List of usage examples for java.lang NumberFormatException NumberFormatException
public NumberFormatException()
with no detail message. From source
/** * Method for transform ip range like "" to list of * ips.//from w ww . j a v a 2s . c o m * * @param ipRange String with first and last ip * @return List<String> with ip addresses */ static List<String> parseIpRange(String ipRange) { List<String> ipList = new ArrayList<>(); String ips[] = ipRange.split("-"); if (!(validateIP(ips[0]) && validateIP(ips[1]))) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } String[] ipOctets = ips[0].split("\\."); int[] ip = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ip[i] = Integer.valueOf(ipOctets[i]); } ipList.add(ips[0]); while (!ips[0].equals(ips[1])) { ip[3]++; if (ip[3] == 0x100) { ip[3] = 0; ip[2]++; } if (ip[2] == 0x100) { ip[2] = 0; ip[1]++; } if (ip[1] > 254) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } ips[0] = ip[0] + "." + ip[1] + "." + ip[2] + "." + ip[3]; ipList.add(ips[0]); } return ipList; }
From source
@Override public CMUssdResponse createUssdResponse(CMUssdRequest request) { CMUssdResponse response = new CMUssdResponse(); String displayText = ""; String sessionId = ""; int menuRequest = 0; boolean ussdEnabled = parameterService.getParam("stockout.ussd.enabled").equals("1"); if (!ussdEnabled) { response.setDisplayText("This service has been disabled."); response.setRequestID("99"); return response; }//from www. java2 s. c om try { // get the stage at which the user is in,in the ussd session menuRequest = Integer.parseInt(request.getRequestid()); // session id identifies session specific data stored in the key // value store sessionId = request.getUssdSessionId(); switch (menuRequest) { case 0: // welcome code prompt displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(0); ++menuRequest; break; case 1: // validate clinic and display ussd stock out services displayText = request.getRequest(); // stockoutDao.checkClinic(request.getRequest());****database // call // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // String clinicName = displayText; // matches the best matching facility Facility facility = facilityService.getClosestMatch(displayText); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (facility != null) { // Need to set clinic name so that it can be re-used later keyValueStore.put("facilityName." + request.getUssdSessionId(), facility); displayText = facility.getLocalName() + " " + facility.getFacilityType().getReadable() + " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(1); ++menuRequest; } else { // displayed failed message and redisplay same menu displayText += " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(92); throw new NumberFormatException(); } break; case 2: // process service request,get list of recent medicines displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(91); // set error message for // incorrect string // input and invalid // integer selection int requestSelection = Integer.parseInt(request.getRequest()); if (requestSelection >= 1 && requestSelection <= 3) { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int limit = 5; // must be facility code, not facility name String facilityCode = ((Facility) (keyValueStore.get("facilityName." + sessionId))).getUid(); // facilityCode. List<Stockout> stockouts = stockoutService .getMostCommonlyReportedStockoutsForFacility(facilityCode, limit); if (stockouts.size() > 0) { displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(21); keyValueStore.put("commonStockouts." + sessionId, stockouts); for (int index = 0; index < stockouts.size(); index++) { displayText += (index + 1) + "." + stockouts.get(index).getProduct().getName() + " " + stockouts.get(index).getProduct().getDescription() + "\n"; } // or // this returns most recent reports, though I could also // just return most recent actual stockouts // since multiple recent reports could be for same // stockouts // List<StockoutReport> recentReports = // stockoutReportService.getRecentlyReportedStockouts(limit); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- displayText += stockoutDao.getMenu(22); ++menuRequest; } else { displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(3); menuRequest += 2; } keyValueStore.put("service." + sessionId, Integer.toString(requestSelection)); } else { // number greater 3 or less than 1 was chosen throw new NumberFormatException(); } break; case 3: // process user selection of recent reports or manual // medicine name entry displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(91); int requestMedicine = Integer.parseInt(request.getRequest()); List<Stockout> commonStockouts = (List<Stockout>) keyValueStore.get("commonStockouts." + sessionId); if (requestMedicine >= 1 && requestMedicine <= 8 && commonStockouts.size() >= requestMedicine) { // process // medicine // selection // 1-8 Product selectedProduct = commonStockouts.get(requestMedicine - 1).getProduct(); if (selectedProduct != null) { displayText = selectedProduct.getName() + " " + selectedProduct.getDescription(); //put selected product in keyvalue store keyValueStore.put("productName." + sessionId, selectedProduct); //get dosages for selected product List<Product> productDosages = productService.getAllProductsMatchingName(selectedProduct); //put dosages for selected product in key value store keyValueStore.put("dosages." + sessionId, productDosages); displayText += " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(4); menuRequest += 3; } else { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } else if (requestMedicine == 9) { // display enter medicine // name prompt displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(3); ++menuRequest; } else {// user enters a number less than 1 or greater than 8 throw new NumberFormatException(); } break; case 4: // validate/find nearest match to medicine name+display // appropriate menu as above // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- displayText = request.getRequest(); Product searchProduct = productService.getClosestMatch(displayText); displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(10) + " " + searchProduct.getName() + "\n"; List<Product> productsForName = productService.getAllProductsMatchingName(searchProduct); for (int k = 0; k < productsForName.size(); k++) { displayText += (k + 1) + "." + productsForName.get(k).getDescription() + "\n"; } displayText += stockoutDao.getMenu(11); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((searchProduct != null)) { // medicine name found, go // to next menu keyValueStore.put("dosages." + sessionId, productsForName); ++menuRequest; } else { // medicine name not found displayText += " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(92); throw new NumberFormatException(); } break; case 5: displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(91); int requestDosage = Integer.parseInt(request.getRequest()); List<Product> productDosages = (List<Product>) keyValueStore.get("dosages." + sessionId); if (requestDosage >= 1 && requestDosage <= 8 && requestDosage <= productDosages.size()) { Product selectedProduct = productDosages.get(requestDosage - 1); displayText = selectedProduct.getName() + " " + selectedProduct.getDescription() + " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(4); keyValueStore.put("productName." + sessionId, selectedProduct); menuRequest++; } else if (requestDosage == 9) { menuRequest = 4; displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(3); } else { throw new NumberFormatException(); } break; case 6: // run methods for each of the different services+display // result. String serviceRequest = (String) keyValueStore.get("service." + sessionId); Product selectedProduct = (Product) keyValueStore.get("productName." + sessionId); Facility selectedFacility = (Facility) keyValueStore.get("facilityName." + sessionId); int service = Integer.parseInt(serviceRequest); int requestOption = Integer.parseInt(request.getRequest()); if (requestOption == 1) { switch (service) { case 1: // StockoutDao.reportStockout(medicineName,facilityName); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // must be the correct facility and product code String productCode = selectedProduct.getUid(); String facilityCode = selectedFacility.getUid(); Subject subject = new Subject(); subject.setContactNumber(request.getMsisdn()); stockoutReportService.submitStockoutReport(productCode, facilityCode, subject, "stockout of product", false); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- displayText = selectedProduct.getName() + " in " + selectedFacility.getLocalName() + " " + selectedFacility.getFacilityType().getReadable() + " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(5); break; case 2: // displayText = // StockoutDao.getStatus(MedicineName,facilityName); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // against must be proper facility code and product code // (no matching is done) String selectedFacilityCode = selectedFacility.getUid(); String selectedProductCode = selectedProduct.getUid(); Stockout stockout = stockoutService.getStockout(selectedFacilityCode, selectedProductCode); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (stockout != null) { displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(6) + " " + stockout.getIssue().getState().toString() + stockoutDao.getMenu(8); } else { displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(62) + " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(8); } break; case 3: // displayText = // stockoutDao.findNearestNeighbourWithStock(medicineName,facilityName); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //System.out.println(selectedFacility.getLocalName()); Facility closestFacility = facilityService.getNearestFacilityWithStock(selectedProduct, selectedFacility); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(7) + " " + closestFacility.getLocalName() + " " + closestFacility.getFacilityType().getReadable() + " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(8); break; } menuRequest = 99; } else if (requestOption == 2) { displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(10) + " " + selectedProduct.getName() + "\n"; List<Product> productDosage = (List<Product>) keyValueStore.get("dosages." + sessionId); for (int k = 0; k < productDosage.size(); k++) { displayText += (k + 1) + "." + productDosage.get(k).getDescription() + "\n"; } displayText += stockoutDao.getMenu(11); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- menuRequest = 5; } else if (requestOption == 3) { displayText = ((Facility) keyValueStore.get("facilityName." + sessionId)).getLocalName() + " " + ((Facility) keyValueStore.get("facilityName." + sessionId)).getFacilityType() .getReadable() + " " + stockoutDao.getMenu(1); menuRequest = 2; } else { displayText = stockoutDao.getMenu(91); throw new NumberFormatException(); } break; case 99: keyValueStore.remove("facilityName." + sessionId); keyValueStore.remove("service." + sessionId); keyValueStore.remove("productName." + sessionId); keyValueStore.remove("displayText." + sessionId); keyValueStore.remove("requestId." + sessionId); keyValueStore.remove("commonStockouts." + sessionId); keyValueStore.remove("dosages." + sessionId); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // reload data from the last request if an error in the users input // was detected // do not call setResponse as there is no need to overwrite // previously saved menu // text with the exact same text. Also avoid concatenating multiple // error messages String strMenuRequest = (String) keyValueStore.get("requestId." + sessionId); displayText += (String) keyValueStore.get("displayText." + sessionId); response.setDisplayText(displayText); response.setRequestID(strMenuRequest); return response; } // set response once menu logic processing is complete setResponse(response, displayText, menuRequest, sessionId); return response; }
From source
/** * Parses command line arguments into an object. After invoking this method * Use getters in this class to query the values of command line arguments. * * @param args//from w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m */ void parse(String[] args) { this.options = new Options(); options.addOption("a", "automated", false, "automated agent"); options.addOption("r", "arrows", true, "number of arrows in quiver, " + "default is " + arrows); options.addOption("b", "bumpers", true, "% chance a room is a " + "bumper room, default is " + bumpers); options.addOption("g", "graphic", false, "graphic mode, default is " + ((uiMode == UiMode.TEXT) ? "false" : "true")); options.addOption("d", "dimension", true, "the x & y dimensions of " + "the cave, default is " + gridDimension); options.addOption("p", "possible", false, "guarantee a safe path " + " to gold, default is " + (possible ? "true" : "false")); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this message"); CommandLine cmd = null; Agent agent = null; WumpusWorld wumpusWorld = null; CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); help = (cmd.hasOption("h")) ? true : false; } catch (ParseException e) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("Wumpus World", WumpusWorld.class.getSimpleName() + " [options]", options, "", true); } //if isn't true by necesity.. did user request? if (!help) { uiMode = (cmd.hasOption("g") ? UiMode.GUI : UiMode.TEXT); } playMode = (cmd.hasOption("a") ? PlayMode.AUTOMATED : PlayMode.HUMAN); try { gridDimension = (cmd.hasOption("d") ? Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("dimension")) : gridDimension); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Couln't parse guiDimension parameter, going " + "with default " + gridDimension); } try { arrows = (cmd.hasOption("r") ? Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("arrows")) : arrows); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Couln't parse arrows parameter, going " + "with default " + arrows); } try { bumpers = (cmd.hasOption("b") ? Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("bumpers")) : bumpers); if (bumpers > BUMPERS_MAX) { System.err.println("Bumpers value to high, " + "try between 0 and " + BUMPERS_MAX); throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Couln't parse bumpers parameter, going " + "with default " + bumpers); } possible = (cmd.hasOption("p") ? true : false); }
From source
public void setBoundingBox(String aBoundingBox) throws NumberFormatException { String[] coordinates = aBoundingBox.split(","); if (coordinates.length == 4) { mZoomTopLeft = new GeoPoint(Double.parseDouble(coordinates[0]), Double.parseDouble(coordinates[1])); mZoomBottomRight = new GeoPoint(Double.parseDouble(coordinates[2]), Double.parseDouble(coordinates[3])); }//from w w w.ja v a 2 s . c o m throw new NumberFormatException(); }
From source
/** * Utworz tablice liczb calkowitych (wiekszych od 0) sposrod liczb wpisanych jako ciag znakow, oddzielonych separatorem * /*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. com*/ * @param str Ciag znakow * @return Tablica liczb calkowitych wiekszych od 0 * @throws NumberFormatException */ public int[] parseToWindowForm(String str) throws NumberFormatException { str = str.replaceAll(" ", ""); str = str.replaceAll("\t", ""); str = str.replaceAll("\n", ""); String[] values = str.split(","); int[] parsed = new int[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parsed.length; i++) { parsed[i] = Integer.valueOf(values[i]); if (parsed[i] <= 0) throw new NumberFormatException(); } return parsed; }
From source
public void process(String arguments, UserSession userSession) { String[] args = arguments.split(" "); if (args.length != 2) { userSession.send(getContext().getUsage()); return;/*from ww w.j a va2 s .c om*/ } String listName = args[0].toLowerCase(); String value = args[1]; UserService us = UserService.getInstance(); if (us.isAdmin(userSession.getUser().getUserName())) { ServerListManagerService serv = ServerListManagerService.getInstance(); ServerList s = serv.getList(listName); if (s != null) { if (userSession.getUser().getUserLevel().ordinal() >= s.getPermissions().ordinal()) { if (s.getType().equals(ListType.Integer) && !StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) { userSession.send("Bad value provided for that list (Integer required)"); return; } else if (s.getType().equals(ListType.Username) && !us.isValidUsername(value)) { userSession.send("Bad value provided for that list (Username required)"); return; } else if (s.getType().equals(ListType.IPAddress) && !value.matches("\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}")) { userSession.send("Bad value provided for that list (IPAddress required)"); return; } else if (s.getType().equals(ListType.String) && value.contains(" ")) { userSession.send("Bad value provided for that list (String required)"); return; } if (listName.equals("admin") && !us.isRegistered(value)) { userSession.send("Guests cannot be added to that list."); return; } if (!serv.isOnList(s, value)) { serv.getElements().get(s).add(value); userSession.send("[" + value + "] added to the " + listName + " list."); UserSession user = us.getUserSession(value); if (listName.equals("admin")) { user.getUser().setUserLevel(UserLevel.Admin); } if (listName.equals("admin") || listName.equals("sr") || listName.equals("tm") || listName.equals("td") || listName.equals("computer")) { if (user != null) { user.send("You have been added to the " + listName + " list by " + userSession.getUser().getUserName() + "."); } } return; } else { userSession.send("[" + value + "] is already on the " + listName + " list."); return; } } else { userSession.send("\"" + listName + "\" is not an appropriate list name or you have insufficient rights."); return; } } } listName = listName.toLowerCase(); PersonalList list = null; try { list = PersonalList.valueOf(listName); } catch (Exception e) { userSession.send("\"" + listName + "\" does not match any list name."); return; } List<String> myList = userSession.getUser().getLists().get(list); if (myList == null) { myList = new ArrayList<String>(User.MAX_LIST_SIZE); userSession.getUser().getLists().put(list, myList); } if (!myList.contains(value)) { if (list == { ChannelService cS = ChannelService.getInstance(); try { int intVal = Integer.parseInt(value); if (intVal < Channel.MINIMUM || intVal > Channel.MAXIMUM) throw new NumberFormatException(); Channel c = cS.getChannel(intVal); if (c != null) c.addListener(userSession); else userSession.send("That channel should, but does not, exist."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { userSession.send("The channel to add must be a number between " + Channel.MINIMUM + " and " + Channel.MAXIMUM + "."); return; } } if (list != { String[] matches = us.completeHandle(value); //System.err.println(value + " " + java.util.Arrays.toString(matches)); if (matches.length > 0) { if (matches.length == 1) { value = matches[0]; } } } myList.add(value); userSession.send("[" + value + "] added to your " + listName + " list."); int dbid = userSession.getUser().getDBID(); boolean isGuest = dbid == 0; if (!isGuest) { DatabaseConnectionService dbcs = DatabaseConnectionService.getInstance(); dbcs.getDBConnection().executeQueryWithRS( "INSERT IGNORE INTO personallist VALUES(NULL," + dbid + ",'" + listName + "');"); Integer listid = userSession.getUser().getPersonalListDBIDs().get(list); if (listid == null) { java.sql.ResultSet rs = dbcs.getDBConnection() .executeQueryWithRS("SELECT `id`,`name` FROM personallist WHERE user_id = '" + dbid + "' && name = '" + listName + "';"); try { if ( { userSession.getUser().getPersonalListDBIDs().put(PersonalList.valueOf(rs.getString(2)), rs.getInt(1)); listid = rs.getInt(1); } } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { Morphy.getInstance().onError(e); } } String query = "INSERT INTO personallist_entry VALUES(NULL," + listid + ",'" + value + "');"; dbcs.getDBConnection().executeQuery(query); } } else { userSession.send("[" + value + "] is already on your " + listName + " list."); } }
From source
private ActionErrors updateSubscriptions(Org org, HttpServletRequest request, Entitlement ent, String newCount) {//from ww w . ja v a2 s . c om if (org.getId().equals(OrgFactory.getSatelliteOrg().getId())) { createErrorMessage(request, "org.entitlements.system.defaultorg", null); return null; } ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); //Validate if its a numeric value if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(newCount)) { ValidatorError error = new ValidatorError("softwareEntitlementSubs.invalidInput"); errors.add(RhnValidationHelper.validatorErrorToActionErrors(error)); return errors; } Long count; try { count = Long.parseLong(newCount); if (count < 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException numEx) { ValidatorError error = new ValidatorError("softwareEntitlementSubs.invalidInput"); errors.add(RhnValidationHelper.validatorErrorToActionErrors(error)); return errors; } // Store/update db UpdateOrgSystemEntitlementsCommand updateCmd = new UpdateOrgSystemEntitlementsCommand(ent, org, count); ValidatorError ve =; if (ve != null) { errors.add(RhnValidationHelper.validatorErrorToActionErrors(ve)); } return errors; }
From source
private boolean parseOptions(String[] args) { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); try {/*from w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ CommandLine cl = parser.parse(opts, args); // check for -help if (cl.hasOption("help")) { showUsage(); System.exit(0); } // check for -version if (cl.hasOption("version")) { showVersion(); System.exit(0); } // check for -precision if (cl.hasOption("precision")) { try { precision = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("precision")); if (precision < 0 || precision > 15) throw new NumberFormatException(); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println("\nprecision must be a positive integer value in the range [0,15]"); return false; } } // make sure at least one file is specified if (cl.getArgs().length == 0) { System.err.println("\nyou must specify at least one file to analyse"); return false; } // grab the filenames collectionFiles = cl.getArgs(); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(""); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; }
From source
/** * Parses a HH:MM string and returns the minutes. *//*from w ww . j av a 2 s. c om*/ private static int getMinutesFromTime(String configTime) { String time = StringUtils.trimToNull(configTime); if (time != null) { try { if (!HHMM_PATTERN.matcher(time).matches()) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } else { int hour = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.substringBefore(time, ":")); int minutes = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.substringAfter(time, ":")); return (hour * 60) + minutes; } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.warn( "Can not parse astro channel configuration '{}' to hour and minutes, use pattern hh:mm, ignoring!", time); } } return 0; }
From source
@Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String s, String[] args) { new BukkitRunnable() { @Override/*w ww . j av m*/ public void run() { if (!sender.hasPermission("eco.currencies")) { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cYou don't have permission to manage currencies."); return; } if (args.length == 0) { sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] eCurrency Management"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency create 7<Singular> <Plural>"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency delete 7<Name>"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency view 7<Name>"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency list"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency symbol 7<Name> <Char|Remove>"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency color 7<Name> <ChatColor>"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency decimals 7<Name>"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency payable 7<Name>"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency default 7<Name>"); sender.sendMessage("el[Eco] bl-> b/currency startingbal 7<Name> <Amount>"); } else { String cmd = args[0]; if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("create")) { if (args.length == 3) { String single = args[1]; String plural = args[2]; if (AccountManager.getCurrency(single) == null && AccountManager.getCurrency(plural) == null) { if (StringUtils.contains(single, ':') || StringUtils.contains(single, ',') || StringUtils.contains(plural, ':') || StringUtils.contains(plural, ',')) { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cInvalid character present."); return; } Currency currency = new Currency(UUID.randomUUID(), single, plural); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aCreated currency: " + currency.getPlural()); AccountManager.getCurrencies().add(currency); if (AccountManager.getCurrencies().size() == 1) { currency.setDefaultCurrency(true); } MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(currency); } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cCurrency already exists."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aThere are f" + AccountManager.getCurrencies().size() + "a currencies."); for (Currency currency : AccountManager.getCurrencies()) { sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] bl-> b" + currency.getSingular()); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("view")) { if (args.length == 2) { Currency currency = AccountManager.getCurrency(args[1]); if (currency != null) { sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aInfo for " + currency.getUuid().toString()); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aSingular: f" + currency.getSingular() + "a, Plural: f" + currency.getPlural()); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aNew players start with f" + currency.format(currency.getDefaultBalance()) + "a."); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aDecimals? f" + (currency.isDecimalSupported() ? "Yes" : "No")); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aDefault? f" + (currency.isDefaultCurrency() ? "Yes" : "No")); sender.sendMessage( "al[Eco] aPayable? f" + (currency.isPayable() ? "Yes" : "No")); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aColor: " + currency.getColor() + currency.getColor().name()); } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("startingbal")) { if (args.length == 3) { Currency currency = AccountManager.getCurrency(args[1]); if (currency != null) { double amount; if (currency.isDecimalSupported()) { try { amount = Double.parseDouble(args[2]); if (amount <= 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cPlease provide a valid amount."); return; } } else { try { amount = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); if (amount <= 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cPlease provide a valid amount."); return; } } currency.setDefaultBalance(amount); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aStarting balance for " + currency.getPlural() + " set: " + currency.getDefaultBalance()); MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(currency); } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("color")) { if (args.length == 3) { Currency currency = AccountManager.getCurrency(args[1]); if (currency != null) { try { ChatColor color = ChatColor.valueOf(args[2].toUpperCase()); if (color.isFormat()) { throw new Exception(); } currency.setColor(color); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aColor for " + currency.getPlural() + " updated: " + color +; MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(currency); } catch (Exception ex) { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cInvalid chat color."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("symbol")) { if (args.length == 3) { Currency currency = AccountManager.getCurrency(args[1]); if (currency != null) { String symbol = args[2]; if (symbol.equalsIgnoreCase("remove")) { currency.setSymbol(null); sender.sendMessage( "al[Eco] aCurrency symbol removed for " + currency.getPlural()); MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(currency); } else if (symbol.length() == 1) { currency.setSymbol(symbol); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aCurrency symbol for " + currency.getPlural() + " updated: " + symbol); MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(currency); } else { sender.sendMessage( "cl[Eco] cSymbol must be 1 character, or say \"remove\"."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) { if (args.length == 2) { Currency currency = AccountManager.getCurrency(args[1]); if (currency != null) { Currency c = AccountManager.getDefaultCurrency(); if (c != null) { c.setDefaultCurrency(false); MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(c); } currency.setDefaultCurrency(true); sender.sendMessage( "al[Eco] aSet default currency to " + currency.getPlural()); MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(currency); } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("payable")) { if (args.length == 2) { Currency currency = AccountManager.getCurrency(args[1]); if (currency != null) { currency.setPayable(!currency.isPayable()); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aToggled payability for " + currency.getPlural() + ": " + currency.isPayable()); MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(currency); } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("decimals")) { if (args.length == 2) { Currency currency = AccountManager.getCurrency(args[1]); if (currency != null) { currency.setDecimalSupported(!currency.isDecimalSupported()); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aToggled Decimal Support for " + currency.getPlural() + ": " + currency.isDecimalSupported()); MelonEco.getDataStore().saveCurrency(currency); } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) { if (args.length == 2) { Currency currency = AccountManager.getCurrency(args[1]); if (currency != null) { AccountManager.getAccounts().stream() .filter(account -> account.getBalances().containsKey(currency)) .forEach(account -> account.getBalances().remove(currency)); MelonEco.getDataStore().deleteCurrency(currency); AccountManager.getCurrencies().remove(currency); sender.sendMessage("al[Eco] aDeleted currency: " + currency.getPlural()); } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency."); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUsage: f/currency create <Singular> <Plural>"); } } else { sender.sendMessage("cl[Eco] cUnknown currency sub-command."); } } } }.runTaskAsynchronously(MelonEco.getInstance()); return true; }