List of usage examples for java.lang ProcessBuilder environment
Map environment
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/** * Execute MulVAL on the topology and return the attack graph * * @return the associated attack graph object *///from ww w . j av a 2 s.c om public static AttackGraph generateAttackGraphWithMulValUsingAlreadyGeneratedMulVALInputFile() { try { //Load MulVAL properties String mulvalPath = ProjectProperties.getProperty("mulval-path"); String xsbPath = ProjectProperties.getProperty("xsb-path"); String outputFolderPath = ProjectProperties.getProperty("output-path"); File mulvalInputFile = new File(ProjectProperties.getProperty("mulval-input")); File mulvalOutputFile = new File(outputFolderPath + "/AttackGraph.xml"); if (mulvalOutputFile.exists()) { mulvalOutputFile.delete(); } Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Launching MulVAL"); ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(mulvalPath + "/utils/", mulvalInputFile.getAbsolutePath(), "-l"); if (ProjectProperties.getProperty("mulval-rules-path") != null) { processBuilder.command().add("-r"); processBuilder.command().add(ProjectProperties.getProperty("mulval-rules-path")); } File(outputFolderPath)); processBuilder.environment().put("MULVALROOT", mulvalPath); String path = System.getenv("PATH"); processBuilder.environment().put("PATH", mulvalPath + "/utils/:" + xsbPath + ":" + path); Process process = processBuilder.start(); process.waitFor(); if (!mulvalOutputFile.exists()) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Empty attack graph!"); return null; } MulvalAttackGraph ag = new MulvalAttackGraph(mulvalOutputFile.getAbsolutePath()); return ag; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
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private static void doSeedRun(int seed) throws IOException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("Running with seed " + seed); String pattern = "int random = <INSERT_SEED_HERE>;"; int start = sourceCode.indexOf(pattern); int end = start + pattern.length(); String line = sourceCode.substring(start, end); line = line.replace("<INSERT_SEED_HERE>", Integer.toString(seed)); String sourceCodeWithSeed = sourceCode.replace(pattern, line); File tempFile = new File("temp.pml"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tempFile, sourceCodeWithSeed); //Create a "project" folder String fileNameWithoutExtension = fileName.split("[.]")[0]; File folder = new File("test1-" + fileNameWithoutExtension); if (folder.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(folder); }//from ww w . j av a2s. c om folder.mkdir(); //Copy temp.pml to our new folder FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(tempFile, folder); //Simulate the model using Spin List<String> spinCommand = new ArrayList<String>(); spinCommand.add(GeneralData.spinHome + "/spin"); spinCommand.add("-u1000000"); spinCommand.add("temp.pml"); ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(spinCommand);; processBuilder.redirectOutput(new File(folder, "spin-" + seed + ".txt")); Process process = processBuilder.start(); process.waitFor(); //Translate via PROMNeT++ List<String> PROMNeTppCommand = new ArrayList<String>(); PROMNeTppCommand.add("java"); PROMNeTppCommand.add("-enableassertions"); PROMNeTppCommand.add("-jar"); PROMNeTppCommand.add("\"" + GeneralData.getJARFilePath() + "\""); PROMNeTppCommand.add("temp.pml"); processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(PROMNeTppCommand);; processBuilder.environment().put("PROMNETPP_HOME", GeneralData.PROMNeTppHome); process = processBuilder.start(); process.waitFor(); //Run opp_makemake FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(new File("opp_makemake.bat"), folder); List<String> makemakeCommand = new ArrayList<String>(); if (Utilities.operatingSystemType.equals("windows")) { makemakeCommand.add("cmd"); makemakeCommand.add("/c"); makemakeCommand.add("opp_makemake.bat"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Support for Linux/OS X not implemented" + " here yet."); } processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(makemakeCommand);; process = processBuilder.start(); process.waitFor(); //Run make FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(new File("opp_make.bat"), folder); List<String> makeCommand = new ArrayList<String>(); if (Utilities.operatingSystemType.equals("windows")) { makeCommand.add("cmd"); makeCommand.add("/c"); makeCommand.add("opp_make.bat"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Support for Linux/OS X not implemented" + " here yet."); } processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(makeCommand);; process = processBuilder.start(); process.waitFor(); System.out.println(Utilities.getStreamAsString(process.getInputStream())); System.exit(1); }
From source
/** * Execute MulVAL on the topology and return the attack graph * * @param informationSystem the input network * @return the associated attack graph object *//*from w w w . jav a 2 s .c om*/ public static AttackGraph prepareInputsAndExecuteMulVal(InformationSystem informationSystem) { if (informationSystem == null) return null; try { //Load MulVAL properties String mulvalPath = ProjectProperties.getProperty("mulval-path"); String xsbPath = ProjectProperties.getProperty("xsb-path"); String outputFolderPath = ProjectProperties.getProperty("output-path"); File mulvalInputFile = new File(ProjectProperties.getProperty("mulval-input")); File mulvalOutputFile = new File(outputFolderPath + "/AttackGraph.xml"); if (mulvalOutputFile.exists()) { mulvalOutputFile.delete(); } Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Genering MulVAL inputs"); informationSystem.exportToMulvalDatalogFile(mulvalInputFile.getAbsolutePath()); Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Launching MulVAL"); ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(mulvalPath + "/utils/", mulvalInputFile.getAbsolutePath(), "-l"); if (ProjectProperties.getProperty("mulval-rules-path") != null) { processBuilder.command().add("-r"); processBuilder.command().add(ProjectProperties.getProperty("mulval-rules-path")); } File(outputFolderPath)); processBuilder.environment().put("MULVALROOT", mulvalPath); String path = System.getenv("PATH"); processBuilder.environment().put("PATH", mulvalPath + "/utils/:" + xsbPath + ":" + path); Process process = processBuilder.start(); process.waitFor(); if (!mulvalOutputFile.exists()) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Empty attack graph!"); return null; } MulvalAttackGraph ag = new MulvalAttackGraph(mulvalOutputFile.getAbsolutePath()); ag.loadMetricsFromTopology(informationSystem); return ag; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
From source
public static void downloadComposerPhar(File dest, String phpExec) throws CoreException { try {/* ww w .ja va2 s . co m*/ if (dest.exists()) { boolean update = ComposerPreferences.getBoolean(ComposerPreferences.COMPOSER_PHAR_NODE, true); if (!update) return; long expDate = parseExpDate(dest) * 1000; if (System.currentTimeMillis() < expDate) return; } if (dest.exists()) { dest.delete(); } File composerPhar = new File(dest, ComposerPreferences.COMPOSER_PHAR); String script = HttpHelper.executeGetRequest(GETCOMPOSER_ORG, null, null, 200); if (script != null) { File scriptFile = new File(getTemp(), "composertemp.php"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!scriptFile.exists()) { scriptFile.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(scriptFile); outStream.write(script.getBytes()); outStream.close(); String phpIni = PHPINIUtil.findPHPIni(phpExec).getAbsolutePath(); List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); command.add(phpExec); if (phpIni != null) { command.add("-c"); //$NON-NLS-1$ command.add(phpIni); } command.add(scriptFile.getCanonicalPath()); command.add("--"); //$NON-NLS-1$ command.add(INSTALL_DIR + dest.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command); processBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); PHPLaunchUtilities.appendLibrarySearchPathEnv(processBuilder.environment(), new File(phpExec).getParentFile()); Process p = processBuilder.start(); String output = IOUtils.toString(p.getInputStream()); try { int result = p.waitFor(); if (result != 0) { composerPhar.delete(); throw new CoreException(new org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status(IStatus.ERROR, ComposerCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, NLS.bind( Messages.ComposerService_Error_Downloading_Composer_Phar, result, output))); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { ComposerCorePlugin.logError(e); } finally { scriptFile.delete(); } } } catch (IOException e) { ComposerCorePlugin.logError(e); } }
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public static String runCliCommands(File cliExecutablePath, List<List<String>> commands, boolean isDebug) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!cliExecutablePath.isFile()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(cliExecutablePath + " is not a file"); }//w ww . j a v a 2 s . c om File workingDirectory = cliExecutablePath.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile(); if (!workingDirectory.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(workingDirectory + " is not a directory"); } int argsCount = 0; for (List<String> command : commands) { argsCount += command.size(); } // needed to properly intercept error return code String[] cmd = new String[(argsCount == 0 ? 0 : 1) + 4 /* cmd /c call cloudify.bat ["args"] */]; int i = 0; cmd[i] = "cmd"; i++; cmd[i] = "/c"; i++; cmd[i] = "call"; i++; cmd[i] = cliExecutablePath.getAbsolutePath(); i++; if (argsCount > 0) { cmd[i] = "\""; //TODO: Use StringBuilder for (List<String> command : commands) { if (command.size() > 0) { for (String arg : command) { if (cmd[i].length() > 0) { cmd[i] += " "; } cmd[i] += arg; } cmd[i] += ";"; } } cmd[i] += "\""; } final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);; pb.redirectErrorStream(true); String extCloudifyJavaOptions = ""; if (isDebug) { extCloudifyJavaOptions += "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=9000 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE"; } pb.environment().put("EXT_CLOUDIFY_JAVA_OPTIONS", extCloudifyJavaOptions); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();"running: " + cliExecutablePath + " " + Arrays.toString(cmd)); // log std output and redirected std error Process p = pb.start(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); line = reader.readLine();; } final String readResult = sb.toString(); final int exitValue = p.waitFor();"Exit value = " + exitValue); if (exitValue != 0) {"Cli ended with error code: " + exitValue); } return readResult; }
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/** * It blocks until the snapshot is ready. * It invokes cutycapt program in order to take a snapshot from a specified url. * * @return the path in the web application to access via a HTTP GET to the * generated snapshot.// w w w . ja va 2s . c om */ private static String takeSnapshot(CutyCaptParameters params) { ProcessBuilder capture = new ProcessBuilder(CUTYCAPT_COMMAND); params.fillParameters(capture); String generatedSnapshotServerPath = params.getGeneratedSnapshotServerPath(); Process printProcess = null; Process serverProcess = null; try {"calling printing: " + capture.command()); // If there is a not real X server environment then use Xvfb if (StringUtils.isEmpty(System.getenv("DISPLAY"))) { ProcessBuilder s = new ProcessBuilder("Xvfb", ":" + params.getXvfbDisplayNumber()); serverProcess = s.start(); capture.environment().put("DISPLAY", ":" + params.getXvfbDisplayNumber() + ".0"); } printProcess = capture.start(); printProcess.waitFor(); // Once the printProcess finishes, the print snapshot is available return generatedSnapshotServerPath; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("error invoking command", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (printProcess != null) { destroy(printProcess); } if (serverProcess != null) { destroy(serverProcess); } } }
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@Override protected Process launch(CommandLine command, Map<String, String> env, File dir) throws IOException { if (dir != null && !dir.exists()) { throw new IOException(dir + " doesn't exist."); }//from w ww . j a v a 2 s. co m ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command.toStrings()); pb.environment().putAll(env);; if (inheritIo) { pb.inheritIO(); } return pb.start(); }
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public ExeMessage handleMessage(final ExeMessage msg) throws Exception { log.debug("handling message: " + msg.toString()); List<String> args = msg.getArgs(); args.add(0, msg.getExe());//from w w w .j a v a 2 s. c o m try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args); pb.environment().putAll(msg.getEnv()); File(msg.getDir())); pb.redirectErrorStream(true); Process p = pb.start(); BufferedInputStream stdout = new BufferedInputStream(p.getInputStream()); byte[] buff = new byte[4096]; for (int bytesRead = 0; bytesRead > -1; bytesRead = { msg.getOut().write(buff, 0, bytesRead); } p.waitFor(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t.getMessage(), t); Object errmsg = t.getMessage(); if (null != errmsg) { msg.getOut().write(((String) errmsg).getBytes()); } } return msg; }
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public Process run(List<String> cmd, List<String> removeEnv, Map<String, String> environmentVariables) throws IOException { logDebugCmd(cmd, environmentVariables); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); for (String key : removeEnv) pb.environment().remove(key); pb.environment().putAll(environmentVariables); return pb.start(); }
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@NotNull public Process sendCommand(@NotNull String command, @Nullable Map<String, String> environment) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(new StrTokenizer(command).getTokenArray()); if (environment != null) { processBuilder.environment().putAll(environment); }//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . co m return processBuilder.start(); }