Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009 Actuate Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.g2d; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.TexturePaint; import java.awt.geom.Arc2D; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ImageObserver; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.computation.IConstants; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.DeviceAdapter; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.FontUtil; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.IDeviceRenderer; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.IDisplayServer; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.ITextRenderer; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.extension.i18n.Messages; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.plugin.ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.ArcRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.AreaRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.ClipRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.ImageRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.LineRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.OvalRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.PolygonRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.PrimitiveRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.RectangleRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.TextRenderEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.event.TransformationEvent; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.exception.ChartException; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.log.ILogger; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.log.Logger; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Bounds; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.ColorDefinition; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.EmbeddedImage; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Fill; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Gradient; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.ImageSourceType; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.LineAttributes; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.LineStyle; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Location; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.PatternImage; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Position; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Size; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.impl.BoundsImpl; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.render.BaseRenderer; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.render.InteractiveRenderer; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.util.PatternImageUtil; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.util.PatternImageUtil.ByteColorModel; import org.eclipse.birt.chart.util.SecurityUtil; /** * The base class of all renderers which bases on java.awt.Graphics2D. */ public class G2dRendererBase extends DeviceAdapter { private static ILogger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.extension/g2d"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected IDisplayServer _ids; protected Graphics2D _g2d; protected InteractiveRenderer iv; protected ITextRenderer _tr = null; private final Map<LineAttributes, Stroke> _htLineStyles = new HashMap<LineAttributes, Stroke>(); /** * Make bounds height/width always positive. * * @param bo * @return */ protected static final Bounds normalizeBounds(Bounds bo) { if (bo.getHeight() < 0) { bo.setTop(bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); bo.setHeight(-bo.getHeight()); } if (bo.getWidth() < 0) { bo.setLeft(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth()); bo.setWidth(-bo.getWidth()); } return bo; } /** * In SWING, polygons are defined with 'int' co-ordinates. There is no * concept of a Polygon2D. As a result, we downgrade high-res 'double' * co-ordinates to 'int' co-ordinates. * * @param la * @return array of coordinates */ public static final int[][] getCoordinatesAsInts(Location[] la) { final int n = la.length; final int[] iaX = new int[n]; final int[] iaY = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { iaX[i] = (int) la[i].getX(); iaY[i] = (int) la[i].getY(); } return new int[][] { iaX, iaY }; } public static final double[][] getCoordinates(Location[] la) { final int n = la.length; final double[] iaX = new double[n]; final double[] iaY = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { iaX[i] = la[i].getX(); iaY[i] = la[i].getY(); } return new double[][] { iaX, iaY }; } public static Shape getPolygon2D(Location[] loa) { Path2D path = new Path2D.Double(); path.moveTo(loa[0].getX(), loa[0].getY()); for (int i = 1; i < loa.length; ++i) { path.lineTo(loa[i].getX(), loa[i].getY()); } path.closePath(); return path; } protected Shape getPolygon(Location loa[]) { final int[][] i2a = getCoordinatesAsInts(loa); return new Polygon(i2a[0], i2a[1], loa.length); } /** * * @param iArcStyle * @return */ protected static final int toG2dArcType(int iArcStyle) { switch (iArcStyle) { case ArcRenderEvent.OPEN: return Arc2D.OPEN; case ArcRenderEvent.CLOSED: return Arc2D.CHORD; case ArcRenderEvent.SECTOR: return Arc2D.PIE; } return -1; } /** * Reusable 'strokes' for rendering lines may be obtained from here * * @param ls * @return stroke */ public final Stroke getCachedStroke(LineAttributes lia) { if (lia == null) return null; Stroke s = _htLineStyles.get(lia); if (s == null) { BasicStroke bs = null; int thickness = lia.getThickness(); if (thickness == 0) { // Thickness can be zero, but dashed pattern can not be. thickness = 1; } if (lia.getStyle().getValue() == LineStyle.DASHED) { float[] faStyle = new float[] { 6 * thickness, 4 * thickness }; bs = new BasicStroke(lia.getThickness(), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, faStyle, 0); } else if (lia.getStyle().getValue() == LineStyle.DOTTED) { float[] faStyle = new float[] { thickness, 4 * thickness }; bs = new BasicStroke(lia.getThickness(), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, faStyle, 0); } else if (lia.getStyle().getValue() == LineStyle.DASH_DOTTED) { float[] faStyle = new float[] { 6 * thickness, 4 * thickness, thickness, 4 * thickness }; bs = new BasicStroke(lia.getThickness(), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, faStyle, 0); } else if (lia.getStyle().getValue() == LineStyle.SOLID) { bs = new BasicStroke(lia.getThickness(), BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); } if (bs != null) { _htLineStyles.put(lia, bs); } return bs; } return s; } private static Set<String> sLocalFontFamilyNamesSet = new HashSet<String>(); static { String[] fonts = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); sLocalFontFamilyNamesSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(fonts)); } private static Map<String, String> sLogicFontNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { sLogicFontNameMap.put(FontUtil.LOGIC_FONT_FAMILY_SERIF, "Serif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ sLogicFontNameMap.put(FontUtil.LOGIC_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF, "SansSerif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ sLogicFontNameMap.put(FontUtil.LOGIC_FONT_FAMILY_MONOSPACE, "Monospaced"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } @Override protected String convertFont(String fontFamily) { String localFont = sLogicFontNameMap.get(fontFamily); if (localFont == null) { localFont = fontFamily; } if (sLocalFontFamilyNamesSet.contains(localFont)) { return localFont.toLowerCase(); } return FontUtil.getFontFamily(fontFamily); } protected void prepareGraphicsContext() { _g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); _g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); getDisplayServer().setGraphicsContext(_g2d); } @Override public void setProperty(String sProperty, Object oValue) { if (sProperty.equals(IDeviceRenderer.GRAPHICS_CONTEXT)) { _g2d = (Graphics2D) oValue; prepareGraphicsContext(); } else if (sProperty.equals(IDeviceRenderer.DPI_RESOLUTION)) { getDisplayServer().setDpiResolution(((Integer) oValue).intValue()); } } @Override public Object getGraphicsContext() { return _g2d; } @Override public IDisplayServer getDisplayServer() { return _ids; } @Override public void setClip(ClipRenderEvent cre) { final Location[] loa = cre.getVertices(); if (loa == null) { _g2d.setClip(null); } else { _g2d.setClip(getPolygon(loa)); } } @Override public void drawImage(ImageRenderEvent ire) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(ire); } if (ire.getImage() == null || ire.getLocation() == null) { return; } java.awt.Image img = null; if (ire.getImage() instanceof EmbeddedImage) { try { byte[] data = Base64.decodeBase64(((EmbeddedImage) ire.getImage()).getData().getBytes()); img = createImage(data); } catch (Exception ilex) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, ilex); } } else if (ire.getImage().getSource() != ImageSourceType.FILE && ire.getImage().getSource() != ImageSourceType.REPORT) { try { final String sUrl = ire.getImage().getURL(); img = (java.awt.Image) _ids.loadImage(SecurityUtil.newURL(sUrl)); } catch (ChartException ilex) { // Ignore the invalid path, and log it only logger.log(new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, ilex)); } catch (MalformedURLException muex) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, muex); } } if (img == null) { return; } Location loc = ire.getLocation(); Position pos = ire.getPosition(); if (pos == null) { pos = Position.INSIDE_LITERAL; } ImageObserver io = (ImageObserver) _ids.getObserver(); final boolean bSizeSet = ire.getWidth() * ire.getHeight() > 0; int width = bSizeSet ? ire.getWidth() : img.getWidth(io); int height = bSizeSet ? ire.getHeight() : img.getHeight(io); int x = (int) loc.getX(); int y = (int) loc.getY(); switch (pos.getValue()) { case Position.INSIDE: case Position.OUTSIDE: x -= width / 2; y -= height / 2; break; case Position.LEFT: x -= width; y -= height / 2; break; case Position.RIGHT: y -= height / 2; break; case Position.ABOVE: x -= width / 2; y -= height; break; case Position.BELOW: x -= width / 2; break; } _g2d.drawImage(img, x, y, width, height, io); } @Override public void drawLine(LineRenderEvent lre) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(lre); } // CHECK IF THE LINE ATTRIBUTES ARE CORRECTLY DEFINED final LineAttributes lia = lre.getLineAttributes(); if (!validateLineAttributes(lre.getSource(), lia) || lia.getColor() == null) { return; } if (lia.getColor().isSetTransparency() && lia.getColor().getTransparency() == 0) { return; } // DRAW THE LINE final Location loStart = lre.getStart(); final Location loEnd = lre.getEnd(); // Location may be beyond integer range and need long time to // render if (!checkValidLocation(loStart) || !checkValidLocation(loEnd)) { return; } Stroke sPrevious = null, sCurrent = getCachedStroke(lia); if (sCurrent != null) // SOME STROKE DEFINED? { sPrevious = _g2d.getStroke(); _g2d.setStroke(sCurrent); } _g2d.setColor((Color) _ids.getColor(lia.getColor())); _g2d.draw(new Line2D.Double(loStart.getX(), loStart.getY(), loEnd.getX(), loEnd.getY())); if (sPrevious != null) // RESTORE PREVIOUS STROKE { _g2d.setStroke(sPrevious); } } protected boolean checkValidLocation(Location lo) { // If the location is out of integer range, it needs endless time to // render return lo.getX() < Integer.MAX_VALUE && lo.getX() > Integer.MIN_VALUE && lo.getY() < Integer.MAX_VALUE && lo.getY() > Integer.MIN_VALUE; } @Override public void drawRectangle(RectangleRenderEvent rre) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(rre); } // CHECK IF THE LINE ATTRIBUTES ARE CORRECTLY DEFINED final LineAttributes lia = rre.getOutline(); if (!validateLineAttributes(rre.getSource(), lia)) { return; } // SETUP THE FOREGROUND COLOR (DARKER BACKGROUND IF DEFINED AS NULL) final Color cFG = (Color) validateEdgeColor(lia.getColor(), rre.getBackground(), _ids); if (cFG == null || cFG.getAlpha() == 0) { return; } // RENDER THE RECTANGLE WITH THE APPROPRIATE LINE STYLE final Bounds bo = normalizeBounds(rre.getBounds()); Stroke sPrevious = null; Stroke sCurrent = getCachedStroke(lia); if (sCurrent != null) // SOME STROKE DEFINED? { sPrevious = _g2d.getStroke(); _g2d.setStroke(sCurrent); } _g2d.setColor(cFG); _g2d.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop(), bo.getWidth() - 1, bo.getHeight() - 1)); if (sPrevious != null) // RESTORE PREVIOUS STROKE { _g2d.setStroke(sPrevious); } } @Override public void fillRectangle(RectangleRenderEvent rre) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(rre); } final Fill flBackground = validateMultipleFill(rre.getBackground()); if (isFullTransparent(flBackground)) { return; } final Bounds bo = normalizeBounds(rre.getBounds()); final Rectangle2D.Double r2d = new Rectangle2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop(), bo.getWidth(), bo.getHeight()); if (flBackground instanceof ColorDefinition) { final ColorDefinition cd = (ColorDefinition) flBackground; _g2d.setColor((Color) _ids.getColor(cd)); _g2d.fill(r2d); } else if (flBackground instanceof Gradient) { final Gradient g = (Gradient) flBackground; final ColorDefinition cdStart = g.getStartColor(); final ColorDefinition cdEnd = g.getEndColor(); // boolean bCyclic = g.isCyclic(); double dAngleInDegrees = g.getDirection(); final double dAngleInRadians = ((-dAngleInDegrees * Math.PI) / 180.0); // int iAlpha = g.getTransparency(); if (dAngleInDegrees < -90 || dAngleInDegrees > 90) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, "SwingRendererImpl.exception.gradient.angle", //$NON-NLS-1$ new Object[] { new Double(dAngleInDegrees) }, Messages.getResourceBundle(getULocale())); } Point2D.Double p2dStart, p2dEnd; if (dAngleInDegrees == 90) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); } else if (dAngleInDegrees == -90) { p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); } else if (dAngleInDegrees > 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight() - bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else if (dAngleInDegrees < 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop() + bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop()); } _g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(p2dStart, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdStart), p2dEnd, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdEnd))); _g2d.fill(r2d); } else if (flBackground instanceof org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) { if (flBackground instanceof PatternImage) { fillWithPatternImage(new Area(r2d), flBackground); return; } java.awt.Image img = createImageFromModel(flBackground); if (img != null) { final Shape shClip = _g2d.getClip(); Area ar2 = new Area(r2d); if (shClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(shClip); ar2.intersect(ar1); } _g2d.setClip(ar2); img = scaleImage(img); final Size szImage = _ids.getSize(img); int iXRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil(r2d.width / szImage.getWidth())); int iYRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil(r2d.height / szImage.getHeight())); ImageObserver io = (ImageObserver) _ids.getObserver(); for (int i = 0; i < iXRepeat; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iYRepeat; j++) { _g2d.drawImage(img, (int) (r2d.x + i * szImage.getWidth()), (int) (r2d.y + j * szImage.getHeight()), io); } } _g2d.setClip(shClip); // RESTORE } } } @Override public void drawPolygon(PolygonRenderEvent pre) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(pre); } // CHECK IF THE LINE ATTRIBUTES ARE CORRECTLY DEFINED final LineAttributes lia = pre.getOutline(); if (!validateLineAttributes(pre.getSource(), lia)) { return; } // SETUP THE FOREGROUND COLOR (DARKER BACKGROUND IF DEFINED AS NULL) final Color cFG = (Color) validateEdgeColor(lia.getColor(), pre.getBackground(), _ids); if (cFG == null || cFG.getAlpha() == 0) { return; } // DRAW THE POLYGON final Location[] la = pre.getPoints(); Stroke sPrevious = null; final Stroke sCurrent = getCachedStroke(lia); if (sCurrent != null) // SOME STROKE DEFINED? { sPrevious = _g2d.getStroke(); _g2d.setStroke(sCurrent); } _g2d.setColor(cFG); _g2d.draw(getPolygon(la)); if (sPrevious != null) // RESTORE PREVIOUS STROKE { _g2d.setStroke(sPrevious); } } @Override public void fillPolygon(PolygonRenderEvent pre) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(pre); } final Fill flBackground = validateMultipleFill(pre.getBackground()); if (isFullTransparent(flBackground)) { return; } final Location[] loa = pre.getPoints(); final int[][] i2a = getCoordinatesAsInts(loa); if (flBackground instanceof ColorDefinition) { final ColorDefinition cd = (ColorDefinition) flBackground; _g2d.setColor((Color) _ids.getColor(cd)); _g2d.fill(getPolygon(loa)); } else if (flBackground instanceof Gradient) { final Gradient g = (Gradient) flBackground; final ColorDefinition cdStart = g.getStartColor(); final ColorDefinition cdEnd = g.getEndColor(); // final boolean bRadial = g.isCyclic(); final double dAngleInDegrees = g.getDirection(); final double dAngleInRadians = ((-dAngleInDegrees * Math.PI) / 180.0); // final int iAlpha = g.getTransparency(); final double dMinX = BaseRenderer.getX(loa, IConstants.MIN); final double dMaxX = BaseRenderer.getX(loa, IConstants.MAX); final double dMinY = BaseRenderer.getY(loa, IConstants.MIN); final double dMaxY = BaseRenderer.getY(loa, IConstants.MAX); if (dAngleInDegrees < -90 || dAngleInDegrees > 90) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, "SwingRendererImpl.exception.gradient.angle", //$NON-NLS-1$ new Object[] { new Double(dAngleInDegrees) }, Messages.getResourceBundle(getULocale())); } Point2D.Double p2dStart, p2dEnd; if (dAngleInDegrees == 90) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(dMinX, dMaxY); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(dMinX, dMinY); } else if (dAngleInDegrees == -90) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(dMinX, dMinY); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(dMinX, dMaxY); } else if (dAngleInDegrees > 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(dMinX, dMaxY); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(dMaxX, dMaxY - (dMaxX - dMinX) * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else if (dAngleInDegrees < 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(dMinX, dMinY); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(dMaxX, dMinY + (dMaxX - dMinX) * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(dMinX, dMinY); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(dMaxX, dMinY); } _g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(p2dStart, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdStart), p2dEnd, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdEnd))); _g2d.fill(getPolygon(loa)); } else if (flBackground instanceof org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) { Area ar2 = new Area(new Polygon(i2a[0], i2a[1], loa.length)); if (flBackground instanceof PatternImage) { fillWithPatternImage(ar2, flBackground); return; } java.awt.Image img = createImageFromModel(flBackground); if (img != null) { final Shape shClip = _g2d.getClip(); if (shClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(shClip); ar2.intersect(ar1); } _g2d.setClip(ar2); final double dMinX = BaseRenderer.getX(loa, IConstants.MIN); final double dMaxX = BaseRenderer.getX(loa, IConstants.MAX); final double dMinY = BaseRenderer.getY(loa, IConstants.MIN); final double dMaxY = BaseRenderer.getY(loa, IConstants.MAX); final Size szImage = _ids.getSize(img); final int iXRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil((dMaxX - dMinX) / szImage.getWidth())); final int iYRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil((dMaxY - dMinY) / szImage.getHeight())); final ImageObserver io = (ImageObserver) _ids.getObserver(); for (int i = 0; i < iXRepeat; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iYRepeat; j++) { _g2d.drawImage(img, (int) (dMinX + i * szImage.getWidth()), (int) (dMinY + j * szImage.getHeight()), io); } } _g2d.setClip(shClip); // RESTORE } } } @Override public void drawArc(ArcRenderEvent are) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(are); } // CHECK IF THE LINE ATTRIBUTES ARE CORRECTLY DEFINED final LineAttributes lia = are.getOutline(); if (!validateLineAttributes(are.getSource(), lia)) { return; } // SETUP THE FOREGROUND COLOR (DARKER BACKGROUND IF DEFINED AS NULL) final Color cFG = (Color) validateEdgeColor(lia.getColor(), are.getBackground(), _ids); if (cFG == null || cFG.getAlpha() == 0) { return; } // DRAW THE ARC Stroke sPrevious = null; Stroke sCurrent = getCachedStroke(lia); if (sCurrent != null) // SOME STROKE DEFINED? { sPrevious = _g2d.getStroke(); _g2d.setStroke(sCurrent); } _g2d.setColor(cFG); if ((are.getInnerRadius() >= 0 && are.getOuterRadius() > 0 && are.getInnerRadius() < are.getOuterRadius()) || (are.getInnerRadius() > 0 && are.getOuterRadius() <= 0)) { Bounds rctOuter = getOuterRectangle(are); Bounds rctInner = getInnerRectangle(are); Shape outerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctOuter.getLeft(), rctOuter.getTop(), rctOuter.getWidth(), rctOuter.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.OPEN); Shape innerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctInner.getLeft(), rctInner.getTop(), rctInner.getWidth(), rctInner.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle() + are.getAngleExtent(), -are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.OPEN); double startAngle = Math.toRadians(-are.getStartAngle()); double stopAngle = Math.toRadians(-are.getStartAngle() - are.getAngleExtent()); double xsOuter = (rctOuter.getLeft() + (Math.cos(startAngle) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rctOuter.getWidth()); double ysOuter = (rctOuter.getTop() + (Math.sin(startAngle) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rctOuter.getHeight()); double xeInner = (rctInner.getLeft() + (Math.cos(stopAngle) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rctInner.getWidth()); double yeInner = (rctInner.getTop() + (Math.sin(stopAngle) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rctInner.getHeight()); GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); gp.append(outerArc, false); gp.lineTo((float) xeInner, (float) yeInner); gp.append(innerArc, false); gp.lineTo((float) xsOuter, (float) ysOuter); Area area = new Area(gp); Shape prevClip = _g2d.getClip(); Area ar2 = new Area(area); if (prevClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(prevClip); ar2.intersect(ar1); } _g2d.setClip(ar2); _g2d.draw(area); _g2d.setClip(prevClip); } else { _g2d.draw(new Arc2D.Double(are.getTopLeft().getX(), are.getTopLeft().getY(), are.getWidth(), are.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), toG2dArcType(are.getStyle()))); } if (sPrevious != null) // RESTORE PREVIOUS STROKE { _g2d.setStroke(sPrevious); } } protected Bounds getOuterRectangle(ArcRenderEvent are) { Bounds rctOuter; if (are.getOuterRadius() > 0) { double radio = are.getHeight() / are.getWidth(); rctOuter = BoundsImpl.create(are.getTopLeft().getX() + (are.getWidth() - 2 * are.getOuterRadius()) / 2, are.getTopLeft().getY() + (are.getHeight() - 2 * are.getOuterRadius() * radio) / 2, 2 * are.getOuterRadius(), 2 * are.getOuterRadius() * radio); } else { rctOuter = BoundsImpl.create(are.getTopLeft().getX(), are.getTopLeft().getY(), are.getWidth(), are.getHeight()); } return rctOuter; } protected Bounds getInnerRectangle(ArcRenderEvent are) { Bounds rctInner; if (are.getInnerRadius() > 0) { double radio = are.getHeight() / are.getWidth(); rctInner = BoundsImpl.create(are.getTopLeft().getX() + (are.getWidth() - 2 * are.getInnerRadius()) / 2, are.getTopLeft().getY() + (are.getHeight() - 2 * are.getInnerRadius() * radio) / 2, 2 * are.getInnerRadius(), 2 * are.getInnerRadius() * radio); } else { rctInner = BoundsImpl.create(are.getTopLeft().getX() + (are.getWidth() - 2 * are.getInnerRadius()) / 2, are.getTopLeft().getY() + (are.getHeight() - 2 * are.getInnerRadius()) / 2, 2 * are.getInnerRadius(), 2 * are.getInnerRadius()); } return rctInner; } @Override public void fillArc(ArcRenderEvent are) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(are); } final Fill flBackground = validateMultipleFill(are.getBackground()); if (isFullTransparent(flBackground)) { return; } if (flBackground instanceof ColorDefinition) { final ColorDefinition cl = (ColorDefinition) flBackground; final Color clrPrevious = _g2d.getColor(); final Color currentColor = (Color) _ids.getColor(cl); _g2d.setColor(currentColor); if ((are.getInnerRadius() >= 0 && are.getOuterRadius() > 0 && are.getInnerRadius() < are.getOuterRadius()) || (are.getInnerRadius() > 0 && are.getOuterRadius() <= 0)) { Bounds rctOuter = getOuterRectangle(are); Bounds rctInner = getInnerRectangle(are); Shape outerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctOuter.getLeft(), rctOuter.getTop(), rctOuter.getWidth(), rctOuter.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.PIE); Shape innerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctInner.getLeft(), rctInner.getTop(), rctInner.getWidth(), rctInner.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.PIE); Area fArea = new Area(outerArc); fArea.exclusiveOr(new Area(innerArc)); Shape prevClip = _g2d.getClip(); Area ar2 = new Area(fArea); if (prevClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(prevClip); ar2.intersect(ar1); } _g2d.setClip(ar2); _g2d.fill(fArea); _g2d.setClip(prevClip); } else { _g2d.fill(new Arc2D.Double(are.getTopLeft().getX(), are.getTopLeft().getY(), are.getWidth(), are.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), toG2dArcType(are.getStyle()))); } _g2d.setColor(clrPrevious); // RESTORE } else if (flBackground instanceof Gradient) { final Gradient g = (Gradient) flBackground; final ColorDefinition cdStart = g.getStartColor(); final ColorDefinition cdEnd = g.getEndColor(); double dAngleInDegrees = g.getDirection(); final double dAngleInRadians = ((-dAngleInDegrees * Math.PI) / 180.0); Bounds bo = are.getBounds(); if (dAngleInDegrees < -90 || dAngleInDegrees > 90) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, "SwingRendererImpl.exception.gradient.angle", //$NON-NLS-1$ new Object[] { new Double(dAngleInDegrees) }, Messages.getResourceBundle(getULocale())); } Point2D.Double p2dStart, p2dEnd; if (dAngleInDegrees == 90) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); } else if (dAngleInDegrees == -90) { p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); } else if (dAngleInDegrees > 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight() - bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else if (dAngleInDegrees < 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop() + bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop()); } final Paint pPrevious = _g2d.getPaint(); _g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(p2dStart, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdStart), p2dEnd, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdEnd))); if ((are.getInnerRadius() >= 0 && are.getOuterRadius() > 0 && are.getInnerRadius() < are.getOuterRadius()) || (are.getInnerRadius() > 0 && are.getOuterRadius() <= 0)) { Bounds rctOuter = getOuterRectangle(are); Bounds rctInner = getInnerRectangle(are); Shape outerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctOuter.getLeft(), rctOuter.getTop(), rctOuter.getWidth(), rctOuter.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.PIE); Shape innerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctInner.getLeft(), rctInner.getTop(), rctInner.getWidth(), rctInner.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.PIE); Area fArea = new Area(outerArc); fArea.exclusiveOr(new Area(innerArc)); Shape prevClip = _g2d.getClip(); Area ar2 = new Area(fArea); if (prevClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(prevClip); ar2.intersect(ar1); } _g2d.setClip(ar2); _g2d.fill(fArea); _g2d.setClip(prevClip); } else { _g2d.fill(new Arc2D.Double(are.getTopLeft().getX(), are.getTopLeft().getY(), are.getWidth(), are.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), toG2dArcType(are.getStyle()))); } _g2d.setPaint(pPrevious); // RESTORE } else if (flBackground instanceof org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) { final Bounds bo = are.getBounds(); final Rectangle2D.Double r2d = new Rectangle2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop(), bo.getWidth(), bo.getHeight()); Shape shPreviousClip = _g2d.getClip(); Area ar = null; if ((are.getInnerRadius() >= 0 && are.getOuterRadius() > 0 && are.getInnerRadius() < are.getOuterRadius()) || (are.getInnerRadius() > 0 && are.getOuterRadius() <= 0)) { Bounds rctOuter = getOuterRectangle(are); Bounds rctInner = getInnerRectangle(are); Shape outerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctOuter.getLeft(), rctOuter.getTop(), rctOuter.getWidth(), rctOuter.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.PIE); Shape innerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctInner.getLeft(), rctInner.getTop(), rctInner.getWidth(), rctInner.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.PIE); Area fArea = new Area(outerArc); fArea.exclusiveOr(new Area(innerArc)); if (shPreviousClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(shPreviousClip); fArea.intersect(ar1); } // _g2d.setClip( fArea ); ar = fArea; } else { // SETUP THE CLIPPING AREA final Shape shArc = new Arc2D.Double(are.getTopLeft().getX(), are.getTopLeft().getY(), are.getWidth(), are.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), toG2dArcType(are.getStyle())); Area ar2 = new Area(shArc); if (shPreviousClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(shPreviousClip); ar2.intersect(ar1); } // _g2d.setClip( ar2 ); ar = ar2; } if (flBackground instanceof PatternImage) { fillWithPatternImage(new Area(ar), flBackground); return; } _g2d.setClip(ar); // LOAD THE IMAGE java.awt.Image img = createImageFromModel(flBackground); if (img != null) { // REPLICATE THE IMAGE AS NEEDED final Size szImage = _ids.getSize(img); int iXRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil(r2d.width / szImage.getWidth())); int iYRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil(r2d.height / szImage.getHeight())); ImageObserver io = (ImageObserver) _ids.getObserver(); for (int i = 0; i < iXRepeat; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iYRepeat; j++) { _g2d.drawImage(img, (int) (r2d.x + i * szImage.getWidth()), (int) (r2d.y + j * szImage.getHeight()), io); } } } _g2d.setClip(shPreviousClip); // RESTORE } } protected Image createImage(byte[] data) { try { return ByteArrayInputStream(data)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(e); } return null; } protected java.awt.Image createImageFromModel(Fill imageModel) throws ChartException { java.awt.Image img = null; if (imageModel instanceof EmbeddedImage) { try { byte[] data = Base64.decodeBase64(((EmbeddedImage) imageModel).getData().getBytes()); img = createImage(data); } catch (Exception ilex) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, ilex); } } else if (imageModel instanceof PatternImage) { PatternImage pi = (PatternImage) imageModel; byte[] data = PatternImageUtil.createImageData(pi, ByteColorModel.RGBA); BufferedImage bimg = new BufferedImage(8, 8, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); img = bimg; WritableRaster raster = bimg.getRaster(); raster.setDataElements(0, 0, 8, 8, data); bimg.flush(); } else if (imageModel instanceof org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) { if (((org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) imageModel).getSource() == ImageSourceType.STATIC) { try { final String sUrl = ((org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) imageModel).getURL(); img = (java.awt.Image) _ids.loadImage(SecurityUtil.newURL(sUrl)); } catch (ChartException ilex) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, ilex); } catch (MalformedURLException muex) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, muex); } } } return img; } /** * Scales image according to output DPI. If 96, do not need to scale * * @param img * @return */ private java.awt.Image scaleImage(java.awt.Image img) { if (this._ids.getDpiResolution() == 96) { // Do not scale in normal dpi return img; } double scale = this._ids.getDpiResolution() / 96d; int newWidth = (int) (img.getWidth((ImageObserver) getDisplayServer().getObserver()) * scale); int newHeight = (int) (img.getHeight((ImageObserver) getDisplayServer().getObserver()) * scale); return img.getScaledInstance(newWidth, newHeight, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); } protected BufferedImage convertPatternImage(java.awt.Image img) { if (img instanceof BufferedImage) { return (BufferedImage) img; } return null; } protected void fillWithPatternImage(Shape shape, Fill fill) throws ChartException { java.awt.Image img = createImageFromModel(fill); BufferedImage bimg = convertPatternImage(img); if (bimg != null) { _g2d.setPaint(new TexturePaint(bimg, new Rectangle(0, 0, bimg.getWidth(), bimg.getHeight()))); _g2d.fill(shape); } } @Override public void drawArea(AreaRenderEvent are) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(are); } // CHECK IF THE LINE ATTRIBUTES ARE CORRECTLY DEFINED final LineAttributes lia = are.getOutline(); if (!validateLineAttributes(are.getSource(), lia)) { return; } // SETUP THE FOREGROUND COLOR (DARKER BACKGROUND IF DEFINED AS NULL) final Color cFG = (Color) validateEdgeColor(lia.getColor(), are.getBackground(), _ids); // IF UNDEFINED OR TOTALLY TRANSPARENT, EXIT if (cFG == null || cFG.getAlpha() == 0) { return; } // BUILD THE GENERAL PATH STRUCTURE final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); PrimitiveRenderEvent pre; for (int i = 0; i < are.getElementCount(); i++) { pre = are.getElement(i); if (pre instanceof ArcRenderEvent) { final ArcRenderEvent acre = (ArcRenderEvent) pre; final Arc2D.Double a2d = new Arc2D.Double(acre.getTopLeft().getX(), acre.getTopLeft().getY(), acre.getWidth(), acre.getHeight(), acre.getStartAngle(), acre.getAngleExtent(), toG2dArcType(acre.getStyle())); gp.append(a2d, true); } else if (pre instanceof LineRenderEvent) { final LineRenderEvent lre = (LineRenderEvent) pre; final Line2D.Double l2d = new Line2D.Double(lre.getStart().getX(), lre.getStart().getY(), lre.getEnd().getX(), lre.getEnd().getY()); gp.append(l2d, true); } } // DRAW THE GENERAL PATH Stroke sPrevious = null; Stroke sCurrent = getCachedStroke(lia); if (sCurrent != null) // SOME STROKE DEFINED? { sPrevious = _g2d.getStroke(); _g2d.setStroke(sCurrent); } _g2d.setColor(cFG); _g2d.draw(gp); if (sPrevious != null) // RESTORE PREVIOUS STROKE { _g2d.setStroke(sPrevious); } } @Override public void fillArea(AreaRenderEvent are) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(are); } final Fill flBackground = validateMultipleFill(are.getBackground()); if (isFullTransparent(flBackground)) { return; } // SETUP SWING DATA STRUCTURES final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); PrimitiveRenderEvent pre; for (int i = 0; i < are.getElementCount(); i++) { pre = are.getElement(i); if (pre instanceof ArcRenderEvent) { final ArcRenderEvent acre = (ArcRenderEvent) pre; final Arc2D.Double a2d = new Arc2D.Double(acre.getTopLeft().getX(), acre.getTopLeft().getY(), acre.getWidth(), acre.getHeight(), acre.getStartAngle(), acre.getAngleExtent(), toG2dArcType(acre.getStyle())); gp.append(a2d, true); } else if (pre instanceof LineRenderEvent) { final LineRenderEvent lre = (LineRenderEvent) pre; final Line2D.Double l2d = new Line2D.Double(lre.getStart().getX(), lre.getStart().getY(), lre.getEnd().getX(), lre.getEnd().getY()); gp.append(l2d, true); } } // BEGIN FILLING if (flBackground instanceof ColorDefinition) { _g2d.setColor((Color) _ids.getColor((ColorDefinition) flBackground)); } else if (flBackground instanceof Gradient) { final Gradient g = (Gradient) flBackground; final ColorDefinition cdStart = g.getStartColor(); final ColorDefinition cdEnd = g.getEndColor(); // boolean bCyclic = g.isCyclic(); double dAngleInDegrees = g.getDirection(); final double dAngleInRadians = ((-dAngleInDegrees * Math.PI) / 180.0); // int iAlpha = g.getTransparency(); Bounds bo = are.getBounds(); /* * if (bCyclic) { } */ if (dAngleInDegrees < -90 || dAngleInDegrees > 90) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, "SwingRendererImpl.exception.gradient.angle", //$NON-NLS-1$ new Object[] { new Double(dAngleInDegrees) }, Messages.getResourceBundle(getULocale())); } Point2D.Double p2dStart, p2dEnd; if (dAngleInDegrees == 90) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); } else if (dAngleInDegrees == -90) { p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); } else if (dAngleInDegrees > 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight() - bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else if (dAngleInDegrees < 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop() + bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop()); } _g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(p2dStart, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdStart), p2dEnd, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdEnd))); } else if (flBackground instanceof org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) { // TODO TBD } _g2d.fill(gp); } @Override public void drawOval(OvalRenderEvent ore) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(ore); } // CHECK IF THE LINE ATTRIBUTES ARE CORRECTLY DEFINED final LineAttributes lia = ore.getOutline(); if (!validateLineAttributes(ore.getSource(), lia)) { return; } // SETUP THE FOREGROUND COLOR (DARKER BACKGROUND IF DEFINED AS NULL) final Color cFG = (Color) validateEdgeColor(lia.getColor(), ore.getBackground(), _ids); if (cFG == null || cFG.getAlpha() == 0) { return; } // RENDER THE ELLIPSE WITH THE APPROPRIATE LINE STYLE final Bounds bo = ore.getBounds(); final Ellipse2D.Double e2d = new Ellipse2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop(), bo.getWidth(), bo.getHeight()); Stroke sPrevious = null; Stroke sCurrent = getCachedStroke(lia); if (sCurrent != null) // SOME STROKE DEFINED? { sPrevious = _g2d.getStroke(); _g2d.setStroke(sCurrent); } _g2d.setColor(cFG); _g2d.draw(e2d); if (sPrevious != null) // RESTORE PREVIOUS STROKE { _g2d.setStroke(sPrevious); } } @Override public void fillOval(OvalRenderEvent ore) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(ore); } final Fill flBackground = validateMultipleFill(ore.getBackground()); if (isFullTransparent(flBackground)) { return; } final Bounds bo = ore.getBounds(); final Ellipse2D.Double e2d = new Ellipse2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop(), bo.getWidth(), bo.getHeight()); if (flBackground instanceof ColorDefinition) { final ColorDefinition cd = (ColorDefinition) flBackground; _g2d.setColor((Color) _ids.getColor(cd)); _g2d.fill(e2d); } else if (flBackground instanceof Gradient) { final Gradient g = (Gradient) flBackground; final ColorDefinition cdStart = g.getStartColor(); final ColorDefinition cdEnd = g.getEndColor(); // boolean bCyclic = g.isCyclic(); double dAngleInDegrees = g.getDirection(); final double dAngleInRadians = ((-dAngleInDegrees * Math.PI) / 180.0); if (dAngleInDegrees < -90 || dAngleInDegrees > 90) { throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, "SwingRendererImpl.exception.gradient.angle", //$NON-NLS-1$ new Object[] { new Double(dAngleInDegrees) }, Messages.getResourceBundle(getULocale())); } Point2D.Double p2dStart, p2dEnd; if (dAngleInDegrees == 90) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); } else if (dAngleInDegrees == -90) { p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); } else if (dAngleInDegrees > 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop() + bo.getHeight() - bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else if (dAngleInDegrees < 0) { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop() + bo.getWidth() * Math.abs(Math.tan(dAngleInRadians))); } else { p2dStart = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft(), bo.getTop()); p2dEnd = new Point2D.Double(bo.getLeft() + bo.getWidth(), bo.getTop()); } _g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(p2dStart, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdStart), p2dEnd, (Color) _ids.getColor(cdEnd))); _g2d.fill(e2d); } else if (flBackground instanceof org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Image) { Area ar2 = new Area(e2d); if (flBackground instanceof PatternImage) { fillWithPatternImage(ar2, flBackground); return; } java.awt.Image img = createImageFromModel(flBackground); if (img != null) { final Shape shClip = _g2d.getClip(); if (shClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(shClip); ar2.intersect(ar1); } _g2d.setClip(ar2); final Size szImage = _ids.getSize(img); int iXRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil(e2d.width / szImage.getWidth())); int iYRepeat = (int) (Math.ceil(e2d.height / szImage.getHeight())); ImageObserver io = (ImageObserver) _ids.getObserver(); for (int i = 0; i < iXRepeat; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iYRepeat; j++) { _g2d.drawImage(img, (int) (e2d.x + i * szImage.getWidth()), (int) (e2d.y + j * szImage.getHeight()), io); } } _g2d.setClip(shClip); // RESTORE } } } @Override public void drawText(TextRenderEvent tre) throws ChartException { String fontName = convertFont(tre.getLabel().getCaption().getFont().getName()); if (fontName != null) { tre.getLabel().getCaption().getFont().setName(fontName); } if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(tre); } if (!tre.getLabel().isVisible()) return; switch (tre.getAction()) { case TextRenderEvent.UNDEFINED: throw new ChartException(ChartDeviceExtensionPlugin.ID, ChartException.RENDERING, "SwingRendererImpl.exception.missing.text.render.action", //$NON-NLS-1$ Messages.getResourceBundle(getULocale())); case TextRenderEvent.RENDER_SHADOW_AT_LOCATION: _tr.renderShadowAtLocation(this, tre.getTextPosition(), tre.getLocation(), tre.getLabel()); break; case TextRenderEvent.RENDER_TEXT_AT_LOCATION: _tr.renderTextAtLocation(this, tre.getTextPosition(), tre.getLocation(), tre.getLabel()); break; case TextRenderEvent.RENDER_TEXT_IN_BLOCK: _tr.renderTextInBlock(this, tre.getBlockBounds(), tre.getBlockAlignment(), tre.getLabel()); break; } } @Override public void applyTransformation(TransformationEvent tev) throws ChartException { switch (tev.getTransform()) { case TransformationEvent.TRANSLATE: _g2d.translate(tev.getTranslateX(), tev.getTranslateY()); break; case TransformationEvent.ROTATE: _g2d.rotate((tev.getRotation() * Math.PI) / 180d); break; case TransformationEvent.SCALE: _g2d.scale(tev.getScale(), tev.getScale()); break; } } @Override public void dispose() { if (_ids != null) { _ids.dispose(); _ids = null; } if (_g2d != null) { _g2d.dispose(); _g2d = null; } } }