List of usage examples for java.lang NumberFormatException NumberFormatException
public NumberFormatException()
with no detail message. From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String fromCurrency = null, toCurrency = null; ExchangeAPI handler = null;//from w ww . ja v a 2 s. c o m TrendStorage storage = null; if (args.length == 0) usage(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { switch (args[i]) { case "--from": case "-f": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--from requires an argument"); fromCurrency = args[i]; break; case "--to": case "-t": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--to requires an argument"); toCurrency = args[i]; break; case "--help": case "-h": usage(); break; case "--source": case "-s": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--source requires an argument"); switch (args[i]) { case "coinbase": case "c": handler = new CoinbaseComExchangeAPI(); break; case "yahoo": case "y": handler = new YahooFinanceExchangeAPI(); break; default: usage(args[i] + " is not a valid argument for --source, check available sources"); } break; case "--db-type": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--db-type requires an argument"); dbType = args[i]; dbTypeIsSet = true; break; case "--db": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--db requires an argument"); db = args[i]; dbIsSet = true; break; case "--db-type-json-force": dbTypeJSONForce = true; dbTypeJSONForceIsSet = true; break; case "--verbose": case "-v": verbose = true; break; case "--json": case "-j": json = true; break; case "--fancy": fancyJson = true; break; case "--daemon": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--daemon requires an argument"); try { daemon = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { usage(args[i] + " is not a valid argument for --daemon, integer number needed"); } if (daemon < 5000) { usage(args[i] + " is not a valid argument for --daemon, range is 5000 ... +INF"); } break; case "-l": case "--langolier": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--langolier requires an argument"); try { langolier = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); if (langolier < 1) throw new NumberFormatException(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { usage(args[i] + " is not a valid argument for --langolier, integer number above zero needed"); } break; case "--quiet": case "-q": quiet = true; break; case "--timestamp": prependTimestamp = true; break; default: usage("unknown argument: " + args[i]); } } if (dbIsSet != dbTypeIsSet) { usage("--db and --db-type may be used only together."); } if (quiet && (prependTimestamp || verbose || json)) { usage("--timestamp, --json and --verbose make no sense together with --quiet."); } if (quiet && !dbIsSet) { usage("--quiet makes no sense without database output (--db-type and --db)."); } if (langolier > 0 && !dbIsSet) { usage("--langolier is set without --db and --db-type: nowhere to expunge old entries from!"); } if (dbIsSet) { switch (dbType) { case "json": case "j": try { storage = new JSONTrendStorage(db, dbTypeJSONForce); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } break; default: if (dbTypeJSONForceIsSet) { usage("--db-type-json-force is applicable to --db-type json only."); } usage("unknown database type: " + dbType); } } if (handler == null) handler = new YahooFinanceExchangeAPI(); if (fancyJson && !json) { usage("--fancy is not allowed without --json"); } if (fromCurrency == null || toCurrency == null) { usage("missing some mandatory argument(s)"); } if (verbose) greet(handler.getDataSource(), (dbIsSet) ? storage.getTrendStorage() : null); do { HashMap<String, Double> rates = queryRate(parseCurrencies(fromCurrency), parseCurrencies(toCurrency), handler); if (json) printRatesAsJSON(rates, fancyJson); else printRates(rates); if (daemon > 0) out(); if (dbIsSet) { try { storage.storeRates(rates, handler.getDataSource(), (int) (new Date().getTime() / 1000), (langolier > 0), langolier); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } } } while (sleeper(daemon)); System.exit(0); }
From source
static void select(CommandContext context) { Member invoker = context.invoker; GuildPlayer player = PlayerRegistry.getOrCreate(context.guild); VideoSelection selection = VideoSelection.get(invoker); if (selection == null) { context.reply(context.i18n("selectSelectionNotGiven")); return;/*from w w w .j a va2 s . co m*/ } try { //Step 1: Parse the issued command for numbers // LinkedHashSet to handle order of choices + duplicates LinkedHashSet<Integer> requestChoices = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // Combine all args and the command trigger. if the trigger is not a number it will be sanitized away String commandOptions = (context.trigger + " " + context.rawArgs).trim(); String sanitizedQuery = sanitizeQueryForMultiSelect(commandOptions).trim(); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(commandOptions)) { requestChoices.add(Integer.valueOf(commandOptions)); } else if (TextUtils.isSplitSelect(sanitizedQuery)) { // Remove all non comma or number characters String[] querySplit = sanitizedQuery.split(",|\\s"); for (String value : querySplit) { if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) { requestChoices.add(Integer.valueOf(value)); } } } //Step 2: Use only valid numbers (usually 1-5) ArrayList<Integer> validChoices = new ArrayList<>(); // Only include valid values which are 1 to <size> of the offered selection for (Integer value : requestChoices) { if (1 <= value && value <= selection.choices.size()) { validChoices.add(value); } } //Step 3: Make a selection based on the order of the valid numbers // any valid choices at all? if (validChoices.isEmpty()) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } else { AudioTrack[] selectedTracks = new AudioTrack[validChoices.size()]; StringBuilder outputMsgBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < validChoices.size(); i++) { selectedTracks[i] = selection.choices.get(validChoices.get(i) - 1); String msg = context.i18nFormat("selectSuccess", validChoices.get(i), selectedTracks[i].getInfo().title, TextUtils.formatTime(selectedTracks[0].getInfo().length)); if (i < validChoices.size()) { outputMsgBuilder.append("\n"); } outputMsgBuilder.append(msg); player.queue(new AudioTrackContext(selectedTracks[i], invoker)); } VideoSelection.remove(invoker); TextChannel tc = FredBoat.getTextChannelById(selection.channelId); if (tc != null) { CentralMessaging.editMessage(tc, selection.outMsgId, CentralMessaging.from(outputMsgBuilder.toString())); } player.setPause(false); context.deleteMessage(); } } catch (NumberFormatException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { context.reply(context.i18nFormat("selectInterval", selection.choices.size())); } }
From source
/** * Throws an exception if n is either a real or to big to be represented by a byte. * @param n/*from w ww .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * @return */ public static byte byteValueExact(Number n) { if (n instanceof Byte) return n.byteValue(); double d = n.doubleValue(); long l = n.longValue(); if (d == (double) l) { if (l >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && l <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) return (byte) l; } throw new NumberFormatException(); }
From source
public void testPost() { Log.init(getContext());// w ww. ja va2 s . com String message = "This is a INFO test"; String tag = ""; Log.d(tag, message); Log.i(tag, message); Log.w(tag, message); List<String> list = Log.getReportedEntries(); Assert.assertNotNull(list); Assert.assertFalse(list.isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals(2, list.size()); // i + w;"this is a user message", null); Exception error = new MalformedChallengeException("error message", new NumberFormatException());, error); }
From source
public static int parseInt(char[] b, int off, int len) throws NumberFormatException { int c;/* www.j a v a 2 s . c om*/ if (b == null || len <= 0 || !isDigit(c = b[off++])) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } int n = c - '0'; while (--len > 0) { if (!isDigit(c = b[off++])) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } n = n * 10 + c - '0'; } return n; }
From source
@Override protected void runThrowingExceptions(CommandLine cmd) throws Exception { // The input file File input1 = new File(getUniqueValue(cmd, "input1")); // input file 2 String input2string = getUniqueValue(cmd, "input2"); File input2 = (input2string == null) ? null : new File(input2string); // The output prefix String output_prefix = getUniqueValue(cmd, "output"); // qualityThreshold int qualThreshold; try {//from w w w.j a va2 s. c o m String qualOpt = getUniqueValue(cmd, "quality-threshold"); qualThreshold = (qualOpt == null) ? DEFAULT_QUALTITY_SCORE : Integer.parseInt(qualOpt); if (qualThreshold < 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ToolException("Quality threshold should be a positive integer"); } // minimum length int minLength; try { String minOpt = getUniqueValue(cmd, "m"); minLength = (minOpt == null) ? DEFAULT_MINIMUM_LENGTH : Integer.parseInt(minOpt); if (minLength < 1) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ToolException("Minimum length should be a positive integer"); } // maximum length int maxLength; try { String maxOpt = getUniqueValue(cmd, "max"); maxLength = (maxOpt == null) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.parseInt(maxOpt); if (maxLength < 1) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ToolException("Maximum length should be a positive integer"); } // multi-thread? int nThreads = CommonOptions.numberOfThreads(logger, cmd); boolean multi = (nThreads != 1); // FINISH PARSING: log the command line (not longer in the param file) logCmdLine(cmd); // save the gzip option boolean dgzip = CommonOptions.isZipDisable(cmd); // save the keep_discard option boolean keepDiscard = cmd.hasOption("k"); boolean discardRemainingNs = cmd.hasOption("discard-internal-N"); boolean trimQuality = !cmd.hasOption("no-trim-quality"); boolean no5ptrim = cmd.hasOption("no-5p-trim"); // save the maintained format option boolean isMaintained = CommonOptions.isMaintained(logger, cmd); // open the reader FastqReaderInterface reader = ToolsReadersFactory.getFastqReaderFromInputs(input1, input2, isMaintained); boolean single = !(reader instanceof FastqReaderPairedInterface); // open the writer ReadToolsFastqWriter writer = (keepDiscard) ? ToolWritersFactory.getFastqSplitWritersFromInput(output_prefix, null, dgzip, multi, single) : ToolWritersFactory.getSingleOrPairWriter(output_prefix, dgzip, multi, single); // create the trimmer // create the MottAlgorithm Trimmer trimmer = new TrimmerBuilder(single).setTrimQuality(trimQuality).setQualityThreshold(qualThreshold) .setMinLength(minLength).setMaxLength(maxLength).setDiscardRemainingNs(discardRemainingNs) .setNo5pTrimming(no5ptrim).build(); // run it! process(trimmer, reader, writer, IOUtils.makeMetricsFile(output_prefix)); }
From source
@Override protected boolean validateProperties(Properties configProperties) { String dbMode = configProperties.getProperty(Configurator.DB_MODE_KEY,; dbMode = dbMode.toUpperCase();//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om if (dbMode.equals( { return true; } if (!dbMode.equals( { failureMessage = String.format("Illegal value for %s \"%s\" in %s", Configurator.DB_MODE_KEY, dbMode, Configurator.NEO_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE_KEY); return false; } String dbTuningFilename = configProperties.getProperty(Configurator.DB_TUNING_PROPERTY_FILE_KEY); if (dbTuningFilename == null) { failureMessage = String.format("High-Availability mode requires %s to be set in %s", Configurator.DB_TUNING_PROPERTY_FILE_KEY, Configurator.NEO_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE_KEY); return false; } else { File dbTuningFile = new File(dbTuningFilename); if (!dbTuningFile.exists()) { failureMessage = String.format("No database tuning file at [%s]", dbTuningFile.getAbsoluteFile()); return false; } else { Properties dbTuning = new Properties(); try { InputStream tuningStream = new FileInputStream(dbTuningFile); try { dbTuning.load(tuningStream); } finally { tuningStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // Shouldn't happen, we already covered those cases failureMessage = e.getMessage(); return false; } String machineId = null; try { machineId = getSinglePropertyFromCandidates(dbTuning,, HaConfig.CONFIG_KEY_OLD_SERVER_ID, "<not set>"); if (Integer.parseInt(machineId) < 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { failureMessage = String.format("%s in %s needs to be a non-negative integer, not %s",, dbTuningFilename, machineId); return false; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { failureMessage = String.format("%s in %s", e.getMessage(), dbTuningFilename); return false; } String[] zkServers = null; try { zkServers = getSinglePropertyFromCandidates(dbTuning,, HaConfig.CONFIG_KEY_OLD_COORDINATORS, "").split(","); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { failureMessage = String.format("%s in %s", e.getMessage(), dbTuningFilename); return false; } if (zkServers.length <= 0) { failureMessage = String.format("%s in %s needs to specify at least one server",, dbTuningFilename); return false; } for (String zk : zkServers) { if (!zk.contains(":")) { failureMessage = String.format("Invalid server config \"%s\" for %s in %s", zk,, dbTuningFilename); return false; } } } } return true; }
From source
protected ProgramOptions(CommandLine line) throws CliArgsException { super(line);//from ww w . j av a2 s. c o m String[] args = line.hasOption(ARGS_OPTION.getOpt()) ? line.getOptionValues(ARGS_OPTION.getOpt()) : line.getArgs(); if (line.hasOption(JAR_OPTION.getOpt())) { this.jarFilePath = line.getOptionValue(JAR_OPTION.getOpt()); } else if (args.length > 0) { jarFilePath = args[0]; args = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); } else { jarFilePath = null; } this.programArgs = args; List<URL> classpaths = new ArrayList<URL>(); if (line.hasOption(CLASSPATH_OPTION.getOpt())) { for (String path : line.getOptionValues(CLASSPATH_OPTION.getOpt())) { try { classpaths.add(new URL(path)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new CliArgsException("Bad syntax for classpath: " + path); } } } this.classpaths = classpaths; this.entryPointClass = line.hasOption(CLASS_OPTION.getOpt()) ? line.getOptionValue(CLASS_OPTION.getOpt()) : null; if (line.hasOption(PARALLELISM_OPTION.getOpt())) { String parString = line.getOptionValue(PARALLELISM_OPTION.getOpt()); try { parallelism = Integer.parseInt(parString); if (parallelism <= 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new CliArgsException("The parallelism must be a positive number: " + parString); } } else { parallelism = ExecutionConfig.PARALLELISM_DEFAULT; } stdoutLogging = !line.hasOption(LOGGING_OPTION.getOpt()); detachedMode = line.hasOption(DETACHED_OPTION.getOpt()); if (line.hasOption(SAVEPOINT_PATH_OPTION.getOpt())) { String savepointPath = line.getOptionValue(SAVEPOINT_PATH_OPTION.getOpt()); boolean allowNonRestoredState = line.hasOption(SAVEPOINT_ALLOW_NON_RESTORED_OPTION.getOpt()); this.savepointSettings = SavepointRestoreSettings.forPath(savepointPath, allowNonRestoredState); } else { this.savepointSettings = SavepointRestoreSettings.none(); } }
From source
public void testMailWithLongLog() { Log.init(getContext());/*ww w . ja v a 2s . co m*/ String message = "This is a INFO test"; String tag = ""; Log.d(tag, message); Log.i(tag, message); Log.w(tag, message); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Log.w("" + i); } List<String> list = Log.getReportedEntries(); Assert.assertNotNull(list); Assert.assertFalse(list.isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals(25, list.size());;"this is a user message", null); Exception error = new MalformedChallengeException("error message", new NumberFormatException());, error); }
From source
/** * Throws an exception if n is either a real or to big to be represented by a byte. * @param n/* ww w . ja va 2s. c o m*/ * @return */ public static short shortValueExact(Number n) { if (n instanceof Short || n instanceof Byte) return n.shortValue(); double d = n.doubleValue(); long l = n.longValue(); if (d == (double) l) { if (l >= Short.MIN_VALUE && l <= Short.MAX_VALUE) return (short) l; } throw new NumberFormatException(); }