List of usage examples for java.lang.reflect Modifier isTransient
public static boolean isTransient(int mod)
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/** * Gets all declared fields which are neither transient, static nor final. * @param clazz//from w ww .ja v a 2 s . c om * @return */ public static Field[] getDeclaredPropertyFields(final Class<?> clazz) { final Field[] fields = getAllDeclaredFields(clazz); final List<Field> list = new ArrayList<Field>(); for (final Field field : fields) { if (Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) == false && Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) == false && Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()) == false) { list.add(field); } } final Field[] result = new Field[list.size()]; list.toArray(result); return result; }
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protected void collectUserObjects(Object config, List<User> users) throws IOException { if (config == null) return;//from w ww . j a v a2 s. com if (config instanceof User) users.add((User) config); for (Field f : config.getClass().getFields()) { if (Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())) continue; if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) continue; try { Object kid = f.get(config); if (kid instanceof Object[]) for (Object item : (Object[]) kid) collectUserObjects(item, users); else if (kid instanceof Collection) for (Object item : (Collection) kid) collectUserObjects(item, users); else collectUserObjects(kid, users); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException( "Error saving config object. Could not check for User data. Make sure config objects are simple pojos with public fields", e); } } }
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protected boolean doSkip(Field field) { return Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers()); }
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/** * Returns a nicely formatted key of the field or method name * @param mod .getModifiers()//from www .j a v a 2 s . c om * @param end key ending * @return class member keys, converted to string */ private String getKey(int mod, String end) { StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(""); if (Modifier.isPublic(mod)) key.append("public "); if (Modifier.isPrivate(mod)) key.append("private "); if (Modifier.isProtected(mod)) key.append("protected "); if (Modifier.isStatic(mod)) key.append("static "); if (Modifier.isTransient(mod)) key.append("transient "); if (Modifier.isVolatile(mod)) key.append("volatile "); if (Modifier.isFinal(mod)) key.append("final "); if (Modifier.isSynchronized(mod)) key.append("synchronized "); return key.append(end).toString(); }
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private void mountParameters(final ENTITY entity, final Map<String, Object> params, final String parent) { final List<Field> fields = VulpeReflectUtil.getFields(entity.getClass()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entity.getAutocomplete())) { try {// w w w. java 2 s . c o m if (entity.getId() != null) { params.put("id", entity.getId()); } else { final String[] autocompleteParts = entity.getAutocomplete().split(","); if (autocompleteParts.length > 1) { for (final String autocomplete : autocompleteParts) { final String value = "[like]%" + entity.getAutocompleteTerm() + "%"; params.put(autocomplete, value); } } else { final String value = "[like]%" + entity.getAutocompleteTerm() + "%"; params.put(entity.getAutocomplete(), value); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VulpeSystemException(e); } } else { for (final Field field : fields) { if ((field.isAnnotationPresent(SkipAutoFilter.class) || field.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class) || Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers())) && !field.isAnnotationPresent(QueryParameter.class)) { continue; } try { Object value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(entity, field.getName()); Class<?> valueClass = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(entity, field.getName()); if (VulpeEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { final ManyToOne manyToOne = field.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class); final QueryParameter queryParameter = field.getAnnotation(QueryParameter.class); final String paramName = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parent) ? parent + "." : "") + (queryParameter != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(queryParameter.value()) ? "_" + queryParameter.value() : field.getName()); if (value != null) { if (manyToOne != null || (queryParameter != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(queryParameter.value()))) { if (!value.getClass().getSimpleName().contains(CGLIB_ENHANCER)) { mountParameters((ENTITY) value, params, paramName); } } else if (isNotEmpty(value)) { params.put(paramName, value); } } } else if (value instanceof Collection) { final OneToMany oneToMany = field.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class); final String paramName = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parent) ? parent + "." : "") + field.getName(); if (oneToMany != null) { for (final ENTITY item : (Collection<ENTITY>) value) { mountParameters(item, params, paramName); } } } else if (isNotEmpty(value)) { final QueryParameter queryParameter = field.getAnnotation(QueryParameter.class); String alias = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parent) ? parent + "." : ""; StringBuilder paramName = new StringBuilder(alias); String fieldName = field.getName(); if (queryParameter != null) { if (queryParameter.fake() && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(queryParameter.value())) { fieldName = "!" + fieldName; } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(queryParameter.value()) && queryParameter.type().equals(TypeParameter.DATE)) { value = new String(queryParameter.value().replaceAll(" ", "").replace(":value", new SimpleDateFormat(queryParameter.pattern()).format(value))); } } paramName.append(fieldName); final Like like = field.getAnnotation(Like.class); if (like != null) { if (like.type().equals(LikeType.BEGIN)) { value = value + "%"; } else if (like.type().equals(LikeType.END)) { value = "%" + value; } else { value = "%" + value + "%"; } value = "[like]" + value; } params.put(paramName.toString(), value); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VulpeSystemException(e); } } } }
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protected boolean doSkip(Field field) { return Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isProtected(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers()); }
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private void assertEqualDeclaredFields(final Class<? extends Object> clazz, final Object one, final Object another) throws Exception, IllegalAccessException { for (final Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { field.setAccessible(true);// w ww.j av a if (!Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers())) { assertDeepEquals(field.get(one), field.get(another)); } } }
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/** * Get string of code required to generate the string representation of a * Roo Bean//from www . ja v a 2 s .c o m * * @param members of the Roo Bean * @param prefix for every property (use null for this bean itself) * @return */ private String getToStringCodeForRooBean(MemberDetails members, String prefix) { StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(); for (MemberHoldingTypeDetails memberHoldingTypeDetails : members.getDetails()) { for (MethodMetadata method : memberHoldingTypeDetails.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (BeanInfoUtils.isAccessorMethod(method)) { JavaSymbolName propertyName = BeanInfoUtils.getPropertyNameForJavaBeanMethod(method); FieldMetadata field = BeanInfoUtils.getFieldForPropertyName(members, propertyName); if (field != null) { if (MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), new JavaType("javax.persistence.Version")) != null) { continue; } if (MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), new JavaType("javax.persistence.Transient")) != null) { continue; } if (Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifier())) { continue; } if (MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), new JavaType("javax.persistence.ManyToMany")) != null) { continue; } if (MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), new JavaType("javax.persistence.OneToMany")) != null) { continue; } if (MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), new JavaType("javax.persistence.ManyToOne")) != null) { strb.append(getToStringManyToOneProperty(method, field, prefix)); continue; } if (MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), new JavaType("javax.persistence.EmbeddedId")) != null) { continue; } strb.append(getToStringCodeForBaseField(prefix, method.getMethodName(), field)); } } } } return strb.toString(); }
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private static void analyzeJavaClass(String javaClassName) { try {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Class<?> javaClass = Class.forName(javaClassName); String javaClassSimpleName = javaClass.getSimpleName(); if (!DatabaseObject.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass)) { //Error.NON_DATABASE_OBJECT.add(javaClassName); return; } nBeanClass++; String dboBeanInfoClassName = javaClassName + "BeanInfo"; MySimpleBeanInfo dboBeanInfo = null; try { dboBeanInfo = (MySimpleBeanInfo) (Class.forName(dboBeanInfoClassName)).newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { if (!Modifier.isAbstract(javaClass.getModifiers())) { Error.MISSING_BEAN_INFO .add(javaClassName + " (expected bean info: " + dboBeanInfoClassName + ")"); } return; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = dboBeanInfo.getBeanDescriptor(); // Check abstract class if (Modifier.isAbstract(javaClass.getModifiers())) { // Check icon (16x16) String declaredIconName = MySimpleBeanInfo.getIconName(dboBeanInfo, MySimpleBeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16); if (declaredIconName != null) { Error.ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_ICON.add(javaClassName); } // Check icon (32x32) declaredIconName = MySimpleBeanInfo.getIconName(dboBeanInfo, MySimpleBeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32); if (declaredIconName != null) { Error.ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_ICON.add(javaClassName); } // Check display name if (!beanDescriptor.getDisplayName().equals("?")) { Error.ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_DISPLAY_NAME.add(javaClassName); } // Check description if (!beanDescriptor.getShortDescription().equals("?")) { Error.ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_DESCRIPTION.add(javaClassName); } } else { nBeanClassNotAbstract++; // Check bean declaration in database_objects.xml if (!dboXmlDeclaredDatabaseObjects.contains(javaClassName)) { Error.BEAN_DEFINED_BUT_NOT_USED.add(javaClassName); } // Check icon name policy (16x16) String declaredIconName = MySimpleBeanInfo.getIconName(dboBeanInfo, MySimpleBeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16); String expectedIconName = javaClassName.replace(javaClassSimpleName, "images/" + javaClassSimpleName); expectedIconName = "/" + expectedIconName.replace('.', '/') + "_color_16x16"; expectedIconName = expectedIconName.toLowerCase() + ".png"; if (declaredIconName != null) { if (!declaredIconName.equals(expectedIconName)) { Error.BEAN_ICON_NAMING_POLICY.add(javaClassName + "\n" + " Declared: " + declaredIconName + "\n" + " Expected: " + expectedIconName); } } // Check icon file (16x16) File iconFile = new File(srcBase + declaredIconName); if (!iconFile.exists()) { Error.BEAN_MISSING_ICON.add(javaClassName + " - icon missing: " + declaredIconName); } else { icons.remove(declaredIconName); } // Check icon name policy (32x32) declaredIconName = MySimpleBeanInfo.getIconName(dboBeanInfo, MySimpleBeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32); expectedIconName = javaClassName.replace(javaClassSimpleName, "images/" + javaClassSimpleName); expectedIconName = "/" + expectedIconName.replace('.', '/') + "_color_32x32"; expectedIconName = expectedIconName.toLowerCase() + ".png"; if (declaredIconName != null) { if (!declaredIconName.equals(expectedIconName)) { Error.BEAN_ICON_NAMING_POLICY.add(javaClassName + "\n" + " Declared: " + declaredIconName + "\n" + " Expected: " + expectedIconName); } } // Check icon file (32x32) iconFile = new File(srcBase + declaredIconName); if (!iconFile.exists()) { Error.BEAN_MISSING_ICON.add(javaClassName + " - icon missing: " + declaredIconName); } else { icons.remove(declaredIconName); } // Check display name if (beanDescriptor.getDisplayName().equals("?")) { Error.BEAN_MISSING_DISPLAY_NAME.add(javaClassName); } // Check description if (beanDescriptor.getShortDescription().equals("?")) { Error.BEAN_MISSING_DESCRIPTION.add(javaClassName); } } // Check declared bean properties PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = dboBeanInfo.getLocalPropertyDescriptors(); for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); try { javaClass.getDeclaredField(propertyName); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { try { // Try to find it in the upper classes javaClass.getField(propertyName); } catch (SecurityException e1) { // printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e1) { Error.PROPERTY_DECLARED_BUT_NOT_FOUND.add(javaClassName + ": " + propertyName); } } } Method[] methods = javaClass.getDeclaredMethods(); List<Method> listMethods = Arrays.asList(methods); List<String> listMethodNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Method method : listMethods) { listMethodNames.add(method.getName()); } Field[] fields = javaClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { int fieldModifiers = field.getModifiers(); // Ignore static fields (constants) if (Modifier.isStatic(fieldModifiers)) continue; String fieldName = field.getName(); String errorMessage = javaClassName + ": " + field.getName(); // Check bean info PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = isBeanProperty(fieldName, dboBeanInfo); if (propertyDescriptor != null) { // Check bean property name policy if (!propertyDescriptor.getName().equals(fieldName)) { Error.PROPERTY_NAMING_POLICY.add(errorMessage); } String declaredGetter = propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().getName(); String declaredSetter = propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod().getName(); String formattedFieldName = Character.toUpperCase(fieldName.charAt(0)) + fieldName.substring(1); String expectedGetter = "get" + formattedFieldName; String expectedSetter = "set" + formattedFieldName; // Check getter name policy if (!declaredGetter.equals(expectedGetter)) { Error.GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_EXPECTED_NAMES_MISMATCH .add(errorMessage + "\n" + " Declared getter: " + declaredGetter + "\n" + " Expected getter: " + expectedGetter); } // Check setter name policy if (!declaredSetter.equals(expectedSetter)) { Error.GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_EXPECTED_NAMES_MISMATCH .add(errorMessage + "\n" + " Declared setter: " + declaredSetter + "\n" + " Expected setter: " + expectedSetter); } // Check required private modifiers for bean property if (!Modifier.isPrivate(fieldModifiers)) { Error.PROPERTY_NOT_PRIVATE.add(errorMessage); } // Check getter if (!listMethodNames.contains(declaredGetter)) { Error.GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_BUT_NOT_FOUND .add(errorMessage + " - Declared getter not found: " + declaredGetter); } // Check setter if (!listMethodNames.contains(declaredSetter)) { Error.GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_BUT_NOT_FOUND .add(errorMessage + " - Declared setter not found: " + declaredGetter); } // Check non transient modifier if (Modifier.isTransient(fieldModifiers)) { Error.PROPERTY_TRANSIENT.add(errorMessage); } } else if (!Modifier.isTransient(fieldModifiers)) { Error.FIELD_NOT_TRANSIENT.add(errorMessage); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR on " + javaClassName); e.printStackTrace(); } }
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private static void nullOutFieldsByFieldAccess(Object object, Map<Integer, Object> checkedObjects, Map<Integer, List<Object>> checkedObjectCollisionMap, int depth, SerializationType serializationType) throws Exception { Class tmpClass = object.getClass(); List<Field> fieldsToClean = new ArrayList<Field>(); while (tmpClass != null && tmpClass != Object.class) { Field[] declaredFields = tmpClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field declaredField : declaredFields) { // do not process static final or transient fields since they won't be serialized anyway int modifiers = declaredField.getModifiers(); if (!((Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) && Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) || Modifier.isTransient(modifiers))) { fieldsToClean.add(declaredField); }//from w w w . j av a 2s . c o m } tmpClass = tmpClass.getSuperclass(); } nullOutFieldsByFieldAccess(object, fieldsToClean, checkedObjects, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth, serializationType); }