List of usage examples for java.lang Class getCanonicalName
public String getCanonicalName()
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public RuntimeCompositeDatatypeDefinition(DatatypeDef theDef, Class<? extends ICompositeType> theImplementingClass, boolean theStandardType, FhirContext theContext, Map<Class<? extends IBase>, BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?>> theClassToElementDefinitions) { super(, theImplementingClass, theStandardType, theContext, theClassToElementDefinitions); String resourceName =; if (isBlank(resourceName)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Resource type @" + ResourceDef.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation contains no resource name: " + theImplementingClass.getCanonicalName()); }// ww w . ja v a2 s .c om mySpecialization = theDef.isSpecialization(); myProfileOfType = theDef.profileOf(); if (myProfileOfType.equals(IBaseDatatype.class)) { myProfileOfType = null; } }
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public ConfigurationFactory withBean(String path, Class<?> bean, String id, boolean proxy) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(2); if (StringUtils.hasText(id)) { properties.put("\"" + ID + "\"", id); }/* w w w.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ if (proxy) { properties.put("\"" + PROXY + "\"", true); } if (bean.isInterface()) { properties.put("\"" + INTERFACE + "\"", bean.getCanonicalName()); } else { properties.put("\"" + CLASS + "\"", bean.getCanonicalName()); } String[] splitedPath = path.split("/"); Map<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>> object = new HashMap<>(2); object.put(splitedPath[splitedPath.length - 1], properties); for (int i = splitedPath.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { Map<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>> child = object; object = new HashMap<>(2); object.put(splitedPath[i], child); } this.config = this.config.withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseMap(object)); return this; }
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/** * Deserialize an object of the specified class from the specified data items. * The attributes and nested tags arrays may be empty but never null. * * @param <T> Type of the object to be deserialized, must be a subclass of {@link AbstractIdentifier} * @param namespace CBOR data item representing the element namespace * @param cborName CBOR data item representing the element name * @param attributes CBOR array data item containing the element's attributes * @param nestedTags CBOR array data item containing the element's nested tags * @param identifierType Type of the object to be deserialized * @return The deserialized object/* w w w .jav a 2 s. co m*/ * @throws CBORDeserializationException if deserialization failed */ public static <T extends AbstractIdentifier> T deserialize(final DataItem namespace, final DataItem cborName, final Array attributes, final Array nestedTags, final Class<T> identifierType) throws CBORDeserializationException { if (namespace == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Namespace must not be null"); } if (cborName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CBOR name must not be null"); } if (attributes == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attributes array must not be null"); } if (nestedTags == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nested tags array must not be null"); } if (identifierType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target identifier type must not be null"); } try { // If default deserializers were not registered yet, do so if (!initialized) { init(); } // Check if a deserializer for this type was registered if (registeredDeserializers.containsKey(identifierType)) { DictionarySimpleElement elementEntry = getTopLevelElement(namespace, cborName); return identifierType.cast(registeredDeserializers.get(identifierType).deserialize(attributes, nestedTags, elementEntry)); } // If no deserializer was found, fail with exception throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot deserialize class: " + identifierType.getCanonicalName()); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw new CBORDeserializationException( "RuntimeException during deserialization, see nested exception" + "for details", ex); } }
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private Cluster selectClusterWithLoadBalancer(final Set<Tag> counterTags, final Set<Cluster> clusters, final String id, final JobRequest jobRequest) throws GeniePreconditionException { Cluster cluster = null;/*from w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ for (final ClusterLoadBalancer loadBalancer : this.clusterLoadBalancers) { final String loadBalancerClass; if (loadBalancer instanceof TargetClassAware) { final Class<?> targetClass = ((TargetClassAware) loadBalancer).getTargetClass(); if (targetClass != null) { loadBalancerClass = targetClass.getCanonicalName(); } else { loadBalancerClass = loadBalancer.getClass().getCanonicalName(); } } else { loadBalancerClass = loadBalancer.getClass().getCanonicalName(); } counterTags.add(Tag.of(MetricsConstants.TagKeys.CLASS_NAME, loadBalancerClass)); try { final Cluster selectedCluster = loadBalancer.selectCluster(clusters, this.toV3JobRequest(id, jobRequest)); if (selectedCluster != null) { // Make sure the cluster existed in the original list of clusters if (clusters.contains(selectedCluster)) { log.debug("Successfully selected cluster {} using load balancer {}", selectedCluster.getId(), loadBalancerClass); counterTags.add(Tag.of(MetricsConstants.TagKeys.STATUS, LOAD_BALANCER_STATUS_SUCCESS)); this.registry.counter(SELECT_LOAD_BALANCER_COUNTER_NAME, counterTags).increment(); cluster = selectedCluster; break; } else { log.error( "Successfully selected cluster {} using load balancer {} but it wasn't in original cluster " + "list {}", selectedCluster.getId(), loadBalancerClass, clusters); counterTags.add(Tag.of(MetricsConstants.TagKeys.STATUS, LOAD_BALANCER_STATUS_INVALID)); this.registry.counter(SELECT_LOAD_BALANCER_COUNTER_NAME, counterTags).increment(); } } else { counterTags.add(Tag.of(MetricsConstants.TagKeys.STATUS, LOAD_BALANCER_STATUS_NO_PREFERENCE)); this.registry.counter(SELECT_LOAD_BALANCER_COUNTER_NAME, counterTags).increment(); } } catch (final Exception e) { log.error("Cluster load balancer {} threw exception:", loadBalancer, e); counterTags.add(Tag.of(MetricsConstants.TagKeys.STATUS, LOAD_BALANCER_STATUS_EXCEPTION)); this.registry.counter(SELECT_LOAD_BALANCER_COUNTER_NAME, counterTags).increment(); } } // Make sure we selected a cluster if (cluster == null) { this.noClusterSelectedCounter.increment(); throw new GeniePreconditionException( "Unable to select a cluster from using any of the available load balancer's."); } return cluster; }
From source
protected <T> T getProxyInternal(final Class<T> entityClass, final Object primaryKey, Options options) { Validator.validateNotNull(entityClass, "Entity class should not be null for get proxy"); Validator.validateNotNull(primaryKey, "Entity primaryKey should not be null for get proxy"); Validator.validateTrue(entityMetaMap.containsKey(entityClass), "The entity class '%s' is not managed by Achilles", entityClass.getCanonicalName()); optionsValidator.validateNoAsyncListener(options); PersistenceManagerOperations context = initPersistenceContext(entityClass, primaryKey, options); entityValidator.validatePrimaryKey(context.getIdMeta(), primaryKey); return context.getProxy(entityClass); }
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private String joinClasses(Set<Class<?>> classes) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(classes)) { boolean added = false; for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { if (clazz != null) { String name = clazz.getCanonicalName(); if (name != null) { if (added) { builder.append(','); }//w w w. j av a 2 s . co m builder.append(name); added = true; } } } } return builder.toString(); }
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public SearchParameter getSearchParameter(Class c, String parName) throws FhirCoreException { for (SearchParameter sp : list) { //logger.trace("sp:" + sp); String resourceClassString = sp.getBase().getValue(); Class foundClass = FhirUtil.getResourceClass(resourceClassString); String foundName = sp.getName().getValue(); if (c.equals(foundClass) && foundName.equals(parName)) { return sp; }/*from w w w . j a v a2*/ } throw new FhirCoreException( "No SearchParameterSearchParam found for class:" + c.getCanonicalName() + " for param:" + parName); }
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/** * @param clazz class to find the type//from w ww .j av a 2 s . c om * * @return the {@link JClassType} denoted by the class given in parameter */ private JClassType findClassType(Class<?> clazz) { JClassType mapperType = context.getTypeOracle().findType(clazz.getCanonicalName()); if (null == mapperType) { logger.log(Type.WARN, "Cannot find the type denoted by the class " + clazz.getCanonicalName()); return null; } return mapperType; }
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protected <T> T getProxyForUpdateInternal(final Class<T> entityClass, final Object primaryKey) { Validator.validateNotNull(entityClass, "Entity class should not be null for get proxy for update"); Validator.validateNotNull(primaryKey, "Entity primaryKey should not be null for get proxy for update"); Validator.validateTrue(entityMetaMap.containsKey(entityClass), "The entity class '%s' is not managed by Achilles", entityClass.getCanonicalName()); PersistenceManagerOperations context = initPersistenceContext(entityClass, primaryKey, noOptions()); entityValidator.validatePrimaryKey(context.getIdMeta(), primaryKey); return context.getProxyForUpdate(entityClass); }
From source
public static int loadFormAdapters(ServletContext servletContext) throws Exception { int adapterCount = 0; // retain our class constructors in a hashtable - this speeds up initialisation HashMap<String, Constructor> formConstructors = new HashMap<String, Constructor>(); // create a JSON Array object which will hold json for all of the available security adapters JSONArray jsonAdapters = new JSONArray(); // get the directory in which the control xml files are stored File dir = new File(servletContext.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/forms/")); // create a filter for finding .formadapter.xml files FilenameFilter xmlFilenameFilter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".formadapter.xml"); }/*from ww w.j a v a2 s . c om*/ }; // create a schema object for the xsd Schema schema = _schemaFactory .newSchema(new File(servletContext.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/schemas/") + "/formAdapter.xsd")); // create a validator Validator validator = schema.newValidator(); // loop the xml files in the folder for (File xmlFile : dir.listFiles(xmlFilenameFilter)) { // read the xml into a string String xml = Strings.getString(xmlFile); // validate the control xml file against the schema validator.validate(new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8")))); // convert the string into JSON JSONObject jsonFormAdapter = org.json.XML.toJSONObject(xml).getJSONObject("formAdapter"); // get the type from the json String type = jsonFormAdapter.getString("type"); // get the class name from the json String className = jsonFormAdapter.getString("class"); // get the class Class classClass = Class.forName(className); // check the class extends if (!Classes.extendsClass(classClass, com.rapid.forms.FormAdapter.class)) throw new Exception(type + " form adapter class " + classClass.getCanonicalName() + " must extend com.rapid.forms.FormsAdapter"); // check this type is unique if (formConstructors.get(type) != null) throw new Exception(type + " form adapter already loaded. Type names must be unique."); // add to constructors hashmap referenced by type formConstructors.put(type, classClass.getConstructor(ServletContext.class, Application.class)); // add to our collection jsonAdapters.put(jsonFormAdapter); // increment the count adapterCount++; } // put the jsonControls in a context attribute (this is available via the getJsonActions method in RapidHttpServlet) servletContext.setAttribute("jsonFormAdapters", jsonAdapters); // put the constructors hashmapin a context attribute (this is available via the getContructor method in RapidHttpServlet) servletContext.setAttribute("formConstructors", formConstructors); + " form adapters loaded in .formAdapter.xml files"); return adapterCount; }