Example usage for java.lang Class getCanonicalName

List of usage examples for java.lang Class getCanonicalName


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Class getCanonicalName.


public String getCanonicalName() 

Source Link


Returns the canonical name of the underlying class as defined by the Java Language Specification.


From source file:com.gohuinuo.common.utils.Collections3.java

  * map?bean/*from w  w w.j  a  v  a 2s  .c om*/
  * @param map
  * @param beanClass
  * @return
public static Object map2Bean(Map map, Class<?> beanClass) {
    try {
        Object bean = beanClass.newInstance();
        PropertyUtils.copyProperties(bean, map);
        return bean;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(beanClass.getCanonicalName() + "!");

From source file:atg.tools.dynunit.util.ComponentUtil.java

 * Creates a new component properties file in {@code parent} named {@code name} using the class {@code klass} and
 * configured with the given {@code properties}.
 * @param parent//from  ww w .j  a v  a  2s .co m
 *         Directory to place the new component properties file.
 * @param name
 *         Name of component to create. Determines the file name.
 * @param klass
 *         Class of component to create.
 * @param properties
 *         Any properties to set in the component properties file.
 * @return Newly created (or recreated) component properties file.
 * @throws IOException
 *         if the properties file couldn't be written to.
public static File newComponent(final File parent, final String name, final Class<?> klass,
        final Properties properties) throws IOException {
    logger.entry(parent, name, klass, properties);
    final File output = newComponent(parent, name, klass.getCanonicalName(), properties);
    return logger.exit(output);

From source file:com.swordlord.gozer.builder.Parser.java

 * Retrieve a Class/*from w  ww  .ja  v  a2  s  . c om*/
 * @param pckgname
 * @param skipDollarClasses
 * @return the class
public static Class<?>[] getClasses(String pckgname, boolean skipDollarClasses) {
    ArrayList<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();

    try {
        File directory = getClassesHelper(pckgname);

        if (directory.exists()) {
            // Get the list of the files contained in the package
            String[] files = directory.list();
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                // we are only interested in .class files
                if (files[i].endsWith(".class")) {
                    // get rid of the ".class" at the end
                    String withoutclass = pckgname + '.' + files[i].substring(0, files[i].length() - 6);

                    // in case we don't want $1 $2 etc. endings (i.e. common
                    // in GUI classes)
                    if (skipDollarClasses) {
                        int dollar_occurence = withoutclass.indexOf("$");
                        if (dollar_occurence != -1) {
                            withoutclass = withoutclass.substring(0, dollar_occurence);

                    // add this class to our list but avoid duplicates
                    boolean already_contained = false;
                    for (Class<?> c : classes) {
                        if (c.getCanonicalName().equals(withoutclass)) {
                            already_contained = true;
                    if (!already_contained) {
                    // REMARK this kind of checking is quite slow using
                    // reflection, it would be better
                    // to do the class.forName(...) stuff outside of this
                    // method and change the method
                    // to only return an ArrayList with fqcn Strings. Also
                    // in reality we have the $1 $2
                    // etc. classes in our packages, so we are skipping some
                    // "real" classes here
        } else {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(pckgname + " does not appear to be a valid package");
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    Class<?>[] classesA = new Class[classes.size()];
    return classesA;

From source file:com.alta189.bukkit.script.event.EventScanner.java

public static void scanBukkit() {
    Reflections reflections = new Reflections(new ConfigurationBuilder()
            .filterInputsBy(new FilterBuilder().include(FilterBuilder.prefix("org.bukkit")))

    Set<Class<? extends Event>> classes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(Event.class);

    BScript plugin = BScript.getInstance();
    plugin.info(//  w ww .j av a 2 s  . c o  m
            "Found " + classes.size() + " classes extending " + Event.class.getCanonicalName() + " in Bukkit");
    for (Class<? extends Event> clazz : classes) {
        if (clazz.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) {
        bukkitEvent.put(clazz.getSimpleName(), clazz);

        String className = clazz.getCanonicalName();
        if (className == null) {
            className = clazz.getName();
        events.put(className, clazz);
        simpleNameEvents.put(clazz.getSimpleName(), clazz);

From source file:hu.bme.mit.sette.common.model.runner.ParameterType.java

public static ParameterType primitiveFromJavaClass(Class<?> javaClass) {
    Validate.notNull(javaClass, "The Java class must not be null");
            "The represented type is not primitive [javaClass: %s]", javaClass.getName());

    Class<?> primitiveClass;
    if (javaClass.isPrimitive()) {
        primitiveClass = javaClass;//  ww  w  .  ja va  2 s .  c  o m
    } else {
        primitiveClass = ClassUtils.wrapperToPrimitive(javaClass);

    Validate.isTrue(primitiveClass != void.class, "the parameter type must not be void [javaClass: %s]",

    return fromString(primitiveClass.getCanonicalName());

From source file:de.itsvs.cwtrpc.security.DefaultRpcAuthenticationFailureHandler.java

public static Expression createExceptionExpression(Class<? extends Exception> exceptionClass,
        boolean includeMessage) {
    final StringBuilder expressionString;
    final ExpressionParser parser;
    final Expression expression;

    expressionString = new StringBuilder();
    expressionString.append("new ");
    if (includeMessage) {
    }//from w  w  w  . j a  va  2  s  .  c  o m

    parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
    expression = parser.parseExpression(expressionString.toString());

    return expression;

From source file:org.web4thejob.util.CoreUtil.java

public static String describeClass(Class<?> clazz) {
    List<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Class<?> cls : ClassUtils.getAllInterfacesForClassAsSet(clazz)) {
    }//from  www .java 2  s. c o m
    return StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(classes, ", ");

From source file:io.milton.common.FileUtils.java

public static String readResource(Class cl, String res) throws IOException {
    InputStream in = cl.getResourceAsStream(res);
    if (in == null) {
        throw new IOException(
                "Failed to read resource: " + res + " relative to class: " + cl.getCanonicalName());
    }//from  w  ww.j a v  a2s  . co m
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = readIn(in);
    return out.toString();

From source file:com.github.sevntu.checkstyle.internal.ChecksTest.java

private static void validateEclipseCsMetaXmlFile(File file, String pkg, Set<Class<?>> pkgModules)
        throws Exception {
    Assert.assertTrue("'checkstyle-metadata.xml' must exist in eclipsecs in inside " + pkg, file.exists());

    final String input = new String(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()), UTF_8);
    final Document document = XmlUtil.getRawXml(file.getAbsolutePath(), input, input);

    final NodeList ruleGroups = document.getElementsByTagName("rule-group-metadata");

    Assert.assertTrue(pkg + " checkstyle-metadata.xml must contain only one rule group",
            ruleGroups.getLength() == 1);

    for (int position = 0; position < ruleGroups.getLength(); position++) {
        final Node ruleGroup = ruleGroups.item(position);
        final Set<Node> children = XmlUtil.getChildrenElements(ruleGroup);

        validateEclipseCsMetaXmlFileRules(pkg, pkgModules, children);
    }// w  ww. j  a  va  2  s  .co  m

    for (Class<?> module : pkgModules) {
        Assert.fail("Module not found in " + pkg + " checkstyle-metadata.xml: " + module.getCanonicalName());

From source file:at.jku.rdfstats.hist.builder.HistogramBuilderFactory.java

/** unregister a histogram builder
 * //from  w  ww  . ja v  a  2 s .  com
 * @param uri
public static void unregister(String uri) {
    Class<? extends HistogramBuilder<?>> clazz = registeredBuilders.get(uri);
    if (clazz == null)
        log.warn("No histogram builder for data type URI <" + uri
                + "> registered, unregistration request ignored.");
    else {