List of usage examples for java.lang String equals
public boolean equals(Object anObject)
From source
public static void main(String args[]) { db = new MetricDatabase("", "", ""); findConsoleHandler();//ww w. j a v a 2s. co m consoleHandler.setLevel(Level.ALL); Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(Level.CONFIG); // Default locations of config and schema files File configFile = new File("dqaweb-config.xml"); File schemaFile = new File("schemas/DQAWebConfig.xsd"); boolean parseConfig = true; boolean testMode = false; ArrayList<File> schemaFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); schemaFiles.add(schemaFile); // ==== Command Line Parsing ==== Options options = new Options(); Option opConfigFile = new Option("c", "config-file", true, "The config file to use for seedscan. XML format according to SeedScanConfig.xsd."); Option opSchemaFile = new Option("s", "schema-file", true, "The schame file which should be used to verify the config file format. "); Option opTest = new Option("t", "test", false, "Run in test console mode rather than as a servlet."); OptionGroup ogConfig = new OptionGroup(); ogConfig.addOption(opConfigFile); OptionGroup ogSchema = new OptionGroup(); ogConfig.addOption(opSchemaFile); OptionGroup ogTest = new OptionGroup(); ogTest.addOption(opTest); options.addOptionGroup(ogConfig); options.addOptionGroup(ogSchema); options.addOptionGroup(ogTest); PosixParser optParser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmdLine = null; try { cmdLine = optParser.parse(options, args, true); } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException e) { logger.severe("Error while parsing command-line arguments."); System.exit(1); } Option opt; Iterator iter = cmdLine.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { opt = (Option); if (opt.getOpt().equals("c")) { configFile = new File(opt.getValue()); } else if (opt.getOpt().equals("s")) { schemaFile = new File(opt.getValue()); } else if (opt.getOpt().equals("t")) { testMode = true; } } String query = ""; System.out.println("Entering Test Mode"); System.out.println("Enter a query string to view results or type \"help\" for example query strings"); InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(input); String result = ""; while (testMode == true) { try { System.out.printf("Query: "); query = reader.readLine(); if (query.equals("exit")) { testMode = false; } else if (query.equals("help")) { System.out.println("Need to add some help for people"); //TODO } else { result = processCommand(query); } System.out.println(result); } catch (IOException err) { System.err.println("Error reading line, in"); } } System.err.printf("DONE.\n"); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final int n = 10000; final int nDist = 10000; //prepare problems and methods List<String> problems = Lists.newArrayList("bool-parity5", "bool-mopm3", "sr-keijzer6", "sr-nguyen7", "sr-pagie1", "sr-vladislavleva4", "other-klandscapes3", "other-klandscapes7", "other-text"); List<String> mappers = new ArrayList<>(); for (int gs : new int[] { 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 }) { mappers.add("ge-" + gs + "-2"); mappers.add("ge-" + gs + "-4"); mappers.add("ge-" + gs + "-8"); mappers.add("ge-" + gs + "-12"); mappers.add("pige-" + gs + "-4"); mappers.add("pige-" + gs + "-8"); mappers.add("pige-" + gs + "-16"); mappers.add("pige-" + gs + "-24"); mappers.add("hge-" + gs + "-0"); mappers.add("whge-" + gs + "-2"); mappers.add("whge-" + gs + "-3"); mappers.add("whge-" + gs + "-5"); }/*from w ww .j av a 2 s . c om*/ mappers.add("sge-0-5"); mappers.add("sge-0-6"); mappers.add("sge-0-7"); mappers.add("sge-0-8"); mappers.clear(); mappers.addAll(Lists.newArrayList("ge-1024-8", "pige-1024-16", "hge-1024-0", "whge-1024-3", "sge-0-6")); PrintStream filePrintStream = null; if (args.length > 0) { filePrintStream = new PrintStream(args[0]); } else { filePrintStream = System.out; } filePrintStream.printf("problem;mapper;genotypeSize;param;property;value%n"); //prepare distances Distance<Node<String>> phenotypeDistance = new CachedDistance<>(new LeavesEdit<String>()); Distance<Sequence> genotypeDistance = new CachedDistance<>(new Hamming()); //iterate for (String problemName : problems) { for (String mapperName : mappers) { System.out.printf("%20.20s, %20.20s", problemName, mapperName); //build problem Problem<String, NumericFitness> problem = null; if (problemName.equals("bool-parity5")) { problem = new Parity(5); } else if (problemName.equals("bool-mopm3")) { problem = new MultipleOutputParallelMultiplier(3); } else if (problemName.equals("sr-keijzer6")) { problem = new HarmonicCurve(); } else if (problemName.equals("sr-nguyen7")) { problem = new Nguyen7(1); } else if (problemName.equals("sr-pagie1")) { problem = new Pagie1(); } else if (problemName.equals("sr-vladislavleva4")) { problem = new Vladislavleva4(1); } else if (problemName.equals("other-klandscapes3")) { problem = new KLandscapes(3); } else if (problemName.equals("other-klandscapes7")) { problem = new KLandscapes(7); } else if (problemName.equals("other-text")) { problem = new Text(); } //build configuration and evolver Mapper mapper = null; int genotypeSize = Integer.parseInt(mapperName.split("-")[1]); int mapperMainParam = Integer.parseInt(mapperName.split("-")[2]); if (mapperName.split("-")[0].equals("ge")) { mapper = new StandardGEMapper<>(mapperMainParam, 1, problem.getGrammar()); } else if (mapperName.split("-")[0].equals("pige")) { mapper = new PiGEMapper<>(mapperMainParam, 1, problem.getGrammar()); } else if (mapperName.split("-")[0].equals("sge")) { mapper = new SGEMapper<>(mapperMainParam, problem.getGrammar()); } else if (mapperName.split("-")[0].equals("hge")) { mapper = new HierarchicalMapper<>(problem.getGrammar()); } else if (mapperName.split("-")[0].equals("whge")) { mapper = new WeightedHierarchicalMapper<>(mapperMainParam, false, true, problem.getGrammar()); } //prepare things Random random = new Random(1); Set<Sequence> genotypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(n); //build genotypes if (mapperName.split("-")[0].equals("sge")) { SGEGenotypeFactory<String> factory = new SGEGenotypeFactory<>((SGEMapper) mapper); while (genotypes.size() < n) { genotypes.add(; } genotypeSize = factory.getBitSize(); } else { BitsGenotypeFactory factory = new BitsGenotypeFactory(genotypeSize); while (genotypes.size() < n) { genotypes.add(; } } //build and fill map Multimap<Node<String>, Sequence> multimap = HashMultimap.create(); int progress = 0; for (Sequence genotype : genotypes) { Node<String> phenotype; try { if (mapperName.split("-")[0].equals("sge")) { phenotype =<String>) genotype, new HashMap<>()); } else { phenotype = genotype, new HashMap<>()); } } catch (MappingException e) { phenotype = Node.EMPTY_TREE; } multimap.put(phenotype, genotype); progress = progress + 1; if (progress % Math.round(n / 10) == 0) { System.out.print("."); } } System.out.println(); //compute distances List<Pair<Double, Double>> allDistances = new ArrayList<>(); List<Pair<Double, Double>> allValidDistances = new ArrayList<>(); Multimap<Node<String>, Double> genotypeDistances = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Node<String> phenotype : multimap.keySet()) { for (Sequence genotype1 : multimap.get(phenotype)) { for (Sequence genotype2 : multimap.get(phenotype)) { double gDistance = genotypeDistance.d(genotype1, genotype2); genotypeDistances.put(phenotype, gDistance); if (genotypeDistances.get(phenotype).size() > nDist) { break; } } if (genotypeDistances.get(phenotype).size() > nDist) { break; } } } List<Map.Entry<Node<String>, Sequence>> entries = new ArrayList<>(multimap.entries()); Collections.shuffle(entries, random); for (Map.Entry<Node<String>, Sequence> entry1 : entries) { for (Map.Entry<Node<String>, Sequence> entry2 : entries) { double gDistance = genotypeDistance.d(entry1.getValue(), entry2.getValue()); double pDistance = phenotypeDistance.d(entry1.getKey(), entry2.getKey()); allDistances.add(new Pair<>(gDistance, pDistance)); if (!Node.EMPTY_TREE.equals(entry1.getKey()) && !Node.EMPTY_TREE.equals(entry2.getKey())) { allValidDistances.add(new Pair<>(gDistance, pDistance)); } if (allDistances.size() > nDist) { break; } } if (allDistances.size() > nDist) { break; } } //compute properties double invalidity = (double) multimap.get(Node.EMPTY_TREE).size() / (double) genotypes.size(); double redundancy = 1 - (double) multimap.keySet().size() / (double) genotypes.size(); double validRedundancy = redundancy; if (multimap.keySet().contains(Node.EMPTY_TREE)) { validRedundancy = 1 - ((double) multimap.keySet().size() - 1d) / (double) (genotypes.size() - multimap.get(Node.EMPTY_TREE).size()); } double locality = Utils.pearsonCorrelation(allDistances); double validLocality = Utils.pearsonCorrelation(allValidDistances); double[] sizes = new double[multimap.keySet().size()]; double[] meanGenotypeDistances = new double[multimap.keySet().size()]; int invalidIndex = -1; int c = 0; for (Node<String> phenotype : multimap.keySet()) { if (Node.EMPTY_TREE.equals(phenotype)) { invalidIndex = c; } sizes[c] = multimap.get(phenotype).size(); double[] distances = new double[genotypeDistances.get(phenotype).size()]; int k = 0; for (Double distance : genotypeDistances.get(phenotype)) { distances[k] = distance; k = k + 1; } meanGenotypeDistances[c] = StatUtils.mean(distances); c = c + 1; } double nonUniformity = Math.sqrt(StatUtils.variance(sizes)) / StatUtils.mean(sizes); double nonSynonymousity = StatUtils.mean(meanGenotypeDistances) / StatUtils.mean(firsts(allDistances)); double validNonUniformity = nonUniformity; double validNonSynonymousity = nonSynonymousity; if (invalidIndex != -1) { double[] validSizes = new double[multimap.keySet().size() - 1]; double[] validMeanGenotypeDistances = new double[multimap.keySet().size() - 1]; if (invalidIndex > 0) { System.arraycopy(sizes, 0, validSizes, 0, invalidIndex); System.arraycopy(meanGenotypeDistances, 0, validMeanGenotypeDistances, 0, invalidIndex); } System.arraycopy(sizes, invalidIndex + 1, validSizes, invalidIndex, sizes.length - invalidIndex - 1); System.arraycopy(meanGenotypeDistances, invalidIndex + 1, validMeanGenotypeDistances, invalidIndex, meanGenotypeDistances.length - invalidIndex - 1); validNonUniformity = Math.sqrt(StatUtils.variance(validSizes)) / StatUtils.mean(validSizes); validNonSynonymousity = StatUtils.mean(validMeanGenotypeDistances) / StatUtils.mean(firsts(allValidDistances)); } //compute locality filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;invalidity;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, invalidity); filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;redundancy;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, redundancy); filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;validRedundancy;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, validRedundancy); filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;locality;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, locality); filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;validLLocality;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, validLocality); filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;nonUniformity;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, nonUniformity); filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;validNonUniformity;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, validNonUniformity); filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;nonSynonymousity;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, nonSynonymousity); filePrintStream.printf("%s;%s;%d;%d;validNonSynonymousity;%f %n", problemName, mapperName.split("-")[0], genotypeSize, mapperMainParam, validNonSynonymousity); } } if (filePrintStream != null) { filePrintStream.close(); } }
From source
/** * Run this method with no parameters to see syntax requirements and the * available parameters./*from w ww .j a va 2 s .c om*/ * * N.b. do not call this method from a persistent program, because it * may call System.exit! * <p> * Any long-running program should use the lower-level methods in this * class instead (or directly use CreoleParser and CreoleScanner * instances). * </p> <p> * This method executes with all JCreole privileges. * </p> <p> * This method sets up the following htmlExpander mappings (therefore you * can reference these in both Creole and boilerplate text).<p> * <ul> * <li>sys|*: mappings for Java system properties * <li>isoDateTime * <li>isoDate * <li>pageTitle: Value derived from the specified Creole file name. * </ul> * * @throws IOException for any I/O problem that makes it impossible to * satisfy the request. * @throws CreoleParseException * if can not generate output, or if the run generates 0 output. * If the problem is due to input formatting, in most cases you * will get a CreoleParseException, which is a RuntimException, and * CreoleParseException has getters for locations in the source * data (though they will be offset for \r's in the provided * Creole source, if any). */ public static void main(String[] sa) throws IOException { String bpResPath = null; String bpFsPath = null; String outPath = null; String inPath = null; boolean debugs = false; boolean troubleshoot = false; boolean noBp = false; int param = -1; try { while (++param < sa.length) { if (sa[param].equals("-d")) { debugs = true; continue; } if (sa[param].equals("-t")) { troubleshoot = true; continue; } if (sa[param].equals("-r") && param + 1 < sa.length) { if (bpFsPath != null || bpResPath != null || noBp) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); bpResPath = sa[++param]; continue; } if (sa[param].equals("-f") && param + 1 < sa.length) { if (bpResPath != null || bpFsPath != null || noBp) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); bpFsPath = sa[++param]; continue; } if (sa[param].equals("-")) { if (noBp || bpFsPath != null || bpResPath != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); noBp = true; continue; } if (sa[param].equals("-o") && param + 1 < sa.length) { if (outPath != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); outPath = sa[++param]; continue; } if (inPath != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); inPath = sa[param]; } if (inPath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { System.err.println(SYNTAX_MSG); System.exit(1); } if (!noBp && bpResPath == null && bpFsPath == null) bpResPath = DEFAULT_BP_RES_PATH; String rawBoilerPlate = null; if (bpResPath != null) { if (bpResPath.length() > 0 && bpResPath.charAt(0) == '/') // Classloader lookups are ALWAYS relative to CLASSPATH roots, // and will abort if you specify a beginning "/". bpResPath = bpResPath.substring(1); InputStream iStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(bpResPath); if (iStream == null) throw new IOException("Boilerplate inaccessible: " + bpResPath); rawBoilerPlate = IOUtil.toString(iStream); } else if (bpFsPath != null) { rawBoilerPlate = IOUtil.toString(new File(bpFsPath)); } String creoleResPath = (inPath.length() > 0 && inPath.charAt(0) == '/') ? inPath.substring(1) : inPath; // Classloader lookups are ALWAYS relative to CLASSPATH roots, // and will abort if you specify a beginning "/". InputStream creoleStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(creoleResPath); File inFile = (creoleStream == null) ? new File(inPath) : null; JCreole jCreole = (rawBoilerPlate == null) ? (new JCreole()) : (new JCreole(rawBoilerPlate)); if (debugs) { jCreole.setInterWikiMapper(new InterWikiMapper() { // This InterWikiMapper is just for prototyping. // Use wiki name of "nil" to force lookup failure for path. // Use wiki page of "nil" to force lookup failure for label. public String toPath(String wikiName, String wikiPage) { if (wikiName != null && wikiName.equals("nil")) return null; return "{WIKI-LINK to: " + wikiName + '|' + wikiPage + '}'; } public String toLabel(String wikiName, String wikiPage) { if (wikiPage == null) throw new RuntimeException("Null page name sent to InterWikiMapper"); if (wikiPage.equals("nil")) return null; return "{LABEL for: " + wikiName + '|' + wikiPage + '}'; } }); Expander creoleExpander = new Expander(Expander.PairedDelims.RECTANGULAR); creoleExpander.put("testMacro", "\n\n<<prettyPrint>>\n{{{\n" + "!/bin/bash -p\n\ncp /etc/inittab /tmp\n}}}\n"); jCreole.setCreoleExpander(creoleExpander); } jCreole.setPrivileges(EnumSet.allOf(JCreolePrivilege.class)); Expander exp = jCreole.getHtmlExpander(); Date now = new Date(); exp.putAll("sys", System.getProperties(), false); exp.put("isoDateTime", isoDateTimeFormatter.format(now), false); exp.put("isoDate", isoDateFormatter.format(now), false); exp.put("pageTitle", (inFile == null) ? creoleResPath.replaceFirst("[.][^.]*$", "").replaceFirst(".*[/\\\\.]", "") : inFile.getName().replaceFirst("[.][^.]*$", "")); if (troubleshoot) { // We don't write any HMTL output here. // Goal is just to output diagnostics. StringBuilder builder = (creoleStream == null) ? IOUtil.toStringBuilder(inFile) : IOUtil.toStringBuilder(creoleStream); int newlineCount = 0; int lastOffset = -1; int offset = builder.indexOf("\n"); for (; offset >= 0; offset = builder.indexOf("\n", offset + 1)) { lastOffset = offset; newlineCount++; } // Accommodate input files with no terminating newline: if (builder.length() > lastOffset + 1) newlineCount++; System.out.println("Input lines: " + newlineCount); Exception lastException = null; while (true) { try { jCreole.parseCreole(builder); break; } catch (Exception e) { lastException = e; } if (builder.charAt(builder.length() - 1) == '\n') builder.setLength(builder.length() - 1); offset = builder.lastIndexOf("\n"); if (offset < 1) break; newlineCount--; builder.setLength(builder.lastIndexOf("\n")); } System.out.println((lastException == null) ? "Input validates" : String.format("Error around input line %d: %s", newlineCount, lastException.getMessage())); return; } String generatedHtml = (creoleStream == null) ? jCreole.parseCreole(inFile) : jCreole.parseCreole(IOUtil.toStringBuilder(creoleStream)); String html = jCreole.postProcess(generatedHtml, SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR); if (outPath == null) { System.out.print(html); } else { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(outPath), html, "UTF-8"); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CommandLineParser cmdline_parser = new DefaultParser(); Options options = new Options(); String usage = "Usage: -i <input_file> -o <output_file> -c <highlight_config_file>"; String errorLine;// w w w .ja va2s. c om if (args.length < 6) { log(usage); return; } options.addOption("c", true, "config file containing highlighting options"); options.addOption("i", true, "input file containing HELM string"); options.addOption("o", true, "output file containing highlighted HELM string"); try { // parse the command line arguments CommandLine cmd_line = cmdline_parser.parse(options, args); String cfilename = cmd_line.getOptionValue("c"); log("Cfg filename=" + cfilename); String ofilename = cmd_line.getOptionValue("o"); log("Output filename=" + ofilename); String ifilename = cmd_line.getOptionValue("i"); log("Input filename=" + ifilename); if (cfilename == null || ofilename == null || ifilename == null || cfilename.equals("") || ifilename.equals("") || ofilename.equals("")) { log(usage); return; } if (!(errorLine = setupHlConfigEntries(cfilename)).equals("")) { // in case of error, a non-empty string will be returned log("Bad entry in " + cfilename + ": '" + errorLine + "': missing category, keyword or value, exiting..."); // error return; } handleInputOutputFiles(ifilename, ofilename); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String url = "jdbc:mySubprotocol:myDataSource"; Connection con;/* w ww . j a va2 s .co m*/ Statement stmt; try { Class.forName("myDriver.ClassName"); } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: "); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } try { con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "myLogin", "myPassword"); stmt = con.createStatement(); String typeToCreate = null; String prompt = "Enter 's' to create a structured type " + "or 'd' to create a distinct type\n" + "and hit Return: "; do { typeToCreate = getInput(prompt) + " "; typeToCreate = typeToCreate.toLowerCase().substring(0, 1); } while (!(typeToCreate.equals("s") || typeToCreate.equals("d"))); Vector dataTypes = getDataTypes(con, typeToCreate); String typeName; String attributeName; String sqlType; prompt = "Enter the new type name and hit Return: "; typeName = getInput(prompt); String createTypeString = "create type " + typeName; if (typeToCreate.equals("d")) createTypeString += " as "; else createTypeString += " ("; String commaAndSpace = ", "; boolean firstTime = true; while (true) { System.out.println(""); prompt = "Enter an attribute name " + "(or nothing when finished) \nand hit Return: "; attributeName = getInput(prompt); if (firstTime) { if (attributeName.length() == 0) { System.out.print("Need at least one attribute;"); System.out.println(" please try again"); continue; } else { createTypeString += attributeName + " "; firstTime = false; } } else if (attributeName.length() == 0) { break; } else { createTypeString += commaAndSpace + attributeName + " "; } String localTypeName = null; String paramString = ""; while (true) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("LIST OF TYPES YOU MAY USE: "); boolean firstPrinted = true; int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dataTypes.size(); i++) { DataType dataType = (DataType) dataTypes.get(i); if (!dataType.needsToBeSet()) { if (!firstPrinted) System.out.print(commaAndSpace); else firstPrinted = false; System.out.print(dataType.getSQLType()); length += dataType.getSQLType().length(); if (length > 50) { System.out.println(""); length = 0; firstPrinted = true; } } } System.out.println(""); int index; prompt = "Enter an attribute type " + "from the list and hit Return: "; sqlType = getInput(prompt); for (index = 0; index < dataTypes.size(); index++) { DataType dataType = (DataType) dataTypes.get(index); if (dataType.getSQLType().equalsIgnoreCase(sqlType) && !dataType.needsToBeSet()) { break; } } localTypeName = null; paramString = ""; if (index < dataTypes.size()) { // there was a match String params; DataType dataType = (DataType) dataTypes.get(index); params = dataType.getParams(); localTypeName = dataType.getLocalType(); if (params != null) { prompt = "Enter " + params + ": "; paramString = "(" + getInput(prompt) + ")"; } break; } else { // use the name as given prompt = "Are you sure? " + "Enter 'y' or 'n' and hit Return: "; String check = getInput(prompt) + " "; check = check.toLowerCase().substring(0, 1); if (check.equals("n")) continue; else { localTypeName = sqlType; break; } } } createTypeString += localTypeName + paramString; if (typeToCreate.equals("d")) break; } if (typeToCreate.equals("s")) createTypeString += ")"; System.out.println(""); System.out.print("Your CREATE TYPE statement as "); System.out.println("sent to your DBMS: "); System.out.println(createTypeString); System.out.println(""); stmt.executeUpdate(createTypeString); stmt.close(); con.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] a) { Verifier verifier = new Verifier(); String dbHash = "iDxLTbkejeeaQqpPoZTqUCJfWo1ALcBf7gMlYwwMa+Y="; //"dlgQ65ruCfeVVxqHJ3Bf02j50P0Wvis7WOoTfHYV3Nk="; String password = "rememberme"; String dbSalt = "008747a35b77a4c7e55ab7ea8aec3ee0"; PasswordResponse response = new PasswordResponse(); String salt = "008747a35b77a4c7e55ab7ea8aec3ee0"; response.setAlgorithm(Algorithm.PBKDF2); response.setSalt(salt);/*w w w . j a v a m*/ response.setAlgorithmDetails(new AlgorithmDetails()); response.getAlgorithmDetails().setIterations(1000); response.getAlgorithmDetails().setHashFunction("SHA256"); response.getAlgorithmDetails().setKeySize(263); PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(password.toCharArray(), salt.getBytes(), 1000, response.getAlgorithmDetails().getKeySize()); try { SecretKeyFactory skf = PBKDF2Algorithms.getSecretKeyFactory( "PBKDF2WithHmac" + response.getAlgorithmDetails().getHashFunction().replace("-", "")); byte[] hash = skf.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded(); String encodedHash = Base64.encodeBase64String(hash); response.setHash(encodedHash); System.out.println("hash " + response.getHash()); if (verifier.verify(password, response)) { // Check it against database stored hash if (encodedHash.equals(dbHash)) { System.out.println("Authentication Successful"); } else { System.out.println("Authentication failed"); } } else { System.out.println("failed verification of hashing"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static void main(String[] args) { /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ /*---------------SETTING TARGET LANGUAGE------------------ */ /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ LanguageFactory languageFactory = new LanguageFactory(); CommandLine line = null;/*from w w w .ja v a 2s . c om*/ CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); Options options = new Options(); // options to display in the help page Options options_short = new Options(); // add help option Option help_option = new Option(HELP_OPTION_SHORT, HELP_OPTION, false, HELP_DESCRIPTION); options.addOption(help_option); options_short.addOption(help_option); // add extended help option Option help2_option = new Option(HELP2_OPTION_SHORT, HELP2_OPTION, false, HELP2_DESCRIPTION); options.addOption(help2_option); options_short.addOption(help2_option); // add optional operations option options.addOption(new Option(OPTIONAL_OPTION_SHORT, OPTIONAL_OPTION, false, OPTIONAL_DESCRIPTION)); options.addOption(new Option(BIG_ENDIAN_OPTION_SHORT, BIG_ENDIAN_OPTION, false, BIG_ENDIAN_DESCRIPTION)); options.addOption( new Option(LITTLE_ENDIAN_OPTION_SHORT, LITTLE_ENDIAN_OPTION, false, LITTLE_ENDIAN_DESCRIPTION)); // add optional operations config option options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(OPTIONAL_FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_OPTION) .withArgName(OPTIONAL_FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_ARGUMENT) .withDescription(OPTIONAL_FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION).hasArg() .create(OPTIONAL_FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_SHORT)); // add dsl option Option dsl_option = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(DSL_OPTION).withArgName(DSL_ARGUMENT) .withDescription(DSL_DESCRIPTION).hasArg().isRequired().create(DSL_OPTION_SHORT); options.addOption(dsl_option); options_short.addOption(dsl_option); // add output-folder option Option output_option = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(OUTPUT_OPTION).isRequired().withArgName(OUTPUT_ARGUMENT) .withDescription(OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION).hasArg().create(OUTPUT_OPTION_SHORT); options.addOption(output_option); options_short.addOption(output_option); // count possible language-specifications short optionCounter = 1; // get all possible language-specifications from language-factory and iterate through them List<LanguageSpecification> lSpecs = languageFactory.getAvailableLanguageSpecifications_(); for (LanguageSpecification lSpec : lSpecs) { // get all possible unit-specifications for current language and iterate through them List<UnitTestLibrarySpecification> uSpecs = languageFactory .getAvailableUnitTestLibraries_(lSpec.getOptionName()); String languageDescriptionAll = LANGUAGE_SPECIFICATION + lSpec.getLanguageName(); String languageCounter = "s" + INDEX.format(optionCounter++); for (UnitTestLibrarySpecification uSpec : uSpecs) { // get all possible arithmetic-library-specifications for current language and iterate through // them List<ArithmeticLibrarySpecification> aSpecs = languageFactory .getAvailableArithmeticLibraries_(lSpec.getOptionName()); for (ArithmeticLibrarySpecification aSpec : aSpecs) { String languageDescription = "Generate unit-test for " + lSpec.getLanguageName() + "\n*[" + uSpec.getLibraryName() + " - " + uSpec.getVersion() + "]\n*[" + aSpec.getLibraryName() + " - " + aSpec.getVersion() + "]"; // if there is more than one option, generate suitable option-names and add them all to // commandline options if (uSpecs.size() > 1 || aSpecs.size() > 1) { options.addOption(OptionBuilder .withLongOpt(lSpec.getOptionName() + "_" + uSpec.getOptionName() + "_" + aSpec.getOptionName()) .withDescription(languageDescription).hasArg(false) .create("s" + INDEX.format(optionCounter++))); } else { // if there is only one option, use language-name as option-name languageDescriptionAll = languageDescription; } } // add specifications to options options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(lSpec.getOptionName()) .withDescription(languageDescriptionAll).hasArg(false).create(languageCounter)); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ /*-------------------PARSE USER INPUT--------------------- */ /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ try { // manual search for help-arguments for (String arg : args) { arg = arg.trim().replace("-", ""); if (arg.equals(HELP_OPTION_SHORT) || arg.equals(HELP_OPTION)) { printHelp(options_short); return; } if (arg.equals(HELP2_OPTION_SHORT) || arg.equals(HELP2_OPTION)) { printExtendedHelp(options); return; } } // parse arguments line = parser.parse(options, args); File dsl_file = null; File output_folder = null; File optional_config = null; Properties optional_operations = null; Boolean optional = false; Boolean little_endian = null; ArrayList<String> optional_exceptions = new ArrayList<String>(); // if help-option found print help if (line.hasOption(HELP2_OPTION_SHORT) || args.length == 0) { printExtendedHelp(options); return; } // if help-option found print help if (line.hasOption(HELP_OPTION_SHORT) || args.length == 0) { System.out.println("\n"); printHelp(options_short); return; } if (line.hasOption(OPTIONAL_OPTION_SHORT)) { optional = true; } if (line.hasOption(LITTLE_ENDIAN_OPTION)) { little_endian = true; } if (line.hasOption(BIG_ENDIAN_OPTION)) { little_endian = false; } // if dsl-option found, check if file exists and is readable // print help if error occurs if (line.hasOption(DSL_OPTION_SHORT)) { dsl_file = new File(line.getOptionValue(DSL_OPTION_SHORT)); if (!dsl_file.exists()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - DSL-file doesn't exist:\n" + dsl_file + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printHelp(options_short); return; } else if (dsl_file.isDirectory()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - DSL-file is a directory:\n" + dsl_file + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printHelp(options_short); return; } else if (!dsl_file.canRead()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - Need read-permission for DSL-file:\n" + dsl_file + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printHelp(options_short); return; } } // if output-option found, check if folder exists and if write-permission was granted // print help if error occurs if (line.hasOption(OUTPUT_OPTION_SHORT)) { output_folder = new File(line.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_OPTION_SHORT)); if (!output_folder.exists()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - Output-folder doesn't exist:\n" + output_folder + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printHelp(options_short); return; } else if (!output_folder.isDirectory()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - Output-folder is not a directory:\n" + output_folder + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printHelp(options_short); return; } else if (!output_folder.canWrite() || !output_folder.canRead()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - Missing permissions for output-folder:\n" + output_folder + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printHelp(options_short); return; } } if (line.hasOption(OPTIONAL_FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_SHORT)) { optional_config = new File(line.getOptionValue(OPTIONAL_FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_OPTION)); if (!dsl_file.exists()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - config-file doesn't exist:\n" + dsl_file + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printExtendedHelp(options); return; } else if (dsl_file.isDirectory()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - config-file is a directory:\n" + dsl_file + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printExtendedHelp(options); return; } else if (!dsl_file.canRead()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - Need read-permission for config-file:\n" + dsl_file + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printExtendedHelp(options); return; } } if (optional_config != null) { optional_operations = new Properties(); BufferedInputStream stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(optional_config)); optional_operations.load(stream); stream.close(); String optional_prop = optional_operations.getProperty("GENERATE_OPTIONAL"); if (optional_prop != null) { if (optional_prop.trim().toLowerCase().equals("true")) { optional = true; } else if (optional_prop.trim().toLowerCase().equals("false")) { optional = false; } else if (!optional_prop.trim().isEmpty()) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - Syntax incorrect in config-file:\nUse \"true\" or \"false\" for \"GENERATE_OPTIONAL\"\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printExtendedHelp(options); return; } } String exceptions = optional_operations.getProperty("EXCLUSIONS"); if (exceptions != null) { for (String exc : optional_operations.getProperty("EXCLUSIONS").split(";")) { optional_exceptions.add(exc.trim()); } } } /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ /*-------------------START GENERATING--------------------- */ /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ // instantiate generator for unit-tests TestcaseGenerator mainGenerator = new TestcaseGenerator(dsl_file, output_folder); boolean overrideDefaultSpecs = false; // check if user input contains a language-specifications // if user specified language, set overrideDefaultSpecs to true, so that only given specifications // are used for (int i = 1; i <= optionCounter; i++) { String opt = "s" + INDEX.format(i); if (line.hasOption(opt)) { LanguageSpecification targetSpecification = languageFactory .getLanguageSpecification(options.getOption(opt).getLongOpt()); String output = (GENERATING_DIALOG + targetSpecification.getLanguageName()); // finally generate unit-test for current language-specification boolean successful = mainGenerator.generateUnitTest(targetSpecification, optional, optional_exceptions, little_endian); if (successful) { System.out.println(output + "\n--> Successfully generated."); } else { System.err.println(output + "\n--> ERROR - see logfile"); } overrideDefaultSpecs = true; } } // skip, if user already defined one language-specification // if user did not define language-specification, generate unit-tests for all // possible language-specifications (default) if (!overrideDefaultSpecs) { for (int i = 0; i < lSpecs.size(); i++) { LanguageSpecification specification = languageFactory .getLanguageSpecification(lSpecs.get(i).getOptionName()); String output = INDEX.format(i + 1) + " - " + GENERATING_DIALOG + specification.getLanguageName(); // finally generate unit-test for current language-specification boolean successful = mainGenerator.generateUnitTest(specification, optional, optional_exceptions, little_endian); if (successful) { System.out.println(output + "\n--> Successfully generated."); } else { System.err.println(output + "\n--> ERROR - see logfile"); } } } } catch (ParseException | IOException p) { System.err.println("\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n" + "ERROR - WRONG ARGUMENTS:\n" + p.getMessage() + "\n" + SEPERATOR + "\n"); printHelp(options_short); System.out.println("\n"); } }
From source
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length < 1) { System.err.println("usage: JTBD <mode> <mode-specific-parameters>"); showModes();/*from w w w. j a va2 s . co m*/ System.exit(-1); } final String mode = args[0]; if (mode.equals("c")) startCheckMode(args); else if (mode.equals("s")) start9010ValidationMode(args); else if (mode.equals("x")) startXValidationMode(args); else if (mode.equals("t")) startTrainingMode(args); else if (mode.equals("p")) startPredictionMode(args); else if (mode.equals("e")) startCompareValidationMode(args); else { // unknown mode System.err.println("unknown mode"); showModes(); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String inputDir = args[0];/*from w w w. java2 s. co m*/ Collection<File> files = IOHelper.listXmlFiles(new File(inputDir)); int totalPairsWithReasonSameAsGold = 0; DescriptiveStatistics ds = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics statsPerTopic = new DescriptiveStatistics(); Map<String, Integer> goldDataDistribution = new HashMap<>(); int totalGoldReasonTokens = 0; for (File file : files) { List<AnnotatedArgumentPair> argumentPairs = (List<AnnotatedArgumentPair>) XStreamTools.getXStream() .fromXML(file); int pairsPerTopicCounter = 0; for (AnnotatedArgumentPair annotatedArgumentPair : argumentPairs) { String goldLabel = annotatedArgumentPair.getGoldLabel(); int sameInOnePair = 0; if (goldLabel != null) { if (!goldDataDistribution.containsKey(goldLabel)) { goldDataDistribution.put(goldLabel, 0); } goldDataDistribution.put(goldLabel, goldDataDistribution.get(goldLabel) + 1); // get gold reason statistics for (AnnotatedArgumentPair.MTurkAssignment assignment : annotatedArgumentPair.mTurkAssignments) { String label = assignment.getValue(); if (goldLabel.equals(label)) { sameInOnePair++; totalGoldReasonTokens += assignment.getReason().split("\\W+").length; } } pairsPerTopicCounter++; } ds.addValue(sameInOnePair); totalPairsWithReasonSameAsGold += sameInOnePair; } statsPerTopic.addValue(pairsPerTopicCounter); } System.out.println("Total reasons matching gold " + totalPairsWithReasonSameAsGold); System.out.println(ds); int totalPairs = 0; for (Integer pairs : goldDataDistribution.values()) { totalPairs += pairs; } System.out.println(goldDataDistribution); System.out.println(goldDataDistribution.values()); System.out.println("Total pairs: " + totalPairs); System.out.println("Stats per topic: " + statsPerTopic); System.out.println("Total gold reason tokens: " + totalGoldReasonTokens); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, java.text.ParseException { opts.addOption("algorithm", true, "Used algorithm for compression. Possible values are 'brute-force', " + "'brute-force-edges','brute-force-merges','randomized','randomized-merges'," + "'randomized-edges'," + "'fast-brute-force'," + "'fast-brute-force-merges','fast-brute-force-merge-edges'. Default is 'brute-force'."); opts.addOption("query", true, "Query nodes ids, separated by comma."); opts.addOption("queryfile", true, "Read query nodes from file."); opts.addOption("ratio", true, "Goal ratio"); opts.addOption("importancefile", true, "Read importances straight from file"); opts.addOption("keepedges", false, "Don't remove edges during merges"); opts.addOption("connectivity", false, "Compute and output connectivities in edge oriented case"); opts.addOption("paths", false, "Do path oriented compression"); opts.addOption("edges", false, "Do edge oriented compression"); // opts.addOption( "a", double sigma = 1.0; CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd = null;/*from w w w . j a v a 2s. com*/ try { cmd = parser.parse(opts, args); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } String queryStr = cmd.getOptionValue("query"); String[] queryNodeIDs = {}; double[] queryNodeIMP = {}; if (queryStr != null) { queryNodeIDs = queryStr.split(","); queryNodeIMP = new double[queryNodeIDs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < queryNodeIDs.length; i++) { String s = queryNodeIDs[i]; String[] es = s.split("="); queryNodeIMP[i] = 1; if (es.length == 2) { queryNodeIDs[i] = es[0]; queryNodeIMP[i] = Double.parseDouble(es[1]); } else if (es.length > 2) { System.out.println("Too many '=' in querynode specification: " + s); } } } String queryFile = cmd.getOptionValue("queryfile"); Map<String, Double> queryNodes = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; if (queryFile != null) { File in = new File(queryFile); BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in)); queryNodes = readMap(read); read.close(); } String impfile = cmd.getOptionValue("importancefile"); Map<String, Double> importances = null; if (impfile != null) { File in = new File(impfile); BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in)); importances = readMap(read); read.close(); } String algoStr = cmd.getOptionValue("algorithm"); CompressionAlgorithm algo = null; if (algoStr == null || algoStr.equals("brute-force")) { algo = new BruteForceCompression(); } else if (algoStr.equals("brute-force-edges")) { algo = new BruteForceCompressionOnlyEdges(); } else if (algoStr.equals("brute-force-merges")) { algo = new BruteForceCompressionOnlyMerges(); } else if (algoStr.equals("fast-brute-force-merges")) { //algo = new FastBruteForceCompressionOnlyMerges(); algo = new FastBruteForceCompression(true, false); } else if (algoStr.equals("fast-brute-force-edges")) { algo = new FastBruteForceCompression(false, true); //algo = new FastBruteForceCompressionOnlyEdges(); } else if (algoStr.equals("fast-brute-force")) { algo = new FastBruteForceCompression(true, true); } else if (algoStr.equals("randomized-edges")) { algo = new RandomizedCompressionOnlyEdges(); //modified } else if (algoStr.equals("randomized")) { algo = new RandomizedCompression(); } else if (algoStr.equals("randomized-merges")) { algo = new RandomizedCompressionOnlyMerges(); } else { System.out.println("Unsupported algorithm: " + algoStr); printHelp(); } String ratioStr = cmd.getOptionValue("ratio"); double ratio = 0; if (ratioStr != null) { ratio = Double.parseDouble(ratioStr); } else { System.out.println("Goal ratio not specified"); printHelp(); } String infile = null; if (cmd.getArgs().length != 0) { infile = cmd.getArgs()[0]; } else { printHelp(); } BMGraph bmg = BMGraphUtils.readBMGraph(new File(infile)); HashMap<BMNode, Double> queryBMNodes = new HashMap<BMNode, Double>(); for (String id : queryNodes.keySet()) { queryBMNodes.put(bmg.getNode(id), queryNodes.get(id)); } long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); ImportanceGraphWrapper wrap = QueryImportance.queryImportanceGraph(bmg, queryBMNodes); if (importances != null) { for (String id : importances.keySet()) { wrap.setImportance(bmg.getNode(id), importances.get(id)); } } ImportanceMerger merger = null; if (cmd.hasOption("edges")) { merger = new ImportanceMergerEdges(wrap.getImportanceGraph()); } else if (cmd.hasOption("paths")) { merger = new ImportanceMergerPaths(wrap.getImportanceGraph()); } else { System.out.println("Specify either 'paths' or 'edges'."); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption("keepedges")) { merger.setKeepEdges(true); } algo.compress(merger, ratio); long endMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); // write importance { BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("importance.txt", false)); for (BMNode nod : bmg.getNodes()) { wr.write(nod + " " + wrap.getImportance(nod) + "\n"); } wr.close(); } // write sum of all pairs of node importance added by Fang /* { BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("sum_of_all_pairs_importance.txt", true)); ImportanceGraph orig = wrap.getImportanceGraph(); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= orig.getMaxNodeId(); i++) { for (int j = i+1; j <= orig.getMaxNodeId(); j++) { sum = sum+ wrap.getImportance(i)* wrap.getImportance(j); } } wr.write(""+sum); wr.write("\n"); wr.close(); } */ // write uncompressed edges { BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("edges.txt", false)); ImportanceGraph orig = wrap.getImportanceGraph(); ImportanceGraph ucom = merger.getUncompressedGraph(); for (int i = 0; i <= orig.getMaxNodeId(); i++) { String iname = wrap.intToNode(i).toString(); HashSet<Integer> ne = new HashSet<Integer>(); ne.addAll(orig.getNeighbors(i)); ne.addAll(ucom.getNeighbors(i)); for (int j : ne) { if (i < j) continue; String jname = wrap.intToNode(j).toString(); double a = orig.getEdgeWeight(i, j); double b = ucom.getEdgeWeight(i, j); wr.write(iname + " " + jname + " " + a + " " + b + " " + Math.abs(a - b)); wr.write("\n"); } } wr.close(); } // write distance { // BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new // FileWriter("distance.txt",false)); BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("distance.txt", true)); //modified by Fang ImportanceGraph orig = wrap.getImportanceGraph(); ImportanceGraph ucom = merger.getUncompressedGraph(); double error = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= orig.getMaxNodeId(); i++) { HashSet<Integer> ne = new HashSet<Integer>(); ne.addAll(orig.getNeighbors(i)); ne.addAll(ucom.getNeighbors(i)); for (int j : ne) { if (i <= j) continue; double a = orig.getEdgeWeight(i, j); double b = ucom.getEdgeWeight(i, j); error += (a - b) * (a - b) * wrap.getImportance(i) * wrap.getImportance(j); // modify by Fang: multiply imp(u)imp(v) } } error = Math.sqrt(error); //////////error = Math.sqrt(error / 2); // modified by Fang: the error of each // edge is counted twice wr.write("" + error); wr.write("\n"); wr.close(); } // write sizes { ImportanceGraph orig = wrap.getImportanceGraph(); ImportanceGraph comp = merger.getCurrentGraph(); // BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new // FileWriter("sizes.txt",false)); BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("sizes.txt", true)); //modified by Fang wr.write(orig.getNodeCount() + " " + orig.getEdgeCount() + " " + comp.getNodeCount() + " " + comp.getEdgeCount()); wr.write("\n"); wr.close(); } //write time { System.out.println("writing time"); BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("time.txt", true)); //modified by Fang double secs = (endMillis - startMillis) * 0.001; wr.write("" + secs + "\n"); wr.close(); } //write change of connectivity for edge-oriented case // added by Fang { if (cmd.hasOption("connectivity")) { BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("connectivity.txt", true)); ImportanceGraph orig = wrap.getImportanceGraph(); ImportanceGraph ucom = merger.getUncompressedGraph(); double diff = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= orig.getMaxNodeId(); i++) { ProbDijkstra pdori = new ProbDijkstra(orig, i); ProbDijkstra pducom = new ProbDijkstra(ucom, i); for (int j = i + 1; j <= orig.getMaxNodeId(); j++) { double oriconn = pdori.getProbTo(j); double ucomconn = pducom.getProbTo(j); diff = diff + (oriconn - ucomconn) * (oriconn - ucomconn) * wrap.getImportance(i) * wrap.getImportance(j); } } diff = Math.sqrt(diff); wr.write("" + diff); wr.write("\n"); wr.close(); } } //write output graph { BMGraph output = bmg;//new BMGraph(bmg); int no = 0; BMNode[] nodes = new BMNode[merger.getGroups().size()]; for (ArrayList<Integer> gr : merger.getGroups()) { BMNode bmgroup = new BMNode("Group", "" + (no + 1)); bmgroup.setAttributes(new HashMap<String, String>()); bmgroup.put("autoedges", "0"); nodes[no] = bmgroup; no++; if (gr.size() == 0) continue; for (int x : gr) { BMNode nod = output.getNode(wrap.intToNode(x).toString()); BMEdge belongs = new BMEdge(nod, bmgroup, "belongs_to"); output.ensureHasEdge(belongs); } output.ensureHasNode(bmgroup); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { for (int x : merger.getCurrentGraph().getNeighbors(i)) { if (x == i) { nodes[x].put("selfedge", "" + merger.getCurrentGraph().getEdgeWeight(i, x)); //ge.put("goodness", ""+merger.getCurrentGraph().getEdgeWeight(i, x)); continue; } BMEdge ge = new BMEdge(nodes[x], nodes[i], "groupedge"); ge.setAttributes(new HashMap<String, String>()); ge.put("goodness", "" + merger.getCurrentGraph().getEdgeWeight(i, x)); output.ensureHasEdge(ge); } } System.out.println(output.getGroupNodes()); BMGraphUtils.writeBMGraph(output, "output.bmg"); } }