Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * See the file LICENSE included in this distribution for details. */ package bamboo.openhash.fileshare; import bamboo.dht.*; import bamboo.lss.ASyncCore; import bamboo.lss.DustDevil; import bamboo.lss.PriorityQueue; import bamboo.util.Pair; import bamboo.util.StandardStage; import*; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import java.util.*; import org.apache.log4j.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import seda.sandStorm.api.ConfigDataIF; import static bamboo.util.Curry.*; import static bamboo.openhash.redir.RedirClient.bi2bytes; import static bamboo.util.StringUtil.bytes_to_sbuf; import static bamboo.util.StringUtil.*; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static java.lang.Math.min; /** * A CFS-like file sharing program. * * @author Sean C. Rhea * @version $Id:,v 1.6 2005/04/27 20:51:11 srhea Exp $ */ public class FileShare extends StandardStage { protected static final int BRANCHING = (1024 - 4) / 20; protected static final int MAX_BUFFER = 100; protected static final int MAX_PARALLEL = 100; protected static final String APPLICATION = "OpenDHT FileShare"; protected int ttl = 0; protected MessageDigest md; protected GatewayClient client; protected FileInputStream is; protected FileOutputStream os; protected byte[] secret; protected LinkedList<Pair<byte[], ByteBuffer>> ready; protected Vector<LinkedList<ByteBuffer>> wblocks; protected Vector<PriorityQueue> rblocks; protected Vector<Long> rnext; protected int outstanding; protected byte[] key; public FileShare() throws Exception { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); } public void init(ConfigDataIF config) throws Exception { super.init(config); final String mode = config_get_string(config, "mode"); secret = config_get_string(config, "secret").getBytes(); String file = config_get_string(config, "file"); String gwc = config_get_string(config, "client_stage_name"); client = (GatewayClient) lookup_stage(config, gwc); if (mode.equals("write")) { is = null; try { is = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("couldn't open file: " + file); System.exit(1); } ttl = config_get_int(config, "ttl"); wblocks = new Vector<LinkedList<ByteBuffer>>(10); wblocks.add(new LinkedList<ByteBuffer>()); ready = new LinkedList<Pair<byte[], ByteBuffer>>(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARALLEL; ++i) { acore.register_timer(0, new Runnable() { public void run() { write(); } }); } } else if (mode.equals("read")) { try { os = new FileOutputStream(file); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("couldn't open file: " + file); System.exit(1); } String kstr = config_get_string(config, "key"); key = bi2bytes(new BigInteger(kstr.substring(2), 16)); rblocks = new Vector<PriorityQueue>(10); rnext = new Vector<Long>(10); acore.register_timer(0, new Runnable() { public void run() { read(); } }); } else { logger.error("mode \"" + mode + "\" not supported"); System.exit(1); } acore.register_timer(10 * 1000, new Runnable() { public void run() { "There are " + outstanding + (mode.equals("read") ? " gets" : " puts") + " outstanding"); acore.register_timer(10 * 1000, this); } }); } /** * Transfer wblocks from the wblocks array to the ready queue. */ public void make_parents(boolean done) { for (int l = 0; l < wblocks.size(); ++l) { logger.debug("level " + l + " of " + wblocks.size() + " size=" + wblocks.elementAt(l).size() + " done=" + done); while ((wblocks.elementAt(l).size() >= BRANCHING) || (done && (wblocks.elementAt(l).size() > 1))) { int count = min(BRANCHING, wblocks.elementAt(l).size()); logger.debug("count=" + count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ByteBuffer bb = wblocks.elementAt(l).removeFirst(); bb.flip(); md.update(secret); md.update(bb.array(), 0, bb.limit()); byte[] dig = md.digest(); ready.addLast(new Pair<byte[], ByteBuffer>(dig, bb)); if (l + 1 >= wblocks.size()) { wblocks.setSize(max(wblocks.size(), l + 2)); wblocks.setElementAt(new LinkedList<ByteBuffer>(), l + 1); } LinkedList<ByteBuffer> next_level = wblocks.elementAt(l + 1); if (next_level.isEmpty() || (next_level.getLast().position() == 1024)) { logger.debug("adding a new block to level " + (l + 1)); next_level.addLast(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[1024])); next_level.getLast().putInt(l + 1); } logger.debug("adding a digest to level " + (l + 1)); next_level.getLast().put(dig); } if (done) break; } } logger.debug("make_parents done"); } public void write() { logger.debug("write"); if (is != null) { while (ready.size() < MAX_BUFFER) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[1024]); bb.putInt(0); int len = 0; try { len =, 4, bb.limit() - 4); } catch (IOException e) { is = null; break; } if (len == -1) { is = null; break; } logger.debug("position=" + bb.position() + " read " + len + " bytes"); // We're going to flip this later, so set the position // where we want the limit to end up. bb.position(len + 4); wblocks.elementAt(0).addLast(bb); logger.debug("read a block"); if (wblocks.elementAt(0).size() == BRANCHING) make_parents(false); } if (is == null) { make_parents(true); // There should now be only one non-empty level, at it // should have exactly one block in it. for (int l = 0; l < wblocks.size(); ++l) { if (!wblocks.elementAt(l).isEmpty()) { ByteBuffer bb = wblocks.elementAt(l).removeFirst(); bb.flip(); md.update(secret); md.update(bb.array(), 0, bb.limit()); byte[] dig = md.digest(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); bytes_to_sbuf(dig, 0, dig.length, false, sb);"root digest is 0x" + sb.toString()); ready.addLast(new Pair<byte[], ByteBuffer>(dig, bb)); break; } } } } // Do put. if (ready.isEmpty()) { if (outstanding == 0) {"all puts finished successfully"); System.exit(0); } } else { Pair<byte[], ByteBuffer> head = ready.removeFirst(); outstanding++; bamboo_put_args put = new bamboo_put_args(); put.application = APPLICATION; // GatewayClient will fill in put.client_library put.value = new bamboo_value(); if (head.second.limit() == head.second.array().length) put.value.value = head.second.array(); else { put.value.value = new byte[head.second.limit()]; head.second.get(put.value.value); } put.key = new bamboo_key(); put.key.value = head.first; put.ttl_sec = 3600; // TODO StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); bytes_to_sbuf(head.first, 0, head.first.length, false, sb); logger.debug("putting block size=" + put.value.value.length + " key=0x" + sb.toString()); client.put(put, curry(put_done_cb, put)); } } public Thunk2<bamboo_put_args, Integer> put_done_cb = new Thunk2<bamboo_put_args, Integer>() { public void run(final bamboo_put_args put, Integer result) { if (result.intValue() == 0) { outstanding--; write(); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); bytes_to_sbuf(put.key.value, 0, put.key.value.length, false, sb); final String key = sb.toString(); logger.debug("got response " + result.intValue() + " for 0x" + key); acore.register_timer(1000, new Runnable() { public void run() { logger.debug("reputting block 0x" + key); client.put(put, curry(put_done_cb, put)); } }); } } }; public void read() { if (rblocks.size() == 0) { rblocks.add(new PriorityQueue(BRANCHING)); logger.debug("setting level 0 need to 0"); rnext.add(new Long(0)); outstanding++; // Get the root block. bamboo_get_args get = new bamboo_get_args(); get.application = APPLICATION; // GatewayClient will fill in get.client_library get.key = new bamboo_key(); get.key.value = key; get.maxvals = 1; get.placemark = new bamboo_placemark(); get.placemark.value = new byte[] {}; logger.debug("getting root: 0x" + bytes_to_str(key)); client.get(get, curry(get_done_cb, get, new Long(0))); } else { boolean empty = true; while (outstanding < MAX_PARALLEL) { // Start from the bottom and work our way up. int l = 1; for (; l < rblocks.size(); ++l) { if ((rblocks.elementAt(l) != null) && (!rblocks.elementAt(l).isEmpty())) { empty = false; if (rblocks.elementAt(l).getFirstPriority() == rnext.elementAt(l).longValue()) { long p = rblocks.elementAt(l).getFirstPriority(); ByteBuffer k = (ByteBuffer) rblocks.elementAt(l).removeFirst(); logger.debug("updating level " + l + " need to " + (p + 1)); rnext.setElementAt(new Long(p + 1), l); logger.debug("level " + l + " has need " + rnext.elementAt(l)); outstanding++; // Get this block. bamboo_get_args get = new bamboo_get_args(); get.application = APPLICATION; // GatewayClient will fill in get.client_library get.key = new bamboo_key(); get.key.value = k.array(); get.maxvals = 1; get.placemark = new bamboo_placemark(); get.placemark.value = new byte[] {}; logger.debug("getting lev=" + l + " pos=" + p + " key=0x" + bytes_to_str(k.array())); client.get(get, curry(get_done_cb, get, new Long(p))); break; } else { logger.debug("level " + l + " have " + rblocks.elementAt(l).getFirstPriority() + " need " + rnext.elementAt(l).longValue()); } } } if (l == rblocks.size()) break; } if (outstanding == 0) { assert empty;"all gets finished successfully"); try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("could not close output file"); System.exit(1); } System.exit(0); } } } public Thunk3<bamboo_get_args, Long, bamboo_get_res> get_done_cb = new Thunk3<bamboo_get_args, Long, bamboo_get_res>() { public void run(final bamboo_get_args get, final Long pos, bamboo_get_res result) { if (result.values.length == 0) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); bytes_to_sbuf(get.key.value, 0, get.key.value.length, false, sb); final String key = sb.toString(); logger.debug("got empty response for 0x" + key); acore.register_timer(1000, new Runnable() { public void run() { logger.debug("trying to get 0x" + key + " again"); client.get(get, curry(get_done_cb, get, pos)); } }); } else { assert result.values.length == 1; logger.debug("got 0x" + bytes_to_str(get.key.value)); outstanding--; ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(result.values[0].value); int l = bb.getInt(); if ((rblocks.size() < l + 1) || (rblocks.elementAt(l) == null)) { rblocks.setSize(max(rblocks.size(), l + 1)); rblocks.setElementAt(new PriorityQueue(BRANCHING), l); logger.debug("setting level " + l + " need to 0"); rnext.setSize(max(rnext.size(), l + 1)); rnext.setElementAt(new Long(0), l); } if (l == 0) { rblocks.elementAt(l).add(bb, pos.longValue()); } else { long p = BRANCHING * pos.longValue(); while (bb.position() < bb.limit()) { byte[] k = new byte[20]; bb.get(k); logger.debug("need to get lev=" + l + " pos=" + p + " key=0x" + bytes_to_str(k)); rblocks.elementAt(l).add(ByteBuffer.wrap(k), p++); } } } // Write any blocks we can to disk, then call read again. while ((!rblocks.elementAt(0).isEmpty()) && (rnext.elementAt(0).longValue() == rblocks.elementAt(0).getFirstPriority())) { long p = rblocks.elementAt(0).getFirstPriority(); ByteBuffer bb = (ByteBuffer) rblocks.elementAt(0).removeFirst(); logger.debug("wrote block; updating level 0 need to " + (p + 1)); rnext.setElementAt(new Long(p + 1), 0); try { logger.debug( "position=" + bb.position() + " writing " + (bb.limit() - bb.position()) + " bytes"); os.write(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + bb.position(), bb.limit() - bb.position()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("could not write to output file"); System.exit(1); } } read(); } }; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { PatternLayout pl = new PatternLayout("%d{ISO8601} %-5p %c: %m\n"); ConsoleAppender ca = new ConsoleAppender(pl); Logger.getRoot().addAppender(ca); Logger.getRoot().setLevel(Level.INFO); // create Options object Options options = new Options(); // add t option options.addOption("r", "read", false, "read a file from the DHT"); options.addOption("w", "write", false, "write a file to the DHT"); options.addOption("g", "gateway", true, "the gateway IP:port"); options.addOption("k", "key", true, "the key to read a file from"); options.addOption("f", "file", true, "the file to read or write"); options.addOption("s", "secret", true, "the secret used to hide data"); options.addOption("t", "ttl", true, "how long in seconds data should persist"); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); String gw = null; String mode = null; String secret = null; String ttl = null; String key = null; String file = null; if (cmd.hasOption("r")) { mode = "read"; } if (cmd.hasOption("w")) { mode = "write"; } if (cmd.hasOption("g")) { gw = cmd.getOptionValue("g"); } if (cmd.hasOption("k")) { key = cmd.getOptionValue("k"); } if (cmd.hasOption("f")) { file = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); } if (cmd.hasOption("s")) { secret = cmd.getOptionValue("s"); } if (cmd.hasOption("t")) { ttl = cmd.getOptionValue("t"); } if (mode == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: either --read or --write is required"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } if (gw == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --gateway is required"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } if (file == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --file is required"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } if (secret == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --secret is required"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(1000); sbuf.append("<sandstorm>\n"); sbuf.append("<global>\n"); sbuf.append("<initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("node_id localhost:3630\n"); sbuf.append("</initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("</global>\n"); sbuf.append("<stages>\n"); sbuf.append("<GatewayClient>\n"); sbuf.append("class bamboo.dht.GatewayClient\n"); sbuf.append("<initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("debug_level 0\n"); sbuf.append("gateway " + gw + "\n"); sbuf.append("</initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("</GatewayClient>\n"); sbuf.append("\n"); sbuf.append("<FileShare>\n"); sbuf.append("class bamboo.openhash.fileshare.FileShare\n"); sbuf.append("<initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("debug_level 0\n"); sbuf.append("secret " + secret + "\n"); sbuf.append("mode " + mode + "\n"); if (mode.equals("write")) { if (ttl == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --ttl is required for write mode"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } sbuf.append("ttl " + ttl + "\n"); sbuf.append("file " + file + "\n"); } else { if (key == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: --key is required for write mode"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fileshare", options); System.exit(1); } sbuf.append("key " + key + "\n"); sbuf.append("file " + file + "\n"); } sbuf.append("client_stage_name GatewayClient\n"); sbuf.append("</initargs>\n"); sbuf.append("</FileShare>\n"); sbuf.append("</stages>\n"); sbuf.append("</sandstorm>\n"); ASyncCore acore = new bamboo.lss.ASyncCoreImpl(); DustDevil dd = new DustDevil(); dd.set_acore_instance(acore); dd.main(new CharArrayReader(sbuf.toString().toCharArray())); acore.async_main(); } }