List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean parseBoolean
public static boolean parseBoolean(String s)
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(Boolean.parseBoolean("true")); }
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public static void main(String[] args) { // Parsing string "true" will result boolean true boolean boolA = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); System.out.println("boolA = " + boolA); // Parsing string "TRUE" also resutl boolean true boolean boolB = Boolean.parseBoolean("TRUE"); System.out.println("boolB = " + boolB); }
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public static void main(String[] args) { String strBoolean = "true"; //String to boolean conversion boolean theValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(strBoolean); System.out.println(theValue); }
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public static void main(String[] args) { // Using constructors Boolean b1True = new Boolean(true); Boolean b2True = new Boolean("true"); Boolean b3True = new Boolean("tRuE"); Boolean b4False = new Boolean("false"); Boolean b5False = new Boolean("how is this"); // false // Using the factory methods Boolean b6True = Boolean.valueOf(true); Boolean b7True = Boolean.valueOf("true"); Boolean b8True = Boolean.valueOf("tRuE"); Boolean b9False = Boolean.valueOf("false"); Boolean b10False = Boolean.valueOf("how is this"); // false // Getting a boolean value from a Boolean object boolean bbTrue = b8True.booleanValue(); boolean bTrue = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); boolean bFalse = Boolean.parseBoolean("This string evaluates to false"); Boolean bcTrue = Boolean.TRUE; Boolean bcFalse = Boolean.FALSE; System.out.println("bcTrue = " + bcTrue); System.out.println("bcFalse = " + bcFalse); }
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public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { //////////////comment here /////////////////////// // args = new String[4]; // //String dbConfig = "ep-mm-db-enzdev"; // //String dbConfig = "ep-mm-db-enzprel"; // String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); // String filename = "SiteMap"; // String testing = "true"; // //w w w. j av a 2 s. c o m // // args[0] = "vezpdev"; // args[1] = userHome; // args[2] = filename; // args[3] = testing; //////////////uncomment for testing parameters only /////////////////////// if (args == null) { System.out.println("Please provide required parameters"); System.exit(0); } AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(); context.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles(args[0]); context.scan(""); context.refresh(); UniprotEntryService service = context.getBean(UniprotEntryService.class); SiteMapGenerator siteMapGenerator = new EnzymePortalSiteMap(service); boolean testMode = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[3]); siteMapGenerator.generateSitemap(args[1], args[2], testMode); }
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public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); try {//from w ww . j av a 2 s. c om // create Options object options.addOption("jdbcurl", true, "jdbc url"); options.addOption("schema", true, "schema name"); options.addOption("kb", true, "knowledge base"); options.addOption("username", true, "db user name"); options.addOption("password", true, "db password"); options.addOption("queryFile", true, "query file"); options.addOption("defaultUnionGraph", false, "default Union Graph semantics"); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); boolean defUnion = cmd.hasOption("defaultUnionGraph") ? Boolean.parseBoolean(cmd.getOptionValue("defaultUnionGraph")) : false; DB2TestData data = new DB2TestData(cmd.getOptionValue("jdbcurl"), cmd.getOptionValue("kb"), cmd.getOptionValue("username"), cmd.getOptionValue("password"), cmd.getOptionValue("schemaName"), defUnion); DB2RDFQuery q = new DB2RDFQuery(new DB2Engine(), data); q.executeQuery(cmd.getOptionValue("queryFile")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); HelpFormatter help = new HelpFormatter(); help.printHelp("DB2RDFQuery", options); } }
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public static void main(String[] args) { System.setProperty("sim-properties", "cfg/sim/discrete/sim-properties.parameters"); _simulationProperties = MiscUtils.loadProperties("sim-properties"); String stringShouldRunGraphical = _simulationProperties.getProperty("run-graphical"); Validate.notEmpty(stringShouldRunGraphical, "Run graphical option required"); shouldRunGraphical = Boolean.parseBoolean(stringShouldRunGraphical); String stringTotalRuns = _simulationProperties.getProperty("run-count"); Validate.notEmpty(stringTotalRuns, "Run count required"); totalRuns = Integer.parseInt(stringTotalRuns); if (!shouldRunGraphical) { // run just text for (int run = 1; run <= totalRuns; run++) { System.out.println("Run " + run); System.out.println(); // create and initialize simulator Simulator simulator = new Simulator(run); _simulationProperties.put("current-run", String.valueOf(run)); simulator.initialize(_simulationProperties); // run it simulator.execute();//from ww w. j av a2s . c o m } } else { // run graphical DebugLocationsStructure db = new DebugLocationsStructure("Conflict Simulation", 800, 600, 60); _simulationProperties.put("current-run", String.valueOf(1)); db.initialize(_simulationProperties, 1);; } }
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public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FEFileName.feFilename = args[0];// w ww . ja v a 2s .c o m FEFileName.tagFilename = args[1]; FEFileName.eventFilename = args[2]; FEFileName.alphafilename = args[3]; FEFileName.spanfilename = args[4]; boolean genAlpha = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[5]); FEFileName.KBestParse = Integer.parseInt(args[6]); FEFileName.KBestParseDirectory = args[7]; if (genAlpha) System.out.println("Generating alphabet too..."); final List<String> feLines = readLines(new File(FEFileName.feFilename), UTF_8); final List<String> tagLines = readLines(new File(FEFileName.tagFilename), UTF_8); run(genAlpha, tagLines, feLines); }
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public static void main(String[] args) { loadSettings();/* www . ja v a 2 s . c om*/ Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { saveSettings(); } }); if (args.length == 0) { System.err.println("Invalid number of arguments specified!"); System.exit(1); } else if (args.length >= 1 && args.length <= 4) { switch (args[0]) { case "Followers": if (args.length == 4) { new Followers(args[1], Integer.parseInt(args[2]), Boolean.parseBoolean(args[3])).run(); } else { System.err.println("Invalid number of arguments specified!"); System.exit(1); } break; case "MicrophoneStatus": if (args.length == 3) { final int delay = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); final boolean guiDisplay = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[2]); new MicrophoneStatus(delay, guiDisplay); } else { System.err.println("Invalid number of arguments specified!"); System.err.println("Arguments are: [delay in ms for updates] [if the gui should show]!"); System.err.println("For example: [100] [true]!"); System.exit(1); } break; case "NowPlayingConverter": if (args.length == 2) { final int delay = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); new NowPlayingConverter(delay).run(); } else { System.err.println("Invalid number of arguments specified!"); System.err.println("Arguments are: [delay in ms for updates]!"); System.err.println("For example: [100]!"); System.exit(1); } break; case "MusicCreditsGenerator": if (args.length == 2) { final String type = args[1]; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("html") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("october") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("markdown")) { new MusicCreditsGenerator(type).run(); } else { System.err.println("Invalid type argument specified!"); System.err.println("Arguments are: [type of output to generate (html|markdown|october)]!"); System.err.println("For example: [html]!"); System.exit(1); } } else { System.err.println("Invalid number of arguments specified!"); System.err.println("Arguments are: [delay in ms for updates]!"); System.err.println("For example: [100]!"); System.exit(1); } break; case "SteamGamesGenerator": if (args.length == 2) { final String type = args[1]; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("october")) { new SteamGamesGenerator(type).run(); } else { System.err.println("Invalid type argument specified!"); System.err.println("Arguments are: [type of output to generate (october)]!"); System.err.println("For example: [october]!"); System.exit(1); } } else { System.err.println("Invalid number of arguments specified!"); System.err.println("Arguments are: [delay in ms for updates]!"); System.err.println("For example: [100]!"); System.exit(1); } break; case "FoobarControls": if (args.length == 1) { new FoobarControls().run(); } else { System.err.println("Invalid number of arguments specified!"); System.err.println("There are no arguments to provide!"); System.exit(1); } break; default: System.err.println("Invalid tool name specified!"); System.exit(1); } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { // we expect the following arguments to be passed in: // [1] a/d login URL // [2] redirect URI // [3] callback url to which the auth code needs to be sent // [4] window title text // [5] optional boolean indicating whether we should invoke System.exit once done if (args.length < 4) { return;// w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m } String url = args[0]; String redirectUri = args[1]; final String callbackUrl = args[2]; String windowTitle = args[3]; boolean shouldExit = (args.length > 4) && Boolean.parseBoolean(args[4]); Display display = new Display(); Shell shell = new Shell(display); shell.setText(windowTitle); Browser browser = null; ADAuthCodeCallback authCodeCallback = new ADAuthCodeCallback(display, callbackUrl); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); Monitor monitor = display.getPrimaryMonitor(); Rectangle bounds = monitor.getBounds(); Dimension size = new Dimension((int) (bounds.width * 0.25), (int) (bounds.height * 0.55)); shell.setSize(size.width, size.height); shell.setLocation((bounds.width - size.width) / 2, (bounds.height - size.height) / 2); try { browser = new org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser(shell, SWT.NONE); } catch (SWTError err) { authCodeCallback.onFailed( "Unable to load the browser component on this system. Here's some additional information: \n" + err.getMessage()); return; } BrowserLocationListener locationListener = new BrowserLocationListener(redirectUri, authCodeCallback); browser.addLocationListener(locationListener); browser.setUrl(url);; while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) { display.sleep(); } } display.dispose(); // notify the caller that the window was closed try { httpRequest(new URI(callbackUrl).resolve("closed").toURL()); } catch (IOException ignored) { } catch (URISyntaxException ignored) { } if (shouldExit) { System.exit(0); } }