Example usage for java.lang Math tan

List of usage examples for java.lang Math tan


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math tan.


public static double tan(double a) 

Source Link


Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.


From source file:Geometry.java

 * Create the geometry for an unrotated, unskewed ellipse.
 * Floating point domain./*w  ww.j a va  2  s  . c  om*/
 * @param x0  X center of ellipse.
 * @param y0  Y center of ellipse.   
 * @param dx  X ellipse radius.
 * @param dy  Y ellipse radius.
 * @return    Ellipse geometry [x,y,x,y,...].
public static double[] createEllipse(double x0, double y0, double dx, double dy) {
    // Make sure deltas are positive
    dx = Math.abs(dx);
    dy = Math.abs(dy);

    // As we don't know the resolution of the appliance of the ellipse
    // we create one vertex per 2nd degree. The nPoints variable holds
    // number of points in a quater of the ellipse.
    int nPoints = 45;

    // Allocate arrays for holding the complete set of vertices around
    // the ellipse. Note that this is a complete ellipse: First and last
    // point coincide.
    double[] ellipse = new double[nPoints * 8 + 2];

    // Compute some intermediate results to save time in the inner loop
    double dxdy = dx * dy;
    double dx2 = dx * dx;
    double dy2 = dy * dy;

    // Handcode the entries in the four "corner" points of the ellipse,
    // i.e. at point 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees
    ellipse[nPoints * 0 + 0] = x0 + dx;
    ellipse[nPoints * 0 + 1] = y0;

    ellipse[nPoints * 8 + 0] = x0 + dx;
    ellipse[nPoints * 8 + 1] = y0;

    ellipse[nPoints * 2 + 0] = x0;
    ellipse[nPoints * 2 + 1] = y0 - dy;

    ellipse[nPoints * 4 + 0] = x0 - dx;
    ellipse[nPoints * 4 + 1] = y0;

    ellipse[nPoints * 6 + 0] = x0;
    ellipse[nPoints * 6 + 1] = y0 + dy;

    // Find the angle step
    double angleStep = nPoints > 0 ? Math.PI / 2.0 / nPoints : 0.0;

    // Loop over angles from 0 to 90. The rest of the ellipse can be derrived
    // from this first quadrant. For each angle set the four corresponding
    // ellipse points.
    double a = 0.0;
    for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++) {
        a += angleStep;

        double t = Math.tan(a);

        double x = (double) dxdy / Math.sqrt(t * t * dx2 + dy2);
        double y = x * t + 0.5;

        ellipse[(nPoints * 0 + i) * 2 + 0] = x0 + x;
        ellipse[(nPoints * 2 - i) * 2 + 0] = x0 - x;
        ellipse[(nPoints * 2 + i) * 2 + 0] = x0 - x;
        ellipse[(nPoints * 4 - i) * 2 + 0] = x0 + x;

        ellipse[(nPoints * 0 + i) * 2 + 1] = y0 - y;
        ellipse[(nPoints * 2 - i) * 2 + 1] = y0 - y;
        ellipse[(nPoints * 2 + i) * 2 + 1] = y0 + y;
        ellipse[(nPoints * 4 - i) * 2 + 1] = y0 + y;

    return ellipse;

From source file:AppearanceExplorer.java

public void init() {

    // initialize the code base
    try {/*ww  w  .  j  ava  2  s .  c  om*/
        java.net.URL codeBase = getCodeBase();
        codeBaseString = codeBase.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // probably running as an application, try the application
        // code base
        codeBaseString = "file:./";

    // set up a NumFormat object to print out float with only 3 fraction
    // digits
    nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();

    Container contentPane = getContentPane();
    contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    GraphicsConfiguration config = SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration();

    canvas = new Canvas3D(config);
    canvas.setSize(600, 600);

    u = new SimpleUniverse(canvas);

    if (isApplication) {
        offScreenCanvas = new OffScreenCanvas3D(config, true);
        // set the size of the off-screen canvas based on a scale
        // of the on-screen size
        Screen3D sOn = canvas.getScreen3D();
        Screen3D sOff = offScreenCanvas.getScreen3D();
        Dimension dim = sOn.getSize();
        dim.width *= offScreenScale;
        dim.height *= offScreenScale;
        sOff.setPhysicalScreenWidth(sOn.getPhysicalScreenWidth() * offScreenScale);
        sOff.setPhysicalScreenHeight(sOn.getPhysicalScreenHeight() * offScreenScale);

        // attach the offscreen canvas to the view
    contentPane.add("Center", canvas);

    BackgroundTool bgTool = new BackgroundTool(codeBaseString);
    bgSwitch = bgTool.getSwitch();
    bgChooser = bgTool.getChooser();

    // Create a simple scene and attach it to the virtual universe
    BranchGroup scene = createSceneGraph();

    // set up sound

    // get the view
    view = u.getViewer().getView();

    // Get the viewing platform
    ViewingPlatform viewingPlatform = u.getViewingPlatform();

    // Move the viewing platform back to enclose the -2 -> 2 range
    double viewRadius = 2.0; // want to be able to see circle
    // of viewRadius size around origin
    // get the field of view
    double fov = u.getViewer().getView().getFieldOfView();

    // calc view distance to make circle view in fov
    float viewDistance = (float) (viewRadius / Math.tan(fov / 2.0));
    tmpVector.set(0.0f, 0.0f, viewDistance);// setup offset
    tmpTrans.set(tmpVector); // set trans to translate
    // move the view platform

    // add an orbit behavior to move the viewing platform
    OrbitBehavior orbit = new OrbitBehavior(canvas,
            OrbitBehavior.PROPORTIONAL_ZOOM | OrbitBehavior.REVERSE_ROTATE | OrbitBehavior.REVERSE_TRANSLATE);
    BoundingSphere bounds = new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 100.0);


    contentPane.add("East", guiPanel());

From source file:com.danilov.supermanga.core.view.SlidingLayer.java

 * Get the x destination based on the velocity
 * /*from ww  w  .ja  v  a2 s  .  c  o  m*/
 * @param xValue
 * @param yValue
 * @return
 * @since 1.0
private int[] getDestScrollPos(int xValue, int yValue) {

    int[] pos = new int[2];

    if (mIsOpen) {
        return pos;
    } else {

        switch (mScreenSide) {
        case STICK_TO_RIGHT:
            pos[0] = -getWidth() + mOffsetWidth;
        case STICK_TO_LEFT:
            pos[0] = getWidth() - mOffsetWidth;
        case STICK_TO_TOP:
            pos[1] = getHeight() - mOffsetWidth;
        case STICK_TO_BOTTOM:
            pos[1] = -getHeight() + mOffsetWidth;
        case STICK_TO_MIDDLE:

            // Calculate slope m to get direction of swiping and apply the same vector until the end of the
            // animation
            float m = 1;

            // If no veocity nor translation (difficult to get) the target is random
            if (xValue == 0 && yValue == 0) {
                m = mRandom != null ? (float) Math.tan(mRandom.nextFloat() * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2) : 1;
            } else if (xValue == 0) {
                // Avoid division by 0 (Get the max value of the tan which is equivalent)
                m = (float) Math.tan(Math.PI / 2);
            } else {
                // Get slope
                m = yValue / (float) xValue;

            if (Math.abs(m) >= 1) {
                pos[0] = Math.round(getOperationSignForDiffMeasure(xValue) * getHeight() / Math.abs(m)
                        - (mLastX - getWidth() / 2));
                pos[1] = Math.round(getOperationSignForDiffMeasure(yValue) * getHeight());
            } else {
                pos[0] = Math.round(getOperationSignForDiffMeasure(xValue) * getWidth());
                pos[1] = Math.round(getOperationSignForDiffMeasure(yValue) * getWidth() * Math.abs(m)
                        - (mLastY - getHeight() / 2));


        return pos;

From source file:org.apache.calcite.runtime.SqlFunctions.java

/** SQL <code>TAN</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static double tan(long b0) {
    return Math.tan(b0);

From source file:org.n52.v3d.terrainserver.povraywts.WebTerrainServlet.java

private VsSimpleScene defineScene(VgElevationGrid pTerrain, String pDrape, int pVisAdds, double pDistance,
        VgPoint pPoi, double pLambda, double pPhi, double pExaggeration, double lFovy) {
    // Szene instanzieren, Relief und Drape setzen:
    VsSimpleScene lScene = new PovrayScene(); // todo: dynamisch instanziieren; Klassenname und Renderer-spez. Properties-Dateiname aus "web.xml"
    ((PovrayScene) lScene).setRendererTimeout(mRendererTimeout);
    ((PovrayScene) lScene).setImmediateTermination(mRendererImmediateTermination);
    lScene.setTerrain(pTerrain);//w  w w. j a v a 2 s  .com

    // Szene mit Kamera und Ansichtspunkt versehen:
    VsCamera lCam = new VsCamera();
    VsViewpoint lViewpoint = new VsViewpoint();

    // Prfen, ob im Weiteren orthografische Ansicht zu generieren ist:
    boolean orthographicView = false;
    if (Math.abs(lFovy) < 0.001) // eigentl.: falls lFovy = 0
        orthographicView = true;

    // Aktuelle Ansichtspunktinformation setzen, falls kein POI in Anfrage angegeben:
    double radius, x, y, z, d_xy;
    if (pPoi == null) {
        if (!orthographicView) {
            // Bem.: Bedingung pDistance >= 0 ist sicherzustellen.
            if (pDistance > 0.)
                radius = lScene.getScale() * pDistance;
            else { // pDistance = 0; z. B., falls im Request nicht angegeben
                VgEnvelope env = this.getRotatedBBoxEnvelope(lScene.getAspect(), pLambda);
                radius = 0.5 * Math.max(env.getExtentX(), env.getExtentY())
                        / Math.tan(lFovy / 2. * Math.PI / 180.);
        } else { // orthografische Ansicht
            radius = 10.; // beliebig, ungleich 0, >> 1 (wegen Clipping-Plane in POV-Ray)
        d_xy = radius * Math.cos(pPhi);
        x = -d_xy * Math.sin(pLambda);
        y = -d_xy * Math.cos(pLambda);
        z = radius * Math.sin(pPhi); // -pi/2. <= pPhi <= pi/2.!
        //System.out.println("d_xy = " + d_xy);
        //System.out.println("x = " + x + ", y = " + y + ", z = " + z);

        double z_offset = 0.5 * (lScene.normZMax() + lScene.normZMin());
        lViewpoint.setLookFrom(lScene.denorm(new T3dVector(x, y, z / pExaggeration + z_offset)));
        lViewpoint.setLookAt(lScene.denorm(new T3dVector(0., 0., z_offset)));
        if (d_xy <= 1.e-6) // Sonderfall Draufsicht
            lViewpoint.setLookUp(new T3dVector(Math.sin(pLambda), Math.cos(pLambda), 0.));

    // Ansichtspunktinformation setzen, falls POI in Anfrage angegeben:
    if (pPoi != null) {
        if (orthographicView)
            throw new T3dException("Please specify a POI, or choose an perspective view.");

        T3dVector normPoi = lScene.norm(pPoi);

        if (Math.abs(pDistance) < 0.0001) {
            radius = -10.; // beliebig, < 0
            d_xy = radius * Math.cos(pPhi);
            x = -d_xy * Math.sin(pLambda);
            y = -d_xy * Math.cos(pLambda);
            z = radius * Math.sin(pPhi); // -pi/2. <= pPhi <= pi/2.

                    new T3dVector(normPoi.getX() + x, normPoi.getY() + y, normPoi.getZ() + z / pExaggeration)));
        } else {
            radius = lScene.getScale() * pDistance;
            d_xy = radius * Math.cos(pPhi);
            x = -d_xy * Math.sin(pLambda);
            y = -d_xy * Math.cos(pLambda);
            z = radius * Math.sin(pPhi); // -pi/2. <= pPhi <= pi/2.

                    new T3dVector(normPoi.getX() + x, normPoi.getY() + y, normPoi.getZ() + z / pExaggeration)));
        if (d_xy <= 1.e-6) // Sonderfall Draufsicht
            lViewpoint.setLookUp(new T3dVector(Math.sin(pLambda), Math.cos(pLambda), 0.));
        //System.out.println("d_xy = " + d_xy);
        //System.out.println("x = " + x + ", y = " + y + ", z = " + z);

    //System.out.println("lookFrom = " + lScene.getCurrentViewpoint().getLookFrom());
    //System.out.println("lookAt = " + lScene.getCurrentViewpoint().getLookAt());
    //System.out.println("lookUp = " + lScene.getCurrentViewpoint().getLookUp());

    // Erweiterte Darzustellungsparameter setzen:
    if ((pVisAdds & 1) > 0)
    if ((pVisAdds & 2) > 0) {

    // Generierte Szene zurckgeben:
    return lScene;

From source file:org.apache.calcite.runtime.SqlFunctions.java

/** SQL <code>TAN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double tan(BigDecimal b0) {
    return Math.tan(b0.doubleValue());

From source file:org.apache.calcite.runtime.SqlFunctions.java

/** SQL <code>TAN</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double tan(double b0) {
    return Math.tan(b0);

From source file:com.pt.treasuretrash.widget.SlidingLayer.java

 * Get the x destination based on the velocity
 * //from  www.j a  v a 2s .co  m
 * @param xValue
 * @param yValue
 * @return
 * @since 1.0
private int[] getDestScrollPos(int xValue, int yValue) {

    int[] pos = new int[2];

    if (mIsOpen) {
        return pos;
    } else {

        switch (mScreenSide) {
        case STICK_TO_RIGHT:
            pos[0] = -getWidth() + mOffsetWidth;
        case STICK_TO_LEFT:
            pos[0] = getWidth() - mOffsetWidth;
        case STICK_TO_TOP:
            pos[1] = getHeight() - mOffsetWidth;
        case STICK_TO_BOTTOM:
            pos[1] = -getHeight() + mOffsetWidth;
        case STICK_TO_MIDDLE:

            // Calculate slope m to get direction of swiping and apply the
            // same vector until the end of the
            // animation
            float m = 1;

            // If no veocity nor translation (difficult to get) the target
            // is random
            if (xValue == 0 && yValue == 0) {
                m = mRandom != null ? (float) Math.tan(mRandom.nextFloat() * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2) : 1;
            } else if (xValue == 0) {
                // Avoid division by 0 (Get the max value of the tan which
                // is equivalent)
                m = (float) Math.tan(Math.PI / 2);
            } else {
                // Get slope
                m = yValue / (float) xValue;

            if (Math.abs(m) >= 1) {
                pos[0] = Math.round(getOperationSignForDiffMeasure(xValue) * getHeight() / Math.abs(m)
                        - (mLastX - getWidth() / 2));
                pos[1] = Math.round(getOperationSignForDiffMeasure(yValue) * getHeight());
            } else {
                pos[0] = Math.round(getOperationSignForDiffMeasure(xValue) * getWidth());
                pos[1] = Math.round(getOperationSignForDiffMeasure(yValue) * getWidth() * Math.abs(m)
                        - (mLastY - getHeight() / 2));


        return pos;

From source file:org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.g2d.G2dRendererBase.java

public void fillArea(AreaRenderEvent are) throws ChartException {
    if (iv != null) {
        iv.modifyEvent(are);/*ww w  . j a  v  a  2s  .c om*/

    final Fill flBackground = validateMultipleFill(are.getBackground());

    if (isFullTransparent(flBackground)) {

    final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
    PrimitiveRenderEvent pre;
    for (int i = 0; i < are.getElementCount(); i++) {
        pre = are.getElement(i);
        if (pre instanceof ArcRenderEvent) {
            final ArcRenderEvent acre = (ArcRenderEvent) pre;
            final Arc2D.Double a2d = new Arc2D.Double(acre.getTopLeft().getX(), acre.getTopLeft().getY(),
                    acre.getWidth(), acre.getHeight(), acre.getStartAngle(), acre.getAngleExtent(),
            gp.append(a2d, true);
        } else if (pre instanceof LineRenderEvent) {
            final LineRenderEvent lre = (LineRenderEvent) pre;
            final Line2D.Double l2d = new Line2D.Double(lre.getStart().getX(), lre.getStart().getY(),
                    lre.getEnd().getX(), lre.getEnd().getY());
            gp.append(l2d, true);

    if (flBackground instanceof ColorDefinition) {
        _g2d.setColor((Color) _ids.getColor((ColorDefinition) flBackground));
    } else if (flBackground instanceof Gradient) {
        final Gradient g = (Gradient) flBackground;
        final ColorDefinition cdStart = g.getStartColor();
        final ColorDefinition cdEnd = g.getEndColor();
        // boolean bCyclic = g.isCyclic();
        double dAngleInDegrees = g.getDirection();
        final double dAngleInRadians = ((-dAngleInDegrees * Math.PI) / 180.0);
        // int iAlpha = g.getTransparency();
        Bounds bo = are.getBounds();

         * if (bCyclic) { }

        if (dAngleInDegrees < -90 || dAngleInDegrees > 90) {
            throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING,
                    "SwingRendererImpl.exception.gradient.angle", //$NON-NLS-1$
                    new Object[] { new Double(dAngleInDegrees) }, Messages.getResourceBundle(getULocale()));

        Point2D.Double p2dStart, p2dEnd;
        if (dAngleInDegrees == 90) {
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight());
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop());
        } else if (dAngleInDegrees == -90) {
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight());
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop());
        } else if (dAngleInDegrees > 0) {
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight());
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(),
                    bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight() - bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians)));
        } else if (dAngleInDegrees < 0) {
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop());
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(),
                    bo.getTop() + bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians)));
        } else {
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop());
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop());
        _g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(p2dStart, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdStart), p2dEnd,
                (Color) _ids.getColor(cdEnd)));
    } else if (flBackground instanceof org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) {
        // TODO TBD

From source file:org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.g2d.G2dRendererBase.java

public void fillOval(OvalRenderEvent ore) throws ChartException {
    if (iv != null) {
        iv.modifyEvent(ore);/*from  ww w . j ava  2 s  . com*/

    final Fill flBackground = validateMultipleFill(ore.getBackground());

    if (isFullTransparent(flBackground)) {

    final Bounds bo = ore.getBounds();
    final Ellipse2D.Double e2d = new Ellipse2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop(), bo.getWidth(), bo.getHeight());
    if (flBackground instanceof ColorDefinition) {
        final ColorDefinition cd = (ColorDefinition) flBackground;
        _g2d.setColor((Color) _ids.getColor(cd));
    } else if (flBackground instanceof Gradient) {
        final Gradient g = (Gradient) flBackground;
        final ColorDefinition cdStart = g.getStartColor();
        final ColorDefinition cdEnd = g.getEndColor();
        // boolean bCyclic = g.isCyclic();
        double dAngleInDegrees = g.getDirection();
        final double dAngleInRadians = ((-dAngleInDegrees * Math.PI) / 180.0);

        if (dAngleInDegrees < -90 || dAngleInDegrees > 90) {
            throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING,
                    "SwingRendererImpl.exception.gradient.angle", //$NON-NLS-1$
                    new Object[] { new Double(dAngleInDegrees) }, Messages.getResourceBundle(getULocale()));

        Point2D.Double p2dStart, p2dEnd;
        if (dAngleInDegrees == 90) {
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight());
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop());
        } else if (dAngleInDegrees == -90) {
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight());
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop());
        } else if (dAngleInDegrees > 0) {
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight());
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(),
                    bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight() - bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians)));
        } else if (dAngleInDegrees < 0) {
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop());
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(),
                    bo.getTop() + bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians)));
        } else {
            p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop());
            p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop());
        _g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(p2dStart, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdStart), p2dEnd,
                (Color) _ids.getColor(cdEnd)));
    } else if (flBackground instanceof org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) {
        Area ar2 = new Area(e2d);
        if (flBackground instanceof PatternImage) {
            fillWithPatternImage(ar2, flBackground);
        java.awt.Image img = createImageFromModel(flBackground);

        if (img != null) {

            final Shape shClip = _g2d.getClip();
            if (shClip != null) {
                Area ar1 = new Area(shClip);

            final Size szImage = _ids.getSize(img);

            int iXRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil(e2d.width / szImage.getWidth()));
            int iYRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil(e2d.height / szImage.getHeight()));
            ImageObserver io = (ImageObserver) _ids.getObserver();
            for (int i = 0; i < iXRepeat; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < iYRepeat; j++) {
                    _g2d.drawImage(img, (int) (e2d.x + i * szImage.getWidth()),
                            (int) (e2d.y + j * szImage.getHeight()), io);

            _g2d.setClip(shClip); // RESTORE