Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.asterix.test.common; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.asterix.common.config.GlobalConfig; import org.apache.asterix.common.utils.Servlets; import org.apache.asterix.test.server.ITestServer; import org.apache.asterix.test.server.TestServerProvider; import org.apache.asterix.testframework.context.TestCaseContext; import org.apache.asterix.testframework.context.TestCaseContext.OutputFormat; import org.apache.asterix.testframework.context.TestFileContext; import org.apache.asterix.testframework.xml.TestCase.CompilationUnit; import org.apache.asterix.testframework.xml.TestGroup; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.client.methods.RequestBuilder; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.impl.client.StandardHttpRequestRetryHandler; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.apache.hyracks.util.StorageUtil; import org.junit.Assert; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; public class TestExecutor { /* * Static variables */ protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TestExecutor.class.getName()); // see // private static final long MAX_URL_LENGTH = 2000l; private static final Pattern JAVA_BLOCK_COMMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("/\\*.*\\*/", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL); private static final Pattern JAVA_LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("//.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE); private static final Pattern SHELL_LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("#.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE); private static final Pattern REGEX_LINES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(-)?/(.*)/([im]*)$"); private static final Pattern POLL_TIMEOUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("polltimeoutsecs=(\\d+)(\\D|$)", Pattern.MULTILINE); private static final Pattern POLL_DELAY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("polldelaysecs=(\\d+)(\\D|$)", Pattern.MULTILINE); private static final Pattern HANDLE_VARIABLE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("handlevariable=(\\w+)"); private static final Pattern VARIABLE_REF_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$(\\w+)"); public static final int TRUNCATE_THRESHOLD = 16384; public static final String DELIVERY_ASYNC = "async"; public static final String DELIVERY_DEFERRED = "deferred"; public static final String DELIVERY_IMMEDIATE = "immediate"; private static Method managixExecuteMethod = null; private static final HashMap<Integer, ITestServer> runningTestServers = new HashMap<>(); /* * Instance members */ protected final String host; protected final int port; protected ITestLibrarian librarian; public TestExecutor(String host, int port) { = host; this.port = port; } public TestExecutor() { this(Inet4Address.getLoopbackAddress().getHostAddress(), 19002); } public void setLibrarian(ITestLibrarian librarian) { this.librarian = librarian; } /** * Probably does not work well with symlinks. */ public boolean deleteRec(File path) { if (path.isDirectory()) { for (File f : path.listFiles()) { if (!deleteRec(f)) { return false; } } } return path.delete(); } public void runScriptAndCompareWithResult(File scriptFile, PrintWriter print, File expectedFile, File actualFile) throws Exception { System.err.println("Expected results file: " + expectedFile.toString()); BufferedReader readerExpected = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(expectedFile), "UTF-8")); BufferedReader readerActual = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(actualFile), "UTF-8")); boolean regex = false; try { if (actualFile.toString().endsWith(".regex")) { runScriptAndCompareWithResultRegex(scriptFile, expectedFile, actualFile); return; } else if (actualFile.toString().endsWith(".regexadm")) { runScriptAndCompareWithResultRegexAdm(scriptFile, expectedFile, actualFile); return; } String lineExpected, lineActual; int num = 1; while ((lineExpected = readerExpected.readLine()) != null) { lineActual = readerActual.readLine(); // Assert.assertEquals(lineExpected, lineActual); if (lineActual == null) { if (lineExpected.isEmpty()) { continue; } throwLineChanged(scriptFile, lineExpected, "<EOF>", num); } // Comparing result equality but ignore "Time"-prefixed fields. (for metadata tests.) String[] lineSplitsExpected = lineExpected.split("Time"); String[] lineSplitsActual = lineActual.split("Time"); if (lineSplitsExpected.length != lineSplitsActual.length) { throwLineChanged(scriptFile, lineExpected, lineActual, num); } if (!equalStrings(lineSplitsExpected[0], lineSplitsActual[0], regex)) { throwLineChanged(scriptFile, lineExpected, lineActual, num); } for (int i = 1; i < lineSplitsExpected.length; i++) { String[] splitsByCommaExpected = lineSplitsExpected[i].split(","); String[] splitsByCommaActual = lineSplitsActual[i].split(","); if (splitsByCommaExpected.length != splitsByCommaActual.length) { throwLineChanged(scriptFile, lineExpected, lineActual, num); } for (int j = 1; j < splitsByCommaExpected.length; j++) { if (splitsByCommaExpected[j].indexOf("DatasetId") >= 0) { // Ignore the field "DatasetId", which is different for different runs. // (for metadata tests) continue; } if (!equalStrings(splitsByCommaExpected[j], splitsByCommaActual[j], regex)) { throwLineChanged(scriptFile, lineExpected, lineActual, num); } } } ++num; } lineActual = readerActual.readLine(); if (lineActual != null) { throwLineChanged(scriptFile, "<EOF>", lineActual, num); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Actual results file: " + actualFile.toString()); throw e; } finally { readerExpected.close(); readerActual.close(); } } private void throwLineChanged(File scriptFile, String lineExpected, String lineActual, int num) throws ComparisonException { throw new ComparisonException("Result for " + scriptFile + " changed at line " + num + ":\n< " + truncateIfLong(lineExpected) + "\n> " + truncateIfLong(lineActual)); } private String truncateIfLong(String string) { if (string.length() < TRUNCATE_THRESHOLD) { return string; } final StringBuilder truncatedString = new StringBuilder(string); truncatedString.setLength(TRUNCATE_THRESHOLD); truncatedString.append("\n<truncated ") .append(StorageUtil.toHumanReadableSize(string.length() - TRUNCATE_THRESHOLD)).append("...>"); return truncatedString.toString(); } private boolean equalStrings(String expected, String actual, boolean regexMatch) { String[] rowsExpected = expected.split("\n"); String[] rowsActual = actual.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < rowsExpected.length; i++) { String expectedRow = rowsExpected[i]; String actualRow = rowsActual[i]; if (regexMatch) { if (actualRow.matches(expectedRow)) { continue; } } else if (actualRow.equals(expectedRow)) { continue; } String[] expectedFields = expectedRow.split(" "); String[] actualFields = actualRow.split(" "); boolean bagEncountered = false; Set<String> expectedBagElements = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> actualBagElements = new HashSet<>(); for (int j = 0; j < expectedFields.length; j++) { if (j >= actualFields.length) { return false; } else if (expectedFields[j].equals(actualFields[j])) { bagEncountered = expectedFields[j].equals("{{"); if (expectedFields[j].startsWith("}}")) { if (regexMatch) { if (expectedBagElements.size() != actualBagElements.size()) { return false; } int[] expectedHits = new int[expectedBagElements.size()]; int[] actualHits = new int[actualBagElements.size()]; int k = 0; for (String expectedElement : expectedBagElements) { int l = 0; for (String actualElement : actualBagElements) { if (actualElement.matches(expectedElement)) { expectedHits[k]++; actualHits[l]++; } l++; } k++; } for (int m = 0; m < expectedHits.length; m++) { if (expectedHits[m] == 0 || actualHits[m] == 0) { return false; } } } else if (!expectedBagElements.equals(actualBagElements)) { return false; } bagEncountered = false; expectedBagElements.clear(); actualBagElements.clear(); } } else if (expectedFields[j].indexOf('.') < 0) { if (bagEncountered) { expectedBagElements.add(expectedFields[j].replaceAll(",$", "")); actualBagElements.add(actualFields[j].replaceAll(",$", "")); continue; } return false; } else { // If the fields are floating-point numbers, test them // for equality safely expectedFields[j] = expectedFields[j].split(",")[0]; actualFields[j] = actualFields[j].split(",")[0]; try { Double double1 = Double.parseDouble(expectedFields[j]); Double double2 = Double.parseDouble(actualFields[j]); float float1 = (float) double1.doubleValue(); float float2 = (float) double2.doubleValue(); if (Math.abs(float1 - float2) == 0) { continue; } else { return false; } } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { // Guess they weren't numbers - must simply not be equal return false; } } } } return true; } public void runScriptAndCompareWithResultRegex(File scriptFile, File expectedFile, File actualFile) throws Exception { System.err.println("Expected results file: " + expectedFile.toString()); String lineExpected, lineActual; try (BufferedReader readerExpected = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(expectedFile), "UTF-8")); BufferedReader readerActual = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(actualFile), "UTF-8"))) { StringBuilder actual = new StringBuilder(); while ((lineActual = readerActual.readLine()) != null) { actual.append(lineActual).append('\n'); } while ((lineExpected = readerExpected.readLine()) != null) { if ("".equals(lineExpected.trim())) { continue; } Matcher m = REGEX_LINES_PATTERN.matcher(lineExpected); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Each line of regex file must conform to: [-]/regex/[flags]: " + expectedFile); } String negateStr =; String expression =; String flagStr =; boolean negate = "-".equals(negateStr); int flags = Pattern.MULTILINE; if (flagStr.contains("m")) { flags |= Pattern.DOTALL; } if (flagStr.contains("i")) { flags |= Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE; } Pattern linePattern = Pattern.compile(expression, flags); boolean match = linePattern.matcher(actual).find(); if (match && !negate || negate && !match) { continue; } throw new Exception("Result for " + scriptFile + ": expected pattern '" + expression + "' not found in result."); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Actual results file: " + actualFile.toString()); throw e; } } public void runScriptAndCompareWithResultRegexAdm(File scriptFile, File expectedFile, File actualFile) throws Exception { StringWriter actual = new StringWriter(); StringWriter expected = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(actualFile), actual, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(expectedFile), expected, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expected.toString(), Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); if (!pattern.matcher(actual.toString()).matches()) { throw new Exception("Result for " + scriptFile + ": actual file did not match expected result"); } } // For tests where you simply want the byte-for-byte output. private static void writeOutputToFile(File actualFile, InputStream resultStream) throws Exception { final File parentDir = actualFile.getParentFile(); if (!parentDir.isDirectory()) { if (parentDir.exists()) { LOGGER.warning("Actual file parent \"" + parentDir + "\" exists but is not a directory"); } else if (!parentDir.mkdirs()) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to create actual file parent dir: " + parentDir); } } try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(actualFile)) { IOUtils.copy(resultStream, out); } } protected HttpResponse executeAndCheckHttpRequest(HttpUriRequest method) throws Exception { return checkResponse(executeHttpRequest(method)); } protected HttpResponse executeHttpRequest(HttpUriRequest method) throws Exception { HttpClient client = HttpClients.custom().setRetryHandler(StandardHttpRequestRetryHandler.INSTANCE).build(); try { return client.execute(method); } catch (Exception e) { GlobalConfig.ASTERIX_LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } protected HttpResponse checkResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) throws Exception { if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { String errorBody = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity()); String exceptionMsg; try { // First try to parse the response for a JSON error response. ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode result = om.readTree(errorBody); String[] errors = { result.get("error-code").asText(), result.get("summary").asText(), result.get("stacktrace").asText() }; GlobalConfig.ASTERIX_LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, errors[2]); exceptionMsg = "HTTP operation failed: " + errors[0] + "\nSTATUS LINE: " + httpResponse.getStatusLine() + "\nSUMMARY: " + errors[1] + "\nSTACKTRACE: " + errors[2]; } catch (Exception e) { // whoops, not JSON (e.g. 404) - just include the body GlobalConfig.ASTERIX_LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, errorBody); exceptionMsg = "HTTP operation failed:" + "\nSTATUS LINE: " + httpResponse.getStatusLine() + "\nERROR_BODY: " + errorBody; } throw new Exception(exceptionMsg); } return httpResponse; } public InputStream executeQuery(String str, OutputFormat fmt, URI uri, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params) throws Exception { HttpUriRequest method = constructHttpMethod(str, uri, "query", false, params); // Set accepted output response type method.setHeader("Accept", fmt.mimeType()); HttpResponse response = executeAndCheckHttpRequest(method); return response.getEntity().getContent(); } public InputStream executeQueryService(String str, URI uri, OutputFormat fmt) throws Exception { return executeQueryService(str, fmt, uri, new ArrayList<>(), false); } public InputStream executeQueryService(String str, OutputFormat fmt, URI uri, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params, boolean jsonEncoded) throws Exception { return executeQueryService(str, fmt, uri, params, jsonEncoded, false); } protected InputStream executeQueryService(String str, OutputFormat fmt, URI uri, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params, boolean jsonEncoded, boolean cancellable) throws Exception { final List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> newParams = upsertParam(params, "format", fmt.mimeType()); HttpUriRequest method = jsonEncoded ? constructPostMethodJson(str, uri, "statement", newParams) : constructPostMethodUrl(str, uri, "statement", newParams); // Set accepted output response type method.setHeader("Accept", OutputFormat.CLEAN_JSON.mimeType()); HttpResponse response = executeHttpRequest(method); return response.getEntity().getContent(); } protected List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> upsertParam(List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params, String name, String value) { boolean replaced = false; List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (CompilationUnit.Parameter param : params) { CompilationUnit.Parameter newParam = new CompilationUnit.Parameter(); newParam.setName(param.getName()); if (name.equals(param.getName())) { newParam.setValue(value); replaced = true; } else { newParam.setValue(param.getValue()); } result.add(newParam); } if (!replaced) { CompilationUnit.Parameter newParam = new CompilationUnit.Parameter(); newParam.setName(name); newParam.setValue(value); result.add(newParam); } return result; } private HttpUriRequest constructHttpMethod(String statement, URI uri, String stmtParam, boolean postStmtAsParam, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> otherParams) throws URISyntaxException { if (statement.length() + uri.toString().length() < MAX_URL_LENGTH) { // Use GET for small-ish queries return constructGetMethod(uri, upsertParam(otherParams, stmtParam, statement)); } else { // Use POST for bigger ones to avoid 413 FULL_HEAD String stmtParamName = (postStmtAsParam ? stmtParam : null); return constructPostMethodUrl(statement, uri, stmtParamName, otherParams); } } private HttpUriRequest constructGetMethod(URI endpoint, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params) { RequestBuilder builder = RequestBuilder.get(endpoint); for (CompilationUnit.Parameter param : params) { builder.addParameter(param.getName(), param.getValue()); } builder.setCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return; } private HttpUriRequest constructGetMethod(URI endpoint, OutputFormat fmt, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params) { HttpUriRequest method = constructGetMethod(endpoint, params); // Set accepted output response type method.setHeader("Accept", fmt.mimeType()); return method; } private HttpUriRequest constructPostMethod(URI uri, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params) { RequestBuilder builder =; for (CompilationUnit.Parameter param : params) { builder.addParameter(param.getName(), param.getValue()); } builder.setCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return; } private HttpUriRequest constructPostMethod(URI uri, OutputFormat fmt, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params) { HttpUriRequest method = constructPostMethod(uri, params); // Set accepted output response type method.setHeader("Accept", fmt.mimeType()); return method; } protected HttpUriRequest constructPostMethodUrl(String statement, URI uri, String stmtParam, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> otherParams) { RequestBuilder builder =; if (stmtParam != null) { for (CompilationUnit.Parameter param : upsertParam(otherParams, stmtParam, statement)) { builder.addParameter(param.getName(), param.getValue()); } builder.addParameter(stmtParam, statement); } else { // this seems pretty bad - we should probably fix the API and not the client builder.setEntity(new StringEntity(statement, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } builder.setCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return; } protected HttpUriRequest constructPostMethodJson(String statement, URI uri, String stmtParam, List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> otherParams) { if (stmtParam == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Statement parameter required."); } RequestBuilder builder =; ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode content = om.createObjectNode(); for (CompilationUnit.Parameter param : upsertParam(otherParams, stmtParam, statement)) { content.put(param.getName(), param.getValue()); } try { builder.setEntity(new StringEntity(om.writeValueAsString(content), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } builder.setCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return; } public InputStream executeJSONGet(OutputFormat fmt, URI uri) throws Exception { HttpUriRequest request = constructGetMethod(uri, fmt, new ArrayList<>()); HttpResponse response = executeAndCheckHttpRequest(request); return response.getEntity().getContent(); } public InputStream executeJSONPost(OutputFormat fmt, URI uri) throws Exception { HttpUriRequest request = constructPostMethod(uri, fmt, new ArrayList<>()); HttpResponse response = executeAndCheckHttpRequest(request); return response.getEntity().getContent(); } // To execute Update statements // Insert and Delete statements are executed here public void executeUpdate(String str, URI uri) throws Exception { // Create a method instance. HttpUriRequest request = StringEntity(str, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) .build(); // Execute the method. executeAndCheckHttpRequest(request); } // Executes AQL in either async or async-defer mode. public InputStream executeAnyAQLAsync(String statement, boolean defer, OutputFormat fmt, URI uri, Map<String, Object> variableCtx) throws Exception { // Create a method instance. HttpUriRequest request = .addParameter("mode", defer ? "asynchronous-deferred" : "asynchronous") .setEntity(new StringEntity(statement, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).setHeader("Accept", fmt.mimeType()) .build(); String handleVar = getHandleVariable(statement); HttpResponse response = executeAndCheckHttpRequest(request); InputStream resultStream = response.getEntity().getContent(); String resultStr = IOUtils.toString(resultStream, "UTF-8"); ObjectNode resultJson = new ObjectMapper().readValue(resultStr, ObjectNode.class); final JsonNode jsonHandle = resultJson.get("handle"); final String strHandle = jsonHandle.asText(); if (handleVar != null) { variableCtx.put(handleVar, strHandle); return resultStream; } return null; } // To execute DDL and Update statements // create type statement // create dataset statement // create index statement // create dataverse statement // create function statement public void executeDDL(String str, URI uri) throws Exception { // Create a method instance. HttpUriRequest request = StringEntity(str, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) .build(); // Execute the method. executeAndCheckHttpRequest(request); } // Method that reads a DDL/Update/Query File // and returns the contents as a string // This string is later passed to REST API for execution. public String readTestFile(File testFile) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(testFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); String line; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { stringBuilder.append(line); stringBuilder.append(ls); } reader.close(); return stringBuilder.toString(); } public static void executeManagixCommand(String command) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { if (managixExecuteMethod == null) { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("org.apache.asterix.installer.test.AsterixInstallerIntegrationUtil"); managixExecuteMethod = clazz.getMethod("executeCommand", String.class); } managixExecuteMethod.invoke(null, command); } public static String executeScript(ProcessBuilder pb, String scriptPath) throws Exception {"Executing script: " + scriptPath); pb.command(scriptPath); Process p = pb.start(); return getProcessOutput(p); } private static String executeVagrantScript(ProcessBuilder pb, String node, String scriptName) throws Exception { pb.command("vagrant", "ssh", node, "--", pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + scriptName); Process p = pb.start(); p.waitFor(); InputStream input = p.getInputStream(); return IOUtils.toString(input,; } private static String executeVagrantManagix(ProcessBuilder pb, String command) throws Exception { pb.command("vagrant", "ssh", "cc", "--", pb.environment().get("MANAGIX_HOME") + command); Process p = pb.start(); p.waitFor(); InputStream input = p.getInputStream(); return IOUtils.toString(input,; } private static String getScriptPath(String queryPath, String scriptBasePath, String scriptFileName) { String targetWord = "queries" + File.separator; int targetWordSize = targetWord.lastIndexOf(File.separator); int beginIndex = queryPath.lastIndexOf(targetWord) + targetWordSize; int endIndex = queryPath.lastIndexOf(File.separator); String prefix = queryPath.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); return scriptBasePath + prefix + File.separator + scriptFileName; } private static String getProcessOutput(Process p) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Future<Integer> future = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() .submit(() -> IOUtils.copy(p.getInputStream(), new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { baos.write(b); System.out.write(b); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { baos.flush(); System.out.flush(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { baos.close(); System.out.close(); } })); p.waitFor(); future.get(); ByteArrayInputStream bisIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); StringWriter writerIn = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(bisIn, writerIn, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); StringWriter writerErr = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(p.getErrorStream(), writerErr, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); StringBuffer stdOut = writerIn.getBuffer(); if (writerErr.getBuffer().length() > 0) { StringBuilder sbErr = new StringBuilder(); sbErr.append("script execution failed - error message:\n" + "-------------------------------------------\n" + "stdout: ").append(stdOut) .append("\nstderr: ").append(writerErr.getBuffer()) .append("-------------------------------------------");; throw new Exception(sbErr.toString()); } return stdOut.toString(); } public void executeTest(String actualPath, TestCaseContext testCaseCtx, ProcessBuilder pb, boolean isDmlRecoveryTest) throws Exception { executeTest(actualPath, testCaseCtx, pb, isDmlRecoveryTest, null); } public void executeTestFile(TestCaseContext testCaseCtx, TestFileContext ctx, Map<String, Object> variableCtx, String statement, boolean isDmlRecoveryTest, ProcessBuilder pb, CompilationUnit cUnit, MutableInt queryCount, List<TestFileContext> expectedResultFileCtxs, File testFile, String actualPath) throws Exception { File qbcFile; boolean failed = false; File expectedResultFile; switch (ctx.getType()) { case "ddl": if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { executeDDL(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_DDL)); } else { InputStream resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE), OutputFormat.CLEAN_JSON); ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } break; case "update": // isDmlRecoveryTest: set IP address if (isDmlRecoveryTest && statement.contains("nc1://")) { statement = statement.replaceAll("nc1://", ""); } if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { executeUpdate(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_UPDATE)); } else { InputStream resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE), OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit)); ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } break; case "pollget": case "pollquery": // polltimeoutsecs=nnn, polldelaysecs=nnn int timeoutSecs = getTimeoutSecs(statement); int retryDelaySecs = getRetryDelaySecs(statement); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long limitTime = startTime + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(timeoutSecs); ctx.setType(ctx.getType().substring("poll".length())); boolean expectedException = false; Exception finalException; LOGGER.fine("polling for up to " + timeoutSecs + " seconds w/ " + retryDelaySecs + " second(s) delay"); while (true) { try { executeTestFile(testCaseCtx, ctx, variableCtx, statement, isDmlRecoveryTest, pb, cUnit, queryCount, expectedResultFileCtxs, testFile, actualPath); finalException = null; break; } catch (Exception e) { if (isExpected(e, cUnit)) { expectedException = true; finalException = e; break; } if ((System.currentTimeMillis() > limitTime)) { finalException = e; break; } LOGGER.fine("sleeping " + retryDelaySecs + " second(s) before polling again"); Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(retryDelaySecs)); } } if (expectedException) { throw finalException; } else if (finalException != null) { throw new Exception("Poll limit (" + timeoutSecs + "s) exceeded without obtaining expected result", finalException); } break; case "query": case "async": case "deferred": // isDmlRecoveryTest: insert Crash and Recovery if (isDmlRecoveryTest) { executeScript(pb, pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + File.separator + "dml_recovery" + File.separator + ""); executeScript(pb, pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME") + File.separator + "dml_recovery" + File.separator + ""); } InputStream resultStream = null; OutputFormat fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); final String reqType = ctx.getType(); final List<CompilationUnit.Parameter> params = cUnit.getParameter(); if (ctx.getFile().getName().endsWith("aql")) { if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("query")) { resultStream = executeQuery(statement, fmt, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), params); } else { final URI endpoint = getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL); if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("async")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, false, fmt, endpoint, variableCtx); } else if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("deferred")) { resultStream = executeAnyAQLAsync(statement, true, fmt, endpoint, variableCtx); } Assert.assertNotNull("no handle for " + reqType + " test " + testFile.toString(), resultStream); } } else { String delivery = DELIVERY_IMMEDIATE; if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("async")) { delivery = DELIVERY_ASYNC; } else if (reqType.equalsIgnoreCase("deferred")) { delivery = DELIVERY_DEFERRED; } final URI uri = getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE); if (DELIVERY_IMMEDIATE.equals(delivery)) { resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, fmt, uri, params, true, true); resultStream = ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } else { String handleVar = getHandleVariable(statement); resultStream = executeQueryService(statement, fmt, uri, upsertParam(params, "mode", delivery), true); String handle = ResultExtractor.extractHandle(resultStream); Assert.assertNotNull("no handle for " + reqType + " test " + testFile.toString(), handleVar); variableCtx.put(handleVar, handle); } } if (queryCount.intValue() >= expectedResultFileCtxs.size()) {"no result file for " + testFile.toString() + "; queryCount: " + queryCount + ", filectxs.size: " + expectedResultFileCtxs.size()); } expectedResultFile = expectedResultFileCtxs.get(queryCount.intValue()).getFile(); File actualResultFile = testCaseCtx.getActualResultFile(cUnit, expectedResultFile, new File(actualPath)); writeOutputToFile(actualResultFile, resultStream); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), expectedResultFile, actualResultFile); queryCount.increment(); // Deletes the matched result file. actualResultFile.getParentFile().delete(); break; case "mgx": executeManagixCommand(stripLineComments(statement).trim()); break; case "txnqbc": // qbc represents query before crash resultStream = executeQuery(statement, OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit), getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), cUnit.getParameter()); qbcFile = getTestCaseQueryBeforeCrashFile(actualPath, testCaseCtx, cUnit); writeOutputToFile(qbcFile, resultStream); break; case "txnqar": // qar represents query after recovery resultStream = executeQuery(statement, OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit), getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_QUERY), cUnit.getParameter()); File qarFile = new File(actualPath + File.separator + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath().replace(File.separator, "_") + "_" + cUnit.getName() + "_qar.adm"); writeOutputToFile(qarFile, resultStream); qbcFile = getTestCaseQueryBeforeCrashFile(actualPath, testCaseCtx, cUnit); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), qbcFile, qarFile); break; case "txneu": // eu represents erroneous update try { executeUpdate(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_UPDATE)); } catch (Exception e) { // An exception is expected. failed = true; System.err.println("testFile " + testFile.toString() + " raised an exception: " + e); } if (!failed) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n An exception" + "is expected."); } System.err.println("...but that was expected."); break; case "script": try { String output = executeScript(pb, getScriptPath(testFile.getAbsolutePath(), pb.environment().get("SCRIPT_HOME"), stripLineComments(statement).trim())); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "sleep": String[] lines = stripLineComments(statement).trim().split("\n"); Thread.sleep(Long.parseLong(lines[lines.length - 1].trim())); break; case "errddl": // a ddlquery that expects error try { executeDDL(statement, getEndpoint(Servlets.AQL_DDL)); } catch (Exception e) { // expected error happens failed = true; System.err.println("testFile " + testFile.toString() + " raised an exception: " + e); } if (!failed) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n An exception is expected."); } System.err.println("...but that was expected."); break; case "vscript": // a script that will be executed on a vagrant virtual node try { String[] command = stripLineComments(statement).trim().split(" "); if (command.length != 2) { throw new Exception("invalid vagrant script format"); } String nodeId = command[0]; String scriptName = command[1]; String output = executeVagrantScript(pb, nodeId, scriptName); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "vmgx": // a managix command that will be executed on vagrant cc node String output = executeVagrantManagix(pb, stripLineComments(statement).trim()); if (output.contains("ERROR")) { throw new Exception(output); } break; case "get": case "post": fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); String handleVar = getHandleVariable(statement); final String trimmedPathAndQuery = stripLineComments(stripJavaComments(statement)).trim(); final String variablesReplaced = replaceVarRef(trimmedPathAndQuery, variableCtx); if ("http".equals(ctx.extension())) { resultStream = executeHttp(ctx.getType(), variablesReplaced, fmt); } else if ("uri".equals(ctx.extension())) { resultStream = executeURI(ctx.getType(), URI.create(variablesReplaced), fmt); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected format for method " + ctx.getType() + ": " + ctx.extension()); } if (handleVar != null) { String handle = ResultExtractor.extractHandle(resultStream); if (handle != null) { variableCtx.put(handleVar, handle); } else { throw new Exception("no handle for test " + testFile.toString()); } } else { expectedResultFile = expectedResultFileCtxs.get(queryCount.intValue()).getFile(); actualResultFile = testCaseCtx.getActualResultFile(cUnit, expectedResultFile, new File(actualPath)); writeOutputToFile(actualResultFile, resultStream); runScriptAndCompareWithResult(testFile, new PrintWriter(System.err), expectedResultFile, actualResultFile); } queryCount.increment(); break; case "server": // (start <test server name> <port> // [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]...|stop (<port>|all)) try { lines = statement.trim().split("\n"); String[] command = lines[lines.length - 1].trim().split(" "); if (command.length < 2) { throw new Exception("invalid server command format. expected format =" + " (start <test server name> <port> [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]" + "...|stop (<port>|all))"); } String action = command[0]; if (action.equals("start")) { if (command.length < 3) { throw new Exception("invalid server start command. expected format =" + " (start <test server name> <port> [<arg1>][<arg2>][<arg3>]..."); } String name = command[1]; Integer port = new Integer(command[2]); if (runningTestServers.containsKey(port)) { throw new Exception("server with port " + port + " is already running"); } ITestServer server = TestServerProvider.createTestServer(name, port); server.configure(Arrays.copyOfRange(command, 3, command.length)); server.start(); runningTestServers.put(port, server); } else if (action.equals("stop")) { String target = command[1]; if (target.equals("all")) { for (ITestServer server : runningTestServers.values()) { server.stop(); } runningTestServers.clear(); } else { Integer port = new Integer(command[1]); ITestServer server = runningTestServers.get(port); if (server == null) { throw new Exception("no server is listening to port " + port); } server.stop(); runningTestServers.remove(port); } } else { throw new Exception("unknown server action"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!\n", e); } break; case "lib": // expected format <dataverse-name> <library-name> // <library-directory> // TODO: make this case work well with entity names containing spaces by // looking for \" lines = statement.split("\n"); String lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]; String[] command = lastLine.trim().split(" "); if (command.length < 3) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } String dataverse = command[1]; String library = command[2]; switch (command[0]) { case "install": if (command.length != 4) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } String libPath = command[3]; librarian.install(dataverse, library, libPath); break; case "uninstall": if (command.length != 3) { throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } librarian.uninstall(dataverse, library); break; default: throw new Exception("invalid library format"); } break; case "node": command = stripJavaComments(statement).trim().split(" "); String commandType = command[0]; String nodeId = command[1]; if (commandType.equals("kill")) { killNC(nodeId, cUnit); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No statements of type " + ctx.getType()); } } protected static boolean isExpected(Exception e, CompilationUnit cUnit) { final List<String> expErrors = cUnit.getExpectedError(); for (String exp : expErrors) { if (e.toString().contains(exp)) { return true; } } return false; } protected int getTimeoutSecs(String statement) { final Matcher timeoutMatcher = POLL_TIMEOUT_PATTERN.matcher(statement); if (timeoutMatcher.find()) { return Integer.parseInt(; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ERROR: polltimeoutsecs=nnn must be present in poll file"); } } protected static int getRetryDelaySecs(String statement) { final Matcher retryDelayMatcher = POLL_DELAY_PATTERN.matcher(statement); return retryDelayMatcher.find() ? Integer.parseInt( : 1; } protected static String getHandleVariable(String statement) { final Matcher handleVariableMatcher = HANDLE_VARIABLE_PATTERN.matcher(statement); return handleVariableMatcher.find() ? : null; } protected static String replaceVarRef(String statement, Map<String, Object> variableCtx) { String tmpStmt = statement; Matcher variableReferenceMatcher = VARIABLE_REF_PATTERN.matcher(tmpStmt); while (variableReferenceMatcher.find()) { String var =; Object value = variableCtx.get(var); Assert.assertNotNull("No value for variable reference $" + var, value); tmpStmt = tmpStmt.replace("$" + var, String.valueOf(value)); variableReferenceMatcher = VARIABLE_REF_PATTERN.matcher(tmpStmt); } return tmpStmt; } protected InputStream executeHttp(String ctxType, String endpoint, OutputFormat fmt) throws Exception { String[] split = endpoint.split("\\?"); URI uri = new URI("http", null, host, port, split[0], split.length > 1 ? split[1] : null, null); return executeURI(ctxType, uri, fmt); } private InputStream executeURI(String ctxType, URI uri, OutputFormat fmt) throws Exception { switch (ctxType) { case "get": return executeJSONGet(fmt, uri); case "post": return executeJSONPost(fmt, uri); default: throw new AssertionError("Not implemented: " + ctxType); } } private void killNC(String nodeId, CompilationUnit cUnit) throws Exception { //get node process id OutputFormat fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); String endpoint = "/admin/cluster/node/" + nodeId + "/config"; InputStream executeJSONGet = executeJSONGet(fmt, new URI("http", null, host, port, endpoint, null, null)); StringWriter actual = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(executeJSONGet, actual, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String config = actual.toString(); int nodePid = new ObjectMapper().readValue(config, ObjectNode.class).get("pid").asInt(); if (nodePid <= 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not retrieve node pid from admin API"); } ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("kill", "-9", Integer.toString(nodePid)); pb.start().waitFor(); // Delete NC's transaction logs to re-initialize it as a new NC. deleteNCTxnLogs(nodeId, cUnit); } private void deleteNCTxnLogs(String nodeId, CompilationUnit cUnit) throws Exception { OutputFormat fmt = OutputFormat.forCompilationUnit(cUnit); String endpoint = "/admin/cluster/node/" + nodeId + "/config"; InputStream executeJSONGet = executeJSONGet(fmt, new URI("http://" + host + ":" + port + endpoint)); StringWriter actual = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(executeJSONGet, actual, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String config = actual.toString(); ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); String logDir = om.readTree(config).findPath("txn.log.dir").asText(); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(logDir)); } public void executeTest(String actualPath, TestCaseContext testCaseCtx, ProcessBuilder pb, boolean isDmlRecoveryTest, TestGroup failedGroup) throws Exception { MutableInt queryCount = new MutableInt(0); int numOfErrors = 0; int numOfFiles = 0; List<CompilationUnit> cUnits = testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getCompilationUnit(); for (CompilationUnit cUnit : cUnits) {"Starting [TEST]: " + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath() + "/" + cUnit.getName() + " ... "); Map<String, Object> variableCtx = new HashMap<>(); List<TestFileContext> testFileCtxs = testCaseCtx.getTestFiles(cUnit); List<TestFileContext> expectedResultFileCtxs = testCaseCtx.getExpectedResultFiles(cUnit); for (TestFileContext ctx : testFileCtxs) { numOfFiles++; final File testFile = ctx.getFile(); final String statement = readTestFile(testFile); try { executeTestFile(testCaseCtx, ctx, variableCtx, statement, isDmlRecoveryTest, pb, cUnit, queryCount, expectedResultFileCtxs, testFile, actualPath); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("testFile " + testFile.toString() + " raised an exception: " + e); boolean unExpectedFailure = false; numOfErrors++; String expectedError = null; if (cUnit.getExpectedError().size() < numOfErrors) { unExpectedFailure = true; } else { // Get the expected exception expectedError = cUnit.getExpectedError().get(numOfErrors - 1); if (e.toString().contains(expectedError)) { System.err.println("...but that was expected."); } else { unExpectedFailure = true; } } if (unExpectedFailure) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("...Unexpected!"); if (expectedError != null) { System.err.println("Expected to find the following in error text:\n+++++\n" + expectedError + "\n+++++"); } if (failedGroup != null) { failedGroup.getTestCase().add(testCaseCtx.getTestCase()); } throw new Exception("Test \"" + testFile + "\" FAILED!", e); } } finally { if (numOfFiles == testFileCtxs.size() && numOfErrors < cUnit.getExpectedError().size()) { System.err.println("...Unexpected!"); Exception e = new Exception( "Test \"" + cUnit.getName() + "\" FAILED!\nExpected error was not thrown..."); System.err.println(e); throw e; } else if (numOfFiles == testFileCtxs.size()) {"[TEST]: " + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath() + "/" + cUnit.getName() + " PASSED "); } } } } } private static File getTestCaseQueryBeforeCrashFile(String actualPath, TestCaseContext testCaseCtx, CompilationUnit cUnit) { return new File( actualPath + File.separator + testCaseCtx.getTestCase().getFilePath().replace(File.separator, "_") + "_" + cUnit.getName() + "_qbc.adm"); } protected URI getEndpoint(String servlet) throws URISyntaxException { return new URI("http", null, host, port, getPath(servlet).replaceAll("/\\*$", ""), null, null); } public static String stripJavaComments(String text) { return JAVA_BLOCK_COMMENT_PATTERN.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); } public static String stripLineComments(String text) { final String s = SHELL_LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); return JAVA_LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN.matcher(s).replaceAll(""); } public void cleanup(String testCase, List<String> badtestcases) throws Exception { try { ArrayList<String> toBeDropped = new ArrayList<>(); InputStream resultStream = executeQueryService( "select dv.DataverseName from Metadata.`Dataverse` as dv;", getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE), OutputFormat.CLEAN_JSON); String out = IOUtils.toString(resultStream); ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); om.setConfig( om.getDeserializationConfig().with(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL_OBJECT)); JsonNode result; try { result = om.readValue(out, ObjectNode.class).get("results"); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { result = om.createArrayNode(); } for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { JsonNode json = result.get(i); if (json != null) { String dvName = json.get("DataverseName").asText(); if (!dvName.equals("Metadata") && !dvName.equals("Default")) { toBeDropped.add(dvName); } } } if (!toBeDropped.isEmpty()) { badtestcases.add(testCase); LOGGER.warning( "Last test left some garbage. Dropping dataverses: " + StringUtils.join(toBeDropped, ',')); StringBuilder dropStatement = new StringBuilder(); for (String dv : toBeDropped) { dropStatement.append("drop dataverse "); dropStatement.append(dv); dropStatement.append(";\n"); } resultStream = executeQueryService(dropStatement.toString(), getEndpoint(Servlets.QUERY_SERVICE), OutputFormat.CLEAN_JSON); ResultExtractor.extract(resultStream); } } catch (Throwable th) { th.printStackTrace(); throw th; } } //This method is here to enable extension protected String getPath(String servlet) { return servlet; } }