List of usage examples for java.lang Byte SIZE
int SIZE
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/** * ??/*from ww w .j a va 2s. c o m*/ * @return */ public static int getLengthPosition() { int size = 0; size += NetWorkConstants.WAVERIDER_MAGIC.getBytes().length; size += Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE; size += Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE; return size; }
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@Test public void testRejectAllPasswordAuthenticatorOnVariousValues() { Collection<String> values = Collections.unmodifiableList( Arrays.asList(getClass().getSimpleName(), "testRejectAllPasswordAuthenticatorOnVariousValues")); for (String username : values) { for (String password : values) { for (int index = 0; index < Byte.SIZE; index++) { String u = shuffleCase(username), p = shuffleCase(password); assertFalse("user=" + u + "/password=" + p, PasswordAuthenticatorUtils.REJECT_ALL_AUTHENTICATOR.authenticate(u, p, MOCK_SESSION)); }//from w w w.j a va2 s. c om } } }
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@Override public long sizeInBytes() { if (value == null) { return 2L; }//w w w.j av a 2 s .c om if (value.getClass() == Double.class) { return 2L + Double.SIZE / 8; } if (value.getClass() == Float.class) { return 2L + Float.SIZE / 8; } if (value.getClass() == Long.class) { return 2L + Long.SIZE / 8; } if (value.getClass() == Integer.class) { return 2L + Integer.SIZE / 8; } if (value.getClass() == Short.class) { return 2L + Short.SIZE / 8; } if (value.getClass() == Byte.class) { return 2L + Byte.SIZE / 8; } return 2L; }
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/** * Compress a set of columns.//from w w w. j a v a 2 s .co m * * The header contains a compressed array of data types. * The body contains compressed columns and their metadata. * The footer contains a compressed array of chunk sizes. The final four bytes of the footer encode the byte size of that compressed array. * * @param colSet * * @return ByteBuffer representing the compressed set. */ @Override public ByteBuffer compress(ColumnBuffer[] colSet) { // Many compression libraries allow you to avoid allocation of intermediate arrays. // To use these API, we need to preallocate the output container. // Reserve space for the header. int[] dataType = new int[colSet.length]; int maxCompressedSize = Snappy.maxCompressedLength(4 * dataType.length); // Reserve space for the compressed nulls BitSet for each column. maxCompressedSize += colSet.length * Snappy.maxCompressedLength((colSet.length / 8) + 1); // Track the length of `List<Integer> compressedSize` which will be declared later. int uncompressedFooterLength = 1 + 2 * colSet.length; for (int colNum = 0; colNum < colSet.length; ++colNum) { // Reserve space for the compressed columns. dataType[colNum] = colSet[colNum].getType().toTType().getValue(); switch (TTypeId.findByValue(dataType[colNum])) { case BOOLEAN_TYPE: maxCompressedSize += Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE; // This is for the encoded length. maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength((colSet.length / 8) + 1); break; case TINYINT_TYPE: maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(colSet.length); break; case SMALLINT_TYPE: maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(colSet.length * Short.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); break; case INT_TYPE: maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(colSet.length * Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); break; case BIGINT_TYPE: maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(colSet.length * Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); break; case DOUBLE_TYPE: maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(colSet.length * Double.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); break; case BINARY_TYPE: // Reserve space for the size of the compressed array of row sizes. maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(colSet.length * Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); // Reserve space for the size of the compressed flattened bytes. for (ByteBuffer nextBuffer : colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getBinaryVal().getValues()) { maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(nextBuffer.limit()); } // Add an additional value to the list of compressed chunk sizes (length of `rowSize` array). uncompressedFooterLength++; break; case STRING_TYPE: // Reserve space for the size of the compressed array of row sizes. maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(colSet.length * Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); // Reserve space for the size of the compressed flattened bytes. for (String nextString : colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getStringVal().getValues()) { maxCompressedSize += Snappy .maxCompressedLength(nextString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length); } // Add an additional value to the list of compressed chunk sizes (length of `rowSize` array). uncompressedFooterLength++; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized column type"); } } // Reserve space for the footer. maxCompressedSize += Snappy.maxCompressedLength(uncompressedFooterLength * Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); // Allocate the output container. ByteBuffer output = ByteBuffer.allocate(maxCompressedSize); // Allocate the footer. This goes in the footer because we don't know the chunk sizes until after // the columns have been compressed and written. ArrayList<Integer> compressedSize = new ArrayList<Integer>(uncompressedFooterLength); // Write to the output buffer. try { // Write the header. compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(dataType, output)); // Write the compressed columns and metadata. for (int colNum = 0; colNum < colSet.length; colNum++) { switch (TTypeId.findByValue(dataType[colNum])) { case BOOLEAN_TYPE: { TBoolColumn column = colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getBoolVal(); List<Boolean> bools = column.getValues(); BitSet bsBools = new BitSet(bools.size()); for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < bools.size(); rowNum++) { bsBools.set(rowNum, bools.get(rowNum)); } compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(column.getNulls(), output)); // BitSet won't write trailing zeroes so we encode the length output.putInt(column.getValuesSize()); compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(bsBools.toByteArray(), output)); break; } case TINYINT_TYPE: { TByteColumn column = colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getByteVal(); compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(column.getNulls(), output)); compressedSize.add(writeBoxedBytes(column.getValues(), output)); break; } case SMALLINT_TYPE: { TI16Column column = colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getI16Val(); compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(column.getNulls(), output)); compressedSize.add(writeBoxedShorts(column.getValues(), output)); break; } case INT_TYPE: { TI32Column column = colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getI32Val(); compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(column.getNulls(), output)); compressedSize.add(writeBoxedIntegers(column.getValues(), output)); break; } case BIGINT_TYPE: { TI64Column column = colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getI64Val(); compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(column.getNulls(), output)); compressedSize.add(writeBoxedLongs(column.getValues(), output)); break; } case DOUBLE_TYPE: { TDoubleColumn column = colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getDoubleVal(); compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(column.getNulls(), output)); compressedSize.add(writeBoxedDoubles(column.getValues(), output)); break; } case BINARY_TYPE: { TBinaryColumn column = colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getBinaryVal(); // Initialize the array of row sizes. int[] rowSizes = new int[column.getValuesSize()]; int totalSize = 0; for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < column.getValuesSize(); rowNum++) { rowSizes[rowNum] = column.getValues().get(rowNum).limit(); totalSize += column.getValues().get(rowNum).limit(); } // Flatten the data for Snappy for a better compression ratio. ByteBuffer flattenedData = ByteBuffer.allocate(totalSize); for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < column.getValuesSize(); rowNum++) { flattenedData.put(column.getValues().get(rowNum)); } // Write nulls bitmap. compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(column.getNulls(), output)); // Write the list of row sizes. compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(rowSizes, output)); // Write the compressed, flattened data. compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(flattenedData.array(), output)); break; } case STRING_TYPE: { TStringColumn column = colSet[colNum].toTColumn().getStringVal(); // Initialize the array of row sizes. int[] rowSizes = new int[column.getValuesSize()]; int totalSize = 0; for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < column.getValuesSize(); rowNum++) { rowSizes[rowNum] = column.getValues().get(rowNum).length(); totalSize += column.getValues().get(rowNum).length(); } // Flatten the data for Snappy for a better compression ratio. StringBuilder flattenedData = new StringBuilder(totalSize); for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < column.getValuesSize(); rowNum++) { flattenedData.append(column.getValues().get(rowNum)); } // Write nulls bitmap. compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(column.getNulls(), output)); // Write the list of row sizes. compressedSize.add(writePrimitives(rowSizes, output)); // Write the flattened data. compressedSize.add( writePrimitives(flattenedData.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), output)); break; } default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized column type"); } } // Write the footer. output.putInt(writeBoxedIntegers(compressedSize, output)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } output.flip(); return output; }
From source
public synchronized void start() throws IOException { if (isRunning()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Server is already running!"); }/* w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ notifyListeners(new ServerStartingEvent()); serverSocket = new ServerSocket(); serverSocket.bind(votifier.getConfig().getInetSocketAddress()); running = true; notifyListeners(new ServerStartedEvent()); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); while (isRunning()) { try { final Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); executorService.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { notifyListeners(new ConnectionEstablishedEvent(socket)); socket.setSoTimeout(SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT); // SocketException: handled by try/catch. BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream())); writer.write("VOTIFIER 2.9\n"); writer.flush(); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); // IOException: handled by try/catch. byte[] request = new byte[((RSAPublicKey) votifier.getConfig().getKeyPair() .getPublic()).getModulus().bitLength() / Byte.SIZE];; // IOException: handled by try/catch. notifyListeners(new EncryptedInputReceivedEvent(socket, new String(request))); request = RsaUtils .getDecryptCipher(votifier.getConfig().getKeyPair().getPrivate()) .doFinal(request); // IllegalBlockSizeException: can't happen. String requestString = new String(request); notifyListeners(new DecryptedInputReceivedEvent(socket, requestString)); String[] requestArray = requestString.split("\n"); if ((requestArray.length == 5 || requestArray.length == 6) && requestArray[0].equals("VOTE")) { notifyListeners(new VoteEventVotifier(socket, new Vote(requestArray[1], requestArray[2], requestArray[3], requestArray[4]))); for (VoteAction voteAction : votifier.getConfig().getVoteActions()) { String[] params = new String[4]; try { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { params[i] = SubstitutionUtils.applyRegexReplacements( requestArray[i + 1], voteAction.getRegexReplacements()); } } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { notifyListeners(new RegularExpressionPatternErrorException(e)); params = new String[] { requestArray[1], requestArray[2], requestArray[3], requestArray[4] }; } if (voteAction.getCommandSender() instanceof RconCommandSender) { RconCommandSender commandSender = (RconCommandSender) voteAction .getCommandSender(); StrSubstitutor substitutor = SubstitutionUtils.buildStrSubstitutor( new SimpleEntry<String, Object>("service-name", params[0]), new SimpleEntry<String, Object>("user-name", params[1]), new SimpleEntry<String, Object>("address", params[2]), new SimpleEntry<String, Object>("timestamp", params[3])); for (String command : voteAction.getCommands()) { String theCommand = substitutor.replace(command); notifyListeners(new SendingRconCommandEvent( commandSender.getRconConnection(), theCommand)); try { notifyListeners(new RconCommandResponseEvent( commandSender.getRconConnection(), commandSender .sendCommand(theCommand).getPayload())); } catch (Exception e) { notifyListeners(new RconExceptionEvent( commandSender.getRconConnection(), e)); } } } if (voteAction.getCommandSender() instanceof ShellCommandSender) { ShellCommandSender commandSender = (ShellCommandSender) voteAction .getCommandSender(); HashMap<String, String> environment = new HashMap<String, String>(); environment.put("voteServiceName", params[0]); environment.put("voteUserName", params[1]); environment.put("voteAddress", params[2]); environment.put("voteTimestamp", params[3]); for (String command : voteAction.getCommands()) { notifyListeners(new SendingShellCommandEvent(command)); try { commandSender.sendCommand(command, environment); notifyListeners(new ShellCommandSentEvent()); } catch (Exception e) { notifyListeners(new ShellCommandExceptionEvent(e)); } } } } } else { notifyListeners(new InvalidRequestEvent(socket, requestString)); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { notifyListeners(new ReadTimedOutExceptionEvent(socket, e)); } catch (BadPaddingException e) { notifyListeners(new DecryptInputExceptionEvent(socket, e)); } catch (Exception e) { notifyListeners(new CommunicationExceptionEvent(socket, e)); } try { socket.close(); notifyListeners(new ConnectionClosedEvent(socket)); } catch (Exception e) { // IOException: catching just in case. Continue even if socket doesn't close. notifyListeners(new ConnectionCloseExceptionEvent(socket, e)); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { if (running) { // Show errors only while running, to hide error while stopping. notifyListeners(new ConnectionEstablishExceptionEvent(e)); } } } executorService.shutdown(); if (!executorService.isTerminated()) { notifyListeners(new ServerAwaitingTaskCompletionEvent()); try { executorService.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); } catch (Exception e) { // InterruptedException: can't happen. } } notifyListeners(new ServerStoppedEvent()); } }).start(); }
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@Test public void testListEntities() { Set<String> expected = new TreeSet<String>(); for (int index = 0; index < Byte.SIZE; index++) { TestEntry e = new TestEntry(); repo.setProperties(e, new Transformer<TestEntry, Map<String, ?>>() { @Override// w ww . j a v a 2 s. co m public Map<String, ?> transform(TestEntry input) { return Collections.<String, Serializable>singletonMap(PROP_NAME, Double.valueOf(Math.random())); } }); expected.add(e.getId()); } List<String> idsList = repo.listEntities(); assertEquals("Mismatched entities list count", expected.size(), ExtendedCollectionUtils.size(idsList)); Set<String> actual = new TreeSet<>(idsList); assertEquals("Mismatched unique entities count", idsList.size(), actual.size()); if (!CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(expected, actual)) { fail("Mismatched ID set: expected=" + expected + ", actual=" + actual); } }
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/** * Convert a long number which represents an ethernet address into a byte * array./*from w ww. jav a 2 s.c om*/ * * @param addr A long integer which represents an byte array. * @return A byte array that contains 6 octets. */ public static byte[] toBytes(long addr) { long value = addr; byte[] mac = new byte[SIZE]; int i = SIZE - 1; do { mac[i] = (byte) value; value >>>= Byte.SIZE; i--; } while (i >= 0); return mac; }
From source
@Test public void testDeepDownRepositoryResolution() throws Exception { final String REPO_NAME = "testDeepDownRepositoryResolution", GIT_NAME = REPO_NAME + Constants.DOT_GIT_EXT; final int MAX_DEPTH = Byte.SIZE; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_DEPTH + Long.SIZE); File parentDir = reposDir;// www . jav a 2 for (int depth = 0; depth < MAX_DEPTH; depth++) { String subName = String.valueOf(depth); parentDir = new File(parentDir, subName); sb.append(subName).append('/'); File gitDir = new File(parentDir, GIT_NAME); if (!gitDir.exists()) { Repository repo = new FileRepository(gitDir); try { repo.create(true); } finally { repo.close(); } } else { assertTrue("Child repo not a folder: " + gitDir, gitDir.isDirectory()); } int curLen = sb.length(); try { sb.append(REPO_NAME); int baseLen = sb.length(); for (String ext : TEST_EXTS) { try { Repository repo =, sb.append(ext).toString()); assertNotNull("No resolution result for ext=" + ext, repo); try { File actual = repo.getDirectory(); assertEquals("Mismatched resolved location for ext=" + ext, gitDir, actual); } finally { repo.close(); } } finally { sb.setLength(baseLen); } } } finally { sb.setLength(curLen); } } }
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/** * {@link IpAddress} used as a prefix.//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m */ public static IpRange parseIpAddressAsPrefix(IpResourceType type, ASN1Encodable der) { expect(der, DERBitString.class); DERBitString derBitString = (DERBitString) der; IpAddress ipAddress = parseIpAddress(type, derBitString, false); int padBits = derBitString.getPadBits(); return IpRange.prefix(ipAddress, derBitString.getBytes().length * Byte.SIZE - padBits); }
From source
/** * Validates the client challenge, and create the encryption backend for the channel from the * parameters sent by the client.//w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m * * @param clientChallenge The challenge from the client. * @return A response to be sent to the client. */ ServerResponse respond(ClientChallenge clientChallenge) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { SecretKeySpec authKey = generateKey(clientChallenge.kdf, clientChallenge.iterations, clientChallenge.nonce, clientChallenge.keyLength); initializeForAuth(clientChallenge.cipher, clientChallenge.nonce, authKey); byte[] challenge = validateChallenge(clientChallenge.nonce, clientChallenge.challenge); byte[] response = challenge(appId, clientChallenge.nonce, rawResponse(challenge)); byte[] sessionNonce = randomBytes(conf.encryptionKeyLength() / Byte.SIZE); byte[] inputIv = randomBytes(conf.ivLength()); byte[] outputIv = randomBytes(conf.ivLength()); SecretKeySpec sessionKey = generateKey(clientChallenge.kdf, clientChallenge.iterations, sessionNonce, clientChallenge.keyLength); this.sessionCipher = new TransportCipher(cryptoConf, clientChallenge.cipher, sessionKey, inputIv, outputIv); // Note the IVs are swapped in the response. return new ServerResponse(response, encrypt(sessionNonce), encrypt(outputIv), encrypt(inputIv)); }