Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at


import java.util.Arrays;

import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;

import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.SplineInterpolator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.api.dataset.IDataset;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.api.metadata.IDiffractionMetadata;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.Dataset;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.DatasetFactory;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.DatasetUtils;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.DoubleDataset;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.IndexIterator;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.Maths;
import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.PositionIterator;


public class PixelIntegrationUtils {

    public enum IntegrationMode {

    public static Dataset generate2ThetaArrayRadians(IDiffractionMetadata md) {
        return generate2ThetaArrayRadians(getShape(md), md);

    public static Dataset generate2ThetaArrayRadians(int[] shape, IDiffractionMetadata md) {

        QSpace qSpace = new QSpace(md.getDetector2DProperties(), md.getDiffractionCrystalEnvironment());
        return generateRadialArray(shape, qSpace, XAxis.ANGLE, true);


    public static Dataset generateQArray(IDiffractionMetadata md) {
        return generateQArray(getShape(md), md);

    public static Dataset generateQArray(int[] shape, IDiffractionMetadata md) {
        QSpace qSpace = new QSpace(md.getDetector2DProperties(), md.getDiffractionCrystalEnvironment());
        return generateRadialArray(shape, qSpace, XAxis.Q);


    public static Dataset generateAzimuthalArray(IDiffractionMetadata metadata, boolean radians) {
        return generateAzimuthalArray(metadata.getDetector2DProperties().getBeamCentreCoords(), getShape(metadata),

    public static Dataset generateAzimuthalArray(int[] shape, IDiffractionMetadata metadata, boolean radians) {
        return generateAzimuthalArray(metadata.getDetector2DProperties().getBeamCentreCoords(), shape, radians);

    public static Dataset generateAzimuthalArray(double[] beamCentre, int[] shape, boolean radians) {

        Dataset out = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);
        PositionIterator iter = out.getPositionIterator();

        int[] pos = iter.getPos();

        //+0.5 for centre of pixel
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            double val = Math.atan2(pos[0] + 0.5 - beamCentre[1], pos[1] + 0.5 - beamCentre[0]);
            if (radians)
                out.set(val, pos);
                out.set(Math.toDegrees(val), pos);

        return out;

    public static Dataset generateAzimuthalArray(double[] beamCentre, int[] shape, double min) {
        //Number of circles
        int n = (int) Math.floor((min + 180) / 360);
        double minInBase = (min - (360 * n));

        Dataset out = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);
        PositionIterator iter = out.getPositionIterator();

        int[] pos = iter.getPos();

        //+0.5 for centre of pixel
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            double val = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(pos[0] + 0.5 - beamCentre[1], pos[1] + 0.5 - beamCentre[0]));
            if (val < minInBase)
                val = val + 360;
            out.set(val + 360 * n, pos);

        return out;


    public static Dataset[] generateMinMaxAzimuthalArray(double[] beamCentre, int[] shape, double min) {
        //Number of circles
        int n = (int) Math.floor((min + 180) / 360);
        double minInBase = (min - (360 * n));
        Dataset aMax = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);
        Dataset aMin = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);

        PositionIterator iter = aMax.getPositionIterator();
        int[] pos = iter.getPos();
        double[] vals = new double[4];

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            //find vals at pixel corners
            vals[0] = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(pos[0] - beamCentre[1], pos[1] - beamCentre[0]));
            vals[1] = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(pos[0] - beamCentre[1] + 1, pos[1] - beamCentre[0]));
            vals[2] = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(pos[0] - beamCentre[1], pos[1] - beamCentre[0] + 1));
            vals[3] = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(pos[0] - beamCentre[1] + 1, pos[1] - beamCentre[0] + 1));
            if (vals[0] < minInBase)
                vals[0] = vals[0] + 360;
            if (vals[1] < minInBase)
                vals[1] = vals[1] + 360;
            if (vals[2] < minInBase)
                vals[2] = vals[2] + 360;
            if (vals[3] < minInBase)
                vals[3] = vals[3] + 360;

            //if the pixel needs to be split over 180 degrees, over the discontinuity
            //Only split up to the discontinuity on the side with the largest range
            //Should only change the single row of pixels allow the discontinuity
            //         (vals[0] < -Math.PI/2 && vals[3] > Math.PI/2)

            if (vals[3] - vals[0] > 180) {
                //FIXME do best to handle discontinuity here - saves changing the integration routine
                //may not be as accurate - might need to make the integration aware.
                //currently just squeeze all the signal in one side

                if ((minInBase + 360) - vals[3] > vals[0] - minInBase) {
                    vals[0] = vals[3];
                    vals[3] = minInBase + 360;
                } else {
                    vals[3] = vals[0];
                    vals[0] = minInBase;


            aMax.set(vals[3] + 360 * n, pos);
            aMin.set(vals[0] + 360 * n, pos);


        return new Dataset[] { aMin, aMax };

    public static Dataset[] generateMinMaxAzimuthalArray(double[] beamCentre, int[] shape, boolean radians) {

        Dataset aMax = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);
        Dataset aMin = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);

        PositionIterator iter = aMax.getPositionIterator();
        int[] pos = iter.getPos();
        double[] vals = new double[4];

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            //find vals at pixel corners
            vals[0] = Math.atan2(pos[0] - beamCentre[1], pos[1] - beamCentre[0]);
            vals[1] = Math.atan2(pos[0] - beamCentre[1] + 1, pos[1] - beamCentre[0]);
            vals[2] = Math.atan2(pos[0] - beamCentre[1], pos[1] - beamCentre[0] + 1);
            vals[3] = Math.atan2(pos[0] - beamCentre[1] + 1, pos[1] - beamCentre[0] + 1);


            if (vals[0] < -Math.PI / 2 && vals[3] > Math.PI / 2) {
                //FIXME do best to handle discontinuity here - saves changing the integration routine
                //may not be as accurate - might need to make the integration aware.
                //currently just squeeze all the signal in one side

                if (Math.PI - vals[3] > Math.PI + vals[0]) {
                    vals[3] = Math.PI;
                    vals[0] = vals[2];
                } else {
                    vals[0] = -Math.PI;
                    vals[3] = vals[1];

            if (radians) {
                aMax.set(vals[3], pos);
                aMin.set(vals[0], pos);
            } else {
                aMax.set(Math.toDegrees(vals[3]), pos);
                aMin.set(Math.toDegrees(vals[0]), pos);

        return new Dataset[] { aMin, aMax };

    public static Dataset[] generateMinMaxRadialArray(int[] shape, QSpace qSpace, XAxis xAxis) {

        if (qSpace == null)
            return null;

        double[] beamCentre = qSpace.getDetectorProperties().getBeamCentreCoords();

        Dataset radialArrayMax = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);
        Dataset radialArrayMin = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);

        PositionIterator iter = radialArrayMax.getPositionIterator();
        int[] pos = iter.getPos();

        double[] vals = new double[4];
        double w = qSpace.getWavelength();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {

            //FIXME or not fix me, but I would expect centre to be +0.5, but this
            //clashes with much of the rest of DAWN

            if (xAxis != XAxis.PIXEL) {
                vals[0] = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1], pos[0]).length();
                vals[1] = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1] + 1, pos[0]).length();
                vals[2] = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1], pos[0] + 1).length();
                vals[3] = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1] + 1, pos[0] + 1).length();
            } else {
                vals[0] = Math.hypot(pos[1] - beamCentre[0], pos[0] - beamCentre[1]);
                vals[1] = Math.hypot(pos[1] + 1 - beamCentre[0], pos[0] - beamCentre[1]);
                vals[2] = Math.hypot(pos[1] - beamCentre[0], pos[0] + 1 - beamCentre[1]);
                vals[3] = Math.hypot(pos[1] + 1 - beamCentre[0], pos[0] + 1 - beamCentre[1]);


            switch (xAxis) {
            case ANGLE:
                radialArrayMax.set(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(vals[3] * w / (4 * Math.PI)) * 2), pos);
                radialArrayMin.set(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(vals[0] * w / (4 * Math.PI)) * 2), pos);
            case Q:
            case PIXEL:
                radialArrayMax.set(vals[3], pos);
                radialArrayMin.set(vals[0], pos);
            case RESOLUTION:
                radialArrayMax.set((2 * Math.PI) / vals[0], pos);
                radialArrayMin.set((2 * Math.PI) / vals[3], pos);
        return new Dataset[] { radialArrayMin, radialArrayMax };

    public static Dataset generateRadialArray(int[] shape, QSpace qSpace, XAxis xAxis) {
        return generateRadialArray(shape, qSpace, xAxis, false);

    private static Dataset generateRadialArray(int[] shape, QSpace qSpace, XAxis xAxis, boolean radians) {

        if (qSpace == null)
            return null;

        double[] beamCentre = qSpace.getDetectorProperties().getBeamCentreCoords();

        Dataset ra = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);

        PositionIterator iter = ra.getPositionIterator();
        int[] pos = iter.getPos();

        while (iter.hasNext()) {

            Vector3d q;
            double value = 0;
            //FIXME or not fix me, but I would expect centre to be +0.5, but this
            //clashes with much of the rest of DAWN
            q = qSpace.qFromPixelPosition(pos[1] + 0.5, pos[0] + 0.5);

            switch (xAxis) {
            case ANGLE:
                value = qSpace.scatteringAngle(q);
                if (!radians)
                    value = Math.toDegrees(value);
            case Q:
                value = q.length();
            case RESOLUTION:
                value = (2 * Math.PI) / q.length();
            case PIXEL:
                value = Math.hypot(pos[1] - beamCentre[0] + 0.5, pos[0] - beamCentre[1] + 0.5);
            ra.set(value, pos);

        return ra;

    public static int[] getShape(IDiffractionMetadata metadata) {
        return new int[] { metadata.getDetector2DProperties().getPy(), metadata.getDetector2DProperties().getPx() };

    public static int calculateNumberOfBins(IDiffractionMetadata metadata) {

        int[] shape = getShape(metadata);
        double[] beamCentre = metadata.getDetector2DProperties().getBeamCentreCoords();

        if (beamCentre[1] < shape[0] && beamCentre[1] > 0 && beamCentre[0] < shape[1] && beamCentre[0] > 0) {
            double[] farCorner = new double[] { 0, 0 };
            if (beamCentre[1] < shape[0] / 2.0)
                farCorner[0] = shape[0];
            if (beamCentre[0] < shape[1] / 2.0)
                farCorner[1] = shape[1];

            return (int) Math.hypot(beamCentre[0] - farCorner[1], beamCentre[1] - farCorner[0]);
        } else if (beamCentre[1] < shape[0] && beamCentre[1] > 0
                && (beamCentre[0] > shape[1] || beamCentre[0] < 0)) {
            return shape[1];
        } else if (beamCentre[0] < shape[1] && beamCentre[0] > 0
                && (beamCentre[1] > shape[0] || beamCentre[1] < 0)) {
            return shape[0];
        } else {
            return (int) Math.hypot(shape[1], shape[0]);

    public static Dataset generate2Dfrom1D(IDataset[] xy1d, Dataset array2Dx) {

        DoubleDataset[] inXy1D = new DoubleDataset[2];
        inXy1D[0] = (DoubleDataset) DatasetUtils.cast(xy1d[0], Dataset.FLOAT64);
        inXy1D[1] = (DoubleDataset) DatasetUtils.cast(xy1d[1], Dataset.FLOAT64);

        double min = inXy1D[0].min().doubleValue();
        double max = inXy1D[0].max().doubleValue();

        SplineInterpolator si = new SplineInterpolator();
        PolynomialSplineFunction poly = si.interpolate(inXy1D[0].getData(), inXy1D[1].getData());
        Dataset image = DatasetFactory.zeros(array2Dx.getShape(), Dataset.FLOAT64);
        double[] buf = (double[]) image.getBuffer();

        IndexIterator iterator = array2Dx.getIterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            double e = array2Dx.getElementDoubleAbs(iterator.index);
            if (e <= max && e >= min)
                buf[iterator.index] = poly.value(e);


        return image;

    public static double solidAngleCorrection(double correctionValue, double tth) {
        //L.B. Skinner et al Nuc Inst Meth Phys Res A 662 (2012) 61-70
        double cor = Math.cos(tth);
        cor = Math.pow(cor, 3);
        return correctionValue / cor;

    public static double polarisationCorrection(double correctionValue, double tth, double angle, double factor) {
        //R Kahn et al, J Appl Cryst 15 330 (1982)
        //pol(th) = 1/2[1+cos2(tth) - f*cos(2*azimuthal)sin2(tth)

        double cosSq = Math.pow(Math.cos(tth), 2);
        //use 1-cos2(tth) instead of sin2(tth)
        double sub = (1 - cosSq) * Math.cos(angle * 2) * factor;

        double cor = (cosSq + 1 - sub) / 2;
        return correctionValue / cor;

    public static double detectorTranmissionCorrection(double correctionValue, double tth,
            double transmissionFactor) {
        //J. Zaleski, G. Wu and P. Coppens, J. Appl. Cryst. (1998). 31, 302-304
        //K = [1 - exp(lnT/cos(a))]/(1-T)
        double cor = (1 - Math.exp(Math.log(transmissionFactor) / Math.cos(tth))) / (1 - transmissionFactor);

        return correctionValue / cor;

    public static void solidAngleCorrection(Dataset correctionArray, Dataset tth) {
        //L.B. Skinner et al Nuc Inst Meth Phys Res A 662 (2012) 61-70
        Dataset cor = Maths.cos(tth);

    public static void polarisationCorrection(Dataset correctionArray, Dataset tth, Dataset angle, double factor) {
        //R Kahn et al, J Appl Cryst 15 330 (1982)
        //pol(th) = 1/2[1+cos2(tth) - f*cos(2*azimuthal)sin2(tth)

        Dataset cosSq = Maths.cos(tth);

        //use 1-cos2(tth) instead of sin2(tth)
        Dataset sub = Maths.subtract(1, cosSq);
        sub.imultiply(Maths.cos(Maths.multiply(angle, 2)));

        Dataset cor = Maths.add(cosSq, 1);

    public static void detectorTranmissionCorrection(Dataset correctionArray, Dataset tth,
            double transmissionFactor) {
        //J. Zaleski, G. Wu and P. Coppens, J. Appl. Cryst. (1998). 31, 302-304
        //K = [1 - exp(lnT/cos(a))]/(1-T)
        Dataset cor = Maths.cos(tth);
        cor = Maths.divide(Math.log(transmissionFactor), cor);
        cor = Maths.exp(cor);
        cor = Maths.subtract(1, cor);
        cor.idivide(1 - transmissionFactor);

    public static void lorentzCorrection(Dataset correctionArray, Dataset tth) {
        //Norby J. Appl. Cryst. (1997). 30, 21-30
        Dataset th = Maths.divide(tth, 2);
        Dataset s2 = Maths.sin(th);
        th = Maths.cos(th);

    //   private static final class CacheKey {
    //      private IDiffractionMetadata meta;
    //      private XAxis axis;
    //      private boolean minMax;
    //      public CacheKey(IDiffractionMetadata meta, XAxis axis, boolean minMax) {
    //         this.meta = meta;
    //         this.axis = axis;
    //         this.minMax = minMax;
    //      }
    //   }