List of usage examples for java.lang Double MAX_VALUE
double MAX_VALUE
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public double classifyInstance(Instance sample) throws Exception { // transform instance to sequence MonoDoubleItemSet[] sequence = new MonoDoubleItemSet[sample.numAttributes() - 1]; int shift = (sample.classIndex() == 0) ? 1 : 0; for (int t = 0; t < sequence.length; t++) { sequence[t] = new MonoDoubleItemSet(sample.value(t + shift)); }// w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m Sequence seq = new Sequence(sequence); double minD = Double.MAX_VALUE; String classValue = null; for (ClassedSequence s : prototypes) { double tmpD = seq.distance(s.sequence); if (tmpD < minD) { minD = tmpD; classValue = s.classValue; } } // System.out.println(prototypes.size()); return sample.classAttribute().indexOfValue(classValue); }
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private void init(Shipment s) { okButton.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { shipment = getShipment();/*from ww w . ja va 2 s .co m*/ if (isValid()) close(); }); cancelButton.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { close(); }); idField = new TextField(Long.toString(s.getId())); idField.setDisable(true); shipIdField = new TextField(s.getShipmentId()); Callback<ListView<TradeName>, ListCell<TradeName>> cb = new Callback<ListView<TradeName>, ListCell<TradeName>>() { @Override public ListCell<TradeName> call(ListView<TradeName> param) { return new ListCell<TradeName>() { @Override protected void updateItem(TradeName item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); if (item == null || empty) setText("Hersteller whlen..."); else setText(item.getName()); } }; } }; Set<TradeName> contractors = Client.lookup(MandatorSupporter.class).loadContractors().all(); ownerBox = new ComboBox<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList(contractors)); ownerBox.setMaxWidth(MAX_VALUE); ownerBox.setCellFactory(cb); ownerBox.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener( (ObservableValue<? extends TradeName> observable, TradeName oldValue, TradeName newValue) -> { if (newValue == null) return; shipment.setContractor(newValue); manufacturerBox.getSelectionModel().select(newValue.getManufacturer()); }); ObservableList<TradeName> manufacturers = FXCollections.observableArrayList(TradeName.getManufacturers()); manufacturerBox = new ComboBox<>(manufacturers); manufacturerBox.setMaxWidth(MAX_VALUE); manufacturerBox.setCellFactory(cb); SingleSelectionModel<TradeName> sm = ownerBox.getSelectionModel(); if (s.getContractor() == null) sm.selectFirst(); else; if (shipment.getDefaultManufacturer() != null) manufacturerBox.getSelectionModel().select(shipment.getDefaultManufacturer()); statusBox = new ComboBox<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList(Shipment.Status.values())); statusBox.setMaxWidth(MAX_VALUE); statusBox.getSelectionModel().select(s.getStatus() == null ? OPENED : s.getStatus()); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.addRow(1, new Label("ID:"), idField); grid.addRow(2, new Label("Shipment ID:"), shipIdField); grid.addRow(3, new Label("Besitzer:"), ownerBox); grid.addRow(4, new Label("Hersteller:"), manufacturerBox); grid.addRow(5, new Label("Status"), statusBox); grid.setMaxWidth(MAX_VALUE); grid.vgapProperty().set(2.); grid.getColumnConstraints().add(0, new ColumnConstraints(100, 100, Double.MAX_VALUE, Priority.SOMETIMES, HPos.LEFT, false)); grid.getColumnConstraints().add(1, new ColumnConstraints(100, 150, Double.MAX_VALUE, Priority.ALWAYS, HPos.LEFT, true)); HBox hButtonBox = new HBox(okButton, cancelButton); hButtonBox.alignmentProperty().set(Pos.TOP_RIGHT); errorLabel.setWrapText(true); BorderPane rootPane = new BorderPane(grid, errorLabel, null, hButtonBox, null); this.setTitle(s.getId() > 0 ? "Shipment bearbeiten" : "Shipment anlegen"); this.setScene(new Scene(rootPane)); this.setResizable(false); }
From source
protected RangeRestriction createDoubleRange(Annotation annotation) { DoubleRange sRange = (DoubleRange) annotation; return new RangeRestriction( sRange.min() != Double.MIN_VALUE || !sRange.minInclusive() ? Double.valueOf(sRange.min()) : null, sRange.minInclusive(),// w w w. ja v a 2 s. co m sRange.max() != Double.MAX_VALUE || !sRange.maxInclusive() ? Double.valueOf(sRange.max()) : null, sRange.maxInclusive(), DOUBLE_COMPARATOR); }
From source
/** * Method calculates which journey out of the journeyList is best fitting to * take the journeyNew with it./*w w w . jav a2 s . c om*/ * * @param journeyListWihtDriver * List of journeys which can be used to take the journeyNew with * them * @param journeyWithoutDriver * Journey which should be added to one of the journeys in the * journeyList * @return true if match found for journeyWithoutDriver otherwise false. */ private boolean calculateBestFittingJourney(List<JourneyBean> journeyListWihtDriver, JourneyBean journeyWithoutDriver) { this.clearObject(); Timestamp time = journeyWithoutDriver.getArrivleTime(); Integer numberChildrenAdd = journeyWithoutDriver.getChildren().size(); boolean matchFound = false; List<JourneyBean> waypointList = new ArrayList<JourneyBean>(); List<JourneyBean> tmpList = new ArrayList<JourneyBean>(); Integer usedSeats; for (JourneyBean i : journeyListWihtDriver) { if (i.getRouteId() == null) { Set<ChildBean> childSet = i.getChildren(); usedSeats = childSet.size() + 1; } else { usedSeats = jAccess.getUsedSeats(i.getRouteId()); } if (ThinkingCO2Time.timestampsInIntervall(i.getArrivleTime(), time, timeIntervall) && (usedSeats + numberChildrenAdd) < CarAccess.getInstance() .getCarByLicenseNumber(i.getLicenseNumber()).getSeats()) { tmpList.add(i); } } MinimalJourney minJ = new MinimalJourney(); Double duration; Double durationWithWaypoint; Double timeDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE; Integer routeID; for (JourneyBean i : tmpList) { waypointList.clear(); if ((routeID = i.getRouteId()) != null) { waypointList.addAll(this.jAccess.getJourneysByRouteID(routeID)); waypointList.remove(i); } minJ.minRoute(i, waypointList); duration = minJ.getDuration(); waypointList.add(journeyWithoutDriver); minJ.minRoute(i, waypointList); durationWithWaypoint = minJ.getDuration(); if ((durationWithWaypoint - duration) < timeDiff) { timeDiff = durationWithWaypoint - duration; this.bestFittingJourney = i; this.resultingAddressList = minJ.getAddressList(); this.resultingJSON = minJ.getMinRouteJson(); this.resultingJourneyList = waypointList; this.resultingJourneyList.add(i); matchFound = true; } } System.out.println("The new Journey: " + journeyWithoutDriver.toString()); System.out.println("can be added to"); if (bestFittingJourney != null) { System.out.println(bestFittingJourney.toString()); } else { System.out.println("nobody"); } System.out.println("Resulting AddressList: "); for (AddressBean i : this.resultingAddressList) { System.out.println(i.getCountry() + " " + i.getZip() + " " + i.getCity() + " " + i.getStreet() + " " + i.getHousenumber()); } return matchFound; }
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/** * Returns an efficient set of geocells to search in a bounding box query. //from w ww. j a va2 s.c om This method is guaranteed to return a set of geocells having the same resolution (except in the case of antimeridian search i.e when east < west). * @param bbox: A geotypes.Box indicating the bounding box being searched. * @param costFunction: A function that accepts two arguments: * numCells: the number of cells to search * resolution: the resolution of each cell to search and returns the 'cost' of querying against this number of cells at the given resolution.) * @return A list of geocell strings that contain the given box. */ public static List<String> bestBboxSearchCells(BoundingBox bbox, CostFunction costFunction) { if (bbox.getEast() < bbox.getWest()) { BoundingBox bboxAntimeridian1 = new BoundingBox(bbox.getNorth(), bbox.getEast(), bbox.getSouth(), GeocellUtils.MIN_LONGITUDE); BoundingBox bboxAntimeridian2 = new BoundingBox(bbox.getNorth(), GeocellUtils.MAX_LONGITUDE, bbox.getSouth(), bbox.getWest()); List<String> antimeridianList = bestBboxSearchCells(bboxAntimeridian1, costFunction); antimeridianList.addAll(bestBboxSearchCells(bboxAntimeridian2, costFunction)); return antimeridianList; } String cellNE = GeocellUtils.compute(bbox.getNorthEast(), GeocellManager.MAX_GEOCELL_RESOLUTION); String cellSW = GeocellUtils.compute(bbox.getSouthWest(), GeocellManager.MAX_GEOCELL_RESOLUTION); // The current lowest BBOX-search cost found; start with practical infinity. double minCost = Double.MAX_VALUE; // The set of cells having the lowest calculated BBOX-search cost. List<String> minCostCellSet = new ArrayList<String>(); // First find the common prefix, if there is one.. this will be the base // resolution.. i.e. we don't have to look at any higher resolution cells. int minResolution = 0; int maxResoltuion = Math.min(cellNE.length(), cellSW.length()); while (minResolution < maxResoltuion && cellNE.substring(0, minResolution + 1).startsWith(cellSW.substring(0, minResolution + 1))) { minResolution++; } // Iteravely calculate all possible sets of cells that wholely contain // the requested bounding box. for (int curResolution = minResolution; curResolution < GeocellManager.MAX_GEOCELL_RESOLUTION + 1; curResolution++) { String curNE = cellNE.substring(0, curResolution); String curSW = cellSW.substring(0, curResolution); int numCells = GeocellUtils.interpolationCount(curNE, curSW); if (numCells > MAX_FEASIBLE_BBOX_SEARCH_CELLS) { continue; } List<String> cellSet = GeocellUtils.interpolate(curNE, curSW); Collections.sort(cellSet); double cost; if (costFunction == null) { cost = DEFAULT_COST_FUNCTION.defaultCostFunction(cellSet.size(), curResolution); } else { cost = costFunction.defaultCostFunction(cellSet.size(), curResolution); } if (cost <= minCost) { minCost = cost; minCostCellSet = cellSet; } else { if (minCostCellSet.size() == 0) { minCostCellSet = cellSet; } // Once the cost starts rising, we won't be able to do better, so abort. break; } } logger.log(Level.INFO, "Calculate cells " + StringUtils.join(minCostCellSet, ", ") + " in box (" + bbox.getSouth() + "," + bbox.getWest() + ") (" + bbox.getNorth() + "," + bbox.getEast() + ")"); return minCostCellSet; }
From source
/** * Creates a new GridRecordWriter that will write all data files to the * given directory/*from w ww .j av a 2*/ * @param outDir - The directory in which all files will be stored * @param job - The MapReduce job associated with this output * @param prefix - A unique prefix to be associated with files of this writer * @param cells - Cells to partition the file * @param pack - After writing each cell, pack its MBR around contents * @throws IOException */ public GridRecordWriter(Path outDir, JobConf job, String prefix, CellInfo[] cells, boolean pack, boolean expand) throws IOException { this.pack = pack; this.expand = expand; this.prefix = prefix; this.fileSystem = outDir == null ? FileOutputFormat.getOutputPath(job).getFileSystem(job) : outDir.getFileSystem(job != null ? job : new Configuration()); this.outDir = outDir; this.jobConf = job; if (cells != null) { // Make sure cellIndex maps to array index. This is necessary for calls that // call directly write(int, Text) int highest_index = 0; for (CellInfo cell : cells) { if (cell.cellId > highest_index) highest_index = (int) cell.cellId; } // Create a master file that contains meta information about partitions masterFile = fileSystem.create(getMasterFilePath()); this.cells = new CellInfo[highest_index + 1]; for (CellInfo cell : cells) this.cells[(int) cell.cellId] = cell; // Prepare arrays that hold cells information intermediateCellStreams = new OutputStream[this.cells.length]; intermediateCellPath = new Path[this.cells.length]; cellsMbr = new Prism[this.cells.length]; } else { intermediateCellStreams = new OutputStream[1]; intermediateCellPath = new Path[1]; cellsMbr = new Prism[1]; } for (int i = 0; i < cellsMbr.length; i++) { cellsMbr[i] = new Prism(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE); } this.blockSize = job == null ? fileSystem.getDefaultBlockSize(this.outDir) : job.getLong(SpatialSite.LOCAL_INDEX_BLOCK_SIZE, fileSystem.getDefaultBlockSize(this.outDir)); closingThreads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); text = new Text(); }
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public Map<String, Integer> getRecommendPokemon() { // API for downard module // Put all strongerCandidates to GMM model List<Pair<Integer, Double>> weightPairList = new ArrayList<>(); GaussianMixtureModel model = gmmTrainer.getModel(); for (int j = 0; j < model.getK(); j++) { weightPairList.add(Pair.of(j, model.weights()[j])); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .com*/ Collections.sort(weightPairList, new Comparator<Pair<Integer, Double>>() { @Override public int compare(Pair<Integer, Double> o1, Pair<Integer, Double> o2) { if (o1.getValue() < o2.getKey()) return -1; else if (o1.getValue().equals(o2.getValue())) return 0; else return 1; } }); // Get top-5 // 5 is temp number // <String, Interger> -> <PokemonName, Rank#> HashMap<String, Integer> rankedPokemon = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, String> strongerCandidatesMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (String strongerCandidate : strongerCandidates) { strongerCandidatesMap.put(strongerCandidates.indexOf(strongerCandidate), strongerCandidate); } // for (int i = 0; i < strongerCandidates.size(); i++) { // // strongerCandidatesMap.put(i, strongerCandidates.get(i).toLowerCase()); // } // modified by sidmishraw for getting top 10 pokemons rather than 5 int totalClusters = Math.min(model.getK(), 10); int rank = 1; for (int i = totalClusters - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int modelIdx = weightPairList.get(i).getKey(); double[] meanVector = model.gaussians()[modelIdx].mean().toArray(); double att = meanVector[0]; double def = meanVector[1]; double hp = meanVector[2]; double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; int minIdx = 0; String bestFitName = null; for (int j = 0; j < strongerCandidatesMap.size(); j++) { String name = strongerCandidatesMap.get(j); if (name == null) { continue; } //name = name.toLowerCase(); System.out.println("HARMLESS:::: name = " + name); System.out.println("HARMLESS:::: att2 = " + PokemonDict.getInstance().getAttack(name)); System.out.println("HARMLESS:::: def2 = " + PokemonDict.getInstance().getDefense(name)); System.out.println("HARMLESS:::: hp2 = " + PokemonDict.getInstance().getHP(name)); int att2 = PokemonDict.getInstance().getAttack(name); int def2 = PokemonDict.getInstance().getDefense(name); int hp2 = PokemonDict.getInstance().getHP(name); double dist = Math .sqrt((att - att2) * (att - att2) + (def - def2) * (def - def2) + (hp - hp2) * (hp - hp2)); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; minIdx = j; bestFitName = name; } } strongerCandidatesMap.remove(minIdx); rankedPokemon.put(bestFitName, rank); rank++; } return rankedPokemon; }
From source
public void addCurveMeanAndStdDev(Curve curve, FitFunction fitFunction, String description) { double min = Double.MAX_VALUE, max = Double.MIN_VALUE; MultiValueMap validMap = new MultiValueMap(); MultiValueMap invalidMap = new MultiValueMap(); // group each concentration in a hash, average, then add point for (int ii = 0; ii < curve.getConcentrations().size(); ii++) { Double c = curve.getConcentrations().get(ii); Double r = curve.getResponses().get(ii); if (curve.getMask().get(ii)) validMap.put(c, r);/*from w w w .j a va 2 s.c o m*/ else invalidMap.put(c, r); min = Math.min(min, c); max = Math.max(max, c); } addCurve(curve, getSeries(validMap, description), getSeries(invalidMap, ""), fitFunction, min, max); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String[] remainingArgs = null; String inputFile = null;//from ww w.j a v a2 s .co m String predsFile = null; String saveModelFile = null; String initialModelFile = null; String lossName = null; String parserName = null; String linkName = null; String invertHashName = null; double learningRate = 1; String minPredictionString = null; String maxPredictionString = null; String fmNumberFactorsString = null; int bitsHash; int numberPasses; int holdoutPeriod = 10; boolean testOnly = false; boolean exponentialProgress; double progressInterval; options.addOption("h", "help", false, "displays this help"); options.addOption("t", false, "ignore label information and just test"); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("binary") .desc("reports loss as binary classification with -1,1 labels").build()); options.addOption( Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("solo").desc("uses SOLO optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("pcsolo") .desc("uses Per Coordinate SOLO optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("pistol") .desc("uses PiSTOL optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("kt") .desc("(EXPERIMENTAL) uses KT optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("pckt") .desc("(EXPERIMENTAL) uses Per Coordinate KT optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("pccocob") .desc("(EXPERIMENTAL) uses Per Coordinate COCOB optimizer").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("cocob") .desc("(EXPERIMENTAL) uses COCOB optimizer").build()); options.addOption( Option.builder().hasArg(false).required(false).longOpt("fm").desc("Factorization Machine").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("f").hasArg(true).required(false).desc("final regressor to save") .type(String.class).longOpt("final_regressor").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("p").hasArg(true).required(false).desc("file to output predictions to") .longOpt("predictions").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption( Option.builder("i").hasArg(true).required(false).desc("initial regressor(s) to load into memory") .longOpt("initial_regressor").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc( "specify the loss function to be used. Currently available ones are: absolute, squared (default), hinge, logistic") .longOpt("loss_function").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc( "specify the link function used in the output of the predictions. Currently available ones are: identity (default), logistic") .longOpt("link").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("output human-readable final regressor with feature names").longOpt("invert_hash") .type(String.class).build()); options.addOption( Option.builder("l").hasArg(true).required(false).desc("set (initial) learning Rate, default = 1.0") .longOpt("learning_rate").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("b").hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("number of bits in the feature table, default = 18").longOpt("bit_precision") .type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("P").hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("progress update frequency, integer: additive; float: multiplicative, default = 2.0") .longOpt("progress").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("smallest prediction to output, before the link function, default = -50") .longOpt("min_prediction").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("smallest prediction to output, before the link function, default = 50") .longOpt("max_prediction").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("ignore namespaces beginning with the characters in <arg>").longOpt("ignore") .type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc("number of training passes") .longOpt("passes").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption( Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc("holdout period for test only, default = 10") .longOpt("holdout_period").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("number of factors for Factorization Machines default = 8").longOpt("fmNumberFactors") .type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false) .desc("specify the parser to use. Currently available ones are: vw (default), libsvm, tsv") .longOpt("parser").type(String.class).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg(true).required(false).desc("schema file for the TSV input") .longOpt("schema").type(String.class).build()); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println("Unrecognized option"); help(); } if (cmd.hasOption("h")) help(); if (cmd.hasOption("t")) testOnly = true; if (cmd.hasOption("binary")) { binary = true; System.out.println("Reporting binary loss"); } initialModelFile = cmd.getOptionValue("i"); predsFile = cmd.getOptionValue("p"); lossName = cmd.getOptionValue("loss_function", "squared"); linkName = cmd.getOptionValue("link", "identity"); saveModelFile = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); learningRate = Double.parseDouble(cmd.getOptionValue("l", "1.0")); bitsHash = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("b", "18")); invertHashName = cmd.getOptionValue("invert_hash"); minPredictionString = cmd.getOptionValue("min_prediction", "-50"); maxPredictionString = cmd.getOptionValue("max_prediction", "50"); fmNumberFactorsString = cmd.getOptionValue("fmNumberFactors", "8"); parserName = cmd.getOptionValue("parser", "vw"); numberPasses = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("passes", "1")); System.out.println("Number of passes = " + numberPasses); if (numberPasses > 1) { holdoutPeriod = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("holdout_period", "10")); System.out.println("Holdout period = " + holdoutPeriod); } remainingArgs = cmd.getArgs(); if (remainingArgs.length == 1) inputFile = remainingArgs[0]; InstanceParser instanceParser = null; if (parserName.equals("vw")) instanceParser = new VWParser(bitsHash, cmd.getOptionValue("ignore"), (invertHashName != null)); else if (parserName.equals("libsvm")) instanceParser = new LIBSVMParser(bitsHash, (invertHashName != null)); else if (parserName.equals("tsv")) { String schema = cmd.getOptionValue("schema"); if (schema == null) { System.out.println("TSV parser requires a schema file."); System.exit(0); } else { String spec = null; try { spec = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(schema))); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error reading the TSV schema file."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } instanceParser = new TSVParser(bitsHash, cmd.getOptionValue("ignore"), (invertHashName != null), spec); } } else { System.out.println("Unknown parser."); System.exit(0); } System.out.println("Num weight bits = " + bitsHash); // setup progress String progress = cmd.getOptionValue("P", "2.0"); if (progress.indexOf('.') >= 0) { exponentialProgress = true; progressInterval = (double) Double.parseDouble(progress); } else { exponentialProgress = false; progressInterval = (double) Integer.parseInt(progress); } // min and max predictions minPrediction = (double) Double.parseDouble(minPredictionString); maxPrediction = (double) Double.parseDouble(maxPredictionString); // number of factors for Factorization Machines fmNumberFactors = (int) Integer.parseInt(fmNumberFactorsString); // configure the learner Loss lossFnc = null; LinkFunction link = null; if (initialModelFile == null) { if (cmd.hasOption("kt")) { learner = new KT(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("pckt")) { learner = new PerCoordinateKT(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("pcsolo")) { learner = new PerCoordinateSOLO(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("solo")) { learner = new SOLO(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("pccocob")) { learner = new PerCoordinateCOCOB(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("cocob")) { learner = new COCOB(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("pistol")) { learner = new PerCoordinatePiSTOL(bitsHash); } else if (cmd.hasOption("fm")) { learner = new SGD_FM(bitsHash, fmNumberFactors); } else learner = new SGD_VW(bitsHash); } else { learner = IOLearner.loadLearner(initialModelFile); } // setup link function if (linkName.equals("identity")) { link = new IdentityLinkFunction(); } else if (linkName.equals("logistic")) { link = new LogisticLinkFunction(); } else { System.out.println("Unknown link function."); System.exit(0); } // setup loss function if (lossName.equals("squared")) { lossFnc = new SquareLoss(); } else if (lossName.equals("hinge")) { lossFnc = new HingeLoss(); } else if (lossName.equals("logistic")) { lossFnc = new LogisticLoss(); } else if (lossName.equals("absolute")) { lossFnc = new AbsLoss(); } else { System.out.println("Unknown loss function."); System.exit(0); } learner.setLoss(lossFnc); learner.setLearningRate(learningRate); // maximum range predictions System.out.println("Max prediction = " + maxPrediction + ", Min Prediction = " + minPrediction); // print information about the learner System.out.println(learner.toString()); // print information about the link function System.out.println(link.toString()); // print information about the parser System.out.println(instanceParser.toString()); // print information about ignored namespaces System.out.println("Ignored namespaces = " + cmd.getOptionValue("ignore", "")); long start = System.nanoTime(); FileInputStream fstream; try { BufferedReader br = null; if (inputFile != null) { fstream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); System.out.println("Reading datafile = " + inputFile); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream)); } else { System.out.println("Reading from console"); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } File fout = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; if (predsFile != null) { fout = new File(predsFile); fos = new FileOutputStream(fout); bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); } try { System.out.println("average example current current current"); System.out.println("loss counter label predict features"); int iter = 0; double cumLoss = 0; double weightedSampleSum = 0; double sPlus = 0; double sMinus = 0; Instance sample = null; boolean justPrinted = false; int pass = 0; ObjectOutputStream ooutTr = null; ObjectOutputStream ooutHO = null; ObjectInputStream oinTr = null; double pred = 0; int limit = 1; double hError = Double.MAX_VALUE; double lastHError = Double.MAX_VALUE; int numTestSample = 0; int numTrainingSample = 0; int idx = 0; if (numberPasses > 1) { ooutTr = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("cache_training.bin")); ooutHO = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("cache_holdout.bin")); oinTr = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("cache_training.bin")); } do { while (true) { double score; if (pass > 0 && numberPasses > 1) { Instance tmp = (Instance) oinTr.readObject(); if (tmp != null) sample = tmp; else break; } else { String strLine = br.readLine(); if (strLine != null) sample = instanceParser.parse(strLine); else break; } justPrinted = false; idx++; if (numberPasses > 1 && pass == 0 && idx % holdoutPeriod == 0) { // store the current sample for the holdout set ooutHO.writeObject(sample); ooutHO.reset(); numTestSample++; } else { if (numberPasses > 1 && pass == 0) { ooutTr.writeObject(sample); ooutTr.reset(); numTrainingSample++; } iter++; if (testOnly) { // predict the sample score = learner.predict(sample); } else { // predict the sample and update the classifier using the sample score = learner.update(sample); } score = Math.min(Math.max(score, minPrediction), maxPrediction); pred = link.apply(score); if (!binary) cumLoss += learner.getLoss().lossValue(score, sample.getLabel()) * sample.getWeight(); else if (Math.signum(score) != sample.getLabel()) cumLoss += sample.getWeight(); weightedSampleSum += sample.getWeight(); if (sample.getLabel() > 0) sPlus = sPlus + sample.getWeight(); else sMinus = sMinus + sample.getWeight(); // output predictions to file if (predsFile != null) { bw.write(String.format("%.6f %s", pred, sample.getTag())); bw.newLine(); } // print statistics to screen if (iter == limit) { justPrinted = true; System.out.printf("%.6f %12d % .4f % .4f %d\n", cumLoss / weightedSampleSum, iter, sample.getLabel(), pred, sample.getVector().size()); if (exponentialProgress) limit *= progressInterval; else limit += progressInterval; } } } if (numberPasses > 1) { if (pass == 0) { // finished first pass of many // write a null at the end of the files ooutTr.writeObject(null); ooutHO.writeObject(null); ooutTr.flush(); ooutHO.flush(); ooutTr.close(); ooutHO.close(); System.out.println("finished first epoch"); System.out.println(numTrainingSample + " training samples"); System.out.println(numTestSample + " holdout samples saved"); } lastHError = hError; hError = evalHoldoutError(); } if (numberPasses > 1) { System.out.printf("Weighted loss on holdout on epoch %d = %.6f\n", pass + 1, hError); oinTr.close(); oinTr = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("cache_training.bin")); if (hError > lastHError) { System.out.println("Early stopping"); break; } } pass++; } while (pass < numberPasses); if (justPrinted == false) { System.out.printf("%.6f %12d % .4f % .4f %d\n", cumLoss / weightedSampleSum, iter, sample.getLabel(), pred, sample.getVector().size()); } System.out.println("finished run"); System.out.println(String.format("average loss best constant predictor: %.6f", lossFnc.lossConstantBinaryLabels(sPlus, sMinus))); if (saveModelFile != null) IOLearner.saveLearner(learner, saveModelFile); if (invertHashName != null) IOLearner.saveInvertHash(learner.getWeights(), instanceParser.getInvertHashMap(), invertHashName); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // close the input stream try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // close the output stream if (predsFile != null) { try { bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } long millis = System.nanoTime() - start; System.out.printf("Elapsed time: %d min, %d sec\n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(millis), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(millis) - 60 * TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(millis)); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Error opening the input file"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
protected double nextStandardExponential() { for (;;) {// ww w .ja v a 2 s .co m double u = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(); double e = -FastMath.log(u); if (e > 0 && e < Double.MAX_VALUE && e == e) { // check for zero, positive infinity, and NaN return e; } } }