List of usage examples for java.lang Math asin
public static double asin(double a)
From source
public double CalculationByDistance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { double Radius = EARTH_RADIUS; double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1); double dLon = Math.toRadians(lon2 - lon1); double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2); double c = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); return Radius * c; }
From source
@Override public void onStart(final ConnectedNode connectedNode) { // load OpenCV shared library System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); // read configuration variables from the ROS Runtime (configured in the // launch file) log = connectedNode.getLog();/*from ww w . j ava 2 s.c om*/"Reading parameters"); this.parameter = Parameter.createFromParameterTree(connectedNode.getParameterTree()); // Read Marker Config markerConfig = MarkerConfig.createFromConfig(parameter.markerConfigFile(), parameter.patternDirectory()); // setup rotation vector and translation vector storing output of the // localization rvec = new Mat(3, 1, CvType.CV_64F); tvec = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); camp = getCameraInfo(connectedNode, parameter); // start to listen to transform messages in /tf in order to feed the // Transformer and lookup transforms final TransformationService transformationService = TransformationService.create(connectedNode); // Subscribe to Image Subscriber<sensor_msgs.Image> subscriberToImage = connectedNode.newSubscriber(parameter.cameraImageTopic(), sensor_msgs.Image._TYPE); ComputePose computePose = null; try { final Mat cameraMatrix = CameraParams.getCameraMatrix(camp); final MatOfDouble distCoeffs = CameraParams.getDistCoeffs(camp); computePose = ComputePose.create(markerConfig, new Size(camp.width(), camp.height()), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, this.parameter.visualization()); } catch (NyARException e) {"Cannot initialize ComputePose", e); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"Cannot find file when initialize ComputePose", e); } final ComputePose poseProcessor = computePose; subscriberToImage.addMessageListener(new MessageListener<sensor_msgs.Image>() { @Override public void onNewMessage(sensor_msgs.Image message) { // if (!message.getEncoding().toLowerCase().equals("rgb8")) { log.error("Sorry, " + message.getEncoding() + " Image encoding is not supported! EXITING"); System.exit(-1); } if (camp != null) { try { // image = Utils.matFromImage(message); // uncomment to add more contrast to the image //Utils.tresholdContrastBlackWhite(image, 600); Imgproc.threshold(image, image, 200, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY); // Mat cannyimg = new Mat(image.height(), image.width(), // CvType.CV_8UC3); // Imgproc.Canny(image, cannyimg, 10, 100); //; // image.convertTo(image, -1, 1.5, 0); // setup camera matrix and return vectors // compute pose if (poseProcessor.computePose(rvec, tvec, image)) { // notify publisher threads (pose and tf, see below) synchronized (tvec) { tvec.notifyAll(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }); // publish tf CAMERA_FRAME_NAME --> MARKER_FRAME_NAME final Publisher<tf2_msgs.TFMessage> tfPublisherCamToMarker = connectedNode.newPublisher("tf", tf2_msgs.TFMessage._TYPE); connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() { @Override protected void loop() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (tvec) { tvec.wait(); } QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper(); /* * * conversions/matrixToEuler/index.htm * * eulerangles-and-vice-versa * * heading = atan2(-m20,m00) attitude = asin(m10) bank = * atan2(-m12,m11) */ // convert output rotation vector rvec to rotation matrix R Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1); Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R); // get rotations around X,Y,Z from rotation matrix R double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]); double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]); double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]); // convert Euler angles to quarternion q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ); // set information to message TFMessage tfmessage = tfPublisherCamToMarker.newMessage(); TransformStamped posestamped = connectedNode.getTopicMessageFactory() .newFromType(geometry_msgs.TransformStamped._TYPE); Transform transform = posestamped.getTransform(); Quaternion orientation = transform.getRotation(); Vector3 point = transform.getTranslation(); point.setX(tvec.get(0, 0)[0]); point.setY(tvec.get(1, 0)[0]); point.setZ(tvec.get(2, 0)[0]); orientation.setW(q.getW()); orientation.setX(q.getX()); orientation.setY(q.getY()); orientation.setZ(q.getZ()); posestamped.getHeader().setFrameId(parameter.cameraFrameName()); posestamped.setChildFrameId(parameter.markerFrameName()); posestamped.getHeader().setStamp(connectedNode.getCurrentTime()); // frame_id too tfmessage.getTransforms().add(posestamped); tfPublisherCamToMarker.publish(tfmessage); } }); // publish Markers final Publisher<visualization_msgs.Marker> markerPublisher = connectedNode.newPublisher("markers", visualization_msgs.Marker._TYPE); connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() { @Override protected void loop() throws InterruptedException { // publish markers every 500ms Thread.sleep(500); // get marker points from markerConfig, each marker has 4 // vertices List<Point3> points3dlist = markerConfig.getUnordered3DPointList(); int i = 0; for (Point3 p : points3dlist) { Marker markermessage = markerPublisher.newMessage(); // FIXME If the markers are published into an existing frame // (e.g. map or odom) the node will consume very high CPU // and will fail after a short time. The markers are // probably published in the wrong way. markermessage.getHeader().setFrameId(parameter.markerFrameName()); markermessage.setId(i); i++; markermessage.setType(visualization_msgs.Marker.SPHERE); markermessage.setAction(visualization_msgs.Marker.ADD); // position double x = p.x; markermessage.getPose().getPosition().setX(x); double y = p.y; markermessage.getPose().getPosition().setY(y); double z = p.z; markermessage.getPose().getPosition().setZ(z); // orientation markermessage.getPose().getOrientation().setX(0); markermessage.getPose().getOrientation().setY(0); markermessage.getPose().getOrientation().setZ(0); markermessage.getPose().getOrientation().setW(1); // patterntSize markermessage.getScale().setX(0.1); markermessage.getScale().setY(0.1); markermessage.getScale().setZ(0.1); // color markermessage.getColor().setA(1); markermessage.getColor().setR(1); markermessage.getColor().setG(0); markermessage.getColor().setB(0); markerPublisher.publish(markermessage); } } }); // publish tf map --> odom final Publisher<tf2_msgs.TFMessage> tfPublisherMapToOdom = connectedNode.newPublisher("tf", tf2_msgs.TFMessage._TYPE); connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() { @Override protected void loop() throws InterruptedException { // since this is an infinite loop, wait to be notified if new // image was processed synchronized (tvec) { tvec.wait(); } // compute transform map to odom from map to // camera_rgb_optical_frame and odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame // map to camera_rgb_optical_frame Mat tvec_map_cam = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper(); // get rotation matrix R from solvepnp output rotation vector // rvec Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1); Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R); // transpose R, because we need the transformation from // world(map) to camera R = R.t(); // get rotation around X,Y,Z from R in radiants double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]); double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]); double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]); q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ); // compute translation vector from world (map) to cam // tvec_map_cam Core.multiply(R, new Scalar(-1), R); // R=-R Core.gemm(R, tvec, 1, new Mat(), 0, tvec_map_cam, 0); // tvec_map_cam=R*tvec org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion rotation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion(q.getX(), q.getY(), q.getZ(), q.getW()); double x = tvec_map_cam.get(0, 0)[0]; double y = tvec_map_cam.get(1, 0)[0]; double z = tvec_map_cam.get(2, 0)[0]; // create a Transform Object that hold the transform map to cam org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 translation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3(x, y, z); org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_map_cam = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform( translation, rotation); // odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame GraphName sourceFrame = GraphName.of(parameter.cameraFrameName()); GraphName targetFrame = GraphName.of("odom"); org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_cam_odom = null; if (transformationService.canTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame)) { try { transform_cam_odom = transformationService.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "odom! " + "However, " + "will continue.."); return; } } else {"Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "odom! " + "However, will " + "continue.."); // cancel this result can be computed return; } // multiply results org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform result = org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform.identity(); result = result.multiply(transform_map_cam); result = result.multiply(transform_cam_odom); // set information to ROS message TFMessage tfMessage = tfPublisherMapToOdom.newMessage(); TransformStamped transformStamped = connectedNode.getTopicMessageFactory() .newFromType(geometry_msgs.TransformStamped._TYPE); Transform transform = transformStamped.getTransform(); Quaternion orientation = transform.getRotation(); Vector3 vector = transform.getTranslation(); vector.setX(result.getTranslation().getX()); vector.setY(result.getTranslation().getY()); vector.setZ(result.getTranslation().getZ()); orientation.setW(result.getRotationAndScale().getW()); orientation.setX(result.getRotationAndScale().getX()); orientation.setY(result.getRotationAndScale().getY()); orientation.setZ(result.getRotationAndScale().getZ()); transformStamped.getHeader().setFrameId("map"); transformStamped.setChildFrameId("odom"); transformStamped.getHeader().setStamp(connectedNode.getCurrentTime()); // frame_id too tfMessage.getTransforms().add(transformStamped); tfPublisherMapToOdom.publish(tfMessage); // System.exit(0); } }); // Publish Pose final Publisher<geometry_msgs.PoseStamped> posePublisher = connectedNode .newPublisher(parameter.poseTopicName(), geometry_msgs.PoseStamped._TYPE); connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() { @Override protected void loop() throws InterruptedException { // since this is an infinite loop, wait here to be notified if // new image was processed synchronized (tvec) { tvec.wait(); } final QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper(); // convert rotation vector result of solvepnp to rotation matrix Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1); Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R); // see publishers before for documentation final Mat tvec_map_cam = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); R = R.t(); final double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]); final double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]); final double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]); q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ); Core.multiply(R, new Scalar(-1), R); Core.gemm(R, tvec, 1, new Mat(), 0, tvec_map_cam, 0); final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion rotation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion( q.getX(), q.getY(), q.getZ(), q.getW()); final double x = tvec_map_cam.get(0, 0)[0]; final double y = tvec_map_cam.get(1, 0)[0]; final double z = tvec_map_cam.get(2, 0)[0]; final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 translation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3(x, y, z); final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_map_cam = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform( translation, rotation); // odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame final GraphName sourceFrame = GraphName.of(parameter.cameraFrameName()); final GraphName targetFrame = GraphName.of("base_link"); org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_cam_base = null; if (transformationService.canTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame)) { try { transform_cam_base = transformationService.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "base_link! " + "However, will continue.."); // cancel this result can be computed return; } } else {"Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "base_link!" + " However, " + "will continue.."); // cancel this result can be computed return; } // multiply results org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform current_pose = org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform.identity(); current_pose = current_pose.multiply(transform_map_cam); current_pose = current_pose.multiply(transform_cam_base); // check for plausibility of the pose by checking if movement // exceeds max speed (defined) of the robot if (parameter.badPoseReject()) { Time current_timestamp = connectedNode.getCurrentTime(); // TODO Unfortunately, we do not have the tf timestamp at // hand here. So we can only use the current timestamp. double maxspeed = 5; boolean goodpose = false; // if (current_pose != null && current_timestamp != null) { if (last_pose != null && last_timestamp != null) { // check speed of movement between last and current pose double distance = PoseCompare.distance(current_pose, last_pose); double timedelta = PoseCompare.timedelta(current_timestamp, last_timestamp); if ((distance / timedelta) < maxspeed) { if (smoothing) { double xold = last_pose.getTranslation().getX(); double yold = last_pose.getTranslation().getY(); double zold = last_pose.getTranslation().getZ(); double xnew = current_pose.getTranslation().getX(); double ynew = current_pose.getTranslation().getY(); double znew = current_pose.getTranslation().getZ(); final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 smoothTranslation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3( (xold * 2 + xnew) / 3, (yold * 2 + ynew) / 3, (zold * 2 + znew) / 3); current_pose = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform(smoothTranslation, current_pose.getRotationAndScale()); last_pose = current_pose; } last_pose = current_pose; last_timestamp = current_timestamp; goodpose = true; } else {"distance " + distance + " time: " + timedelta + " --> Pose rejected"); } } else { last_pose = current_pose; last_timestamp = current_timestamp; } // } // bad pose rejection if (!goodpose) { return; } } // set information to message geometry_msgs.PoseStamped posestamped = posePublisher.newMessage(); Pose pose = posestamped.getPose(); Quaternion orientation = pose.getOrientation(); Point point = pose.getPosition(); point.setX(current_pose.getTranslation().getX()); point.setY(current_pose.getTranslation().getY()); point.setZ(current_pose.getTranslation().getZ()); orientation.setW(current_pose.getRotationAndScale().getW()); orientation.setX(current_pose.getRotationAndScale().getX()); orientation.setY(current_pose.getRotationAndScale().getY()); orientation.setZ(current_pose.getRotationAndScale().getZ()); // frame_id too posestamped.getHeader().setFrameId("map"); posestamped.getHeader().setStamp(connectedNode.getCurrentTime()); posePublisher.publish(posestamped); } }); }
From source
/** * Convert Cartesian to Polar coordinates. * <p>/* w w w . j a va2 s .c o m*/ * <b>Definitions:<b/> * <p>Latitude: angle from XY-plane towards +Z-axis.<p/> * <p>Longitude: angle in XY-plane measured from +X-axis towards +Y-axis.<p/> * </p> * <p> * Implementation Details: Unlike for rest of utility methods GeoPos class container is not used for storing polar * coordinates. GeoPos fields are declared as floats and can introduced numerical errors, especially in radius/height. * </p> * <p> * Note: Apache's FastMath used in implementation. * </p> * @param xyz Array of x, y, and z coordinates. * @param phiLamHeight Array of latitude (in radians), longitude (in radians), and radius (in meters). * * @author Petar Marikovic, PPO.labs */ public static void cartesian2polar(final double[] xyz, final double[] phiLamHeight) { phiLamHeight[2] = Math.sqrt(xyz[0] * xyz[0] + xyz[1] * xyz[1] + xyz[2] * xyz[2]); phiLamHeight[1] = Math.atan2(xyz[1], xyz[0]); phiLamHeight[0] = Math.asin(xyz[2] / phiLamHeight[2]); }
From source
public double FormuladHaversine(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2) { final double RAIO_DA_TERRA = 6371; // em Km // Converso/*from w ww . j a v a2 s . com*/ double radlat1 = Math.toRadians(lat1); double radlong1 = Math.toRadians(long1); double radlat2 = Math.toRadians(lat2); double radlong2 = Math.toRadians(long2); //Parametros TO DO: BigDecimal? double radlat = radlat2 - radlat1; double radlong = radlong2 - radlong1; // Formula double d = Math.pow(Math.sin(radlat * 0.5), 2) + Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(radlong * 0.5), 2); return 2 * RAIO_DA_TERRA * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(d)); }
From source
public static Dataset[] generateMinMaxRadialArray(int[] shape, QSpace qSpace, XAxis xAxis) { if (qSpace == null) return null; double[] beamCentre = qSpace.getDetectorProperties().getBeamCentreCoords(); Dataset radialArrayMax = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64); Dataset radialArrayMin = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64); PositionIterator iter = radialArrayMax.getPositionIterator(); int[] pos = iter.getPos(); double[] vals = new double[4]; double w = qSpace.getWavelength(); while (iter.hasNext()) { //FIXME or not fix me, but I would expect centre to be +0.5, but this //clashes with much of the rest of DAWN if (xAxis != XAxis.PIXEL) { vals[0] = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1], pos[0]).length(); vals[1] = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1] + 1, pos[0]).length(); vals[2] = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1], pos[0] + 1).length(); vals[3] = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1] + 1, pos[0] + 1).length(); } else {// w w w. java 2s . c o m vals[0] = Math.hypot(pos[1] - beamCentre[0], pos[0] - beamCentre[1]); vals[1] = Math.hypot(pos[1] + 1 - beamCentre[0], pos[0] - beamCentre[1]); vals[2] = Math.hypot(pos[1] - beamCentre[0], pos[0] + 1 - beamCentre[1]); vals[3] = Math.hypot(pos[1] + 1 - beamCentre[0], pos[0] + 1 - beamCentre[1]); } Arrays.sort(vals); switch (xAxis) { case ANGLE: radialArrayMax.set(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(vals[3] * w / (4 * Math.PI)) * 2), pos); radialArrayMin.set(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(vals[0] * w / (4 * Math.PI)) * 2), pos); break; case Q: case PIXEL: radialArrayMax.set(vals[3], pos); radialArrayMin.set(vals[0], pos); break; case RESOLUTION: radialArrayMax.set((2 * Math.PI) / vals[0], pos); radialArrayMin.set((2 * Math.PI) / vals[3], pos); break; } } return new Dataset[] { radialArrayMin, radialArrayMax }; }
From source
public double CalculationByDistance(LatLng StartP, LatLng EndP) { int Radius = 6371;// radius of earth in Km double lat1 = StartP.latitude; double lat2 = EndP.latitude; double lon1 = StartP.longitude; double lon2 = EndP.longitude; double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1); double dLon = Math.toRadians(lon2 - lon1); double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2); double c = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); return Radius * c * 1000; }
From source
public static final Vector3 anguarVelocity(Quaternion q0, Quaternion q1) { Quaternion q0inv = new Quaternion(q0.s, q0.v.multiply(-1)).multiply(1 /; Quaternion r = q0inv.multiply(q1);// w w w . ja va2 s . c o m double sinomeganormhalf = r.v.norm(); //zero angular velocity if (sinomeganormhalf < 1e-7) { return new Vector3(); } Vector3 n = r.v.multiply(1 / sinomeganormhalf); double omegaNorm = Math.asin(sinomeganormhalf) * 2; return n.multiply(omegaNorm); }
From source
private void start(final ConnectedNode connectedNode) { // load OpenCV shared library System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); // read configuration variables from the ROS Runtime (configured in the // launch file) log = connectedNode.getLog();//from w w w .j a va 2 s . c om // Read Marker Config markerConfig = MarkerConfig.createFromConfig(parameter.markerConfigFile(), parameter.patternDirectory()); // setup rotation vector and translation vector storing output of the // localization rvec = new Mat(3, 1, CvType.CV_64F); tvec = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); camp = getCameraInfo(connectedNode, parameter); // start to listen to transform messages in /tf in order to feed the // Transformer and lookup transforms final TransformationService transformationService = TransformationService.create(connectedNode); // Subscribe to Image Subscriber<sensor_msgs.Image> subscriberToImage = connectedNode.newSubscriber(parameter.cameraImageTopic(), sensor_msgs.Image._TYPE); ComputePose computePose = null; try { final Mat cameraMatrix = CameraParams.getCameraMatrix(camp); final MatOfDouble distCoeffs = CameraParams.getDistCoeffs(camp); computePose = ComputePose.create(markerConfig, new Size(camp.width(), camp.height()), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, this.parameter.visualization()); } catch (NyARException e) {"Cannot initialize ComputePose", e); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"Cannot find file when initialize ComputePose", e); } final ComputePose poseProcessor = computePose; subscriberToImage.addMessageListener(new MessageListener<sensor_msgs.Image>() { @Override public void onNewMessage(sensor_msgs.Image message) { // if (!message.getEncoding().toLowerCase().equals("rgb8")) { log.error("Sorry, " + message.getEncoding() + " Image encoding is not supported! EXITING"); System.exit(-1); } if (camp != null) { try { // image = Utils.matFromImage(message); // uncomment to add more contrast to the image if (parameter.blackWhiteContrastLevel() > 0) { log.trace("using BlackWhiteContrastLevel"); Utils.tresholdContrastBlackWhite(image, parameter.blackWhiteContrastLevel(), parameter.invertBlackWhiteColor()); } if (parameter.useThreshold()) { Imgproc.threshold(image, image, 200, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY); } // Mat cannyimg = new Mat(image.height(), image.width(), // CvType.CV_8UC3); // Imgproc.Canny(image, cannyimg, 10, 100); //; // image.convertTo(image, -1, 1.5, 0); // setup camera matrix and return vectors // compute pose if (poseProcessor.computePose(rvec, tvec, image)) { // notify publisher threads (pose and tf, see below) synchronized (tvec) { tvec.notifyAll(); } } } catch (Exception e) {"An exception occurs.", e); } } } }); // publish tf CAMERA_FRAME_NAME --> MARKER_FRAME_NAME final Publisher<tf2_msgs.TFMessage> tfPublisherCamToMarker = connectedNode.newPublisher("tf", tf2_msgs.TFMessage._TYPE); connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() { @Override protected void loop() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (tvec) { tvec.wait(); } QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper(); /* * * conversions/matrixToEuler/index.htm * * eulerangles-and-vice-versa * * heading = atan2(-m20,m00) attitude = asin(m10) bank = * atan2(-m12,m11) */ // convert output rotation vector rvec to rotation matrix R Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1); Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R); // get rotations around X,Y,Z from rotation matrix R double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]); double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]); double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]); // convert Euler angles to quarternion q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ); // set information to message TFMessage tfmessage = tfPublisherCamToMarker.newMessage(); TransformStamped posestamped = connectedNode.getTopicMessageFactory() .newFromType(geometry_msgs.TransformStamped._TYPE); Transform transform = posestamped.getTransform(); Quaternion orientation = transform.getRotation(); Vector3 point = transform.getTranslation(); point.setX(tvec.get(0, 0)[0]); point.setY(tvec.get(1, 0)[0]); point.setZ(tvec.get(2, 0)[0]); orientation.setW(q.getW()); orientation.setX(q.getX()); orientation.setY(q.getY()); orientation.setZ(q.getZ()); posestamped.getHeader().setFrameId(parameter.cameraFrameName()); posestamped.setChildFrameId(parameter.markerFrameName()); posestamped.getHeader().setStamp(connectedNode.getCurrentTime()); // frame_id too tfmessage.getTransforms().add(posestamped); tfPublisherCamToMarker.publish(tfmessage); } }); // publish Markers final Publisher<visualization_msgs.Marker> markerPublisher = connectedNode.newPublisher("markers", visualization_msgs.Marker._TYPE); connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() { @Override protected void loop() throws InterruptedException { // publish markers every 500ms Thread.sleep(500); // get marker points from markerConfig, each marker has 4 // vertices List<Point3> points3dlist = markerConfig.getUnordered3DPointList(); int i = 0; for (Point3 p : points3dlist) { Marker markermessage = markerPublisher.newMessage(); // FIXME If the markers are published into an existing frame // (e.g. map or odom) the node will consume very high CPU // and will fail after a short time. The markers are // probably published in the wrong way. markermessage.getHeader().setFrameId(parameter.markerFrameName()); markermessage.setId(i); i++; markermessage.setType(visualization_msgs.Marker.SPHERE); markermessage.setAction(visualization_msgs.Marker.ADD); // position double x = p.x; markermessage.getPose().getPosition().setX(x); double y = p.y; markermessage.getPose().getPosition().setY(y); double z = p.z; markermessage.getPose().getPosition().setZ(z); // orientation markermessage.getPose().getOrientation().setX(0); markermessage.getPose().getOrientation().setY(0); markermessage.getPose().getOrientation().setZ(0); markermessage.getPose().getOrientation().setW(1); // patterntSize markermessage.getScale().setX(0.1); markermessage.getScale().setY(0.1); markermessage.getScale().setZ(0.1); // color markermessage.getColor().setA(1); markermessage.getColor().setR(1); markermessage.getColor().setG(0); markermessage.getColor().setB(0); markerPublisher.publish(markermessage); } } }); // publish tf map --> odom final Publisher<tf2_msgs.TFMessage> tfPublisherMapToOdom = connectedNode.newPublisher("tf", tf2_msgs.TFMessage._TYPE); connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() { @Override protected void loop() throws InterruptedException { // since this is an infinite loop, wait to be notified if new // image was processed synchronized (tvec) { tvec.wait(); } // compute transform map to odom from map to // camera_rgb_optical_frame and odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame // map to camera_rgb_optical_frame Mat tvec_map_cam = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper(); // get rotation matrix R from solvepnp output rotation vector // rvec Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1); Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R); // transpose R, because we need the transformation from // world(map) to camera R = R.t(); // get rotation around X,Y,Z from R in radiants double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]); double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]); double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]); q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ); // compute translation vector from world (map) to cam // tvec_map_cam Core.multiply(R, new Scalar(-1), R); // R=-R Core.gemm(R, tvec, 1, new Mat(), 0, tvec_map_cam, 0); // tvec_map_cam=R*tvec org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion rotation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion(q.getX(), q.getY(), q.getZ(), q.getW()); double x = tvec_map_cam.get(0, 0)[0]; double y = tvec_map_cam.get(1, 0)[0]; double z = tvec_map_cam.get(2, 0)[0]; // create a Transform Object that hold the transform map to cam org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 translation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3(x, y, z); org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_map_cam = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform( translation, rotation); // odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame GraphName sourceFrame = GraphName.of(parameter.cameraFrameName()); GraphName targetFrame = GraphName.of("odom"); org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_cam_odom = null; if (transformationService.canTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame)) { try { transform_cam_odom = transformationService.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));"Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "odom! " + "However, " + "will continue.."); return; } } else {"Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "odom! " + "However, will " + "continue.."); // cancel this result can be computed return; } // multiply results org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform result = org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform.identity(); result = result.multiply(transform_map_cam); result = result.multiply(transform_cam_odom); // set information to ROS message TFMessage tfMessage = tfPublisherMapToOdom.newMessage(); TransformStamped transformStamped = connectedNode.getTopicMessageFactory() .newFromType(geometry_msgs.TransformStamped._TYPE); Transform transform = transformStamped.getTransform(); Quaternion orientation = transform.getRotation(); Vector3 vector = transform.getTranslation(); vector.setX(result.getTranslation().getX()); vector.setY(result.getTranslation().getY()); vector.setZ(result.getTranslation().getZ()); orientation.setW(result.getRotationAndScale().getW()); orientation.setX(result.getRotationAndScale().getX()); orientation.setY(result.getRotationAndScale().getY()); orientation.setZ(result.getRotationAndScale().getZ()); transformStamped.getHeader().setFrameId("map"); transformStamped.setChildFrameId("odom"); transformStamped.getHeader().setStamp(connectedNode.getCurrentTime()); // frame_id too tfMessage.getTransforms().add(transformStamped); tfPublisherMapToOdom.publish(tfMessage); // System.exit(0); } }); // Publish Pose connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() { @Override protected void loop() throws InterruptedException { // since this is an infinite loop, wait here to be notified if // new image was processed synchronized (tvec) { tvec.wait(); } final QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper(); // convert rotation vector result of solvepnp to rotation matrix Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1); Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R); // see publishers before for documentation final Mat tvec_map_cam = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); R = R.t(); final double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]); final double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]); final double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]); q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ); Core.multiply(R, new Scalar(-1), R); Core.gemm(R, tvec, 1, new Mat(), 0, tvec_map_cam, 0); final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion rotation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion( q.getX(), q.getY(), q.getZ(), q.getW()); final double x = tvec_map_cam.get(0, 0)[0]; final double y = tvec_map_cam.get(1, 0)[0]; final double z = tvec_map_cam.get(2, 0)[0]; final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 translation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3(x, y, z); final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_map_cam = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform( translation, rotation); // odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame final GraphName sourceFrame = GraphName.of(parameter.cameraFrameName()); final GraphName targetFrame = GraphName.of("base_link"); org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_cam_base = null; if (transformationService.canTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame)) { try { transform_cam_base = transformationService.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));"Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "base_link! " + "However, will continue.."); // cancel this result can be computed return; } } else {"Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "base_link!" + " However, " + "will continue.."); // cancel this result can be computed return; } // multiply results org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform current_pose = org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform.identity(); current_pose = current_pose.multiply(transform_map_cam); current_pose = current_pose.multiply(transform_cam_base); // check for plausibility of the pose by checking if movement // exceeds max speed (defined) of the robot if (parameter.badPoseReject()) { Time current_timestamp = connectedNode.getCurrentTime(); // TODO Unfortunately, we do not have the tf timestamp at // hand here. So we can only use the current timestamp. double maxspeed = 5; boolean goodpose = false; // if (current_pose != null && current_timestamp != null) { if (last_pose != null && last_timestamp != null) { // check speed of movement between last and current pose double distance = PoseCompare.distance(current_pose, last_pose); double timedelta = PoseCompare.timedelta(current_timestamp, last_timestamp); if ((distance / timedelta) < maxspeed) { if (smoothing) { double xold = last_pose.getTranslation().getX(); double yold = last_pose.getTranslation().getY(); double zold = last_pose.getTranslation().getZ(); double xnew = current_pose.getTranslation().getX(); double ynew = current_pose.getTranslation().getY(); double znew = current_pose.getTranslation().getZ(); final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 smoothTranslation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3( (xold * 2 + xnew) / 3, (yold * 2 + ynew) / 3, (zold * 2 + znew) / 3); current_pose = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform(smoothTranslation, current_pose.getRotationAndScale()); last_pose = current_pose; } last_pose = current_pose; last_timestamp = current_timestamp; goodpose = true; } else {"distance " + distance + " time: " + timedelta + " --> Pose rejected"); } } else { last_pose = current_pose; last_timestamp = current_timestamp; } // } // bad pose rejection if (!goodpose) { return; } } // set information to message final geometry_msgs.PoseStamped posestamped = posePublisher.newMessage(); Pose pose = posestamped.getPose(); Quaternion orientation = pose.getOrientation(); Point point = pose.getPosition(); point.setX(current_pose.getTranslation().getX()); point.setY(current_pose.getTranslation().getY()); point.setZ(current_pose.getTranslation().getZ()); orientation.setW(current_pose.getRotationAndScale().getW()); orientation.setX(current_pose.getRotationAndScale().getX()); orientation.setY(current_pose.getRotationAndScale().getY()); orientation.setZ(current_pose.getRotationAndScale().getZ()); // frame_id too posestamped.getHeader().setFrameId("map"); posestamped.getHeader().setStamp(connectedNode.getCurrentTime()); posePublisher.publish(posestamped); mostRecentPose.set(posestamped); } }); }
From source
public void testAsin() { System.gc();//from w ww . j ava 2s . com double x = 0; long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) x += StrictMath.asin(i / 10000000.0); long strictTime = System.nanoTime() - time; System.gc(); double y = 0; time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) y += FastMath.asin(i / 10000000.0); long fastTime = System.nanoTime() - time; System.gc(); double z = 0; time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) z += Math.asin(i / 10000000.0); long mathTime = System.nanoTime() - time; report("asin", x + y + z, strictTime, fastTime, mathTime); }
From source
public double bivnor(double ah, double ak, double r) { double a2;//from w w w .j av a 2 s . c o m double ap; double b; double cn; double con; double conex; double ex; double g2; double gh; double gk; double gw = 0; double h2; double h4; int i; int idig = 15; int is = 0; double rr; double s1; double s2; double sgn; double sn; double sp; double sqr; double t; double twopi = 6.283185307179587; double w2 = 0; double wh = 0; double wk = 0; b = 0.0; gh = gauss(-ah) / 2.0; gk = gauss(-ak) / 2.0; if (r == 0.0) { b = 4.00 * gh * gk; b = r8_max(b, 0.0); b = r8_min(b, 1.0); return b; } rr = (1.0 + r) * (1.0 - r); if (rr < 0.0) { throw new IllegalStateException("BIVNOR - Fatal error!"); // cerr << "\n"; // cerr << "BIVNOR - Fatal error!\n"; // cerr << " 1 < |R|.\n"; // exit ( 0 ); } if (rr == 0.0) { if (r < 0.0) { if (ah + ak < 0.0) { b = 2.0 * (gh + gk) - 1.0; } } else { if (ah - ak < 0.0) { b = 2.0 * gk; } else { b = 2.0 * gh; } } b = r8_max(b, 0.0); b = r8_min(b, 1.0); return b; } sqr = Math.sqrt(rr); if (idig == 15) { con = twopi * 1.0E-15 / 2.0; } else { con = twopi / 2.0; for (i = 1; i <= idig; i++) { con = con / 10.0; } } // // (0,0) // if (ah == 0.0 && ak == 0.0) { b = 0.25 + Math.asin(r) / twopi; b = r8_max(b, 0.0); b = r8_min(b, 1.0); return b; } // // (0,nonzero) // if (ah == 0.0 && ak != 0.0) { b = gk; wh = -ak; wk = (ah / ak - r) / sqr; gw = 2.0 * gk; is = 1; } // // (nonzero,0) // else if (ah != 0.0 && ak == 0.0) { b = gh; wh = -ah; wk = (ak / ah - r) / sqr; gw = 2.0 * gh; is = -1; } // // (nonzero,nonzero) // else if (ah != 0.0 && ak != 0.0) { b = gh + gk; if (ah * ak < 0.0) { b = b - 0.5; } wh = -ah; wk = (ak / ah - r) / sqr; gw = 2.0 * gh; is = -1; } for (;;) { sgn = -1.0; t = 0.0; if (wk != 0.0) { if (r8_abs(wk) == 1.0) { t = wk * gw * (1.0 - gw) / 2.0; b = b + sgn * t; } else { if (1.0 < r8_abs(wk)) { sgn = -sgn; wh = wh * wk; g2 = gauss(wh); wk = 1.0 / wk; if (wk < 0.0) { b = b + 0.5; } b = b - (gw + g2) / 2.0 + gw * g2; } h2 = wh * wh; a2 = wk * wk; h4 = h2 / 2.0; ex = Math.exp(-h4); w2 = h4 * ex; ap = 1.0; s2 = ap - ex; sp = ap; s1 = 0.0; sn = s1; conex = r8_abs(con / wk); for (;;) { cn = ap * s2 / (sn + sp); s1 = s1 + cn; if (r8_abs(cn) <= conex) { break; } sn = sp; sp = sp + 1.0; s2 = s2 - w2; w2 = w2 * h4 / sp; ap = -ap * a2; } t = (Math.atan(wk) - wk * s1) / twopi; b = b + sgn * t; } } if (0 <= is) { break; } if (ak == 0.0) { break; } wh = -ak; wk = (ah / ak - r) / sqr; gw = 2.0 * gk; is = 1; } b = r8_max(b, 0.0); b = r8_min(b, 1.0); return b; }