Example usage for java.lang Byte SIZE

List of usage examples for java.lang Byte SIZE


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Byte SIZE.


int SIZE

To view the source code for java.lang Byte SIZE.

Click Source Link


The number of bits used to represent a byte value in two's complement binary form.


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.migration.nineteen.regionserver.HStoreFile.java

 * Reads in an info file/*from   w  ww  .j  a  v  a 2 s.  c om*/
 * @param filesystem file system
 * @return The sequence id contained in the info file
 * @throws IOException
public long loadInfo(final FileSystem filesystem) throws IOException {
    Path p = null;
    if (isReference()) {
        p = getInfoFilePath(reference.getEncodedRegionName(), this.reference.getFileId());
    } else {
        p = getInfoFilePath();
    long length = filesystem.getFileStatus(p).getLen();
    boolean hasMoreThanSeqNum = length > (Byte.SIZE + Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG);
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(filesystem.open(p));
    try {
        byte flag = in.readByte();
        if (flag == INFO_SEQ_NUM) {
            if (hasMoreThanSeqNum) {
                flag = in.readByte();
                if (flag == MAJOR_COMPACTION) {
                    this.majorCompaction = in.readBoolean();
            return in.readLong();
        throw new IOException("Cannot process log file: " + p);
    } finally {

From source file:it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.DiskBasedIndex.java

/** Commodity method for loading a big list of binary longs with specified endianness into a {@linkplain LongBigArrays long big array}.
 * /*from  w  w  w  .j a  v a2 s . com*/
 * @param ioFactory the factory that will be used to perform I/O.
 * @param filename the file containing the longs.
 * @param byteOrder the endianness of the longs.
 * @return a big list of longs containing the longs in <code>file</code>.
public static LongBigArrayBigList loadLongBigList(final IOFactory ioFactory, final CharSequence filename,
        final ByteOrder byteOrder) throws IOException {
    final long length = ioFactory.length(filename.toString()) / (Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE);
    ReadableByteChannel channel = ioFactory.getReadableByteChannel(filename.toString());
    final LongBigArrayBigList loadLongBigList = loadLongBigList(channel, length, byteOrder);
    return loadLongBigList;


From source file:jsave.Utils.java

 * Convert an array of bytes to an array of double
 * @param byteArray array of bytes/* w w w .java  2  s.  c  o m*/
 * @return an array of double
public static double[] toDoubleArray(byte[] byteArray) {
    int times = 4 / Byte.SIZE;
    double[] doubles = new double[byteArray.length / times];
    for (int i = 0; i < doubles.length; i++) {
        doubles[i] = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray, i * times, times).getDouble();
    return doubles;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.compression.SnappyCompDe.java

private int writePrimitives(short[] primitives, ByteBuffer output) throws IOException {
    int bytesWritten = Snappy.rawCompress(primitives, 0, primitives.length * Short.SIZE / Byte.SIZE,
            output.array(), output.arrayOffset() + output.position());
    output.position(output.position() + bytesWritten);
    return bytesWritten;

From source file:de.undercouch.bson4jackson.BsonParser.java

 * Can be called when a new embedded document is found. Reads the
 * document's header and creates a new context on the stack.
 * @param array true if the document is an embedded array
 * @return the json token read//from  ww  w . j a v a2  s .  c  om
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected JsonToken handleNewDocument(boolean array) throws IOException {
    if (_in == null) {
        //this means Feature.HONOR_DOCUMENT_LENGTH is enabled, and we
        //haven't yet started reading. Read the first int to find out the
        //length of the document.
        byte[] buf = new byte[Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE];
        int len = 0;
        while (len < buf.length) {
            int l = _rawInputStream.read(buf, len, buf.length - len);
            if (l == -1) {
                throw new IOException("Not enough bytes for length of document");
            len += l;

        //wrap the input stream by a bounded stream, subtract buf.length from the
        //length because the size itself is included in the length
        int documentLength = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt();
        InputStream in = new BoundedInputStream(_rawInputStream, documentLength - buf.length);

        //buffer if the raw input stream is not already buffered
        if (!(_rawInputStream instanceof BufferedInputStream)) {
            in = new StaticBufferedInputStream(in);
        _counter = new CountingInputStream(in);
        _in = new LittleEndianInputStream(_counter);
    } else {
        //read document header (skip size, we're not interested)

    _currentContext = new Context(_currentContext, array);
    return (array ? JsonToken.START_ARRAY : JsonToken.START_OBJECT);

From source file:org.callimachusproject.auth.CookieAuthenticationManager.java

private String getPassword(int hour, String username, String iri, String nonce) throws IOException {
    int size = secret.length + username.length() + iri.length() + nonce.length();
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(size * 2);
    baos.write(secret);/*  w w w .  j  a v a2s .  com*/
    for (int i = 0, n = Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE; i < n; i++) {
        baos.write((byte) hour);
        hour >>= Byte.SIZE;
    return new String(Hex.encodeHex(DigestUtils.md5(baos.toByteArray())));

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.compression.SnappyCompDe.java

private int writePrimitives(int[] primitives, ByteBuffer output) throws IOException {
    int bytesWritten = Snappy.rawCompress(primitives, 0, primitives.length * Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE,
            output.array(), output.arrayOffset() + output.position());
    output.position(output.position() + bytesWritten);
    return bytesWritten;

From source file:org.eclipse.january.dataset.DTypeUtils.java

 * @param dtype/* www  .  jav a2  s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param isize
 *            number of elements in an item
 * @return length of single item in bytes
public static int getItemBytes(final int dtype, final int isize) {
    int size;

    switch (dtype) {
    case Dataset.BOOL:
        size = 1; // How is this defined?
    case Dataset.INT8:
    case Dataset.ARRAYINT8:
        size = Byte.SIZE / 8;
    case Dataset.INT16:
    case Dataset.ARRAYINT16:
    case Dataset.RGB:
        size = Short.SIZE / 8;
    case Dataset.INT32:
    case Dataset.ARRAYINT32:
        size = Integer.SIZE / 8;
    case Dataset.INT64:
    case Dataset.ARRAYINT64:
        size = Long.SIZE / 8;
    case Dataset.FLOAT32:
    case Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT32:
    case Dataset.COMPLEX64:
        size = Float.SIZE / 8;
    case Dataset.FLOAT64:
    case Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT64:
    case Dataset.COMPLEX128:
        size = Double.SIZE / 8;
        size = 0;

    return size * isize;

From source file:org.callimachusproject.auth.DigestPasswordAccessor.java

private String getDaypass(int day, String email, String secret) {
    if (secret == null)
        return null;
    byte[] random = readBytes(secret);
    byte[] id = email.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
    byte[] seed = new byte[random.length + id.length + Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE];
    System.arraycopy(random, 0, seed, 0, random.length);
    System.arraycopy(id, 0, seed, random.length, id.length);
    for (int i = random.length + id.length; i < seed.length; i++) {
        seed[i] = (byte) day;
        day >>= Byte.SIZE;/*from ww w. j  a va2 s  .c  o  m*/
    return new PasswordGenerator(seed).nextPassword();

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.compression.SnappyCompDe.java

private int writePrimitives(long[] primitives, ByteBuffer output) throws IOException {
    int bytesWritten = Snappy.rawCompress(primitives, 0, primitives.length * Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE,
            output.array(), output.arrayOffset() + output.position());
    output.position(output.position() + bytesWritten);
    return bytesWritten;