List of usage examples for java.lang Byte SIZE
int SIZE
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@Test public void testFindEntitiesByPropertyValue() { final String BASE_ID = "testFindEntitiesByPropertyValue"; Map<String, Serializable> props = createEntityProperties(BASE_ID); List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>(); for (int index = 0; index < Byte.SIZE; index++) { String id = BASE_ID + index; repo.setProperties(id, props);/*from www. j a v a2s .c o m*/ expected.add(id); } for (Map.Entry<String, Serializable> pe : props.entrySet()) { String propName = pe.getKey(); Serializable propValue = pe.getValue(); List<String> actual = repo.findEntities(propName, propValue); if (!CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(expected, actual)) { fail("Mismatched results for " + propName + "=" + propValue + ": expected=" + expected + ", actual=" + actual); } // change the type so we know it won't matcj if (propValue instanceof String) { propValue = Integer.valueOf(propValue.hashCode()); } else { propValue = propValue.toString(); } actual = repo.findEntities(propName, propValue); if (ExtendedCollectionUtils.size(actual) > 0) { fail("Unexpected results for " + propName + "=" + propValue + ": " + actual); } } }
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/** * Estimate total IN MEMORY size of this triple. Including headers and data. * This estimate is for 32bit.// w w w.jav a 2 s. c o m * @return Estimated size of this triple in bytes. */ public int estimateSize() { return (9 * Integer.SIZE) / Byte.SIZE + bufferSize(); }
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/** * @see org.opensaml.saml2.binding.decoding.HTTPArtifactDecoder#processArtifact(org.opensaml.common.binding.SAMLMessageContext) *///from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void processArtifact(SAMLMessageContext samlMsgCtx) throws MessageDecodingException { HTTPInTransport inTransport = (HTTPInTransport) samlMsgCtx.getInboundMessageTransport(); String encodedArtifact = DatatypeHelper.safeTrimOrNullString(inTransport.getParameterValue("SAMLart")); if (encodedArtifact == null) { _logger.error("URL SAMLart parameter was missing or did not contain a value"); throw new MessageDecodingException("URL TARGET parameter was missing or did not contain a value"); } ArtifactBuilder artifactBuilder = (ArtifactBuilder) _builderFactory .getBuilder(Artifact.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); Artifact artifact = artifactBuilder.buildObject(); artifact.setArtifact(encodedArtifact); ArtifactResolveBuilder artifactResolveBuilder = (ArtifactResolveBuilder) _builderFactory .getBuilder(ArtifactResolve.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); ArtifactResolve artifactResolve = artifactResolveBuilder.buildObject(); SecureRandomIdentifierGenerator idgen = null; try { idgen = new SecureRandomIdentifierGenerator(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { String msg = "Could not generate ID for artifact resolve request"; _logger.debug(msg); throw new MessageDecodingException(msg, e); } String id = idgen.generateIdentifier(); artifactResolve.setID(id); artifactResolve.setVersion(SAMLVersion.VERSION_20); artifactResolve.setIssueInstant(new DateTime()); artifactResolve.setArtifact(artifact); IssuerBuilder issuerBuilder = (IssuerBuilder) _builderFactory.getBuilder(Issuer.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); Issuer issuer = issuerBuilder.buildObject(); issuer.setValue(samlMsgCtx.getOutboundMessageIssuer()); artifactResolve.setIssuer(issuer); MetadataProvider mp = samlMsgCtx.getMetadataProvider(); if (mp == null) { _logger.debug("No MetadataProvider available in message context"); throw new MessageDecodingException("No MetadataProvider available in message context"); } String entID = samlMsgCtx.getInboundMessageIssuer(); String endpoint = null; try { SSODescriptor rd = null; if (_sSSODescriptor != null) { if ("sp".equalsIgnoreCase(_sSSODescriptor)) { rd = (SPSSODescriptor) mp.getRole(entID, SPSSODescriptor.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME, SAMLConstants.SAML20P_NS); } else if ("idp".equalsIgnoreCase(_sSSODescriptor)) { rd = (IDPSSODescriptor) mp.getRole(entID, IDPSSODescriptor.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME, SAMLConstants.SAML20P_NS); } else { StringBuffer sbDebug = new StringBuffer("Unknown SSODescriptor configured '"); sbDebug.append(_sSSODescriptor); sbDebug.append("'; using IDPSSODescriptor"); _logger.debug(sbDebug.toString()); } } if (rd == null) {//default use IDP role rd = (IDPSSODescriptor) mp.getRole(entID, IDPSSODescriptor.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME, SAMLConstants.SAML20P_NS); } if (rd != null) { SAML2ArtifactType0004 b = null; SAML2ArtifactType0004Builder bf = new SAML2ArtifactType0004Builder(); b = bf.buildArtifact(Base64.decode(encodedArtifact)); String defaultEndpoint = null; String indexedEndpoint = null; String firstEndpoint = null; for (ArtifactResolutionService ars : rd.getArtifactResolutionServices()) { if (firstEndpoint == null) firstEndpoint = ars.getLocation(); if (ars.isDefault()) defaultEndpoint = ars.getLocation(); int i = 0; byte[] ba = b.getEndpointIndex(); for (int ia = ba.length - 1; ia >= 0; ia--) { i = i + (ba[ia] * Byte.SIZE); } if (ars.getIndex() == i) { indexedEndpoint = ars.getLocation(); } } //choose right endpoint: if (indexedEndpoint != null) endpoint = indexedEndpoint; else if (defaultEndpoint != null) endpoint = defaultEndpoint; else endpoint = firstEndpoint; } } catch (MetadataProviderException e1) { String msg = "Exception while fetching metadata for requestor while decoding artifact"; _logger.debug(msg); throw new MessageDecodingException(msg, e1); } if (endpoint == null) { String msg = "Could not fetch endpoint for requestor while decoding artifact"; _logger.debug(msg); throw new MessageDecodingException(msg); } BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = (BodyBuilder) _builderFactory.getBuilder(Body.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); Body body = bodyBuilder.buildObject(); body.getUnknownXMLObjects().add(artifactResolve); EnvelopeBuilder envelopeBuilder = (EnvelopeBuilder) _builderFactory .getBuilder(Envelope.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); Envelope env = envelopeBuilder.buildObject(); env.setBody(body); BasicSOAPMessageContext soapContext = new BasicSOAPMessageContext(); soapContext.setOutboundMessage(env); HttpClientBuilder clientBuilder = new HttpClientBuilder(); clientBuilder.setConnectionTimeout(5000); HttpSOAPClient soapClient = new HttpSOAPClient(clientBuilder.buildClient(), super.getParserPool()); if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) logXML(env); try { soapClient.send(endpoint, soapContext); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Could not resolve artifact"; _logger.debug(msg, e); throw new MessageDecodingException(msg, e); } Envelope envelope = (Envelope) soapContext.getInboundMessage(); if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) logXML(envelope); XMLObject samlResponseMessage = null; XMLObject responseMessage = soapContext.getInboundMessage(); if (responseMessage != null && responseMessage instanceof Envelope) { Envelope responseEnvelope = (Envelope) responseMessage; Body responseBody = responseEnvelope.getBody(); if (responseBody != null) { samlResponseMessage = responseBody.getUnknownXMLObjects().get(0); } else { _logger.debug("No body in response message"); } } else { _logger.debug("No envelope in response message"); } if (samlResponseMessage != null && samlResponseMessage instanceof ArtifactResponse) { ArtifactResponse artResp = (ArtifactResponse) samlResponseMessage; SAMLObject message = artResp.getMessage(); if (message != null) samlMsgCtx.setInboundSAMLMessage(message); else _logger.debug("No message found in artifact: " + artResp); } else { _logger.debug("Response doesn't contain an ArtifactResponse object"); } }
From source
/** * Initialize encryption object from the configuration file. * @return boolean (always true if no exception) * @throws GeneralSecurityException // www . j a v a 2 s .co m */ public boolean initialize() throws GeneralSecurityException { InputStream input = null; boolean fail = false; try { input = new FileInputStream(new File(this.keyPath)); byte[] data = new byte[strength / Byte.SIZE];; Key key = new SecretKeySpec(data, this.algorithm); this.cipherEncrypt = Cipher.getInstance(this.algorithm); this.cipherEncrypt.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key); this.cipherDecrypt = Cipher.getInstance(this.algorithm); this.cipherDecrypt.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key); } catch (IOException e) { fail = true; } finally { try { if (input != null) { input.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } if (fail) { LOGGER.error("Error reading the key for SymmetricEncryption! ({})", this.keyPath); return false; } return true; }
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public static long readVarNumber(DataInputStream input) throws IOException { int b = 0xFF & input.readByte(); if ((b & MASK_10000000) == 0) { // one byte value, mask off the size bit and return return MASK_01111111 & b; } else if ((b & MASK_11000000) == MASK_10000000) { // two byte value, mask off first two bits long val = (b & MASK_00111111) << Byte.SIZE; val |= 0xFF & input.readByte(); return val; } else if ((b & MASK_11100000) == MASK_11000000) { // four byte value, mask off three bits long val = (b & MASK_00011111); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { val <<= Byte.SIZE; val |= 0xFF & input.readByte(); }/* w ww . j av a2s . c o m*/ return val; } else if ((b & MASK_11100000) == MASK_11100000) { // eight byte value, mask off three bits long val = (b & MASK_00011111); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { val <<= Byte.SIZE; val |= 0xFF & input.readByte(); } return val; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown prefix!"); } }
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@Test public void testListMatchingIdentifiers() { final String COMMON_PART = "testListMatchingIdentifiers"; // NOTE: we chose a separator that has SQL meaning on purpose final String COMMON_PREFIX = getClass().getSimpleName() + "#" + COMMON_PART + "%"; Map<String, Serializable> props = createEntityProperties(COMMON_PART); List<String> expected = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int index = 0; index < Byte.SIZE; index++) { String id = COMMON_PREFIX + index; repo.setProperties(id, props);// w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om expected.add(id); } // create some extra values for (int index = 0; index < Byte.SIZE; index++) { repo.setProperties(String.valueOf(Math.random()), props); } List<String> actual = repo.listMatchingIdentifiers("*" + COMMON_PART + "*"); if (!CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(expected, actual)) { fail("Mismatched common part wildcard results: expected=" + expected + ", actual=" + actual); } actual = repo.listMatchingIdentifiers(COMMON_PREFIX + "*"); if (!CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(expected, actual)) { fail("Mismatched common prefix wildcard results: expected=" + expected + ", actual=" + actual); } for (String id : expected) { actual = repo.listMatchingIdentifiers(id); assertEquals(id + ": Mismatched results count", 1, ExtendedCollectionUtils.size(actual)); assertEquals("Mismatched matched identifiers", id, actual.get(0)); } }
From source
/** * Create an hbase row key, which is a byte array from the given formatted kijiRowKey. * This method requires that the kijiRowKey argument is the correct length for the specified * format.// ww w .j a va 2 s . co m * The following encoding will be used to ensure correct ordering: * Strings are UTF-8 encoded and terminated by a null byte. Strings cannot contain "\u0000". * Integers are exactly 4 bytes long. * Longs are exactly 8 bytes long. * Both integers and longs have the sign bit flipped so that their values are wrapped around to * create the correct lexicographic ordering. (i.e. after converting to byte array, * MIN_INT < 0 < MAX_INT). * Hashed components are exactly hash_size bytes long and are the first component of * the hbase key. * Except for the first, all components of a kijiRowKey can be null. However, to maintain * ordering, all components to the right of a null component must also be null. Nullable index * in the row key format specifies which component (and hence following components) are nullable. * By default, the hash only uses the first component, but this can be changed using the Range * Scan index. * * @param format The formatted row key format for this table. * @param kijiRowKey An ordered list of Objects of the key components. * @return A byte array representing the encoded Hbase row key. */ private static byte[] makeHbaseRowKey(RowKeyFormat2 format, List<Object> kijiRowKey) { ArrayList<byte[]> hbaseKey = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); final byte zeroDelim = 0; int pos; for (pos = 0; pos < kijiRowKey.size(); pos++) { // we have already done the validation check for null cascades. if (null == kijiRowKey.get(pos)) { continue; } byte[] tempBytes; switch (getType(kijiRowKey.get(pos))) { case STRING: if (((String) kijiRowKey.get(pos)).contains("\u0000")) { throw new EntityIdException("String component cannot contain \u0000"); } try { hbaseKey.add(((String) kijiRowKey.get(pos)).getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LOG.error(e.toString()); throw new EntityIdException(String.format("UnsupportedEncoding for component %d", pos)); } break; case INTEGER: int temp = (Integer) kijiRowKey.get(pos); tempBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE).putInt(temp).array(); tempBytes[0] = (byte) ((int) tempBytes[0] ^ (int) Byte.MIN_VALUE); hbaseKey.add(tempBytes); break; case LONG: long templong = (Long) kijiRowKey.get(pos); tempBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE).putLong(templong).array(); tempBytes[0] = (byte) ((int) tempBytes[0] ^ (int) Byte.MIN_VALUE); hbaseKey.add(tempBytes); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid code path"); } } // hash stuff int hashUpto = format.getRangeScanStartIndex() - 1; ByteArrayOutputStream tohash = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (pos = 0; pos <= hashUpto && pos < hbaseKey.size(); pos++) { tohash.write(hbaseKey.get(pos), 0, hbaseKey.get(pos).length); } byte[] hashed = Arrays.copyOfRange(Hasher.hash(tohash.toByteArray()), 0, format.getSalt().getHashSize()); baos.write(hashed, 0, hashed.length); // to materialize or not to materialize that is the question if (format.getSalt().getSuppressKeyMaterialization()) { return baos.toByteArray(); } else { for (pos = 0; pos < hbaseKey.size(); pos++) { baos.write(hbaseKey.get(pos), 0, hbaseKey.get(pos).length); if (format.getComponents().get(pos).getType() == ComponentType.STRING || format.getComponents().get(pos) == null) { // empty strings will be encoded as null, hence we need to delimit them too baos.write(zeroDelim); } } return baos.toByteArray(); } }
From source
/** * Create an hbase row key, which is a byte array from the given formatted fijiRowKey. * This method requires that the fijiRowKey argument is the correct length for the specified * format.//from w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m * The following encoding will be used to ensure correct ordering: * Strings are UTF-8 encoded and terminated by a null byte. Strings cannot contain "\u0000". * Integers are exactly 4 bytes long. * Longs are exactly 8 bytes long. * Both integers and longs have the sign bit flipped so that their values are wrapped around to * create the correct lexicographic ordering. (i.e. after converting to byte array, * MIN_INT < 0 < MAX_INT). * Hashed components are exactly hash_size bytes long and are the first component of * the hbase key. * Except for the first, all components of a fijiRowKey can be null. However, to maintain * ordering, all components to the right of a null component must also be null. Nullable index * in the row key format specifies which component (and hence following components) are nullable. * By default, the hash only uses the first component, but this can be changed using the Range * Scan index. * * @param format The formatted row key format for this table. * @param fijiRowKey An ordered list of Objects of the key components. * @return A byte array representing the encoded Hbase row key. */ private static byte[] makeHbaseRowKey(RowKeyFormat2 format, List<Object> fijiRowKey) { ArrayList<byte[]> hbaseKey = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); final byte zeroDelim = 0; int pos; for (pos = 0; pos < fijiRowKey.size(); pos++) { // we have already done the validation check for null cascades. if (null == fijiRowKey.get(pos)) { continue; } byte[] tempBytes; switch (getType(fijiRowKey.get(pos))) { case STRING: if (((String) fijiRowKey.get(pos)).contains("\u0000")) { throw new EntityIdException("String component cannot contain \u0000"); } try { hbaseKey.add(((String) fijiRowKey.get(pos)).getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LOG.error(e.toString()); throw new EntityIdException(String.format("UnsupportedEncoding for component %d", pos)); } break; case INTEGER: int temp = (Integer) fijiRowKey.get(pos); tempBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE).putInt(temp).array(); tempBytes[0] = (byte) ((int) tempBytes[0] ^ (int) Byte.MIN_VALUE); hbaseKey.add(tempBytes); break; case LONG: long templong = (Long) fijiRowKey.get(pos); tempBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE).putLong(templong).array(); tempBytes[0] = (byte) ((int) tempBytes[0] ^ (int) Byte.MIN_VALUE); hbaseKey.add(tempBytes); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid code path"); } } // hash stuff int hashUpto = format.getRangeScanStartIndex() - 1; ByteArrayOutputStream tohash = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (pos = 0; pos <= hashUpto && pos < hbaseKey.size(); pos++) { tohash.write(hbaseKey.get(pos), 0, hbaseKey.get(pos).length); } byte[] hashed = Arrays.copyOfRange(Hasher.hash(tohash.toByteArray()), 0, format.getSalt().getHashSize()); baos.write(hashed, 0, hashed.length); // to materialize or not to materialize that is the question if (format.getSalt().getSuppressKeyMaterialization()) { return baos.toByteArray(); } else { for (pos = 0; pos < hbaseKey.size(); pos++) { baos.write(hbaseKey.get(pos), 0, hbaseKey.get(pos).length); if (format.getComponents().get(pos).getType() == ComponentType.STRING || format.getComponents().get(pos) == null) { // empty strings will be encoded as null, hence we need to delimit them too baos.write(zeroDelim); } } return baos.toByteArray(); } }
From source
/** * Get the nth byte from the right in the given number * * @param l The number from which to extract the byte * @param n The byte index/*from w ww. j a va 2*/ * @return The given byte */ public static byte readNthByte(long l, int n) { return (byte) (0xFF & (l >> (n * Byte.SIZE))); }
From source
private SecretKey scrypt(CharSequence password, byte[] salt, int costParam, int blockSize, int keyLengthInBits) { // use sb, as password.toString's implementation is unknown final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(password); final byte[] pw = sb.toString().getBytes(); try {/*from ww w . j av a2s . c o m*/ final byte[] key = SCrypt.generate(pw, salt, costParam, blockSize, 1, keyLengthInBits / Byte.SIZE); return new SecretKeySpec(key, AES_KEY_ALGORITHM); } finally { // destroy copied bytes of the plaintext password: Arrays.fill(pw, (byte) 0); for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { sb.setCharAt(i, (char) 0); } } }