Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.calcite.runtime; import org.apache.calcite.DataContext; import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.ByteString; import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.DateTimeUtils; import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.Spaces; import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.TimeUnitRange; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.AbstractEnumerable; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.CartesianProductEnumerator; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Enumerable; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Enumerator; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Linq4j; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.Deterministic; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.Function1; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.NonDeterministic; import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.Primitive; import org.apache.calcite.runtime.FlatLists.ComparableList; import org.apache.calcite.util.Bug; import org.apache.calcite.util.NumberUtil; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.math.MathContext; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Helper methods to implement SQL functions in generated code. * * <p>Not present: and, or, not (builtin operators are better, because they * use lazy evaluation. Implementations do not check for null values; the * calling code must do that.</p> * * <p>Many of the functions do not check for null values. This is intentional. * If null arguments are possible, the code-generation framework checks for * nulls before calling the functions.</p> */ @SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryUnboxing") @Deterministic public class SqlFunctions { private static final DecimalFormat DOUBLE_FORMAT = NumberUtil.decimalFormat("0.0E0"); private static final TimeZone LOCAL_TZ = TimeZone.getDefault(); private static final Function1<List<Object>, Enumerable<Object>> LIST_AS_ENUMERABLE = new Function1<List<Object>, Enumerable<Object>>() { public Enumerable<Object> apply(List<Object> list) { return Linq4j.asEnumerable(list); } }; private static final Function1<Object[], Enumerable<Object[]>> ARRAY_CARTESIAN_PRODUCT = new Function1<Object[], Enumerable<Object[]>>() { public Enumerable<Object[]> apply(Object[] lists) { final List<Enumerator<Object>> enumerators = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object list : lists) { enumerators.add(Linq4j.enumerator((List) list)); } final Enumerator<List<Object>> product = Linq4j.product(enumerators); return new AbstractEnumerable<Object[]>() { public Enumerator<Object[]> enumerator() { return Linq4j.transform(product, new Function1<List<Object>, Object[]>() { public Object[] apply(List<Object> list) { return list.toArray(); } }); } }; } }; /** Holds, for each thread, a map from sequence name to sequence current * value. * * <p>This is a straw man of an implementation whose main goal is to prove * that sequences can be parsed, validated and planned. A real application * will want persistent values for sequences, shared among threads. */ private static final ThreadLocal<Map<String, AtomicLong>> THREAD_SEQUENCES = new ThreadLocal<Map<String, AtomicLong>>() { @Override protected Map<String, AtomicLong> initialValue() { return new HashMap<String, AtomicLong>(); } }; private SqlFunctions() { } /** SQL SUBSTRING(string FROM ... FOR ...) function. */ public static String substring(String s, int from, int for_) { return s.substring(from - 1, Math.min(from - 1 + for_, s.length())); } /** SQL SUBSTRING(string FROM ...) function. */ public static String substring(String s, int from) { return s.substring(from - 1); } /** SQL SUBSTRING(binary FROM ... FOR ...) function. */ public static ByteString substring(ByteString b, int from, int for_) { return b.substring(from - 1, Math.min(from - 1 + for_, b.length())); } /** SQL SUBSTRING(binary FROM ...) function. */ public static ByteString substring(ByteString b, int from) { return b.substring(from - 1); } /** SQL UPPER(string) function. */ public static String upper(String s) { return s.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); } /** SQL LOWER(string) function. */ public static String lower(String s) { return s.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } /** SQL INITCAP(string) function. */ public static String initcap(String s) { // Assumes Alpha as [A-Za-z0-9] // white space is treated as everything else. final int len = s.length(); boolean start = true; final StringBuilder newS = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char curCh = s.charAt(i); final int c = (int) curCh; if (start) { // curCh is whitespace or first character of word. if (c > 47 && c < 58) { // 0-9 start = false; } else if (c > 64 && c < 91) { // A-Z start = false; } else if (c > 96 && c < 123) { // a-z start = false; curCh = (char) (c - 32); // Uppercase this character } // else {} whitespace } else { // Inside of a word or white space after end of word. if (c > 47 && c < 58) { // 0-9 // noop } else if (c > 64 && c < 91) { // A-Z curCh = (char) (c + 32); // Lowercase this character } else if (c > 96 && c < 123) { // a-z // noop } else { // whitespace start = true; } } newS.append(curCh); } // for each character in s return newS.toString(); } /** SQL CHARACTER_LENGTH(string) function. */ public static int charLength(String s) { return s.length(); } /** SQL {@code string || string} operator. */ public static String concat(String s0, String s1) { return s0 + s1; } /** SQL {@code binary || binary} operator. */ public static ByteString concat(ByteString s0, ByteString s1) { return s0.concat(s1); } /** SQL {@code RTRIM} function applied to string. */ public static String rtrim(String s) { return trim_(s, false, true, ' '); } /** SQL {@code LTRIM} function. */ public static String ltrim(String s) { return trim_(s, true, false, ' '); } /** SQL {@code TRIM(... seek FROM s)} function. */ public static String trim(boolean leading, boolean trailing, String seek, String s) { return trim_(s, leading, trailing, seek.charAt(0)); } /** SQL {@code TRIM} function. */ private static String trim_(String s, boolean left, boolean right, char c) { int j = s.length(); if (right) { for (;;) { if (j == 0) { return ""; } if (s.charAt(j - 1) != c) { break; } --j; } } int i = 0; if (left) { for (;;) { if (i == j) { return ""; } if (s.charAt(i) != c) { break; } ++i; } } return s.substring(i, j); } /** SQL {@code TRIM} function applied to binary string. */ public static ByteString trim(ByteString s) { return trim_(s, true, true); } /** Helper for CAST. */ public static ByteString rtrim(ByteString s) { return trim_(s, false, true); } /** SQL {@code TRIM} function applied to binary string. */ private static ByteString trim_(ByteString s, boolean left, boolean right) { int j = s.length(); if (right) { for (;;) { if (j == 0) { return ByteString.EMPTY; } if (s.byteAt(j - 1) != 0) { break; } --j; } } int i = 0; if (left) { for (;;) { if (i == j) { return ByteString.EMPTY; } if (s.byteAt(i) != 0) { break; } ++i; } } return s.substring(i, j); } /** SQL {@code OVERLAY} function. */ public static String overlay(String s, String r, int start) { if (s == null || r == null) { return null; } return s.substring(0, start - 1) + r + s.substring(start - 1 + r.length()); } /** SQL {@code OVERLAY} function. */ public static String overlay(String s, String r, int start, int length) { if (s == null || r == null) { return null; } return s.substring(0, start - 1) + r + s.substring(start - 1 + length); } /** SQL {@code OVERLAY} function applied to binary strings. */ public static ByteString overlay(ByteString s, ByteString r, int start) { if (s == null || r == null) { return null; } return s.substring(0, start - 1).concat(r).concat(s.substring(start - 1 + r.length())); } /** SQL {@code OVERLAY} function applied to binary strings. */ public static ByteString overlay(ByteString s, ByteString r, int start, int length) { if (s == null || r == null) { return null; } return s.substring(0, start - 1).concat(r).concat(s.substring(start - 1 + length)); } /** SQL {@code LIKE} function. */ public static boolean like(String s, String pattern) { final String regex = Like.sqlToRegexLike(pattern, null); return Pattern.matches(regex, s); } /** SQL {@code LIKE} function with escape. */ public static boolean like(String s, String pattern, String escape) { final String regex = Like.sqlToRegexLike(pattern, escape); return Pattern.matches(regex, s); } /** SQL {@code SIMILAR} function. */ public static boolean similar(String s, String pattern) { final String regex = Like.sqlToRegexSimilar(pattern, null); return Pattern.matches(regex, s); } /** SQL {@code SIMILAR} function with escape. */ public static boolean similar(String s, String pattern, String escape) { final String regex = Like.sqlToRegexSimilar(pattern, escape); return Pattern.matches(regex, s); } // = /** SQL <code>=</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values (neither may be * null). */ public static boolean eq(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return b0.stripTrailingZeros().equals(b1.stripTrailingZeros()); } /** SQL <code>=</code> operator applied to Object values (including String; * neither side may be null). */ public static boolean eq(Object b0, Object b1) { return b0.equals(b1); } /** SQL <code>=</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand * has ANY type; neither may be null). */ public static boolean eqAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass())) { // The result of SqlFunctions.eq(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) makes more sense // than BigDecimal.equals(BigDecimal). So if both of types are BigDecimal, // we just use SqlFunctions.eq(BigDecimal, BigDecimal). if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(b0)) { return eq((BigDecimal) b0, (BigDecimal) b1); } else { return b0.equals(b1); } } else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return eq(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } // We shouldn't rely on implementation even though overridden equals can // handle other types which may create worse result: for example, // a.equals(b) != b.equals(a) return false; } /** Returns whether two objects can both be assigned to a given class. */ private static boolean allAssignable(Class clazz, Object o0, Object o1) { return clazz.isInstance(o0) && clazz.isInstance(o1); } // <> /** SQL <code><gt;</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static boolean ne(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) != 0; } /** SQL <code><gt;</code> operator applied to Object values (including * String; neither side may be null). */ public static boolean ne(Object b0, Object b1) { return !eq(b0, b1); } /** SQL <code><gt;</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one * operand has ANY type, including String; neither may be null). */ public static boolean neAny(Object b0, Object b1) { return !eqAny(b0, b1); } // < /** SQL <code><</code> operator applied to boolean values. */ public static boolean lt(boolean b0, boolean b1) { return compare(b0, b1) < 0; } /** SQL <code><</code> operator applied to String values. */ public static boolean lt(String b0, String b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) < 0; } /** SQL <code><</code> operator applied to ByteString values. */ public static boolean lt(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) < 0; } /** SQL <code><</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static boolean lt(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) < 0; } /** SQL <code><</code> operator applied to Object values. */ public static boolean ltAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass()) && b0 instanceof Comparable) { //noinspection unchecked return ((Comparable) b0).compareTo(b1) < 0; } else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return lt(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } throw notComparable("<", b0, b1); } // <= /** SQL <code>≤</code> operator applied to boolean values. */ public static boolean le(boolean b0, boolean b1) { return compare(b0, b1) <= 0; } /** SQL <code>≤</code> operator applied to String values. */ public static boolean le(String b0, String b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) <= 0; } /** SQL <code>≤</code> operator applied to ByteString values. */ public static boolean le(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) <= 0; } /** SQL <code>≤</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static boolean le(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) <= 0; } /** SQL <code>≤</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one * operand has ANY type; neither may be null). */ public static boolean leAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass()) && b0 instanceof Comparable) { //noinspection unchecked return ((Comparable) b0).compareTo(b1) <= 0; } else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return le(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } throw notComparable("<=", b0, b1); } // > /** SQL <code>></code> operator applied to boolean values. */ public static boolean gt(boolean b0, boolean b1) { return compare(b0, b1) > 0; } /** SQL <code>></code> operator applied to String values. */ public static boolean gt(String b0, String b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) > 0; } /** SQL <code>></code> operator applied to ByteString values. */ public static boolean gt(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) > 0; } /** SQL <code>></code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static boolean gt(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) > 0; } /** SQL <code>></code> operator applied to Object values (at least one * operand has ANY type; neither may be null). */ public static boolean gtAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass()) && b0 instanceof Comparable) { //noinspection unchecked return ((Comparable) b0).compareTo(b1) > 0; } else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return gt(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } throw notComparable(">", b0, b1); } // >= /** SQL <code>≥</code> operator applied to boolean values. */ public static boolean ge(boolean b0, boolean b1) { return compare(b0, b1) >= 0; } /** SQL <code>≥</code> operator applied to String values. */ public static boolean ge(String b0, String b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) >= 0; } /** SQL <code>≥</code> operator applied to ByteString values. */ public static boolean ge(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) >= 0; } /** SQL <code>≥</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static boolean ge(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return b0.compareTo(b1) >= 0; } /** SQL <code>≥</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one * operand has ANY type; neither may be null). */ public static boolean geAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass()) && b0 instanceof Comparable) { //noinspection unchecked return ((Comparable) b0).compareTo(b1) >= 0; } else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return ge(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } throw notComparable(">=", b0, b1); } // + /** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int plus(int b0, int b1) { return b0 + b1; } /** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to int values; left side may be * null. */ public static Integer plus(Integer b0, int b1) { return b0 == null ? null : (b0 + b1); } /** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to int values; right side may be * null. */ public static Integer plus(int b0, Integer b1) { return b1 == null ? null : (b0 + b1); } /** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to nullable int values. */ public static Integer plus(Integer b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0 + b1); } /** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */ public static Long plus(Long b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() + b1.longValue()); } /** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */ public static Long plus(Integer b0, Long b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() + b1.longValue()); } /** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static BigDecimal plus(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : b0.add(b1); } /** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand * has ANY type; either may be null). */ public static Object plusAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0 == null || b1 == null) { return null; } if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return plus(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } throw notArithmetic("+", b0, b1); } // - /** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int minus(int b0, int b1) { return b0 - b1; } /** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to int values; left side may be * null. */ public static Integer minus(Integer b0, int b1) { return b0 == null ? null : (b0 - b1); } /** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to int values; right side may be * null. */ public static Integer minus(int b0, Integer b1) { return b1 == null ? null : (b0 - b1); } /** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to nullable int values. */ public static Integer minus(Integer b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0 - b1); } /** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */ public static Long minus(Long b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() - b1.longValue()); } /** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */ public static Long minus(Integer b0, Long b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() - b1.longValue()); } /** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static BigDecimal minus(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : b0.subtract(b1); } /** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand * has ANY type; either may be null). */ public static Object minusAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0 == null || b1 == null) { return null; } if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return minus(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } throw notArithmetic("-", b0, b1); } // / /** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int divide(int b0, int b1) { return b0 / b1; } /** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to int values; left side may be * null. */ public static Integer divide(Integer b0, int b1) { return b0 == null ? null : (b0 / b1); } /** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to int values; right side may be * null. */ public static Integer divide(int b0, Integer b1) { return b1 == null ? null : (b0 / b1); } /** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to nullable int values. */ public static Integer divide(Integer b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0 / b1); } /** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */ public static Long divide(Long b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() / b1.longValue()); } /** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */ public static Long divide(Integer b0, Long b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() / b1.longValue()); } /** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static BigDecimal divide(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : b0.divide(b1, MathContext.DECIMAL64); } /** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand * has ANY type; either may be null). */ public static Object divideAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0 == null || b1 == null) { return null; } if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return divide(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } throw notArithmetic("/", b0, b1); } public static int divide(int b0, BigDecimal b1) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(b0).divide(b1, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN).intValue(); } public static long divide(long b0, BigDecimal b1) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(b0).divide(b1, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN).longValue(); } // * /** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int multiply(int b0, int b1) { return b0 * b1; } /** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to int values; left side may be * null. */ public static Integer multiply(Integer b0, int b1) { return b0 == null ? null : (b0 * b1); } /** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to int values; right side may be * null. */ public static Integer multiply(int b0, Integer b1) { return b1 == null ? null : (b0 * b1); } /** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to nullable int values. */ public static Integer multiply(Integer b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0 * b1); } /** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */ public static Long multiply(Long b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() * b1.longValue()); } /** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */ public static Long multiply(Integer b0, Long b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() * b1.longValue()); } /** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static BigDecimal multiply(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : b0.multiply(b1); } /** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand * has ANY type; either may be null). */ public static Object multiplyAny(Object b0, Object b1) { if (b0 == null || b1 == null) { return null; } if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) { return multiply(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1)); } throw notArithmetic("*", b0, b1); } private static IllegalArgumentException notArithmetic(String op, Object b0, Object b1) { return new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid types for arithmetic: " + b0.getClass() + " " + op + " " + b1.getClass()); } private static IllegalArgumentException notComparable(String op, Object b0, Object b1) { return new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid types for comparison: " + b0.getClass() + " " + op + " " + b1.getClass()); } // EXP /** SQL <code>EXP</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double exp(double b0) { return Math.exp(b0); } public static double exp(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.exp(b0.doubleValue()); } public static double exp(long b0) { return Math.exp(b0); } // POWER /** SQL <code>POWER</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double power(double b0, double b1) { return Math.pow(b0, b1); } public static double power(long b0, long b1) { return Math.pow(b0, b1); } public static double power(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return Math.pow(b0.doubleValue(), b1.doubleValue()); } public static double power(long b0, BigDecimal b1) { return Math.pow(b0, b1.doubleValue()); } // LN /** SQL {@code LN(number)} function applied to double values. */ public static double ln(double d) { return Math.log(d); } /** SQL {@code LN(number)} function applied to long values. */ public static double ln(long b0) { return Math.log(b0); } /** SQL {@code LN(number)} function applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double ln(BigDecimal d) { return Math.log(d.doubleValue()); } // LOG10 /** SQL <code>LOG10(numeric)</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double log10(double b0) { return Math.log10(b0); } /** SQL {@code LOG10(number)} function applied to long values. */ public static double log10(long b0) { return Math.log10(b0); } /** SQL {@code LOG10(number)} function applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double log10(BigDecimal d) { return Math.log10(d.doubleValue()); } // MOD /** SQL <code>MOD</code> operator applied to byte values. */ public static byte mod(byte b0, byte b1) { return (byte) (b0 % b1); } /** SQL <code>MOD</code> operator applied to short values. */ public static short mod(short b0, short b1) { return (short) (b0 % b1); } /** SQL <code>MOD</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int mod(int b0, int b1) { return b0 % b1; } /** SQL <code>MOD</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static long mod(long b0, long b1) { return b0 % b1; } // temporary public static BigDecimal mod(BigDecimal b0, int b1) { return mod(b0, BigDecimal.valueOf(b1)); } // temporary public static int mod(int b0, BigDecimal b1) { return mod(b0, b1.intValue()); } public static BigDecimal mod(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { final BigDecimal[] bigDecimals = b0.divideAndRemainder(b1); return bigDecimals[1]; } // FLOOR public static double floor(double b0) { return Math.floor(b0); } public static float floor(float b0) { return (float) Math.floor(b0); } public static BigDecimal floor(BigDecimal b0) { return b0.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR); } /** SQL <code>FLOOR</code> operator applied to byte values. */ public static byte floor(byte b0, byte b1) { return (byte) floor((int) b0, (int) b1); } /** SQL <code>FLOOR</code> operator applied to short values. */ public static short floor(short b0, short b1) { return (short) floor((int) b0, (int) b1); } /** SQL <code>FLOOR</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int floor(int b0, int b1) { int r = b0 % b1; if (r < 0) { r += b1; } return b0 - r; } /** SQL <code>FLOOR</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static long floor(long b0, long b1) { long r = b0 % b1; if (r < 0) { r += b1; } return b0 - r; } // temporary public static BigDecimal floor(BigDecimal b0, int b1) { return floor(b0, BigDecimal.valueOf(b1)); } // temporary public static int floor(int b0, BigDecimal b1) { return floor(b0, b1.intValue()); } public static BigDecimal floor(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { final BigDecimal[] bigDecimals = b0.divideAndRemainder(b1); BigDecimal r = bigDecimals[1]; if (r.signum() < 0) { r = r.add(b1); } return b0.subtract(r); } // CEIL public static double ceil(double b0) { return Math.ceil(b0); } public static float ceil(float b0) { return (float) Math.ceil(b0); } public static BigDecimal ceil(BigDecimal b0) { return b0.setScale(0, RoundingMode.CEILING); } /** SQL <code>CEIL</code> operator applied to byte values. */ public static byte ceil(byte b0, byte b1) { return floor((byte) (b0 + b1 - 1), b1); } /** SQL <code>CEIL</code> operator applied to short values. */ public static short ceil(short b0, short b1) { return floor((short) (b0 + b1 - 1), b1); } /** SQL <code>CEIL</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int ceil(int b0, int b1) { int r = b0 % b1; if (r > 0) { r -= b1; } return b0 - r; } /** SQL <code>CEIL</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static long ceil(long b0, long b1) { return floor(b0 + b1 - 1, b1); } // temporary public static BigDecimal ceil(BigDecimal b0, int b1) { return ceil(b0, BigDecimal.valueOf(b1)); } // temporary public static int ceil(int b0, BigDecimal b1) { return ceil(b0, b1.intValue()); } public static BigDecimal ceil(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { final BigDecimal[] bigDecimals = b0.divideAndRemainder(b1); BigDecimal r = bigDecimals[1]; if (r.signum() > 0) { r = r.subtract(b1); } return b0.subtract(r); } // ABS /** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to byte values. */ public static byte abs(byte b0) { return (byte) Math.abs(b0); } /** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to short values. */ public static short abs(short b0) { return (short) Math.abs(b0); } /** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int abs(int b0) { return Math.abs(b0); } /** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static long abs(long b0) { return Math.abs(b0); } /** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to float values. */ public static float abs(float b0) { return Math.abs(b0); } /** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double abs(double b0) { return Math.abs(b0); } /** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static BigDecimal abs(BigDecimal b0) { return b0.abs(); } // ACOS /** SQL <code>ACOS</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double acos(long b0) { return Math.acos(b0); } /** SQL <code>ACOS</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double acos(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.acos(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>ACOS</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double acos(double b0) { return Math.acos(b0); } // ASIN /** SQL <code>ASIN</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double asin(long b0) { return Math.asin(b0); } /** SQL <code>ASIN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double asin(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.asin(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>ASIN</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double asin(double b0) { return Math.asin(b0); } // ATAN /** SQL <code>ATAN</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double atan(long b0) { return Math.atan(b0); } /** SQL <code>ATAN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double atan(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.atan(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>ATAN</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double atan(double b0) { return Math.atan(b0); } // ATAN2 /** SQL <code>ATAN2</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double atan2(long b0, long b1) { return Math.atan2(b0, b1); } /** SQL <code>ATAN2</code> operator applied to long/BigDecimal values. */ public static double atan2(long b0, BigDecimal b1) { return Math.atan2(b0, b1.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>ATAN2</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double atan2(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) { return Math.atan2(b0.doubleValue(), b1.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>ATAN2</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double atan2(double b0, double b1) { return Math.atan2(b0, b1); } // COS /** SQL <code>COS</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double cos(long b0) { return Math.cos(b0); } /** SQL <code>COS</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double cos(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.cos(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>COS</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double cos(double b0) { return Math.cos(b0); } // COT /** SQL <code>COT</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double cot(long b0) { return 1.0d / Math.tan(b0); } /** SQL <code>COT</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double cot(BigDecimal b0) { return 1.0d / Math.tan(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>COT</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double cot(double b0) { return 1.0d / Math.tan(b0); } // DEGREES /** SQL <code>DEGREES</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double degrees(long b0) { return Math.toDegrees(b0); } /** SQL <code>DEGREES</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double degrees(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.toDegrees(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>DEGREES</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double degrees(double b0) { return Math.toDegrees(b0); } // RADIANS /** SQL <code>RADIANS</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double radians(long b0) { return Math.toRadians(b0); } /** SQL <code>RADIANS</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double radians(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.toRadians(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>RADIANS</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double radians(double b0) { return Math.toRadians(b0); } // SQL ROUND /** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static int sround(int b0, int b1) { return sround(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).intValue(); } /** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static long sround(long b0, int b1) { return sround(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).longValue(); } /** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static BigDecimal sround(BigDecimal b0, int b1) { return b0.movePointRight(b1).setScale(0, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).movePointLeft(b1); } /** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double sround(double b0, int b1) { return sround(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).doubleValue(); } // SQL TRUNCATE /** SQL <code>TRUNCATE</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int struncate(int b0, int b1) { return struncate(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).intValue(); } /** SQL <code>TRUNCATE</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static long struncate(long b0, int b1) { return struncate(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).longValue(); } /** SQL <code>TRUNCATE</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static BigDecimal struncate(BigDecimal b0, int b1) { return b0.movePointRight(b1).setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN).movePointLeft(b1); } /** SQL <code>TRUNCATE</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double struncate(double b0, int b1) { return struncate(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).doubleValue(); } // SIGN /** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to int values. */ public static int sign(int b0) { return Integer.signum(b0); } /** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static long sign(long b0) { return Long.signum(b0); } /** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static BigDecimal sign(BigDecimal b0) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(b0.signum()); } /** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double sign(double b0) { return Math.signum(b0); } // SIN /** SQL <code>SIN</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double sin(long b0) { return Math.sin(b0); } /** SQL <code>SIN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double sin(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.sin(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>SIN</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double sin(double b0) { return Math.sin(b0); } // TAN /** SQL <code>TAN</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static double tan(long b0) { return Math.tan(b0); } /** SQL <code>TAN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */ public static double tan(BigDecimal b0) { return Math.tan(b0.doubleValue()); } /** SQL <code>TAN</code> operator applied to double values. */ public static double tan(double b0) { return Math.tan(b0); } // Helpers /** Helper for implementing MIN. Somewhat similar to LEAST operator. */ public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T lesser(T b0, T b1) { return b0 == null || b0.compareTo(b1) > 0 ? b1 : b0; } /** LEAST operator. */ public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T least(T b0, T b1) { return b0 == null || b1 != null && b0.compareTo(b1) > 0 ? b1 : b0; } public static boolean greater(boolean b0, boolean b1) { return b0 || b1; } public static boolean lesser(boolean b0, boolean b1) { return b0 && b1; } public static byte greater(byte b0, byte b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1; } public static byte lesser(byte b0, byte b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0; } public static char greater(char b0, char b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1; } public static char lesser(char b0, char b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0; } public static short greater(short b0, short b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1; } public static short lesser(short b0, short b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0; } public static int greater(int b0, int b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1; } public static int lesser(int b0, int b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0; } public static long greater(long b0, long b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1; } public static long lesser(long b0, long b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0; } public static float greater(float b0, float b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1; } public static float lesser(float b0, float b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0; } public static double greater(double b0, double b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1; } public static double lesser(double b0, double b1) { return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0; } /** Helper for implementing MAX. Somewhat similar to GREATEST operator. */ public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T greater(T b0, T b1) { return b0 == null || b0.compareTo(b1) < 0 ? b1 : b0; } /** GREATEST operator. */ public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T greatest(T b0, T b1) { return b0 == null || b1 != null && b0.compareTo(b1) < 0 ? b1 : b0; } /** Boolean comparison. */ public static int compare(boolean x, boolean y) { return x == y ? 0 : x ? 1 : -1; } /** CAST(FLOAT AS VARCHAR). */ public static String toString(float x) { if (x == 0) { return "0E0"; } BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(x, MathContext.DECIMAL32).stripTrailingZeros(); final String s = bigDecimal.toString(); return s.replaceAll("0*E", "E").replace("E+", "E"); } /** CAST(DOUBLE AS VARCHAR). */ public static String toString(double x) { if (x == 0) { return "0E0"; } BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(x, MathContext.DECIMAL64).stripTrailingZeros(); final String s = bigDecimal.toString(); return s.replaceAll("0*E", "E").replace("E+", "E"); } /** CAST(DECIMAL AS VARCHAR). */ public static String toString(BigDecimal x) { final String s = x.toString(); if (s.startsWith("0")) { // we want ".1" not "0.1" return s.substring(1); } else if (s.startsWith("-0")) { // we want "-.1" not "-0.1" return "-" + s.substring(2); } else { return s; } } /** CAST(BOOLEAN AS VARCHAR). */ public static String toString(boolean x) { // Boolean.toString returns lower case -- no good. return x ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; } @NonDeterministic private static Object cannotConvert(Object o, Class toType) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot convert " + o + " to " + toType); } /** CAST(VARCHAR AS BOOLEAN). */ public static boolean toBoolean(String s) { s = trim_(s, true, true, ' '); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) { return true; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("FALSE")) { return false; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid character for cast"); } } public static boolean toBoolean(Number number) { return !number.equals(0); } public static boolean toBoolean(Object o) { return o instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) o : o instanceof Number ? toBoolean((Number) o) : o instanceof String ? toBoolean((String) o) : (Boolean) cannotConvert(o, boolean.class); } // Don't need parseByte etc. - Byte.parseByte is sufficient. public static byte toByte(Object o) { return o instanceof Byte ? (Byte) o : o instanceof Number ? toByte((Number) o) : Byte.parseByte(o.toString()); } public static byte toByte(Number number) { return number.byteValue(); } public static char toChar(String s) { return s.charAt(0); } public static Character toCharBoxed(String s) { return s.charAt(0); } public static short toShort(String s) { return Short.parseShort(s.trim()); } public static short toShort(Number number) { return number.shortValue(); } public static short toShort(Object o) { return o instanceof Short ? (Short) o : o instanceof Number ? toShort((Number) o) : o instanceof String ? toShort((String) o) : (Short) cannotConvert(o, short.class); } /** Converts the Java type used for UDF parameters of SQL DATE type * ({@link java.sql.Date}) to internal representation (int). * * <p>Converse of {@link #internalToDate(int)}. */ public static int toInt(java.util.Date v) { return toInt(v, LOCAL_TZ); } public static int toInt(java.util.Date v, TimeZone timeZone) { return (int) (toLong(v, timeZone) / DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); } public static Integer toIntOptional(java.util.Date v) { return v == null ? null : toInt(v); } public static Integer toIntOptional(java.util.Date v, TimeZone timeZone) { return v == null ? null : toInt(v, timeZone); } public static long toLong(Date v) { return toLong(v, LOCAL_TZ); } /** Converts the Java type used for UDF parameters of SQL TIME type * ({@link java.sql.Time}) to internal representation (int). * * <p>Converse of {@link #internalToTime(int)}. */ public static int toInt(java.sql.Time v) { return (int) (toLong(v) % DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); } public static Integer toIntOptional(java.sql.Time v) { return v == null ? null : toInt(v); } public static int toInt(String s) { return Integer.parseInt(s.trim()); } public static int toInt(Number number) { return number.intValue(); } public static int toInt(Object o) { return o instanceof Integer ? (Integer) o : o instanceof Number ? toInt((Number) o) : o instanceof String ? toInt((String) o) : o instanceof java.util.Date ? toInt((java.util.Date) o) : (Integer) cannotConvert(o, int.class); } /** Converts the Java type used for UDF parameters of SQL TIMESTAMP type * ({@link java.sql.Timestamp}) to internal representation (long). * * <p>Converse of {@link #internalToTimestamp(long)}. */ public static long toLong(Timestamp v) { return toLong(v, LOCAL_TZ); } // mainly intended for java.sql.Timestamp but works for other dates also public static long toLong(java.util.Date v, TimeZone timeZone) { final long time = v.getTime(); return time + timeZone.getOffset(time); } // mainly intended for java.sql.Timestamp but works for other dates also public static Long toLongOptional(java.util.Date v) { return v == null ? null : toLong(v, LOCAL_TZ); } public static Long toLongOptional(Timestamp v, TimeZone timeZone) { if (v == null) { return null; } return toLong(v, LOCAL_TZ); } public static long toLong(String s) { if (s.startsWith("199") && s.contains(":")) { return Timestamp.valueOf(s).getTime(); } return Long.parseLong(s.trim()); } public static long toLong(Number number) { return number.longValue(); } public static long toLong(Object o) { return o instanceof Long ? (Long) o : o instanceof Number ? toLong((Number) o) : o instanceof String ? toLong((String) o) : (Long) cannotConvert(o, long.class); } public static float toFloat(String s) { return Float.parseFloat(s.trim()); } public static float toFloat(Number number) { return number.floatValue(); } public static float toFloat(Object o) { return o instanceof Float ? (Float) o : o instanceof Number ? toFloat((Number) o) : o instanceof String ? toFloat((String) o) : (Float) cannotConvert(o, float.class); } public static double toDouble(String s) { return Double.parseDouble(s.trim()); } public static double toDouble(Number number) { return number.doubleValue(); } public static double toDouble(Object o) { return o instanceof Double ? (Double) o : o instanceof Number ? toDouble((Number) o) : o instanceof String ? toDouble((String) o) : (Double) cannotConvert(o, double.class); } public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(String s) { return new BigDecimal(s.trim()); } public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(Number number) { // There are some values of "long" that cannot be represented as "double". // Not so "int". If it isn't a long, go straight to double. return number instanceof BigDecimal ? (BigDecimal) number : number instanceof BigInteger ? new BigDecimal((BigInteger) number) : number instanceof Long ? new BigDecimal(number.longValue()) : new BigDecimal(number.doubleValue()); } public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(Object o) { return o instanceof Number ? toBigDecimal((Number) o) : toBigDecimal(o.toString()); } /** Converts the internal representation of a SQL DATE (int) to the Java * type used for UDF parameters ({@link java.sql.Date}). */ public static java.sql.Date internalToDate(int v) { final long t = v * DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY; return new java.sql.Date(t - LOCAL_TZ.getOffset(t)); } /** As {@link #internalToDate(int)} but allows nulls. */ public static java.sql.Date internalToDate(Integer v) { return v == null ? null : internalToDate(v.intValue()); } /** Converts the internal representation of a SQL TIME (int) to the Java * type used for UDF parameters ({@link java.sql.Time}). */ public static java.sql.Time internalToTime(int v) { return new java.sql.Time(v - LOCAL_TZ.getOffset(v)); } public static java.sql.Time internalToTime(Integer v) { return v == null ? null : internalToTime(v.intValue()); } /** Converts the internal representation of a SQL TIMESTAMP (long) to the Java * type used for UDF parameters ({@link java.sql.Timestamp}). */ public static java.sql.Timestamp internalToTimestamp(long v) { return new java.sql.Timestamp(v - LOCAL_TZ.getOffset(v)); } public static java.sql.Timestamp internalToTimestamp(Long v) { return v == null ? null : internalToTimestamp(v.longValue()); } // Don't need shortValueOf etc. - Short.valueOf is sufficient. /** Helper for CAST(... AS VARCHAR(maxLength)). */ public static String truncate(String s, int maxLength) { if (s == null) { return null; } else if (s.length() > maxLength) { return s.substring(0, maxLength); } else { return s; } } /** Helper for CAST(... AS CHAR(maxLength)). */ public static String truncateOrPad(String s, int maxLength) { if (s == null) { return null; } else { final int length = s.length(); if (length > maxLength) { return s.substring(0, maxLength); } else { return length < maxLength ? Spaces.padRight(s, maxLength) : s; } } } /** Helper for CAST(... AS VARBINARY(maxLength)). */ public static ByteString truncate(ByteString s, int maxLength) { if (s == null) { return null; } else if (s.length() > maxLength) { return s.substring(0, maxLength); } else { return s; } } /** Helper for CAST(... AS BINARY(maxLength)). */ public static ByteString truncateOrPad(ByteString s, int maxLength) { if (s == null) { return null; } else { final int length = s.length(); if (length > maxLength) { return s.substring(0, maxLength); } else if (length < maxLength) { return s.concat(new ByteString(new byte[maxLength - length])); } else { return s; } } } /** SQL {@code POSITION(seek IN string)} function. */ public static int position(String seek, String s) { return s.indexOf(seek) + 1; } /** SQL {@code POSITION(seek IN string)} function for byte strings. */ public static int position(ByteString seek, ByteString s) { return s.indexOf(seek) + 1; } /** SQL {@code POSITION(seek IN string FROM integer)} function. */ public static int position(String seek, String s, int from) { final int from0 = from - 1; // 0-based if (from0 > s.length() || from0 < 0) { return 0; } return s.indexOf(seek, from0) + 1; } /** SQL {@code POSITION(seek IN string FROM integer)} function for byte * strings. */ public static int position(ByteString seek, ByteString s, int from) { final int from0 = from - 1; if (from0 > s.length() || from0 < 0) { return 0; } // ByteString doesn't have indexOf(ByteString, int) until avatica-1.9 // (see [CALCITE-1423]), so apply substring and find from there. Bug.upgrade("in avatica-1.9, use ByteString.substring(ByteString, int)"); final int p = s.substring(from0).indexOf(seek); if (p < 0) { return 0; } return p + from; } /** Helper for rounding. Truncate(12345, 1000) returns 12000. */ public static long round(long v, long x) { return truncate(v + x / 2, x); } /** Helper for rounding. Truncate(12345, 1000) returns 12000. */ public static long truncate(long v, long x) { long remainder = v % x; if (remainder < 0) { remainder += x; } return v - remainder; } /** Helper for rounding. Truncate(12345, 1000) returns 12000. */ public static int round(int v, int x) { return truncate(v + x / 2, x); } /** Helper for rounding. Truncate(12345, 1000) returns 12000. */ public static int truncate(int v, int x) { int remainder = v % x; if (remainder < 0) { remainder += x; } return v - remainder; } /** SQL {@code CURRENT_TIMESTAMP} function. */ @NonDeterministic public static long currentTimestamp(DataContext root) { // Cast required for JDK 1.6. return (Long) DataContext.Variable.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.get(root); } /** SQL {@code CURRENT_TIME} function. */ @NonDeterministic public static int currentTime(DataContext root) { int time = (int) (currentTimestamp(root) % DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); if (time < 0) { time += DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY; } return time; } /** SQL {@code CURRENT_DATE} function. */ @NonDeterministic public static int currentDate(DataContext root) { final long timestamp = currentTimestamp(root); int date = (int) (timestamp / DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); final int time = (int) (timestamp % DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); if (time < 0) { --date; } return date; } /** SQL {@code LOCAL_TIMESTAMP} function. */ @NonDeterministic public static long localTimestamp(DataContext root) { // Cast required for JDK 1.6. return (Long) DataContext.Variable.LOCAL_TIMESTAMP.get(root); } /** SQL {@code LOCAL_TIME} function. */ @NonDeterministic public static int localTime(DataContext root) { return (int) (localTimestamp(root) % DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); } /** SQL {@code TRANSLATE(string, search_chars, replacement_chars)} * function. */ public static String translate3(String s, String search, String replacement) { return org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.replaceChars(s, search, replacement); } /** SQL {@code REPLACE(string, search, replacement)} function. */ public static String replace(String s, String search, String replacement) { return s.replace(search, replacement); } /** Helper for "array element reference". Caller has already ensured that * array and index are not null. Index is 1-based, per SQL. */ public static Object arrayItem(List list, int item) { if (item < 1 || item > list.size()) { return null; } return list.get(item - 1); } /** Helper for "map element reference". Caller has already ensured that * array and index are not null. Index is 1-based, per SQL. */ public static Object mapItem(Map map, Object item) { return map.get(item); } /** Implements the {@code [ ... ]} operator on an object whose type is not * known until runtime. */ public static Object item(Object object, Object index) { if (object instanceof Map) { return mapItem((Map) object, index); } if (object instanceof List && index instanceof Number) { return arrayItem((List) object, ((Number) index).intValue()); } return null; } /** As {@link #arrayItem} method, but allows array to be nullable. */ public static Object arrayItemOptional(List list, int item) { if (list == null) { return null; } return arrayItem(list, item); } /** As {@link #mapItem} method, but allows map to be nullable. */ public static Object mapItemOptional(Map map, Object item) { if (map == null) { return null; } return mapItem(map, item); } /** As {@link #item} method, but allows object to be nullable. */ public static Object itemOptional(Object object, Object index) { if (object == null) { return null; } return item(object, index); } /** NULL → FALSE, FALSE → FALSE, TRUE → TRUE. */ public static boolean isTrue(Boolean b) { return b != null && b; } /** NULL → FALSE, FALSE → TRUE, TRUE → FALSE. */ public static boolean isFalse(Boolean b) { return b != null && !b; } /** NULL → TRUE, FALSE → TRUE, TRUE → FALSE. */ public static boolean isNotTrue(Boolean b) { return b == null || !b; } /** NULL → TRUE, FALSE → FALSE, TRUE → TRUE. */ public static boolean isNotFalse(Boolean b) { return b == null || b; } /** NULL → NULL, FALSE → TRUE, TRUE → FALSE. */ public static Boolean not(Boolean b) { return (b == null) ? null : !b; } /** Converts a JDBC array to a list. */ public static List arrayToList(final java.sql.Array a) { if (a == null) { return null; } try { return Primitive.asList(a.getArray()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** Support the {@code CURRENT VALUE OF sequence} operator. */ @NonDeterministic public static long sequenceCurrentValue(String key) { return getAtomicLong(key).get(); } /** Support the {@code NEXT VALUE OF sequence} operator. */ @NonDeterministic public static long sequenceNextValue(String key) { return getAtomicLong(key).incrementAndGet(); } private static AtomicLong getAtomicLong(String key) { final Map<String, AtomicLong> map = THREAD_SEQUENCES.get(); AtomicLong atomic = map.get(key); if (atomic == null) { atomic = new AtomicLong(); map.put(key, atomic); } return atomic; } /** Support the SLICE function. */ public static List slice(List list) { return list; } /** Support the ELEMENT function. */ public static Object element(List list) { switch (list.size()) { case 0: return null; case 1: return list.get(0); default: throw new RuntimeException("more than one value"); } } public static Function1<Object, Enumerable<ComparableList<Comparable>>> flatProduct(final int[] fieldCounts, final boolean withOrdinality, final FlatProductInputType[] inputTypes) { if (fieldCounts.length == 1) { if (!withOrdinality && inputTypes[0] == FlatProductInputType.SCALAR) { //noinspection unchecked return (Function1) LIST_AS_ENUMERABLE; } else { return new Function1<Object, Enumerable<ComparableList<Comparable>>>() { public Enumerable<ComparableList<Comparable>> apply(Object row) { return p2(new Object[] { row }, fieldCounts, withOrdinality, inputTypes); } }; } } return new Function1<Object, Enumerable<FlatLists.ComparableList<Comparable>>>() { public Enumerable<FlatLists.ComparableList<Comparable>> apply(Object lists) { return p2((Object[]) lists, fieldCounts, withOrdinality, inputTypes); } }; } private static Enumerable<FlatLists.ComparableList<Comparable>> p2(Object[] lists, int[] fieldCounts, boolean withOrdinality, FlatProductInputType[] inputTypes) { final List<Enumerator<List<Comparable>>> enumerators = new ArrayList<>(); int totalFieldCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) { int fieldCount = fieldCounts[i]; FlatProductInputType inputType = inputTypes[i]; Object inputObject = lists[i]; switch (inputType) { case SCALAR: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Comparable> list = (List<Comparable>) inputObject; enumerators.add( Linq4j.transform(Linq4j.enumerator(list), new Function1<Comparable, List<Comparable>>() { public List<Comparable> apply(Comparable a0) { return FlatLists.of(a0); } })); break; case LIST: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<List<Comparable>> listList = (List<List<Comparable>>) inputObject; enumerators.add(Linq4j.enumerator(listList)); break; case MAP: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Comparable, Comparable> map = (Map<Comparable, Comparable>) inputObject; Enumerator<Entry<Comparable, Comparable>> enumerator = Linq4j.enumerator(map.entrySet()); Enumerator<List<Comparable>> transformed = Linq4j.transform(enumerator, new Function1<Entry<Comparable, Comparable>, List<Comparable>>() { public List<Comparable> apply(Entry<Comparable, Comparable> entry) { return FlatLists.<Comparable>of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } }); enumerators.add(transformed); break; default: break; } if (fieldCount < 0) { ++totalFieldCount; } else { totalFieldCount += fieldCount; } } if (withOrdinality) { ++totalFieldCount; } return product(enumerators, totalFieldCount, withOrdinality); } public static Object[] array(Object... args) { return args; } /** Similar to {@link Linq4j#product(Iterable)} but each resulting list * implements {@link FlatLists.ComparableList}. */ public static <E extends Comparable> Enumerable<FlatLists.ComparableList<E>> product( final List<Enumerator<List<E>>> enumerators, final int fieldCount, final boolean withOrdinality) { return new AbstractEnumerable<FlatLists.ComparableList<E>>() { public Enumerator<FlatLists.ComparableList<E>> enumerator() { return new ProductComparableListEnumerator<>(enumerators, fieldCount, withOrdinality); } }; } /** Adds a given number of months to a timestamp, represented as the number * of milliseconds since the epoch. */ public static long addMonths(long timestamp, int m) { final long millis = DateTimeUtils.floorMod(timestamp, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); timestamp -= millis; final long x = addMonths((int) (timestamp / DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY), m); return x * DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY + millis; } /** Adds a given number of months to a date, represented as the number of * days since the epoch. */ public static int addMonths(int date, int m) { int y0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.YEAR, date); int m0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.MONTH, date); int d0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.DAY, date); int y = m / 12; y0 += y; m0 += m - y * 12; int last = lastDay(y0, m0); if (d0 > last) { d0 = last; } return DateTimeUtils.ymdToUnixDate(y0, m0, d0); } private static int lastDay(int y, int m) { switch (m) { case 2: return y % 4 == 0 && (y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0) ? 29 : 28; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: return 30; default: return 31; } } /** Finds the number of months between two dates, each represented as the * number of days since the epoch. */ public static int subtractMonths(int date0, int date1) { if (date0 < date1) { return -subtractMonths(date1, date0); } // Start with an estimate. // Since no month has more than 31 days, the estimate is <= the true value. int m = (date0 - date1) / 31; for (;;) { int date2 = addMonths(date1, m); if (date2 >= date0) { return m; } int date3 = addMonths(date1, m + 1); if (date3 > date0) { return m; } ++m; } } public static int subtractMonths(long t0, long t1) { final long millis0 = DateTimeUtils.floorMod(t0, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); final int d0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.floorDiv(t0 - millis0, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); final long millis1 = DateTimeUtils.floorMod(t1, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); final int d1 = (int) DateTimeUtils.floorDiv(t1 - millis1, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY); int x = subtractMonths(d0, d1); final long d2 = addMonths(d1, x); if (d2 == d0 && millis0 < millis1) { --x; } return x; } /** Enumerates over the cartesian product of the given lists, returning * a comparable list for each row. */ private static class ProductComparableListEnumerator<E extends Comparable> extends CartesianProductEnumerator<List<E>, FlatLists.ComparableList<E>> { final E[] flatElements; final List<E> list; private final boolean withOrdinality; private int ordinality; ProductComparableListEnumerator(List<Enumerator<List<E>>> enumerators, int fieldCount, boolean withOrdinality) { super(enumerators); this.withOrdinality = withOrdinality; flatElements = (E[]) new Comparable[fieldCount]; list = Arrays.asList(flatElements); } public FlatLists.ComparableList<E> current() { int i = 0; for (Object element : (Object[]) elements) { final List list2 = (List) element; Object[] a = list2.toArray(); System.arraycopy(a, 0, flatElements, i, a.length); i += a.length; } if (withOrdinality) { flatElements[i] = (E) Integer.valueOf(++ordinality); // 1-based } return FlatLists.ofComparable(list); } } /** Type of argument passed into {@link #flatProduct}. */ public enum FlatProductInputType { SCALAR, LIST, MAP } } // End