Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Gmez-Snchez * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE */ package; import htsjdk.samtools.fastq.FastqRecord; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.vetmeduni.methods.barcodes.dictionary.decoder.BarcodeMatch; import org.vetmeduni.methods.trimming.trimmers.Trimmer; import org.vetmeduni.methods.trimming.trimmers.TrimmerBuilder; import; import; import; import; import org.vetmeduni.utils.loggers.FastqLogger; import org.vetmeduni.utils.misc.IOUtils; import; import; import static; import static; /** * Class that implements the trimming algorithm from Kofler et al. 2011 * * @author Daniel Gmez-Snchez */ public class TrimFastq extends AbstractTool { /** * The default quality score */ private static final int DEFAULT_QUALTITY_SCORE = 20; /** * The default minimum length */ private static final int DEFAULT_MINIMUM_LENGTH = 40; @Override protected void runThrowingExceptions(CommandLine cmd) throws Exception { // The input file File input1 = new File(getUniqueValue(cmd, "input1")); // input file 2 String input2string = getUniqueValue(cmd, "input2"); File input2 = (input2string == null) ? null : new File(input2string); // The output prefix String output_prefix = getUniqueValue(cmd, "output"); // qualityThreshold int qualThreshold; try { String qualOpt = getUniqueValue(cmd, "quality-threshold"); qualThreshold = (qualOpt == null) ? DEFAULT_QUALTITY_SCORE : Integer.parseInt(qualOpt); if (qualThreshold < 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ToolException("Quality threshold should be a positive integer"); } // minimum length int minLength; try { String minOpt = getUniqueValue(cmd, "m"); minLength = (minOpt == null) ? DEFAULT_MINIMUM_LENGTH : Integer.parseInt(minOpt); if (minLength < 1) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ToolException("Minimum length should be a positive integer"); } // maximum length int maxLength; try { String maxOpt = getUniqueValue(cmd, "max"); maxLength = (maxOpt == null) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.parseInt(maxOpt); if (maxLength < 1) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ToolException("Maximum length should be a positive integer"); } // multi-thread? int nThreads = CommonOptions.numberOfThreads(logger, cmd); boolean multi = (nThreads != 1); // FINISH PARSING: log the command line (not longer in the param file) logCmdLine(cmd); // save the gzip option boolean dgzip = CommonOptions.isZipDisable(cmd); // save the keep_discard option boolean keepDiscard = cmd.hasOption("k"); boolean discardRemainingNs = cmd.hasOption("discard-internal-N"); boolean trimQuality = !cmd.hasOption("no-trim-quality"); boolean no5ptrim = cmd.hasOption("no-5p-trim"); // save the maintained format option boolean isMaintained = CommonOptions.isMaintained(logger, cmd); // open the reader FastqReaderInterface reader = ToolsReadersFactory.getFastqReaderFromInputs(input1, input2, isMaintained); boolean single = !(reader instanceof FastqReaderPairedInterface); // open the writer ReadToolsFastqWriter writer = (keepDiscard) ? ToolWritersFactory.getFastqSplitWritersFromInput(output_prefix, null, dgzip, multi, single) : ToolWritersFactory.getSingleOrPairWriter(output_prefix, dgzip, multi, single); // create the trimmer // create the MottAlgorithm Trimmer trimmer = new TrimmerBuilder(single).setTrimQuality(trimQuality).setQualityThreshold(qualThreshold) .setMinLength(minLength).setMaxLength(maxLength).setDiscardRemainingNs(discardRemainingNs) .setNo5pTrimming(no5ptrim).build(); // run it! process(trimmer, reader, writer, IOUtils.makeMetricsFile(output_prefix)); } /** * Process the data depending on the reader status (if it is for single or pair-end * * @param trimmer the algorithm with the provided settings * @param reader the reader, either for pairs or single end * @param writer the writer for the pairs * @param metricsFile the file to output the metrics for the trimming * * @throws IOException if there are problems with the files */ private void process(Trimmer trimmer, FastqReaderInterface reader, ReadToolsFastqWriter writer, File metricsFile) throws IOException { FastqLogger progress; if (reader instanceof FastqReaderSingleInterface) { logger.debug("Running single end"); progress = new FastqLogger(logger, 1000000, "Processed", "read-pairs"); processSE(trimmer, (FastqReaderSingleInterface) reader, writer, progress); } else if (reader instanceof FastqReaderPairedInterface) { logger.debug("Running paired end"); progress = new FastqLogger(logger); processPE(trimmer, (FastqReaderPairedInterface) reader, writer, progress); } else { logger.debug("ERROR: FastqReaderInterface is not an instance of Single or Paired interfaces"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unreachable code"); } // final line of progress progress.logNumberOfVariantsProcessed(); // print the metrics file trimmer.printTrimmerMetrics(metricsFile); // close the readers reader.close(); writer.close(); } /** * Process the files in pair-end mode * * @param trimmer the algorithm with the provided settings * @param reader the reader for the pairs * @param writer the writer for the pairs (instance of PairFastqWriters) * * @throws IOException if there are problems with the files */ private static void processPE(Trimmer trimmer, FastqReaderPairedInterface reader, ReadToolsFastqWriter writer, FastqLogger progress) throws IOException { boolean keep = (writer instanceof SplitFastqWriter); while (reader.hasNext()) { FastqPairedRecord record =; FastqPairedRecord newRecord = trimmer.trimFastqPairedRecord(record, reader.getFastqQuality()); if (newRecord.isComplete()) { writer.write(newRecord); } else if (newRecord.containRecords()) { if (newRecord.getRecord1() == null) { writer.write(newRecord.getRecord2()); if (keep) { ((SplitFastqWriter) writer).write(BarcodeMatch.UNKNOWN_STRING, record.getRecord1()); } } else { writer.write(newRecord.getRecord1()); if (keep) { ((SplitFastqWriter) writer).write(BarcodeMatch.UNKNOWN_STRING, record.getRecord2()); } } } else { if (keep) { ((SplitFastqWriter) writer).write(BarcodeMatch.UNKNOWN_STRING, record); } } progress.add(); } } /** * Process the files in single-end mode * * @param trimmer the algorithm with the provided settings * @param reader the reader for the single end file * @param writer the writer for the single end file * @param metricsFile * * @throws IOException if there are problems with the files */ private static void processSE(Trimmer trimmer, FastqReaderSingleInterface reader, ReadToolsFastqWriter writer, FastqLogger progress) throws IOException { boolean keep = (writer instanceof SplitFastqWriter); while (reader.hasNext()) { FastqRecord record =; FastqRecord newRecord = trimmer.trimFastqRecord(record, reader.getFastqQuality()); if (newRecord != null) { writer.write(newRecord); } else { if (keep) { ((SplitFastqWriter) writer).write(BarcodeMatch.UNKNOWN_STRING, record); } } progress.add(); } } @Override protected Options programOptions() { // Creating each options Option input1 = Option.builder("i1").longOpt("input1") .desc("The FASTQ input file, or the input file of the first read").hasArg().numberOfArgs(1) .argName("input_1.fq").required(true).build(); Option input2 = Option.builder("i2").longOpt("input2").desc( "The FASTQ input file of the second read. In case this file is provided the software will switch to paired read mode instead of single read mode") .hasArg().numberOfArgs(1).argName("input_2.fq").optionalArg(true).build(); Option output = Option.builder("o").longOpt("output") .desc("The output file prefix. Will be in fastq. Mandatory parameter").hasArg().numberOfArgs(1) .argName("output_prefix").required(true).build(); Option quality_threshold = Option.builder("q").longOpt("quality-threshold").desc( "Minimum average quality. A modified Mott algorithm is used for trimming, and the threshold is used for calculating a score: quality_at_base - threshold. [Default=" + DEFAULT_QUALTITY_SCORE + "]") .hasArg().numberOfArgs(1).argName("INT").optionalArg(true).build(); Option discard_internal_N = Option.builder("N").longOpt("discard-internal-N") .desc("If set reads having internal Ns will be discarded").hasArg(false).optionalArg(true).build(); Option min_length = Option.builder("m").longOpt("minimum-length") .desc("The minimum length of the read after trimming. [Default=" + DEFAULT_MINIMUM_LENGTH + "]") .hasArg().numberOfArgs(1).argName("INT").optionalArg(true).build(); Option max_length = Option.builder("max").longOpt("maximum-length") .desc("The maximum length of the read after trimming. [Default=" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + "]").hasArg() .numberOfArgs(1).argName("INT").optionalArg(true).build(); Option no_trim_qual = Option.builder("nq").longOpt("no-trim-quality").desc("Switch off quality trimming") .hasArg(false).optionalArg(false).build(); Option no_5p_trim = Option.builder("n5p").longOpt("no-5p-trim").desc( "Disable 5'-trimming (quality and 'N'); May be useful for the identification of duplicates when using trimming of reads. Duplicates are usually identified by the 5' mapping position which should thus not be modified by trimming") .hasArg(false).optionalArg(true).build(); Option keep_discard = Option.builder("k").longOpt("keep-discarded").desc( "NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: Keep the reads completely trimmed or that does not pass the thresholds in a discarded file (original reads stored)") .hasArg(false).optionalArg(true).build(); Options options = new Options(); // options.addOption(quiet); options.addOption(keep_discard); options.addOption(no_5p_trim); options.addOption(no_trim_qual); options.addOption(min_length); options.addOption(max_length); options.addOption(discard_internal_N); options.addOption(quality_threshold); options.addOption(output); options.addOption(input2); options.addOption(input1); // adding common options options.addOption(CommonOptions.maintainFormat); // maintain the format options.addOption(CommonOptions.disableZippedOutput); // disable the zipped output options.addOption(CommonOptions.parallel); // parallelization allowed return options; } }