Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 NHN Corp. All rights Reserved. * NHN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package hudson.plugins.simpleupdatesite; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import; /** * UpdateSite representation including {@link Plugin} * * @author JunHo Yoon ( */ public class UpdateSite { public final int updateCenterVersion = 1; public Map<String, Plugin> plugins = new HashMap<String, Plugin>(); public final String id = "simpleupdatesite"; /** * Init {@link UpdateSite} class with the .hpi files. This method should be * called after {@link UpdateSite} object is created, to construct update * info. * * @param updateCenterBasePath * the file path in which the "plugins" folder exist * @param urlBasePath * base URL for downloading hpi files. * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void init(File updateCenterBasePath, String urlBasePath) throws IOException { String downloadBaseUrl = urlBasePath + "/plugins"; for (File hpiFile : (Collection<File>) FileUtils.listFiles(new File(updateCenterBasePath, "plugins"), new String[] { "hpi" }, false)) { try { Plugin plugin = new Plugin(); plugin.init(hpiFile, downloadBaseUrl); if (isNewestPlugin(plugin)) { this.plugins.put(plugin.getName(), plugin); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.printf("Fail to get the %s info\n", hpiFile.getName()); } } } /** * Convert {@link UpdateSite} to JSON format * * @return converted {@link JSONObject} */ public JSONObject toJSON() { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("updateCenterVersion", this.updateCenterVersion); jsonObject.put("id",; JSONObject pluginsJSON = new JSONObject(); for (Plugin plugin : this.plugins.values()) { pluginsJSON.element(plugin.getName(), plugin.toJSON()); } jsonObject.put("plugins", pluginsJSON); return jsonObject; } /** * Convert {@link UpdateSite} to JSON String including JSONP callback * function. * * @return conveted JSON String */ public String toUpdateCenterJSONString() { return "\n" + toJSON().toString(4) + "\n);"; } private boolean isNewestPlugin(Plugin plugin) { if (!this.plugins.containsKey(plugin.getName())) { return true; } String existingVersion = this.plugins.get(plugin.getName()).getVersion(); String pluginVersion = plugin.getVersion(); try { // Try comparing using {@link VersionNumber} return new VersionNumber(pluginVersion).isNewerThan(new VersionNumber(existingVersion)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // In case version numbers are strange, fall back to lexical comparison return pluginVersion.compareTo(existingVersion) > 0; } } }