List of usage examples for java.lang String equals
public boolean equals(Object anObject)
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String type = ""; String filename = "/tmp.dat"; int size = CrailConstants.BUFFER_SIZE; int loop = 1; int batch = 1; int warmup = 32; int experiments = 1; boolean keepOpen = false; int storageClass = 0; int locationClass = 0; boolean useBuffered = true; String benchmarkTypes = "write|writeAsync|readSequential|readRandom|readSequentialAsync|readMultiStream|" + "createFile|createFileAsync|createMultiFile|getKey|getFile|getFileAsync|enumerateDir|browseDir|" + "writeInt|readInt|seekInt|readMultiStreamInt|printLocationclass"; Option typeOption = Option.builder("t").desc("type of experiment [" + benchmarkTypes + "]").hasArg() .build();//from w ww . j a va 2 s . c om Option fileOption = Option.builder("f").desc("filename").hasArg().build(); Option sizeOption = Option.builder("s").desc("buffer size [bytes]").hasArg().build(); Option loopOption = Option.builder("k").desc("loop [1..n]").hasArg().build(); Option batchOption = Option.builder("b").desc("batch size [1..n]").hasArg().build(); Option storageOption = Option.builder("c").desc("storageClass for file [1..n]").hasArg().build(); Option locationOption = Option.builder("p").desc("locationClass for file [1..n]").hasArg().build(); Option warmupOption = Option.builder("w").desc("number of warmup operations [1..n]").hasArg().build(); Option experimentOption = Option.builder("e").desc("number of experiments [1..n]").hasArg().build(); Option openOption = Option.builder("o").desc("whether to keep the file system open [true|false]").hasArg() .build(); Option bufferedOption = Option.builder("m").desc("use buffer streams [true|false]").hasArg().build(); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(typeOption); options.addOption(fileOption); options.addOption(sizeOption); options.addOption(loopOption); options.addOption(batchOption); options.addOption(storageOption); options.addOption(locationOption); options.addOption(warmupOption); options.addOption(experimentOption); options.addOption(openOption); options.addOption(bufferedOption); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, args.length)); if (line.hasOption(typeOption.getOpt())) { type = line.getOptionValue(typeOption.getOpt()); } if (line.hasOption(fileOption.getOpt())) { filename = line.getOptionValue(fileOption.getOpt()); } if (line.hasOption(sizeOption.getOpt())) { size = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue(sizeOption.getOpt())); } if (line.hasOption(loopOption.getOpt())) { loop = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue(loopOption.getOpt())); } if (line.hasOption(batchOption.getOpt())) { batch = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue(batchOption.getOpt())); } if (line.hasOption(storageOption.getOpt())) { storageClass = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue(storageOption.getOpt())); } if (line.hasOption(locationOption.getOpt())) { locationClass = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue(locationOption.getOpt())); } if (line.hasOption(warmupOption.getOpt())) { warmup = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue(warmupOption.getOpt())); } if (line.hasOption(experimentOption.getOpt())) { experiments = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue(experimentOption.getOpt())); } if (line.hasOption(openOption.getOpt())) { keepOpen = Boolean.parseBoolean(line.getOptionValue(openOption.getOpt())); } if (line.hasOption(bufferedOption.getOpt())) { useBuffered = Boolean.parseBoolean(line.getOptionValue(bufferedOption.getOpt())); } CrailBenchmark benchmark = new CrailBenchmark(warmup); if (type.equals("write")) {; benchmark.write(filename, size, loop, storageClass, locationClass, useBuffered); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("writeAsync")) {; benchmark.writeAsync(filename, size, loop, batch, storageClass, locationClass); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("readSequential")) { if (keepOpen); for (int i = 0; i < experiments; i++) { System.out.println("experiment " + i); if (!keepOpen); benchmark.readSequential(filename, size, loop, useBuffered); if (!keepOpen) benchmark.close(); } if (keepOpen) benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equals("readRandom")) { if (keepOpen); for (int i = 0; i < experiments; i++) { System.out.println("experiment " + i); if (!keepOpen); benchmark.readRandom(filename, size, loop, useBuffered); if (!keepOpen) benchmark.close(); } if (keepOpen) benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("readSequentialAsync")) { if (keepOpen); for (int i = 0; i < experiments; i++) { System.out.println("experiment " + i); if (!keepOpen); benchmark.readSequentialAsync(filename, size, loop, batch); if (!keepOpen) benchmark.close(); } if (keepOpen) benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("readMultiStream")) { if (keepOpen); for (int i = 0; i < experiments; i++) { System.out.println("experiment " + i); if (!keepOpen); benchmark.readMultiStream(filename, size, loop, batch); if (!keepOpen) benchmark.close(); } if (keepOpen) benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equals("createFile")) {; benchmark.createFile(filename, loop); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equals("createFileAsync")) {; benchmark.createFileAsync(filename, loop, batch); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("createMultiFile")) {; benchmark.createMultiFile(filename, storageClass); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("getKey")) {; benchmark.getKey(filename, size, loop); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equals("getFile")) {; benchmark.getFile(filename, loop); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equals("getFileAsync")) {; benchmark.getFileAsync(filename, loop, batch); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("enumerateDir")) {; benchmark.enumerateDir(filename, batch); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("browseDir")) {; benchmark.browseDir(filename); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("early")) {; benchmark.early(filename); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("writeInt")) {; benchmark.writeInt(filename, loop); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("readInt")) {; benchmark.readInt(filename, loop); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("seekInt")) {; benchmark.seekInt(filename, loop); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("readMultiStreamInt")) {; benchmark.readMultiStreamInt(filename, loop, batch); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("printLocationClass")) {; benchmark.printLocationClass(); benchmark.close(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("collection")) { for (int i = 0; i < experiments; i++) { benchmark.collectionTest(size, loop); } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("locationMap")) { benchmark.locationMap(); } else { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("crail iobench", options); System.exit(-1); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int[] numberOfObjectivesArray = new int[] { 2, 4 }; String[] problems = new String[] { "OO_MyBatis", "OA_AJHsqldb", "OA_AJHotDraw", "OO_BCEL", "OO_JHotDraw", "OA_HealthWatcher", // "OA_TollSystems", "OO_JBoss" }; String[] heuristicFunctions = new String[] { LowLevelHeuristic.CHOICE_FUNCTION, LowLevelHeuristic.MULTI_ARMED_BANDIT, LowLevelHeuristic.RANDOM }; String[] algorithms = new String[] { "NSGA-II", // "SPEA2" };// w w w .ja va 2 m MetricsUtil metricsUtil = new MetricsUtil(); DecimalFormat decimalFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0.00E0"); Mean mean = new Mean(); StandardDeviation standardDeviation = new StandardDeviation(); InvertedGenerationalDistance igd = new InvertedGenerationalDistance(); GenerationalDistance gd = new GenerationalDistance(); Spread spread = new Spread(); Coverage coverage = new Coverage(); for (int objectives : numberOfObjectivesArray) { try (FileWriter IGDWriter = new FileWriter("experiment/IGD_" + objectives + ".tex"); FileWriter spreadWriter = new FileWriter("experiment/SPREAD_" + objectives + ".tex"); FileWriter GDWriter = new FileWriter("experiment/GD_" + objectives + ".tex"); FileWriter coverageWriter = new FileWriter("experiment/COVERAGE_" + objectives + ".tex")) { StringBuilder latexTableBuilder = new StringBuilder(); latexTableBuilder.append("\\documentclass{paper}\n").append("\n") .append("\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n").append("\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n") .append("\\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}\n").append("\\usepackage{tabulary}\n") .append("\\usepackage{booktabs}\n").append("\\usepackage{multirow}\n") .append("\\usepackage{amsmath}\n").append("\\usepackage{mathtools}\n") .append("\\usepackage{graphicx}\n").append("\\usepackage{array}\n") .append("\\usepackage[linesnumbered,ruled,inoutnumbered]{algorithm2e}\n") .append("\\usepackage{subfigure}\n").append("\\usepackage[hypcap]{caption}\n") .append("\\usepackage{pdflscape}\n").append("\n").append("\\begin{document}\n").append("\n") .append("\\begin{landscape}\n").append("\n"); pfKnown: { latexTableBuilder.append("\\begin{table}[!htb]\n").append("\t\\centering\n") .append("\t\\def\\arraystretch{1.5}\n") // .append("\t\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{10pt}\n") // .append("\t\\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\\selectfont\n") .append("\t\\caption{INDICATOR found for $PF_{known}$ for ").append(objectives) .append(" objectives}\n").append("\t\\label{tab:INDICATOR ").append(objectives) .append(" objectives}\n").append("\t\\begin{tabulary}{\\linewidth}{c"); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { latexTableBuilder.append("c"); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { latexTableBuilder.append("c"); } } latexTableBuilder.append("}\n").append("\t\t\\toprule\n").append("\t\t\\textbf{System}"); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { latexTableBuilder.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("}"); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { latexTableBuilder.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("-") .append(heuristicFunction).append("}"); } } latexTableBuilder.append("\\\\\n").append("\t\t\\midrule\n"); for (String problem : problems) { NonDominatedSolutionList trueFront = new NonDominatedSolutionList(); pfTrueComposing: { for (String algorithm : algorithms) { SolutionSet mecbaFront = metricsUtil.readNonDominatedSolutionSet( "resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_" + objectives + "obj/All_FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem); trueFront.addAll(mecbaFront); for (String hyperHeuristic : heuristicFunctions) { SolutionSet front = metricsUtil.readNonDominatedSolutionSet( "experiment/" + algorithm + "/" + objectives + "objectives/" + hyperHeuristic + "/" + problem + "/FUN.txt"); trueFront.addAll(front); } } } double[][] trueFrontMatrix = trueFront.writeObjectivesToMatrix(); HashMap<String, Double> igdMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Double> gdMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Double> spreadMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Double> coverageMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { double[][] mecbaFront = metricsUtil .readFront("resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_" + objectives + "obj/All_FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem); igdMap.put(algorithm, igd.invertedGenerationalDistance(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives)); gdMap.put(algorithm, gd.generationalDistance(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives)); spreadMap.put(algorithm, spread.spread(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives)); coverageMap.put(algorithm, coverage.coverage(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix)); for (String heuristic : heuristicFunctions) { double[][] heuristicFront = metricsUtil.readFront("experiment/" + algorithm + "/" + objectives + "objectives/" + heuristic + "/" + problem + "/FUN.txt"); igdMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, igd .invertedGenerationalDistance(heuristicFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives)); gdMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, gd.generationalDistance(heuristicFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives)); spreadMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, spread.spread(heuristicFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives)); coverageMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, coverage.coverage(heuristicFront, trueFrontMatrix)); } } latexTableBuilder.append("\t\t").append(problem); String latexTable = latexTableBuilder.toString(); latexTableBuilder = new StringBuilder(); latexTable = latexTable.replaceAll("O[OA]\\_", "").replaceAll("ChoiceFunction", "CF") .replaceAll("MultiArmedBandit", "MAB"); IGDWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "IGD")); spreadWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "Spread")); GDWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "GD")); coverageWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "Coverage")); String bestHeuristicIGD = "NULL"; String bestHeuristicGD = "NULL"; String bestHeuristicSpread = "NULL"; String bestHeuristicCoverage = "NULL"; getBest: { double bestMeanIGD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double bestMeanGD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double bestMeanSpread = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double bestMeanCoverage = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (String heuristic : igdMap.keySet()) { double heuristicIGD = igdMap.get(heuristic); double heuristicGD = gdMap.get(heuristic); double heuristicSpread = spreadMap.get(heuristic); double heuristicCoverage = coverageMap.get(heuristic); if (heuristicIGD < bestMeanIGD) { bestMeanIGD = heuristicIGD; bestHeuristicIGD = heuristic; } if (heuristicGD < bestMeanGD) { bestMeanGD = heuristicGD; bestHeuristicGD = heuristic; } if (heuristicSpread > bestMeanSpread) { bestMeanSpread = heuristicSpread; bestHeuristicSpread = heuristic; } if (heuristicCoverage > bestMeanCoverage) { bestMeanCoverage = heuristicCoverage; bestHeuristicCoverage = heuristic; } } } StringBuilder igdBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder gdBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder spreadBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder coverageBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String[] newHeuristicFunctions = new String[heuristicFunctions.length * algorithms.length + algorithms.length]; fulfillNewHeuristics: { int i = 0; for (String algorithm : algorithms) { newHeuristicFunctions[i++] = algorithm; for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { newHeuristicFunctions[i++] = algorithm + "-" + heuristicFunction; } } } for (String heuristic : newHeuristicFunctions) { igdBuilder.append(" & "); boolean bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicIGD) || igdMap.get(heuristic).equals(igdMap.get(bestHeuristicIGD)); if (bold) { igdBuilder.append("\\textbf{"); } igdBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(igdMap.get(heuristic))); if (bold) { igdBuilder.append("}"); } gdBuilder.append(" & "); bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicGD) || gdMap.get(heuristic).equals(gdMap.get(bestHeuristicGD)); if (bold) { gdBuilder.append("\\textbf{"); } gdBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(gdMap.get(heuristic))); if (bold) { gdBuilder.append("}"); } spreadBuilder.append(" & "); bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicSpread) || spreadMap.get(heuristic).equals(spreadMap.get(bestHeuristicSpread)); if (bold) { spreadBuilder.append("\\textbf{"); } spreadBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(spreadMap.get(heuristic))); if (bold) { spreadBuilder.append("}"); } coverageBuilder.append(" & "); bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicCoverage) || coverageMap.get(heuristic).equals(coverageMap.get(bestHeuristicCoverage)); if (bold) { coverageBuilder.append("\\textbf{"); } coverageBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(coverageMap.get(heuristic))); if (bold) { coverageBuilder.append("}"); } } IGDWriter.write(igdBuilder + "\\\\\n"); spreadWriter.write(spreadBuilder + "\\\\\n"); GDWriter.write(gdBuilder + "\\\\\n"); coverageWriter.write(coverageBuilder + "\\\\\n"); } latexTableBuilder = new StringBuilder(); latexTableBuilder.append("\t\t\\bottomrule\n").append("\t\\end{tabulary}\n") .append("\\end{table}\n\n"); } averages: { latexTableBuilder.append("\\begin{table}[!htb]\n").append("\t\\centering\n") .append("\t\\def\\arraystretch{1.5}\n") // .append("\t\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{10pt}\n") // .append("\t\\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\\selectfont\n") .append("\t\\caption{INDICATOR averages found for ").append(objectives) .append(" objectives}\n").append("\t\\label{tab:INDICATOR ").append(objectives) .append(" objectives}\n").append("\t\\begin{tabulary}{\\linewidth}{c"); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { latexTableBuilder.append("c"); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { latexTableBuilder.append("c"); } } latexTableBuilder.append("}\n").append("\t\t\\toprule\n").append("\t\t\\textbf{System}"); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { latexTableBuilder.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("}"); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { latexTableBuilder.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("-") .append(heuristicFunction).append("}"); } } latexTableBuilder.append("\\\\\n").append("\t\t\\midrule\n"); for (String problem : problems) { NonDominatedSolutionList trueFront = new NonDominatedSolutionList(); pfTrueComposing: { for (String algorithm : algorithms) { SolutionSet mecbaFront = metricsUtil.readNonDominatedSolutionSet( "resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_" + objectives + "obj/All_FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem); trueFront.addAll(mecbaFront); for (String hyperHeuristic : heuristicFunctions) { SolutionSet front = metricsUtil.readNonDominatedSolutionSet( "experiment/" + algorithm + "/" + objectives + "objectives/" + hyperHeuristic + "/" + problem + "/FUN.txt"); trueFront.addAll(front); } } } double[][] trueFrontMatrix = trueFront.writeObjectivesToMatrix(); HashMap<String, double[]> igdMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, double[]> gdMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, double[]> spreadMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, double[]> coverageMap = new HashMap<>(); mocaito: { for (String algorithm : algorithms) { double[] mecbaIGDs = new double[EXECUTIONS]; double[] mecbaGDs = new double[EXECUTIONS]; double[] mecbaSpreads = new double[EXECUTIONS]; double[] mecbaCoverages = new double[EXECUTIONS]; for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { double[][] mecbaFront = metricsUtil.readFront("resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_" + objectives + "obj/FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem + "-" + i + ".NaoDominadas"); mecbaIGDs[i] = igd.invertedGenerationalDistance(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives); mecbaGDs[i] = gd.generationalDistance(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives); mecbaSpreads[i] = spread.spread(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives); mecbaCoverages[i] = coverage.coverage(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix); } igdMap.put(algorithm, mecbaIGDs); gdMap.put(algorithm, mecbaGDs); spreadMap.put(algorithm, mecbaSpreads); coverageMap.put(algorithm, mecbaCoverages); } } for (String algorithm : algorithms) { for (String heuristic : heuristicFunctions) { double[] hhIGDs = new double[EXECUTIONS]; double[] hhGDs = new double[EXECUTIONS]; double[] hhSpreads = new double[EXECUTIONS]; double[] hhCoverages = new double[EXECUTIONS]; for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { double[][] hhFront = metricsUtil .readFront("experiment/" + algorithm + "/" + objectives + "objectives/" + heuristic + "/" + problem + "/EXECUTION_" + i + "/FUN.txt"); hhIGDs[i] = igd.invertedGenerationalDistance(hhFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives); hhGDs[i] = gd.generationalDistance(hhFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives); hhSpreads[i] = spread.spread(hhFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives); hhCoverages[i] = coverage.coverage(hhFront, trueFrontMatrix); } igdMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, hhIGDs); gdMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, hhGDs); spreadMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, hhSpreads); coverageMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, hhCoverages); } } HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> igdResult = KruskalWallisTest.test(igdMap); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> gdResult = KruskalWallisTest.test(gdMap); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> spreadResult = KruskalWallisTest.test(spreadMap); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> coverageResult = KruskalWallisTest .test(coverageMap); latexTableBuilder.append("\t\t").append(problem); String latexTable = latexTableBuilder.toString(); latexTable = latexTable.replaceAll("O[OA]\\_", "").replaceAll("ChoiceFunction", "CF") .replaceAll("MultiArmedBandit", "MAB"); IGDWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "IGD")); spreadWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "Spread")); GDWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "GD")); coverageWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "Coverage")); latexTableBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String bestHeuristicIGD = "NULL"; String bestHeuristicGD = "NULL"; String bestHeuristicSpread = "NULL"; String bestHeuristicCoverage = "NULL"; getBest: { double bestMeanIGD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double bestMeanGD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double bestMeanSpread = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double bestMeanCoverage = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (String heuristic : igdMap.keySet()) { double heuristicMeanIGD = mean.evaluate(igdMap.get(heuristic)); double heuristicMeanGD = mean.evaluate(gdMap.get(heuristic)); double heuristicMeanSpread = mean.evaluate(spreadMap.get(heuristic)); double heuristicMeanCoverage = mean.evaluate(coverageMap.get(heuristic)); if (heuristicMeanIGD < bestMeanIGD) { bestMeanIGD = heuristicMeanIGD; bestHeuristicIGD = heuristic; } if (heuristicMeanGD < bestMeanGD) { bestMeanGD = heuristicMeanGD; bestHeuristicGD = heuristic; } if (heuristicMeanSpread > bestMeanSpread) { bestMeanSpread = heuristicMeanSpread; bestHeuristicSpread = heuristic; } if (heuristicMeanCoverage > bestMeanCoverage) { bestMeanCoverage = heuristicMeanCoverage; bestHeuristicCoverage = heuristic; } } } StringBuilder igdBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder gdBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder spreadBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder coverageBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String[] newHeuristicFunctions = new String[heuristicFunctions.length * algorithms.length + algorithms.length]; fulfillNewHeuristics: { int i = 0; for (String algorithm : algorithms) { newHeuristicFunctions[i++] = algorithm; for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { newHeuristicFunctions[i++] = algorithm + "-" + heuristicFunction; } } } for (String heuristic : newHeuristicFunctions) { igdBuilder.append(" & "); boolean bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicIGD) || !igdResult.get(heuristic).get(bestHeuristicIGD); if (bold) { igdBuilder.append("\\textbf{"); } igdBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(mean.evaluate(igdMap.get(heuristic))) + " (" + decimalFormatter.format(standardDeviation.evaluate(igdMap.get(heuristic))) + ")"); if (bold) { igdBuilder.append("}"); } gdBuilder.append(" & "); bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicGD) || !gdResult.get(heuristic).get(bestHeuristicGD); if (bold) { gdBuilder.append("\\textbf{"); } gdBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(mean.evaluate(gdMap.get(heuristic))) + " (" + decimalFormatter.format(standardDeviation.evaluate(gdMap.get(heuristic))) + ")"); if (bold) { gdBuilder.append("}"); } spreadBuilder.append(" & "); bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicSpread) || !spreadResult.get(heuristic).get(bestHeuristicSpread); if (bold) { spreadBuilder.append("\\textbf{"); } spreadBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(mean.evaluate(spreadMap.get(heuristic))) + " (" + decimalFormatter.format(standardDeviation.evaluate(spreadMap.get(heuristic))) + ")"); if (bold) { spreadBuilder.append("}"); } coverageBuilder.append(" & "); bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicCoverage) || !coverageResult.get(heuristic).get(bestHeuristicCoverage); if (bold) { coverageBuilder.append("\\textbf{"); } coverageBuilder .append(decimalFormatter.format(mean.evaluate(coverageMap.get(heuristic)))) .append(" (") .append(decimalFormatter .format(standardDeviation.evaluate(coverageMap.get(heuristic)))) .append(")"); if (bold) { coverageBuilder.append("}"); } } IGDWriter.write(igdBuilder + "\\\\\n"); spreadWriter.write(spreadBuilder + "\\\\\n"); GDWriter.write(gdBuilder + "\\\\\n"); coverageWriter.write(coverageBuilder + "\\\\\n"); } latexTableBuilder.append("\t\t\\bottomrule\n").append("\t\\end{tabulary}\n") .append("\\end{table}\n\n"); } latexTableBuilder.append("\\end{landscape}\n\n").append("\\end{document}"); String latexTable = latexTableBuilder.toString(); IGDWriter.write(latexTable); spreadWriter.write(latexTable); GDWriter.write(latexTable); coverageWriter.write(latexTable); } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException { boolean storeFile = false, binaryTransfer = false, error = false, listFiles = false, listNames = false, hidden = false;/*w ww . j a va 2 s .com*/ boolean localActive = false, useEpsvWithIPv4 = false, feat = false, printHash = false; boolean mlst = false, mlsd = false, mdtm = false, saveUnparseable = false; boolean lenient = false; long keepAliveTimeout = -1; int controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout = -1; int minParams = 5; // listings require 3 params String protocol = null; // SSL protocol String doCommand = null; String trustmgr = null; String proxyHost = null; int proxyPort = 80; String proxyUser = null; String proxyPassword = null; String username = null; String password = null; String encoding = null; String serverTimeZoneId = null; String displayTimeZoneId = null; String serverType = null; String defaultDateFormat = null; String recentDateFormat = null; int base = 0; for (base = 0; base < args.length; base++) { if (args[base].equals("-s")) { storeFile = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-a")) { localActive = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-A")) { username = "anonymous"; password = System.getProperty("") + "@" + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } else if (args[base].equals("-b")) { binaryTransfer = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-c")) { doCommand = args[++base]; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-d")) { mlsd = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-e")) { useEpsvWithIPv4 = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-E")) { encoding = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-f")) { feat = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-h")) { hidden = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-k")) { keepAliveTimeout = Long.parseLong(args[++base]); } else if (args[base].equals("-l")) { listFiles = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-m")) { mdtm = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-L")) { lenient = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-n")) { listNames = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-p")) { protocol = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-S")) { serverType = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-t")) { mlst = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-U")) { saveUnparseable = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-w")) { controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout = Integer.parseInt(args[++base]); } else if (args[base].equals("-T")) { trustmgr = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-y")) { defaultDateFormat = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-Y")) { recentDateFormat = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-Z")) { serverTimeZoneId = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-z")) { displayTimeZoneId = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-PrH")) { proxyHost = args[++base]; String[] parts = proxyHost.split(":"); if (parts.length == 2) { proxyHost = parts[0]; proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); } } else if (args[base].equals("-PrU")) { proxyUser = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-PrP")) { proxyPassword = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-#")) { printHash = true; } else { break; } } int remain = args.length - base; if (username != null) { minParams -= 2; } if (remain < minParams) // server, user, pass, remote, local [protocol] { if (args.length > 0) { System.err.println("Actual Parameters: " + Arrays.toString(args)); } System.err.println(USAGE); System.exit(1); } String server = args[base++]; int port = 0; String[] parts = server.split(":"); if (parts.length == 2) { server = parts[0]; port = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); } if (username == null) { username = args[base++]; password = args[base++]; } String remote = null; if (args.length - base > 0) { remote = args[base++]; } String local = null; if (args.length - base > 0) { local = args[base++]; } final FTPClient ftp; if (protocol == null) { if (proxyHost != null) { System.out.println("Using HTTP proxy server: " + proxyHost); ftp = new FTPHTTPClient(proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUser, proxyPassword); } else { ftp = new FTPClient(); } } else { FTPSClient ftps; if (protocol.equals("true")) { ftps = new FTPSClient(true); } else if (protocol.equals("false")) { ftps = new FTPSClient(false); } else { String[] prot = protocol.split(","); if (prot.length == 1) { // Just protocol ftps = new FTPSClient(protocol); } else { // protocol,true|false ftps = new FTPSClient(prot[0], Boolean.parseBoolean(prot[1])); } } ftp = ftps; if ("all".equals(trustmgr)) { ftps.setTrustManager(TrustManagerUtils.getAcceptAllTrustManager()); } else if ("valid".equals(trustmgr)) { ftps.setTrustManager(TrustManagerUtils.getValidateServerCertificateTrustManager()); } else if ("none".equals(trustmgr)) { ftps.setTrustManager(null); } } if (printHash) { ftp.setCopyStreamListener(createListener()); } if (keepAliveTimeout >= 0) { ftp.setControlKeepAliveTimeout(keepAliveTimeout); } if (controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout >= 0) { ftp.setControlKeepAliveReplyTimeout(controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout); } if (encoding != null) { ftp.setControlEncoding(encoding); } ftp.setListHiddenFiles(hidden); // suppress login details ftp.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(new PrintWriter(System.out), true)); final FTPClientConfig config; if (serverType != null) { config = new FTPClientConfig(serverType); } else { config = new FTPClientConfig(); } config.setUnparseableEntries(saveUnparseable); if (defaultDateFormat != null) { config.setDefaultDateFormatStr(defaultDateFormat); } if (recentDateFormat != null) { config.setRecentDateFormatStr(recentDateFormat); } ftp.configure(config); try { int reply; if (port > 0) { ftp.connect(server, port); } else { ftp.connect(server); } System.out.println("Connected to " + server + " on " + (port > 0 ? port : ftp.getDefaultPort())); // After connection attempt, you should check the reply code to // verify // success. reply = ftp.getReplyCode(); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) { ftp.disconnect(); System.err.println("FTP server refused connection."); System.exit(1); } } catch (IOException e) { if (ftp.isConnected()) { try { ftp.disconnect(); } catch (IOException f) { // do nothing } } System.err.println("Could not connect to server."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } __main: try { if (!ftp.login(username, password)) { ftp.logout(); error = true; break __main; } System.out.println("Remote system is " + ftp.getSystemType()); if (binaryTransfer) { ftp.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); } else { // in theory this should not be necessary as servers should // default to ASCII // but they don't all do so - see NET-500 ftp.setFileType(FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE); } // Use passive mode as default because most of us are // behind firewalls these days. if (localActive) { ftp.enterLocalActiveMode(); } else { ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); } ftp.setUseEPSVwithIPv4(useEpsvWithIPv4); if (storeFile) { InputStream input; input = new FileInputStream(local); ftp.storeFile(remote, input); input.close(); } // Allow multiple list types for single invocation else if (listFiles || mlsd || mdtm || mlst || listNames) { if (mlsd) { for (FTPFile f : ftp.mlistDir(remote)) { System.out.println(f.getRawListing()); System.out.println(f.toFormattedString(displayTimeZoneId)); } } if (mdtm) { FTPFile f = ftp.mdtmFile(remote); System.out.println(f.getRawListing()); System.out.println(f.toFormattedString(displayTimeZoneId)); } if (mlst) { FTPFile f = ftp.mlistFile(remote); if (f != null) { System.out.println(f.toFormattedString(displayTimeZoneId)); } } if (listNames) { for (String s : ftp.listNames(remote)) { System.out.println(s); } } // Do this last because it changes the client if (listFiles) { if (lenient || serverTimeZoneId != null) { config.setLenientFutureDates(lenient); if (serverTimeZoneId != null) { config.setServerTimeZoneId(serverTimeZoneId); } ftp.configure(config); } for (FTPFile f : ftp.listFiles(remote)) { System.out.println(f.getRawListing()); System.out.println(f.toFormattedString(displayTimeZoneId)); } } } else if (feat) { // boolean feature check if (remote != null) { // See if the command is present if (ftp.hasFeature(remote)) { System.out.println("Has feature: " + remote); } else { if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.getReplyCode())) { System.out.println("FEAT " + remote + " was not detected"); } else { System.out.println("Command failed: " + ftp.getReplyString()); } } // Strings feature check String[] features = ftp.featureValues(remote); if (features != null) { for (String f : features) { System.out.println("FEAT " + remote + "=" + f + "."); } } else { if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.getReplyCode())) { System.out.println("FEAT " + remote + " is not present"); } else { System.out.println("Command failed: " + ftp.getReplyString()); } } } else { if (ftp.features()) { // Command listener has already printed the output } else { System.out.println("Failed: " + ftp.getReplyString()); } } } else if (doCommand != null) { if (ftp.doCommand(doCommand, remote)) { // Command listener has already printed the output // for(String s : com.xzr.practice.util.ftp.getReplyStrings()) { // System.out.println(s); // } } else { System.out.println("Failed: " + ftp.getReplyString()); } } else { OutputStream output; output = new FileOutputStream(local); ftp.retrieveFile(remote, output); output.close(); } ftp.noop(); // check that control connection is working OK ftp.logout(); } catch (FTPConnectionClosedException e) { error = true; System.err.println("Server closed connection."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ftp.isConnected()) { try { ftp.disconnect(); } catch (IOException f) { // do nothing } } } System.exit(error ? 1 : 0); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException { boolean storeFile = false, binaryTransfer = false, error = false, listFiles = false, listNames = false, hidden = false;//from w w w . j ava 2s .c o m boolean localActive = false, useEpsvWithIPv4 = false, feat = false, printHash = false; boolean mlst = false, mlsd = false, mdtm = false, saveUnparseable = false; boolean lenient = false; long keepAliveTimeout = -1; int controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout = -1; int minParams = 5; // listings require 3 params String protocol = null; // SSL protocol String doCommand = null; String trustmgr = null; String proxyHost = null; int proxyPort = 80; String proxyUser = null; String proxyPassword = null; String username = null; String password = null; String encoding = null; String serverTimeZoneId = null; String displayTimeZoneId = null; String serverType = null; String defaultDateFormat = null; String recentDateFormat = null; int base = 0; for (base = 0; base < args.length; base++) { if (args[base].equals("-s")) { storeFile = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-a")) { localActive = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-A")) { username = "anonymous"; password = System.getProperty("") + "@" + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } else if (args[base].equals("-b")) { binaryTransfer = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-c")) { doCommand = args[++base]; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-d")) { mlsd = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-e")) { useEpsvWithIPv4 = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-E")) { encoding = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-f")) { feat = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-h")) { hidden = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-k")) { keepAliveTimeout = Long.parseLong(args[++base]); } else if (args[base].equals("-l")) { listFiles = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-m")) { mdtm = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-L")) { lenient = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-n")) { listNames = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-p")) { protocol = args[++base]; System.out.println("protocal:" + protocol); } else if (args[base].equals("-S")) { serverType = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-t")) { mlst = true; minParams = 3; } else if (args[base].equals("-U")) { saveUnparseable = true; } else if (args[base].equals("-w")) { controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout = Integer.parseInt(args[++base]); } else if (args[base].equals("-T")) { trustmgr = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-y")) { defaultDateFormat = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-Y")) { recentDateFormat = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-Z")) { serverTimeZoneId = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-z")) { displayTimeZoneId = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-PrH")) { proxyHost = args[++base]; String parts[] = proxyHost.split(":"); if (parts.length == 2) { proxyHost = parts[0]; proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); } } else if (args[base].equals("-PrU")) { proxyUser = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-PrP")) { proxyPassword = args[++base]; } else if (args[base].equals("-#")) { printHash = true; } else { break; } } int remain = args.length - base; if (username != null) { minParams -= 2; } if (remain < minParams) // server, user, pass, remote, local [protocol] { if (args.length > 0) { System.err.println("Actual Parameters: " + Arrays.toString(args)); } System.err.println(USAGE); System.exit(1); } String server = args[base++]; int port = 0; String parts[] = server.split(":"); if (parts.length == 2) { server = parts[0]; port = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); System.out.println("server:" + server); System.out.println("port:" + port); } if (username == null) { username = args[base++]; password = args[base++]; System.out.println("username:" + username); System.out.println("password:" + password); } String remote = null; if (args.length - base > 0) { remote = args[base++]; } String local = null; if (args.length - base > 0) { local = args[base++]; } final FTPClient ftp; if (protocol == null) { if (proxyHost != null) { System.out.println("Using HTTP proxy server: " + proxyHost); ftp = new FTPHTTPClient(proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUser, proxyPassword); } else { ftp = new FTPClient(); } } else { FTPSClient ftps; if (protocol.equals("true")) { ftps = new FTPSClient(true); } else if (protocol.equals("false")) { ftps = new FTPSClient(false); } else { String prot[] = protocol.split(","); if (prot.length == 1) { // Just protocol ftps = new FTPSClient(protocol); } else { // protocol,true|false ftps = new FTPSClient(prot[0], Boolean.parseBoolean(prot[1])); } } ftp = ftps; if ("all".equals(trustmgr)) { ftps.setTrustManager(TrustManagerUtils.getAcceptAllTrustManager()); } else if ("valid".equals(trustmgr)) { ftps.setTrustManager(TrustManagerUtils.getValidateServerCertificateTrustManager()); } else if ("none".equals(trustmgr)) { ftps.setTrustManager(null); } } if (printHash) { ftp.setCopyStreamListener(createListener()); } if (keepAliveTimeout >= 0) { ftp.setControlKeepAliveTimeout(keepAliveTimeout); } if (controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout >= 0) { ftp.setControlKeepAliveReplyTimeout(controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout); } if (encoding != null) { ftp.setControlEncoding(encoding); } ftp.setListHiddenFiles(hidden); // suppress login details ftp.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(new PrintWriter(System.out), true)); final FTPClientConfig config; if (serverType != null) { config = new FTPClientConfig(serverType); } else { config = new FTPClientConfig(); } config.setUnparseableEntries(saveUnparseable); if (defaultDateFormat != null) { config.setDefaultDateFormatStr(defaultDateFormat); } if (recentDateFormat != null) { config.setRecentDateFormatStr(recentDateFormat); } ftp.configure(config); try { int reply; if (port > 0) { ftp.connect(server, port); } else { ftp.connect(server); } System.out.println("Connected to " + server + " on " + (port > 0 ? port : ftp.getDefaultPort())); // After connection attempt, you should check the reply code to verify // success. reply = ftp.getReplyCode(); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) { ftp.disconnect(); System.err.println("FTP server refused connection."); System.exit(1); } } catch (IOException e) { if (ftp.isConnected()) { try { ftp.disconnect(); } catch (IOException f) { // do nothing } } System.err.println("Could not connect to server."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } __main: try { if (!ftp.login(username, password)) { ftp.logout(); error = true; break __main; } System.out.println("Remote system is " + ftp.getSystemType()); if (binaryTransfer) { ftp.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); } else { // in theory this should not be necessary as servers should default to ASCII // but they don't all do so - see NET-500 ftp.setFileType(FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE); } // Use passive mode as default because most of us are // behind firewalls these days. if (localActive) { ftp.enterLocalActiveMode(); } else { ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); } ftp.setUseEPSVwithIPv4(useEpsvWithIPv4); if (storeFile) { InputStream input; input = new FileInputStream(local); ftp.storeFile(remote, input); input.close(); } // Allow multiple list types for single invocation else if (listFiles || mlsd || mdtm || mlst || listNames) { if (mlsd) { for (FTPFile f : ftp.mlistDir(remote)) { System.out.println(f.getRawListing()); System.out.println(f.toFormattedString(displayTimeZoneId)); } } if (mdtm) { FTPFile f = ftp.mdtmFile(remote); System.out.println(f.getRawListing()); System.out.println(f.toFormattedString(displayTimeZoneId)); } if (mlst) { FTPFile f = ftp.mlistFile(remote); if (f != null) { System.out.println(f.toFormattedString(displayTimeZoneId)); } } if (listNames) { for (String s : ftp.listNames(remote)) { System.out.println(s); } } // Do this last because it changes the client if (listFiles) { if (lenient || serverTimeZoneId != null) { config.setLenientFutureDates(lenient); if (serverTimeZoneId != null) { config.setServerTimeZoneId(serverTimeZoneId); } ftp.configure(config); } for (FTPFile f : ftp.listFiles(remote)) { System.out.println(f.getRawListing()); System.out.println(f.toFormattedString(displayTimeZoneId)); } } } else if (feat) { // boolean feature check if (remote != null) { // See if the command is present if (ftp.hasFeature(remote)) { System.out.println("Has feature: " + remote); } else { if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.getReplyCode())) { System.out.println("FEAT " + remote + " was not detected"); } else { System.out.println("Command failed: " + ftp.getReplyString()); } } // Strings feature check String[] features = ftp.featureValues(remote); if (features != null) { for (String f : features) { System.out.println("FEAT " + remote + "=" + f + "."); } } else { if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.getReplyCode())) { System.out.println("FEAT " + remote + " is not present"); } else { System.out.println("Command failed: " + ftp.getReplyString()); } } } else { if (ftp.features()) { // Command listener has already printed the output } else { System.out.println("Failed: " + ftp.getReplyString()); } } } else if (doCommand != null) { if (ftp.doCommand(doCommand, remote)) { // Command listener has already printed the output // for(String s : ftp.getReplyStrings()) { // System.out.println(s); // } } else { System.out.println("Failed: " + ftp.getReplyString()); } } else { OutputStream output; output = new FileOutputStream(local); ftp.retrieveFile(remote, output); output.close(); } ftp.noop(); // check that control connection is working OK ftp.logout(); } catch (FTPConnectionClosedException e) { error = true; System.err.println("Server closed connection."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ftp.isConnected()) { try { ftp.disconnect(); } catch (IOException f) { // do nothing } } } System.exit(error ? 1 : 0); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String command = null;/*from ww w . j av a 2s. c o m*/ String hisacct = null; String hisacctName = null; String hisacctAsset = null; String asset = null; String assetName = null; List<String> argList = null; boolean newAccount = false; File dir = null; ConnectionInfo connection = null; List<ScriptFilter> filters = null; CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Command-line parsing error: " + e.getMessage()); help(); System.exit(-1); } if (cmd.hasOption('h')) { help(); System.exit(0); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> list = cmd.getArgList(); if (list.size() > 1) { System.err.println("only one command is supported, you've typed " + list); help(); System.exit(-1); } if (list.size() > 0) command = list.get(0).trim(); List<SampleAccount> accounts = ExamplesUtils.getSampleAccounts(); if (cmd.hasOption('s')) { String v = cmd.getOptionValue('s').trim(); connection = ExamplesUtils.findServer(v); if (connection == null) { System.err.println("unknown server: " + v); System.exit(-1); } } else { connection = ExamplesUtils.findServer(DEF_SERVER_NAME); if (connection == null) { System.err.println("default server not found server: " + DEF_SERVER_NAME); System.exit(-1); } } if (cmd.hasOption('t')) { String v = cmd.getOptionValue('t'); for (SampleAccount ac : accounts) if (ac.accountName.startsWith(v)) { hisacct = ac.accountID; hisacctName = ac.accountName; hisacctAsset = ac.assetID; break; } if (hisacct == null) if (mayBeValid(v)) hisacct = v; else { System.err.println("invalid hisacct: " + v); System.exit(-1); } } if (cmd.hasOption('p')) { String v = cmd.getOptionValue('p'); for (SampleAccount ac : accounts) if (ac.assetName.startsWith(v)) { asset = ac.assetID; assetName = ac.assetName; break; } if (asset == null) if (mayBeValid(v)) asset = v; else { System.err.println("invalid asset: " + v); System.exit(-1); } } if (cmd.hasOption('a')) { String v = cmd.getOptionValue('a'); argList = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean q = false; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < v.length(); i++) { char c = v.charAt(i); if (c == '"') { if (q) { argList.add(b.toString()); b = null; q = false; continue; } if (b != null) argList.add(b.toString()); b = new StringBuilder(); q = true; continue; } if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { if (q) { b.append(c); continue; } if (b != null) argList.add(b.toString()); b = null; continue; } if (b == null) b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(c); } if (b != null) argList.add(b.toString()); if (q) { System.err.println("unclosed quote in args: " + v); System.exit(-1); } } dir = new File(cmd.hasOption('d') ? cmd.getOptionValue('d') : DEF_CLIENT_DIR); if (cmd.hasOption('x')) del(dir); newAccount = cmd.hasOption('n'); if (cmd.hasOption('f')) { filters = new ArrayList<ScriptFilter>(); ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("JavaScript"); Compilable compilingEngine = (Compilable) engine; for (String fn : cmd.getOptionValue('f').split(",")) { fn = fn.trim(); if (fn.isEmpty()) continue; fn += ".js"; Reader r = null; try { r = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File("filters", fn)), Utils.UTF8); } catch (Exception e) { try { r = new InputStreamReader( App_otj.class.getResourceAsStream("/com/kactech/otj/examples/filters/" + fn)); } catch (Exception e2) { } } if (r == null) { System.err.println("filter not found: " + fn); System.exit(-1); } else try { CompiledScript compiled = compilingEngine.compile(r); ScriptFilter sf = new ScriptFilter(compiled); filters.add(sf); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("error while loading " + fn + ": " + ex); System.exit(-1); } } } System.out.println("server: " + connection.getEndpoint() + " " + connection.getID()); System.out.println("command: '" + command + "'"); System.out.println("args: " + argList); System.out.println("hisacct: " + hisacct); System.out.println("hisacctName: " + hisacctName); System.out.println("hisacctAsset: " + hisacctAsset); System.out.println("asset: " + asset); System.out.println("assetName: " + assetName); if (asset != null && hisacctAsset != null && !asset.equals(hisacctAsset)) { System.err.println("asset differs from hisacctAsset"); System.exit(-1); } EClient client = new EClient(dir, connection); client.setAssetType(asset != null ? asset : hisacctAsset); client.setCreateNewAccount(newAccount); if (filters != null) client.setFilters(filters); try { Utils.init(); Client.DEBUG_JSON = true; client.init(); if ("balance".equals(command)) System.out.println("Balance: " + client.getAccount().getBalance().getAmount()); else if ("acceptall".equals(command)) client.processInbox(); else if ("transfer".equals(command)) { if (hisacct == null) System.err.println("please specify --hisacct"); else { int idx = argList != null ? argList.indexOf("amount") : -1; if (idx < 0) System.err.println("please specify amount"); else if (idx == argList.size()) System.err.println("amount argument needs value"); else { Long amount = -1l; try { amount = new Long(argList.get(idx + 1)); } catch (Exception e) { } if (amount <= 0) System.err.println("invalid amount"); else { client.notarizeTransaction(hisacct, amount); } } } } else if ("reload".equals(command)) client.reloadState(); else if ("procnym".equals(command)) client.processNymbox(); } finally { client.saveState(); client.close(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int exitCode = 0; CommandContext cmdCtx = null;/* w w w . jav a2s .co m*/ boolean gui = false; String appName = ""; try { String argError = null; List<String> commands = null; File file = null; boolean connect = false; String defaultControllerProtocol = "http-remoting"; String defaultControllerHost = null; int defaultControllerPort = -1; boolean version = false; String username = null; char[] password = null; int connectionTimeout = -1; //App deployment boolean isAppDeployment = false; final Properties props = new Properties(); for (String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith("--controller=") || arg.startsWith("controller=")) { final String fullValue; final String value; if (arg.startsWith("--")) { fullValue = arg.substring(13); } else { fullValue = arg.substring(11); } final int protocolEnd = fullValue.lastIndexOf("://"); if (protocolEnd == -1) { value = fullValue; } else { value = fullValue.substring(protocolEnd + 3); defaultControllerProtocol = fullValue.substring(0, protocolEnd); } String portStr = null; int colonIndex = value.lastIndexOf(':'); if (colonIndex < 0) { // default port defaultControllerHost = value; } else if (colonIndex == 0) { // default host portStr = value.substring(1); } else { final boolean hasPort; int closeBracket = value.lastIndexOf(']'); if (closeBracket != -1) { //possible ip v6 if (closeBracket > colonIndex) { hasPort = false; } else { hasPort = true; } } else { //probably ip v4 hasPort = true; } if (hasPort) { defaultControllerHost = value.substring(0, colonIndex).trim(); portStr = value.substring(colonIndex + 1).trim(); } else { defaultControllerHost = value; } } if (portStr != null) { int port = -1; try { port = Integer.parseInt(portStr); if (port < 0) { argError = "The port must be a valid non-negative integer: '" + args + "'"; } else { defaultControllerPort = port; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { argError = "The port must be a valid non-negative integer: '" + arg + "'"; } } } else if ("--connect".equals(arg) || "-c".equals(arg)) { connect = true; } else if ("--version".equals(arg)) { version = true; } else if ("--gui".equals(arg)) { gui = true; } else if (arg.startsWith("--appDeployment=") || arg.startsWith("appDeployment=")) { isAppDeployment = true; appName = arg.startsWith("--") ? arg.substring(16) : arg.substring(14); } else if (arg.startsWith("--file=") || arg.startsWith("file=")) { if (file != null) { argError = "Duplicate argument '--file'."; break; } if (commands != null) { argError = "Only one of '--file', '--commands' or '--command' can appear as the argument at a time."; break; } final String fileName = arg.startsWith("--") ? arg.substring(7) : arg.substring(5); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { file = new File(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { argError = "File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist."; break; } } else { argError = "Argument '--file' is missing value."; break; } } else if (arg.startsWith("--commands=") || arg.startsWith("commands=")) { if (file != null) { argError = "Only one of '--file', '--commands' or '--command' can appear as the argument at a time."; break; } if (commands != null) { argError = "Duplicate argument '--command'/'--commands'."; break; } final String value = arg.startsWith("--") ? arg.substring(11) : arg.substring(9); commands = Util.splitCommands(value); } else if (arg.startsWith("--command=") || arg.startsWith("command=")) { if (file != null) { argError = "Only one of '--file', '--commands' or '--command' can appear as the argument at a time."; break; } if (commands != null) { argError = "Duplicate argument '--command'/'--commands'."; break; } final String value = arg.startsWith("--") ? arg.substring(10) : arg.substring(8); commands = Collections.singletonList(value); } else if (arg.startsWith("--user=")) { username = arg.startsWith("--") ? arg.substring(7) : arg.substring(5); } else if (arg.startsWith("--password=")) { password = (arg.startsWith("--") ? arg.substring(11) : arg.substring(9)).toCharArray(); } else if (arg.startsWith("--timeout=")) { if (connectionTimeout > 0) { argError = "Duplicate argument '--timeout'"; break; } final String value = arg.substring(10); try { connectionTimeout = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { // } if (connectionTimeout <= 0) { argError = "The timeout must be a valid positive integer: '" + value + "'"; } } else if (arg.equals("--help") || arg.equals("-h")) { commands = Collections.singletonList("help"); } else if (arg.startsWith("--properties=")) { final String value = arg.substring(13); final File propertiesFile = new File(value); if (!propertiesFile.exists()) { argError = "File doesn't exist: " + propertiesFile.getAbsolutePath(); break; } FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(propertiesFile); props.load(fis); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { argError = e.getLocalizedMessage(); break; } catch ( e) { argError = "Failed to load properties from " + propertiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); break; } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch ( e) { } } } for (final Object prop : props.keySet()) { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() { public Object run() { System.setProperty((String) prop, (String) props.get(prop)); return null; } }); } } else if (!(arg.startsWith("-D") || arg.equals("-XX:"))) {// skip system properties and jvm options // assume it's commands if (file != null) { argError = "Only one of '--file', '--commands' or '--command' can appear as the argument at a time: " + arg; break; } if (commands != null) { argError = "Duplicate argument '--command'/'--commands'."; break; } commands = Util.splitCommands(arg); } } if (argError != null) { System.err.println(argError); exitCode = 1; return; } if (version) { cmdCtx = initCommandContext(defaultControllerProtocol, defaultControllerHost, defaultControllerPort, username, password, false, connect, connectionTimeout); VersionHandler.INSTANCE.handle(cmdCtx); return; } if (file != null) { cmdCtx = initCommandContext(defaultControllerProtocol, defaultControllerHost, defaultControllerPort, username, password, false, connect, connectionTimeout); processFile(file, cmdCtx, isAppDeployment, appName, props); return; } if (commands != null) { cmdCtx = initCommandContext(defaultControllerProtocol, defaultControllerHost, defaultControllerPort, username, password, false, connect, connectionTimeout); processCommands(commands, cmdCtx); return; } // Interactive mode cmdCtx = initCommandContext(defaultControllerProtocol, defaultControllerHost, defaultControllerPort, username, password, true, connect, connectionTimeout); cmdCtx.interact(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); exitCode = 1; } finally { if (cmdCtx != null && cmdCtx.getExitCode() != 0) { exitCode = cmdCtx.getExitCode(); } if (!gui) { System.exit(exitCode); } } System.exit(exitCode); }
From source
/** * Launches the interactive game server registration. * /*from w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param args ignored */ public static void main(String[] args) { // LOW rework this crap Util.printSection("Game Server Registration");"Please choose:");"list - list registered game servers");"reg - register a game server");"rem - remove a registered game server");"hexid - generate a legacy hexid file");"quit - exit this application"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; L2GameServerRegistrar reg = new L2GameServerRegistrar(); String line; try { RegistrationState next = RegistrationState.INITIAL_CHOICE; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim().toLowerCase(); switch (reg.getState()) { case GAMESERVER_ID: try { int id = Integer.parseInt(line); if (id < 1 || id > 127) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ID must be in [1;127]."); reg.setId(id); reg.setState(next); } catch (RuntimeException e) {"You must input a number between 1 and 127"); } if (reg.getState() == RegistrationState.ALLOW_BANS) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con .prepareStatement("SELECT allowBans FROM gameserver WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, reg.getId()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( {"A game server is already registered on ID " + reg.getId()); reg.setState(RegistrationState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } else"Allow account bans from this game server? [y/n]:"); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not remove a game server!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } } else if (reg.getState() == RegistrationState.REMOVE) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM gameserver WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, reg.getId()); int cnt = ps.executeUpdate(); if (cnt == 0)"No game server registered on ID " + reg.getId()); else"Game server removed."); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not remove a game server!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } reg.setState(RegistrationState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } else if (reg.getState() == RegistrationState.GENERATE) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con .prepareStatement("SELECT authData FROM gameserver WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, reg.getId()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { reg.setAuth(rs.getString("authData")); byte[] b = HexUtil.hexStringToBytes(reg.getAuth()); Properties pro = new Properties(); pro.setProperty("ServerID", String.valueOf(reg.getId())); pro.setProperty("HexID", HexUtil.hexToString(b)); BufferedOutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("hexid.txt"));, "the hexID to auth into login"); IOUtils.closeQuietly(os);"hexid.txt has been generated."); } else"No game server registered on ID " + reg.getId()); rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not generate hexid.txt!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } reg.setState(RegistrationState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } break; case ALLOW_BANS: try { if (line.length() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("One char required."); else if (line.charAt(0) == 'y') reg.setTrusted(true); else if (line.charAt(0) == 'n') reg.setTrusted(false); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid choice."); byte[] auth = Rnd.nextBytes(new byte[BYTES]); reg.setAuth(HexUtil.bytesToHexString(auth)); Connection con = null; try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO gameserver (id, authData, allowBans) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1, reg.getId()); ps.setString(2, reg.getAuth()); ps.setBoolean(3, reg.isTrusted()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close();"Registered game server on ID " + reg.getId());"The authorization string is:");;"Use it when registering this login server.");"If you need a legacy hexid file, use the 'hexid' command."); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not register gameserver!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } reg.setState(RegistrationState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"[y/n]?"); } break; default: if (line.equals("list")) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id, allowBans FROM gameserver"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ("ID: " + rs.getInt("id") + ", trusted: " + rs.getBoolean("allowBans")); rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not register gameserver!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } reg.setState(RegistrationState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } else if (line.equals("reg")) {"Enter the desired ID:"); reg.setState(RegistrationState.GAMESERVER_ID); next = RegistrationState.ALLOW_BANS; } else if (line.equals("rem")) {"Enter game server ID:"); reg.setState(RegistrationState.GAMESERVER_ID); next = RegistrationState.REMOVE; } else if (line.equals("hexid")) {"Enter game server ID:"); reg.setState(RegistrationState.GAMESERVER_ID); next = RegistrationState.GENERATE; } else if (line.equals("quit")) Shutdown.exit(TerminationStatus.MANUAL_SHUTDOWN); else"Incorrect command."); break; } } } catch (IOException e) { _log.fatal("Could not process input!", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(br); } }
From source
/** * @param args the command line arguments MS1Quant parameterfile *//*from www . j av a 2 s . c om*/ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = null; try { System.out.println( "================================================================================================="); System.out.println("Umpire MS1 quantification and feature detection analysis (version: " + UmpireInfo.GetInstance().Version + ")"); if (args.length < 3 || !args[1].startsWith("-mode")) { System.out .println("command : java -jar -Xmx10G MS1Quant.jar ms1quant.params -mode[1 or 2] [Option]"); System.out.println("\n-mode"); System.out.println("\t1:Single file mode--> mzXML_file PepXML_file"); System.out.println("\t\tEx: -mode1 file1.mzXML file1.pep.xml"); System.out.println( "\t2:Folder mode--> mzXML_Folder PepXML_Folder, all generated csv tables will be merged into a single csv file"); System.out.println("\t\tEx: -mode2 /data/mzxml/ /data/pepxml/"); System.out.println("\nOptions"); System.out.println( "\t-C\tNo of concurrent files to be processed (only for folder mode), Ex. -C5, default:1"); System.out.println("\t-p\tMinimum probability, Ex. -p0.9, default:0.9"); System.out.println("\t-ID\tDetect identified feature only"); System.out.println("\t-O\toutput folder, Ex. -O/data/"); return; } ConsoleLogger consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger(); consoleLogger.SetConsoleLogger(Level.DEBUG); consoleLogger.SetFileLogger(Level.DEBUG, FilenameUtils.getFullPath(args[0]) + "ms1quant_debug.log"); Logger logger = Logger.getRootLogger(); logger.debug("Command: " + Arrays.toString(args));"MS1Quant version: " + UmpireInfo.GetInstance().Version); String parameterfile = args[0];"Parameter file: " + parameterfile); File paramfile = new File(parameterfile); if (!paramfile.exists()) { logger.error("Parameter file " + paramfile.getAbsolutePath() + " cannot be found. The program will exit."); } reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(paramfile.getAbsolutePath())); String line = ""; InstrumentParameter param = new InstrumentParameter(InstrumentParameter.InstrumentType.TOF5600); int NoCPUs = 2; int NoFile = 1; param.DetermineBGByID = false; param.EstimateBG = true; //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Read parameter file"> while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!"".equals(line) && !line.startsWith("#")) {; //System.out.println(line); if (line.split("=").length < 2) { continue; } if (line.split("=").length < 2) { continue; } String type = line.split("=")[0].trim(); if (type.startsWith("para.")) { type = type.replace("para.", "SE."); } String value = line.split("=")[1].trim(); switch (type) { case "Thread": { NoCPUs = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="instrument parameters"> case "SE.MS1PPM": { param.MS1PPM = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.MS2PPM": { param.MS2PPM = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.SN": { param.SNThreshold = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.MS2SN": { param.MS2SNThreshold = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.MinMSIntensity": { param.MinMSIntensity = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.MinMSMSIntensity": { param.MinMSMSIntensity = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.MinRTRange": { param.MinRTRange = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.MaxNoPeakCluster": { param.MaxNoPeakCluster = Integer.parseInt(value); param.MaxMS2NoPeakCluster = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.MinNoPeakCluster": { param.MinNoPeakCluster = Integer.parseInt(value); param.MinMS2NoPeakCluster = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.MinMS2NoPeakCluster": { param.MinMS2NoPeakCluster = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.MaxCurveRTRange": { param.MaxCurveRTRange = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.Resolution": { param.Resolution = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.RTtol": { param.RTtol = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "SE.NoPeakPerMin": { param.NoPeakPerMin = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.StartCharge": { param.StartCharge = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.EndCharge": { param.EndCharge = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.MS2StartCharge": { param.MS2StartCharge = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.MS2EndCharge": { param.MS2EndCharge = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.NoMissedScan": { param.NoMissedScan = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.Denoise": { param.Denoise = Boolean.valueOf(value); break; } case "SE.EstimateBG": { param.EstimateBG = Boolean.valueOf(value); break; } case "SE.RemoveGroupedPeaks": { param.RemoveGroupedPeaks = Boolean.valueOf(value); break; } case "SE.MinFrag": { param.MinFrag = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "SE.IsoPattern": { param.IsoPattern = Float.valueOf(value); break; } case "SE.StartRT": { param.startRT = Float.valueOf(value); } case "SE.EndRT": { param.endRT = Float.valueOf(value); } //</editor-fold> } } } //</editor-fold> int mode = 1; if (args[1].equals("-mode2")) { mode = 2; } else if (args[1].equals("-mode1")) { mode = 1; } else { logger.error("-mode number not recongized. The program will exit."); } String mzXML = ""; String pepXML = ""; String mzXMLPath = ""; String pepXMLPath = ""; File mzXMLfile = null; File pepXMLfile = null; File mzXMLfolder = null; File pepXMLfolder = null; int idx = 0; if (mode == 1) { mzXML = args[2];"Mode1 mzXML file: " + mzXML); mzXMLfile = new File(mzXML); if (!mzXMLfile.exists()) { logger.error("Mode1 mzXML file " + mzXMLfile.getAbsolutePath() + " cannot be found. The program will exit."); return; } pepXML = args[3];"Mode1 pepXML file: " + pepXML); pepXMLfile = new File(pepXML); if (!pepXMLfile.exists()) { logger.error("Mode1 pepXML file " + pepXMLfile.getAbsolutePath() + " cannot be found. The program will exit."); return; } idx = 4; } else if (mode == 2) { mzXMLPath = args[2];"Mode2 mzXML folder: " + mzXMLPath); mzXMLfolder = new File(mzXMLPath); if (!mzXMLfolder.exists()) { logger.error("Mode2 mzXML folder " + mzXMLfolder.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist. The program will exit."); return; } pepXMLPath = args[3];"Mode2 pepXML folder: " + pepXMLPath); pepXMLfolder = new File(pepXMLPath); if (!pepXMLfolder.exists()) { logger.error("Mode2 pepXML folder " + pepXMLfolder.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist. The program will exit."); return; } idx = 4; } String outputfolder = ""; float MinProb = 0f; for (int i = idx; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].startsWith("-")) { if (args[i].equals("-ID")) { param.TargetIDOnly = true;"Detect ID feature only: true"); } if (args[i].startsWith("-O")) { outputfolder = args[i].substring(2);"Output folder: " + outputfolder); File outputfile = new File(outputfolder); if (!outputfolder.endsWith("\\") | outputfolder.endsWith("/")) { outputfolder += "/"; } if (!outputfile.exists()) { outputfile.mkdir(); } } if (args[i].startsWith("-C")) { try { NoFile = Integer.parseInt(args[i].substring(2));"No of concurrent files: " + NoFile); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(args[i] + " is not a correct integer format, will process only one file at a time."); } } if (args[i].startsWith("-p")) { try { MinProb = Float.parseFloat(args[i].substring(2));"probability threshold: " + MinProb); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(args[i] + " is not a correct format, will use 0 as threshold instead."); } } } } reader.close(); TandemParam tandemparam = new TandemParam(DBSearchParam.SearchInstrumentType.TOF5600); PTMManager.GetInstance(); if (param.TargetIDOnly) { param.EstimateBG = false; param.ApexDelta = 1.5f; param.NoMissedScan = 10; param.MiniOverlapP = 0.2f; param.RemoveGroupedPeaks = false; param.CheckMonoIsotopicApex = false; param.DetectByCWT = false; param.FillGapByBK = false; param.IsoCorrThreshold = -1f; param.SmoothFactor = 3; } if (mode == 1) {"Processing " + mzXMLfile.getAbsolutePath() + "...."); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); LCMSPeakMS1 LCMS1 = new LCMSPeakMS1(mzXMLfile.getAbsolutePath(), NoCPUs); LCMS1.SetParameter(param); LCMS1.Resume = false; if (!param.TargetIDOnly) { LCMS1.CreatePeakFolder(); } LCMS1.ExportPeakClusterTable = true; if (pepXMLfile.exists()) { tandemparam.InteractPepXMLPath = pepXMLfile.getAbsolutePath(); LCMS1.ParsePepXML(tandemparam, MinProb);"No. of PSMs included: " + LCMS1.IDsummary.PSMList.size());"No. of Peptide ions included: " + LCMS1.IDsummary.GetPepIonList().size()); } if (param.TargetIDOnly) { LCMS1.SaveSerializationFile = false; } if (param.TargetIDOnly || !LCMS1.ReadPeakCluster()) { LCMS1.PeakClusterDetection(); } if (pepXMLfile.exists()) { LCMS1.AssignQuant(false); LCMS1.IDsummary.ExportPepID(outputfolder); } time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; + " processed time:" + String.format("%d hour, %d min, %d sec", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(time), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(time) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(time)), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(time) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(time)))); LCMS1.BaseClearAllPeaks(); LCMS1.SetSpectrumParser(null); LCMS1.IDsummary = null; LCMS1 = null; System.gc(); } else if (mode == 2) { LCMSID IDsummary = new LCMSID("", "", "");"Parsing all pepXML files in " + pepXMLPath + "...."); for (File file : pepXMLfolder.listFiles()) { if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("pep.xml") || file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("pepxml")) { PepXMLParser pepXMLParser = new PepXMLParser(IDsummary, file.getAbsolutePath(), MinProb); } } HashMap<String, LCMSID> LCMSIDMap = IDsummary.GetLCMSIDFileMap(); ExecutorService executorPool = null; executorPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NoFile);"Processing all mzXML files in " + mzXMLPath + "...."); for (File file : mzXMLfolder.listFiles()) { if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("mzxml")) { LCMSID id = LCMSIDMap.get(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file.getName())); if (id == null || id.PSMList == null) { logger.warn("No IDs found in :" + FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file.getName()) + ". Quantification for this file is skipped"); continue; } if (!id.PSMList.isEmpty()) { MS1TargetQuantThread thread = new MS1TargetQuantThread(file, id, NoCPUs, outputfolder, param); executorPool.execute(thread); } } } LCMSIDMap.clear(); LCMSIDMap = null; IDsummary = null; executorPool.shutdown(); try { executorPool.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"interrupted.."); } if (outputfolder == null | outputfolder.equals("")) { outputfolder = mzXMLPath; }"Merging PSM files.."); File output = new File(outputfolder); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(output.getAbsolutePath() + "/PSM_merge.csv"); boolean header = false; for (File csvfile : output.listFiles()) { if (csvfile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("_psms.csv")) { BufferedReader outreader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvfile)); String outline = outreader.readLine(); if (!header) { writer.write(outline + "\n"); header = true; } while ((outline = outreader.readLine()) != null) { writer.write(outline + "\n"); } outreader.close(); csvfile.delete(); } } writer.close(); }"MS1 quant module is complete."); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, SolverException, InterruptedException { boolean debug = false; boolean use_gc = true; CompilerOptions.Platform p = CompilerOptions.Platform.Native; CompilerOptions opts = null;//from w w w . j a v a 2s . com boolean field_opts = false; boolean typecheckonly = false; boolean showconstraints = false; boolean showconstraintsolution = false; String[] decls = null; String[] links = null; String[] objs = null; boolean guest = false; boolean stop_at_c = false; String external_compiler = null; boolean encode_vals = false; boolean x32 = false; boolean validate = true; boolean interop = false; boolean boot_interop = false; boolean oldExpl = false; String explanationStrategy = null; boolean efl = false; Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("debugcompiler", false, "Enable compiler debug spew"); //options.addOption("o", true, "Set compiler output file (must be .c)"); options.addOption(OptionBuilder //.withArgName("o") .withLongOpt("output-file").withDescription("Output file (must be .c)").hasArg().withArgName("file") .create("o")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("target") .withDescription("Select target platform: 'native' or 'web'").hasArg().create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("gc") .withDescription("Disable GC: param is 'on' (default) or 'off'").hasArg().create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder .withDescription("Enable field access optimizations: param is 'true' (default) or 'false'").hasArg() .create("Xfields")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder .withDescription("Compile for encoded values. TEMPORARY. For testing interop codegen").hasArg() .create("XEncodedValues")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("typecheck-only") .withDescription("Only typecheck the file, don't compile").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("show-constraints") .withDescription("Show constraints generated during type inference").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("show-constraint-solution") .withDescription("Show solution to type inference constraints").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("extra-decls") .withDescription("Specify extra declaration files, comma-separated").hasArg() .withValueSeparator(',').create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("native-libs") .withDescription("Specify extra linkage files, comma-separated").hasArg().withValueSeparator(',') .create()); Option extraobjs = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("extra-objs") .withDescription("Specify extra .c/.cpp files, comma-separated").hasArg().withValueSeparator(',') .create(); extraobjs.setArgs(Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES); options.addOption(extraobjs); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("guest-runtime") .withDescription( "Emit code to be called by another runtime (i.e., main() is written in another language).") .create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("only-c") .withDescription("Generate C code, but do not attempt to compile it").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("c-compiler") .withDescription("Disable GC: param is 'on' (default) or 'off'").hasArg().create("cc")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("runtime-src") .withDescription("Specify path to runtime system source").hasArg().create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("ext-path") .withDescription("Specify path to external dependency dir (GC, etc.)").hasArg().create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("skip-validation") .withDescription("Run the backend without validating the results of type inference").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("m32").withDescription("Force 32-bit compilation").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("Xbootinterop") .withDescription("Programs start with global interop dirty flag set (experimental)").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("Xinterop") .withDescription("Enable (experimental) interoperability backend").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("C compiler default optimization level").create("O")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("C compiler optimization level 0").create("O0")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("C compiler optimization level 1").create("O1")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("C compiler optimization level 2").create("O2")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("C compiler optimization level 3").create("O3")); options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("oldExpl").withDescription("Use old error explanations").create()); String explanationStrategyHelp = "default: " + FixingSetFinder.defaultStrategy() + "; other choices: " + FixingSetFinder.strategyNames().stream().filter(s -> !s.equals(FixingSetFinder.defaultStrategy())) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("explanation-strategy") .withDescription("Error explanation strategy to use (" + explanationStrategyHelp + ')').hasArg() .create()); options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("efl").withDescription("Set up efl environment in main()").create()); try { CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); String[] newargs = cmd.getArgs(); if (newargs.length != 1) { throw new ParseException("Invalid number of arguments"); } String sourcefile = newargs[0]; if (!sourcefile.endsWith(".js")) { throw new ParseException("Invalid file extension on input file: " + sourcefile); } String gc = cmd.getOptionValue("gc", "on"); if (gc.equals("on")) { use_gc = true; } else if (gc.equals("off")) { use_gc = false; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid GC option: " + gc); } String fields = cmd.getOptionValue("Xfields", "true"); if (fields.equals("true")) { field_opts = true; } else if (fields.equals("false")) { field_opts = false; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid field optimization option: " + fields); } String encoding = cmd.getOptionValue("XEncodedValues", "false"); if (encoding.equals("true")) { encode_vals = true; } else if (encoding.equals("false")) { encode_vals = false; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid value encoding option: " + encode_vals); } String plat = cmd.getOptionValue("target", "native"); if (plat.equals("native")) { p = CompilerOptions.Platform.Native; } else if (plat.equals("web")) { p = CompilerOptions.Platform.Web; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid target platform: " + plat); } if (cmd.hasOption("cc")) { external_compiler = cmd.getOptionValue("cc"); } if (cmd.hasOption("skip-validation")) { validate = false; } if (cmd.hasOption("typecheck-only")) { typecheckonly = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("show-constraints")) { showconstraints = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("show-constraint-solution")) { showconstraintsolution = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("debugcompiler")) { debug = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("m32")) { x32 = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("Xinterop")) { interop = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("Xbootinterop")) { boot_interop = true; if (!interop) { System.err.println("WARNING: --Xbootinterop enabled without --Xinterop (no effect)"); } } if (cmd.hasOption("oldExpl")) { oldExpl = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("explanation-strategy")) { explanationStrategy = cmd.getOptionValue("explanation-strategy"); } String output = cmd.getOptionValue("o"); if (output == null) { output = sourcefile.replaceFirst(".js$", ".c"); } else { if (!output.endsWith(".c")) { throw new ParseException("Invalid file extension on output file: " + output); } } String runtime_src = cmd.getOptionValue("runtime-src"); String ext_path = cmd.getOptionValue("ext-path"); if (ext_path == null) { ext_path = new File(".").getCanonicalPath() + "/external"; } if (cmd.hasOption("extra-decls")) { decls = cmd.getOptionValues("extra-decls"); } if (cmd.hasOption("native-libs")) { links = cmd.getOptionValues("native-libs"); } if (cmd.hasOption("extra-objs")) { objs = cmd.getOptionValues("extra-objs"); } if (cmd.hasOption("guest-runtime")) { guest = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("only-c")) { stop_at_c = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("efl")) { efl = true; } int coptlevel = -1; // default optimization if (cmd.hasOption("O3")) { coptlevel = 3; } else if (cmd.hasOption("O2")) { coptlevel = 2; } else if (cmd.hasOption("O1")) { coptlevel = 1; } else if (cmd.hasOption("O0")) { coptlevel = 0; } else if (cmd.hasOption("O")) { coptlevel = -1; } else { coptlevel = 3; } if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(sourcefile))) { System.err.println("File " + sourcefile + " was not found."); throw new FileNotFoundException(sourcefile); } String cwd = new".").getCanonicalPath(); opts = new CompilerOptions(p, sourcefile, debug, output, use_gc, external_compiler == null ? "clang" : external_compiler, external_compiler == null ? "emcc" : external_compiler, cwd + "/a.out", // emcc automatically adds .js new File(".").getCanonicalPath(), true, field_opts, showconstraints, showconstraintsolution, runtime_src, encode_vals, x32, oldExpl, explanationStrategy, efl, coptlevel); if (guest) { opts.setGuestRuntime(); } if (interop) { opts.enableInteropMode(); } if (boot_interop) { opts.startInInteropMode(); } opts.setExternalDeps(ext_path); if (decls != null) { for (String s : decls) { Path fname = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(s); opts.addDeclarationFile(fname); } } if (links != null) { for (String s : links) { Path fname = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(s); opts.addLinkageFile(fname); } } if (objs == null) { objs = new String[0]; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("sjsc", options); } if (opts != null) { // This typechecks, and depending on flags, also generates C compile(opts, typecheckonly, validate); // don't worry about type validation on command line for now if (!typecheckonly && !stop_at_c) { int ret = 0; // Kept around for debugging 32-bit... if (p == CompilerOptions.Platform.Native) { if (opts.m32()) { String[] x = new String[2]; x[0] = "-m32"; x[1] = opts.getExternalDeps() + "/gc/x86/lib/libgc.a"; ret = clang_compile(opts, objs, x); } else { ret = clang_compile(opts, objs, new String[0]); } } else { ret = emcc_compile(opts, objs, new String[0]); } // If clang failed, propagate the failure outwards if (ret != 0) { System.exit(ret); } } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String[] remainingArgs = null; String inputFile = null;/* w w w. j a v a2s . com*/ String predsFile = null; String saveModelFile = null; String initialModelFile = null; String lossName = null; String parserName = null; String linkName = null; String invertHashName = null; double learningRate = 1; String minPredictionString = null; String maxPredictionString = null; String fmNumberFactorsString = null; int bitsHash; int numberPasses; int holdoutPeriod = 10; boolean testOnly = false; boolean exponentialProgress; double progressInterval; options.addOption("h", "help", false, "displays this help"); options.addOption("t", false, "ignore label information and just test"); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("binary") .desc("reports loss as binary classification with -1,1 labels").build()); options.addOption( Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("solo").desc("uses SOLO optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("pcsolo") .desc("uses Per Coordinate SOLO optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("pistol") .desc("uses PiSTOL optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("kt") .desc("(EXPERIMENTAL) uses KT optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("pckt") .desc("(EXPERIMENTAL) uses Per Coordinate KT optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("pccocob") .desc("(EXPERIMENTAL) uses Per Coordinate COCOB optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("cocob") .desc("(EXPERIMENTAL) uses COCOB optimizer").build()); options.addOption( Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("fm").desc("Factorization Machine").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("f").hasArg(true).required(false).desc("final regressor to save") .type(String.class).longOpt("final_regressor").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("p").hasArg(true).required(false).desc("file to output predictions to") .longOpt("predictions").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption( Option.builder("i").hasArg(true).required(false).desc("initial regressor(s) to load into memory") .longOpt("initial_regressor").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc( "specify the loss function to be used. Currently available ones are: absolute, squared (default), hinge, logistic") .longOpt("loss_function").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc( "specify the link function used in the output of the predictions. Currently available ones are: identity (default), logistic") .longOpt("link").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("output human-readable final regressor with feature names").longOpt("invert_hash") .type(String.class).build()); options.addOption( Option.builder("l").hasArg(true).required(false).desc("set (initial) learning Rate, default = 1.0") .longOpt("learning_rate").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("b").hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("number of bits in the feature table, default = 18").longOpt("bit_precision") .type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("P").hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("progress update frequency, integer: additive; float: multiplicative, default = 2.0") .longOpt("progress").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("smallest prediction to output, before the link function, default = -50") .longOpt("min_prediction").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("smallest prediction to output, before the link function, default = 50") .longOpt("max_prediction").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("ignore namespaces beginning with the characters in <arg>").longOpt("ignore") .type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc("number of training passes") .longOpt("passes").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption( Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc("holdout period for test only, default = 10") .longOpt("holdout_period").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("number of factors for Factorization Machines default = 8").longOpt("fmNumberFactors") .type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("specify the parser to use. Currently available ones are: vw (default), libsvm, tsv") .longOpt("parser").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc("schema file for the TSV input") .longOpt("schema").type(String.class).build()); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println("Unrecognized option"); help(); } if (cmd.hasOption("h")) help(); if (cmd.hasOption("t")) testOnly = true; if (cmd.hasOption("binary")) { binary = true; System.out.println("Reporting binary loss"); } initialModelFile = cmd.getOptionValue("i"); predsFile = cmd.getOptionValue("p"); lossName = cmd.getOptionValue("loss_function", "squared"); linkName = cmd.getOptionValue("link", "identity"); saveModelFile = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); learningRate = Double.parseDouble(cmd.getOptionValue("l", "1.0")); bitsHash = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("b", "18")); invertHashName = cmd.getOptionValue("invert_hash"); minPredictionString = cmd.getOptionValue("min_prediction", "-50"); maxPredictionString = cmd.getOptionValue("max_prediction", "50"); fmNumberFactorsString = cmd.getOptionValue("fmNumberFactors", "8"); parserName = cmd.getOptionValue("parser", "vw"); numberPasses = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("passes", "1")); System.out.println("Number of passes = " + numberPasses); if (numberPasses > 1) { holdoutPeriod = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("holdout_period", "10")); System.out.println("Holdout period = " + holdoutPeriod); } remainingArgs = cmd.getArgs(); if (remainingArgs.length == 1) inputFile = remainingArgs[0]; InstanceParser instanceParser = null; if (parserName.equals("vw")) instanceParser = new VWParser(bitsHash, cmd.getOptionValue("ignore"), (invertHashName != null)); else if (parserName.equals("libsvm")) instanceParser = new LIBSVMParser(bitsHash, (invertHashName != null)); else if (parserName.equals("tsv")) { String schema = cmd.getOptionValue("schema"); if (schema == null) { System.out.println("TSV parser requires a schema file."); System.exit(0); } else { String spec = null; try { spec = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(schema))); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error reading the TSV schema file."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } instanceParser = new TSVParser(bitsHash, cmd.getOptionValue("ignore"), (invertHashName != null), spec); } } else { System.out.println("Unknown parser."); System.exit(0); } System.out.println("Num weight bits = " + bitsHash); // setup progress String progress = cmd.getOptionValue("P", "2.0"); if (progress.indexOf('.') >= 0) { exponentialProgress = true; progressInterval = (double) Double.parseDouble(progress); } else { exponentialProgress = false; progressInterval = (double) Integer.parseInt(progress); } // min and max predictions minPrediction = (double) Double.parseDouble(minPredictionString); maxPrediction = (double) Double.parseDouble(maxPredictionString); // number of factors for Factorization Machines fmNumberFactors = (int) Integer.parseInt(fmNumberFactorsString); // configure the learner Loss lossFnc = null; LinkFunction link = null; if (initialModelFile == null) { if (cmd.hasOption("kt")) { learner = new KT(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("pckt")) { learner = new PerCoordinateKT(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("pcsolo")) { learner = new PerCoordinateSOLO(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("solo")) { learner = new SOLO(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("pccocob")) { learner = new PerCoordinateCOCOB(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("cocob")) { learner = new COCOB(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("pistol")) { learner = new PerCoordinatePiSTOL(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("fm")) { learner = new SGD_FM(bitsHash, fmNumberFactors); } else learner = new SGD_VW(bitsHash); } else { learner = IOLearner.loadLearner(initialModelFile); } // setup link function if (linkName.equals("identity")) { link = new IdentityLinkFunction(); } else if (linkName.equals("logistic")) { link = new LogisticLinkFunction(); } else { System.out.println("Unknown link function."); System.exit(0); } // setup loss function if (lossName.equals("squared")) { lossFnc = new SquareLoss(); } else if (lossName.equals("hinge")) { lossFnc = new HingeLoss(); } else if (lossName.equals("logistic")) { lossFnc = new LogisticLoss(); } else if (lossName.equals("absolute")) { lossFnc = new AbsLoss(); } else { System.out.println("Unknown loss function."); System.exit(0); } learner.setLoss(lossFnc); learner.setLearningRate(learningRate); // maximum range predictions System.out.println("Max prediction = " + maxPrediction + ", Min Prediction = " + minPrediction); // print information about the learner System.out.println(learner.toString()); // print information about the link function System.out.println(link.toString()); // print information about the parser System.out.println(instanceParser.toString()); // print information about ignored namespaces System.out.println("Ignored namespaces = " + cmd.getOptionValue("ignore", "")); long start = System.nanoTime(); FileInputStream fstream; try { BufferedReader br = null; if (inputFile != null) { fstream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); System.out.println("Reading datafile = " + inputFile); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream)); } else { System.out.println("Reading from console"); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } File fout = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; if (predsFile != null) { fout = new File(predsFile); fos = new FileOutputStream(fout); bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); } try { System.out.println("average example current current current"); System.out.println("loss counter label predict features"); int iter = 0; double cumLoss = 0; double weightedSampleSum = 0; double sPlus = 0; double sMinus = 0; Instance sample = null; boolean justPrinted = false; int pass = 0; ObjectOutputStream ooutTr = null; ObjectOutputStream ooutHO = null; ObjectInputStream oinTr = null; double pred = 0; int limit = 1; double hError = Double.MAX_VALUE; double lastHError = Double.MAX_VALUE; int numTestSample = 0; int numTrainingSample = 0; int idx = 0; if (numberPasses > 1) { ooutTr = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("cache_training.bin")); ooutHO = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("cache_holdout.bin")); oinTr = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("cache_training.bin")); } do { while (true) { double score; if (pass > 0 && numberPasses > 1) { Instance tmp = (Instance) oinTr.readObject(); if (tmp != null) sample = tmp; else break; } else { String strLine = br.readLine(); if (strLine != null) sample = instanceParser.parse(strLine); else break; } justPrinted = false; idx++; if (numberPasses > 1 && pass == 0 && idx % holdoutPeriod == 0) { // store the current sample for the holdout set ooutHO.writeObject(sample); ooutHO.reset(); numTestSample++; } else { if (numberPasses > 1 && pass == 0) { ooutTr.writeObject(sample); ooutTr.reset(); numTrainingSample++; } iter++; if (testOnly) { // predict the sample score = learner.predict(sample); } else { // predict the sample and update the classifier using the sample score = learner.update(sample); } score = Math.min(Math.max(score, minPrediction), maxPrediction); pred = link.apply(score); if (!binary) cumLoss += learner.getLoss().lossValue(score, sample.getLabel()) * sample.getWeight(); else if (Math.signum(score) != sample.getLabel()) cumLoss += sample.getWeight(); weightedSampleSum += sample.getWeight(); if (sample.getLabel() > 0) sPlus = sPlus + sample.getWeight(); else sMinus = sMinus + sample.getWeight(); // output predictions to file if (predsFile != null) { bw.write(String.format("%.6f %s", pred, sample.getTag())); bw.newLine(); } // print statistics to screen if (iter == limit) { justPrinted = true; System.out.printf("%.6f %12d % .4f % .4f %d\n", cumLoss / weightedSampleSum, iter, sample.getLabel(), pred, sample.getVector().size()); if (exponentialProgress) limit *= progressInterval; else limit += progressInterval; } } } if (numberPasses > 1) { if (pass == 0) { // finished first pass of many // write a null at the end of the files ooutTr.writeObject(null); ooutHO.writeObject(null); ooutTr.flush(); ooutHO.flush(); ooutTr.close(); ooutHO.close(); System.out.println("finished first epoch"); System.out.println(numTrainingSample + " training samples"); System.out.println(numTestSample + " holdout samples saved"); } lastHError = hError; hError = evalHoldoutError(); } if (numberPasses > 1) { System.out.printf("Weighted loss on holdout on epoch %d = %.6f\n", pass + 1, hError); oinTr.close(); oinTr = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("cache_training.bin")); if (hError > lastHError) { System.out.println("Early stopping"); break; } } pass++; } while (pass < numberPasses); if (justPrinted == false) { System.out.printf("%.6f %12d % .4f % .4f %d\n", cumLoss / weightedSampleSum, iter, sample.getLabel(), pred, sample.getVector().size()); } System.out.println("finished run"); System.out.println(String.format("average loss best constant predictor: %.6f", lossFnc.lossConstantBinaryLabels(sPlus, sMinus))); if (saveModelFile != null) IOLearner.saveLearner(learner, saveModelFile); if (invertHashName != null) IOLearner.saveInvertHash(learner.getWeights(), instanceParser.getInvertHashMap(), invertHashName); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // close the input stream try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // close the output stream if (predsFile != null) { try { bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } long millis = System.nanoTime() - start; System.out.printf("Elapsed time: %d min, %d sec\n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(millis), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(millis) - 60 * TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(millis)); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Error opening the input file"); e.printStackTrace(); } }