Example usage for java.lang Byte SIZE

List of usage examples for java.lang Byte SIZE


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Byte SIZE.


int SIZE

To view the source code for java.lang Byte SIZE.

Click Source Link


The number of bits used to represent a byte value in two's complement binary form.


From source file:org.cryptomator.crypto.aes256.Aes256Cryptor.java

 * Creates a new Cryptor with a newly initialized PRNG.
 *//*from w  ww  .  j a va2  s  .  c  o m*/
public Aes256Cryptor() {
    byte[] bytes = new byte[AES_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS / Byte.SIZE];
    try {
        this.primaryMasterKey = new SecretKeySpec(bytes, AES_KEY_ALGORITHM);

        this.hMacMasterKey = new SecretKeySpec(bytes, HMAC_KEY_ALGORITHM);
    } finally {
        Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 0);

From source file:net.ripe.rpki.commons.crypto.util.Asn1Util.java

 * IPAddress ::= BIT STRING//  w ww. jav a2s  .  c  om
public static IpAddress parseIpAddress(IpResourceType type, ASN1Encodable der, boolean padWithOnes) {
    expect(der, DERBitString.class);
    DERBitString derBitString = (DERBitString) der;

    byte[] bytes = derBitString.getBytes();
    BigInteger value = new BigInteger(1, bytes);
    int usedBits = bytes.length * Byte.SIZE;
    int neededBits = type.getBitSize();
    int padBits = derBitString.getPadBits();

    if (padBits > 0) {
        byte lastByte = bytes[bytes.length - 1];
        byte mask = (byte) ((1 << padBits) - 1);
        Validate.isTrue((lastByte & mask) == 0, "pad bits not zero");

    BigInteger upperBits = value.shiftLeft(neededBits - usedBits);
    BigInteger lowerBits = BigInteger.ZERO;
    if (padWithOnes) {
        lowerBits = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(neededBits - usedBits + padBits).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);

    return (IpAddress) type.fromBigInteger(upperBits.or(lowerBits));

From source file:com.facebook.buck.rules.HttpArtifactCache.java

public CacheResult fetchImpl(RuleKey ruleKey, File file) throws IOException {
    Request request = createRequestBuilder(ruleKey.toString()).get().build();
    Response response = fetchCall(request);

    if (response.code() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
        LOGGER.info("fetch(%s): cache miss", ruleKey);
        return CacheResult.MISS;
    }/*from ww  w  .j  a  va  2s  .c  o m*/

    if (response.code() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
        LOGGER.warn("fetch(%s): unexpected response: %d", ruleKey, response.code());
        return CacheResult.MISS;

    // The hash code shipped with the artifact to/from the cache.
    HashCode expectedHashCode, actualHashCode;

    // Setup a temporary file, which sits next to the destination, to write to and
    // make sure all parent dirs exist.
    Path path = file.toPath();
    Path temp = projectFilesystem.createTempFile(path.getParent(), path.getFileName().toString(), ".tmp");

    // Open the stream to server just long enough to read the hash code and artifact.
    try (DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(response.body().byteStream())) {

        // First, extract the size of the file data portion, which we put in the beginning of
        // the artifact.
        long length = input.readLong();

        // Now, write the remaining response data to the temp file, while grabbing the hash.
        try (BoundedInputStream boundedInput = new BoundedInputStream(input, length);
                HashingInputStream hashingInput = new HashingInputStream(hashFunction, boundedInput);
                OutputStream output = projectFilesystem.newFileOutputStream(temp)) {
            ByteStreams.copy(hashingInput, output);
            actualHashCode = hashingInput.hash();

        // Lastly, extract the hash code from the end of the request data.
        byte[] hashCodeBytes = new byte[hashFunction.bits() / Byte.SIZE];
        ByteStreams.readFully(input, hashCodeBytes);
        expectedHashCode = HashCode.fromBytes(hashCodeBytes);

        // We should be at the end of output -- verify this.  Also, we could just try to read a
        // single byte here, instead of all remaining input, but some network stack implementations
        // require that we exhaust the input stream before the connection can be reusable.
        try (OutputStream output = ByteStreams.nullOutputStream()) {
            if (ByteStreams.copy(input, output) != 0) {
                LOGGER.warn("fetch(%s): unexpected end of input", ruleKey);
                return CacheResult.MISS;

    // Now form the checksum on the file we got and compare it to the checksum form the
    // the HTTP header.  If it's incorrect, log this and return a miss.
    if (!expectedHashCode.equals(actualHashCode)) {
        LOGGER.warn("fetch(%s): artifact had invalid checksum", ruleKey);
        return CacheResult.MISS;

    // Finally, move the temp file into it's final place.
    projectFilesystem.move(temp, path, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

    LOGGER.info("fetch(%s): cache hit", ruleKey);
    return CacheResult.HTTP_HIT;

From source file:ie.peternagy.jcrypto.algo.EllipticCurveWrapper.java

 * Create raw header - includes version, keyId, crc
 * //  w w  w  .j a v a2  s  .  c  om
 * @param dataCrc
 * @return 
public byte[] createRawHeader(long dataCrc) {
    try {
        byte[] keyId = getKeyId();
        ByteArrayOutputStream header = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        header.write((byte) 100);//version
        header.write(ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE).putInt(keyId.length).array());//key id length
        header.write(ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE).putLong(dataCrc).array());

        return header.toByteArray();
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(EllipticCurveWrapper.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    return null;

From source file:org.springframework.jdbc.repo.impl.jdbc.RawPropertiesRepoImplTest.java

 * Makes sure that {@link RawPropertiesRepo#entityExists(String)}
 * and/or {@link RawPropertiesRepo#getProperties(String)} return
 * correct result for non-existing entities
 *///from  w  w w.  ja v  a 2 s .c o  m
public void testGetNonExistingEntityProperties() {
    for (int index = 0; index < Byte.SIZE; index++) {
        String id = String.valueOf(Math.random());
        assertFalse("Unexpected existence for ID=" + id, repo.entityExists(id));

        Map<?, ?> props = repo.getProperties(id);
        if (ExtendedMapUtils.size(props) > 0) {
            fail("Unexpected proeprties for ID=" + id + ": " + props);

From source file:net.ripe.rpki.commons.crypto.rfc3779.AddressFamily.java

public static AddressFamily fromDer(ASN1Encodable der) {
    Validate.isTrue(der instanceof DEROctetString, "DEROctetString expected");
    DEROctetString derOctetString = (DEROctetString) der;

    byte[] bytes = derOctetString.getOctets();

    Validate.isTrue(bytes.length == AFI_OCTET_COUNT_WITHOUT_SAFI || bytes.length == AFI_OCTET_COUNT_WITH_SAFI,
            "Byte array must consist of " + AFI_OCTET_COUNT_WITHOUT_SAFI + " or " + AFI_OCTET_COUNT_WITH_SAFI
                    + " elements");

    int thisAddressFamilyIdentifier = (unsignedByteToInt(bytes[0]) << Byte.SIZE) | unsignedByteToInt(bytes[1]);

    AddressFamily addressFamily;/*w ww .  j ava  2 s  .c  o m*/
    if (bytes.length == 2) {
        addressFamily = new AddressFamily(thisAddressFamilyIdentifier);
    } else {
        // subsequentAddressIdentifier given
        int thisSafi = unsignedByteToInt(bytes[2]);
        addressFamily = new AddressFamily(thisAddressFamilyIdentifier, thisSafi);
    return addressFamily;

From source file:com.monitor.baseservice.utils.XCodeUtil.java

 * 1?xcode?/*  w w w. j a  v a2s  .  c  o m*/
 * 2?base64?
 * 3?????CRCCRC?8
 * 4?CRC
 * 5??????JSON
 * @param xCode
 * @return
 * @throws LogicalException 
public static Map<String, Object> xDecode(String xCode) throws LogicalException {
    // 1
    String real = xCode.substring(PREFIX_LENGTH);
    byte[] rst = Base64.decodeBase64(real);

    byte[] data = Arrays.copyOf(rst, rst.length - (Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE));
    byte[] crc = Arrays.copyOfRange(rst, data.length, rst.length);
    // 4
    long value = byteArrayToLong(crc);
    byte[] realCrc = crcUnsigned(data, CRC_KEY.getBytes());
    long realValue = byteArrayToLong(realCrc);
    if (!(value == realValue)) {
        System.out.println("license verify failed.");
        throw new LogicalException(RetStat.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, null);

    xorCode(data, XOR_KEY);

    String info = new String(data);

    return JSONObject.parseObject(info, Map.class);

From source file:net.ripe.rpki.commons.crypto.rfc3779.AddressFamily.java

public DEROctetString toDer() {
    int length = hasSubsequentAddressFamilyIdentifier() ? AFI_OCTET_COUNT_WITH_SAFI

    byte[] encoded = new byte[length];
    encoded[0] = (byte) (addressFamilyIdentifier >> Byte.SIZE);
    encoded[1] = (byte) (addressFamilyIdentifier);
    if (hasSubsequentAddressFamilyIdentifier()) {
        encoded[2] = subsequentAddressFamilyIdentifier.byteValue();
    }/*w  w  w. j  ava  2 s .c o  m*/

    return new DEROctetString(encoded);

From source file:org.cryptomator.crypto.aes256.Aes256Cryptor.java

 * Creates a new Cryptor with the given PRNG.<br/>
 * <strong>DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION</strong>. This constructor must only be used in in unit tests. Do not change method visibility.
 * /*ww w.j av  a2  s  .c o m*/
 * @param prng Fast, possibly insecure PRNG.
Aes256Cryptor(Random prng) {
    byte[] bytes = new byte[AES_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS / Byte.SIZE];
    try {
        this.primaryMasterKey = new SecretKeySpec(bytes, AES_KEY_ALGORITHM);

        this.hMacMasterKey = new SecretKeySpec(bytes, HMAC_KEY_ALGORITHM);
    } finally {
        Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 0);