Example usage for java.lang.reflect Modifier isTransient

List of usage examples for java.lang.reflect Modifier isTransient


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang.reflect Modifier isTransient.


public static boolean isTransient(int mod) 

Source Link


Return true if the integer argument includes the transient modifier, false otherwise.


From source file:com.ejisto.modules.web.util.FieldSerializationUtil.java

public static List<MockedField> translateObject(Object object, String containerClassName, String fieldName,
        String contextPath) {/*from  w w w . java 2 s. c om*/
    if (object == null) {
        return emptyList();
    if (isBlackListed(object.getClass())) {
        String fieldType = object.getClass().getName();
        MockedField out = buildMockedField(containerClassName, fieldName, contextPath, fieldType);
        return asList(out);
    DefaultSupportedType type = DefaultSupportedType.evaluate(object);
    if (type != null && type.isPrimitiveOrSimpleValue()) {
        return asList(getSingleFieldFromDefaultSupportedType(object, type, contextPath, containerClassName,
    List<MockedField> out = new ArrayList<MockedField>();
    Class<?> objectClass = object.getClass();
    String className = objectClass.getName();
    for (Field field : objectClass.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (!Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) && !isBlackListed(field.getType())) {
            out.add(translateField(field, object, className, contextPath));
    return out;

From source file:io.fabric8.cxf.endpoint.BeanValidationAnnotationIntrospector.java

public boolean hasIgnoreMarker(AnnotatedMember m) {
    Member member = m.getMember();
    int modifiers = member.getModifiers();
    if (Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) {
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOG.fine("Ignoring transient member " + m);
        }//from  ww w .j  a v  a 2  s  . com
        return true;
    } else if (m instanceof AnnotatedMethod) {
        AnnotatedMethod method = (AnnotatedMethod) m;
        String methodName = method.getName();
        // lets see if there is a transient field of the same name as the getter
        if (methodName.startsWith("get") && method.getParameterCount() == 0) {
            String fieldName = Introspector.decapitalize(methodName.substring(3));
            Class<?> declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
            Field field = findField(fieldName, declaringClass);
            if (field != null) {
                int fieldModifiers = field.getModifiers();
                if (Modifier.isTransient(fieldModifiers)) {
                    LOG.fine("Ignoring member " + m + " due to transient field called " + fieldName);
                    return true;
    return super.hasIgnoreMarker(m);


From source file:springobjectmapper.ReflectionHelper.java

private static boolean isEntityField(Field field) {
    return !field.isSynthetic() && !Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())
            && !Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers());

From source file:org.opentele.server.core.util.CustomGroovyBeanJSONMarshaller.java

public void marshalObject(Object o, JSON json) throws ConverterException {
    JSONWriter writer = json.getWriter();
    try {//  w  w  w .  j a  v a2s .c om
        for (PropertyDescriptor property : BeanUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(o.getClass())) {
            String name = property.getName();
            Method readMethod = property.getReadMethod();
            if (readMethod != null && !(name.equals("metaClass")) && !(name.equals("class"))) {
                Object value = readMethod.invoke(o, (Object[]) null);
        for (Field field : o.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
            int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
            if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)
                    && !(Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isTransient(modifiers))) {
    } catch (ConverterException ce) {
        throw ce;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ConverterException("Error converting Bean with class " + o.getClass().getName(), e);

From source file:net.buffalo.protocal.util.ClassUtil.java

private static HashMap getFieldMap(Class cl) {
    HashMap fieldMap = new HashMap();
    for (; cl != null; cl = cl.getSuperclass()) {
        Field[] fields = cl.getDeclaredFields();
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            Field field = fields[i];
            if (Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()))
            field.setAccessible(true);/*w  w  w  .j av a2s.  com*/
            fieldMap.put(field.getName(), field);

    return fieldMap;

From source file:org.vulpe.commons.util.VulpeBeanComparatorUtil.java

 * Compare beans and return map with differences by field.
 * /*from  ww  w  . j  a va 2s.com*/
 * @param bean1
 * @param bean2
 * @return Map with differences by field.
public static Map<String, Object[]> compare(final Object bean1, final Object bean2, boolean skipCollections,
        boolean skipTransient) {
    if (VulpeValidationUtil.isEmpty(bean1, bean2)) {
        throw new NullArgumentException("bean1(" + bean1 + ") bean2(" + bean2 + ")");
    if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(bean1, bean2) && !bean1.getClass().equals(bean2.getClass())) {
        throw new IllegalClassException(bean1.getClass(), bean2.getClass());
    final Class<?> baseClass = bean1 != null ? bean1.getClass() : bean2.getClass();
    final Map<String, Object[]> diffMap = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
    final List<Field> fields = VulpeReflectUtil.getFields(baseClass);
    for (final Field field : fields) {
        if (VulpeReflectUtil.isAnnotationInField(SkipCompare.class, baseClass, field)
                || (skipCollections && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
                || (skipTransient && (Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers())
                        || field.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class)))) {
        try {
            Object value1 = VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(bean1)
                    ? VulpeReflectUtil.getFieldValue(bean1, field.getName())
                    : null;
            Object value2 = VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(bean2)
                    ? VulpeReflectUtil.getFieldValue(bean2, field.getName())
                    : null;
            if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNull(value1, value2)) {
            boolean diff = false;
            if ((VulpeValidationUtil.isEmpty(value1) && VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(value2))
                    || (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(value1) && VulpeValidationUtil.isEmpty(value2))) {
                diff = true;
                if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
                    if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(value1)) {
                        if (value1 instanceof Timestamp) {
                            value1 = VulpeDateUtil.getDate((Date) value1,
                        } else {
                            value1 = VulpeDateUtil.getDate((Date) value1, VulpeConfigHelper.getDatePattern());
                    if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(value2)) {
                        if (value2 instanceof Timestamp) {
                            value2 = VulpeDateUtil.getDate((Date) value2,
                        } else {
                            value2 = VulpeDateUtil.getDate((Date) value2, VulpeConfigHelper.getDatePattern());
                } else if (VulpeEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
                    if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(value1)) {
                        value1 = ((VulpeEntity<?>) value1).getId();
                    if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(value2)) {
                        value2 = ((VulpeEntity<?>) value2).getId();
            } else {
                if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
                    if (((Date) value1).getTime() != ((Date) value2).getTime()) {
                        if (value1 instanceof Timestamp || value2 instanceof Timestamp) {
                            value1 = VulpeDateUtil.getDate((Date) value1,
                            value2 = VulpeDateUtil.getDate((Date) value2,
                        } else {
                            value1 = VulpeDateUtil.getDate((Date) value1, VulpeConfigHelper.getDatePattern());
                            value2 = VulpeDateUtil.getDate((Date) value2, VulpeConfigHelper.getDatePattern());
                        diff = true;
                } else if (VulpeEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
                    if (!((VulpeEntity<?>) value1).getId().equals(((VulpeEntity<?>) value2).getId())) {
                        value1 = ((VulpeEntity<?>) value1).getId();
                        value2 = ((VulpeEntity<?>) value2).getId();
                        diff = true;
                } else if (!value1.equals(value2)) {
                    diff = true;
            if (diff) {
                diffMap.put(field.getName(), new Object[] { value1, value2 });
        } catch (Exception e) {
    return diffMap;

From source file:org.springmodules.cache.util.Reflections.java

 * <p>/*from   w  ww .  j  a  v a2s  . co m*/
 * This method uses reflection to build a valid hash code.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * It uses <code>AccessibleObject.setAccessible</code> to gain access to
 * private fields. This means that it will throw a security exception if run
 * under a security manager, if the permissions are not set up correctly. It
 * is also not as efficient as testing explicitly.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Transient members will not be used, as they are likely derived fields,
 * and not part of the value of the <code>Object</code>.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Static fields will not be tested. Superclass fields will be included.
 * </p>
 * @param obj
 *          the object to create a <code>hashCode</code> for
 * @return the generated hash code, or zero if the given object is
 *         <code>null</code>
public static int reflectionHashCode(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null)
        return 0;

    Class targetClass = obj.getClass();
    if (Objects.isArrayOfPrimitives(obj) || Objects.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(targetClass)) {
        return Objects.nullSafeHashCode(obj);

    if (targetClass.isArray()) {
        return reflectionHashCode((Object[]) obj);

    if (obj instanceof Collection) {
        return reflectionHashCode((Collection) obj);

    if (obj instanceof Map) {
        return reflectionHashCode((Map) obj);

    // determine whether the object's class declares hashCode() or has a
    // superClass other than java.lang.Object that declares hashCode()
    Class clazz = (obj instanceof Class) ? (Class) obj : obj.getClass();
    Method hashCodeMethod = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(clazz, "hashCode", new Class[0]);

    if (hashCodeMethod != null) {
        return obj.hashCode();

    // could not find a hashCode other than the one declared by java.lang.Object
    int hash = INITIAL_HASH;

    try {
        while (targetClass != null) {
            Field[] fields = targetClass.getDeclaredFields();
            AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
                Field field = fields[i];
                int modifiers = field.getModifiers();

                if (!Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) {
                    hash = MULTIPLIER * hash + reflectionHashCode(field.get(obj));
            targetClass = targetClass.getSuperclass();
    } catch (IllegalAccessException exception) {
        // ///CLOVER:OFF
        // ///CLOVER:ON

    return hash;

From source file:Main.java

public static boolean equals(Object target, Object o) {
    if (target == o)
        return true;
    if (target == null || o == null)
        return false;
    if (!target.getClass().equals(o.getClass()))
        return false;

    Class<?> current = target.getClass();
    do {/*from  ww w  .ja va 2 s  .  co  m*/
        for (Field f : current.getDeclaredFields()) {
            if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())
                    || f.isSynthetic()) {

            Object self;
            Object other;
            try {
                self = f.get(target);
                other = f.get(o);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);
            if (self == null) {
                if (other != null)
                    return false;
            } else if (self.getClass().isArray()) {
                if (self.getClass().equals(boolean[].class)) {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((boolean[]) self, (boolean[]) other))
                        return false;
                } else if (self.getClass().equals(char[].class)) {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((char[]) self, (char[]) other))
                        return false;
                } else if (self.getClass().equals(byte[].class)) {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((byte[]) self, (byte[]) other))
                        return false;
                } else if (self.getClass().equals(short[].class)) {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((short[]) self, (short[]) other))
                        return false;
                } else if (self.getClass().equals(int[].class)) {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((int[]) self, (int[]) other))
                        return false;
                } else if (self.getClass().equals(long[].class)) {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((long[]) self, (long[]) other))
                        return false;
                } else if (self.getClass().equals(float[].class)) {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((float[]) self, (float[]) other))
                        return false;
                } else if (self.getClass().equals(double[].class)) {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((double[]) self, (double[]) other))
                        return false;
                } else {
                    if (!Arrays.equals((Object[]) self, (Object[]) other))
                        return false;
            } else if (!self.equals(other)) {
                return false;
        current = current.getSuperclass();
    } while (!Object.class.equals(current));

    return true;

From source file:py.una.pol.karaku.test.test.ValidationMessagesTest.java

public void testConstants() {

    ReflectionUtils.doWithFields(ValidationMessages.class, new FieldCallback() {

        @Override//from ww w.  ja v  a 2s.  co m
        public void doWith(Field field) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {

            String value = (String) field.get(null);
            assertTrue("Key: " + value + " not found", keys.contains(value));
    }, new FieldFilter() {

        public boolean matches(Field field) {

            int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
            return Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)
                    && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers);

From source file:pl.maciejwalkowiak.plist.FieldSerializer.java

private String serializeField(Object o, Field field) {
    String result = "";

    int modifiers = field.getModifiers();

    if (!Modifier.isTransient(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) {

        if (!field.isAnnotationPresent(PlistIgnore.class)) {
            result = processField(field, o).toString();
        } else {/* w  w  w.  ja  va 2  s . co  m*/
            logger.debug("field {} is ignored", field.getName());

    return result;