List of usage examples for java.lang Number longValue
public abstract long longValue();
From source
@Override public void chartMouseClicked(ChartMouseEventFX event) { ChartEntity entity = event.getEntity(); ///*w w w . java 2 s . c o m*/ // Was a point on the plot selected? // if (entity instanceof XYItemEntity) { XYItemEntity itemEntity = (XYItemEntity) entity; XYDataset dataset = itemEntity.getDataset(); Number x = dataset.getXValue(itemEntity.getSeriesIndex(), itemEntity.getItem()); LocalDate date = LocalDate.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(x.longValue())); if (event.getTrigger().getClickCount() == 2) supporter.launchView(launcher, date); } }
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protected List<Object> getParams() throws Exception { List<Object> params = new ArrayList(); params.add("db"); params.add(getDb());//from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m if (null != getLinkName() && !"".equals(getLinkName())) { params.add("linkname"); params.add(getLinkName()); } if (null != getKey()) { // params.add("dbfrom"); // params.add(key.getDatabase()); params.add("WebEnv"); params.add(getKey().getWebEnv()); params.add("query_key"); params.add(getKey().getQueryKey()); } else if (ids.size() > 0) { params.add("dbfrom"); params.add(getDbFrom()); for (Number id : ids) { params.add("id"); params.add(id.longValue()); } } else throw new Exception("ELink: must provide either a List of Ids or an Entrez History Key"); if (null != getTerm() && !"".equals(getTerm())) { params.add("term"); params.add(getTerm()); } params.add("version"); params.add("2.0"); return params; }
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private void executePartyAuditInsert(Party party, SqlParameterSource partyAuditUpdateParameterSource) { Number partyAuditKey = partyAuditInsert.executeAndReturnKey(partyAuditUpdateParameterSource); party.setSnapshotId(partyAuditKey.longValue()); }
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private void load(Tuple tuple, IndexEntryCollector.IndexEntry entry, String field, Type validator) { if (validator != null) { if (validator.isNumeric()) { tuple.tuple[this.positions.get(field)] = entry.getNumber(field); } else if (validator == { Number number = entry.getNumber(field); tuple.tuple[this.positions.get(field)] = new Date(number.longValue()); } else {// w ww .j a v a 2s.c o m tuple.tuple[this.positions.get(field)] = entry.getString(field); } } }
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/** * //from ww w .ja va2 s .c om * */ @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public long getCountAll() { Session session = this.getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); Number totalSize = (Number) session.createCriteria(this.elementClass).setProjection(Projections.rowCount()) .uniqueResult(); return totalSize.longValue(); }
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/** * Constructs a new MutableLong with the specified value. * //w ww . ja v a2 m * @param value * a value. * @throws NullPointerException * if the object is null */ public MutableLong(Number value) { super(); this.value = value.longValue(); }
From source
/** * Map the row to the appropriate type of node object. * @param rs/*from w w w.jav a 2s. c o m*/ * @param row * @return a Node * @throws SQLException */ public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int row) throws SQLException { long nodeID = rs.getLong("nodeID"); String name = rs.getString("name"); String type = rs.getString("type"); String busyString = rs.getString("busyState"); String groupRead = rs.getString("groupRead"); String groupWrite = rs.getString("groupWrite"); boolean isPublic = rs.getBoolean("isPublic"); boolean isLocked = rs.getBoolean("isLocked"); Object ownerObject = rs.getObject("ownerID"); String contentType = rs.getString("contentType"); String contentEncoding = rs.getString("contentEncoding"); String link = null; Long contentLength = null; Object o = rs.getObject("contentLength"); if (o != null) { Number n = (Number) o; contentLength = new Long(n.longValue()); } log.debug("readNode: contentLength = " + contentLength); Object contentMD5 = rs.getObject("contentMD5"); Date lastModified = rs.getTimestamp("lastModified", cal); String path = basePath + "/" + name; VOSURI vos; try { vos = new VOSURI(new URI("vos", authority, path, null, null)); } catch (URISyntaxException bug) { throw new RuntimeException("BUG - failed to create vos URI", bug); } Node node; if (NodeDAO.NODE_TYPE_CONTAINER.equals(type)) { node = new ContainerNode(vos); } else if (NodeDAO.NODE_TYPE_DATA.equals(type)) { node = new DataNode(vos); ((DataNode) node).setBusy(NodeBusyState.getStateFromValue(busyString)); } else if (NodeDAO.NODE_TYPE_LINK.equals(type)) { link = rs.getString("link"); try { node = new LinkNode(vos, new URI(link)); } catch (URISyntaxException bug) { throw new RuntimeException("BUG - failed to create link URI", bug); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown node database type: " + type); } NodeID nid = new NodeID(); = nodeID; nid.ownerObject = ownerObject; node.appData = nid; if (contentType != null && contentType.trim().length() > 0) { node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_TYPE, contentType)); } if (contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.trim().length() > 0) { node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_CONTENTENCODING, contentEncoding)); } if (contentLength != null) node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_CONTENTLENGTH, contentLength.toString())); else node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_CONTENTLENGTH, "0")); if (contentMD5 != null && contentMD5 instanceof byte[]) { byte[] md5 = (byte[]) contentMD5; if (md5.length < 16) { byte[] tmp = md5; md5 = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, md5, 0, tmp.length); // extra space is init with 0 } String contentMD5String = HexUtil.toHex(md5); node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_CONTENTMD5, contentMD5String)); } if (lastModified != null) { node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_DATE, dateFormat.format(lastModified))); } if (groupRead != null && groupRead.trim().length() > 0) { node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_GROUPREAD, groupRead)); } if (groupWrite != null && groupWrite.trim().length() > 0) { node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_GROUPWRITE, groupWrite)); } node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_ISPUBLIC, isPublic ? "true" : "false")); if (isLocked) node.getProperties().add(new NodeProperty(VOS.PROPERTY_URI_ISLOCKED, isLocked ? "true" : "false")); // set the read-only flag on the properties for (String propertyURI : VOS.READ_ONLY_PROPERTIES) { int propertyIndex = node.getProperties().indexOf(new NodeProperty(propertyURI, "")); if (propertyIndex != -1) { node.getProperties().get(propertyIndex).setReadOnly(true); } } log.debug("read: " + node.getUri() + "," + node.appData); return node; }
From source
private void assertEquals(String message, Object o1, Object o2) throws Exception { if (o1 == null && o2 == null) { return;/*from w ww .ja va2 s . c o m*/ } else if (o1 == null && o2 != null) { throw new Exception("verification failed checking " + message); } else if (!o1.equals(o2)) { if (o1 instanceof Number && o2 instanceof Number) { Number num1 = (Number) o1; Number num2 = (Number) o2; if (num1.longValue() == num2.longValue()) { return; } } throw new Exception("verification failed checking " + message); } }
From source
private Map<Long, Double> formatDataPointsFromGraphiteToMap(List<List<Number>> dataPoints) { Map<Long, Double> pointsForOutput = new HashMap<>(); if (dataPoints != null && dataPoints.size() > 0) { for (List<Number> dataPoint : dataPoints) { // ex. [2940.0, 1465803540] -> 1465803540000, 2940.0 Number valueNum = dataPoint.get(0); Number timestampNum = dataPoint.get(1); if (valueNum == null) { continue; }//from w w w. j a v a 2 s .c o m pointsForOutput.put(timestampNum.longValue() * 1000, valueNum.doubleValue()); } } return pointsForOutput; }
From source
/** * 2012-08-16/* w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ */ public <T> Page<T> selectByPage(Pageable pageable, String sql, String countSql, Object[] args, RowMapper<?> rowMapper) { Session session = em.unwrap(Session.class); SingleColumnRowMapper<BigDecimal> scrm = new SingleColumnRowMapper<BigDecimal>(); List<BigDecimal> totals = select(countSql, args, scrm); RenderSqlWork psw = new RenderSqlWork(sql, pageable, null); session.doWork(psw); sql = psw.getSql(); List<T> content = select(sql, args, rowMapper); if (content == null) { content = new ArrayList<T>(); } Object o = totals.get(0); Number num = (Number) o; Page<T> page = new PageImpl<T>(content, pageable, num.longValue()); return page; }