter assign_out = new PrintWriter(new NullWriter()); PrintStream bootstrap_out = null; File hier_out_filename = null; String propFile = null; File biomFile = null; File metadataFile = null; PrintWriter shortseq_out = null; List<MCSample> samples = new ArrayList(); ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.allRank; float conf = CmdOptions.DEFAULT_CONF; String gene = null; int min_bootstrap_words = Classifier.MIN_BOOTSTRSP_WORDS; try { CommandLine line = new PosixParser().parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { assign_out = new PrintWriter(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Require the output file for classification assignment"); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.HIER_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { hier_out_filename = new File(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.HIER_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)); hier_out = new PrintStream(hier_out_filename); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.BIOMFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { biomFile = new File(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.BIOMFILE_SHORT_OPT)); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.METADATA_SHORT_OPT)) { metadataFile = new File(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.METADATA_SHORT_OPT)); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.TRAINPROPFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { if (gene != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Already specified the gene from the default location. Can not specify train_propfile"); } else { propFile = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.TRAINPROPFILE_SHORT_OPT); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.FORMAT_SHORT_OPT)) { String f = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.FORMAT_SHORT_OPT); if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("allrank")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.allRank; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("fixrank")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.fixRank; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("filterbyconf")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.filterbyconf; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("db")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.dbformat; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("biom")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.biom; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not an valid output format, only allrank, fixrank, biom, filterbyconf and db allowed"); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.GENE_SHORT_OPT)) { if (propFile != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Already specified train_propfile. Can not specify gene any more"); } gene = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.GENE_SHORT_OPT).toLowerCase(); if (!gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.RRNA_16S_GENE) && !gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.FUNGALLSU_GENE) && !gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.FUNGALITS_warcup_GENE) && !gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.FUNGALITS_unite_GENE)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(gene + " not found, choose from" + ClassifierFactory.RRNA_16S_GENE + ", " + ClassifierFactory.FUNGALLSU_GENE + ", " + ClassifierFactory.FUNGALITS_warcup_GENE + ", " + ClassifierFactory.FUNGALITS_unite_GENE); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.MIN_BOOTSTRAP_WORDS_SHORT_OPT)) { min_bootstrap_words = Integer .parseInt(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.MIN_BOOTSTRAP_WORDS_SHORT_OPT)); if (min_bootstrap_words < Classifier.MIN_BOOTSTRSP_WORDS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(CmdOptions.MIN_BOOTSTRAP_WORDS_LONG_OPT + " must be at least " + Classifier.MIN_BOOTSTRSP_WORDS); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.BOOTSTRAP_SHORT_OPT)) { String confString = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.BOOTSTRAP_SHORT_OPT); try { conf = Float.valueOf(confString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Confidence must be a decimal number"); } if (conf < 0 || conf > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Confidence must be in the range [0,1]"); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.SHORTSEQ_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { shortseq_out = new PrintWriter(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.SHORTSEQ_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.BOOTSTRAP_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { bootstrap_out = new PrintStream(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.BOOTSTRAP_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)); } if (format.equals(ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.biom) && biomFile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("biom format requires an input biom file"); } if (biomFile != null) { // if input biom file provided, use biom format format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.biom; } args = line.getArgs(); for (String arg : args) { String[] inFileNames = arg.split(","); File inputFile = new File(inFileNames[0]); File idmappingFile = null; if (!inputFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find input file \"" + inFileNames[0] + "\""); } if (inFileNames.length == 2) { idmappingFile = new File(inFileNames[1]); if (!idmappingFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find input file \"" + inFileNames[1] + "\""); } } MCSample nextSample = new MCSample(inputFile, idmappingFile); samples.add(nextSample); } if (propFile == null && gene == null) { gene = CmdOptions.DEFAULT_GENE; } if (samples.size() < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Require at least one sample files"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Command Error: " + e.getMessage()); new HelpFormatter().printHelp(80, " [options] <samplefile>[,idmappingfile] ...", "", options, ""); return; } MultiClassifier multiClassifier = new MultiClassifier(propFile, gene, biomFile, metadataFile); MultiClassifierResult result = multiClassifier.multiCompare(samples, conf, assign_out, format, min_bootstrap_words); assign_out.close(); if (hier_out != null) { DefaultPrintVisitor printVisitor = new DefaultPrintVisitor(hier_out, samples); result.getRoot().topDownVisit(printVisitor); hier_out.close(); if (multiClassifier.hasCopyNumber()) { // print copy number corrected counts File cn_corrected_s = new File(hier_out_filename.getParentFile(), "cnadjusted_" + hier_out_filename.getName()); PrintStream cn_corrected_hier_out = new PrintStream(cn_corrected_s); printVisitor = new DefaultPrintVisitor(cn_corrected_hier_out, samples, true); result.getRoot().topDownVisit(printVisitor); cn_corrected_hier_out.close(); } } if (bootstrap_out != null) { for (MCSample sample : samples) { MCSamplePrintUtil.printBootstrapCountTable(bootstrap_out, sample); } bootstrap_out.close(); } if (shortseq_out != null) { for (String id : result.getBadSequences()) { shortseq_out.write(id + "\n"); } shortseq_out.close(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { int port = 1234; String filepath = ""; String complete_path = ""; String connection_type = ""; String ip_address = ""; int port_out = 0; int delay = 20; //20 by default //parse commands using getOpt (cli) //add Options Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("p", true, "port_to_listen_on"); options.addOption("d", true, "directory"); options.addOption("T", false, "TCP mode"); options.addOption("U", false, "UDP mode"); options.addOption("s", true, "iPAddress"); options.addOption("P", true, "port_to_connect_to"); options.addOption("D", true, "delay"); CommandLineParser clp = new DefaultParser(); try {/* w ww . j a va 2s . c o m*/ CommandLine cl = clp.parse(options, args); //options for the server if (cl.hasOption("p")) { port = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("p")); } else { System.err.println("No valid port selected."); return; } if (cl.hasOption("d")) { filepath = cl.getOptionValue("d"); //if there a '/' in front, remove it to make it a valid directory if (filepath.substring(0, 1).equalsIgnoreCase("/")) { filepath = filepath.substring(1); } } else { System.err.println("No valid directory given."); return; } if (cl.hasOption("D")) { delay = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("D")); } //options for the client if (cl.hasOption("T")) { connection_type = "T"; } else if (cl.hasOption("U")) { connection_type = "U"; } if (cl.hasOption("s")) { ip_address = cl.getOptionValue("s"); } if (cl.hasOption("P")) { port_out = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("P")); } } catch (ParseException e) { //TODO: handle exception } //create directory (if it doesn't already exist) try { Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(filepath)); } catch (Exception e) { //TODO: handle exception System.err.println("Couldn't create directory"); System.err.println(filepath); } //read in required files (create them if they dont already exist) try { Files.createFile(Paths.get(filepath + "/gossip.txt")); Files.createFile(Paths.get(filepath + "/peers.txt")); } catch (Exception e) { //TODO: handle exception } WriteToFiles.readFiles(filepath); //start the servers TCPServerSock tcpServer = new TCPServerSock(port, filepath, delay); UDPServer udpServer = new UDPServer(port, filepath); Thread tcpThread = new Thread(tcpServer); Thread udpThread = new Thread(udpServer); tcpThread.start(); udpThread.start(); //start the client if (!connection_type.equals("") && port_out != 0 && !ip_address.equals("")) { Client client = new Client(ip_address, port_out, connection_type); Thread clientThread = new Thread(client); clientThread.start(); } //Start thread to forget peers ForgetPeer forgetPeer = new ForgetPeer(filepath + "/peers.txt", delay); Thread forgetPeerThread = new Thread(forgetPeer); forgetPeerThread.start(); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Object to handle the processing and sinking of the // data captured from the device. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Location2Location capture; ///////////////////////////////////// // Audio and video capture devices. //////////////////////////////////// CaptureDeviceInfo audioDevice = null; CaptureDeviceInfo videoDevice = null; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Capture device's "location" plus the name and location of // the destination. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MediaLocator captureLocation = null; MediaLocator destinationLocation;/*from w w w .ja va 2s . com*/ String destinationName = null; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Formats the Processor (in Location2Location) must match. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Format[] formats = new Format[1]; /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Content type for an audio or video capture. ////////////////////////////////////////////// ContentDescriptor audioContainer = new ContentDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.WAVE); ContentDescriptor videoContainer = new ContentDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.MSVIDEO); ContentDescriptor container = null; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Duration of recording (in seconds) and period to wait afterwards /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double duration = 10; int waitFor = 0; ////////////////////////// // Audio or video capture? ////////////////////////// String selected = AUDIO; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // All devices that support the format in question. // A means of "ensuring" the program works on different // machines with different capture devices. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Vector devices; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Whether to search for capture devices that support the // format or use the devices whos names are already // known to the application. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// boolean useKnownDevices = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process the command-line options as to audio or video, // duration, and file to save to. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-d")) { try { duration = (new Double(args[++i])).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else if (args[i].equals("-w")) { try { waitFor = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else if (args[i].equals("-a")) { selected = AUDIO; } else if (args[i].equals("-v")) { selected = VIDEO; } else if (args[i].equals("-b")) { selected = BOTH; } else if (args[i].equals("-f")) { destinationName = args[++i]; } else if (args[i].equals("-k")) { useKnownDevices = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-h")) { System.out.println( "Call as java SimpleRecorder [-a | -v | -b] [-d duration] [-f file] [-k] [-w wait]"); System.out.println("\t-a\tAudio\n\t-v\tVideo\n\t-b\tBoth audio and video (system dependent)"); System.out.println("\t-d\trecording Duration (seconds)"); System.out .println("\t-f\tFile to save to\n\t-k\tuse Known device names (don't search for devices)"); System.out.println("\t-w\tWait the specified time (seconds) before abandoning capture"); System.out.println( "Defaults: 10 seconds, audio, and captured.wav or captured.avi, 4x recording duration wait"); System.exit(0); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Perform setup for audio capture. Includes finding a suitable // device, obatining its MediaLocator and setting the content // type. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (selected.equals(AUDIO)) { devices = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(AUDIO_FORMAT); if (devices.size() > 0 && !useKnownDevices) { audioDevice = (CaptureDeviceInfo) devices.elementAt(0); } else audioDevice = CaptureDeviceManager.getDevice(AUDIO_DEVICE_NAME); if (audioDevice == null) { System.out.println("Can't find suitable audio device. Exiting"); System.exit(1); } captureLocation = audioDevice.getLocator(); formats[0] = AUDIO_FORMAT; if (destinationName == null) destinationName = DEFAULT_AUDIO_NAME; container = audioContainer; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Perform setup for video capture. Includes finding a suitable // device, obatining its MediaLocator and setting the content // type. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (selected.equals(VIDEO)) { devices = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(VIDEO_FORMAT); if (devices.size() > 0 && !useKnownDevices) videoDevice = (CaptureDeviceInfo) devices.elementAt(0); else videoDevice = CaptureDeviceManager.getDevice(VIDEO_DEVICE_NAME); if (videoDevice == null) { System.out.println("Can't find suitable video device. Exiting"); System.exit(1); } captureLocation = videoDevice.getLocator(); formats[0] = VIDEO_FORMAT; if (destinationName == null) destinationName = DEFAULT_VIDEO_NAME; container = videoContainer; } else if (selected.equals(BOTH)) { captureLocation = null; formats = new Format[2]; formats[0] = AUDIO_FORMAT; formats[1] = VIDEO_FORMAT; container = videoContainer; if (destinationName == null) destinationName = DEFAULT_VIDEO_NAME; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Perform all the necessary Processor and DataSink preparation via // the Location2Location class. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// destinationLocation = new MediaLocator(destinationName); System.out.println("Configuring for capture. Please wait."); capture = new Location2Location(captureLocation, destinationLocation, formats, container, 1.0); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start the recording and tell the user. Specify the length of the // recording. Then wait around for up to 4-times the duration of // recording // (can take longer to sink/write the data so should wait a bit incase). ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// System.out.println("Started recording " + duration + " seconds of " + selected + " ..."); capture.setStopTime(new Time(duration)); if (waitFor == 0) waitFor = (int) (4000 * duration); else waitFor *= 1000; int waited = capture.transfer(waitFor); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Report on the success (or otherwise) of the recording. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int state = capture.getState(); if (state == Location2Location.FINISHED) System.out.println(selected + " capture successful in approximately " + ((int) ((waited + 500) / 1000)) + " seconds. Data written to " + destinationName); else if (state == Location2Location.FAILED) System.out.println(selected + " capture failed after approximately " + ((int) ((waited + 500) / 1000)) + " seconds"); else { System.out.println(selected + " capture still ongoing after approximately " + ((int) ((waited + 500) / 1000)) + " seconds"); System.out.println("Process likely to have failed"); } System.exit(0); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String queryFile1 = null;/*from ww w .j av a2s . c o m*/ String queryFile2 = null; String class_outputFile = null; String compare_outputFile = null; String propFile = null; ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT format = CmdOptions.DEFAULT_FORMAT; float conf_cutoff = CmdOptions.DEFAULT_CONF; String gene = null; try { CommandLine line = new PosixParser().parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption(QUERYFILE1_SHORT_OPT)) { queryFile1 = line.getOptionValue(QUERYFILE1_SHORT_OPT); } else { throw new Exception("queryFile1 must be specified"); } if (line.hasOption(QUERYFILE2_SHORT_OPT)) { queryFile2 = line.getOptionValue(QUERYFILE2_SHORT_OPT); } else { throw new Exception("queryFile2 must be specified"); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { class_outputFile = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT); } else { throw new Exception("outputFile for classification results must be specified"); } if (line.hasOption(COMPARE_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { compare_outputFile = line.getOptionValue(COMPARE_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT); } else { throw new Exception("outputFile for comparsion results must be specified"); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.TRAINPROPFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { if (gene != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Already specified the gene from the default location. Can not specify train_propfile"); } else { propFile = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.TRAINPROPFILE_SHORT_OPT); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.BOOTSTRAP_SHORT_OPT)) { conf_cutoff = Float.parseFloat(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.BOOTSTRAP_SHORT_OPT)); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.FORMAT_SHORT_OPT)) { String f = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.FORMAT_SHORT_OPT); if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("allrank")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.allRank; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("fixrank")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.fixRank; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("filterbyconf")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.filterbyconf; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("db")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.dbformat; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not valid output format, only allrank, fixrank, filterbyconf and db allowed"); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.GENE_SHORT_OPT)) { if (propFile != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Already specified train_propfile. Can not specify gene any more"); } gene = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.GENE_SHORT_OPT).toLowerCase(); if (!gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.RRNA_16S_GENE) && !gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.FUNGALLSU_GENE)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(gene + " is NOT valid, only allows " + ClassifierFactory.RRNA_16S_GENE + " and " + ClassifierFactory.FUNGALLSU_GENE); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Command Error: " + e.getMessage()); new HelpFormatter().printHelp(120, "ComparisonCmd", "", options, "", true); return; } if (propFile == null && gene == null) { gene = ClassifierFactory.RRNA_16S_GENE; } ComparisonCmd cmd = new ComparisonCmd(propFile, gene); cmd.setConfidenceCutoff(conf_cutoff); printLicense(); cmd.doClassify(queryFile1, queryFile2, class_outputFile, compare_outputFile, format); }
From source
/** * This class reprocesses the classification results (allrank output) and print out hierarchy output file, based on the confidence cutoff; * and print out only the detail classification results with assignment at certain rank with confidence above the cutoff or/and matching a given taxon. * @param args/*from w w w.j av a 2 s . com*/ * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { PrintWriter assign_out = new PrintWriter(new NullWriter()); float conf = 0.8f; PrintStream heir_out = null; String hier_out_filename = null; ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.allRank; String rank = null; String taxonFilterFile = null; String train_propfile = null; String gene = null; List<MCSample> samples = new ArrayList(); try { CommandLine line = new PosixParser().parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.HIER_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { hier_out_filename = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.HIER_OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT); heir_out = new PrintStream(hier_out_filename); } else { throw new Exception( "It make sense to provide output filename for " + CmdOptions.HIER_OUTFILE_LONG_OPT); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { assign_out = new PrintWriter(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.OUTFILE_SHORT_OPT)); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.RANK_SHORT_OPT)) { rank = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.RANK_SHORT_OPT); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.TAXON_SHORT_OPT)) { taxonFilterFile = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.TAXON_SHORT_OPT); } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.BOOTSTRAP_SHORT_OPT)) { conf = Float.parseFloat(line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.BOOTSTRAP_SHORT_OPT)); if (conf < 0 || conf > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Confidence must be in the range [0,1]"); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.FORMAT_SHORT_OPT)) { String f = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.FORMAT_SHORT_OPT); if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("allrank")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.allRank; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("fixrank")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.fixRank; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("db")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.dbformat; } else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase("filterbyconf")) { format = ClassificationResultFormatter.FORMAT.filterbyconf; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not valid output format, only allrank, fixrank, filterbyconf and db allowed"); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.TRAINPROPFILE_SHORT_OPT)) { if (gene != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Already specified the gene from the default location. Can not specify train_propfile"); } else { train_propfile = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.TRAINPROPFILE_SHORT_OPT); } } if (line.hasOption(CmdOptions.GENE_SHORT_OPT)) { if (train_propfile != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Already specified train_propfile. Can not specify gene any more"); } gene = line.getOptionValue(CmdOptions.GENE_SHORT_OPT).toLowerCase(); if (!gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.RRNA_16S_GENE) && !gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.FUNGALLSU_GENE) && !gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.FUNGALITS_warcup_GENE) && !gene.equals(ClassifierFactory.FUNGALITS_unite_GENE)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(gene + " is NOT valid, only allows " + ClassifierFactory.RRNA_16S_GENE + ", " + ClassifierFactory.FUNGALLSU_GENE + ", " + ClassifierFactory.FUNGALITS_warcup_GENE + " and " + ClassifierFactory.FUNGALITS_unite_GENE); } } args = line.getArgs(); if (args.length < 1) { throw new Exception("Incorrect number of command line arguments"); } for (String arg : args) { String[] inFileNames = arg.split(","); String inputFile = inFileNames[0]; File idmappingFile = null; if (inFileNames.length == 2) { idmappingFile = new File(inFileNames[1]); if (!idmappingFile.exists()) { System.err.println("Failed to find input file \"" + inFileNames[1] + "\""); return; } } MCSample nextSample = new MCSampleResult(inputFile, idmappingFile); samples.add(nextSample); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Command Error: " + e.getMessage()); new HelpFormatter().printHelp(120, "Reprocess [options] <Classification_allrank_result>[,idmappingfile] ...", "", options, ""); return; } if (train_propfile == null && gene == null) { gene = ClassifierFactory.RRNA_16S_GENE; } HashSet<String> taxonFilter = null; if (taxonFilterFile != null) { taxonFilter = readTaxonFilterFile(taxonFilterFile); } MultiClassifier multiClassifier = new MultiClassifier(train_propfile, gene); DefaultPrintVisitor printVisitor = new DefaultPrintVisitor(heir_out, samples); MultiClassifierResult result = multiClassifier.multiClassificationParser(samples, conf, assign_out, format, rank, taxonFilter); result.getRoot().topDownVisit(printVisitor); assign_out.close(); heir_out.close(); if (multiClassifier.hasCopyNumber()) { // print copy number corrected counts File cn_corrected_s = new File(new File(hier_out_filename).getParentFile(), "cncorrected_" + hier_out_filename); PrintStream cn_corrected_hier_out = new PrintStream(cn_corrected_s); printVisitor = new DefaultPrintVisitor(cn_corrected_hier_out, samples, true); result.getRoot().topDownVisit(printVisitor); cn_corrected_hier_out.close(); } }
From source
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Options options = createOptions();/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ CommandLine cmd = null; try { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (Exception e) { printError(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption("help")) { printHelp(); System.exit(0); } boolean verbose = cmd.hasOption("v"); String databaseDir = cmd.getOptionValue("d", "."); String tokenPassword = cmd.getOptionValue("p"); String tokenName = cmd.getOptionValue("h"); String algorithm = cmd.getOptionValue("a", "rsa"); int keySize = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("l", "2048")); String profileID = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); String subjectDN = cmd.getOptionValue("n"); boolean encodingEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(cmd.getOptionValue("k", "false")); // if transportCertFilename is not specified then assume no key archival String transportCertFilename = cmd.getOptionValue("b"); String popOption = cmd.getOptionValue("q", "POP_SUCCESS"); String curve = cmd.getOptionValue("c", "nistp256"); boolean sslECDH = Boolean.parseBoolean(cmd.getOptionValue("x", "false")); boolean temporary = Boolean.parseBoolean(cmd.getOptionValue("t", "true")); int sensitive = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("s", "-1")); int extractable = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("e", "-1")); boolean self_sign = cmd.hasOption("y"); // get the keywrap algorithm KeyWrapAlgorithm keyWrapAlgorithm = null; String kwAlg = KeyWrapAlgorithm.AES_KEY_WRAP_PAD.toString(); if (cmd.hasOption("w")) { kwAlg = cmd.getOptionValue("w"); } else { String alg = System.getenv("KEY_ARCHIVAL_KEYWRAP_ALGORITHM"); if (alg != null) { kwAlg = alg; } } String output = cmd.getOptionValue("o"); String hostPort = cmd.getOptionValue("m"); String username = cmd.getOptionValue("u"); String requestor = cmd.getOptionValue("r"); if (hostPort != null) { if (cmd.hasOption("w")) { printError("Any value specified for the key wrap parameter (-w) " + "will be overriden. CRMFPopClient will contact the " + "CA to determine the supported algorithm when " + "hostport is specified"); } } if (subjectDN == null) { printError("Missing subject DN"); System.exit(1); } if (tokenPassword == null) { printError("Missing token password"); System.exit(1); } if (algorithm.equals("rsa")) { if (cmd.hasOption("c")) { printError("Illegal parameter for RSA: -c"); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption("t")) { printError("Illegal parameter for RSA: -t"); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption("s")) { printError("Illegal parameter for RSA: -s"); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption("e")) { printError("Illegal parameter for RSA: -e"); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption("x")) { printError("Illegal parameter for RSA: -x"); System.exit(1); } } else if (algorithm.equals("ec")) { if (cmd.hasOption("l")) { printError("Illegal parameter for ECC: -l"); System.exit(1); } if (sensitive != 0 && sensitive != 1 && sensitive != -1) { printError("Illegal input parameters for -s: " + sensitive); System.exit(1); } if (extractable != 0 && extractable != 1 && extractable != -1) { printError("Illegal input parameters for -e: " + extractable); System.exit(1); } } else { printError("Invalid algorithm: " + algorithm); System.exit(1); } if (!popOption.equals("POP_SUCCESS") && !popOption.equals("POP_FAIL") && !popOption.equals("POP_NONE")) { printError("Invalid POP option: " + popOption); System.exit(1); } if (profileID == null) { if (algorithm.equals("rsa")) { profileID = "caEncUserCert"; } else if (algorithm.equals("ec")) { profileID = "caEncECUserCert"; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown algorithm: " + algorithm); } } try { if (verbose) System.out.println("Initializing security database: " + databaseDir); CryptoManager.initialize(databaseDir); CryptoManager manager = CryptoManager.getInstance(); CryptoToken token = CryptoUtil.getKeyStorageToken(tokenName); tokenName = token.getName(); manager.setThreadToken(token); Password password = new Password(tokenPassword.toCharArray()); try { token.login(password); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to login: " + e, e); } CRMFPopClient client = new CRMFPopClient(); client.setVerbose(verbose); String encoded = null; X509Certificate transportCert = null; if (transportCertFilename != null) { if (verbose) System.out.println("archival option enabled"); if (verbose) System.out.println("Loading transport certificate"); encoded = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(transportCertFilename))); byte[] transportCertData = Cert.parseCertificate(encoded); transportCert = manager.importCACertPackage(transportCertData); } else { if (verbose) System.out.println("archival option not enabled"); } if (verbose) System.out.println("Parsing subject DN"); Name subject = client.createName(subjectDN, encodingEnabled); if (subject == null) { subject = new Name(); subject.addCommonName("Me"); subject.addCountryName("US"); subject.addElement( new AVA(new OBJECT_IDENTIFIER("0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1"), new PrintableString("MyUid"))); } if (verbose) System.out.println("Generating key pair"); KeyPair keyPair; if (algorithm.equals("rsa")) { keyPair = CryptoUtil.generateRSAKeyPair(token, keySize); } else if (algorithm.equals("ec")) { keyPair = client.generateECCKeyPair(token, curve, sslECDH, temporary, sensitive, extractable); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown algorithm: " + algorithm); } // print out keyid to be used in cmc decryptPOP PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") byte id[] = privateKey.getUniqueID(); String kid = CryptoUtil.encodeKeyID(id); System.out.println("Keypair private key id: " + kid); if ((transportCert != null) && (hostPort != null)) { // check the CA for the required key wrap algorithm // if found, override whatever has been set by the command line // options for the key wrap algorithm ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig(); String host = hostPort.substring(0, hostPort.indexOf(':')); int port = Integer.parseInt(hostPort.substring(hostPort.indexOf(':') + 1)); config.setServerURL("http", host, port); PKIClient pkiclient = new PKIClient(config); kwAlg = getKeyWrapAlgotihm(pkiclient); } if (verbose && (transportCert != null)) System.out.println("Using key wrap algorithm: " + kwAlg); if (transportCert != null) { keyWrapAlgorithm = KeyWrapAlgorithm.fromString(kwAlg); } if (verbose) System.out.println("Creating certificate request"); CertRequest certRequest = client.createCertRequest(self_sign, token, transportCert, algorithm, keyPair, subject, keyWrapAlgorithm); ProofOfPossession pop = null; if (!popOption.equals("POP_NONE")) { if (verbose) System.out.println("Creating signer"); Signature signer = client.createSigner(token, algorithm, keyPair); if (popOption.equals("POP_SUCCESS")) { ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); certRequest.encode(bo); signer.update(bo.toByteArray()); } else if (popOption.equals("POP_FAIL")) { byte[] data = { 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1 }; signer.update(data); } byte[] signature = signer.sign(); if (verbose) System.out.println("Creating POP"); pop = client.createPop(algorithm, signature); } if (verbose) System.out.println("Creating CRMF request"); String request = client.createCRMFRequest(certRequest, pop); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw)) { out.println(Cert.REQUEST_HEADER); out.print(request); out.println(Cert.REQUEST_FOOTER); } String csr = sw.toString(); if (hostPort != null) { System.out.println("Submitting CRMF request to " + hostPort); client.submitRequest(request, hostPort, username, profileID, requestor); } else if (output != null) { System.out.println("Storing CRMF request into " + output); try (FileWriter out = new FileWriter(output)) { out.write(csr); } } else { System.out.println(csr); } } catch (Exception e) { if (verbose) e.printStackTrace(); printError(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Options opts = new Options(); for (Option.Builder b : OPTION_BUILDERS) { opts.addOption(;//from w w w.jav a 2 s . c o m } CommandLine cl = null; try { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); cl = parser.parse(opts, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.format("Argument parsing failed: %s\n", e.getMessage()); HELP_FORMATTER.printHelp(LoadPlateCompositionIntoDB.class.getCanonicalName(), HELP_MESSAGE, opts, null, true); System.exit(1); } if (cl.hasOption("help")) { HELP_FORMATTER.printHelp(LoadPlateCompositionIntoDB.class.getCanonicalName(), HELP_MESSAGE, opts, null, true); return; } File lcmsDir = new File(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_DIRECTORY)); if (!lcmsDir.isDirectory()) { System.err.format("File at %s is not a directory\n", lcmsDir.getAbsolutePath()); HELP_FORMATTER.printHelp(LoadPlateCompositionIntoDB.class.getCanonicalName(), HELP_MESSAGE, opts, null, true); System.exit(1); } try (DB db = DB.openDBFromCLI(cl)) { System.out.print("Loading/updating LCMS scan files into DB\n"); ScanFile.insertOrUpdateScanFilesInDirectory(db, lcmsDir); String construct = cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_CONSTRUCT); List<LCMSWell> lcmsWells = LCMSWell.getInstance().getByConstructID(db, construct); Collections.sort(lcmsWells, new Comparator<LCMSWell>() { @Override public int compare(LCMSWell o1, LCMSWell o2) { return o1.getId().compareTo(o2.getId()); } }); Set<String> uniqueMSIDs = new HashSet<>(); Map<Integer, Plate> platesById = new HashMap<>(); System.out.format("\n\n-- Construct %s --\n\n", construct); List<ChemicalAssociatedWithPathway> pathwayChems = ChemicalAssociatedWithPathway.getInstance() .getChemicalsAssociatedWithPathwayByConstructId(db, construct); System.out.print("Chemicals associated with pathway:\n"); System.out.format(" %-8s%-15s%-45s\n", "index", "kind", "chemical"); for (ChemicalAssociatedWithPathway chem : pathwayChems) { System.out.format(" %-8d%-15s%-45s\n", chem.getIndex(), chem.getKind(), chem.getChemical()); } System.out.print("\nLCMS wells:\n"); System.out.format(" %-15s%-6s%-15s%-15s%-15s\n", "barcode", "well", "msid", "fed", "lcms_count"); for (LCMSWell well : lcmsWells) { uniqueMSIDs.add(well.getMsid()); Plate p = platesById.get(well.getPlateId()); if (p == null) { // TODO: migrate Plate to be a subclass of BaseDBModel. p = Plate.getPlateById(db, well.getPlateId()); platesById.put(p.getId(), p); } String chem = well.getChemical(); List<ScanFile> scanFiles = ScanFile.getScanFileByPlateIDRowAndColumn(db, p.getId(), well.getPlateRow(), well.getPlateColumn()); System.out.format(" %-15s%-6s%-15s%-15s%-15d\n", p.getBarcode(), well.getCoordinatesString(), well.getMsid(), chem == null || chem.isEmpty() ? "--" : chem, scanFiles.size()); System.out.flush(); } List<Integer> plateIds = Arrays.asList(platesById.keySet().toArray(new Integer[platesById.size()])); Collections.sort(plateIds); System.out.print("\nAppears in plates:\n"); for (Integer id : plateIds) { Plate p = platesById.get(id); System.out.format(" %s: %s\n", p.getBarcode(), p.getName()); } List<String> msids = Arrays.asList(uniqueMSIDs.toArray(new String[uniqueMSIDs.size()])); Collections.sort(msids); System.out.format("\nMSIDS: %s\n", StringUtils.join(msids, ", ")); Set<String> availableNegativeControls = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Plate> entry : platesById.entrySet()) { List<LCMSWell> wells = LCMSWell.getInstance().getByPlateId(db, entry.getKey()); for (LCMSWell well : wells) { if (!construct.equals(well.getComposition())) { availableNegativeControls.add(well.getComposition()); } } } // Print available standards for each step w/ plate barcodes and coordinates. System.out.format("\nAvailable Standards:\n"); Map<Integer, Plate> plateCache = new HashMap<>(); for (ChemicalAssociatedWithPathway chem : pathwayChems) { List<StandardWell> matchingWells = StandardWell.getInstance().getStandardWellsByChemical(db, chem.getChemical()); for (StandardWell well : matchingWells) { if (!plateCache.containsKey(well.getPlateId())) { Plate p = Plate.getPlateById(db, well.getPlateId()); plateCache.put(p.getId(), p); } } Map<Integer, List<StandardWell>> standardWellsByPlateId = new HashMap<>(); for (StandardWell well : matchingWells) { List<StandardWell> plateWells = standardWellsByPlateId.get(well.getPlateId()); if (plateWells == null) { plateWells = new ArrayList<>(); standardWellsByPlateId.put(well.getPlateId(), plateWells); } plateWells.add(well); } List<Pair<String, Integer>> plateBarcodes = new ArrayList<>(plateCache.size()); for (Plate p : plateCache.values()) { if (p.getBarcode() == null) { plateBarcodes.add(Pair.of("(no barcode)", p.getId())); } else { plateBarcodes.add(Pair.of(p.getBarcode(), p.getId())); } } Collections.sort(plateBarcodes); System.out.format(" %s:\n", chem.getChemical()); for (Pair<String, Integer> barcodePair : plateBarcodes) { // TODO: hoist this whole sorting/translation step into a utility class. List<StandardWell> wells = standardWellsByPlateId.get(barcodePair.getRight()); if (wells == null) { // Don't print plates that don't apply to this chemical, which can happen because we're caching the plates. continue; } Collections.sort(wells, new Comparator<StandardWell>() { @Override public int compare(StandardWell o1, StandardWell o2) { int c = o1.getPlateRow().compareTo(o2.getPlateRow()); if (c != 0) return c; return o1.getPlateColumn().compareTo(o2.getPlateColumn()); } }); List<String> descriptions = new ArrayList<>(wells.size()); for (StandardWell well : wells) { descriptions.add(String.format("%s in %s%s", well.getCoordinatesString(), well.getMedia(), well.getConcentration() == null ? "" : String.format(" c. %f", well.getConcentration()))); } System.out.format(" %s: %s\n", barcodePair.getLeft(), StringUtils.join(descriptions, ", ")); } } List<String> negativeControlStrains = Arrays .asList(availableNegativeControls.toArray(new String[availableNegativeControls.size()])); Collections.sort(negativeControlStrains); System.out.format("\nAvailable negative controls: %s\n", StringUtils.join(negativeControlStrains, ",")); System.out.print("\n----------\n"); System.out.print("\n\n"); } }
From source
/** Die Eingabe besteht aus 2 oder 3 Parameter: [0] Validierungstyp [1] Pfad zur Val-File [2] * option: Verbose/*from ww w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * * @param args * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:config/applicationContext.xml"); // Zeitstempel Start java.util.Date nowStart = new java.util.Date(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdfStart = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String ausgabeStart = sdfStart.format(nowStart); /* TODO: siehe Bemerkung im applicationContext-services.xml bezglich Injection in der * Superklasse aller Impl-Klassen ValidationModuleImpl validationModuleImpl = * (ValidationModuleImpl) context.getBean("validationmoduleimpl"); */ KOSTVal kostval = (KOSTVal) context.getBean("kostval"); File configFile = new File("configuration" + File.separator + "kostval.conf.xml"); // Ueberprfung des Parameters (Log-Verzeichnis) String pathToLogfile = kostval.getConfigurationService().getPathToLogfile(); File directoryOfLogfile = new File(pathToLogfile); if (!directoryOfLogfile.exists()) { directoryOfLogfile.mkdir(); } // Im Logverzeichnis besteht kein Schreibrecht if (!directoryOfLogfile.canWrite()) { System.out.println( kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_LOGDIRECTORY_NOTWRITABLE, directoryOfLogfile)); System.exit(1); } if (!directoryOfLogfile.isDirectory()) { System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_LOGDIRECTORY_NODIRECTORY)); System.exit(1); } // Ist die Anzahl Parameter (mind. 2) korrekt? if (args.length < 2) { System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_PARAMETER_USAGE)); System.exit(1); } File valDatei = new File(args[1]); File logDatei = null; logDatei = valDatei; // Informationen zum Arbeitsverzeichnis holen String pathToWorkDir = kostval.getConfigurationService().getPathToWorkDir(); /* Nicht vergessen in "src/main/resources/config/applicationContext-services.xml" beim * entsprechenden Modul die property anzugeben: <property name="configurationService" * ref="configurationService" /> */ // Informationen holen, welche Formate validiert werden sollen String pdfaValidation = kostval.getConfigurationService().pdfaValidation(); String siardValidation = kostval.getConfigurationService().siardValidation(); String tiffValidation = kostval.getConfigurationService().tiffValidation(); String jp2Validation = kostval.getConfigurationService().jp2Validation(); // Konfiguration des Loggings, ein File Logger wird zustzlich erstellt LogConfigurator logConfigurator = (LogConfigurator) context.getBean("logconfigurator"); String logFileName = logConfigurator.configure(directoryOfLogfile.getAbsolutePath(), logDatei.getName()); File logFile = new File(logFileName); // Ab hier kann ins log geschrieben werden... String formatValOn = ""; // ermitteln welche Formate validiert werden knnen respektive eingeschaltet sind if (pdfaValidation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = "PDF/A"; if (tiffValidation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = formatValOn + ", TIFF"; } if (jp2Validation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = formatValOn + ", JP2"; } if (siardValidation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = formatValOn + ", SIARD"; } } else if (tiffValidation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = "TIFF"; if (jp2Validation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = formatValOn + ", JP2"; } if (siardValidation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = formatValOn + ", SIARD"; } } else if (jp2Validation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = "JP2"; if (siardValidation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = formatValOn + ", SIARD"; } } else if (siardValidation.equals("yes")) { formatValOn = "SIARD"; } LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_HEADER)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_START, ausgabeStart)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_END)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMATON, formatValOn)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_INFO)); System.out.println("KOST-Val"); System.out.println(""); if (args[0].equals("--format") && formatValOn.equals("")) { // Formatvalidierung aber alle Formate ausgeschlossen LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_NOFILEENDINGS))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_NOFILEENDINGS)); System.exit(1); } File xslOrig = new File("resources" + File.separator + "kost-val.xsl"); File xslCopy = new File(directoryOfLogfile.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "kost-val.xsl"); if (!xslCopy.exists()) { Util.copyFile(xslOrig, xslCopy); } File tmpDir = new File(pathToWorkDir); /* bestehendes Workverzeichnis Abbruch wenn nicht leer, da am Schluss das Workverzeichnis * gelscht wird und entsprechend bestehende Dateien gelscht werden knnen */ if (tmpDir.exists()) { if (tmpDir.isDirectory()) { // Get list of file in the directory. When its length is not zero the folder is not empty. String[] files = tmpDir.list(); if (files.length > 0) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_WORKDIRECTORY_EXISTS, pathToWorkDir))); System.out.println( kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_WORKDIRECTORY_EXISTS, pathToWorkDir)); System.exit(1); } } } // Im Pfad keine Sonderzeichen xml-Validierung SIP 1d und SIARD C strzen ab String patternStr = "[^!#\\$%\\(\\)\\+,\\-_\\.=@\\[\\]\\{\\}\\~:\\\\a-zA-Z0-9 ]"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); String name = tmpDir.getAbsolutePath(); String[] pathElements = name.split("/"); for (int i = 0; i < pathElements.length; i++) { String element = pathElements[i]; Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(element); boolean matchFound = matcher.find(); if (matchFound) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_SPECIAL_CHARACTER, name))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_SPECIAL_CHARACTER, name)); System.exit(1); } } // die Anwendung muss mindestens unter Java 6 laufen String javaRuntimeVersion = System.getProperty("java.vm.version"); if (javaRuntimeVersion.compareTo("1.6.0") < 0) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_WRONG_JRE))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_WRONG_JRE)); System.exit(1); } // bestehendes Workverzeichnis wieder anlegen if (!tmpDir.exists()) { tmpDir.mkdir(); } // Im workverzeichnis besteht kein Schreibrecht if (!tmpDir.canWrite()) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_WORKDIRECTORY_NOTWRITABLE, tmpDir))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_WORKDIRECTORY_NOTWRITABLE, tmpDir)); System.exit(1); } /* Vorberitung fr eine allfllige Festhaltung bei unterschiedlichen PDFA-Validierungsresultaten * in einer PDF_Diagnosedatei sowie Zhler der SIP-Dateiformate */ String diaPath = kostval.getConfigurationService().getPathToDiagnose(); // Im diaverzeichnis besteht kein Schreibrecht File diaDir = new File(diaPath); if (!diaDir.exists()) { diaDir.mkdir(); } if (!diaDir.canWrite()) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_DIADIRECTORY_NOTWRITABLE, diaDir))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_DIADIRECTORY_NOTWRITABLE, diaDir)); System.exit(1); } File xmlDiaOrig = new File("resources" + File.separator + "KaD-Diagnosedaten.kost-val.xml"); File xmlDiaCopy = new File(diaPath + File.separator + "KaD-Diagnosedaten.kost-val.xml"); if (!xmlDiaCopy.exists()) { Util.copyFile(xmlDiaOrig, xmlDiaCopy); } File xslDiaOrig = new File("resources" + File.separator + "kost-val_KaDdia.xsl"); File xslDiaCopy = new File(diaPath + File.separator + "kost-val_KaDdia.xsl"); if (!xslDiaCopy.exists()) { Util.copyFile(xslDiaOrig, xslDiaCopy); } /* Ueberprfung des optionalen Parameters (2 -v --> im Verbose-mode werden die originalen Logs * nicht gelscht (PDFTron, Jhove & Co.) */ boolean verbose = false; if (args.length > 2) { if (!(args[2].equals("-v"))) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_PARAMETER_OPTIONAL_1))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_PARAMETER_OPTIONAL_1)); System.exit(1); } else { verbose = true; } } /* Initialisierung TIFF-Modul B (JHove-Validierung) berprfen der Konfiguration: existiert die * jhove.conf am angebenen Ort? */ String jhoveConf = kostval.getConfigurationService().getPathToJhoveConfiguration(); File fJhoveConf = new File(jhoveConf); if (!fJhoveConf.exists() || !fJhoveConf.getName().equals("jhove.conf")) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_JHOVECONF_MISSING))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_JHOVECONF_MISSING)); System.exit(1); } // Im Pfad keine Sonderzeichen xml-Validierung SIP 1d und SIARD C strzen ab name = valDatei.getAbsolutePath(); pathElements = name.split("/"); for (int i = 0; i < pathElements.length; i++) { String element = pathElements[i]; Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(element); boolean matchFound = matcher.find(); if (matchFound) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_SPECIAL_CHARACTER, name))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_SPECIAL_CHARACTER, name)); System.exit(1); } } // Ueberprfung des Parameters (Val-Datei): existiert die Datei? if (!valDatei.exists()) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_VALFILE_FILENOTEXISTING))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_VALFILE_FILENOTEXISTING)); System.exit(1); } if (args[0].equals("--format")) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMAT1)); Integer countNio = 0; Integer countSummaryNio = 0; Integer count = 0; Integer pdfaCountIo = 0; Integer pdfaCountNio = 0; Integer siardCountIo = 0; Integer siardCountNio = 0; Integer tiffCountIo = 0; Integer tiffCountNio = 0; Integer jp2CountIo = 0; Integer jp2CountNio = 0; // TODO: Formatvalidierung an einer Datei --> erledigt --> nur Marker if (!valDatei.isDirectory()) { boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMAT2)); // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_LOGEND)); // Zeitstempel End java.util.Date nowEnd = new java.util.Date(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdfEnd = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String ausgabeEnd = sdfEnd.format(nowEnd); ausgabeEnd = "<End>" + ausgabeEnd + "</End>"; Util.valEnd(ausgabeEnd, logFile); Util.amp(logFile); // Die Konfiguration hereinkopieren try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setExpandEntityReferences(false); Document docConfig = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(configFile); NodeList list = docConfig.getElementsByTagName("configuration"); Element element = (Element) list.item(0); Document docLog = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(logFile); Node dup = docLog.importNode(element, true); docLog.getDocumentElement().appendChild(dup); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(logFile); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ElementToStream(docLog.getDocumentElement(), baos); String stringDoc2 = new String(baos.toByteArray()); writer.write(stringDoc2); writer.close(); // Der Header wird dabei leider verschossen, wieder zurck ndern String newstring = kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_HEADER); String oldstring = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><KOSTValLog>"; Util.oldnewstring(oldstring, newstring, logFile); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.logError("<Error>" + kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } if (valFile) { // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } // Validierte Datei valide System.exit(0); } else { // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } // Fehler in Validierte Datei --> invalide System.exit(2); } } else { // TODO: Formatvalidierung ber ein Ordner --> erledigt --> nur Marker Map<String, File> fileMap = Util.getFileMap(valDatei, false); Set<String> fileMapKeys = fileMap.keySet(); for (Iterator<String> iterator = fileMapKeys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String entryName =; File newFile = fileMap.get(entryName); if (!newFile.isDirectory()) { valDatei = newFile; count = count + 1; // Ausgabe Dateizhler Ersichtlich das KOST-Val Dateien durchsucht System.out.print(count + " "); System.out.print("\r"); if (((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jp2"))) && jp2Validation.equals("yes")) { boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } if (valFile) { jp2CountIo = jp2CountIo + 1; // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } } else { jp2CountNio = jp2CountNio + 1; // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } } } else if (((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".tiff") || valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".tif"))) && tiffValidation.equals("yes")) { boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } if (valFile) { tiffCountIo = tiffCountIo + 1; // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } } else { tiffCountNio = tiffCountNio + 1; // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } } } else if ((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".siard")) && siardValidation.equals("yes")) { boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } if (valFile) { siardCountIo = siardCountIo + 1; // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } } else { siardCountNio = siardCountNio + 1; // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } } } else if (((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf") || valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdfa"))) && pdfaValidation.equals("yes")) { boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } if (valFile) { pdfaCountIo = pdfaCountIo + 1; // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } } else { pdfaCountNio = pdfaCountNio + 1; // Lschen des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, falls eines angelegt wurde if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } } } else { countNio = countNio + 1; } } } System.out.print(" "); System.out.print("\r"); if (countNio.equals(count)) { // keine Dateien Validiert LOGGER.logError( kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_INCORRECTFILEENDINGS, formatValOn)); System.out.println( kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_INCORRECTFILEENDINGS, formatValOn)); } LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMAT2)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_LOGEND)); // Zeitstempel End java.util.Date nowEnd = new java.util.Date(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdfEnd = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String ausgabeEnd = sdfEnd.format(nowEnd); ausgabeEnd = "<End>" + ausgabeEnd + "</End>"; Util.valEnd(ausgabeEnd, logFile); Util.amp(logFile); // Die Konfiguration hereinkopieren try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setExpandEntityReferences(false); Document docConfig = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(configFile); NodeList list = docConfig.getElementsByTagName("configuration"); Element element = (Element) list.item(0); Document docLog = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(logFile); Node dup = docLog.importNode(element, true); docLog.getDocumentElement().appendChild(dup); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(logFile); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ElementToStream(docLog.getDocumentElement(), baos); String stringDoc2 = new String(baos.toByteArray()); writer.write(stringDoc2); writer.close(); // Der Header wird dabei leider verschossen, wieder zurck ndern String newstring = kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_HEADER); String oldstring = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><KOSTValLog>"; Util.oldnewstring(oldstring, newstring, logFile); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.logError("<Error>" + kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } countSummaryNio = pdfaCountNio + siardCountNio + tiffCountNio + jp2CountNio; if (countNio.equals(count)) { // keine Dateien Validiert bestehendes Workverzeichnis ggf. lschen if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } System.exit(1); } else if (countSummaryNio == 0) { // bestehendes Workverzeichnis ggf. lschen if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } // alle Validierten Dateien valide System.exit(0); } else { // bestehendes Workverzeichnis ggf. lschen if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } // Fehler in Validierten Dateien --> invalide System.exit(2); } if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); tmpDir.deleteOnExit(); } } LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMAT2)); } else if (args[0].equals("--sip")) { LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMAT1)); // TODO: Sipvalidierung --> erledigt --> nur Marker boolean validFormat = false; File originalSipFile = valDatei; File unSipFile = valDatei; File outputFile3c = null; String fileName3c = null; File tmpDirZip = null; // zuerst eine Formatvalidierung ber den Content dies ist analog aufgebaut wie --format Integer countNio = 0; Integer countSummaryNio = 0; Integer countSummaryIo = 0; Integer count = 0; Integer pdfaCountIo = 0; Integer pdfaCountNio = 0; Integer siardCountIo = 0; Integer siardCountNio = 0; Integer tiffCountIo = 0; Integer tiffCountNio = 0; Integer jp2CountIo = 0; Integer jp2CountNio = 0; if (!valDatei.isDirectory()) { Boolean zip = false; // Eine ZIP Datei muss mit PK.. beginnen if ((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip64"))) { FileReader fr = null; try { fr = new FileReader(valDatei); BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(fr); // Hex 03 in Char umwandeln String str3 = "03"; int i3 = Integer.parseInt(str3, 16); char c3 = (char) i3; // Hex 04 in Char umwandeln String str4 = "04"; int i4 = Integer.parseInt(str4, 16); char c4 = (char) i4; // auslesen der ersten 4 Zeichen der Datei int length; int i; char[] buffer = new char[4]; length =; for (i = 0; i != length; i++) ; // die beiden charArrays (soll und ist) mit einander vergleichen char[] charArray1 = buffer; char[] charArray2 = new char[] { 'P', 'K', c3, c4 }; if (Arrays.equals(charArray1, charArray2)) { // hchstwahrscheinlich ein ZIP da es mit 504B0304 respektive PK.. beginnt zip = true; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.logError("<Error>" + kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } // wenn die Datei kein Directory ist, muss sie mit zip oder zip64 enden if ((!(valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip64"))) || zip == false) { // Abbruch! D.h. Sip message beginnen, Meldung und Beenden ab hier bis System.exit( 1 ); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMAT2)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_SIP1)); valDatei = originalSipFile; LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALTYPE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_SIPVALIDATION))); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALFILE, valDatei.getAbsolutePath())); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_SIPVALIDATION)); System.out.println(valDatei.getAbsolutePath()); // die eigentliche Fehlermeldung LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_Aa_SIP) + kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_AA_INCORRECTFILEENDING)); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_AA_INCORRECTFILEENDING)); // Fehler im Validierten SIP --> invalide & Abbruch LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS_INVALID)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS_CLOSE)); System.out.println("Invalid"); System.out.println(""); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_SIP2)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_LOGEND)); // Zeitstempel End java.util.Date nowEnd = new java.util.Date(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdfEnd = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String ausgabeEnd = sdfEnd.format(nowEnd); ausgabeEnd = "<End>" + ausgabeEnd + "</End>"; Util.valEnd(ausgabeEnd, logFile); Util.amp(logFile); // Die Konfiguration hereinkopieren try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setExpandEntityReferences(false); Document docConfig = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(configFile); NodeList list = docConfig.getElementsByTagName("configuration"); Element element = (Element) list.item(0); Document docLog = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(logFile); Node dup = docLog.importNode(element, true); docLog.getDocumentElement().appendChild(dup); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(logFile); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ElementToStream(docLog.getDocumentElement(), baos); String stringDoc2 = new String(baos.toByteArray()); writer.write(stringDoc2); writer.close(); // Der Header wird dabei leider verschossen, wieder zurck ndern String newstring = kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_HEADER); String oldstring = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><KOSTValLog>"; Util.oldnewstring(oldstring, newstring, logFile); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.logError("<Error>" + kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } // bestehendes Workverzeichnis ggf. lschen if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } System.exit(1); } else { // geziptes SIP --> in temp dir entzipen String toplevelDir = valDatei.getName(); int lastDotIdx = toplevelDir.lastIndexOf("."); toplevelDir = toplevelDir.substring(0, lastDotIdx); tmpDirZip = new File( tmpDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "ZIP" + File.separator + toplevelDir); try { Zip64Archiver.unzip(valDatei.getAbsolutePath(), tmpDirZip.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { try { Zip64Archiver.unzip64(valDatei, tmpDirZip); } catch (Exception e1) { // Abbruch! D.h. Sip message beginnen, Meldung und Beenden ab hier bis System.exit LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMAT2)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_SIP1)); valDatei = originalSipFile; LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALTYPE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_SIPVALIDATION))); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALFILE, valDatei.getAbsolutePath())); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_SIPVALIDATION)); System.out.println(valDatei.getAbsolutePath()); // die eigentliche Fehlermeldung LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_Aa_SIP) + kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_AA_CANNOTEXTRACTZIP)); System.out.println( kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_AA_CANNOTEXTRACTZIP)); // Fehler im Validierten SIP --> invalide & Abbruch LOGGER.logError( kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS_INVALID)); LOGGER.logError( kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS_CLOSE)); System.out.println("Invalid"); System.out.println(""); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_SIP2)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_LOGEND)); // Zeitstempel End java.util.Date nowEnd = new java.util.Date(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdfEnd = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String ausgabeEnd = sdfEnd.format(nowEnd); ausgabeEnd = "<End>" + ausgabeEnd + "</End>"; Util.valEnd(ausgabeEnd, logFile); Util.amp(logFile); // Die Konfiguration hereinkopieren try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setExpandEntityReferences(false); Document docConfig = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(configFile); NodeList list = docConfig.getElementsByTagName("configuration"); Element element = (Element) list.item(0); Document docLog = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(logFile); Node dup = docLog.importNode(element, true); docLog.getDocumentElement().appendChild(dup); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(logFile); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ElementToStream(docLog.getDocumentElement(), baos); String stringDoc2 = new String(baos.toByteArray()); writer.write(stringDoc2); writer.close(); // Der Header wird dabei leider verschossen, wieder zurck ndern String newstring = kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_HEADER); String oldstring = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><KOSTValLog>"; Util.oldnewstring(oldstring, newstring, logFile); } catch (Exception e2) { LOGGER.logError("<Error>" + kostval.getTextResourceService() .getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e2.getMessage())); System.out.println("Exception: " + e2.getMessage()); } // bestehendes Workverzeichnis ggf. lschen if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } System.exit(1); } } valDatei = tmpDirZip; File toplevelfolder = new File( valDatei.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + valDatei.getName()); if (toplevelfolder.exists()) { valDatei = toplevelfolder; } unSipFile = valDatei; } } else { // SIP ist ein Ordner valDatei bleibt unverndert } // Vorgngige Formatvalidierung (Schritt 3c) Map<String, File> fileMap = Util.getFileMap(valDatei, false); Set<String> fileMapKeys = fileMap.keySet(); int pdf = 0; int tiff = 0; int siard = 0; int txt = 0; int csv = 0; int xml = 0; int xsd = 0; int wave = 0; int mp3 = 0; int jp2 = 0; int jpx = 0; int jpeg = 0; int png = 0; int dng = 0; int svg = 0; int mpeg2 = 0; int mp4 = 0; int xls = 0; int odt = 0; int ods = 0; int odp = 0; int other = 0; for (Iterator<String> iterator = fileMapKeys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String entryName =; File newFile = fileMap.get(entryName); if (!newFile.isDirectory() && newFile.getAbsolutePath().contains(File.separator + "content" + File.separator)) { valDatei = newFile; count = count + 1; // Ausgabe Dateizhler Ersichtlich das KOST-Val Dateien durchsucht System.out.print(count + " "); System.out.print("\r"); String extension = valDatei.getName(); int lastIndexOf = extension.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastIndexOf == -1) { // empty extension extension = "other"; } else { extension = extension.substring(lastIndexOf); } if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".pdf") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".pdfa")) { pdf = pdf + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".tiff") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".tif")) { tiff = tiff + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".siard")) { siard = siard + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".txt")) { txt = txt + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".csv")) { csv = csv + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".xml")) { xml = xml + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".xsd")) { xsd = xsd + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".wav")) { wave = wave + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".mp3")) { mp3 = mp3 + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".jp2")) { jp2 = jp2 + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".jpx") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".jpf")) { jpx = jpx + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".jpe") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".jpeg") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".jpg")) { jpeg = jpeg + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".png")) { png = png + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".dng")) { dng = dng + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".svg")) { svg = svg + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".mpeg") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".mpg")) { mpeg2 = mpeg2 + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".f4a") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".f4v") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".m4a") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".m4v") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".mp4")) { mp4 = mp4 + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".xls") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".xlw") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".xlsx")) { xls = xls + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".odt") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".ott")) { odt = odt + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".ods") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".ots")) { ods = ods + 1; } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".odp") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".otp")) { odp = odp + 1; } else { other = other + 1; } if (((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jp2"))) && jp2Validation.equals("yes")) { boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); if (valFile) { jp2CountIo = jp2CountIo + 1; } else { jp2CountNio = jp2CountNio + 1; } } else if (((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".tiff") || valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".tif"))) && tiffValidation.equals("yes")) { boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); if (valFile) { tiffCountIo = tiffCountIo + 1; } else { tiffCountNio = tiffCountNio + 1; } } else if ((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".siard")) && siardValidation.equals("yes")) { // Arbeitsverzeichnis zum Entpacken des Archivs erstellen String pathToWorkDirSiard = kostval.getConfigurationService().getPathToWorkDir(); File tmpDirSiard = new File(pathToWorkDirSiard + File.separator + "SIARD"); if (tmpDirSiard.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDirSiard); } if (!tmpDirSiard.exists()) { tmpDirSiard.mkdir(); } boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); if (valFile) { siardCountIo = siardCountIo + 1; } else { siardCountNio = siardCountNio + 1; } } else if (((valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf") || valDatei.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdfa"))) && pdfaValidation.equals("yes")) { boolean valFile = valFile(valDatei, logFileName, directoryOfLogfile, verbose); if (valFile) { pdfaCountIo = pdfaCountIo + 1; } else { pdfaCountNio = pdfaCountNio + 1; } } else { countNio = countNio + 1; } } } countSummaryNio = pdfaCountNio + siardCountNio + tiffCountNio + jp2CountNio; countSummaryIo = pdfaCountIo + siardCountIo + tiffCountIo + jp2CountIo; int countSummaryIoP = 100 / count * countSummaryIo; int countSummaryNioP = 100 / count * countSummaryNio; int countNioP = 100 / count * countNio; String summary3c = kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_SUMMARY_3C, count, countSummaryIo, countSummaryNio, countNio, countSummaryIoP, countSummaryNioP, countNioP); if (countSummaryNio == 0) { // alle Validierten Dateien valide validFormat = true; fileName3c = "3c_Valide.txt"; } else { // Fehler in Validierten Dateien --> invalide validFormat = false; fileName3c = "3c_Invalide.txt"; } // outputFile3c = new File( directoryOfLogfile + fileName3c ); outputFile3c = new File(pathToWorkDir + File.separator + fileName3c); try { outputFile3c.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (countNio == count) { // keine Dateien Validiert LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_INCORRECTFILEENDINGS, formatValOn)); System.out .println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_INCORRECTFILEENDINGS, formatValOn)); } LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_FORMAT2)); // Start Normale SIP-Validierung mit auswertung Format-Val. im 3c LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_SIP1)); valDatei = unSipFile; LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALTYPE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_SIPVALIDATION))); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALFILE, originalSipFile.getAbsolutePath())); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_SIPVALIDATION)); System.out.println(originalSipFile.getAbsolutePath()); Controllersip controller = (Controllersip) context.getBean("controllersip"); boolean okMandatory = false; okMandatory = controller.executeMandatory(valDatei, directoryOfLogfile); boolean ok = false; /* die Validierungen 1a - 1d sind obligatorisch, wenn sie bestanden wurden, knnen die * restlichen Validierungen, welche nicht zum Abbruch der Applikation fhren, ausgefhrt * werden. * * 1a wurde bereits getestet (vor der Formatvalidierung entsprechend fngt der Controller mit * 1b an */ if (okMandatory) { ok = controller.executeOptional(valDatei, directoryOfLogfile); } // Formatvalidierung validFormat ok = (ok && okMandatory && validFormat); if (ok) { // Validiertes SIP valide LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS_VALID)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS_CLOSE)); System.out.println("Valid"); System.out.println(""); } else { // Fehler im Validierten SIP --> invalide LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS_INVALID)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_VALERGEBNIS_CLOSE)); System.out.println("Invalid"); System.out.println(""); } // ggf. Fehlermeldung 3c ergnzen Util.val3c(summary3c, logFile ); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_SIP2)); LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_LOGEND)); // Zeitstempel End java.util.Date nowEnd = new java.util.Date(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdfEnd = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String ausgabeEnd = sdfEnd.format(nowEnd); ausgabeEnd = "<End>" + ausgabeEnd + "</End>"; Util.valEnd(ausgabeEnd, logFile); Util.val3c(summary3c, logFile); Util.amp(logFile); // Die Konfiguration hereinkopieren try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setExpandEntityReferences(false); Document docConfig = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(configFile); NodeList list = docConfig.getElementsByTagName("configuration"); Element element = (Element) list.item(0); Document docLog = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(logFile); Node dup = docLog.importNode(element, true); docLog.getDocumentElement().appendChild(dup); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(logFile); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ElementToStream(docLog.getDocumentElement(), baos); String stringDoc2 = new String(baos.toByteArray()); writer.write(stringDoc2); writer.close(); // Der Header wird dabei leider verschossen, wieder zurck ndern String newstring = kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_HEADER); String oldstring = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><KOSTValLog>"; Util.oldnewstring(oldstring, newstring, logFile); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.logError( "<Error>" + kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } // bestehendes Workverzeichnis ggf. lschen if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("rd " + tmpDir.getAbsolutePath() + " /s /q"); try { // KaD-Diagnose-Datei mit den neusten Anzahl Dateien pro KaD-Format Updaten DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = dBuilder.parse(xmlDiaCopy); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("KOSTVal_FFCounter"); for (int temp = 0; temp < nList.getLength(); temp++) { Node nNode = nList.item(temp); if (nNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element eElement = (Element) nNode; if (pdf > 0) { String pdfNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("pdf").item(0).getTextContent(); int pdfNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(pdfNodeString); pdf = pdf + pdfNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<pdf>" + pdfNodeValue + "</pdf>", "<pdf>" + pdf + "</pdf>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (tiff > 0) { String tiffNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("tiff").item(0).getTextContent(); int tiffNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(tiffNodeString); tiff = tiff + tiffNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<tiff>" + tiffNodeValue + "</tiff>", "<tiff>" + tiff + "</tiff>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (siard > 0) { String siardNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("siard").item(0) .getTextContent(); int siardNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(siardNodeString); siard = siard + siardNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<siard>" + siardNodeValue + "</siard>", "<siard>" + siard + "</siard>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (txt > 0) { String txtNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("txt").item(0).getTextContent(); int txtNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(txtNodeString); txt = txt + txtNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<txt>" + txtNodeValue + "</txt>", "<txt>" + txt + "</txt>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (csv > 0) { String csvNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("csv").item(0).getTextContent(); int csvNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(csvNodeString); csv = csv + csvNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<csv>" + csvNodeValue + "</csv>", "<csv>" + csv + "</csv>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (xml > 0) { String xmlNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("xml").item(0).getTextContent(); int xmlNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(xmlNodeString); xml = xml + xmlNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<xml>" + xmlNodeValue + "</xml>", "<xml>" + xml + "</xml>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (xsd > 0) { String xsdNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("xsd").item(0).getTextContent(); int xsdNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(xsdNodeString); xsd = xsd + xsdNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<xsd>" + xsdNodeValue + "</xsd>", "<xsd>" + xsd + "</xsd>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (wave > 0) { String waveNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("wave").item(0).getTextContent(); int waveNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(waveNodeString); wave = wave + waveNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<wave>" + waveNodeValue + "</wave>", "<wave>" + wave + "</wave>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (mp3 > 0) { String mp3NodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("mp3").item(0).getTextContent(); int mp3NodeValue = Integer.parseInt(mp3NodeString); mp3 = mp3 + mp3NodeValue; Util.kadDia("<mp3>" + mp3NodeValue + "</mp3>", "<mp3>" + mp3 + "</mp3>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (jp2 > 0) { String jp2NodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("jp2").item(0).getTextContent(); int jp2NodeValue = Integer.parseInt(jp2NodeString); jp2 = jp2 + jp2NodeValue; Util.kadDia("<jp2>" + jp2NodeValue + "</jp2>", "<jp2>" + jp2 + "</jp2>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (jpx > 0) { String jpxNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("jpx").item(0).getTextContent(); int jpxNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(jpxNodeString); jpx = jpx + jpxNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<jpx>" + jpxNodeValue + "</jpx>", "<jpx>" + jpx + "</jpx>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (jpeg > 0) { String jpegNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("jpeg").item(0).getTextContent(); int jpegNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(jpegNodeString); jpeg = jpeg + jpegNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<jpeg>" + jpegNodeValue + "</jpeg>", "<jpeg>" + jpeg + "</jpeg>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (png > 0) { String pngNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("png").item(0).getTextContent(); int pngNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(pngNodeString); png = png + pngNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<png>" + pngNodeValue + "</png>", "<png>" + png + "</png>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (dng > 0) { String dngNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("dng").item(0).getTextContent(); int dngNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(dngNodeString); dng = dng + dngNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<dng>" + dngNodeValue + "</dng>", "<dng>" + dng + "</dng>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (svg > 0) { String svgNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("svg").item(0).getTextContent(); int svgNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(svgNodeString); svg = svg + svgNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<svg>" + svgNodeValue + "</svg>", "<svg>" + svg + "</svg>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (mpeg2 > 0) { String mpeg2NodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("mpeg2").item(0) .getTextContent(); int mpeg2NodeValue = Integer.parseInt(mpeg2NodeString); mpeg2 = mpeg2 + mpeg2NodeValue; Util.kadDia("<mpeg2>" + mpeg2NodeValue + "</mpeg2>", "<mpeg2>" + mpeg2 + "</mpeg2>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (mp4 > 0) { String mp4NodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("mp4").item(0).getTextContent(); int mp4NodeValue = Integer.parseInt(mp4NodeString); mp4 = mp4 + mp4NodeValue; Util.kadDia("<mp4>" + mp4NodeValue + "</mp4>", "<mp4>" + mp4 + "</mp4>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (xls > 0) { String xlsNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("xls").item(0).getTextContent(); int xlsNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(xlsNodeString); xls = xls + xlsNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<xls>" + xlsNodeValue + "</xls>", "<xls>" + xls + "</xls>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (odt > 0) { String odtNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("odt").item(0).getTextContent(); int odtNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(odtNodeString); odt = odt + odtNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<odt>" + odtNodeValue + "</odt>", "<odt>" + odt + "</odt>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (ods > 0) { String odsNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("ods").item(0).getTextContent(); int odsNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(odsNodeString); ods = ods + odsNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<ods>" + odsNodeValue + "</ods>", "<ods>" + ods + "</ods>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (odp > 0) { String odpNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("odp").item(0).getTextContent(); int odpNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(odpNodeString); odp = odp + odpNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<odp>" + odpNodeValue + "</odp>", "<odp>" + odp + "</odp>", xmlDiaCopy); } if (other > 0) { String otherNodeString = eElement.getElementsByTagName("other").item(0) .getTextContent(); int otherNodeValue = Integer.parseInt(otherNodeString); other = other + otherNodeValue; Util.kadDia("<other>" + otherNodeValue + "</other>", "<other>" + other + "</other>", xmlDiaCopy); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (ok) { // bestehendes Workverzeichnis ggf. lschen if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } if (tmpDir.exists()) { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = rt.exec(command.toString()); } System.exit(0); } else { // bestehendes Workverzeichnis ggf. lschen if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); } if (tmpDir.exists()) { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = rt.exec(command.toString()); } System.exit(2); } LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_SIP2)); } else { /* Ueberprfung des Parameters (Val-Typ): format / sip args[0] ist nicht "--format" oder * "--sip" --> INVALIDE */ LOGGER.logError(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_IOE, kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_PARAMETER_USAGE))); System.out.println(kostval.getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_PARAMETER_USAGE)); if (tmpDir.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tmpDir); tmpDir.deleteOnExit(); } System.exit(1); } }