Java tutorial
package org.raegdan.troca; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; public class Main { public static final String VERSION = "0.0.2alpha"; private static boolean verbose = false; private static boolean json = false; private static boolean fancyJson = false; private static boolean dbIsSet = false; private static boolean dbTypeIsSet = false; private static boolean dbTypeJSONForce = false; private static boolean dbTypeJSONForceIsSet = false; private static boolean prependTimestamp = false; private static boolean quiet = false; private static String db = ""; private static String dbType = ""; private static int daemon = 0; private static int langolier = 0; private static String ts() { return String.format("[%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS.%1$tL] ", Calendar.getInstance()); } private static void out(String s, boolean noTS) { if (quiet) return; String ts = (prependTimestamp && !noTS) ? ts() : ""; System.out.println(ts + s); } private static void err(String s, boolean noTS) { String ts = (prependTimestamp && !noTS) ? ts() : ""; System.err.println(ts + s); } private static void out(String s) { out(s, false); } private static void err(String s) { err(s, false); } private static void out() { out("", true); } private static void err() { err("", true); } private static boolean sleeper(int ms) { if (ms == 0) { return false; } else { if (verbose) { out("Sleeping " + Integer.toString(ms) + " ms."); out(); } try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } return true; } } private static void printException(Exception e) { err(); err(); out("Error occurred while querying!"); err("Error message: " + e.getMessage()); err("Error class: " + e.getClass().toString()); System.exit(10); } private static void printRate(String pair, String value, int maxlen) { out(String.format("%1$-" + maxlen + "s%2$s", pair, value)); } private static void printRates(HashMap<String, Double> rates) { int maxlen = 0; for (Entry<String, Double> rate : rates.entrySet()) if (rate.getKey().length() > maxlen) maxlen = rate.getKey().length(); maxlen++; for (Entry<String, Double> rate : rates.entrySet()) { if (rate.getValue() != 0.0) printRate(rate.getKey(), rate.getValue().toString(), maxlen); else printRate(rate.getKey(), "N/A", maxlen); } } private static void printRatesAsJSON(HashMap<String, Double> rates, boolean fancy) { JsonNodeFactory factory = new JsonNodeFactory(true); ObjectNode rootNode = new ObjectNode(factory); for (Entry<String, Double> rate : rates.entrySet()) rootNode.put(rate.getKey(), rate.getValue()); try { out((fancy) ? new ObjectMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(rootNode) : rootNode.toString(), true); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { printException(e); } } private static HashMap<String, Double> queryRate(HashSet<String> fromCurrencies, HashSet<String> toCurrencies, ExchangeAPI handler) { class QueryThread extends Thread { private ExchangeAPI handler; private HashSet<String> fromCurrencies; private HashSet<String> toCurrencies; private HashMap<String, Double> rates; public void setFromCurrencies(HashSet<String> fromCurrencies) { this.fromCurrencies = fromCurrencies; } public void setToCurrencies(HashSet<String> toCurrencies) { this.toCurrencies = toCurrencies; } public HashMap<String, Double> getRates() { return rates; } public void setHandler(ExchangeAPI handler) { this.handler = handler; } @Override public void run() { try { rates = handler.queryRates(fromCurrencies, toCurrencies); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } } } QueryThread query = new QueryThread(); query.setHandler(handler); query.setFromCurrencies(fromCurrencies); query.setToCurrencies(toCurrencies); query.start(); if (verbose) { System.out.print((prependTimestamp ? ts() : "") + "Querying... "); int i = 0; String[] propeller = new String[] { "|", "/", "", "\\" }; while (query.isAlive()) { System.out.print(propeller[i % 4]); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { printException(e); } System.out.print("\b"); i++; } out(); } else { while (query.isAlive()) ; } return query.getRates(); } private static void usage() { usage(null); } private static void greet(String dataSource, String trendStorage) { out("Data source: " + dataSource + "."); if (dbIsSet) { out("Database type: " + trendStorage + "."); out("Database link: " + db + "."); } if (daemon > 0) { out("Running daemonized with interval of " + Integer.toString(daemon) + " ms."); } out(); } private static void usage(String errorMsg) { quiet = false; // Protection from spam spiders parsing GitHub byte[] addr = { 0x72, 0x61, 0x65, 0x67, 0x64, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x40, 0x67, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d }; out("troca - cross-platform currency rates querier"); out(); if (errorMsg != null) { out("Invalid arguments: " + errorMsg); out(); } out("Usage:"); out(" -f | --from currency1[,currency2,currency3,...] : currency to convert from"); out(" -t | --to currency1[,currency2,currency3,...] : currency to convert to"); out(" [ -v | --verbose ] : verbose output, incompatible"); out(" with --quiet."); out(" [ -s | --source data_source ] : choose data source"); out(" [ -j | --json [ --fancy ] ] : JSON output [ formatted ],"); out(" incompatible with --quiet"); out(" [ --db-type database_type ] : Type of database to add"); out(" results into. Requires --db"); out(" [ --db database_link ] : Link to database. Depends"); out(" on database type."); out(" Requires --db-type."); out(" [ --daemon N ] : Repeat query every N ms,"); out(" N = 5000+ (respect the data"); out(" sources servers, please!"); out(" [ --timestamp ] : Prepend timestamps to output."); out(" Incompatible with --quiet."); out(" [ -q | --quiet ] : Print nothing, requires --db."); out(" [ -l | --langolier N ] : Spawn a Langolier that eats"); out(" database records older than N sec."); out(); out("Data sources:"); out(" y | yahoo : Yahoo Finance (default) -- supports most of world currencies"); out(" c | coinbase : -- accurate rates of Bitcoin to fiat currencies"); out(); out("Database types:"); out(" j | json : JSON file"); out(" Requires --db to be a file path."); out(" Specific parameters:"); out(" --db-type-json-force : If appending to JSON database fails"); out(" due to JSON code corruption, allow"); out(" troca to delete minimal-sufficient"); out(" parts of corrupted JSON code to"); out(" restore its validity. It can delete the"); out(" whole file though, if its condition"); out(" is unrestorable poor, so be careful."); out(); out("About:"); out(" Version " + VERSION + "."); out(" Written by Raegdan [ " + new String(addr) + " ]."); out(" License: GNU GPL v3."); out(" \"troca\" is the portuguese for \"exchange\"."); out(); System.exit(errorMsg != null ? 1 : 0); } private static HashSet<String> parseCurrencies(String currencyArgument) { HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<>(); if (!currencyArgument.contains(",")) currencyArgument += ","; String[] currencies = currencyArgument.split("\\,"); for (String currency : currencies) result.add(currency); return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { String fromCurrency = null, toCurrency = null; ExchangeAPI handler = null; TrendStorage storage = null; if (args.length == 0) usage(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { switch (args[i]) { case "--from": case "-f": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--from requires an argument"); fromCurrency = args[i]; break; case "--to": case "-t": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--to requires an argument"); toCurrency = args[i]; break; case "--help": case "-h": usage(); break; case "--source": case "-s": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--source requires an argument"); switch (args[i]) { case "coinbase": case "c": handler = new CoinbaseComExchangeAPI(); break; case "yahoo": case "y": handler = new YahooFinanceExchangeAPI(); break; default: usage(args[i] + " is not a valid argument for --source, check available sources"); } break; case "--db-type": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--db-type requires an argument"); dbType = args[i]; dbTypeIsSet = true; break; case "--db": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--db requires an argument"); db = args[i]; dbIsSet = true; break; case "--db-type-json-force": dbTypeJSONForce = true; dbTypeJSONForceIsSet = true; break; case "--verbose": case "-v": verbose = true; break; case "--json": case "-j": json = true; break; case "--fancy": fancyJson = true; break; case "--daemon": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--daemon requires an argument"); try { daemon = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { usage(args[i] + " is not a valid argument for --daemon, integer number needed"); } if (daemon < 5000) { usage(args[i] + " is not a valid argument for --daemon, range is 5000 ... +INF"); } break; case "-l": case "--langolier": i++; if (i >= args.length) usage("--langolier requires an argument"); try { langolier = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); if (langolier < 1) throw new NumberFormatException(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { usage(args[i] + " is not a valid argument for --langolier, integer number above zero needed"); } break; case "--quiet": case "-q": quiet = true; break; case "--timestamp": prependTimestamp = true; break; default: usage("unknown argument: " + args[i]); } } if (dbIsSet != dbTypeIsSet) { usage("--db and --db-type may be used only together."); } if (quiet && (prependTimestamp || verbose || json)) { usage("--timestamp, --json and --verbose make no sense together with --quiet."); } if (quiet && !dbIsSet) { usage("--quiet makes no sense without database output (--db-type and --db)."); } if (langolier > 0 && !dbIsSet) { usage("--langolier is set without --db and --db-type: nowhere to expunge old entries from!"); } if (dbIsSet) { switch (dbType) { case "json": case "j": try { storage = new JSONTrendStorage(db, dbTypeJSONForce); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } break; default: if (dbTypeJSONForceIsSet) { usage("--db-type-json-force is applicable to --db-type json only."); } usage("unknown database type: " + dbType); } } if (handler == null) handler = new YahooFinanceExchangeAPI(); if (fancyJson && !json) { usage("--fancy is not allowed without --json"); } if (fromCurrency == null || toCurrency == null) { usage("missing some mandatory argument(s)"); } if (verbose) greet(handler.getDataSource(), (dbIsSet) ? storage.getTrendStorage() : null); do { HashMap<String, Double> rates = queryRate(parseCurrencies(fromCurrency), parseCurrencies(toCurrency), handler); if (json) printRatesAsJSON(rates, fancyJson); else printRates(rates); if (daemon > 0) out(); if (dbIsSet) { try { storage.storeRates(rates, handler.getDataSource(), (int) (new Date().getTime() / 1000), (langolier > 0), langolier); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } } } while (sleeper(daemon)); System.exit(0); } }