List of usage examples for java.lang Class getCanonicalName
public String getCanonicalName()
From source
private void scanBlock(Class<? extends IBase> theClass) { ourLog.debug("Scanning resource block class: {}", theClass.getName()); String resourceName = theClass.getCanonicalName(); if (isBlank(resourceName)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Block type @" + Block.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation contains no name: " + theClass.getCanonicalName()); }/*from www . java 2 s . c om*/ RuntimeResourceBlockDefinition blockDef = new RuntimeResourceBlockDefinition(resourceName, theClass, isStandardType(theClass), myContext, myClassToElementDefinitions); myClassToElementDefinitions.put(theClass, blockDef); }
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/** * @param value//from w w w .j a v a 2 s .c om * @param type * @param converter * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private Object convertParamValue(Object value, String type, TemplateParamConverter converter) { Class<?> valueClass = (value == null ? null : value.getClass()); ITemplateParamConverter typeConverter = converter.getInstance(); if (typeConverter == null) { if (type == null || valueClass == null || type.equals(valueClass.getCanonicalName())) { return value; } else { Class<?> typeClass; if (paramTypes.containsKey(type)) { typeClass = paramTypes.get(type); } else { try { typeClass = Class.forName(type); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } for (ITemplateParamConverter<?, ?> paramConverter : paramConverters) { if (paramConverter.canConvert(valueClass, typeClass)) { typeConverter = paramConverter; break; } } if (typeConverter == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Brak konwertera dla parametru typu: " + type); } } } return typeConverter.convert(value); }
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protected <T> EntityMeta rawTypedQueryInternal(Class<T> entityClass, Statement statement, Object... boundValues) {//from w w w. j a v a 2 s.c om Validator.validateNotNull(entityClass, "The entityClass for typed query should not be null"); Validator.validateNotNull(statement, "The regularStatement for typed query should not be null"); Validator.validateTrue(entityMetaMap.containsKey(entityClass), "Cannot perform typed query because the entityClass '%s' is not managed by Achilles", entityClass.getCanonicalName()); EntityMeta meta = entityMetaMap.get(entityClass); typedQueryValidator.validateRawTypedQuery(entityClass, statement, meta); return meta; }
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@Override public final void onEnable() { // Mark plugin as enabling and start enabling registered modules. status = PluginStatus.ENABLING;// w w w . j a va2s .c o m long loadStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Register self as a listener if implemented. if (this instanceof Listener) { Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents((Listener) this, this); } // Determine if the plugin has a configuration file or not, and save it if there is one. if (getResource("config.yml") != null) { saveDefaultConfig(); getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); saveConfig(); hasConfig = true; reloadConfig(); } // Load modules //TODO: Detect circular dependencies List<String> disabledDependencies = hasConfig ? getConfig().getStringList("disabled modules") : null; List<Class<? extends FlexModule>> loadOrder = new ArrayList<>(); for (FlexModule module : modules.values()) { addToLoadOrder(loadOrder, module); } // !!DEBUG!! // StringBuilder loadOrderDebug = new StringBuilder("\n--MODULE LOAD ORDER--\n"); for (Class<? extends FlexModule> clazz : loadOrder) { if (loadOrderDebug.length() > 0) { loadOrderDebug.append("\n"); } loadOrderDebug.append(clazz.getCanonicalName()); } loadOrderDebug.append("\n\n--MODULE LOAD ORDER--\n"); LogHelper.debug(this, loadOrderDebug.toString()); // !!DEBUG!! // // This monstrosity of a loop determines the order in which modules should be loaded and loads them in the appropriate order. _moduleLoop: // EWWWWWWWWWW. Yeah, I know. for (Class<? extends FlexModule> clazz : loadOrder) { FlexModule<?> module = modules.get(clazz);, "Loading module: " + module.getIdentifier()); // Check if the module is disabled via the configuration file. if (disabledDependencies != null && disabledDependencies.contains(module.getIdentifier())) { moduleStatuses.put(clazz, ModuleStatus.DISABLED_CONFIG);, "Module '" + module.getIdentifier() + "' disabled via the config."); continue; } // Locate dependencies to make sure all are present. for (Class<? extends FlexModule> dep : module.getDependencies()) { // Checks if the dependency is present on the server. if (!REGISTERED_MODULES.containsKey(dep)) { moduleStatuses.put(clazz, ModuleStatus.DISABLED_DEPENDENCY); LogHelper.severe(this, "Unable to load module '" + module.getIdentifier() + "': dependency '" + dep.getCanonicalName() + "' is not a valid module on the server."); continue _moduleLoop; } // Checks if the dependency is enabled. if (REGISTERED_MODULES.get(dep).getModuleStatus(dep) != ModuleStatus.ENABLED) { moduleStatuses.put(clazz, ModuleStatus.DISABLED_DEPENDENCY); LogHelper.severe(this, "Unable to load module '" + module.getIdentifier() + "': dependency '" + dep.getCanonicalName() + "' is disabled."); continue _moduleLoop; } } // Attempts to load the module. try { module.loadAll(); moduleStatuses.put(clazz, ModuleStatus.ENABLED);, "Successfully loaded module: " + module.getIdentifier()); } catch (Exception ex) { moduleStatuses.put(clazz, ModuleStatus.DISABLED_ERROR); LogHelper.severe(this, "An error occurred while loading module '" + module.getIdentifier() + "': " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } if (moduleStatuses.get(clazz) != ModuleStatus.ENABLED) { modules.remove(clazz); } } // If the plugin has a messages.yml file, a MessageProvider will be created for it. if (getResource("messages.yml") != null) { MessageManager.registerMessageProvider(this); } // Attempts to enable the plugin. try { handlePluginEnable(); handlePluginReload(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.severe(this, "An error occurred while enabling: " + ex.getMessage()); status = PluginStatus.LOADED_ERROR; ex.printStackTrace(); return; } status = PluginStatus.ENABLED;, String.format("%s v%s by %s ENABLED (%dms)", getName(), getDescription().getVersion(), getDescription().getAuthors(), System.currentTimeMillis() - loadStartTime)); }
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/** * Registers the given model and controller with a database persister, getting the bucket name * from the @Table annotation on the model. * * @param model//from www .j av a 2 s . co m * @param controller * @param stash * @return */ public ModelController registerDbModel(Class<? extends Model> model, Class<? extends ModelController> controller, Class<? extends Stash> stash, String bucket) { Table anno = model.getAnnotation(Table.class); if (anno == null) { throw new UsageException("A @Table annotation is required on the model " + model.getCanonicalName() + " in order to register it."); } bucket = or(bucket,; String table =; DataAccessRegistration registration = new DataAccessRegistration().setDatabaseBacked(true) .setPersisterClass(DbPersister.class).setBucket(bucket).setTableName(table) .setControllerClass(controller).setStashClass(stash).setModelClass(model); return register(registration); }
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private void initPersisters(final Element root) throws Exception { List<AbstractPersister> pers = new ArrayList<AbstractPersister>(); NodeList pernl =, root); if (pernl != null && pernl.getLength() > 0) { for (int ii = 0; ii < pernl.getLength(); ii++) { Element pelm = (Element) pernl.item(ii); String vk = pelm.getAttribute(XMLUtils._PARAM_ATTR_NAME_); String cn = pelm.getAttribute(InstanceParam._PARAM_ATTR_CLASS_); InstanceParam ip = new InstanceParam(vk, cn); ip.parse(pelm);/* w w w. j a v a 2 s . com*/ Class<?> cls = Class.forName(ip.getClassname()); Object pobj = cls.newInstance(); if (pobj instanceof AbstractPersister) { AbstractPersister ap = (AbstractPersister) pobj; ap.init(ip.getParams()); persistmap.put(cls.getCanonicalName(), ap); persistmap.put(ap.key(), ap); pers.add(ap); } else throw new Exception("Invalid Configuration : Persister class [" + cls.getCanonicalName() + "] does not extend [" + AbstractPersister.class.getCanonicalName() + "]"); } } NodeList mapnl =, root); if (mapnl != null && mapnl.getLength() > 0) { for (int ii = 0; ii < mapnl.getLength(); ii++) { Element melm = (Element) mapnl.item(ii); String classname = melm.getAttribute(InstanceParam._PARAM_ATTR_CLASS_); if (classname == null || classname.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("Invalid Configuration : Missing map parameter [" + InstanceParam._PARAM_ATTR_CLASS_ + "]"); String persister = melm.getAttribute(_CONFIG_ATTR_PERSISTER_); if (persister == null || persister.isEmpty()) throw new Exception( "Invalid Configuration : Missing map parameter [" + _CONFIG_ATTR_PERSISTER_ + "]"); if (persistmap.containsKey(persister)) { persistmap.put(classname, persistmap.get(persister)); } else throw new Exception( "Invalid Configuration : Persister class [" + persister + "] does not exist."); } } for (AbstractPersister per : pers) { per.postinit(); } }
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@Override public Module configure() { return new PrivateModule() { @Override/*w w w .ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ protected void configure() { bind(RepositoryFactorySupport.class).toProvider(new RepositoryFactoryProvider()); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(packagePrefix)) { return; } Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<? extends Repository> klass : ClassIndex.getSubclasses(Repository.class)) { configureProvider(klass); classes.add(klass); } for (Class<?> klass : ClassIndex.getAnnotated(RepositoryDefinition.class)) { if (classes.contains(klass)) { continue; } configureProvider(klass); } } private <T> void configureProvider(Class<T> klass) { if (klass.getAnnotation(NoRepositoryBean.class) != null) { return; } if (!klass.getCanonicalName().startsWith(packagePrefix + ".")) { return; } bind(klass).toProvider(new RepositoryProvider<>(klass)); expose(klass); } }; }
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/** * Retrieves associated entities via running query into Lucene indexing. *//* w ww. j av a 2 s.c o m*/ private List getAssociatedEntitiesFromLucene(Object entity, String entityId, Class<?> childClass, Client childClient) { List associatedEntities; // Lucene query, where entity class is child class, parent class is // entity's class // and parent Id is entity ID! that's it! String query = LuceneQueryUtils.getQuery(DocumentIndexer.PARENT_ID_CLASS, entity.getClass().getCanonicalName().toLowerCase(), DocumentIndexer.PARENT_ID_FIELD, entityId, childClass.getCanonicalName().toLowerCase()); Map<String, String> results = childClient.getIndexManager().search(query); Set<String> rsSet = new HashSet<String>(results.values()); if (childClass.equals(entity.getClass())) { associatedEntities = (List<Object>) childClient.findAll(childClass, rsSet.toArray(new String[] {})); } else { associatedEntities = (List<Object>) childClient.findAll(childClass, rsSet.toArray(new String[] {})); } return associatedEntities; }
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@Override protected void withMethod(final Object bean, String beanName, Class<?> targetClass, final Method method) { if (method.getParameterTypes().length > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Method " + method.getName() + " is annotated with @Gauge but requires parameters."); }/*from w w w. j a va2s . c o m*/ final Gauge annotation = method.getAnnotation(Gauge.class); final String metricName = Util.forGauge(targetClass, method, annotation); metrics.register(metricName, new com.codahale.metrics.Gauge<Object>() { @Override public Object getValue() { return ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(method, bean); } }); LOG.debug("Created gauge {} for method {}.{}", metricName, targetClass.getCanonicalName(), method.getName()); }
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@Override public <T extends OpenmrsMetadata> T getMetadataItem(Class<T> type, String metadataSourceName, String metadataTermCode) { Criteria criteria = createSourceMetadataTermCriteria(metadataSourceName, null, metadataTermCode); MetadataTermMapping metadataTermMapping = (MetadataTermMapping) criteria.uniqueResult(); T metadataItem = null;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . com if (metadataTermMapping != null) { if (!type.getCanonicalName().equals(metadataTermMapping.getMetadataClass())) { throw new InvalidMetadataTypeException( "requested type " + type + " of metadata term mapping " + metadataTermMapping.getUuid() + " refers to type " + metadataTermMapping.getMetadataClass()); } metadataItem = internalGetByUuid(type, metadataTermMapping.getMetadataUuid()); } return metadataItem; }