Example usage for java.lang Number longValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Number longValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Number longValue.


public abstract long longValue();

Source Link


Returns the value of the specified number as a long .


From source file:de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils.java

 * Converts any number to a BigDecimal, suited for comparison and (monetary) arithmetic.
 * This class uses conversions that avoid rounding errors by forced conversion for the 
 * Number types from JRE. Fallback for other types is to convert them to Double.
 * @param n The number/*w  w  w  .ja  va  2s.co  m*/
public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(Number n) {

    if (n instanceof BigDecimal) {
        return (BigDecimal) n;
    if (n instanceof Long) {
        return new BigDecimal((Long) n);
    } else if (n instanceof Integer) {
        return new BigDecimal((Integer) n);
    } else if (n instanceof Float) {
        return new BigDecimal((Float) n);
    } else if (n instanceof Double) {
        return new BigDecimal((Double) n);
    } else if (n instanceof Short) {
        return new BigDecimal((Short) n);
    } else if (n instanceof Byte) {
        return new BigDecimal((Byte) n);
    } else if (n instanceof BigInteger) {
        return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) n);
    } else if (n instanceof AtomicInteger) {
        return new BigDecimal(n.intValue());
    } else if (n instanceof AtomicLong) {
        return new BigDecimal(n.longValue());
    } else {
        return new BigDecimal(n.doubleValue());


From source file:net.pms.util.Rational.java

 * Compares this {@link Rational} by value with any class implementing
 * {@link Number}./*from   www .  ja v a2s . c  o m*/
 * <p>
 * This method is provided in preference to individual methods for each of
 * the six boolean comparison operators ({@literal <}, ==, {@literal >},
 * {@literal >=}, !=, {@literal <=}). The suggested idiom for performing
 * these comparisons is: {@code (x.compareTo(y)} &lt;<i>op</i>&gt;
 * {@code 0)}, where &lt;<i>op</i>&gt; is one of the six comparison
 * operators.
 * <p>
 * <b>Note:</b> {@code NaN} can't be compared by value and is considered
 * greater than anything but itself as defined for {@link Double}.
 * @param number the {@link Number} to which this {@link Rational}'s value
 *            is to be compared.
 * @return A negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this
 *         {@link Rational} is numerically less than, equal to, or greater
 *         than {@code number}.
public int compareTo(@Nonnull Number number) {
    // Establish special cases
    boolean numberIsNaN;
    boolean numberIsInfinite;
    int numberSignum;
    if (number instanceof Rational) {
        numberIsNaN = Rational.isNaN((Rational) number);
        numberIsInfinite = Rational.isInfinite((Rational) number);
        numberSignum = ((Rational) number).numerator.signum();
    } else if (number instanceof Float) {
        numberIsNaN = Float.isNaN(number.floatValue());
        numberIsInfinite = Float.isInfinite(number.floatValue());
        numberSignum = (int) Math.signum(number.floatValue());
    } else if (number instanceof Double) {
        numberIsNaN = Double.isNaN(number.doubleValue());
        numberIsInfinite = Double.isInfinite(number.doubleValue());
        numberSignum = (int) Math.signum(number.doubleValue());
    } else {
        numberIsNaN = false;
        numberIsInfinite = false;
        long l = number.longValue();
        numberSignum = l == 0 ? 0 : l > 0 ? 1 : -1;

    // NaN comparison is done according to the rules for Double.
    if (isNaN()) {
        return numberIsNaN ? 0 : 1;
    if (numberIsNaN) {
        return -1;

    if (isInfinite()) {
        if (numberIsInfinite) {
            return signum() - numberSignum;
        return this.signum();
    if (numberIsInfinite) {
        return -numberSignum;

    // List known integer types for faster and more accurate comparison
    if (number instanceof BigInteger) {
        if (isInteger()) {
            return bigIntegerValue().compareTo((BigInteger) number);
        return bigDecimalValue(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).compareTo(new BigDecimal((BigInteger) number));
    if (number instanceof AtomicInteger || number instanceof AtomicLong || number instanceof Byte
            || number instanceof Integer || number instanceof Long || number instanceof Short) {
        if (isInteger()) {
            return bigIntegerValue().compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(number.longValue()));
        return bigDecimalValue(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).compareTo(new BigDecimal(number.longValue()));
    if (number instanceof BigDecimal) {
        Rational other = valueOf((BigDecimal) number);
        return compareTo(other);
    return bigDecimalValue().compareTo(new BigDecimal(number.doubleValue()));

From source file:org.opencastproject.serviceregistry.impl.ServiceRegistryJpaImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from  w  ww  .j ava2  s  .  c o m
 * @see org.opencastproject.serviceregistry.api.ServiceRegistry#getServiceStatistics()
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public List<ServiceStatistics> getServiceStatistics() throws ServiceRegistryException {
    EntityManager em = null;
    try {
        em = emf.createEntityManager();
        Query query = em.createNamedQuery("ServiceRegistration.statistics");
        Map<ServiceRegistration, JaxbServiceStatistics> statsMap = new HashMap<ServiceRegistration, JaxbServiceStatistics>();
        List queryResults = query.getResultList();
        for (Object result : queryResults) {
            Object[] oa = (Object[]) result;
            ServiceRegistrationJpaImpl serviceRegistration = ((ServiceRegistrationJpaImpl) oa[0]);
            Status status = ((Status) oa[1]);
            Number count = (Number) oa[2];
            Number meanQueueTime = (Number) oa[3];
            Number meanRunTime = (Number) oa[4];

            // The statistics query returns a cartesian product, so we need to iterate over them to build up the objects
            JaxbServiceStatistics stats = statsMap.get(serviceRegistration);
            if (stats == null) {
                stats = new JaxbServiceStatistics(serviceRegistration);
                statsMap.put(serviceRegistration, stats);
            // the status will be null if there are no jobs at all associated with this service registration
            if (status != null) {
                switch (status) {
                case RUNNING:
                case QUEUED:
                case DISPATCHING:
                case FINISHED:

        // Make sure we also include the services that have no processing history so far
        List<ServiceRegistration> services = em.createNamedQuery("ServiceRegistration.getAll").getResultList();
        for (ServiceRegistration s : services) {
            if (!statsMap.containsKey(s))
                statsMap.put(s, new JaxbServiceStatistics((ServiceRegistrationJpaImpl) s));

        List<ServiceStatistics> stats = new ArrayList<ServiceStatistics>(statsMap.values());
        Collections.sort(stats, new Comparator<ServiceStatistics>() {
            public int compare(ServiceStatistics o1, ServiceStatistics o2) {
                ServiceRegistration reg1 = o1.getServiceRegistration();
                ServiceRegistration reg2 = o2.getServiceRegistration();
                int typeComparison = reg1.getServiceType().compareTo(reg2.getServiceType());
                return typeComparison == 0 ? reg1.getHost().compareTo(reg2.getHost()) : typeComparison;

        return stats;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ServiceRegistryException(e);
    } finally {
        if (em != null)

From source file:uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.dataset.AbstractDataset.java

 * Sets the error for the dataset to a single value for all points in the dataset
 * @param errorValue The error value for all elements of the dataset 
 *//*  w w w . ja  v  a 2  s .  c  o m*/
public void setError(Number errorValue) {
    this.errorData = null;
    if (errorValue instanceof Integer) {
        this.errorValue = errorValue.intValue() * errorValue.intValue();
    if (errorValue instanceof Float) {
        this.errorValue = errorValue.floatValue() * errorValue.floatValue();
    if (errorValue instanceof Long) {
        this.errorValue = errorValue.longValue() * errorValue.longValue();
    if (errorValue instanceof Short) {
        this.errorValue = errorValue.intValue() * errorValue.intValue();
    if (errorValue instanceof Byte) {
        this.errorValue = errorValue.intValue() * errorValue.intValue();

    // If all else fails
    this.errorValue = errorValue.doubleValue() * errorValue.doubleValue();

From source file:com.swordlord.gozer.datatypeformat.DataTypeHelper.java

 * Return compatible class for typedValue based on untypedValueClass 
 * /*from  w w  w . j  ava  2  s  .  c om*/
 * @param untypedValueClass
 * @param typedValue
 * @return
public static Object fromDataType(Class<?> untypedValueClass, Object typedValue) {
    Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DataTypeHelper.class);

    if (typedValue == null) {
        return null;

    if (untypedValueClass == null) {
        return typedValue;

    if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(typedValue.getClass(), untypedValueClass)) {
        return typedValue;

    String strTypedValue = null;
    boolean isStringTypedValue = typedValue instanceof String;

    Number numTypedValue = null;
    boolean isNumberTypedValue = typedValue instanceof Number;

    Boolean boolTypedValue = null;
    boolean isBooleanTypedValue = typedValue instanceof Boolean;

    Date dateTypedValue = null;
    boolean isDateTypedValue = typedValue instanceof Date;

    if (isStringTypedValue) {
        strTypedValue = (String) typedValue;
    if (isNumberTypedValue) {
        numTypedValue = (Number) typedValue;
    if (isBooleanTypedValue) {
        boolTypedValue = (Boolean) typedValue;
    if (isDateTypedValue) {
        dateTypedValue = (Date) typedValue;

    Object v = null;
    if (String.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        v = ObjectUtils.toString(typedValue);
    } else if (BigDecimal.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = NumberUtils.createBigDecimal(strTypedValue);
        } else if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new BigDecimal(numTypedValue.doubleValue());
        } else if (isBooleanTypedValue) {
            v = new BigDecimal(BooleanUtils.toInteger(boolTypedValue.booleanValue()));
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new BigDecimal(dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (Boolean.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject(strTypedValue);
        } else if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject(numTypedValue.intValue());
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject((int) dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (Byte.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = Byte.valueOf(strTypedValue);
        } else if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new Byte(numTypedValue.byteValue());
        } else if (isBooleanTypedValue) {
            v = new Byte((byte) BooleanUtils.toInteger(boolTypedValue.booleanValue()));
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new Byte((byte) dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (byte[].class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = strTypedValue.getBytes();
    } else if (Double.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = NumberUtils.createDouble(strTypedValue);
        } else if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new Double(numTypedValue.doubleValue());
        } else if (isBooleanTypedValue) {
            v = new Double(BooleanUtils.toInteger(boolTypedValue.booleanValue()));
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new Double(dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (Float.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = NumberUtils.createFloat(strTypedValue);
        } else if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new Float(numTypedValue.floatValue());
        } else if (isBooleanTypedValue) {
            v = new Float(BooleanUtils.toInteger(boolTypedValue.booleanValue()));
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new Float(dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (Short.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = NumberUtils.createInteger(strTypedValue);
        } else if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new Integer(numTypedValue.intValue());
        } else if (isBooleanTypedValue) {
            v = BooleanUtils.toIntegerObject(boolTypedValue.booleanValue());
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new Integer((int) dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (Integer.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = NumberUtils.createInteger(strTypedValue);
        } else if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new Integer(numTypedValue.intValue());
        } else if (isBooleanTypedValue) {
            v = BooleanUtils.toIntegerObject(boolTypedValue.booleanValue());
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new Integer((int) dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (Long.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isStringTypedValue) {
            v = NumberUtils.createLong(strTypedValue);
        } else if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new Long(numTypedValue.longValue());
        } else if (isBooleanTypedValue) {
            v = new Long(BooleanUtils.toInteger(boolTypedValue.booleanValue()));
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new Long(dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (java.sql.Date.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new java.sql.Date(numTypedValue.longValue());
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new java.sql.Date(dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (java.sql.Time.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new java.sql.Time(numTypedValue.longValue());
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new java.sql.Time(dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (java.sql.Timestamp.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new java.sql.Timestamp(numTypedValue.longValue());
        } else if (isDateTypedValue) {
            v = new java.sql.Timestamp(dateTypedValue.getTime());
    } else if (Date.class.equals(untypedValueClass)) {
        if (isNumberTypedValue) {
            v = new Date(numTypedValue.longValue());
        } else if (isStringTypedValue) {
            try {
                v = DateFormat.getDateInstance().parse(strTypedValue);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to parse the date : " + strTypedValue);
    return v;

From source file:org.patientview.radar.dao.impl.PatientDaoImpl.java

public void save(final Patient patient) {

    // Sex fix//from w  w w.  j  a va2  s .c  om
    if (patient.getSexModel() != null) {
        if (patient.getSexModel().getType().equalsIgnoreCase("male")) {
        } else if (patient.getSexModel().getType().equalsIgnoreCase("female")) {

    // If we have an ID then update, otherwise insert new and set the ID
    if (patient.hasValidId()) {
                "UPDATE patient SET " + "rrNo = ?, " + "dateReg = ?, " + "nhsno = ?, " + "nhsNoType = ?, "
                        + "hospitalnumber = ?, " + "uktNo = ?, " + "surname = ?, " + "surnameAlias = ?, "
                        + "forename = ?, " + "dateofbirth = ?, " + "AGE = ?, " + "SEX = ?, " + "ethnicGp = ?, "
                        + "address1 = ?, " + "address2 = ?, " + "address3 = ?, " + "address4 = ?, "
                        + "POSTCODE = ?, " + "postcodeOld = ?," + "CONSENT = ?, " + "dateBapnReg = ?, "
                        + "consNeph = ?, " + "STATUS = ?, " + "emailAddress = ?, " + "telephone1 = ?, "
                        + "telephone2 = ?, " + "mobile = ?, " + "rrtModality = ?, " + "genericDiagnosis = ?, "
                        + "dateOfGenericDiagnosis = ?, " + "otherClinicianAndContactInfo = ?, "
                        + "comments = ?, " + "republicOfIrelandId = ?, " + "isleOfManId = ?, "
                        + "channelIslandsId = ?, " + "indiaId = ?, " + "radarConsentConfirmedByUserId = ?, "
                        + "generic = ?, " + "patientLinkId = ? " + " WHERE id = ?",
                patient.getRrNo(), patient.getDateReg(), patient.getNhsno(),
                patient.getNhsNumberType() != null ? patient.getNhsNumberType().getId() : 1,
                patient.getHospitalnumber(), patient.getUktNo(), patient.getSurname(),
                patient.getSurnameAlias(), patient.getForename(),
                patient.getDob() != null ? new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(patient.getDob()) : null,
                patient.getAge(), patient.getSex(),
                patient.getEthnicity() != null ? patient.getEthnicity().getCode() : null, patient.getAddress1(),
                patient.getAddress2(), patient.getAddress3(), patient.getAddress4(), patient.getPostcode(),
                patient.getPostcodeOld(), patient.isConsent(), patient.getDateReg(),
                patient.getClinician() != null ? patient.getClinician().getId() : null,
                patient.getStatusModel() != null ? patient.getStatusModel().getId() : null,
                patient.getEmailAddress(), patient.getTelephone1(), patient.getTelephone2(),
                patient.getRrtModalityEunm() != null ? patient.getRrtModalityEunm().getId() : null,
                patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel() != null ? patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel().getId() : null,
                patient.getDateOfGenericDiagnosis(), patient.getOtherClinicianAndContactInfo(),
                patient.getComments(), patient.getRepublicOfIrelandId(), patient.getIsleOfManId(),
                patient.getChannelIslandsId(), patient.getIndiaId(), patient.getRadarConsentConfirmedByUserId(),
                patient.isGeneric(), patient.getPatientLinkId() == null ? null : patient.getPatientLinkId(),
    } else {
        Number id = patientInsert.executeAndReturnKey(new HashMap<String, Object>() {
                put("rrNo", patient.getRrNo());
                put("dateReg", patient.getDateReg());
                put("nhsno", patient.getNhsno());
                        patient.getNhsNumberType() != null ? patient.getNhsNumberType().getId() : null);
                put("hospitalnumber", patient.getHospitalnumber());
                put("uktNo", patient.getUktNo());
                put("surname", patient.getSurname());
                put("surnameAlias", patient.getSurnameAlias());
                put("forename", patient.getForename());
                        patient.getDob() != null ? new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(patient.getDob())
                                : null);
                put("AGE", patient.getAge());
                put("SEX", patient.getSex());
                put("ethnicGp", patient.getEthnicity() != null ? patient.getEthnicity().getCode() : null);
                put("address1", patient.getAddress1());
                put("address2", patient.getAddress2());
                put("address3", patient.getAddress3());
                put("address4", patient.getAddress4());
                put("POSTCODE", patient.getPostcode());
                put("postcodeOld", patient.getPostcodeOld());
                put("CONSENT", patient.isConsent());
                put("dateBapnReg", null);
                put("consNeph", patient.getClinician() != null ? patient.getClinician().getId() : null);
                put("unitcode", patient.getUnitcode() != null ? patient.getUnitcode()
                        : patient.getRenalUnit().getUnitCode());
                put("STATUS", patient.getStatusModel() != null ? patient.getStatusModel().getId() : null);
                put("emailAddress", patient.getEmailAddress());
                put("telephone1", patient.getTelephone1());
                put("telephone2", patient.getTelephone2());
                put("mobile", patient.getMobile());
                        patient.getRrtModalityEunm() != null ? patient.getRrtModalityEunm().getId() : null);
                        patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel() != null ? patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel().getId()
                                : null);
                put("dateOfGenericDiagnosis", patient.getDateOfGenericDiagnosis());
                put("otherClinicianAndContactInfo", patient.getOtherClinicianAndContactInfo());
                put("comments", patient.getComments());
                put("republicOfIrelandId", patient.getRepublicOfIrelandId());
                put("isleOfManId", patient.getIsleOfManId());
                put("channelIslandsId", patient.getChannelIslandsId());
                put("indiaId", patient.getIndiaId());
                put("generic", patient.isGeneric());
                put("radarConsentConfirmedByUserId", patient.getRadarConsentConfirmedByUserId());
                put("sourceType", SourceType.RADAR.getName());
                put("patientLinkId", patient.getPatientLinkId() == null ? null : patient.getPatientLinkId());

        //The id of the patient record is now the new radar number
        Long radarNumber = getNextRadarNumber();
        jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE patient set radarNo = ? WHERE id = ? ", radarNumber, id.longValue());

        // Sex fix
        if (patient.getSexModel() != null) {
            if (patient.getSexModel().getType().equalsIgnoreCase("m")) {
            } else if (patient.getSexModel().getType().equalsIgnoreCase("f")) {


From source file:org.sakaiproject.sitestats.impl.chart.ChartServiceImpl.java

private AbstractDataset getTimeSeriesCollectionDataset(Report report) {
    List<Stat> reportData = report.getReportData();

    // fill dataset
    TimeSeriesCollection dataSet = new TimeSeriesCollection();
    String dataSource = report.getReportDefinition().getReportParams().getHowChartSource();
    String seriesFrom = report.getReportDefinition().getReportParams().getHowChartSeriesSource();
    if (StatsManager.T_TOTAL.equals(seriesFrom) || StatsManager.T_NONE.equals(seriesFrom)) {
        seriesFrom = null;/*from w  ww  .j a va2 s . c  o  m*/
    Class periodGrouping = null;
    if (StatsManager.CHARTTIMESERIES_DAY
            || StatsManager.CHARTTIMESERIES_WEEKDAY
                    .equals(report.getReportDefinition().getReportParams().getHowChartSeriesPeriod())) {
        periodGrouping = org.jfree.data.time.Day.class;
    } else if (StatsManager.CHARTTIMESERIES_MONTH
            .equals(report.getReportDefinition().getReportParams().getHowChartSeriesPeriod())) {
        periodGrouping = org.jfree.data.time.Month.class;
    } else if (StatsManager.CHARTTIMESERIES_YEAR
            .equals(report.getReportDefinition().getReportParams().getHowChartSeriesPeriod())) {
        periodGrouping = org.jfree.data.time.Year.class;
    boolean visitsTotalsChart = ReportManager.WHAT_VISITS_TOTALS
            || report.getReportDefinition().getReportParams().getHowTotalsBy().contains(StatsManager.T_VISITS)
            || report.getReportDefinition().getReportParams().getHowTotalsBy()
    Set<RegularTimePeriod> keys = new HashSet<RegularTimePeriod>();
    if (!visitsTotalsChart && seriesFrom == null) {
        // without additional series
        String name = msgs.getString("th_total");
        TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(name, periodGrouping);
        for (Stat s : reportData) {
            RegularTimePeriod key = (RegularTimePeriod) getStatValue(s, dataSource, periodGrouping);
            if (key != null) {
                Number existing = null;
                if ((existing = ts.getValue(key)) == null) {
                    ts.add(key, getTotalValue(s, report));
                } else {
                    ts.addOrUpdate(key, getTotalValue(existing, s, report));
    } else if (!visitsTotalsChart && seriesFrom != null) {
        // with additional series
        Map<Comparable, TimeSeries> series = new HashMap<Comparable, TimeSeries>();
        //TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(dataSource, org.jfree.data.time.Day.class);
        for (Stat s : reportData) {
            RegularTimePeriod key = (RegularTimePeriod) getStatValue(s, dataSource, periodGrouping);
            Comparable serie = (Comparable) getStatValue(s, seriesFrom);

            if (key != null && serie != null) {
                // determine appropriate serie
                TimeSeries ts = null;
                if (!series.containsKey(serie)) {
                    ts = new TimeSeries(serie.toString(), periodGrouping);
                    series.put(serie, ts);
                } else {
                    ts = series.get(serie);

                Number existing = null;
                if ((existing = ts.getValue(key)) == null) {
                    ts.add(key, getTotalValue(s, report));
                } else {
                    ts.addOrUpdate(key, getTotalValue(existing, s, report));

        // add series
        for (TimeSeries ts : series.values()) {
    } else if (visitsTotalsChart) {
        // 2 series: visits & unique visitors
        TimeSeries tsV = new TimeSeries(msgs.getString("th_visits"), periodGrouping);
        TimeSeries tsUV = new TimeSeries(msgs.getString("th_uniquevisitors"), periodGrouping);
        for (Stat _s : reportData) {
            SiteVisits s = (SiteVisits) _s;
            RegularTimePeriod key = (RegularTimePeriod) getStatValue(s, dataSource, periodGrouping);
            if (key != null) {
                Number existing = null;
                if ((existing = tsV.getValue(key)) == null) {
                    tsV.add(key, s.getTotalVisits());
                    tsUV.add(key, s.getTotalUnique());
                } else {
                    tsV.addOrUpdate(key, s.getTotalVisits() + existing.longValue());
                    tsUV.addOrUpdate(key, s.getTotalVisits() + existing.longValue());

    // fill missing values with zeros
    /*for(TimeSeries ts : (List<TimeSeries>) dataSet.getSeries()) {
       for(RegularTimePeriod tp : keys) {
    if(ts.getValue(tp) == null) {
       ts.add(tp, 0.0);

    return dataSet;

From source file:com.parse.ParseObject.java

 * Access a {@code long} value.// w w  w.j  a v  a 2s . c  o  m
 * @param key
 *          The key to access the value for.
 * @return {@code 0} if there is no such key or if it is not a {@code long}.
public long getLong(String key) {
    Number number = getNumber(key);
    if (number == null) {
        return 0;
    return number.longValue();

From source file:org.patientview.radar.dao.impl.DemographicsDaoImpl.java

public void saveDemographics(final Patient patient) {

    // If we have an ID then update, otherwise insert new and set the ID
    if (patient.hasValidId()) {
        jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE patient SET " + "rrNo = ?, " + "dateReg = ?, " + "nhsno = ?, "
                + "nhsNoType = ?, " + "hospitalnumber = ?, " + "uktNo = ?, " + "surname = ?, "
                + "surnameAlias = ?, " + "forename = ?, " + "dateofbirth = ?, " + "AGE = ?, " + "SEX = ?, "
                + "ethnicGp = ?, " + "address1 = ?, " + "address2 = ?, " + "address3 = ?, " + "address4 = ?, "
                + "POSTCODE = ?, " + "postcodeOld = ?," + "CONSENT = ?, " + "dateBapnReg = ?, "
                + "consNeph = ?, " +
                //                            "unitcode = ?, " +
                //                            "RENAL_UNIT_2 = ?, " +
                "STATUS = ?, " +
                //                            "RDG = ?, " +
                "emailAddress = ?, " + "telephone1 = ?, " + "telephone2 = ?, " + "mobile = ?, "
                + "rrtModality = ?, " + "genericDiagnosis = ?, " + "dateOfGenericDiagnosis = ?, "
                + "otherClinicianAndContactInfo = ?, " + "comments = ?, " + "republicOfIrelandId = ?, "
                + "isleOfManId = ?, " + "channelIslandsId = ?, " + "indiaId = ?, "
                + "radarConsentConfirmedByUserId = ?, " + "generic = ? " + "patientLinkId = ? "
                + " WHERE radarNo = ?", patient.getRrNo(), patient.getDateReg(), patient.getNhsno(),
                patient.getNhsNumberType() != null ? patient.getNhsNumberType().getId() : 1,
                patient.getHospitalnumber(), patient.getUktNo(), patient.getSurname(),
                patient.getSurnameAlias(), patient.getForename(),
                patient.getDob() != null ? new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(patient.getDob()) : null,
                patient.getDateofbirth(), patient.getAge(),
                patient.getSexModel() != null ? patient.getSexModel().getType() : null,
                patient.getEthnicity() != null ? patient.getEthnicity().getCode() : null, patient.getAddress1(),
                patient.getAddress2(), patient.getAddress3(), patient.getAddress4(), patient.getPostcode(),
                patient.getPostcodeOld(), patient.isConsent(), patient.getDateReg(),
                patient.getClinician() != null ? patient.getClinician().getId() : null,
                //                    patient.getDiseaseGroup() != null ? patient.getDiseaseGroup().getId() : null,
                //                   patient.getRenalUnitAuthorised() != null ?
                //                            patient.getRenalUnitAuthorised().getId() : null,
                patient.getStatusModel() != null ? patient.getStatusModel().getId() : null,
                //                    patient.getDiseaseGroup() != null ? patient.getDiseaseGroup().getId() : null,

                patient.getEmailAddress(), patient.getTelephone1(), patient.getTelephone2(),
                patient.getMobile(),// www .  ja  v a2  s.  c o  m
                patient.getRrtModalityEunm() != null ? patient.getRrtModalityEunm().getId() : null,
                patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel() != null ? patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel().getId() : null,
                patient.getDateOfGenericDiagnosis(), patient.getOtherClinicianAndContactInfo(),
                patient.getComments(), patient.getRepublicOfIrelandId(), patient.getIsleOfManId(),
                patient.getChannelIslandsId(), patient.getIndiaId(), patient.getRadarConsentConfirmedByUserId(),
                patient.isGeneric(), patient.getPatientLinkId(), patient.getId());
    } else {
        Number id = demographicsInsert.executeAndReturnKey(new HashMap<String, Object>() {
                put("rrNo", patient.getRrNo());
                put("dateReg", patient.getDateReg());
                put("nhsno", patient.getNhsno());
                        patient.getNhsNumberType() != null ? patient.getNhsNumberType().getId() : null);
                put("hospitalnumber", patient.getHospitalnumber());
                put("uktNo", patient.getUktNo());
                put("surname", patient.getSurname());
                put("surnameAlias", patient.getSurnameAlias());
                put("forename", patient.getForename());
                put("dateofbirth", patient.getDateofbirth());
                put("AGE", patient.getAge());
                put("SEX", patient.getSexModel() != null ? patient.getSexModel().getType() : null);
                put("ethnicGp", patient.getEthnicity() != null ? patient.getEthnicity().getCode() : null);
                put("address1", patient.getAddress1());
                put("address2", patient.getAddress2());
                put("address3", patient.getAddress3());
                put("address4", patient.getAddress4());
                put("POSTCODE", patient.getPostcode());
                put("postcodeOld", patient.getPostcodeOld());
                put("CONSENT", patient.isConsent());
                put("dateBapnReg", null); // Todo: Fix
                put("consNeph", patient.getClinician() != null ? patient.getClinician().getId() : null);
                put("unitcode", patient.getUnitcode() != null ? patient.getUnitcode()
                        : patient.getRenalUnit().getUnitCode());
                //                    put("RENAL_UNIT_2", patient.getRenalUnitAuthorised() != null ?
                //                            patient.getRenalUnitAuthorised().getId() : null);
                put("STATUS", patient.getStatusModel() != null ? patient.getStatusModel().getId() : null);
                //                    put("RDG", patient.getDiseaseGroup() != null ? patient.getDiseaseGroup().getId() : null);
                put("emailAddress", patient.getEmailAddress());
                put("telephone1", patient.getTelephone1());
                put("telephone2", patient.getTelephone2());
                put("mobile", patient.getMobile());
                        patient.getRrtModalityEunm() != null ? patient.getRrtModalityEunm().getId() : null);
                        patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel() != null ? patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel().getId()
                                : null);
                put("dateOfGenericDiagnosis", patient.getDateOfGenericDiagnosis());
                put("otherClinicianAndContactInfo", patient.getOtherClinicianAndContactInfo());
                put("comments", patient.getComments());
                put("republicOfIrelandId", patient.getRepublicOfIrelandId());
                put("isleOfManId", patient.getIsleOfManId());
                put("channelIslandsId", patient.getChannelIslandsId());
                put("indiaId", patient.getIndiaId());
                put("generic", patient.isGeneric());
                put("radarConsentConfirmedByUserId", patient.getRadarConsentConfirmedByUserId());
                put("sourceType", SourceType.RADAR.getName());
                put("patientLinkId", patient.getPatientLinkId());

        //The id of the patient record is now the new radar number
        jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE patient set radarNo = ? WHERE id = ? ", id.longValue(), id.longValue());



From source file:com.tesora.dve.sql.parser.TranslatorUtils.java

public TableModifier buildMaxRowsModifier(ExpressionNode en) {
    LiteralExpression litex = asLiteral(en);
    Object v = litex.getValue(pc.getValues());
    if (v instanceof Number) {
        Number n = (Number) v;
        return new MaxRowsModifier(n.longValue());
    }/*from   w w w  .ja  va 2 s .c  om*/
    throw new SchemaException(Pass.FIRST, "Invalid max rows value - not a number");