Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 Subho Ghosh (subho dot ghosh at outlook dot com) * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The DataManager class manages persistence and data query. * * @author subhagho * */ public class DataManager implements InitializedHandle { public static final String _CONFIG_XPATH_ = "/core/datamanager"; public static final String _CONFIG_PERSIST_XPATH_ = "./persistence"; public static final String _CONFIG_PERSISTER_XPATH_ = "./persister"; public static final String _CONFIG_PERSISTMAP_XPATH_ = "./classmap"; public static final String _CONFIG_ATTR_PERSISTER_ = "persister"; public static final String _CONFIG_ENTITY_PACKAGES_ = "./packages/jar"; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataManager.class); private EnumInstanceState state = EnumInstanceState.Unknown; private final HashMap<String, AbstractPersister> persistmap = new HashMap<String, AbstractPersister>(); private final HashMap<String, List<String>> scanjars = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); private void init(final XMLConfiguration config) throws Exception { try { state = EnumInstanceState.Running; if (Env.get().getEntityLoader() == null) { Env.get().setEntityLoader(new EntityClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader())); } String rootpath = Env._CONFIG_XPATH_ROOT_ + _CONFIG_XPATH_; NodeList nl =, config.getDocument().getDocumentElement()); if (nl == null || nl.getLength() <= 0) throw new Exception( "Invalid Configuration : DataManager configuration node [" + rootpath + "] not found."); Element dmroot = (Element) nl.item(0); NodeList packnl =, dmroot); if (packnl != null && packnl.getLength() > 0) { for (int ii = 0; ii < packnl.getLength(); ii++) { Element jelm = (Element) packnl.item(ii); String jar = jelm.getAttribute("name"); if (jar != null) { String pack = jelm.getAttribute("package"); if (pack != null && !pack.isEmpty()) { List<String> packs = null; if (scanjars.containsKey(jar)) { packs = scanjars.get(jar); } else { packs = new ArrayList<String>(); scanjars.put(jar, packs); } packs.add(pack); } } } scanEntities(); } NodeList pernl =, dmroot); if (pernl != null && pernl.getLength() > 0) { initPersisters((Element) pernl.item(0)); } log.debug("DataManager initialzied..."); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); state = EnumInstanceState.Exception; LogUtils.stacktrace(log, e); } } private void scanEntities() throws Exception { if (scanjars.size() > 0) { EntityScanner scanner = new EntityScanner(); for (String key : scanjars.keySet()) { List<String> packs = scanjars.get(key); if (packs.size() > 0) { for (String pack : packs) { scanner.scan(pack); scanEntities(scanner.getClasses()); } } } } } private void scanEntities(final List<Class<?>> classes) throws Exception { for (Class<?> type : classes) { if (type.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) { log.debug("Found entity : [" + type.getCanonicalName() + "][" + type.getClassLoader().getClass().getCanonicalName() + "]"); ReflectionUtils.get().load(type); } } } private void initPersisters(final Element root) throws Exception { List<AbstractPersister> pers = new ArrayList<AbstractPersister>(); NodeList pernl =, root); if (pernl != null && pernl.getLength() > 0) { for (int ii = 0; ii < pernl.getLength(); ii++) { Element pelm = (Element) pernl.item(ii); String vk = pelm.getAttribute(XMLUtils._PARAM_ATTR_NAME_); String cn = pelm.getAttribute(InstanceParam._PARAM_ATTR_CLASS_); InstanceParam ip = new InstanceParam(vk, cn); ip.parse(pelm); Class<?> cls = Class.forName(ip.getClassname()); Object pobj = cls.newInstance(); if (pobj instanceof AbstractPersister) { AbstractPersister ap = (AbstractPersister) pobj; ap.init(ip.getParams()); persistmap.put(cls.getCanonicalName(), ap); persistmap.put(ap.key(), ap); pers.add(ap); } else throw new Exception("Invalid Configuration : Persister class [" + cls.getCanonicalName() + "] does not extend [" + AbstractPersister.class.getCanonicalName() + "]"); } } NodeList mapnl =, root); if (mapnl != null && mapnl.getLength() > 0) { for (int ii = 0; ii < mapnl.getLength(); ii++) { Element melm = (Element) mapnl.item(ii); String classname = melm.getAttribute(InstanceParam._PARAM_ATTR_CLASS_); if (classname == null || classname.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("Invalid Configuration : Missing map parameter [" + InstanceParam._PARAM_ATTR_CLASS_ + "]"); String persister = melm.getAttribute(_CONFIG_ATTR_PERSISTER_); if (persister == null || persister.isEmpty()) throw new Exception( "Invalid Configuration : Missing map parameter [" + _CONFIG_ATTR_PERSISTER_ + "]"); if (persistmap.containsKey(persister)) { persistmap.put(classname, persistmap.get(persister)); } else throw new Exception( "Invalid Configuration : Persister class [" + persister + "] does not exist."); } } for (AbstractPersister per : pers) { per.postinit(); } } /** * Get a handle to the Persistence Handler based on the name specified. * * @param name * - Persister Class name. * @return * @throws Exception */ public AbstractPersister getPersisterByName(final String name) throws Exception { if (persistmap.containsKey(name)) return persistmap.get(name); throw new Exception("No persistence handler found for class [" + name + "]"); } /** * Get the persistence handler defined for the specified entity type. If no * persistence handler found for the current class, search thru the super * classes to see if a handler is defined for any? * * @param type * - Class of the Entity. * @return * @throws Exception */ public AbstractPersister getPersister(final Class<?> type) throws Exception { String key = type.getCanonicalName(); if (persistmap.containsKey(key)) return persistmap.get(key); Class<?> ttype = type; key = type.getPackage().getName(); if (persistmap.containsKey(key)) return persistmap.get(key); while (true) { ttype = ttype.getSuperclass(); if (ttype.getCanonicalName().compareTo(Object.class.getCanonicalName()) == 0) { break; } key = ttype.getCanonicalName(); if (persistmap.containsKey(key)) return persistmap.get(key); } throw new Exception("No persistence handler found for class [" + type.getCanonicalName() + "]"); } /** * Fetch the entity records for the Class filtered by Query. * * @param query * - Query Condition string. * @param type * - Entity Type. * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<AbstractEntity> read(final String query, final Class<?> type, final int limit) throws Exception { StructEntityReflect enref = ReflectionUtils.get().getEntityMetadata(type); if (enref.IsJoin) { if (enref.Join.Type == null || enref.Join.Type == EnumJoinType.Unknown) { isNativeJoin(enref); } } if (!enref.IsJoin || enref.Join.Type == EnumJoinType.Native) { AbstractPersister persister = getPersister(type); return, type, limit); } else { DistributedJoinHandler jh = new DistributedJoinHandler(type, query, limit); return; } } private void isNativeJoin(final StructEntityReflect enref) throws Exception { AbstractPersister pers = null; for (StructAttributeReflect attr : enref.Attributes) { if (attr.Reference == null) { continue; } Class<?> type = Class.forName(attr.Reference.Class); StructEntityReflect subref = ReflectionUtils.get().getEntityMetadata(type); if (subref == null) throw new Exception("No entity defined for name [" + attr.Column + "]"); AbstractPersister p = getPersister(type); if (pers == null) { pers = p; } else if (!p.equals(pers)) { enref.Join.Type = EnumJoinType.Virtual; return; } } enref.Join.Type = EnumJoinType.Native; } /** * Fetch the entity records for the Class filtered by Query using the * specified persistence handler. * * @param query * - Query Condition string. * @param type * - Entity Type. * @param persister * - Persistence Handler * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<AbstractEntity> read(final String query, final AbstractPersister persister, final Class<?> type, final int limit) throws Exception { return, type, limit); } /** * Save the entity. (Insert/Update/Delete) based on entity status. * * @param entity * @return * @throws Exception */ public OperationResponse save(final AbstractEntity entity) throws Exception { if (!(entity instanceof AbstractPersistedEntity)) throw new Exception("Entity [" + entity.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "] does not extend from [" + AbstractPersistedEntity.class.getCanonicalName() + "]"); AbstractPersister persister = getPersister(entity.getClass()); return, false); } public List<String> getEntityPackages() { List<String> packages = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String key : scanjars.keySet()) { List<String> packs = scanjars.get(key); packages.addAll(packs); } return packages; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.wookler.core.InitializedHandle#key() */ public String key() { return DataManager.class.getCanonicalName(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.wookler.core.InitializedHandle#init(com.wookler.utils.ListParam) */ public void init(final ListParam param) throws Exception { throw new Exception("Should not be called."); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.wookler.core.InitializedHandle#state() */ public EnumInstanceState state() { return state; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.wookler.core.InitializedHandle#dispose() */ public void dispose() { if (persistmap != null && persistmap.size() > 0) { for (String key : persistmap.keySet()) { AbstractPersister pers = persistmap.get(key); if (pers != null) { pers.dispose(); } } } return; } // Instance private static DataManager _instance = new DataManager(); /** * Initialize and create the DataManager instance. * * @param config * - Configuration * @throws Exception */ public static void create(final XMLConfiguration config) throws Exception { synchronized (_instance) { if (_instance.state == EnumInstanceState.Running) return; log.debug("Initialzing the DataManager..."); _instance.init(config); } } /** * Get the DataManager instance handle. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public static DataManager get() throws Exception { synchronized (_instance) { if (_instance.state != EnumInstanceState.Running) throw new Exception( "Invalid Instance State : Instance not available [state=" + + "]"); return _instance; } } /** * Dispose the DataManager instance. */ public static void release() { synchronized (_instance) { if (_instance.state == EnumInstanceState.Running) { _instance.dispose(); _instance.state = EnumInstanceState.Closed;"Dispoing the DataManager instance..."); } } } /** * Create a new instance of an AbstractEntity type. This method should be * used when creating new AbstarctEntity types. * * @param type * - Class (type) to create instance of. * * @return * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends AbstractEntity> T newInstance(final Class<?> type) throws Exception { Object obj = type.newInstance(); if (!(obj instanceof AbstractEntity)) throw new Exception("Invalid Class : [" + type.getCanonicalName() + "] does not extend [" + AbstractEntity.class.getCanonicalName() + "]"); ((AbstractEntity) obj).setState(EnumEntityState.New); return (T) obj; } }