Example usage for java.lang String compareTo

List of usage examples for java.lang String compareTo


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang String compareTo.


public int compareTo(String anotherString) 

Source Link


Compares two strings lexicographically.


From source file:com.datos.vfs.auth.StaticUserAuthenticator.java

private int compareStringOrNull(final String thisString, final String otherString) {
    if (thisString == null) {
        if (otherString != null) {
            return -1;
        }//from  w w  w. j a v a 2  s. c  o  m
    } else {
        if (otherString == null) {
            return 1;

        final int result = thisString.compareTo(otherString);
        if (result != 0) {
            return result;

    return 0;

From source file:hudson.plugins.simpleupdatesite.UpdateSite.java

private boolean isNewestPlugin(Plugin plugin) {
    if (!this.plugins.containsKey(plugin.getName())) {
        return true;
    }//  w  w  w  . jav  a2s  . c o  m

    String existingVersion = this.plugins.get(plugin.getName()).getVersion();
    String pluginVersion = plugin.getVersion();

    try {
        // Try comparing using {@link VersionNumber}
        return new VersionNumber(pluginVersion).isNewerThan(new VersionNumber(existingVersion));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // In case version numbers are strange, fall back to lexical comparison
        return pluginVersion.compareTo(existingVersion) > 0;

From source file:org.openmrs.web.controller.report.PatientSearchFormController.java

protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object obj,
        BindException errors) throws Exception {

    String success = "";
    String error = "";
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession();
    String view = getSuccessView();
    if (Context.isAuthenticated()) {
        MessageSourceAccessor msa = getMessageSourceAccessor();
        String action = request.getParameter("action");
        if (msa.getMessage("reportingcompatibility.PatientSearch.save").equals(action)) {
            PatientSearchReportObject psroBinded = (PatientSearchReportObject) obj;
            String hiddenName = request.getParameter("hiddenName");
            String hiddenDesc = request.getParameter("hiddenDesc");
            int hasXMLChanged = 0;
            hasXMLChanged = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("patientSearchXMLHasChanged"));
            String textAreaXML = request.getParameter("xmlStringTextArea");
            Integer argumentsLength = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("argumentsSize"));
            PatientSearch ps = null;//from w  w w.  ja v  a 2  s  . c  om
            String valueRoot = "value";
            String hiddenValueRoot = "hiddenValue";
            int testXMLerror = 0;
            List<Integer> needsUpdate = new ArrayList<Integer>();

            for (int i = 0; i < argumentsLength; i++) {
                String hv = request.getParameter(hiddenValueRoot + i);
                String v = request.getParameter(valueRoot + i);

                if (hv.compareTo(v) != 0)

            String saved = msa.getMessage("reportingcompatibility.PatientSearch.saved");
            String notsaved = msa.getMessage("reportingcompatibility.PatientSearch.notsaved");
            String invalidXML = msa.getMessage("reportingcompatibility.PatientSearch.invalidXML");
            String title = msa.getMessage("reportingcompatibility.PatientSearch.title");

            boolean hasNewSearchArg = false;
            String newSearchArgName = (String) request.getParameter("newSearchArgName");
            String newSearchArgValue = (String) request.getParameter("newSearchArgValue");
            String newSearchArgClass = (String) request.getParameter("newSearchArgClass");
            if (StringUtils.hasText(newSearchArgName) || StringUtils.hasText(newSearchArgValue)
                    || StringUtils.hasText(newSearchArgClass)) {
                hasNewSearchArg = true;

            if (hiddenName.compareTo(psroBinded.getName()) != 0
                    || hiddenDesc.compareTo(psroBinded.getDescription()) != 0 || needsUpdate.size() > 0
                    || hasXMLChanged == 1 || hasNewSearchArg) {

                if (needsUpdate.size() > 0) {

                    ps = psroBinded.getPatientSearch();
                    List<SearchArgument> searchArguments = ps.getArguments();

                    for (Integer myI : needsUpdate) {
                        SearchArgument sA = (SearchArgument) searchArguments.get(myI);
                        SearchArgument newSA = new SearchArgument();
                        newSA.setValue(request.getParameter(valueRoot + myI));
                        searchArguments.set(myI, newSA);


                if (hasXMLChanged == 1) {
                    try {
                        ReportObjectXMLDecoder roxd = new ReportObjectXMLDecoder(textAreaXML);

                        PatientSearchReportObject psroFromXML = (PatientSearchReportObject) roxd

                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        log.warn("Invalid Patient Search XML", ex);
                        error += title + " " + notsaved + ", " + invalidXML;

                if (hasNewSearchArg) {
                    if (StringUtils.hasText(newSearchArgName) && StringUtils.hasText(newSearchArgValue)
                            && StringUtils.hasText(newSearchArgClass)) {
                        try {
                            psroBinded.getPatientSearch().addArgument(newSearchArgName, newSearchArgValue,
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            error += msa
                    } else {
                        error += msa.getMessage("reportingcompatibility.PatientSearch.invalidSearchArgument");
                    log.debug("Patient Search now has arguments: "
                            + psroBinded.getPatientSearch().getArguments());

                if (testXMLerror != 1 || hasNewSearchArg) {
                    ReportObjectService rs = (ReportObjectService) Context
                    success = saved;
    if (!error.equals(""))
        httpSession.setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_ERROR_ATTR, error);
    else if (!success.equals(""))
        httpSession.setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, success);

    return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(view));

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.format.FactPathValueFormatter.java

private Comparator<Snapshot> getSnapshotComparator() {
    if (snapshotComparator == null) {
        snapshotComparator = new Comparator<Snapshot>() {
            @Override/*from w  w  w.  jav a2s .  c o  m*/
            public int compare(Snapshot s1, Snapshot s2) {
                String s1Path = getSnapName(s1);
                String s2Path = getSnapName(s2);

                return s1Path.compareTo(s2Path);

    return snapshotComparator;

From source file:adalid.core.Report.java

public int compareTo(Report that) {
    if (that != null) {
        String thisName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(this.getName());
        String thatName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(that.getName());
        return thisName.compareTo(thatName);
    }//from   ww w .ja v a2 s . c o m
    return 0;

From source file:io.syndesis.jsondb.impl.JsonDBTest.java

public void testCreateKey() {
    String lastkey = jsondb.createKey();
    for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
        String key = jsondb.createKey();
        assertThat(lastkey.compareTo(key) < 0).as("lastkey < key").isTrue();
        lastkey = key;// w w  w.  ja va 2  s  .  c  om

From source file:edu.cmu.tetrad.search.TimeSeriesUtils.java

 * Creates new time series dataset from the given one (fixed to deal with mixed datasets)
 *//* w  w  w  . j  av a2s.  co m*/
public static DataSet createLagData(DataSet data, int numLags) {
    List<Node> variables = data.getVariables();
    int dataSize = variables.size();
    int laggedRows = data.getNumRows() - numLags;
    IKnowledge knowledge = new Knowledge2();
    Node[][] laggedNodes = new Node[numLags + 1][dataSize];
    List<Node> newVariables = new ArrayList<>((numLags + 1) * dataSize + 1);

    for (int lag = 0; lag <= numLags; lag++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < dataSize; col++) {
            Node node = variables.get(col);
            String varName = node.getName();
            Node laggedNode;
            String name = varName;

            if (lag != 0) {
                name = name + ":" + lag;

            if (node instanceof ContinuousVariable) {
                laggedNode = new ContinuousVariable(name);
            } else if (node instanceof DiscreteVariable) {
                DiscreteVariable var = (DiscreteVariable) node;
                laggedNode = new DiscreteVariable(var);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Node must be either continuous or discrete");
            laggedNode.setCenter(80 * col + 50, 80 * (numLags - lag) + 50);
            laggedNodes[lag][col] = laggedNode;
            //                knowledge.addToTier(numLags - lag, laggedNode.getName());

    //        System.out.println("Variable list before the sort = " + newVariables);
    Collections.sort(newVariables, new Comparator<Node>() {
        public int compare(Node o1, Node o2) {
            String name1 = getNameNoLag(o1);
            String name2 = getNameNoLag(o2);

            //                System.out.println("name 1 = " + name1);
            //                System.out.println("name 2 = " + name2);

            String prefix1 = getPrefix(name1);
            String prefix2 = getPrefix(name2);

            //                System.out.println("prefix 1 = " + prefix1);
            //                System.out.println("prefix 2 = " + prefix2);

            int index1 = getIndex(name1);
            int index2 = getIndex(name2);

            //                System.out.println("index 1 = " + index1);
            //                System.out.println("index 2 = " + index2);

            if (getLag(o1.getName()) == getLag(o2.getName())) {
                if (prefix1.compareTo(prefix2) == 0) {
                    return Integer.compare(index1, index2);
                } else {
                    return prefix1.compareTo(prefix2);

            } else {
                return getLag(o1.getName()) - getLag(o2.getName());

    //        System.out.println("Variable list after the sort = " + newVariables);

    for (Node node : newVariables) {
        String varName = node.getName();
        String tmp;
        int lag;
        if (varName.indexOf(':') == -1) {
            lag = 0;
            //                laglist.add(lag);
        } else {
            tmp = varName.substring(varName.indexOf(':') + 1, varName.length());
            lag = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
            //                laglist.add(lag);
        knowledge.addToTier(numLags - lag, node.getName());

    DataSet laggedData = new ColtDataSet(laggedRows, newVariables);
    for (int lag = 0; lag <= numLags; lag++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < dataSize; col++) {
            for (int row = 0; row < laggedRows; row++) {
                Node laggedNode = laggedNodes[lag][col];
                if (laggedNode instanceof ContinuousVariable) {
                    double value = data.getDouble(row + numLags - lag, col);
                    laggedData.setDouble(row, col + lag * dataSize, value);
                } else {
                    int value = data.getInt(row + numLags - lag, col);
                    laggedData.setInt(row, col + lag * dataSize, value);

    //        knowledge.setLagged(true);
    //        laggedData.setName(data.getNode());
    return laggedData;

From source file:org.duracloud.snapshot.service.impl.SpaceItemWriterTest.java

 * @param string//  ww w.j a va2s  .com
 * @return
 * @throws IOException 
private List<String> getLines(String filename) throws IOException {
    List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(ContentDirUtils.getPath(contentDir, filename),
    Collections.sort(lines, new Comparator<String>() {
        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
        public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
            String path1 = getPath(o1);
            String path2 = getPath(o2);

            return path1.compareTo(path2);

        private String getPath(String string) {
            int index = string.indexOf(" ");
            return string.substring(index + 1);
    return lines;

From source file:com.ibm.bi.dml.api.MLMatrix.java

private double getScalarBuiltinFunctionResult(String fn) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException {
    if (fn.compareTo("nrow") == 0 || fn.compareTo("ncol") == 0) {
        ml.reset();/* ww w  .  ja v a  2s  .  c om*/
        ml.registerInput("left", getRDDLazily(this), mc.getRows(), mc.getCols(), mc.getRowsPerBlock(),
                mc.getColsPerBlock(), mc.getNonZeros());
        String script = "left = read(\"\");" + "val = " + fn + "(left); "
                + "output = matrix(val, rows=1, cols=1); " + writeStmt;
        MLOutput out = ml.executeScript(script);
        List<Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>> result = out.getBinaryBlockedRDD("output").collect();
        if (result == null || result.size() != 1) {
            throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while computing the function: " + fn);
        return result.get(0)._2.getValue(0, 0);
    } else {
        throw new DMLRuntimeException("The function " + fn + " is not yet supported in MLMatrix");

From source file:cs.cirg.cida.experiment.DataTableExperiment.java

public void calculateStatistics() {
    for (String variableName : variableNames) {

        List<Integer> selectedColumns = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        List<String> columnNames = data.getColumnNames();

        int size = columnNames.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            String columnName = columnNames.get(i);
            // if necesary strip the sample number: (X)
            if (columnName.contains("(")) {
                columnName = columnName.substring(0, columnName.indexOf("(") - 1);
            }// w w w  .  jav a2 s  . c  o  m
            if (columnName.compareTo(variableName) == 0) {

        DescriptiveStatsCalculator calculator = new DescriptiveStatsCalculator(
                (StandardDataTable<Numeric>) data, selectedColumns);
        variableToStatsMap.put(variableName, calculator.getIterationsDescriptiveStatistics());