List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean parseBoolean
public static boolean parseBoolean(String s)
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/** * Default constructor// ww w. java2 s. c o m */ public PropertyBean() { try { this.digilibEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(PropertyReader.getProperty("imeji.digilib.enable")); this.internalStorageBase = FilenameUtils.getBaseName( FilenameUtils.normalizeNoEndSeparator(PropertyReader.getProperty(""))); applicationURL = StringHelper.normalizeURI(PropertyReader.getProperty("imeji.instance.url")); css_default = PropertyReader.getProperty("imeji.layout.css_default"); css_alternate = PropertyReader.getProperty("imeji.layout.css_alternate"); readBaseUri(); this.appName = PropertyReader.getProperty(""); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading properties: ", e); } }
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public URI buildURI() { try {/*w w w. j av a 2s .c om*/ //validate as URL new URL(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the value '" + url + "' is not a valid URL", e); } org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder uriBuilder; try { uriBuilder = new org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder(url); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the value '" + url + "' is not a valid URI", e); } boolean bEncodeQueryParams = !Boolean.parseBoolean(queryParamsAreURLEncoded); boolean bEncodeQueryParamsAsForm = Boolean.parseBoolean(queryParamsAreFormEncoded); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(queryParams)) { try { if (bEncodeQueryParamsAsForm) { uriBuilder.addParameters( (List<NameValuePair>) Utils.urlEncodeMultipleParams(queryParams, bEncodeQueryParams)); } else { uriBuilder.setCustomQuery(Utils.urlEncodeQueryParams(queryParams, bEncodeQueryParams)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(HttpClientInputs.QUERY_PARAMS_ARE_URLENCODED + " is 'false' but queryParams are not properly encoded. " + ie.getMessage(), ie); } } try { return; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not build '" + HttpClientInputs.URL + "' for " + url + " and queries " + queryParamsAreURLEncoded, e); } }
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public SpeechletServlet() { // An invalid value or null will turn signature checking on. disableRequestSignatureCheck = Boolean .parseBoolean(System.getProperty(Sdk.DISABLE_REQUEST_SIGNATURE_CHECK_SYSTEM_PROPERTY)); speechletRequestHandler = new ServletSpeechletRequestHandler(); }
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/** * Sends a password reset email to the email address provided * /* ww w .java2 s . c o m*/ * @param toEmail * @param newPwd * @throws Exception */ public void sendPwdResetMailFromApp(String toEmail, String newPwd) throws Exception { Email email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setSmtpPort(Integer.parseInt(smtpPort)); email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator(fromAddress, fromPwd)); email.setDebug(Boolean.parseBoolean(debugEnabled)); email.setHostName(smtpSever); email.setFrom(fromAddress); email.setSubject("Reset Olhie Password"); email.setMsg("You have requested that your password be reset. Your new Olhie password is " + newPwd); email.addTo(toEmail); email.setTLS(Boolean.parseBoolean(tlsEnabled)); email.setSocketTimeout(10000); email.setSocketConnectionTimeout(12000); email.send(); }
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@Override public void configure() throws Exception { try {// ww w . j a va 2 s. c om getContext().setTracing(Boolean.parseBoolean(env.getProperty("ENABLE_TRACER", "false"))); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to parse the ENABLE_TRACER value: {}", env.getProperty("ENABLE_TRACER", "false")); } restConfiguration().component("servlet").bindingMode("/api-docs") .contextPath("/api").apiProperty("host", "") .apiProperty("api.title", "CoolStore Microservice API Gateway").apiProperty("api.version", "1.0.0") .apiProperty("api.description", "The API of the gateway which fronts the various backend microservices in the CoolStore") .apiProperty("", "Red Hat Developers") .apiProperty("", "") .apiProperty("", ""); rest("/rating").description("Product Rating Service").produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) .post("/{itemId}/{rating}").description("Add product rating").param().name("itemId") .type(RestParamType.path).description("The ID of the item to process").dataType("string").endParam() .param().name("rating").type(RestParamType.path).description("The rating from 1-5").dataType("int") .endParam().outType(Rating.class).route().id("submitRatingRoute").hystrix() .id("Rating Service (Add Rating)").hystrixConfiguration() .executionTimeoutInMilliseconds(hystrixExecutionTimeout).groupKey(hystrixGroupKey) .circuitBreakerEnabled(hystrixCircuitBreakerEnabled).end().removeHeaders("CamelHttp*") .setBody(simple("null")).setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, HttpMethods.POST) .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI, simple( "http://{{env:RATING_ENDPOINT:rating:8080}}/api/rating/${header.itemId}/${header.rating}")) .to("http4://DUMMY").onFallback().setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, constant("application/json")) .to("direct:submitRatingFallback").end() .setHeader("CamelJacksonUnmarshalType", simple(Rating.class.getName())).unmarshal() .json(JsonLibrary.Jackson, Rating.class).endRest(); // Provide a response from("direct:submitRatingFallback").routeId("submitratingfallback") .description("Submit Rating Fall back response") .process(exchange -> exchange.getIn().setBody(new Rating())).marshal().json(JsonLibrary.Jackson); }
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public boolean getAsBooleanValue(String key, Boolean defaultValue) { String defaultString = Boolean.toString(defaultValue); String value = getValue(key, defaultString); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value.trim()); }
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boolean isHidden() { return Boolean .parseBoolean(StringUtils.defaultString(getApplicationArg(ARG_HIDDEN), Boolean.FALSE.toString())); }
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@Override public WrappedArchetype parse(InputStream is, String encoding) throws IOException, ParseException { Document d = toDocument(is, encoding); String asString = xpath(d, "//asString", Filters.element()); // System.out.println("--------------------------"); // String[] lines = asString.split("\r?\n"); // for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) // {/*w w w. j a va 2s. c om*/ // String line = lines[i]; // int lineNo = i + 1; // System.out.println(""+lineNo+": "+line); // } // System.out.println("--------------------------"); boolean locked = Boolean.parseBoolean(xpath(d, "//locked", Filters.element())); InputStream asInputStream = IOUtils.toInputStream(asString); WrappedArchetype result = m_delegate.parse(asInputStream, encoding); return new WrappedArchetype(asString, result.getArchetype(), locked); }
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public NCPDPSerializer(Map<?, ?> properties) { if (properties != null) { if (properties.get("segmentDelimiter") != null) { String segDel = convertNonPrintableCharacters((String) properties.get("segmentDelimiter")); if (segDel.equals("0x1E")) { this.segmentDelimeter = "\u001E"; } else { this.segmentDelimeter = segDel; }//ww w . j av a2s .com } if (properties.get("groupDelimiter") != null) { String grpDel = convertNonPrintableCharacters((String) properties.get("groupDelimiter")); if (grpDel.equals("0x1D")) { this.groupDelimeter = "\u001D"; } else { this.groupDelimeter = grpDel; } } if (properties.get("fieldDelimiter") != null) { String fieldDel = convertNonPrintableCharacters((String) properties.get("fieldDelimiter")); if (fieldDel.equals("0x1C")) { this.fieldDelimeter = "\u001C"; } else { this.fieldDelimeter = fieldDel; } } if (properties.get("useStrictValidation") != null) { this.useStrictValidation = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) properties.get("useStrictValidation")); } } }
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public static <T> T convert(Class<T> expectedType, Object rawValue) { if (rawValue == null || expectedType.isInstance(rawValue)) { return (T) rawValue; }//from w ww .j a v a2 s. c o m if (rawValue instanceof PrismPropertyValue<?>) { rawValue = ((PrismPropertyValue<?>) rawValue).getValue(); } // This really needs to be checked twice if (rawValue == null || expectedType.isInstance(rawValue)) { return (T) rawValue; } // Primitive types // boolean if (expectedType == boolean.class && rawValue instanceof Boolean) { return (T) ((Boolean) rawValue); } if (expectedType == Boolean.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Boolean) Boolean.parseBoolean(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == Boolean.class && rawValue instanceof PolyString) { return (T) (Boolean) Boolean.parseBoolean(((PolyString) rawValue).toString()); } if (expectedType == boolean.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Boolean) Boolean.parseBoolean(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == boolean.class && rawValue instanceof PolyString) { return (T) (Boolean) Boolean.parseBoolean(((PolyString) rawValue).toString()); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof Boolean) { return (T) rawValue.toString(); } // int if (expectedType == int.class && rawValue instanceof Integer) { return (T) ((Integer) rawValue); } if (expectedType == Integer.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Integer) Integer.parseInt(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == int.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Integer) Integer.parseInt(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof Integer) { return (T) rawValue.toString(); } if (expectedType == int.class && rawValue instanceof Long) { return (T) (Integer) ((Long) rawValue).intValue(); } if (expectedType == long.class && rawValue instanceof Long) { return (T) ((Long) rawValue); } if (expectedType == Long.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Long) Long.parseLong(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == long.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Long) Long.parseLong(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof Long) { return (T) rawValue.toString(); } if (expectedType == float.class && rawValue instanceof Float) { return (T) ((Float) rawValue); } if (expectedType == Float.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Float) Float.parseFloat(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == float.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Float) Float.parseFloat(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof Float) { return (T) rawValue.toString(); } if (expectedType == double.class && rawValue instanceof Double) { return (T) ((Double) rawValue); } if (expectedType == Double.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Double) Double.parseDouble(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == double.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Double) Double.parseDouble(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof Float) { return (T) rawValue.toString(); } if (expectedType == byte.class && rawValue instanceof Byte) { return (T) ((Byte) rawValue); } if (expectedType == Byte.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Byte) Byte.parseByte(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == byte.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) (Byte) Byte.parseByte(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof Byte) { return (T) rawValue.toString(); } if (expectedType == BigInteger.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) new BigInteger(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof BigInteger) { return (T) ((BigInteger) rawValue).toString(); } if (expectedType == BigDecimal.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) new BigDecimal(((String) rawValue)); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof BigDecimal) { return (T) ((BigDecimal) rawValue).toString(); } if (expectedType == PolyString.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) new PolyString((String) rawValue); } if (expectedType == PolyStringType.class && rawValue instanceof String) { PolyStringType polyStringType = new PolyStringType(); polyStringType.setOrig((String) rawValue); return (T) polyStringType; } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof PolyString) { return (T) ((PolyString) rawValue).getOrig(); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof PolyStringType) { return (T) ((PolyStringType) rawValue).getOrig(); } if (expectedType == PolyString.class && rawValue instanceof PolyStringType) { return (T) ((PolyStringType) rawValue).toPolyString(); } if (expectedType == PolyString.class && rawValue instanceof Integer) { return (T) new PolyString(((Integer) rawValue).toString()); } if (expectedType == PolyStringType.class && rawValue instanceof PolyString) { PolyStringType polyStringType = new PolyStringType((PolyString) rawValue); return (T) polyStringType; } if (expectedType == PolyStringType.class && rawValue instanceof Integer) { PolyStringType polyStringType = new PolyStringType(((Integer) rawValue).toString()); return (T) polyStringType; } // Date and time if (expectedType == XMLGregorianCalendar.class && rawValue instanceof Long) { XMLGregorianCalendar xmlCalType = XmlTypeConverter.createXMLGregorianCalendar((Long) rawValue); return (T) xmlCalType; } if (expectedType == XMLGregorianCalendar.class && rawValue instanceof String) { XMLGregorianCalendar xmlCalType = magicDateTimeParse((String) rawValue); return (T) xmlCalType; } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue instanceof XMLGregorianCalendar) { return (T) ((XMLGregorianCalendar) rawValue).toXMLFormat(); } if (expectedType == Long.class && rawValue instanceof XMLGregorianCalendar) { return (T) (Long) XmlTypeConverter.toMillis((XMLGregorianCalendar) rawValue); } // XML Enums (JAXB) if (expectedType.isEnum() && expectedType.getAnnotation(XmlEnum.class) != null && rawValue instanceof String) { return XmlTypeConverter.toXmlEnum(expectedType, (String) rawValue); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue.getClass().isEnum() && rawValue.getClass().getAnnotation(XmlEnum.class) != null) { return (T) XmlTypeConverter.fromXmlEnum(rawValue); } // Java Enums if (expectedType.isEnum() && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) Enum.valueOf((Class<Enum>) expectedType, (String) rawValue); } if (expectedType == String.class && rawValue.getClass().isEnum()) { return (T) rawValue.toString(); } //QName if (expectedType == QName.class && rawValue instanceof QName) { return (T) rawValue; } if (expectedType == QName.class && rawValue instanceof String) { return (T) QNameUtil.uriToQName((String) rawValue); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected " + expectedType + " type, but got " + rawValue.getClass()); }