List of usage examples for java.lang ProcessBuilder environment
Map environment
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/** * Set the environment variables for the process * /*from w ww.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param processBuilder The process context */ private void setEnvironment(ProcessBuilder processBuilder) { // Setup the environment variables Map<String, String> env = processBuilder.environment(); java.util.List<String> envList = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); // Retrieve the environment variables separated by a pipe envList = CommonUtils.getArgumentsList(envList, true, VCS_ENV, "|"); // 2014-09-03 (cgoodric): make sure envList isn't empty if (envList != null) { // Loop through the list of VCS_ENV variables for (int i = 0; i < envList.size(); i++) { String envVar = envList.get(i).toString(); // Retrieve the name=value pair java.util.StringTokenizer st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(envVar, "="); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { // Retrieve the variable name token String property = st.nextToken(); String propertyVal = ""; try { // Retrieve the variable value token propertyVal = st.nextToken(); } catch (Exception e) { } // Put the environment variable (name=value) pair back to the environment env.put(property, propertyVal); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { + "Env Var: " + CommonUtils.maskCommand(envVar)); } } } } }
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public Process createProcess(final ProcessConfiguration processConfiguration) { final List<String> command = new LinkedList<String>(); final String application = processConfiguration.getApplication(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(application, "Attempted to create process with null application."); command.add(application);/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . c om*/ final List<String> arguments = processConfiguration.getArguments(); if (arguments != null) { command.addAll(processConfiguration.getArguments()); } LOG.trace("Creating process builder with commands " + Joiner.on(" ").join(command) + " in directory " + processConfiguration.getDirectory()); final ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command); if (processConfiguration.getEnvironment() != null) { for (final Entry<String, String> entry : processConfiguration.getEnvironment().entrySet()) { processBuilder.environment().put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } }; java.lang.Process baseProcess = null; try { baseProcess = processBuilder.start(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Failed to start process corresponding to process configuration " + processConfiguration, e); } final ProcessImpl process = new ProcessImpl(); process.setBaseProcess(baseProcess); return process; }
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/** * Use runtime.exec(String) /* w ww.ja va2 s . c o m*/ * @param cmd * @return */ private Process createProcess(String[] cmd, boolean useSystemPath) { try { if (useSystemPath) { String pathresult = runCommand(pathCommand); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); env.put(pathvar, pathresult); return pb.start(); } else { return Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } } catch (IOException ioe) { OpenShiftCommonCoreActivator.log(ioe); return null; } }
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/** * This test sees if find() can find a large number of files spread across * many directories. It validates the results against the node.js Manta CLI * tool mls.//from www . j av a 2 s .com * * This test is disabled by default because it is difficult to know if the * running system has the node.js CLI tools properly installed. Please run * this test manually on an as-needed basis. */ @Test(enabled = false) public void findMatchesMfind() throws SecurityException, IOException, InterruptedException { ConfigContext context = mantaClient.getContext(); String reports = context.getMantaHomeDirectory() + SEPARATOR + "reports" + SEPARATOR + "usage" + SEPARATOR + "summary"; String[] cmd = new String[] { "mfind", reports }; ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); Map<String, String> env = processBuilder.environment(); env.put("MANTA_URL", context.getMantaURL()); env.put("MANTA_USER", context.getMantaUser()); env.put("MANTA_KEY_ID", context.getMantaKeyId()); long mFindStart = System.nanoTime(); Process process = processBuilder.start(); String charsetName =; List<String> objects = new LinkedList<>(); try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(process.getInputStream(), charsetName)) { while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { objects.add(scanner.nextLine()); } } System.err.println("Waiting for mfind to complete"); Assert.assertEquals(process.waitFor(), 0, "mfind exited with an error"); long mFindEnd = System.nanoTime(); System.err.printf("mfind process completed in %d ms\n", Duration.ofNanos(mFindEnd - mFindStart).toMillis()); long findStart = System.nanoTime(); List<String> foundObjects; try (Stream<MantaObject> findStream = mantaClient.find(reports)) { foundObjects =; } long findEnd = System.nanoTime(); System.err.printf("find() completed in %d ms\n", Duration.ofNanos(findEnd - findStart).toMillis()); Assert.assertEqualsNoOrder(objects.toArray(), foundObjects.toArray()); }
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private void startAgent(@Nonnull String password) { try {/*from ww w. j av a2 s . c o m*/ int port = findFreePort(); String agentPassword = Vaults.securePassword(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); Store agentStore = new MemoryStore(map); Vault agentVault = new SecureVault(Configs.empty(), agentStore); agentVault.setup(agentPassword); agentVault.putValue("password", password); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(); builder.command(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java", "-Dagent.port=" + port, AgentServer.class.getName()); builder.environment().put("CLASSPATH", System.getProperty("java.class.path")); Process process = builder.start(); OutputStream out = process.getOutputStream(); mapper.writeValue(out, map); out.close(); store.putValue("vault.agent.port", String.valueOf(port)); store.putValue("vault.agent.password", agentPassword); } catch (IOException e) { throw new VaultException("failed to start agent", e); } }
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public static Process runCommand(String[] cmdArray, String extraPath, String libPath) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmdArray); Map<String, String> environment = processBuilder.environment(); if (extraPath != null) { if (extraPath.isEmpty()) extraPath = "."; environment.put("PATH", extraPath + ":" + environment.get("PATH")); }/*from w w w . java 2 s .co m*/ if (libPath != null) { if (libPath.isEmpty()) libPath = "."; environment.put("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", libPath + ":" + environment.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")); } return processBuilder.start(); }
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private Process startProcessWithKrbEnv(String... argv) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder procBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(argv); procBuilder.environment().putAll(getEnvVars()); LOG.debug("executing '{}', env: '{}'", Joiner.on(" ").join(procBuilder.command()), Joiner.on(", ").withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(procBuilder.environment())); return procBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true).start(); }
From source
/** * Start the thread that will spawn the defined process as long as the process * is not running./*from ww w.ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ final public synchronized void start() { if (this.isRunning() == false) { // Generate a unique-ish name for the thread final int hash = cmdLine.hashCode(); final String thrName = String.format("KillableProcess-%d", hash); // Build a thread that'll run the process thread = new Thread(thrName) { public void run() { // Launch the process and wait for completion try { final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmdLine); // Add the passed in environment Map<String, String> procEnv = pb.environment(); for (ImmutablePair<String, String> p : envVars) { procEnv.put(p.getLeft(), p.getRight()); } // Add working directory; // Start the process process = pb.start(); if (process != null) { // Re-direct the streams try { streamHandler.setProcessInputStream(process.getOutputStream()); streamHandler.setProcessOutputStream(process.getInputStream()); streamHandler.setProcessErrorStream(process.getErrorStream()); } catch (Exception e) { process.destroy(); throw e; } streamHandler.start(); final int retValue = process.waitFor(); streamHandler.stop(); procStatus.setReturnValue(retValue); } } catch (Exception ex) { procStatus.setException(ex); } finally { finishSema.release(); } } }; thread.setDaemon(true); finishSema.acquireUninterruptibly(); thread.start(); killRequested = false; } }
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private String getConnectorClasspath(Connector connector) throws IOException, InterruptedException { byte[] pom = new byte[0]; // TODO: Fix generation to use an Action projectGenerator.generatePom(connector); java.nio.file.Path tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("syndesis-connector"); try {/* w ww.ja va2s. c om*/ Files.write(tmpDir.resolve("pom.xml"), pom); ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("mvn"); args.add("org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:build-classpath"); if (localMavenRepoLocation != null) { args.add("-Dmaven.repo.local=" + localMavenRepoLocation); } ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder().command(args) .redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT).directory(tmpDir.toFile()); Map<String, String> environment = builder.environment(); environment.put("MAVEN_OPTS", "-Xmx64M"); Process mvn = builder.start(); try { String result = parseClasspath(mvn.getInputStream()); if (mvn.waitFor() != 0) { throw new IOException( "Could not get the connector classpath, mvn exit value: " + mvn.exitValue()); } return result; } finally { mvn.getInputStream().close(); mvn.getOutputStream().close(); } } finally { FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(tmpDir.toFile()); } }
From source
public CommandResult run() { String cmdString = String.join(" ", args); System.out.printf("----- Execute command: %s ----\n", cmdString); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args); if (!empty(directory)) { File(directory)); }//from www .ja v a 2s .c om Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); CommandResult commandResult = new CommandResult(); Process p = null; try { if (showDotsWhileWaiting == null) { showDotsWhileWaiting = !inheritIO; } if (inheritIO) { p = pb.inheritIO().start(); } else { p = pb.start(); } BufferedReader err = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream())); BufferedReader out = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); if (!empty(input)) {"Writing input to pipe {0}", input); IOUtils.write(input, p.getOutputStream(), UTF8); p.getOutputStream().flush(); } while (p.isAlive()) { p.waitFor(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (showDotsWhileWaiting == true) { System.out.printf("."); } } commandResult.setErr(IOUtils.toString(err)); commandResult.setOut(IOUtils.toString(out)); commandResult.setCode(p.exitValue()); if (commandResult.succeeded()) { info("\n---- Command execution completed ----\n"); } else { Log.warn("Command failed with error code: " + commandResult.getCode()); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.exception(e, "Error running command: " + cmdString); commandResult.setCode(999); commandResult.setEx(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.exception(e, "Error running command: " + cmdString); commandResult.setCode(998); commandResult.setEx(e); } Log.fine( "\n\n----Start shell command result----:\nCommand: {0}\nexitCode: {1}\n----------STDOUT---------\n{2}\n\n----------STDERR--------\n{3}\n\n----end shell command result----\n", cmdString, commandResult.getCode(), commandResult.getOut(), commandResult.getErr()); return commandResult; }