Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package name.yumaa;

 * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
 * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
 * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
 * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
 * for more details.

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.json.simple.*;
import it.sauronsoftware.base64.Base64;

 * Server Side ChromeLogger4J debugger class
 * This class is for debugging and logging Java variables to the chrome console.
 * It is server side library for Chrome Logger, developed by Craig Campbell
 * You can find it (and installation instructions) here ->
 * This class uses
 * Base64 library ->
 * JSON.simple library ->
 * @author Didenko Victor
public class ChromeLogger4J {

     * library version
    public static final String VERSION = "2.0";

     * Name of header we use for transfer data
    public static final String HEADER_NAME = "X-ChromeLogger-Data";

    public static final String LOG = ""; // according to we don't need to send "log"
    public static final String WARN = "warn";
    public static final String ERROR = "error";
    public static final String GROUP = "group";
    public static final String INFO = "info";
    public static final String GROUP_END = "groupEnd";
    public static final String GROUP_COLLAPSED = "groupCollapsed";

    // different settings

     * Max recursion depth (default = 2)
    public int depth = 2;

     * Store stack trace or not (it takes much memory!) (default = false)
    public boolean stack = false;

     * Add properties with NULL values or not (default = false)
    public boolean addnull = false;

     * Use reflection for objects of unknown class or not (default = false)
    public boolean reflect = false;

     * If we use reflection - should we add fields or not (default = true)
    public boolean reflectfields = true;

     * If we use reflection - should we add array with all methods or not (default = false)
    public boolean reflectmethods = false;

     * If we use reflection - should we add private fields/methods or not (default = true)
    public boolean reflectprivate = true;

     * If we use reflection - should we add static fields/methods or not (default = false)
    public boolean reflectstatic = false;

    // private

     * HttpServletResponse object - where headers will be sent
    private HttpServletResponse response = null;

     * Resulting JSON data
    private JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

     * Collection of back trace messages
    private HashSet<String> backtraces = new HashSet<String>();

     * Collection of processed objects, to avoid recursions
    private ArrayList<Object> processed;

    // this class name
    private final String className;

     * Class initializer
        // add initial values into _json
        json.put("version", VERSION);
        JSONArray columns = new JSONArray();
        json.put("columns", columns);
        json.put("rows", new JSONArray());

        // get this class name
        className = this.getClass().getName();

     * Logs a variable to the console
     * @param args    variables to log
    public void log(Object... args) {
        _log(LOG, args);

     * Logs a variable to the console
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg    variable to log
    public void log(Object arg) {
        log(new Object[] { arg });

     * Logs a variable to the console
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg1    variable to log
     * @param arg2    variable to log
    public void log(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        log(new Object[] { arg1, arg2 });

     * Logs a warning to the console
     * @param args    variables to log
    public void warn(Object... args) {
        _log(WARN, args);

     * Logs a warning to the console
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg    variable to log
    public void warn(Object arg) {
        warn(new Object[] { arg });

     * Logs a warning to the console
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg1    variable to log
     * @param arg2    variable to log
    public void warn(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        warn(new Object[] { arg1, arg2 });

     * Logs an error to the console
     * @param args    variables to log
    public void error(Object... args) {
        _log(ERROR, args);

     * Logs an error to the console
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg    variable to log
    public void error(Object arg) {
        error(new Object[] { arg });

     * Logs an error to the console
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg1    variable to log
     * @param arg2    variable to log
    public void error(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        error(new Object[] { arg1, arg2 });

     * Sends a group log
     * @param args    variables to log
    public void group(Object... args) {
        _log(GROUP, args);

     * Sends a group log
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg    variable to log
    public void group(Object arg) {
        group(new Object[] { arg });

     * Sends a group log
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg1    variable to log
     * @param arg2    variable to log
    public void group(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        group(new Object[] { arg1, arg2 });

     * Sends an info log
     * @param args    variable2 to log
    public void info(Object... args) {
        _log(INFO, args);

     * Sends an info log
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg    variable to log
    public void info(Object arg) {
        info(new Object[] { arg });

     * Sends an info log
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg1    variable to log
     * @param arg2    variable to log
    public void info(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        info(new Object[] { arg1, arg2 });

     * Sends a collapsed group log
     * @param args    variables to log
    public void groupCollapsed(Object... args) {
        _log(GROUP_COLLAPSED, args);

     * Sends a collapsed group log
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg    variable to log
    public void groupCollapsed(Object arg) {
        groupCollapsed(new Object[] { arg });

     * Sends a collapsed group log
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg1    variable to log
     * @param arg2    variable to log
    public void groupCollapsed(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        groupCollapsed(new Object[] { arg1, arg2 });

     * Ends a group log
     * @param args    variables to log
    public void groupEnd(Object... args) {
        _log(GROUP_END, args);

     * Ends a group log
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg    variable to log
    public void groupEnd(Object arg) {
        groupEnd(new Object[] { arg });

     * Ends a group log
     * Method for BeanShell, because it don't understand syntax sugar like ... in arguments :(
     * @param arg1    variable to log
     * @param arg2    variable to log
    public void groupEnd(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        groupEnd(new Object[] { arg1, arg2 });

     * Internal logging call
     * @param type    log type
     * @param args    variables to log
    private void _log(String type, Object... args) {
        // nothing passed in, don't do anything
        if (args.length == 0 && !GROUP_END.equals(type))

        JSONArray log = new JSONArray();
        for (Object arg : args) {
            processed = new ArrayList<Object>();
            try {
                arg = convert(arg, 0);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                arg = e.toString();

        StringBuilder backtrace_message = new StringBuilder(this.stack ? "" : "stack->false");
        if (this.stack) {
            StackTraceElement[] st = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
            for (int i = 0, j = st.length, count = 0; i < j && count < 5; i++) {
                // skip this class calls, native methods and unknown sources
                if (this.className.equals(st[i].getClassName()) || st[i].getFileName() == null
                        || st[i].getLineNumber() < 0)

                count++; // count output rows -> print out maximum 5
                if (i + 1 < j && count < 5)

        addRow(log, backtrace_message.toString(), type);

     * Converts an object to a better format for logging
     * @param object    variable to conver
     * @param depth     recursion depth
     * @return converted object, ready to put to JSON
    private Object convert(Object object, int depth) {
        // *** return simple types as is ***
        if (object == null || object instanceof String || object instanceof Number || object instanceof Boolean)
            return object;

        // *** other simple types ***

        if (object instanceof Character || object instanceof StringBuffer || object instanceof StringBuilder
                || object instanceof Currency || object instanceof Date || object instanceof Locale)
            return object.toString();

        if (object instanceof Calendar)
            return ((Calendar) object).getTime().toString();

        if (object instanceof SimpleDateFormat)
            return ((SimpleDateFormat) object).toPattern();

        // check recursion depth
        if (depth > this.depth)
            return "d>" + this.depth;

        // mark this object as processed so we don't convert it twice and it
        // also avoid recursion when objects refer to each other

        // *** not so simple types, but we can foreach it ***

        if (object instanceof Map) {
            JSONObject jobject = new JSONObject();
            for (Object key : ((Map<Object, Object>) object).keySet()) {
                Object value = ((Map<Object, Object>) object).get(key);
                addValue(jobject, key.toString(), value, depth);
            return jobject;

        if (object instanceof Collection) {
            JSONArray jobject = new JSONArray();
            for (Object value : (Collection<Object>) object)
                addValue(jobject, value, depth);
            return jobject;

        if (object instanceof Iterable) {
            JSONArray jobject = new JSONArray();
            for (Object value : (Iterable<Object>) object)
                addValue(jobject, value, depth);
            return jobject;

        if (object instanceof Object[]) {
            JSONArray jobject = new JSONArray();
            for (Object value : (Object[]) object)
                addValue(jobject, value, depth);
            return jobject;

        // *** object of unknown type ***

        JSONObject jobject = new JSONObject();

        Class<?> cls = object.getClass();
        jobject.put("___class_name", cls.getName()); // add the class name
        jobject.put("___toString()", object.toString()); // and to string representation

        if (!this.reflect)
            return jobject;

        // get all properties using reflection
        if (this.reflectfields) {
            try {
                for (Field field : cls.getDeclaredFields()) {
                    Boolean access = field.isAccessible();

                    int mod = field.getModifiers();
                    String key = getKey(mod, field.getName());
                    Object value;
                    try {
                        value = field.get(object);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        value = e.toString();


                    if (!this.reflectprivate && (Modifier.isPrivate(mod) || Modifier.isProtected(mod)))
                    if (!this.reflectstatic && Modifier.isStatic(mod))

                    addValue(jobject, key, value, depth);
            } catch (SecurityException e) {

        // get all methods using reflection
        if (this.reflectmethods) {
            try {
                JSONObject methods = new JSONObject();
                for (Method method : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                    Boolean access = method.isAccessible();

                    Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes();
                    StringBuilder parameters = new StringBuilder("");
                    for (int i = 0, j = params.length; i < j; i++) {
                        if (i + 1 < j)
                            parameters.append(", ");
                    int mod = method.getModifiers();
                    String key = getKey(mod, method.getName() + "(" + parameters.toString() + ")");
                    String value = method.getReturnType().getName();


                    if (!this.reflectprivate && (Modifier.isPrivate(mod) || Modifier.isProtected(mod)))
                    if (!this.reflectstatic && Modifier.isStatic(mod))

                    methods.put(key, value);
                jobject.put("___methods", methods);
            } catch (SecurityException e) {

        return jobject;

     * Returns a nicely formatted key of the field or method name
     * @param mod    .getModifiers()
     * @param end    key ending
     * @return class member keys, converted to string
    private String getKey(int mod, String end) {
        StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder("");
        if (Modifier.isPublic(mod))
            key.append("public ");
        if (Modifier.isPrivate(mod))
            key.append("private ");
        if (Modifier.isProtected(mod))
            key.append("protected ");
        if (Modifier.isStatic(mod))
            key.append("static ");
        if (Modifier.isTransient(mod))
            key.append("transient ");
        if (Modifier.isVolatile(mod))
            key.append("volatile ");
        if (Modifier.isFinal(mod))
            key.append("final ");
        if (Modifier.isSynchronized(mod))
            key.append("synchronized ");
        return key.append(end).toString();

    private Object processValue(Object object, Object value, int depth) {
        boolean isProcessed = false;
        for (Object o : processed) // don't use .contains() because it tries to cast value type via .equals()
            if (value == o) { // just check links
                isProcessed = true;

        if (value == object || isProcessed)
            value = "r->" + value.toString();
            try {
                value = convert(value, depth + 1);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                value = e.toString();

        return value;

    private void addValue(JSONObject object, String key, Object value, int depth) {
        value = processValue(object, value, depth);
        if (value != null || this.addnull)
            object.put(key, value);

    private void addValue(JSONArray object, Object value, int depth) {
        value = processValue(object, value, depth);
        if (value != null || this.addnull)

     * Adds a value to the data array
     * @param log          log data
     * @param backtrace    backtrace data
     * @param type         log type
    private void addRow(JSONArray log, String backtrace, String type) {
        if (backtraces.contains(backtrace))
            backtrace = null;
        else if (backtrace != null)

        JSONArray row = new JSONArray();

        ((JSONArray) json.get("rows")).add(row);

     * Add header to HTTP response
     * @param data    response JSON data
    private void writeHeader(JSONObject data) {
        String encodedData = Base64.encode(data.toJSONString(), "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\n", "");
        //FIXME if there is long header it rises "header full: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 16384" uncatchable exception
        response.setHeader(HEADER_NAME, encodedData);

     * Constructor
     * @param response    HTTP response
    public ChromeLogger4J(HttpServletResponse response) {
        this.response = response;

     * Print about, in case class will be executed
     * @param args    command line arguments, if class was executed inside of console
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("/**\n" + " * Server Side ChromeLogger4J debugger class\n" + " * \n"
                + " * This class is for debugging and logging Java variables to the chrome console.\n"
                + " * It is server side library for Chrome Logger, developed by Craig Campbell\n"
                + " * You can find it (and installation instructions) here ->\n"
                + " * \n" + " * This class uses\n"
                + " * Base64 library ->\n"
                + " * JSON.simple library ->\n" + " * \n"
                + " * @author Didenko Victor\n" + " */");
