Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Convertigo SA. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<>. * * $URL: http://sourceus/svn/convertigo/CEMS_opensource/branches/6.1.3/Studio/src/com/twinsoft/convertigo/beans/ $ * $Author: nicolasa $ * $Revision: 30608 $ * $Date: 2012-05-29 14:40:29 +0200 (mar., 29 mai 2012) $ */ package com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans; import java.beans.BeanDescriptor; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.MySimpleBeanInfo; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Engine; public class CheckBeans { private enum Error { //NON_DATABASE_OBJECT("Non database object"), MISSING_BEAN_INFO("Missing bean info"), ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_ICON( "Abstract class should not have icon"), ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_DISPLAY_NAME( "Abstract class should not have a display name"), ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_DESCRIPTION( "Abstract class should not have a description"), BEAN_DEFINED_BUT_NOT_USED( "Bean defined but not used"), BEAN_MISSING_DISPLAY_NAME( "Bean missing display name"), BEAN_MISSING_DESCRIPTION( "Bean missing description"), BEAN_MISSING_ICON( "Declared icon missing"), BEAN_ICON_NAMING_POLICY( "Wrong icon name "), BEAN_ICON_NOT_USED( "Not used icon"), PROPERTY_DECLARED_BUT_NOT_FOUND( "Declared property but not found"), PROPERTY_NAMING_POLICY( "Declared and defined bean property name mismatch"), PROPERTY_NOT_PRIVATE( "Non private bean property"), PROPERTY_TRANSIENT( "Bean property should not be transient"), GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_BUT_NOT_FOUND( "Declared getter or setter but not found"), GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_EXPECTED_NAMES_MISMATCH( "Declared and expected getter and/or setter mismatch"), FIELD_NOT_TRANSIENT( "Field not transient"); private String label; Error(String label) { this.label = label; } public String toString() { return label; } public void add(String errorMessage) { List<String> errorList = errors.get(this); if (errorList == null) { errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); errors.put(this, errorList); } errorList.add(errorMessage); } } private static String srcBase; private static List<String> dboXmlDeclaredDatabaseObjects; private static DocumentBuilderFactory defaultDocumentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); private static DocumentBuilder defaultDocumentBuilder; public static void main(String[] args) { Engine.logBeans = Logger.getLogger(BeansDoc.class); srcBase = args[0]; System.out.println("Loading database objects XML DB in " + srcBase); try { defaultDocumentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); defaultDocumentBuilder = defaultDocumentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); dboXmlDeclaredDatabaseObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); Document dboXmlDocument = defaultDocumentBuilder.parse( new FileInputStream(new File(srcBase + "/com/twinsoft/convertigo/beans/database_objects.xml"))); NodeList beanList = dboXmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("bean"); int n = beanList.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) beanList.item(i); dboXmlDeclaredDatabaseObjects.add(element.getAttribute("classname")); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while loading DBO XML DB"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("Browsing sources in " + srcBase); browsePackages(srcBase + "com/twinsoft/convertigo/beans"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Found " + javaClassNames.size() + " classes"); for (String javaClassName : javaClassNames) { analyzeJavaClass(javaClassName); } for (String icon : icons) { Error.BEAN_ICON_NOT_USED.add(icon); } System.out.println(); for (Error error : Error.values()) { List<String> errorList = errors.get(error); if (errorList == null) continue; int nError = errorList.size(); System.out.println(error + " (" + nError + ")"); for (String errorMessage : errorList) { System.out.println(" " + errorMessage); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("======="); System.out.println("Summary"); System.out.println("======="); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Found " + nBeanClass + " bean classes (including abstract classes)"); System.out.println("Found " + nBeanClassNotAbstract + " instantiable bean classes"); System.out.println(); int nTotalError = 0; for (Error error : Error.values()) { List<String> errorList = errors.get(error); int nError = 0; if (errorList != null) nError = errorList.size(); nTotalError += nError; System.out.println(error + ": found " + nError + " error(s)"); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Found " + nTotalError + " error(s)"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Beans check finished!"); System.exit(nTotalError); } private static List<String> javaClassNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private static List<String> icons = new ArrayList<String>(); private static void browsePackages(final String currentPackage) { Collection<File> javaFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(currentPackage), new String[] { "java" }, true); for (File file : javaFiles) { String javaClassName = file.getPath(); javaClassName = javaClassName.substring(srcBase.length()).replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.'); javaClassName = javaClassName.substring(0, javaClassName.lastIndexOf(".java")); if (!javaClassName.endsWith("BeanInfo")) { javaClassNames.add(javaClassName); } } Collection<File> iconFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(currentPackage), new String[] { "png" }, true); for (File file : iconFiles) { String iconPath = file.getPath(); iconPath = iconPath.substring(srcBase.length() - 1); icons.add(iconPath); } } private static Map<Error, List<String>> errors = new HashMap<Error, List<String>>(); private static int nBeanClass = 0; private static int nBeanClassNotAbstract = 0; private static void analyzeJavaClass(String javaClassName) { try { Class<?> javaClass = Class.forName(javaClassName); String javaClassSimpleName = javaClass.getSimpleName(); if (!DatabaseObject.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass)) { //Error.NON_DATABASE_OBJECT.add(javaClassName); return; } nBeanClass++; String dboBeanInfoClassName = javaClassName + "BeanInfo"; MySimpleBeanInfo dboBeanInfo = null; try { dboBeanInfo = (MySimpleBeanInfo) (Class.forName(dboBeanInfoClassName)).newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { if (!Modifier.isAbstract(javaClass.getModifiers())) { Error.MISSING_BEAN_INFO .add(javaClassName + " (expected bean info: " + dboBeanInfoClassName + ")"); } return; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = dboBeanInfo.getBeanDescriptor(); // Check abstract class if (Modifier.isAbstract(javaClass.getModifiers())) { // Check icon (16x16) String declaredIconName = MySimpleBeanInfo.getIconName(dboBeanInfo, MySimpleBeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16); if (declaredIconName != null) { Error.ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_ICON.add(javaClassName); } // Check icon (32x32) declaredIconName = MySimpleBeanInfo.getIconName(dboBeanInfo, MySimpleBeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32); if (declaredIconName != null) { Error.ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_ICON.add(javaClassName); } // Check display name if (!beanDescriptor.getDisplayName().equals("?")) { Error.ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_DISPLAY_NAME.add(javaClassName); } // Check description if (!beanDescriptor.getShortDescription().equals("?")) { Error.ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_DESCRIPTION.add(javaClassName); } } else { nBeanClassNotAbstract++; // Check bean declaration in database_objects.xml if (!dboXmlDeclaredDatabaseObjects.contains(javaClassName)) { Error.BEAN_DEFINED_BUT_NOT_USED.add(javaClassName); } // Check icon name policy (16x16) String declaredIconName = MySimpleBeanInfo.getIconName(dboBeanInfo, MySimpleBeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16); String expectedIconName = javaClassName.replace(javaClassSimpleName, "images/" + javaClassSimpleName); expectedIconName = "/" + expectedIconName.replace('.', '/') + "_color_16x16"; expectedIconName = expectedIconName.toLowerCase() + ".png"; if (declaredIconName != null) { if (!declaredIconName.equals(expectedIconName)) { Error.BEAN_ICON_NAMING_POLICY.add(javaClassName + "\n" + " Declared: " + declaredIconName + "\n" + " Expected: " + expectedIconName); } } // Check icon file (16x16) File iconFile = new File(srcBase + declaredIconName); if (!iconFile.exists()) { Error.BEAN_MISSING_ICON.add(javaClassName + " - icon missing: " + declaredIconName); } else { icons.remove(declaredIconName); } // Check icon name policy (32x32) declaredIconName = MySimpleBeanInfo.getIconName(dboBeanInfo, MySimpleBeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32); expectedIconName = javaClassName.replace(javaClassSimpleName, "images/" + javaClassSimpleName); expectedIconName = "/" + expectedIconName.replace('.', '/') + "_color_32x32"; expectedIconName = expectedIconName.toLowerCase() + ".png"; if (declaredIconName != null) { if (!declaredIconName.equals(expectedIconName)) { Error.BEAN_ICON_NAMING_POLICY.add(javaClassName + "\n" + " Declared: " + declaredIconName + "\n" + " Expected: " + expectedIconName); } } // Check icon file (32x32) iconFile = new File(srcBase + declaredIconName); if (!iconFile.exists()) { Error.BEAN_MISSING_ICON.add(javaClassName + " - icon missing: " + declaredIconName); } else { icons.remove(declaredIconName); } // Check display name if (beanDescriptor.getDisplayName().equals("?")) { Error.BEAN_MISSING_DISPLAY_NAME.add(javaClassName); } // Check description if (beanDescriptor.getShortDescription().equals("?")) { Error.BEAN_MISSING_DESCRIPTION.add(javaClassName); } } // Check declared bean properties PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = dboBeanInfo.getLocalPropertyDescriptors(); for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); try { javaClass.getDeclaredField(propertyName); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { try { // Try to find it in the upper classes javaClass.getField(propertyName); } catch (SecurityException e1) { // printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e1) { Error.PROPERTY_DECLARED_BUT_NOT_FOUND.add(javaClassName + ": " + propertyName); } } } Method[] methods = javaClass.getDeclaredMethods(); List<Method> listMethods = Arrays.asList(methods); List<String> listMethodNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Method method : listMethods) { listMethodNames.add(method.getName()); } Field[] fields = javaClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { int fieldModifiers = field.getModifiers(); // Ignore static fields (constants) if (Modifier.isStatic(fieldModifiers)) continue; String fieldName = field.getName(); String errorMessage = javaClassName + ": " + field.getName(); // Check bean info PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = isBeanProperty(fieldName, dboBeanInfo); if (propertyDescriptor != null) { // Check bean property name policy if (!propertyDescriptor.getName().equals(fieldName)) { Error.PROPERTY_NAMING_POLICY.add(errorMessage); } String declaredGetter = propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().getName(); String declaredSetter = propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod().getName(); String formattedFieldName = Character.toUpperCase(fieldName.charAt(0)) + fieldName.substring(1); String expectedGetter = "get" + formattedFieldName; String expectedSetter = "set" + formattedFieldName; // Check getter name policy if (!declaredGetter.equals(expectedGetter)) { Error.GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_EXPECTED_NAMES_MISMATCH .add(errorMessage + "\n" + " Declared getter: " + declaredGetter + "\n" + " Expected getter: " + expectedGetter); } // Check setter name policy if (!declaredSetter.equals(expectedSetter)) { Error.GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_EXPECTED_NAMES_MISMATCH .add(errorMessage + "\n" + " Declared setter: " + declaredSetter + "\n" + " Expected setter: " + expectedSetter); } // Check required private modifiers for bean property if (!Modifier.isPrivate(fieldModifiers)) { Error.PROPERTY_NOT_PRIVATE.add(errorMessage); } // Check getter if (!listMethodNames.contains(declaredGetter)) { Error.GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_BUT_NOT_FOUND .add(errorMessage + " - Declared getter not found: " + declaredGetter); } // Check setter if (!listMethodNames.contains(declaredSetter)) { Error.GETTER_SETTER_DECLARED_BUT_NOT_FOUND .add(errorMessage + " - Declared setter not found: " + declaredGetter); } // Check non transient modifier if (Modifier.isTransient(fieldModifiers)) { Error.PROPERTY_TRANSIENT.add(errorMessage); } } else if (!Modifier.isTransient(fieldModifiers)) { Error.FIELD_NOT_TRANSIENT.add(errorMessage); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR on " + javaClassName); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static PropertyDescriptor isBeanProperty(String fieldName, MySimpleBeanInfo dboBeanInfo) { if (dboBeanInfo == null) return null; PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = dboBeanInfo.getLocalPropertyDescriptors(); for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) { if (propertyDescriptor.getName().equals(fieldName)) return propertyDescriptor; } return null; } }