List of usage examples for java.lang Math asin
public static double asin(double a)
From source
/** * arcsin - evaluate the inverse sine function on each element of the dataset * @param a// w w w .j av a2 s . c o m * @return dataset */ @SuppressWarnings("cast") public static AbstractDataset arcsin(final AbstractDataset a) { final int isize; final IndexIterator it = a.getIterator(); AbstractDataset ds; final int dt = a.getDtype(); switch (dt) { case AbstractDataset.INT8: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.FLOAT32); final byte[] i8data = ((ByteDataset) a).data; final float[] oi8data = ((FloatDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { final byte ix = i8data[it.index]; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oi8data[i++] = ox; } break; case AbstractDataset.INT16: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.FLOAT32); final short[] i16data = ((ShortDataset) a).data; final float[] oi16data = ((FloatDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { final short ix = i16data[it.index]; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oi16data[i++] = ox; } break; case AbstractDataset.INT32: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.FLOAT64); final int[] i32data = ((IntegerDataset) a).data; final double[] oi32data = ((DoubleDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { final int ix = i32data[it.index]; double ox; ox = (double) (Math.asin(ix)); oi32data[i++] = ox; } break; case AbstractDataset.INT64: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.FLOAT64); final long[] i64data = ((LongDataset) a).data; final double[] oi64data = ((DoubleDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { final long ix = i64data[it.index]; double ox; ox = (double) (Math.asin(ix)); oi64data[i++] = ox; } break; case AbstractDataset.ARRAYINT8: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.ARRAYFLOAT32); isize = a.getElementsPerItem(); final byte[] ai8data = ((CompoundByteDataset) a).data; final float[] oai8data = ((CompoundFloatDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { for (int j = 0; j < isize; j++) { final byte ix = ai8data[it.index + j]; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[i++] = ox; } } break; case AbstractDataset.ARRAYINT16: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.ARRAYFLOAT32); isize = a.getElementsPerItem(); final short[] ai16data = ((CompoundShortDataset) a).data; final float[] oai16data = ((CompoundFloatDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { for (int j = 0; j < isize; j++) { final short ix = ai16data[it.index + j]; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[i++] = ox; } } break; case AbstractDataset.ARRAYINT32: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.ARRAYFLOAT64); isize = a.getElementsPerItem(); final int[] ai32data = ((CompoundIntegerDataset) a).data; final double[] oai32data = ((CompoundDoubleDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { for (int j = 0; j < isize; j++) { final int ix = ai32data[it.index + j]; double ox; ox = (double) (Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[i++] = ox; } } break; case AbstractDataset.ARRAYINT64: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.ARRAYFLOAT64); isize = a.getElementsPerItem(); final long[] ai64data = ((CompoundLongDataset) a).data; final double[] oai64data = ((CompoundDoubleDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { for (int j = 0; j < isize; j++) { final long ix = ai64data[it.index + j]; double ox; ox = (double) (Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[i++] = ox; } } break; case AbstractDataset.FLOAT32: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.FLOAT32); final float[] f32data = ((FloatDataset) a).data; final float[] of32data = ((FloatDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { final float ix = f32data[it.index]; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); of32data[i++] = ox; } break; case AbstractDataset.FLOAT64: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.FLOAT64); final double[] f64data = ((DoubleDataset) a).data; final double[] of64data = ((DoubleDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { final double ix = f64data[it.index]; double ox; ox = (double) (Math.asin(ix)); of64data[i++] = ox; } break; case AbstractDataset.ARRAYFLOAT32: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.ARRAYFLOAT32); isize = a.getElementsPerItem(); final float[] af32data = ((CompoundFloatDataset) a).data; final float[] oaf32data = ((CompoundFloatDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { for (int j = 0; j < isize; j++) { final float ix = af32data[it.index + j]; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[i++] = ox; } } break; case AbstractDataset.ARRAYFLOAT64: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.ARRAYFLOAT64); isize = a.getElementsPerItem(); final double[] af64data = ((CompoundDoubleDataset) a).data; final double[] oaf64data = ((CompoundDoubleDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { for (int j = 0; j < isize; j++) { final double ix = af64data[it.index + j]; double ox; ox = (double) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[i++] = ox; } } break; case AbstractDataset.COMPLEX64: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.COMPLEX64); final float[] c64data = ((ComplexFloatDataset) a).data; final float[] oc64data = ((ComplexFloatDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { final float ix = c64data[it.index]; final float iy = c64data[it.index + 1]; Complex tz; float ox; float oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (float) (tz.getReal()); oy = (float) (tz.getImaginary()); oc64data[i++] = ox; oc64data[i++] = oy; } break; case AbstractDataset.COMPLEX128: ds = AbstractDataset.zeros(a, AbstractDataset.COMPLEX128); final double[] c128data = ((ComplexDoubleDataset) a).data; final double[] oc128data = ((ComplexDoubleDataset) ds).getData(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext();) { final double ix = c128data[it.index]; final double iy = c128data[it.index + 1]; Complex tz; double ox; double oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (double) (tz.getReal()); oy = (double) (tz.getImaginary()); oc128data[i++] = ox; oc128data[i++] = oy; } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "arcsin supports integer, compound integer, real, compound real, complex datasets only"); } ds.setName(a.getName()); addFunctionName(ds, "arcsin"); return ds; }
From source
public static double distFrom(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2) { double Radius = 6369.63; //in km double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1); double dLon = Math.toRadians(lng2 - lng1); double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2); double c = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); return Radius * c; }
From source
/** * * @param imgRect/* ww w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ * @param iRapport * @return image transforme Mercator */ private static Image imgTransformationImage(Image imgRect, int iRapport) { int iLargeur = (int) imgRect.getWidth() / iRapport; int iHauteur = iLargeur / 2 / iRapport; WritableImage imgMercator = new WritableImage(iLargeur, iHauteur); PixelReader prRect = imgRect.getPixelReader(); PixelWriter pwMercator = imgMercator.getPixelWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < iLargeur; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iHauteur; j++) { double phi = Math.asin(2.d * (iHauteur / 2.d - j) / iHauteur); int y2 = (int) (iHauteur * iRapport * (0.5d - phi / Math.PI)); if (y2 >= iHauteur * iRapport) { y2 = iHauteur * iRapport - 1; } Color clPixel = prRect.getColor(i * iRapport, y2 * iRapport); pwMercator.setColor(i, j, clPixel); } } return imgMercator; }
From source
/** * arcsin - evaluate the inverse sine function on each element of the dataset * @param a// w w w . ja v a 2s .c om * @param o output can be null - in which case, a new dataset is created * @return dataset */ public static Dataset arcsin(final Object a, final Dataset o) { final Dataset da = a instanceof Dataset ? (Dataset) a : DatasetFactory.createFromObject(a); final SingleInputBroadcastIterator it = new SingleInputBroadcastIterator(da, o, true); final Dataset result = it.getOutput(); final int is = result.getElementsPerItem(); final int as = da.getElementsPerItem(); final int dt = result.getDType(); switch (dt) { case Dataset.INT8: final byte[] oi8data = ((ByteDataset) result).getData(); if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT16: final short[] oi16data = ((ShortDataset) result).getData(); if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT64: final long[] oi64data = ((LongDataset) result).getData(); if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT32: final int[] oi32data = ((IntegerDataset) result).getData(); if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT8: final byte[] oai8data = ((CompoundByteDataset) result).getData(); if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (as == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT16: final short[] oai16data = ((CompoundShortDataset) result).getData(); if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (as == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT64: final long[] oai64data = ((CompoundLongDataset) result).getData(); if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (as == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT32: final int[] oai32data = ((CompoundIntegerDataset) result).getData(); if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (as == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.FLOAT32: final float[] of32data = ((FloatDataset) result).getData(); if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); of32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); of32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.FLOAT64: final double[] of64data = ((DoubleDataset) result).getData(); if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); of64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); of64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT32: final float[] oaf32data = ((CompoundFloatDataset) result).getData(); if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (as == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT64: final double[] oaf64data = ((CompoundDoubleDataset) result).getData(); if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (as == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.COMPLEX64: final float[] oc64data = ((ComplexFloatDataset) result).getData(); if (as == 1) { final double iy = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; Complex tz; float ox; float oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (float) (tz.getReal()); oy = (float) (tz.getImaginary()); oc64data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc64data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; final double iy = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + 1); Complex tz; float ox; float oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (float) (tz.getReal()); oy = (float) (tz.getImaginary()); oc64data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc64data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } break; case Dataset.COMPLEX128: final double[] oc128data = ((ComplexDoubleDataset) result).getData(); if (as == 1) { final double iy = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; Complex tz; double ox; double oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (tz.getReal()); oy = (tz.getImaginary()); oc128data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc128data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; final double iy = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + 1); Complex tz; double ox; double oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (tz.getReal()); oy = (tz.getImaginary()); oc128data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc128data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "arcsin supports integer, compound integer, real, compound real, complex datasets only"); } addFunctionName(result, "arcsin"); return result; }
From source
public double[] parametersFromMAMB(Matrix MA, Matrix MB) { double[] result = new double[getNumOutputs()]; // only first 6 are used for (int i = 6; i < getNumOutputs(); i++) result[i] = 0.0;//from w w w . j a v a 2s . c om /* 0 public double x0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) 1 public double y0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) 2 public double distance=2360; // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm 3 public double yaw=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top 4 public double pitch=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up 5 public double roll=0.0; // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise Vt=MB+MA*Vc calculate X0,Y0 (Z0==0), dist, phi, theta, psi from MB and MA | MA00 MA01 MA02 | | MA10 MA11 MA12 | | MA20 MA21 MA22 | =================== | MB0 | | MB1 | | MB2 | Take point Pc on a sub-camera axis and on the target Zt=0 plane: [0,0,dist] MA*Pc+MB= dist*[MA02,MA12,MA22]+MB =[Tx0,Ty0,0] MA02*dist+MB0=Tx0 MA12*dist+MB1=Ty0 MA22*dist+MB2=0 dist=-MB2/MA22; Tx0=MA02*(-MB2/MA22)+MB0 Ty0=MA12*(-MB2/MA22)+MB1 Tx0=MB0-MB2*MA02/MA22 Ty0=MB1-MB2*MA12/MA22 */ result[2] = -MB.get(2, 0) / MA.get(2, 2); // distance result[0] = MB.get(0, 0) - MB.get(2, 0) * MA.get(0, 2) / MA.get(2, 2); // x0 result[1] = MB.get(1, 0) - MB.get(2, 0) * MA.get(1, 2) / MA.get(2, 2); // y0 /* // now find phi, theta, psi MA - rotation from camera to target, transp(MA) - rotation from target to camera - same as rot(phi, theta,psi) MT=transp(MA), */ /* MA[1,2]= sin(theta) MA[0,2]= cos(theta)*sin(phi) MA[2,2]= cos(theta)*cos(phi) MA[1,0]=-cos(theta)*sin(psi) MA[1,1]= cos(theta)*cos(psi) theta=arcsin(MA[1,2]) phi= atan2(MA[0,2],MA[2,2]) psi= -atan2(MA[1,0],MA[1,1]) */ result[4] = 180.0 / Math.PI * Math.asin(MA.get(1, 2)); //pitch result[3] = 180.0 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(MA.get(0, 2), MA.get(2, 2));//yaw result[5] = -180.0 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(MA.get(1, 0), MA.get(1, 1));//roll return result; }
From source
/** * arcsin - evaluate the inverse sine function on each element of the dataset * @param a//from w w w . jav a 2 s. c o m * @param o output can be null - in which case, a new dataset is created * @return dataset */ public static Dataset arcsin(final Object a, final Dataset o) { final Dataset da = a instanceof Dataset ? (Dataset) a : DatasetFactory.createFromObject(a); final SingleInputBroadcastIterator it = new SingleInputBroadcastIterator(da, o, true); final Dataset result = it.getOutput(); final int is = result.getElementsPerItem(); final int dt = result.getDType(); switch (dt) { case Dataset.INT8: final byte[] oi8data = ((ByteDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT16: final short[] oi16data = ((ShortDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT64: final long[] oi64data = ((LongDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT32: final int[] oi32data = ((IntegerDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT8: final byte[] oai8data = ((CompoundByteDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT16: final short[] oai16data = ((CompoundShortDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT64: final long[] oai64data = ((CompoundLongDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT32: final int[] oai32data = ((CompoundIntegerDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.FLOAT32: final float[] of32data = ((FloatDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); of32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); of32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.FLOAT64: final double[] of64data = ((DoubleDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); of64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); of64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT32: final float[] oaf32data = ((CompoundFloatDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT64: final double[] oaf64data = ((CompoundDoubleDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.COMPLEX64: final float[] oc64data = ((ComplexFloatDataset) result).data; if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { final double iy = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; Complex tz; float ox; float oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (float) (tz.getReal()); oy = (float) (tz.getImaginary()); oc64data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc64data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; final double iy = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + 1); Complex tz; float ox; float oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (float) (tz.getReal()); oy = (float) (tz.getImaginary()); oc64data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc64data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } break; case Dataset.COMPLEX128: final double[] oc128data = ((ComplexDoubleDataset) result).data; if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { final double iy = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; Complex tz; double ox; double oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (tz.getReal()); oy = (tz.getImaginary()); oc128data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc128data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; final double iy = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + 1); Complex tz; double ox; double oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (tz.getReal()); oy = (tz.getImaginary()); oc128data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc128data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "arcsin supports integer, compound integer, real, compound real, complex datasets only"); } addFunctionName(result, "arcsin"); return result; }
From source
/** * arcsin - evaluate the inverse sine function on each element of the dataset * @param a/*from www. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * @param o output can be null - in which case, a new dataset is created * @return dataset */ public static Dataset arcsin(final Object a, final Dataset o) { final Dataset da = a instanceof Dataset ? (Dataset) a : DatasetFactory.createFromObject(a); final SingleInputBroadcastIterator it = new SingleInputBroadcastIterator(da, o, true); final Dataset result = it.getOutput(); final int is = result.getElementsPerItem(); final int dt = result.getDtype(); switch (dt) { case Dataset.INT8: final byte[] oi8data = ((ByteDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT16: final short[] oi16data = ((ShortDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT64: final long[] oi64data = ((LongDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.INT32: final int[] oi32data = ((IntegerDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oi32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT8: final byte[] oai8data = ((CompoundByteDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); byte ox; ox = (byte) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai8data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT16: final short[] oai16data = ((CompoundShortDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); short ox; ox = (short) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai16data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT64: final long[] oai64data = ((CompoundLongDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); long ox; ox = toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYINT32: final int[] oai32data = ((CompoundIntegerDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); int ox; ox = (int) toLong(Math.asin(ix)); oai32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.FLOAT32: final float[] of32data = ((FloatDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); of32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); of32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.FLOAT64: final double[] of64data = ((DoubleDataset) result).data; if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); of64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); of64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT32: final float[] oaf32data = ((CompoundFloatDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); float ox; ox = (float) (Math.asin(ix)); oaf32data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT64: final double[] oaf64data = ((CompoundDoubleDataset) result).data; if (is == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex] = ox; } } } else if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final long ix = it.aLong; double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } else { if (it.isOutputDouble()) { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final double ix = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + j); double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { final long ix = da.getElementLongAbs(it.aIndex + j); double ox; ox = (Math.asin(ix)); oaf64data[it.oIndex + j] = ox; } } } } break; case Dataset.COMPLEX64: final float[] oc64data = ((ComplexFloatDataset) result).data; if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { final double iy = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; Complex tz; float ox; float oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (float) (tz.getReal()); oy = (float) (tz.getImaginary()); oc64data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc64data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; final double iy = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + 1); Complex tz; float ox; float oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (float) (tz.getReal()); oy = (float) (tz.getImaginary()); oc64data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc64data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } break; case Dataset.COMPLEX128: final double[] oc128data = ((ComplexDoubleDataset) result).data; if (da.getElementsPerItem() == 1) { final double iy = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; Complex tz; double ox; double oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (tz.getReal()); oy = (tz.getImaginary()); oc128data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc128data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final double ix = it.aDouble; final double iy = da.getElementDoubleAbs(it.aIndex + 1); Complex tz; double ox; double oy; tz = new Complex(ix, iy).asin(); ox = (tz.getReal()); oy = (tz.getImaginary()); oc128data[it.oIndex] = ox; oc128data[it.oIndex + 1] = oy; } } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "arcsin supports integer, compound integer, real, compound real, complex datasets only"); } addFunctionName(result, "arcsin"); return result; }