Example usage for java.lang String compareTo

List of usage examples for java.lang String compareTo


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang String compareTo.


public int compareTo(String anotherString) 

Source Link


Compares two strings lexicographically.


From source file:Person.java

public int compare(Object person, Object anotherPerson) {
    String lastName1 = ((Person) person).getLastName().toUpperCase();
    String firstName1 = ((Person) person).getFirstName().toUpperCase();
    String lastName2 = ((Person) anotherPerson).getLastName().toUpperCase();
    String firstName2 = ((Person) anotherPerson).getFirstName().toUpperCase();
    if (firstName1.equals(firstName2)) {
        return lastName1.compareTo(lastName2);
    } else {/*from  w ww .  j a v a  2  s . c o m*/
        return firstName1.compareTo(firstName2);

From source file:geogebra.kernel.AlgoFrequency.java

protected final void compute() {

    // Validate input arguments

    if (!dataList.isDefined() || dataList.size() == 0) {
        frequency.setUndefined();/*from w  w w .  jav a2 s.  c om*/

    if (!(dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT
            || dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC)) {

    if (classList != null) {
        if (classList.getElementType() != GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC || classList.size() < 2) {

    if (density != null) {
        if (density.getDouble() <= 0) {

    if (value != null)

    double numMax = 0, numMin = 0;
    boolean doCumulative = isCumulative != null && isCumulative.getBoolean();

    // Load the data into f, an instance of Frequency class 

    Frequency f = new Frequency();
    for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) {
        if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT)
            f.addValue(((GeoText) dataList.get(i)).toValueString());
        if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC)
            f.addValue(((GeoNumeric) dataList.get(i)).getDouble());

    // If classList does not exist, 
    // get the unique value list and compute frequencies for this list  

    // handle string data
    if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT) {

        Iterator itr = f.valuesIterator();
        String strMax = (String) itr.next();
        String strMin = strMax;
        itr = f.valuesIterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            String s = (String) itr.next();
            if (s.compareTo(strMax) > 0)
                strMax = s;
            if (s.compareTo(strMin) < 0)
                strMin = s;
            GeoText text = new GeoText(cons);
            if (classList == null)
                if (doCumulative)
                    frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCumFreq((Comparable) s)));
                    frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCount((Comparable) s)));

    // handle numeric data
    else {
        Iterator itr = f.valuesIterator();
        numMax = (Double) itr.next();
        numMin = numMax;
        itr = f.valuesIterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Double n = (Double) itr.next();
            if (n > numMax)
                numMax = n.doubleValue();
            if (n < numMin)
                numMin = n.doubleValue();
            value.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, n));

            if (classList == null)
                if (doCumulative)
                    frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCumFreq((Comparable) n)));
                    frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCount((Comparable) n)));

    // If classList exists, compute frequencies using the classList

    if (classList != null) {

        double lowerClassBound = 0;
        double upperClassBound = 0;
        double classFreq = 0;

        //set density conditions
        boolean hasDensity = false;
        if (useDensity != null)
            hasDensity = useDensity.getBoolean();

        double densityValue = 1; // default density
        if (density != null) {
            densityValue = density.getDouble();

        double cumulativeClassFreq = 0;
        double swap;
        int length = classList.size();
        for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {

            lowerClassBound = ((GeoNumeric) classList.get(i - 1)).getDouble();
            upperClassBound = ((GeoNumeric) classList.get(i)).getDouble();
            boolean increasing = true;
            if (lowerClassBound > upperClassBound) {
                swap = upperClassBound;
                upperClassBound = lowerClassBound;
                lowerClassBound = swap;
                increasing = false;
            classFreq = f.getCumFreq((Comparable) upperClassBound) - f.getCumFreq((Comparable) lowerClassBound)
                    + f.getCount((Comparable) lowerClassBound);
            if ((i != length - 1 && increasing) || (i != 1 && !increasing))
                classFreq -= f.getCount((Comparable) upperClassBound);

            //   System.out.println(" =================================");
            //   System.out.println("class freq: " + classFreq + "   " + density);
            if (hasDensity) {
                classFreq = densityValue * classFreq / (upperClassBound - lowerClassBound);
            if (doCumulative)
                cumulativeClassFreq += classFreq;
            //   System.out.println("class freq: " + classFreq);

            // add the frequency to the output GeoList
            frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, doCumulative ? cumulativeClassFreq : classFreq));


        // handle the last (highest) class frequency specially
        // it must also count values equal to the highest class bound  


From source file:utilities.GraphViewer.java

private int getSeriesNum(String series) {
    String s;/*from   w  w  w  .java2 s  . c o m*/

    for (int i = 0; i < sensors1.size(); i++) {
        s = sensors1.get(i).getText();
        if (series.compareTo(s) == 0) {
            return i;

    return -1;

From source file:com.sldeditor.test.unit.tool.ysld.YSLDToolTest.java

 * Test sld file./*  w ww.ja  v  a2 s . co  m*/
public void testSetSelectedItems() {
    YSLDTool tool = new YSLDTool();

    JPanel panel = tool.getPanel();

    ToolButton toSLD = null;
    ToolButton toYSLD = null;

    for (Component c : panel.getComponents()) {
        if (c instanceof ToolButton) {
            ToolButton button = (ToolButton) c;
            String toolTipText = button.getToolTipText();
            if (toolTipText.compareTo(Localisation.getString(YSLDTool.class, "YSLDTool.exportToSLD")) == 0) {
                toSLD = button;
            } else if (toolTipText
                    .compareTo(Localisation.getString(YSLDTool.class, "YSLDTool.exportToYSLD")) == 0) {
                toYSLD = button;

    File testFile1 = null;
    File testFile3 = null;
    try {
        testFile1 = File.createTempFile("invalid", ".tst");
        testFile3 = File.createTempFile("valid", ".ysld");
    } catch (IOException e1) {

    // Should both be disabled

    tool.setSelectedItems(null, null);

    // Invalid file
    List<SLDDataInterface> sldDataList = new ArrayList<SLDDataInterface>();
    SLDData sldData1 = new SLDData(null, null);
    tool.setSelectedItems(null, sldDataList);

    // Should both be disabled

    // Try with valid sld file
    sldDataList = new ArrayList<SLDDataInterface>();
    SLDData sldData2 = getSLDDataFile("/point/sld/point_simplepoint.sld");
    tool.setSelectedItems(null, sldDataList);

    // YSLD should be enabled


    // Try with valid ysld file
    sldDataList = new ArrayList<SLDDataInterface>();
    SLDData sldData3 = getSLDDataFile("/point/ysld/point_simplepoint.ysld");
    tool.setSelectedItems(null, sldDataList);

    // SLD should be enabled

    // Try with valid sld and ysld files
    sldDataList = new ArrayList<SLDDataInterface>();
    tool.setSelectedItems(null, sldDataList);

    // SLD and YSLD should be enabled

From source file:de.iteratec.iteraplan.presentation.dialog.Search.SearchController.java

private boolean isSearchValid(String searchField) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank((searchField))) {
        LOGGER.info("User tried to search for empty String");
        return false;
    }//from   www . j av a 2 s. com
    // compares the searchField with a list of illegal characters
    else if ((searchField.compareTo("+") == 0)
            || (searchField.compareTo("~") == 0 || (searchField.compareTo("!") == 0))
            || (searchField.compareTo("\"") == 0) || (searchField.compareTo("(") == 0)
            || (searchField.compareTo(")") == 0) || (searchField.compareTo("{") == 0)
            || (searchField.compareTo("[") == 0) || (searchField.compareTo("]") == 0)
            || (searchField.compareTo("}") == 0) || (searchField.compareTo("?") == 0)
            || (searchField.compareTo("\\") == 0) || (searchField.compareTo("-") == 0)
            || (searchField.compareTo(":") == 0) || (searchField.compareTo("^") == 0)) {
        LOGGER.info("User tried to search for forbidden character");
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

From source file:com.albert.javatest.JavaTestExample.java

public void testCompareTo() {
    String year1415 = "year1415";
    String year1516 = "year1516";

    System.out.println("##################### compareTo result = " + year1516.compareTo(null));

    Assert.assertTrue(year1516.compareTo(year1415) > 0);

From source file:com.xiaomi.linden.core.search.MultiLindenCoreImpl.java

public synchronized LindenCore getLindenCore(String indexName) throws IOException {
    LindenCore lindenCore = lindenCoreMap.get(indexName);
    if (lindenCore == null) {
        lindenCore = new LindenCoreImpl(config, indexName);
        lindenCoreMap.put(indexName, lindenCore);
        if (config.getMultiIndexMaxLiveIndexNum() != -1
                && config.getMultiIndexMaxLiveIndexNum() < lindenCoreMap.size()) {
            List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(lindenCoreMap.keySet());
            Collections.sort(keys, new Comparator<String>() {
                @Override/*w w w . j  ava2s . co m*/
                public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
                    return o1.compareTo(o2);
            String oldestIndexName = keys.get(0);
            LindenCore core = lindenCoreMap.remove(oldestIndexName);

            if (config.getIndexType() != LindenConfig.IndexType.RAM) {
                String dir = FilenameUtils.concat(baseIndexDir, oldestIndexName);
                String destDir = FilenameUtils.concat(baseIndexDir,
                        EXPIRED_INDEX_NAME_PREFIX + oldestIndexName);
                if (new File(dir).exists()) {
                    FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(dir), new File(destDir));
    return lindenCore;

From source file:org.cnbi.web.system.listener.WebApplicationInitializer.java

 * ??//from www.  j a v a2s .  c  o  m
private void initSubjectData() {
    String subKey = Constants.INIT + Constants.SUBJECT + Constants.LIST,
            comKey = Constants.INIT + Constants.COMPOSE + Constants.LIST, subSql = sqlMap.get(subKey),
            comSql = sqlMap.get(comKey);// ,dimItemDatasSql
    // =
    // sqlMap.get(Constants.INIT+Constants.ITEM);
    Map<String, SubjectSqlBean> subjectMap = new HashMap<String, SubjectSqlBean>();
    // String filePath = realPath
    // +"resources"+File.separator+"json"+File.separator;

    try {//
        List<Subject> subjectList = (List<Subject>) handleService.query(subSql,
                new Subject("0001", "", "0"));
        for (int i = 0, len = subjectList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            Subject subject = subjectList.get(i);
            List<Compose> composeList = (List<Compose>) handleService.query(comSql,
                    new Compose(subject.getScode()));
            Map<String, String> measureMap = null;//
            Map<String, Compose> compseMap = null;
            for (int j = 0, lj = composeList.size(); j < lj; j++) {
                Compose compose = composeList.get(j);
                String type = compose.getType();// 
                if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.MEASURE)) {// ?
                    if (null == measureMap) {// ? ??new??new
                        measureMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(new Comparator<String>() {// //
                            // ???obj2.compareTo(obj1);
                            public int compare(String obj1, String obj2) {
                                return obj1.compareTo(obj2);
                    measureMap.put(compose.getField(), compose.getSname());
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.SUB)) {// SUBJECT

                } else {// 
                    if (null == compseMap) {// ??
                        compseMap = new HashMap<String, Compose>();
                    compseMap.put(compose.getField(), compose);
            if (null != compseMap && null != measureMap) {
                SubjectSqlBean subjectBean = new SubjectSqlBean(subject, compseMap, measureMap);
                subjectMap.put(subject.getScode(), subjectBean);
                // logger.info(subject.getSname() + "?" + subject.getScode()
                // + "SQL====\n" + subjectBean.getSql());
                // if (subject.getScode().equals("1010")) {
                // System.out.println(subjectBean.getSql(new
                // DisplayBean(true,true)));
                // querySubjectData(subjectBean,filePath+subject.getScode()+"22.json");
                // }
        servletContext.setAttribute(Constants.SUBJECT + Constants.MAP, subjectMap);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("????\n" + e);
        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());

From source file:com.github.seqware.queryengine.impl.TmpFileStorage.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override//from  w  w  w.  j a  v  a2  s  .c  o  m
public Iterable<FeatureList> getAllFeatureListsForFeatureSet(FeatureSet fSet) {
    assert (fSet instanceof LazyFeatureSet);
    List<FeatureList> features = new ArrayList<FeatureList>();
    // ignore time
    String substring = NonPersistentStorage.createKey(fSet.getSGID(), false);
    String regex = "Feature\\..*~.*" + substring + ".*";
    for (File file : FileUtils.listFiles(tempDir, new RegexFileFilter(regex), null)) {
        try {
            FeatureList suspect = (FeatureList) handleFileGivenClass(file, FeatureList.class);
            if (suspect.getSGID().getBackendTimestamp().getTime() >= fSet.getSGID().getBackendTimestamp()
                    .getTime()) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(TmpFileStorage.class.getName()).fatal(null, ex);
    Collections.sort(features, new Comparator<FeatureList>() {
        public int compare(FeatureList o1, FeatureList o2) {
            String createKey1 = NonPersistentStorage.createKey(o1.getSGID(), true);
            String createKey2 = NonPersistentStorage.createKey(o2.getSGID(), true);
            return createKey1.compareTo(createKey2);
    return features;

From source file:azkaban.database.AzkabanDatabaseSetup.java

private List<String> findOutOfDateTable(String table, String currentVersion) {
    File directory = new File(scriptPath);
    ArrayList<String> versions = new ArrayList<String>();

    File[] createScripts = directory
            .listFiles(new FileIOUtils.PrefixSuffixFileFilter(UPDATE_SCRIPT_PREFIX + table, SQL_SCRIPT_SUFFIX));
    if (createScripts.length == 0) {
        return null;
    }/*from   w ww .  j  a v  a2  s. c om*/

    String updateFileNameVersion = UPDATE_SCRIPT_PREFIX + table + "." + currentVersion;
    for (File file : createScripts) {
        String fileName = file.getName();
        if (fileName.compareTo(updateFileNameVersion) > 0) {
            String[] split = fileName.split("\\.");
            String updateScriptVersion = "";

            for (int i = 2; i < split.length - 1; ++i) {
                try {
                    updateScriptVersion += split[i] + ".";
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            if (updateScriptVersion.endsWith(".")) {
                updateScriptVersion = updateScriptVersion.substring(0, updateScriptVersion.length() - 1);

                // add to update list if updateScript will update above current
                // version and upto targetVersion in database.properties
                if (updateScriptVersion.compareTo(currentVersion) > 0
                        && updateScriptVersion.compareTo(this.version) <= 0) {

    return versions;