Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package cc.mallet.types;

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

import org.apache.commons.math3.util.CombinatoricsUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;

import gnu.trove.TIntArrayList;
import scala.NotImplementedError;

public class PolyaUrnDirichlet extends ParallelDirichlet implements SparseDirichlet {

    public PolyaUrnDirichlet(double[] prior) {

    public PolyaUrnDirichlet(int size, double prior) {
        super(size, prior);

    public VSResult nextDistributionWithSparseness(int[] counts) {
        double distribution[] = new double[partition.length];
        TIntArrayList resultingNonZeroIdxs = new TIntArrayList();
        double sum = 0;

        // implements the Poisson Polya Urn
        for (int i = 0; i < distribution.length; i++) {
            // determine whether we land in F_0 or F^_n
            if (counts[i] == 0 || ThreadLocalRandom.current()
                    .nextDouble((partition[i] * magnitude) + counts[i]) < partition[i] * magnitude) {
                // sample from F_0
                distribution[i] = (double) nextPoisson(partition[i] * magnitude);
            } else {
                // sample from F^_n
                distribution[i] = (double) nextPoisson((double) counts[i]);
            sum += distribution[i];
            if (distribution[i] != 0) {

        for (int i = 0; i < distribution.length; i++) {
            distribution[i] /= sum;
            if (distribution[i] <= 0) {
                distribution[i] = Double.MIN_VALUE;

        return new VSResult(distribution, resultingNonZeroIdxs.toNativeArray());

    public double[] nextDistribution(int[] counts) {
        return nextDistributionWithSparseness(counts).phiRow;

    public VSResult nextDistributionWithSparseness() {
        throw new NotImplementedError();

    // HACK: copy/pasted to avoid instantiating PoissonDistribution classes that won't be used except for random draws
    // taken from ApacheCommons Math and modified for ThreadLocalRandom and nextStandardExponential (Apache licensed)
    // no idea how good or how bad this algorithm is, for mean < 40, it uses IID exponentials, which seems inefficient
    protected long nextPoisson(double meanPoisson) {
        final double pivot = 40.0d;
        if (meanPoisson < pivot) {
            double p = FastMath.exp(-meanPoisson);
            long n = 0;
            double r = 1.0d;
            double rnd = 1.0d;

            while (n < 1000 * meanPoisson) {
                rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble();
                r *= rnd;
                if (r >= p) {
                } else {
                    return n;
            return n;
        } else {
            final double lambda = FastMath.floor(meanPoisson);
            final double lambdaFractional = meanPoisson - lambda;
            final double logLambda = FastMath.log(lambda);
            final double logLambdaFactorial = CombinatoricsUtils.factorialLog((int) lambda);
            final long y2 = lambdaFractional < Double.MIN_VALUE ? 0 : nextPoisson(lambdaFractional);
            final double delta = FastMath.sqrt(lambda * FastMath.log(32 * lambda / FastMath.PI + 1));
            final double halfDelta = delta / 2;
            final double twolpd = 2 * lambda + delta;
            final double a1 = FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.PI * twolpd) * FastMath.exp(1 / (8 * lambda));
            final double a2 = (twolpd / delta) * FastMath.exp(-delta * (1 + delta) / twolpd);
            final double aSum = a1 + a2 + 1;
            final double p1 = a1 / aSum;
            final double p2 = a2 / aSum;
            final double c1 = 1 / (8 * lambda);

            double x = 0;
            double y = 0;
            double v = 0;
            int a = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double qr = 0;
            double qa = 0;
            for (;;) {
                final double u = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble();
                if (u <= p1) {
                    final double n = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextGaussian();
                    x = n * FastMath.sqrt(lambda + halfDelta) - 0.5d;
                    if (x > delta || x < -lambda) {
                    y = x < 0 ? FastMath.floor(x) : FastMath.ceil(x);
                    final double e = nextStandardExponential();
                    v = -e - (n * n / 2) + c1;
                } else {
                    if (u > p1 + p2) {
                        y = lambda;
                    } else {
                        x = delta + (twolpd / delta) * nextStandardExponential();
                        y = FastMath.ceil(x);
                        v = -nextStandardExponential() - delta * (x + 1) / twolpd;
                a = x < 0 ? 1 : 0;
                t = y * (y + 1) / (2 * lambda);
                if (v < -t && a == 0) {
                    y = lambda + y;
                qr = t * ((2 * y + 1) / (6 * lambda) - 1);
                qa = qr - (t * t) / (3 * (lambda + a * (y + 1)));
                if (v < qa) {
                    y = lambda + y;
                if (v > qr) {
                if (v < y * logLambda - CombinatoricsUtils.factorialLog((int) (y + lambda)) + logLambdaFactorial) {
                    y = lambda + y;
            return y2 + (long) y;

    // exponential RV sampler via inversion method
    protected double nextStandardExponential() {
        for (;;) {
            double u = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble();
            double e = -FastMath.log(u);
            if (e > 0 && e < Double.MAX_VALUE && e == e) { // check for zero, positive infinity, and NaN
                return e;