List of usage examples for java.lang ProcessBuilder environment
Map environment
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private void addBasisAndUrePaths(ProcessBuilder processBuilder) throws IOException { File ureBin = null;//from ww w .j a va 2 s .c om File basisProgram = null; // see // File basisLink = new File(officeHome, "basis-link"); if (!basisLink.isFile()) { // check the case with LibreOffice 3.5+ home File ureLink = new File(officeHome, "ure-link"); if (!ureLink.isFile()) { logger.fine( "no %OFFICE_HOME%/basis-link found; assuming it's OOo 2.x and we don't need to append URE and Basic paths"); return; } ureBin = new File(new File(officeHome, FileUtils.readFileToString(ureLink).trim()), "bin"); } else { String basisLinkText = FileUtils.readFileToString(basisLink).trim(); File basisHome = new File(officeHome, basisLinkText); basisProgram = new File(basisHome, "program"); File ureLink = new File(basisHome, "ure-link"); String ureLinkText = FileUtils.readFileToString(ureLink).trim(); File ureHome = new File(basisHome, ureLinkText); ureBin = new File(ureHome, "bin"); } Map<String, String> environment = processBuilder.environment(); // Windows environment variables are case insensitive but Java maps are // not :-/ // so let's make sure we modify the existing key String pathKey = "PATH"; for (String key : environment.keySet()) { if ("PATH".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { pathKey = key; } } String path = environment.get(pathKey) + ";" + ureBin.getAbsolutePath(); if (basisProgram != null) { path += ";" + basisProgram.getAbsolutePath(); } logger.fine(String.format("setting %s to \"%s\"", pathKey, path)); environment.put(pathKey, path); }
From source
private void runRapcCommand() throws CoreException { try {/*from www . j a va 2s . com*/ File workDir = _bbProject.getProject().getLocation().toFile(); if (writeToFile) { File outputFile = null; String outputFileName = _bbProject.getProject().getName() + ".files"; outputFile = new File(workDir, outputFileName); _rapcCommandsHead.add("@" + outputFileName); flushToFile(outputFile); } else { _rapcCommandsHead.addAll(_rapcCommands); } String command = getStringCommand(_rapcCommandsHead); _log.trace("Execute rapc command: " + command + "; Working Directory: " + workDir.getPath()); ProcessBuilder rapcBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(_rapcCommandsHead); String javaHome = System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"); if (javaHome != null) { Map<String, String> env = rapcBuilder.environment(); String pathName = "Path"; for (String s : env.keySet()) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Path")) pathName = s; } String path = env.get(pathName); path = path == null ? javaHome : (path + File.pathSeparator + javaHome); path = path + File.pathSeparator + javaHome + File.separator + "bin"; env.put(pathName, path); _log.trace("PATH=" + path); }; rapcBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _consoleOutputStream.println( NLS.bind(Messages.PackagingManager_PACKAGING_PROJECT_MSG, _bbProject.getProject().getName())); _consoleOutputStream.println(command); Process process = rapcBuilder.start(); InputStream inStream = process.getInputStream(); InputStreamHandler inputHandler = new InputStreamHandler(_bbProject.getProject(), _consoleOutputStream, inStream); inputHandler.start(); int result = process.waitFor(); inputHandler.join(); float spendTime = ((float) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)) / 1000; if (result == 0) { _consoleOutputStream.println(NLS.bind(Messages.PackagingManager_PACKAGING_SUCCEED_MSG, new String[] { _bbProject.getProject().getName(), String.valueOf(spendTime) })); } else { _consoleOutputStream.println(NLS.bind(Messages.PackagingManager_PACKAGING_FAILED_MSG, new String[] { _bbProject.getProject().getName(), String.valueOf(spendTime) })); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CoreException(StatusFactory.createErrorStatus(e.getMessage())); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new CoreException(StatusFactory.createErrorStatus(e.getMessage())); } }
From source
private void runCommand(final String[] command, final String[] args, final String securityProfile, final String securityFilePath, final String keystoreFilePath, final String keystorePassword) throws CLIException, InterruptedException { final File directory = new File(Environment.getHomeDirectory(), "/bin").getAbsoluteFile(); // need full path command[command.length - 1] = new File(directory, command[command.length - 1]).getAbsolutePath(); final List<String> commandLine = new ArrayList<String>(); commandLine.addAll(Arrays.asList(command)); commandLine.addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); final String commandString = StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(commandLine, " "); final File filename = createScript(commandString); final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder().command(filename.getAbsolutePath()).directory(directory); String localCloudOptions = "-Xmx" + CloudifyConstants.DEFAULT_LOCALCLOUD_GSA_GSM_ESM_LUS_MEMORY_IN_MB + "m" + " -D" + CloudifyConstants.LUS_PORT_CONTEXT_PROPERTY + "=" + lusPort + " -D" + GSM_EXCLUDE_GSC_ON_FAILED_INSTANCE + "=" + GSM_EXCLUDE_GSC_ON_FAILED_INSTACE_BOOL + " " + GSM_PENDING_REQUESTS_DELAY + " -D" + ZONES_PROPERTY + "=" + LOCALCLOUD_GSA_ZONES + " -D" + CloudifyConstants.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ESM_DISCOVERY_POLLING_INTERVAL_SECONDS + "=1"; final Map<String, String> environment = pb.environment(); if (lookupGroups != null) { environment.put("LOOKUPGROUPS", lookupGroups); }/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (lookupLocators != null) { final String disableMulticast = ""; environment.put("LOOKUPLOCATORS", lookupLocators); localCloudOptions += " " + disableMulticast; } if (isLocalCloud) { logger.fine("Setting env vars COMPONENT_JAVA_OPTIONS: " + localCloudOptions); environment.put("COMPONENT_JAVA_OPTIONS", localCloudOptions); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.GIGASPACES_CLOUD_HARDWARE_ID, "localcloud"); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.GIGASPACES_CLOUD_IMAGE_ID, "localcloud"); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.GIGASPACES_CLOUD_TEMPLATE_NAME, "localcloud"); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.GIGASPACES_CLOUD_MACHINE_ID, "localcloud"); final String springProfiles = createSpringProfilesList(securityProfile); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.SPRING_ACTIVE_PROFILE_ENV_VAR, springProfiles); if (ShellUtils.isSecureConnection(securityProfile)) { environment.put(CloudifyConstants.KEYSTORE_FILE_ENV_VAR, keystoreFilePath); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_ENV_VAR, keystorePassword); } environment.put(CloudifyConstants.SPRING_SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE_ENV_VAR, securityFilePath); if (nicAddress != null) { environment.put(CloudifyConstants.GIGASPACES_AGENT_ENV_PRIVATE_IP, nicAddress); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.GIGASPACES_AGENT_ENV_PUBLIC_IP, nicAddress); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.CLOUDIFY_AGENT_ENV_PRIVATE_IP, nicAddress); environment.put(CloudifyConstants.CLOUDIFY_AGENT_ENV_PUBLIC_IP, nicAddress); environment.put("NIC_ADDR", nicAddress); } } // start process // there is no need to redirect output, since the process suppresses // output try { logger.fine("Executing command: " + commandString); final Process proc = pb.start(); Thread.sleep(MIN_PROC_ERROR_TIME); try { // The assumption is that if the script contains errors, // the processBuilder will finish by the end of the above sleep // period. if (proc.exitValue() != 0) { String errorMessage = "Error while starting agent. " + "Please make sure that another agent is not already running. "; if (verbose) { errorMessage = errorMessage.concat("Command executed: " + commandString); } throw new CLIException(errorMessage); } // ProcessBuilder is still running. We assume the agent script // is running fine. } catch (final IllegalThreadStateException e) { logger.fine("agent is starting..."); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new CLIException("Error while starting agent", e); } }
From source
public void executeTest(String actualPath, TestCaseContext testCaseCtx, ProcessBuilder pb, boolean isDmlRecoveryTest, TestGroup failedGroup) throws Exception { File testFile;/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ File expectedResultFile; String statement; List<TestFileContext> expectedResultFileCtxs; List<TestFileContext> testFileCtxs; File qbcFile = null; File qarFile = null; int queryCount = 0; List<CompilationUnit> cUnits = testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getCompilationUnit(); for (CompilationUnit cUnit : cUnits) {"Starting [TEST]: " + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath() + "/" + cUnit.getName() + " ... "); testFileCtxs = testCaseCtx.getTestFiles(cUnit); expectedResultFileCtxs = testCaseCtx.getExpectedResultFiles(cUnit); for (TestFileContext ctx : testFileCtxs) { testFile = ctx.getFile(); statement = readTestFile(testFile); boolean failed = false; try { switch (ctx.getType()) { case "ddl": if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { executeDDL(statement, "http://localhost:19002/ddl"); } else { executeDDL(statement, "http://localhost:19002/ddl/sqlpp"); } break; case "update": //isDmlRecoveryTest: set IP address if (isDmlRecoveryTest && statement.contains("nc1://")) { statement = statement.replaceAll("nc1://", ""); } if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { executeUpdate(statement, "http://localhost:19002/update"); } else { executeUpdate(statement, "http://localhost:19002/update/sqlpp"); } break; case "query": case "async": case "asyncdefer": // isDmlRecoveryTest: insert Crash and Recovery if (isDmlRecoveryTest) { executeScript(pb, pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + File.separator + "dml_recovery" + File.separator + ""); executeScript(pb, pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + File.separator + "dml_recovery" + File.separator + ""); } InputStream resultStream = null; OutputFormat fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("query")) { resultStream = executeQuery(statement, fmt, "http://localhost:19002/query", cUnit.getParameter()); } else if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("async")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, false, fmt, "http://localhost:19002/aql"); } else if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("asyncdefer")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, true, fmt, "http://localhost:19002/aql"); } } else { if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("query")) { resultStream = executeQuery(statement, fmt, "http://localhost:19002/query/sqlpp", cUnit.getParameter()); } else if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("async")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, false, fmt, "http://localhost:19002/sqlpp"); } else if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("asyncdefer")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, true, fmt, "http://localhost:19002/sqlpp"); } } if (queryCount >= expectedResultFileCtxs.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "no result file for " + testFile.toString() + "; queryCount: " + queryCount + ", filectxs.size: " + expectedResultFileCtxs.size()); } expectedResultFile = expectedResultFileCtxs.get(queryCount).getFile(); File actualResultFile = testCaseCtx.getActualResultFile(cUnit, new File(actualPath)); actualResultFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); writeOutputToFile(actualResultFile, resultStream); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), expectedResultFile, actualResultFile);"[TEST]: " + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath() + "/" + cUnit.getName() + " PASSED "); queryCount++; break; case "mgx": executeManagixCommand(statement); break; case "txnqbc": //qbc represents query before crash resultStream = executeQuery(statement, OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit), "http://localhost:19002/query", cUnit.getParameter()); qbcFile = new File(actualPath + File.separator + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath().replace(File.separator, "_") + "_" + cUnit.getName() + "_qbc.adm"); qbcFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); writeOutputToFile(qbcFile, resultStream); break; case "txnqar": //qar represents query after recovery resultStream = executeQuery(statement, OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit), "http://localhost:19002/query", cUnit.getParameter()); qarFile = new File(actualPath + File.separator + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath().replace(File.separator, "_") + "_" + cUnit.getName() + "_qar.adm"); qarFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); writeOutputToFile(qarFile, resultStream); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), qbcFile, qarFile);"[TEST]: " + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath() + "/" + cUnit.getName() + " PASSED "); break; case "txneu": //eu represents erroneous update try { executeUpdate(statement, "http://localhost:19002/update"); } catch (Exception e) { //An exception is expected. failed = true; e.printStackTrace(); } if (!failed) { throw new Exception( "Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n An exception" + "is expected."); } System.err.println("...but that was expected."); break; case "script": try { String output = executeScript(pb, getScriptPath(testFile.getAbsolutePath(), pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME"), statement.trim())); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "sleep": Thread.sleep(Long.parseLong(statement.trim())); break; case "errddl": // a ddlquery that expects error try { executeDDL(statement, "http://localhost:19002/ddl"); } catch (Exception e) { // expected error happens failed = true; e.printStackTrace(); } if (!failed) { throw new Exception( "Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n An exception" + "is expected."); } System.err.println("...but that was expected."); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No statements of type " + ctx.getType()); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("testFile " + testFile.toString() + " raised an exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); if (cUnit.getExpectedError().isEmpty()) { System.err.println("...Unexpected!"); if (failedGroup != null) { failedGroup.getTestCase().add(testCaseCtx.getTestCase()); } throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!", e); } else {"[TEST]: " + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath() + "/" + cUnit.getName() + " failed as expected: " + e.getMessage()); System.err.println("...but that was expected."); } } } } }
From source
protected void executeSnappyStreamingJobUsingJobScript(Vector jobClassNames, String logFileName) { String snappyJobScript = getScriptLocation(""); ProcessBuilder pb = null; File log = null;//from w w w .jav a 2 s . c o m File logFile = null; userAppJar = SnappyPrms.getUserAppJar(); snappyTest.verifyDataForJobExecution(jobClassNames, userAppJar); leadHost = getLeadHost(); String leadPort = (String) SnappyBB.getBB().getSharedMap().get("primaryLeadPort"); try { for (int i = 0; i < jobClassNames.size(); i++) { String userJob = (String) jobClassNames.elementAt(i); pb = new ProcessBuilder(snappyJobScript, "submit", "--lead", leadHost + ":" + leadPort, "--app-name", "myapp", "--class", userJob, "--app-jar", snappyTest.getUserAppJarLocation(userAppJar, jarPath), "--stream"); java.util.Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); if (SnappyPrms.getCommaSepAPPProps() == null) { env.put("APP_PROPS", "shufflePartitions=" + SnappyPrms.getShufflePartitions()); } else { env.put("APP_PROPS", SnappyPrms.getCommaSepAPPProps() + ",shufflePartitions=" + SnappyPrms.getShufflePartitions()); } log = new File("."); String dest = log.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + logFileName; logFile = new File(dest); snappyTest.executeProcess(pb, logFile); } snappyTest.getSnappyJobsStatus(snappyJobScript, logFile, leadPort); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TestException("IOException occurred while retriving destination logFile path " + log + "\nError Message:" + e.getMessage()); } }
From source
/** * Excecute a command//w ww . j a v a2 s . co m * * @param commands command parameters * @param envVars enviroment variables * @param workingDir the working directory * * @return the input and output streams * * @throws Exception problem with execution */ public String[] executeCommand(List<String> commands, Map<String, String> envVars, File workingDir) throws Exception { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commands); if (envVars != null) { Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); //env.clear(); env.putAll(envVars); }; Process process = pb.start(); String errorMsg = new String(IOUtil.readBytes(process.getErrorStream())); String outMsg = new String(IOUtil.readBytes(process.getInputStream())); int result = process.waitFor(); return new String[] { outMsg, errorMsg }; }
From source
public void executeTest(TestCaseContext testCaseCtx, TestFileContext ctx, String statement, boolean isDmlRecoveryTest, ProcessBuilder pb, CompilationUnit cUnit, MutableInt queryCount, List<TestFileContext> expectedResultFileCtxs, File testFile, String actualPath) throws Exception { File qbcFile;/*w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ boolean failed = false; File expectedResultFile; switch (ctx.getType()) { case "ddl": if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { executeDDL(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_DDL)); } else { InputStream resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE)); ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } break; case "update": // isDmlRecoveryTest: set IP address if (isDmlRecoveryTest && statement.contains("nc1://")) { statement = statement.replaceAll("nc1://", ""); } if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { executeUpdate(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_UPDATE)); } else { InputStream resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE)); ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } break; case "pollquery": // polltimeoutsecs=nnn, polldelaysecs=nnn final Matcher timeoutMatcher = POLL_TIMEOUT_PATTERN.matcher(statement); int timeoutSecs; if (timeoutMatcher.find()) { timeoutSecs = Integer.parseInt(; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ERROR: polltimeoutsecs=nnn must be present in poll file"); } final Matcher retryDelayMatcher = POLL_DELAY_PATTERN.matcher(statement); int retryDelaySecs = retryDelayMatcher.find() ? Integer.parseInt( : 1; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long limitTime = startTime + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(timeoutSecs); ctx.setType(ctx.getType().substring("poll".length())); Exception finalException; LOGGER.fine("polling for up to " + timeoutSecs + " seconds w/ " + retryDelaySecs + " second(s) delay"); while (true) { try { executeTest(testCaseCtx, ctx, statement, isDmlRecoveryTest, pb, cUnit, queryCount, expectedResultFileCtxs, testFile, actualPath); finalException = null; break; } catch (Exception e) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() > limitTime)) { finalException = e; break; } LOGGER.fine("sleeping " + retryDelaySecs + " second(s) before polling again"); Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(retryDelaySecs)); } } if (finalException != null) { throw new Exception("Poll limit (" + timeoutSecs + "s) exceeded without obtaining expected result", finalException); } break; case "query": case "async": case "asyncdefer": // isDmlRecoveryTest: insert Crash and Recovery if (isDmlRecoveryTest) { executeScript(pb, pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + File.separator + "dml_recovery" + File.separator + ""); executeScript(pb, pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + File.separator + "dml_recovery" + File.separator + ""); } InputStream resultStream = null; OutputFormat fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("query")) { resultStream = executeQuery(statement, fmt, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), cUnit.getParameter()); } else if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("async")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, false, fmt, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL)); } else if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("asyncdefer")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, true, fmt, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL)); } } else { if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("query")) { resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, fmt, getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE), cUnit.getParameter(), true); resultStream = ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } else if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("async")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, false, fmt, getEndpoint(Servlets.SQLPP)); } else if (ctx.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("asyncdefer")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, true, fmt, getEndpoint(Servlets.SQLPP)); } } if (queryCount.intValue() >= expectedResultFileCtxs.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException("no result file for " + testFile.toString() + "; queryCount: " + queryCount + ", filectxs.size: " + expectedResultFileCtxs.size()); } expectedResultFile = expectedResultFileCtxs.get(queryCount.intValue()).getFile(); File actualResultFile = testCaseCtx.getActualResultFile(cUnit, expectedResultFile, new File(actualPath)); writeOutputToFile(actualResultFile, resultStream); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), expectedResultFile, actualResultFile); queryCount.increment(); // Deletes the matched result file. actualResultFile.getParentFile().delete(); break; case "mgx": executeManagixCommand(statement); break; case "txnqbc": // qbc represents query before crash resultStream = executeQuery(statement, OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit), getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), cUnit.getParameter()); qbcFile = getTestCaseQueryBeforeCrashFile(actualPath, testCaseCtx, cUnit); writeOutputToFile(qbcFile, resultStream); break; case "txnqar": // qar represents query after recovery resultStream = executeQuery(statement, OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit), getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), cUnit.getParameter()); File qarFile = new File(actualPath + File.separator + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath().replace(File.separator, "_") + "_" + cUnit.getName() + "_qar.adm"); writeOutputToFile(qarFile, resultStream); qbcFile = getTestCaseQueryBeforeCrashFile(actualPath, testCaseCtx, cUnit); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), qbcFile, qarFile); break; case "txneu": // eu represents erroneous update try { executeUpdate(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_UPDATE)); } catch (Exception e) { // An exception is expected. failed = true; e.printStackTrace(); } if (!failed) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n An exception" + "is expected."); } System.err.println("...but that was expected."); break; case "script": try { String output = executeScript(pb, getScriptPath(testFile.getAbsolutePath(), pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME"), statement.trim())); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "sleep": String[] lines = statement.split("\n"); Thread.sleep(Long.parseLong(lines[lines.length - 1].trim())); break; case "errddl": // a ddlquery that expects error try { executeDDL(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_DDL)); } catch (Exception e) { // expected error happens failed = true; e.printStackTrace(); } if (!failed) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n An exception is expected."); } System.err.println("...but that was expected."); break; case "vscript": // a script that will be executed on a vagrant virtual node try { String[] command = statement.trim().split(" "); if (command.length != 2) { throw new Exception("invalid vagrant script format"); } String nodeId = command[0]; String scriptName = command[1]; String output = executeVagrantScript(pb, nodeId, scriptName); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "vmgx": // a managix command that will be executed on vagrant cc node String output = executeVagrantManagix(pb, statement); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } break; case "get": case "post": if (!"http".equals(ctx.extension())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected format for method " + ctx.getType() + ": " + ctx.extension()); } fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); String endpoint = stripJavaComments(statement).trim(); switch (ctx.getType()) { case "get": resultStream = executeJSONGet(fmt, "http://" + host + ":" + port + endpoint); break; case "post": resultStream = executeJSONPost(fmt, "http://" + host + ":" + port + endpoint); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("NYI: " + ctx.getType()); } expectedResultFile = expectedResultFileCtxs.get(queryCount.intValue()).getFile(); actualResultFile = testCaseCtx.getActualResultFile(cUnit, expectedResultFile, new File(actualPath)); writeOutputToFile(actualResultFile, resultStream); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), expectedResultFile, actualResultFile); queryCount.increment(); break; case "server": // (start <test server name> <port> // [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]...|stop (<port>|all)) try { lines = statement.trim().split("\n"); String[] command = lines[lines.length - 1].trim().split(" "); if (command.length < 2) { throw new Exception("invalid server command format. expected format =" + " (start <test server name> <port> [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]" + "...|stop (<port>|all))"); } String action = command[0]; if (action.equals("start")) { if (command.length < 3) { throw new Exception("invalid server start command. expected format =" + " (start <test server name> <port> [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]..."); } String name = command[1]; Integer port = new Integer(command[2]); if (runningTestServers.containsKey(port)) { throw new Exception("server with port " + port + " is already running"); } ITestServer server = TestServerProvider.createTestServer(name, port); server.configure(Arrays.copyOfRange(command, 3, command.length)); server.start(); runningTestServers.put(port, server); } else if (action.equals("stop")) { String target = command[1]; if (target.equals("all")) { for (ITestServer server : runningTestServers.values()) { server.stop(); } runningTestServers.clear(); } else { Integer port = new Integer(command[1]); ITestServer server = runningTestServers.get(port); if (server == null) { throw new Exception("no server is listening to port " + port); } server.stop(); runningTestServers.remove(port); } } else { throw new Exception("unknown server action"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "lib": // expected format <dataverse-name> <library-name> // <library-directory> // TODO: make this case work well with entity names containing spaces by // looking for \" lines = statement.split("\n"); String lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]; String[] command = lastLine.trim().split(" "); if (command.length < 3) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } String dataverse = command[1]; String library = command[2]; switch (command[0]) { case "install": if (command.length != 4) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } String libPath = command[3]; librarian.install(dataverse, library, libPath); break; case "uninstall": if (command.length != 3) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } librarian.uninstall(dataverse, library); break; default: throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No statements of type " + ctx.getType()); } }
From source
public void executeTestFile(TestCaseContext testCaseCtx, TestFileContext ctx, Map<String, Object> variableCtx, String statement, boolean isDmlRecoveryTest, ProcessBuilder pb, CompilationUnit cUnit, MutableInt queryCount, List<TestFileContext> expectedResultFileCtxs, File testFile, String actualPath) throws Exception { File qbcFile;//from ww w. jav a 2 s . c o m boolean failed = false; File expectedResultFile; switch (ctx.getType()) { case "ddl": if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { executeDDL(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_DDL)); } else { InputStream resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE), OutputFormat.CLEAN_JSON); ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } break; case "update": // isDmlRecoveryTest: set IP address if (isDmlRecoveryTest && statement.contains("nc1://")) { statement = statement.replaceAll("nc1://", ""); } if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { executeUpdate(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_UPDATE)); } else { InputStream resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE), OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit)); ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } break; case "pollget": case "pollquery": // polltimeoutsecs=nnn, polldelaysecs=nnn int timeoutSecs = getTimeoutSecs(statement); int retryDelaySecs = getRetryDelaySecs(statement); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long limitTime = startTime + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(timeoutSecs); ctx.setType(ctx.getType().substring("poll".length())); boolean expectedException = false; Exception finalException; LOGGER.fine("polling for up to " + timeoutSecs + " seconds w/ " + retryDelaySecs + " second(s) delay"); while (true) { try { executeTestFile(testCaseCtx, ctx, variableCtx, statement, isDmlRecoveryTest, pb, cUnit, queryCount, expectedResultFileCtxs, testFile, actualPath); finalException = null; break; } catch (Exception e) { if (isExpected(e, cUnit)) { expectedException = true; finalException = e; break; } if ((System.currentTimeMillis() > limitTime)) { finalException = e; break; } LOGGER.fine("sleeping " + retryDelaySecs + " second(s) before polling again"); Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(retryDelaySecs)); } } if (expectedException) { throw finalException; } else if (finalException != null) { throw new Exception("Poll limit (" + timeoutSecs + "s) exceeded without obtaining expected result", finalException); } break; case "query": case "async": case "deferred": // isDmlRecoveryTest: insert Crash and Recovery if (isDmlRecoveryTest) { executeScript(pb, pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + File.separator + "dml_recovery" + File.separator + ""); executeScript(pb, pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + File.separator + "dml_recovery" + File.separator + ""); } InputStream resultStream = null; OutputFormat fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); final String reqType = ctx.getType(); final List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params = cUnit.getParameter(); if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("query")) { resultStream = executeQuery(statement, fmt, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), params); } else { final URI endpoint = getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL); if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("async")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, false, fmt, endpoint, variableCtx); } else if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("deferred")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, true, fmt, endpoint, variableCtx); } Assert.assertNotNull("no handle for " + reqType + " test " + testFile.toString(), resultStream); } } else { String delivery = DELIVERY_IMMEDIATE; if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("async")) { delivery = DELIVERY_ASYNC; } else if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("deferred")) { delivery = DELIVERY_DEFERRED; } final URI uri = getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE); if (DELIVERY_IMMEDIATE.equals(delivery)) { resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, fmt, uri, params, true, true); resultStream = ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } else { String handleVar = getHandleVariable(statement); resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, fmt, uri, upsertParam(params, "mode", delivery), true); String handle = ResultExtractor.extractHandle(resultStream); Assert.assertNotNull("no handle for " + reqType + " test " + testFile.toString(), handleVar); variableCtx.put(handleVar, handle); } } if (queryCount.intValue() >= expectedResultFileCtxs.size()) {"no result file for " + testFile.toString() + "; queryCount: " + queryCount + ", filectxs.size: " + expectedResultFileCtxs.size()); } expectedResultFile = expectedResultFileCtxs.get(queryCount.intValue()).getFile(); File actualResultFile = testCaseCtx.getActualResultFile(cUnit, expectedResultFile, new File(actualPath)); writeOutputToFile(actualResultFile, resultStream); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), expectedResultFile, actualResultFile); queryCount.increment(); // Deletes the matched result file. actualResultFile.getParentFile().delete(); break; case "mgx": executeManagixCommand(stripLineComments(statement).trim()); break; case "txnqbc": // qbc represents query before crash resultStream = executeQuery(statement, OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit), getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), cUnit.getParameter()); qbcFile = getTestCaseQueryBeforeCrashFile(actualPath, testCaseCtx, cUnit); writeOutputToFile(qbcFile, resultStream); break; case "txnqar": // qar represents query after recovery resultStream = executeQuery(statement, OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit), getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), cUnit.getParameter()); File qarFile = new File(actualPath + File.separator + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath().replace(File.separator, "_") + "_" + cUnit.getName() + "_qar.adm"); writeOutputToFile(qarFile, resultStream); qbcFile = getTestCaseQueryBeforeCrashFile(actualPath, testCaseCtx, cUnit); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), qbcFile, qarFile); break; case "txneu": // eu represents erroneous update try { executeUpdate(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_UPDATE)); } catch (Exception e) { // An exception is expected. failed = true; System.err.println("testFile " + testFile.toString() + " raised an exception: " + e); } if (!failed) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n An exception" + "is expected."); } System.err.println("...but that was expected."); break; case "script": try { String output = executeScript(pb, getScriptPath(testFile.getAbsolutePath(), pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME"), stripLineComments(statement).trim())); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "sleep": String[] lines = stripLineComments(statement).trim().split("\n"); Thread.sleep(Long.parseLong(lines[lines.length - 1].trim())); break; case "errddl": // a ddlquery that expects error try { executeDDL(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_DDL)); } catch (Exception e) { // expected error happens failed = true; System.err.println("testFile " + testFile.toString() + " raised an exception: " + e); } if (!failed) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n An exception is expected."); } System.err.println("...but that was expected."); break; case "vscript": // a script that will be executed on a vagrant virtual node try { String[] command = stripLineComments(statement).trim().split(" "); if (command.length != 2) { throw new Exception("invalid vagrant script format"); } String nodeId = command[0]; String scriptName = command[1]; String output = executeVagrantScript(pb, nodeId, scriptName); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "vmgx": // a managix command that will be executed on vagrant cc node String output = executeVagrantManagix(pb, stripLineComments(statement).trim()); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } break; case "get": case "post": fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); String handleVar = getHandleVariable(statement); final String trimmedPathAndQuery = stripLineComments(stripJavaComments(statement)).trim(); final String variablesReplaced = replaceVarRef(trimmedPathAndQuery, variableCtx); if ("http".equals(ctx.extension())) { resultStream = executeHttp(ctx.getType(), variablesReplaced, fmt); } else if ("uri".equals(ctx.extension())) { resultStream = executeURI(ctx.getType(), URI.create(variablesReplaced), fmt); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected format for method " + ctx.getType() + ": " + ctx.extension()); } if (handleVar != null) { String handle = ResultExtractor.extractHandle(resultStream); if (handle != null) { variableCtx.put(handleVar, handle); } else { throw new Exception("no handle for test " + testFile.toString()); } } else { expectedResultFile = expectedResultFileCtxs.get(queryCount.intValue()).getFile(); actualResultFile = testCaseCtx.getActualResultFile(cUnit, expectedResultFile, new File(actualPath)); writeOutputToFile(actualResultFile, resultStream); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), expectedResultFile, actualResultFile); } queryCount.increment(); break; case "server": // (start <test server name> <port> // [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]...|stop (<port>|all)) try { lines = statement.trim().split("\n"); String[] command = lines[lines.length - 1].trim().split(" "); if (command.length < 2) { throw new Exception("invalid server command format. expected format =" + " (start <test server name> <port> [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]" + "...|stop (<port>|all))"); } String action = command[0]; if (action.equals("start")) { if (command.length < 3) { throw new Exception("invalid server start command. expected format =" + " (start <test server name> <port> [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]..."); } String name = command[1]; Integer port = new Integer(command[2]); if (runningTestServers.containsKey(port)) { throw new Exception("server with port " + port + " is already running"); } ITestServer server = TestServerProvider.createTestServer(name, port); server.configure(Arrays.copyOfRange(command, 3, command.length)); server.start(); runningTestServers.put(port, server); } else if (action.equals("stop")) { String target = command[1]; if (target.equals("all")) { for (ITestServer server : runningTestServers.values()) { server.stop(); } runningTestServers.clear(); } else { Integer port = new Integer(command[1]); ITestServer server = runningTestServers.get(port); if (server == null) { throw new Exception("no server is listening to port " + port); } server.stop(); runningTestServers.remove(port); } } else { throw new Exception("unknown server action"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "lib": // expected format <dataverse-name> <library-name> // <library-directory> // TODO: make this case work well with entity names containing spaces by // looking for \" lines = statement.split("\n"); String lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]; String[] command = lastLine.trim().split(" "); if (command.length < 3) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } String dataverse = command[1]; String library = command[2]; switch (command[0]) { case "install": if (command.length != 4) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } String libPath = command[3]; librarian.install(dataverse, library, libPath); break; case "uninstall": if (command.length != 3) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } librarian.uninstall(dataverse, library); break; default: throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } break; case "node": command = stripJavaComments(statement).trim().split(" "); String commandType = command[0]; String nodeId = command[1]; if (commandType.equals("kill")) { killNC(nodeId, cUnit); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No statements of type " + ctx.getType()); } }
From source
/** * Fire up the workflow. This causes a transition into the operating state. * /*from w w w . j av a 2 s. co m*/ * @param executeWorkflowCommand * The command to run to execute the workflow. * @param workflow * The workflow document to execute. * @param workingDir * What directory to use as the working directory. * @param inputBaclava * The baclava file to use for inputs, or <tt>null</tt> to use * the other <b>input*</b> arguments' values. * @param inputFiles * A mapping of input names to files that supply them. Note that * we assume that nothing mapped here will be mapped in * <b>inputValues</b>. * @param inputValues * A mapping of input names to values to supply to them. Note * that we assume that nothing mapped here will be mapped in * <b>inputFiles</b>. * @param outputBaclava * What baclava file to write the output from the workflow into, * or <tt>null</tt> to have it written into the <tt>out</tt> * subdirectory. * @param token * The name of the workflow run. * @throws IOException * If any of quite a large number of things goes wrong. */ @Override public void initWorker(String executeWorkflowCommand, String workflow, File workingDir, File inputBaclava, Map<String, File> inputFiles, Map<String, String> inputValues, File outputBaclava, File securityDir, char[] password, Map<String, String> environment, String token) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); /* * WARNING! HERE THERE BE DRAGONS! BE CAREFUL HERE! * * Work around _Maven_ bug with permissions in zip files! The executable * bit is stripped by Maven's handling of file permissions, and there's * no practical way to work around it without massively increasing the * pain in other ways. Only want this on Unix - Windows isn't affected * by this - so we use the file separator as a proxy for whether this is * a true POSIX system. Ugly! Ugly ugly ugly... * * is relevant, but not * the whole story as we don't want to use a non-standard packaging * method as there's a real chance of it going wrong in an unexpected * way then. Other parts of the story are that the executable bit isn't * preserved when unpacking with the dependency plugin, and there's no * way to be sure that the servlet container will preserve the bit * either (as that's probably using a Java-based ZIP engine). */ if (File.separatorChar == '/') pb.command().add("/bin/sh"); pb.command().add(executeWorkflowCommand); // Enable verbose logging pb.command().add("-logfile"); pb.command().add(new File(new File(workingDir, "logs"), "detail.log").getAbsolutePath()); if (securityDir != null) { pb.command().add(CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_DIRECTORY); pb.command().add(securityDir.getAbsolutePath()); out.println("security dir location: " + securityDir); } if (password != null) { pb.command().add(CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_PASSWORD); out.println("password of length " + password.length + " will be written to subprocess stdin"); } // Add arguments denoting inputs if (inputBaclava != null) { pb.command().add("-inputdoc"); pb.command().add(inputBaclava.getAbsolutePath()); if (!inputBaclava.exists()) throw new IOException("input baclava file doesn't exist"); } else { for (Entry<String, File> port : inputFiles.entrySet()) { if (port.getValue() != null) { pb.command().add("-inputfile"); pb.command().add(port.getKey()); pb.command().add(port.getValue().getAbsolutePath()); if (!port.getValue().exists()) throw new IOException("input file for port \"" + port + "\" doesn't exist"); } } for (Entry<String, String> port : inputValues.entrySet()) { if (port.getValue() != null) { pb.command().add("-inputvalue"); pb.command().add(port.getKey()); pb.command().add(port.getValue()); } } } // Add arguments denoting outputs if (outputBaclava != null) { pb.command().add("-outputdoc"); pb.command().add(outputBaclava.getAbsolutePath()); if (!outputBaclava.getParentFile().exists()) throw new IOException("parent directory of output baclava file does not exist"); if (outputBaclava.exists()) throw new IOException("output baclava file exists"); } else { File out = new File(workingDir, "out"); if (!out.mkdir()) { throw new IOException("failed to make output directory \"out\""); } if (!out.delete()) { // Taverna needs the dir to *not* exist now throw new IOException("failed to delete output directory \"out\""); } pb.command().add("-outputdir"); pb.command().add(out.getAbsolutePath()); } // Add an argument holding the workflow File tmp = createTempFile("taverna", ".t2flow"); Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(tmp), "UTF-8"); try { w.write(workflow); } finally { w.close(); } tmp.deleteOnExit(); pb.command().add(tmp.getAbsolutePath()); // Indicate what working directory to use; wd = workingDir; Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); // Merge any options we have had imposed on us from outside env.putAll(environment); // Patch the environment to deal with TAVUTILS-17 assert env.get("PATH") != null; env.put("PATH", new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "bin") + pathSeparator + env.get("PATH")); // Patch the environment to deal with TAVSERV-189 env.put("RAVEN_APPHOME", workingDir.getCanonicalPath()); // Patch the environment to deal with TAVSERV-224 env.put("TAVERNA_RUN_ID", token); if (interactionHost != null) { env.put("INTERACTION_HOST", interactionHost); env.put("INTERACTION_PORT", interactionPort); env.put("INTERACTION_WEBDAV", interactionWebdavPath); env.put("INTERACTION_FEED", interactionFeedPath); } // Start the subprocess out.println("starting " + pb.command() + " in directory " + workingDir); subprocess = pb.start(); if (subprocess == null) throw new IOException("unknown failure creating process"); start = new Date(); // Capture its stdout and stderr new AsyncCopy(subprocess.getInputStream(), stdout); new AsyncCopy(subprocess.getErrorStream(), stderr); if (password != null) new AsyncPrint(subprocess.getOutputStream(), password); }