Java tutorial
/* * PatientView * * Copyright (c) Worth Solutions Limited 2004-2013 * * This file is part of PatientView. * * PatientView is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * PatientView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PatientView in a file * titled COPYING. If not, see <>. * * @package PatientView * @link * @author PatientView <> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Worth Solutions Limited * @license The GNU General Public License V3.0 */ package org.patientview.radar.dao.impl; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.patientview.model.Centre; import org.patientview.model.Clinician; import org.patientview.model.Patient; import org.patientview.model.Sex; import org.patientview.model.Status; import org.patientview.model.enums.NhsNumberType; import org.patientview.model.enums.SourceType; import org.patientview.radar.dao.DemographicsDao; import org.patientview.radar.dao.UserDao; import org.patientview.radar.dao.UtilityDao; import org.patientview.radar.dao.generic.DiseaseGroupDao; import org.patientview.radar.dao.generic.GenericDiagnosisDao; import org.patientview.radar.model.filter.DemographicsFilter; import org.patientview.radar.model.user.DemographicsUserDetail; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcInsert; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; public class DemographicsDaoImpl extends BaseDaoImpl implements DemographicsDao { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemographicsDaoImpl.class); private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd"; private static final String DATE_FORMAT_1 = "dd.MM.y"; private static final String DATE_FORMAT_2 = "dd-MM-y"; private static final String DATE_FORMAT_3 = "dd/MM/y"; private SimpleJdbcInsert demographicsInsert; private UtilityDao utilityDao; private DiseaseGroupDao diseaseGroupDao; private GenericDiagnosisDao genericDiagnosisDao; private UserDao userDao; @Override public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { // Call super super.setDataSource(dataSource); // Initialise a simple JDBC insert to be able to get the allocated ID demographicsInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName("patient") .usingGeneratedKeyColumns("id").usingColumns("rrNo", "dateReg", "nhsno", "nhsNoType", "hospitalnumber", "uktNo", "surname", "surnameAlias", "forename", "dateofbirth", "AGE", "SEX", "ethnicGp", "address1", "address2", "address3", "address4", "POSTCODE", "radarConsentConfirmedByUserId", "postcodeOld", "CONSENT", "dateBapnReg", "consNeph", "unitcode", "STATUS", "emailAddress", "telephone1", "telephone2", "mobile", "rrtModality", "genericDiagnosis", "dateOfGenericDiagnosis", "otherClinicianAndContactInfo", "comments", "republicOfIrelandId", "isleOfManId", "channelIslandsId", "indiaId", "generic", "sourceType"); } public void saveDemographics(final Patient patient) { // If we have an ID then update, otherwise insert new and set the ID if (patient.hasValidId()) { jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE patient SET " + "rrNo = ?, " + "dateReg = ?, " + "nhsno = ?, " + "nhsNoType = ?, " + "hospitalnumber = ?, " + "uktNo = ?, " + "surname = ?, " + "surnameAlias = ?, " + "forename = ?, " + "dateofbirth = ?, " + "AGE = ?, " + "SEX = ?, " + "ethnicGp = ?, " + "address1 = ?, " + "address2 = ?, " + "address3 = ?, " + "address4 = ?, " + "POSTCODE = ?, " + "postcodeOld = ?," + "CONSENT = ?, " + "dateBapnReg = ?, " + "consNeph = ?, " + // "unitcode = ?, " + // "RENAL_UNIT_2 = ?, " + "STATUS = ?, " + // "RDG = ?, " + "emailAddress = ?, " + "telephone1 = ?, " + "telephone2 = ?, " + "mobile = ?, " + "rrtModality = ?, " + "genericDiagnosis = ?, " + "dateOfGenericDiagnosis = ?, " + "otherClinicianAndContactInfo = ?, " + "comments = ?, " + "republicOfIrelandId = ?, " + "isleOfManId = ?, " + "channelIslandsId = ?, " + "indiaId = ?, " + "radarConsentConfirmedByUserId = ?, " + "generic = ? " + "patientLinkId = ? " + " WHERE radarNo = ?", patient.getRrNo(), patient.getDateReg(), patient.getNhsno(), patient.getNhsNumberType() != null ? patient.getNhsNumberType().getId() : 1, patient.getHospitalnumber(), patient.getUktNo(), patient.getSurname(), patient.getSurnameAlias(), patient.getForename(), patient.getDob() != null ? new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(patient.getDob()) : null, patient.getDateofbirth(), patient.getAge(), patient.getSexModel() != null ? patient.getSexModel().getType() : null, patient.getEthnicity() != null ? patient.getEthnicity().getCode() : null, patient.getAddress1(), patient.getAddress2(), patient.getAddress3(), patient.getAddress4(), patient.getPostcode(), patient.getPostcodeOld(), patient.isConsent(), patient.getDateReg(), patient.getClinician() != null ? patient.getClinician().getId() : null, // patient.getDiseaseGroup() != null ? patient.getDiseaseGroup().getId() : null, // patient.getRenalUnitAuthorised() != null ? // patient.getRenalUnitAuthorised().getId() : null, patient.getStatusModel() != null ? patient.getStatusModel().getId() : null, // patient.getDiseaseGroup() != null ? patient.getDiseaseGroup().getId() : null, patient.getEmailAddress(), patient.getTelephone1(), patient.getTelephone2(), patient.getMobile(), patient.getRrtModalityEunm() != null ? patient.getRrtModalityEunm().getId() : null, patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel() != null ? patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel().getId() : null, patient.getDateOfGenericDiagnosis(), patient.getOtherClinicianAndContactInfo(), patient.getComments(), patient.getRepublicOfIrelandId(), patient.getIsleOfManId(), patient.getChannelIslandsId(), patient.getIndiaId(), patient.getRadarConsentConfirmedByUserId(), patient.isGeneric(), patient.getPatientLinkId(), patient.getId()); } else { Number id = demographicsInsert.executeAndReturnKey(new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("rrNo", patient.getRrNo()); put("dateReg", patient.getDateReg()); put("nhsno", patient.getNhsno()); put("nhsNoType", patient.getNhsNumberType() != null ? patient.getNhsNumberType().getId() : null); put("hospitalnumber", patient.getHospitalnumber()); put("uktNo", patient.getUktNo()); put("surname", patient.getSurname()); put("surnameAlias", patient.getSurnameAlias()); put("forename", patient.getForename()); put("dateofbirth", patient.getDateofbirth()); put("AGE", patient.getAge()); put("SEX", patient.getSexModel() != null ? patient.getSexModel().getType() : null); put("ethnicGp", patient.getEthnicity() != null ? patient.getEthnicity().getCode() : null); put("address1", patient.getAddress1()); put("address2", patient.getAddress2()); put("address3", patient.getAddress3()); put("address4", patient.getAddress4()); put("POSTCODE", patient.getPostcode()); put("postcodeOld", patient.getPostcodeOld()); put("CONSENT", patient.isConsent()); put("dateBapnReg", null); // Todo: Fix put("consNeph", patient.getClinician() != null ? patient.getClinician().getId() : null); put("unitcode", patient.getUnitcode() != null ? patient.getUnitcode() : patient.getRenalUnit().getUnitCode()); // put("RENAL_UNIT_2", patient.getRenalUnitAuthorised() != null ? // patient.getRenalUnitAuthorised().getId() : null); put("STATUS", patient.getStatusModel() != null ? patient.getStatusModel().getId() : null); // put("RDG", patient.getDiseaseGroup() != null ? patient.getDiseaseGroup().getId() : null); put("emailAddress", patient.getEmailAddress()); put("telephone1", patient.getTelephone1()); put("telephone2", patient.getTelephone2()); put("mobile", patient.getMobile()); put("rrtModality", patient.getRrtModalityEunm() != null ? patient.getRrtModalityEunm().getId() : null); put("genericDiagnosis", patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel() != null ? patient.getGenericDiagnosisModel().getId() : null); put("dateOfGenericDiagnosis", patient.getDateOfGenericDiagnosis()); put("otherClinicianAndContactInfo", patient.getOtherClinicianAndContactInfo()); put("comments", patient.getComments()); put("republicOfIrelandId", patient.getRepublicOfIrelandId()); put("isleOfManId", patient.getIsleOfManId()); put("channelIslandsId", patient.getChannelIslandsId()); put("indiaId", patient.getIndiaId()); put("generic", patient.isGeneric()); put("radarConsentConfirmedByUserId", patient.getRadarConsentConfirmedByUserId()); put("sourceType", SourceType.RADAR.getName()); put("patientLinkId", patient.getPatientLinkId()); } }); patient.setId(id.longValue()); //The id of the patient record is now the new radar number jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE patient set radarNo = ? WHERE id = ? ", id.longValue(), id.longValue()); patient.setRadarNo(patient.getId()); } } public Patient get(Long id) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT * FROM patient WHERE id = ?", new Object[] { id }, new DemographicsRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("No patient record found for radar number {}", id); return null; } } public List<Patient> getDemographics(DemographicsFilter filter, int page, int numberPerPage) { if (filter == null) { filter = new DemographicsFilter(); } List<String> sqlQueries = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); // normal sql query without any filter options sqlQueries.add("SELECT " + " patient.*, " + " tbl_Consultants.cFNAME, " + " tbl_Consultants.cSNAME, " + " unit.shortname, " + " tbl_DiagCode.dcAbbr " + "FROM " + " tbl_DiagCode " + "INNER JOIN " + " tbl_Diagnosis " + "ON " + " tbl_DiagCode.dcID = tbl_Diagnosis.DIAG " + "RIGHT OUTER JOIN " + " patient " + "ON " + " tbl_Diagnosis.RADAR_NO = patient.radarNo " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " unit " + "INNER JOIN " + " tbl_Consultants " + "ON " + " = tbl_Consultants.cCentre " + "ON " + " patient.consNeph = tbl_Consultants.cID"); // if there are search queries then build the where if (filter.hasSearchCriteria()) { sqlQueries.add(buildWhereQuery(filter.getSearchFields(), true, params)); } // if the filter has a sort then order by it if (filter.hasSortFilter()) { sqlQueries.add(buildOrderQuery(filter.getSortField(), filter.isReverse())); } // if a range has been set limit the results sqlQueries.add(buildLimitQuery(page, numberPerPage, params)); // TODO Stub out this method until the model is fixed return null; } public Sex getSex(long id) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT * FROM tbl_Sex WHERE sID = ?", new Object[] { id }, new SexRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("No sex found for ID {}", id); return null; } } public Sex getSex(String sex) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT * FROM tbl_Sex WHERE sType = ?", new Object[] { sex }, new SexRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("No sex found for ID {}", sex); return null; } } public List<Sex> getSexes() { return jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT * FROM tbl_Sex", new SexRowMapper()); } public Status getStatus(long id) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT * FROM tbl_Status WHERE sID = ?", new Object[] { id }, new StatusRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("No status found for ID {}", id); return null; } } public List<Status> getStatuses() { return jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT * FROM tbl_Status", new StatusRowMapper()); } public class DemographicsRowMapper implements RowMapper<Patient> { public Patient mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { // Construct object and set radar number Patient patient = new Patient(); Long radarId = resultSet.getLong("radarNo"); patient.setRadarNo(radarId); patient.setId(resultSet.getLong("id")); patient.setDateReg(resultSet.getDate("dateReg")); // Renal registry number patient.setRrNo(resultSet.getString("rrNo")); // UK transplant number patient.setUktNo(resultSet.getString("uktNo")); patient.setNhsno(resultSet.getString("nhsno")); patient.setNhsNumberType(NhsNumberType.getNhsNumberType(resultSet.getLong("nhsNoType"))); patient.setHospitalnumber(resultSet.getString("hospitalnumber")); patient.setSurname(resultSet.getString("surname")); patient.setSurnameAlias(resultSet.getString("surnameAlias")); patient.setForename(resultSet.getString("forename")); // Date needs to be decrypted to string, then parsed String dateOfBirthString = resultSet.getString("dateofbirth"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dateOfBirthString)) { Date dateOfBirth = null; // TODO This needs fixing if it already hasn't been // TODO Store the format with the date if you do it like this // It seems that the encrypted strings in the DB have different date formats, nice. for (String dateFormat : new String[] { DATE_FORMAT, DATE_FORMAT_1, DATE_FORMAT_2, DATE_FORMAT_3 }) { try { dateOfBirth = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).parse(dateOfBirthString); break; } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not parse date of birth {}", dateOfBirthString); } } // If after trying those formats we don't have anything then log as error if (dateOfBirth != null) { patient.setDob(dateOfBirth); } else { LOGGER.error("Could not parse date of birth from any format for dob {}", dateOfBirthString); } } Date dateOfBirth = resultSet.getDate("dateofbirth"); patient.setDateofbirth(dateOfBirth); patient.setDob(dateOfBirth); // Addresses patient.setAddress1(resultSet.getString("address1")); patient.setAddress2(resultSet.getString("address2")); patient.setAddress3(resultSet.getString("address3")); patient.setAddress4(resultSet.getString("address4")); patient.setPostcode(resultSet.getString("POSTCODE")); patient.setPostcodeOld(resultSet.getString("postcodeOld")); // Set sex patient.setSexModel(getSex(resultSet.getString("SEX"))); // Try and get ethnicity String ethnicityCode = resultSet.getString("ethnicGp"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ethnicityCode)) { patient.setEthnicity(utilityDao.getEthnicityByCode(ethnicityCode)); } patient.setConsent(resultSet.getBoolean("CONSENT")); // Set the centre if we have an ID String nhsno = resultSet.getString("nhsno"); if (nhsno != null) { //TODO Fix this only needs to return 1 row if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(utilityDao.getRenalUnitCentre(nhsno))) { patient.setRenalUnit(utilityDao.getRenalUnitCentre(nhsno).get(0)); } } // Set status long statusId = resultSet.getLong("STATUS"); if (statusId > 0) { patient.setStatusModel(getStatus(statusId)); } Long consultantId = resultSet.getLong("consNeph"); if (!resultSet.wasNull()) { try { Clinician clinician = utilityDao.getClinician(consultantId); if (clinician != null) { patient.setClinician(clinician); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to access consultant using consultantId {}", consultantId); LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } } patient.setUnitcode(resultSet.getString("unitCode")); // There should only ever be one centre List<Centre> centres = utilityDao.getRenalUnitCentre(patient.getNhsno()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(centres)) { patient.setRenalUnit(centres.get(0)); } String diseaseGroupId = null; List<String> radarMappings = userDao.getPatientRadarMappings(patient.getNhsno()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(radarMappings)) { diseaseGroupId = radarMappings.get(0); patient.setDiseaseGroup(diseaseGroupDao.getById(diseaseGroupId)); } patient.setEmailAddress(resultSet.getString("emailAddress")); //emailAddress, patient.setTelephone1(resultSet.getString("telephone1")); //phone1, patient.setTelephone2(resultSet.getString("telephone2")); //phone2, patient.setMobile(resultSet.getString("mobile")); //mobile, Integer rrtModalityId = getIntegerWithNullCheck("rrtModality", resultSet); //RRT_modality, if (rrtModalityId != null) { patient.setRrtModalityEunm(getEnumValue(Patient.RRTModality.class, rrtModalityId)); } String genericDiagnosisId = resultSet.getString("genericDiagnosis"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(genericDiagnosisId) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(diseaseGroupId)) { patient.setGenericDiagnosisModel(genericDiagnosisDao.get(genericDiagnosisId, diseaseGroupId)); } patient.setDateOfGenericDiagnosis(resultSet.getDate("dateOfGenericDiagnosis")); if (patient.getDateOfGenericDiagnosis() == null) { patient.setDiagnosisDateSelect(true); } else { patient.setDiagnosisDateSelect(false); } patient.setOtherClinicianAndContactInfo(resultSet.getString("otherClinicianAndContactInfo")); patient.setComments(resultSet.getString("comments")); //comments, patient.setRepublicOfIrelandId(resultSet.getString("republicOfIrelandId")); patient.setIsleOfManId(resultSet.getString("isleOfManId")); patient.setChannelIslandsId(resultSet.getString("channelIslandsId")); patient.setIndiaId(resultSet.getString("indiaId")); patient.setGeneric(resultSet.getBoolean("generic")); patient.setEthnicGp(resultSet.getString("ethnicGp")); patient.setSourceType(resultSet.getString("sourceType")); patient.setPatientLinkId(resultSet.getLong("patientLinkId")); patient.setRadarConsentConfirmedByUserId(resultSet.getLong("radarConsentConfirmedByUserId")); return patient; } } private class SexRowMapper implements RowMapper<Sex> { public Sex mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { Sex sex = new Sex(); sex.setId(resultSet.getLong("sID")); sex.setType(resultSet.getString("sType")); return sex; } } private class StatusRowMapper implements RowMapper<Status> { public Status mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { // Contruct new status object Status status = new Status(); status.setId(resultSet.getLong("sID")); status.setDescription(resultSet.getString("sDesc")); status.setAbbreviation(resultSet.getString("sAbbrev")); return status; } } public void setUtilityDao(UtilityDao utilityDao) { this.utilityDao = utilityDao; } public SimpleJdbcInsert getDemographicsInsert() { return demographicsInsert; } public void setDemographicsInsert(SimpleJdbcInsert demographicsInsert) { this.demographicsInsert = demographicsInsert; } public void setDiseaseGroupDao(DiseaseGroupDao diseaseGroupDao) { this.diseaseGroupDao = diseaseGroupDao; } public void setGenericDiagnosisDao(GenericDiagnosisDaoImpl genericDiagnosisDao) { this.genericDiagnosisDao = genericDiagnosisDao; } public DemographicsUserDetail getDemographicsUserDetail(String nhsno, String unitcode) { String sql = "SELECT " + ", user.emailverified, user.accountlocked, " + "emailverification.lastverificationdate, user.lastlogon, pv_user_log.lastdatadate " + "FROM " + "( SELECT DISTINCT username, nhsno FROM usermapping " + " WHERE nhsno = ? AND username NOT LIKE '%_GP' ) AS un " + "LEFT JOIN pv_user_log ON un.nhsno = pv_user_log.nhsno, " + "user LEFT JOIN emailverification ON user.username = emailverification.username " + "WHERE " + "user.username = un.username "; List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); params.add(nhsno); try { List<DemographicsUserDetail> results = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, params.toArray(), new DemographicsUserDetailMapper()); if (results != null && results.size() > 1) { LOGGER.debug("Found duplicate results for nhsno {}, taking first", nhsno); } return results != null && results.size() > 0 ? results.get(0) : new DemographicsUserDetail(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("No DemographicsUserDetail found for nhsno:" + nhsno); return new DemographicsUserDetail(); } } private class DemographicsUserDetailMapper implements RowMapper<DemographicsUserDetail> { public DemographicsUserDetail mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { DemographicsUserDetail patient = new DemographicsUserDetail(); patient.setLastverificationdate(resultSet.getDate("lastverificationdate")); patient.setEmail(resultSet.getString("email")); patient.setLastlogon(resultSet.getDate("lastlogon")); patient.setAccountlocked(resultSet.getBoolean("accountlocked")); patient.setLastdatadate(resultSet.getDate("lastdatadate")); return patient; } } public void setUserDao(UserDao userDao) { this.userDao = userDao; } }