List of usage examples for java.lang Number longValue
public abstract long longValue();
From source
public void testNumberLong() { log.debug("\ntestNumberLong"); for (Number n : new Number[] { Long.MIN_VALUE, rnd.nextLong(), -666L, 0L, 666L, Long.MAX_VALUE }) { Serializer.serialize(out, n);/* www. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ dumpOutput(); Number rn = Deserializer.deserialize(in, Number.class); assertEquals("Deserialized Long should be the same", n, rn.longValue()); resetOutput(); } }
From source
public void run() { /**/*from ww w. j a v a2s . c om*/ * first we need to grab all the unitadmins from patient view as we want to create logins for these in radar * but dont save them yet as we dont want to then move all the radar logins over to patient view and do it all * twice * * grab unit admins from patient view * * then move all users from radar over to PV * * then use the unit admins we got at start and move them into radar * * SIMPLES! */ List<ProfessionalUser> patientViewUnitAdmins = jdbcTemplate.query( "SELECT " + " u.*, " + " AS centreId " + " FROM " + " USER u, " + " specialtyuserrole sur, " + " usermapping um, " + " unit un " + " WHERE " + " sur.user_id = " + " AND " + " sur.role = 'unitstaff' " + " AND " + " um.username = u.username " + " AND " + " un.unitcode = um.unitcode ", new PatientViewUnitAdminRowMapper()); // move pv users to radar for (ProfessionalUser professionalUser : patientViewUnitAdmins) { // check this user isnt in radar already as it will already have been mapped above if (!checkForProfessionalUser(professionalUser.getEmail())) { try { Map<String, Object> professionalUserMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_SURNAME_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getSurname()); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_FORENAME_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getForename()); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TITLE_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getTitle()); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_GMC_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getGmc()); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ROLE_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getRole()); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_PHONE_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getPhone()); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ID_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getCentre().getId()); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_DATE_JOINED_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getDateRegistered()); Number id = professionalUsersInsert.executeAndReturnKey(professionalUserMap); professionalUser.setId(id.longValue()); userDao.saveUserMapping(professionalUser);"updated unitstaff: " + professionalUser.getUsername()); } catch (Exception e) { failedUsers.add("PV unitadmin failed: " + professionalUser.getId() + " - " + professionalUser.getEmail()); } } } for (String s : failedUsers) { LOGGER.error(s); } }
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/** * Coerces a Number to the given primitive number class *//*from w w w . j a v a 2s .co m*/ static Number coerceToPrimitiveNumber(Number pValue, Class pClass) throws ElException { if (pClass == Byte.class || pClass == Byte.TYPE) { return PrimitiveObjects.getByte(pValue.byteValue()); } else if (pClass == Short.class || pClass == Short.TYPE) { return PrimitiveObjects.getShort(pValue.shortValue()); } else if (pClass == Integer.class || pClass == Integer.TYPE) { return PrimitiveObjects.getInteger(pValue.intValue()); } else if (pClass == Long.class || pClass == Long.TYPE) { return PrimitiveObjects.getLong(pValue.longValue()); } else if (pClass == Float.class || pClass == Float.TYPE) { return PrimitiveObjects.getFloat(pValue.floatValue()); } else if (pClass == Double.class || pClass == Double.TYPE) { return PrimitiveObjects.getDouble(pValue.doubleValue()); } else if (pClass == BigInteger.class) { if (pValue instanceof BigDecimal) return ((BigDecimal) pValue).toBigInteger(); else return BigInteger.valueOf(pValue.longValue()); } else if (pClass == BigDecimal.class) { if (pValue instanceof BigInteger) return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) pValue); else return new BigDecimal(pValue.doubleValue()); } else { return PrimitiveObjects.getInteger(0); } }
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/** * @return the current style value./*from w w w . ja va 2 s.c o m*/ */ long getStyle(Property property) throws Exception { Number value = (Number) property.getValue(); return value != null ? value.longValue() : 0; }
From source
private Long getLongValueOrDefault(Map<String, ?> map, String key, Long defaultValue) { if (map.containsKey(key)) { Number number = (Number) map.get(key); if (number != null) { return number.longValue(); }/*from w w w .ja v a2s.c om*/ } return defaultValue; }
From source
/** * Return the number of files which are part of the data organization of the * digital object with the provided id. Only the FileNodes in the view * 'default' are counted.// ww w. j a v a 2 s . c om * * @param pObjectId The id of the object to query for. * * @return The number of FileNodes associated with pObjectId or 0 if no * amount could be obtained. */ public static Long getAssociatedFileCount(DigitalObjectId pObjectId) { IMetaDataManager doMdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement() .getMetaDataManager(PersistenceFacade.getInstance().getPersistenceUnitName()); doMdm.setAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); try { Number result = (Number) doMdm .findSingleResult("SELECT COUNT(a) FROM DataOrganizationNode a WHERE a.digitalObjectIDStr='" + pObjectId.getStringRepresentation() + "' AND a.viewName='" + Constants.DEFAULT_VIEW + "' AND TYPE(a)=FileNode"); return (result != null) ? result.longValue() : 0l; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { return 0l; } finally { doMdm.close(); } }
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@Override public void validateNoOfficesExistGivenOfficeLevel(OfficeLevel officeLevel) { HashMap<String, Object> queryParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); queryParameters.put("LEVEL_ID", officeLevel.getValue()); Number count = (Number) this.genericDao.executeUniqueResultNamedQuery("office.getOfficeCountForLevel", queryParameters);/* ww w .ja va 2s.c o m*/ if (count != null && count.longValue() > 0) { throw new BusinessRuleException(OfficeConstants.KEYHASACTIVEOFFICEWITHLEVEL); } }
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@Override @CheckForNull/*from ww w .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ public Duration effort() { Number effort = getNullableField(IssueIndexDefinition.FIELD_ISSUE_EFFORT); return (effort != null) ? Duration.create(effort.longValue()) : null; }
From source
@Override public long countUngradedSubmittedSubmissionsForAssignment(String assignmentId) { Number number = (Number) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(AssignmentSubmission.class) .setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).add(Restrictions.eq("", assignmentId)) .add(Restrictions.eq("submitted", Boolean.TRUE)).add(Restrictions.eq("graded", Boolean.TRUE)) .uniqueResult();//from www . java 2 s .c o m return number.longValue(); }
From source
private void aggregateData(String inputDir) {"read weather data..."); File path = new File(inputDir); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); for (File cityDir : path.listFiles()) { // If not a dir; next file in data path if (!cityDir.isDirectory()) { continue; }/* w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ LOGGER.trace(String.format("Processing %s...", cityDir.getAbsolutePath())); String[] extensions = { "json" }; List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<>(FileUtils.listFiles(cityDir, extensions, false)); for (File file : fileList) { try { try (Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) parser.parse(reader); String timezone = (String) jsonObject.get("timezone"); locationTimeZone.put(cityDir.getName(), timezone); Number currentTemp = (Number) ((JSONObject) jsonObject.get("currently")).get("temperature"); Number currentTime = (Number) ((JSONObject) jsonObject.get("currently")).get("time"); JSONObject hourlyForecast = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("hourly"); JSONArray data = (JSONArray) hourlyForecast.get("data"); if (currentTemp != null) { addWeatherdata(currentTime.longValue(), cityDir.getName(), currentTemp.doubleValue()); } for (Object o : data) { JSONObject oo = (JSONObject) o; Number time = (Number) oo.get("time"); Number temp = (Number) oo.get("temperature"); long timeDiff = time.longValue() - currentTime.longValue(); if (temp != null) { addWeatherdata(currentTime.longValue() + timeDiff, cityDir.getName(), temp.doubleValue()); } } } } catch (IOException | ParseException e) { LOGGER.error("aggregateData", e); } } } }