List of usage examples for java.lang Math asin
public static double asin(double a)
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public double distance(GeoPoint x) { // the dot product could also be used here, but we expect small distances mostly // so the haversine formulation is more accurate return Constants.EARTH_RADIUS_KM * 2 * Math.asin(r.subtract(x.r).getNorm() / 2); }
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@GenerateMicroBenchmark public void math(BlackHole hole) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) hole.consume(Math.asin(data[i])); }
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public double ASIN(double number) { return Math.asin(number); }
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private static double compute() { double result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) { result += Math.acos(Math.cos(i)); result -= Math.asin(Math.sin(i)); }//from ww w . j a va 2 s . co m return result; }
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public static double calculateEclipse(SpacecraftState s) throws OrekitException { double occultedRadius = Constants.EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_OF_SUN; double occultingRadius = Constants.EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_OF_THE_EARTH; final Vector3D pted = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun().getPVCoordinates(s.getDate(), s.getFrame()) .getPosition();//from ww w. jav a 2 s .c o m final Vector3D ping = CelestialBodyFactory.getEarth().getPVCoordinates(s.getDate(), s.getFrame()) .getPosition(); final Vector3D psat = s.getPVCoordinates().getPosition(); final Vector3D ps = pted.subtract(psat); final Vector3D po = ping.subtract(psat); final double angle = Vector3D.angle(ps, po); final double rs = Math.asin(occultedRadius / ps.getNorm()); final double ro = Math.asin(occultingRadius / po.getNorm()); return angle - ro - rs; }
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/** * Calculate length of the day for a specific day * /*from ww w.jav a 2 s . co m*/ * @param latitude * the latitude * @param day * the day * @return time in hours */ public double length(double latitude, int day) { final double p = Math .asin(.39795 * Math.cos(.2163108 + 2 * Math.atan(.9671396 * Math.tan(.00860 * (day - 186))))); return (24.0d - (24.0d / Math.PI) * Math .acos((Math.sin(0.8333d * Math.PI / 180d) + Math.sin(latitude * Math.PI / 180.0d) * Math.sin(p)) / (Math.cos(latitude * Math.PI / 180.0d) * Math.cos(p)))); }
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/** * Obtain ray refracted according to Snell's law. * /*from ww w .j a v a 2s. co m*/ * @param incidentRay * @param normalRay * @return refracted ray */ Ray getRefractedRay(Ray incidentRay, Ray normalRay) { // Check direction of incident ray (inside to out or outside to in) // and adjust ior accordingly: double snellFactor; Vector3D axis; if (incidentRay.direction.dotProduct(normalRay.direction) < 0.0) { snellFactor = 1.0 / ior; axis = incidentRay.direction.crossProduct(normalRay.direction); } else { snellFactor = ior; axis = normalRay.direction.crossProduct(incidentRay.direction); } if (axis.getNorm() > 0) { axis = axis.normalize(); } else { return new Ray(normalRay.getOrigin(), incidentRay.direction); } double angle = Math .asin((incidentRay.direction.normalize().crossProduct(normalRay.direction).normalize()).getNorm()); double newAngle = Math.asin(snellFactor * Math.sin(angle)); Rotation rotation = new Rotation(axis, newAngle - angle); Vector3D refractedDir = rotation.applyTo(incidentRay.direction); return new Ray(normalRay.getOrigin(), refractedDir); }
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@Test public void testMathASin() { for (double i = 0; i < numItr; ++i) { double val = Math.asin(i); }//from w w w .ja va 2s . c om }
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/** * Finds the missing value. Seems to lose a degree of freedom, but it * doesn't. That degree of freedom is already lost by the sensor. */// w ww . jav a 2 s .com private float getQuaternionW(float x, float y, float z) { return (float) Math.cos(Math.asin(Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z))); }
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@PascalMethod(description = "Return inverse sine") public double ArcSin(double d) { return Math.asin(d); }