Java tutorial
/** * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2015 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame; import org.apache.spark.sql.Row; import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext; import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext.QueryExecution; import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan; import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType; import scala.Tuple2; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Experimental API: Might be discontinued in future release * * This class serves four purposes: * 1. It allows SystemML to fit nicely in MLPipeline by reducing number of reblocks. * 2. It allows users to easily read and write matrices without worrying * too much about format, metadata and type of underlying RDDs. * 3. It provides mechanism to convert to and from MLLib's BlockedMatrix format * 4. It provides off-the-shelf library for Distributed Blocked Matrix and reduces learning curve for using SystemML. * However, it is important to know that it is easy to abuse this off-the-shelf library and think it as replacement * to writing DML, which it is not. It does not provide any optimization between calls. A simple example * of the optimization that is conveniently skipped is: (t(m) %*% m)). * Also, note that this library is not thread-safe. The operator precedence is not exactly same as DML (as the precedence is * enforced by scala compiler), so please use appropriate brackets to enforce precedence. import{MLContext, MLMatrix} val ml = new MLContext(sc) val mat1 =, "V_small.csv", "csv") val mat2 =, "W_small.mtx", "binary") val result = mat1.transpose() %*% mat2 result.write("Result_small.mtx", "text") */ public class MLMatrix extends DataFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7005940673916671165L; protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DMLScript.class.getName()); protected MatrixCharacteristics mc = null; protected MLContext ml = null; protected MLMatrix(SQLContext sqlContext, LogicalPlan logicalPlan, MLContext ml) { super(sqlContext, logicalPlan); = ml; } protected MLMatrix(SQLContext sqlContext, QueryExecution queryExecution, MLContext ml) { super(sqlContext, queryExecution); = ml; } // Only used internally to set a new MLMatrix after one of matrix operations. // Not to be used externally. protected MLMatrix(DataFrame df, MatrixCharacteristics mc, MLContext ml) throws DMLRuntimeException { super(df.sqlContext(), df.logicalPlan()); = mc; = ml; } static String writeStmt = "write(output, \"tmp\", format=\"binary\", rows_in_block=" + DMLTranslator.DMLBlockSize + ", cols_in_block=" + DMLTranslator.DMLBlockSize + ");"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // /** // * Experimental unstable API: Converts our blocked matrix format to MLLib's format // * @return // */ // public BlockMatrix toBlockedMatrix() { // JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> blocks = getRDDLazily(this); // RDD<Tuple2<Tuple2<Object, Object>, Matrix>> mllibBlocks = blocks.mapToPair(new GetMLLibBlocks(mc.getRows(), mc.getCols(), mc.getRowsPerBlock(), mc.getColsPerBlock())).rdd(); // return new BlockMatrix(mllibBlocks, mc.getRowsPerBlock(), mc.getColsPerBlock(), mc.getRows(), mc.getCols()); // } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static MLMatrix createMLMatrix(MLContext ml, SQLContext sqlContext, JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> blocks, MatrixCharacteristics mc) throws DMLRuntimeException { RDD<Row> rows = GetMLBlock()).rdd(); StructType schema = MLBlock.getDefaultSchemaForBinaryBlock(); return new MLMatrix(sqlContext.createDataFrame(rows.toJavaRDD(), schema), mc, ml); } /** * Convenient method to write a MLMatrix. */ public void write(String filePath, String format) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { ml.reset(); ml.registerInput("left", this); ml.executeScript( "left = read(\"\"); output=left; write(output, \"" + filePath + "\", format=\"" + format + "\");"); } private double getScalarBuiltinFunctionResult(String fn) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { if (fn.compareTo("nrow") == 0 || fn.compareTo("ncol") == 0) { ml.reset(); ml.registerInput("left", getRDDLazily(this), mc.getRows(), mc.getCols(), mc.getRowsPerBlock(), mc.getColsPerBlock(), mc.getNonZeros()); ml.registerOutput("output"); String script = "left = read(\"\");" + "val = " + fn + "(left); " + "output = matrix(val, rows=1, cols=1); " + writeStmt; MLOutput out = ml.executeScript(script); List<Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>> result = out.getBinaryBlockedRDD("output").collect(); if (result == null || result.size() != 1) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while computing the function: " + fn); } return result.get(0)._2.getValue(0, 0); } else { throw new DMLRuntimeException("The function " + fn + " is not yet supported in MLMatrix"); } } /** * Gets or computes the number of rows. * @return * @throws ParseException * @throws DMLException * @throws IOException */ public long numRows() throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { if (mc.rowsKnown()) { return mc.getRows(); } else { return (long) getScalarBuiltinFunctionResult("nrow"); } } /** * Gets or computes the number of columns. * @return * @throws ParseException * @throws DMLException * @throws IOException */ public long numCols() throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { if (mc.colsKnown()) { return mc.getCols(); } else { return (long) getScalarBuiltinFunctionResult("ncol"); } } public int rowsPerBlock() { return mc.getRowsPerBlock(); } public int colsPerBlock() { return mc.getColsPerBlock(); } private String getScript(String binaryOperator) { return "left = read(\"\");" + "right = read(\"\");" + "output = left " + binaryOperator + " right; " + writeStmt; } private String getScalarBinaryScript(String binaryOperator, double scalar, boolean isScalarLeft) { if (isScalarLeft) { return "left = read(\"\");" + "output = " + scalar + " " + binaryOperator + " left ;" + writeStmt; } else { return "left = read(\"\");" + "output = left " + binaryOperator + " " + scalar + ";" + writeStmt; } } static JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> getRDDLazily(MLMatrix mat) { return mat.rdd().toJavaRDD().mapToPair(new GetMIMBFromRow()); } private MLMatrix matrixBinaryOp(MLMatrix that, String op) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { if (mc.getRowsPerBlock() != || mc.getColsPerBlock() != { throw new DMLRuntimeException( "Incompatible block sizes: brlen:" + mc.getRowsPerBlock() + "!=" + + " || bclen:" + mc.getColsPerBlock() + "!=" +; } if (op.compareTo("%*%") == 0) { if (mc.getCols() != { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Dimensions mismatch:" + mc.getCols() + "!=" +; } } else { if (mc.getRows() != || mc.getCols() != { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Dimensions mismatch:" + mc.getRows() + "!=" + + " || " + mc.getCols() + "!=" +; } } ml.reset(); ml.registerInput("left", this); ml.registerInput("right", that); ml.registerOutput("output"); MLOutput out = ml.executeScript(getScript(op)); RDD<Row> rows = out.getBinaryBlockedRDD("output").map(new GetMLBlock()).rdd(); StructType schema = MLBlock.getDefaultSchemaForBinaryBlock(); MatrixCharacteristics mcOut = out.getMatrixCharacteristics("output"); return new MLMatrix(this.sqlContext().createDataFrame(rows.toJavaRDD(), schema), mcOut, ml); } private MLMatrix scalarBinaryOp(Double scalar, String op, boolean isScalarLeft) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { ml.reset(); ml.registerInput("left", this); ml.registerOutput("output"); MLOutput out = ml.executeScript(getScalarBinaryScript(op, scalar, isScalarLeft)); RDD<Row> rows = out.getBinaryBlockedRDD("output").map(new GetMLBlock()).rdd(); StructType schema = MLBlock.getDefaultSchemaForBinaryBlock(); MatrixCharacteristics mcOut = out.getMatrixCharacteristics("output"); return new MLMatrix(this.sqlContext().createDataFrame(rows.toJavaRDD(), schema), mcOut, ml); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Simple operator loading but doesnot utilize the optimizer public MLMatrix $greater(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, ">"); } public MLMatrix $less(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "<"); } public MLMatrix $greater$eq(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, ">="); } public MLMatrix $less$eq(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "<="); } public MLMatrix $eq$eq(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "=="); } public MLMatrix $bang$eq(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "!="); } public MLMatrix $up(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "^"); } public MLMatrix exp(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "^"); } public MLMatrix $plus(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "+"); } public MLMatrix add(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "+"); } public MLMatrix $minus(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "-"); } public MLMatrix minus(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "-"); } public MLMatrix $times(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "*"); } public MLMatrix elementWiseMultiply(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "*"); } public MLMatrix $div(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "/"); } public MLMatrix divide(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "/"); } public MLMatrix $percent$div$percent(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "%/%"); } public MLMatrix integerDivision(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "%/%"); } public MLMatrix $percent$percent(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "%%"); } public MLMatrix modulus(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "%%"); } public MLMatrix $percent$times$percent(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "%*%"); } public MLMatrix multiply(MLMatrix that) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return matrixBinaryOp(that, "%*%"); } public MLMatrix transpose() throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { ml.reset(); ml.registerInput("left", this); ml.registerOutput("output"); String script = "left = read(\"\");" + "output = t(left); " + writeStmt; MLOutput out = ml.executeScript(script); RDD<Row> rows = out.getBinaryBlockedRDD("output").map(new GetMLBlock()).rdd(); StructType schema = MLBlock.getDefaultSchemaForBinaryBlock(); MatrixCharacteristics mcOut = out.getMatrixCharacteristics("output"); return new MLMatrix(this.sqlContext().createDataFrame(rows.toJavaRDD(), schema), mcOut, ml); } // TODO: For 'scalar op matrix' operations: Do implicit conversions public MLMatrix $plus(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "+", false); } public MLMatrix add(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "+", false); } public MLMatrix $minus(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "-", false); } public MLMatrix minus(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "-", false); } public MLMatrix $times(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "*", false); } public MLMatrix elementWiseMultiply(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "*", false); } public MLMatrix $div(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "/", false); } public MLMatrix divide(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "/", false); } public MLMatrix $greater(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, ">", false); } public MLMatrix $less(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "<", false); } public MLMatrix $greater$eq(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, ">=", false); } public MLMatrix $less$eq(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "<=", false); } public MLMatrix $eq$eq(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "==", false); } public MLMatrix $bang$eq(Double scalar) throws IOException, DMLException, ParseException { return scalarBinaryOp(scalar, "!=", false); } }