List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean parseBoolean
public static boolean parseBoolean(String s)
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public Boolean getValueAsBoolean(String paramName) { String value = getValue(paramName); return value != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
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@Override public Property<Boolean> getBooleanProperty(final ConfigurationKey key, final Boolean defaultValue) { return new Property<Boolean>() { @Override/*from w w w .ja va 2 s . co m*/ public Boolean get() { String value = System.getProperty(key.getKey(variableValues)); if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } }; }
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/** * Return the key property as a boolean/*from w w w . j av a2 s . c om*/ * * @param key * @param defaultValue * @return */ public static boolean getBooleanProperty(String key, boolean defaultValue) { String property = PROPERTIES.getProperty(key); if (property != null) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(property.trim()); } return defaultValue; }
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/** Parse the options given on the command line. */ @Nonnull//from www.j av a 2 s . c om @Override public JmxTransConfiguration parseOptions(@Nonnull String[] args) throws OptionsException, org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cl = parser.parse(getOptions(), args); Option[] options = cl.getOptions(); JmxTransConfiguration configuration = new JmxTransConfiguration(); for (Option option : options) { if (option.getOpt().equals("c")) { configuration.setContinueOnJsonError(Boolean.parseBoolean(option.getValue())); } else if (option.getOpt().equals("j")) { File jsonDir = new File(option.getValue()); if (jsonDir.exists() && jsonDir.isDirectory()) { configuration.setJsonDir(jsonDir); } else { throw new OptionsException("Path to json directory is invalid: " + jsonDir); } } else if (option.getOpt().equals("f")) { File jsonFile = new File(option.getValue()); if (jsonFile.exists() && jsonFile.isFile()) { configuration.setJsonFile(jsonFile); } else { throw new OptionsException("Path to json file is invalid: " + jsonFile); } } else if (option.getOpt().equals("e")) { configuration.setRunEndlessly(true); } else if (option.getOpt().equals("q")) { File quartzConfigFile = new File(option.getValue()); if (quartzConfigFile.exists() && quartzConfigFile.isFile()) { configuration.setQuartzPropertiesFile(quartzConfigFile); } else { throw new OptionsException("Could not find path to the quartz properties file: " + quartzConfigFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } else if (option.getOpt().equals("s")) { try { configuration.setRunPeriod(Integer.parseInt(option.getValue())); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new OptionsException("Seconds between server job runs must be an integer"); } } else if (option.getOpt().equals("a")) { configuration.setAdditionalJars(option.getValuesList()); } else if (option.getOpt().equals("h")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("java -jar jmxtrans-all.jar", getOptions()); configuration.setHelp(true); } } if ((!configuration.isHelp()) && (configuration.getJsonDirOrFile() == null)) { throw new OptionsException("Please specify either the -f or -j option."); } return configuration; }
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private void updateAppTierConfigsInRegistry() { boolean isTierMigration = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(ARG_MIGRATE_TIER)); if (!isTierMigration) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Skipping the Tier configuration update in registry"); }//from ww w .j a v a 2 s. c om return; } RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService(); UserRegistry govRegistry = null; // get governance registry try { govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(); } catch (RegistryException e) { handleError("Error in getting Governance Registry", e); } byte[] data; String resourcesDirectory = CarbonUtils.getCarbonHome() + File.separator + "repository" + File.separator + "resources"; // check if a default-tiers.xml is available in the // <APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/default-tiers File defaultTiersFile = new File(resourcesDirectory + File.separator + DEFAULT_TIERS_FILE); if (defaultTiersFile.exists()) { data = readDefaultTierConfigFile(resourcesDirectory); if (data != null && data.length > 0) { // delete the existing application tier config file in the // registry deleteExistingAppTierConfig(govRegistry); // update updateAppTierConfigs(govRegistry, data);"Successfully updated the Application tiers configuration at " + APP_TIERS_LOCATION); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No custom " + DEFAULT_TIERS_FILE + " file found at carbon resources directory"); } } }
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public static Configure reader(String configueFileName) throws DocumentException {"Begin read configure[" + configueFileName + "]"); Configure configure = new Configure(); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); File file = new File(configueFileName); Document document =; Element root = document.getRootElement(); String elementText = root.elementTextTrim("batchSize"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { configure.setBatchSize(Integer.parseInt(elementText)); }/* w w w. java 2s.c o m*/ elementText = root.elementTextTrim("dirtyDataContinue"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { configure.setDirtyDataContinue(Boolean.parseBoolean(elementText)); } elementText = root.elementTextTrim("dirtyDataFile"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { configure.setDirtyDataFile(elementText); } elementText = root.elementTextTrim("dirtyDataFileMaxSize"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { configure.setDirtyDataFileMaxSize(Integer.parseInt(elementText)); } elementText = root.elementTextTrim("retryTimes"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { configure.setRetryTimes(Integer.parseInt(elementText)); } elementText = root.elementTextTrim("retryInterval"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { configure.setRetryInterval(Integer.parseInt(elementText)); } elementText = root.elementTextTrim("disableCheckPointFile"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { configure.setDisableCheckPointFile(Boolean.parseBoolean(elementText)); } elementText = root.elementTextTrim("checkPointFileName"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { configure.setCheckPointFileName(elementText); } Element element = root.element("defaultOracleConfigure"); if (element == null) { throw new RuntimeException("defaultOracleConfigure is null"); } elementText = element.elementTextTrim("sid"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(elementText)) { throw new RuntimeException("defaultOracleConfigure.sid is null"); } configure.setSid(elementText); String defaultOracleSchema = element.elementTextTrim("schema"); SimpleDateFormat defaultSimpleDateFormat; elementText = element.elementTextTrim("dateFormat"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { defaultSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(elementText); } else { defaultSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } element = root.element("defalutDatahubConfigure"); if (element == null) { throw new RuntimeException("defalutDatahubConfigure is null"); } String endPoint = element.elementText("endPoint"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(endPoint)) { throw new RuntimeException("defalutDatahubConfigure.endPoint is null"); } String defaultDatahubProject = element.elementText("project"); String defaultDatahubAccessID = element.elementText("accessId"); String defaultDatahubAccessKey = element.elementText("accessKey"); Field defaultCTypeField = null; String defaultCTypeColumn = element.elementText("ctypeColumn"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultCTypeColumn)) { defaultCTypeField = new Field(defaultCTypeColumn, FieldType.STRING); } Field defaultCTimeField = null; String defaultCTimeColumn = element.elementText("ctimeColumn"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultCTimeColumn)) { defaultCTimeField = new Field(defaultCTimeColumn, FieldType.STRING); } Field defaultCidField = null; String defaultCidColumn = element.elementText("cidColumn"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultCidColumn)) { defaultCidField = new Field(defaultCidColumn, FieldType.STRING); } String defaultConstColumnMapStr = element.elementText("constColumnMap"); Map<String, String> defalutConstColumnMappings = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<String, Field> defaultConstColumnFieldMappings = Maps.newHashMap(); parseConstColumnMap(defaultConstColumnMapStr, defalutConstColumnMappings, defaultConstColumnFieldMappings); element = root.element("mappings"); if (element == null) { throw new RuntimeException("mappings is null"); } List<Element> mappingElements = element.elements("mapping"); if (mappingElements == null || mappingElements.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("mappings.mapping is null"); } //init table mapping for (Element e : mappingElements) { String oracleSchema = e.elementTextTrim("oracleSchema"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(oracleSchema)) { //nothing } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultOracleSchema)) { oracleSchema = defaultOracleSchema; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "both mappings.mapping.oracleSchema and defaultOracleConfigure.schema is null"); } String oracleTable = e.elementTextTrim("oracleTable"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(oracleTable)) { throw new RuntimeException("mappings.mapping.oracleTable is null"); } String datahubProject = e.elementTextTrim("datahubProject"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(datahubProject)) { //nothing } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultOracleSchema)) { datahubProject = defaultDatahubProject; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "both mappings.mapping.datahubProject and defalutDatahubConfigure.project is null"); } String datahubAccessId = e.elementTextTrim("datahubAccessId"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(datahubAccessId)) { //nothing } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultDatahubAccessID)) { datahubAccessId = defaultDatahubAccessID; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "both mappings.mapping.datahubAccessId and defalutDatahubConfigure.accessId is null"); } String datahubAccessKey = e.elementTextTrim("datahubAccessKey"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(datahubAccessKey)) { //nothing } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultDatahubAccessKey)) { datahubAccessKey = defaultDatahubAccessKey; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "both mappings.mapping.datahubAccessKey and defalutDatahubConfigure.accessKey is null"); } String topicName = e.elementTextTrim("datahubTopic"); if (topicName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("mappings.mapping.datahubTopic is null"); } String ctypeColumn = e.elementText("ctypeColumn"); String ctimeColumn = e.elementText("ctimeColumn"); String cidColumn = e.elementText("cidColumn"); DatahubConfiguration datahubConfiguration = new DatahubConfiguration( new AliyunAccount(datahubAccessId, datahubAccessKey), endPoint); Project project =, datahubConfiguration); Topic topic = project.getTopic(topicName); if (topic == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Can not find datahub topic[" + topicName + "]"); } else { "topic name: " + topicName + ", topic schema: " + topic.getRecordSchema().toJsonString()); } TableMapping tableMapping = new TableMapping(); tableMapping.setTopic(topic); tableMapping.setOracleSchema(oracleSchema.toLowerCase()); tableMapping.setOracleTableName(oracleTable.toLowerCase()); tableMapping.setOracleFullTableName( tableMapping.getOracleSchema() + "." + tableMapping.getOracleTableName()); tableMapping .setCtypeField(StringUtils.isNotBlank(ctypeColumn) ? new Field(ctypeColumn, FieldType.STRING) : defaultCTypeField); tableMapping .setCtimeField(StringUtils.isNotBlank(ctimeColumn) ? new Field(ctimeColumn, FieldType.STRING) : defaultCTimeField); tableMapping.setCidField( StringUtils.isNotBlank(cidColumn) ? new Field(cidColumn, FieldType.STRING) : defaultCidField); String constColumnMapStr = e.elementText("constColumnMap"); Map<String, String> constColumnMappings = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<String, Field> constColumnFieldMappings = Maps.newHashMap(); parseConstColumnMap(constColumnMapStr, constColumnMappings, constColumnFieldMappings); tableMapping.setConstColumnMappings( constColumnMappings.isEmpty() ? defalutConstColumnMappings : constColumnMappings); tableMapping.setConstFieldMappings(constColumnFieldMappings.isEmpty() ? defaultConstColumnFieldMappings : constColumnFieldMappings); Map<String, ColumnMapping> columnMappings = Maps.newHashMap(); tableMapping.setColumnMappings(columnMappings); elementText = e.elementTextTrim("shardId"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elementText)) { tableMapping.setShardId(elementText); } configure.addTableMapping(tableMapping); RecordSchema recordSchema = topic.getRecordSchema(); Element columnMappingElement = e.element("columnMapping"); List<Element> columns = columnMappingElement.elements("column"); for (Element columnElement : columns) { String oracleColumnName = columnElement.attributeValue("src"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(oracleColumnName)) { throw new RuntimeException("Topic[" + topicName + "] src attribute is null"); } oracleColumnName = oracleColumnName.toLowerCase(); ColumnMapping columnMapping = new ColumnMapping(); columnMappings.put(oracleColumnName, columnMapping); columnMapping.setOracleColumnName(oracleColumnName); String datahubFieldName = columnElement.attributeValue("dest"); if (datahubFieldName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Topic[" + topicName + "] dest attribute is null"); } Field field = recordSchema.getField(datahubFieldName.toLowerCase()); if (field == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Topic[" + topicName + "] Field[" + datahubFieldName + "] is not exist"); } columnMapping.setField(field); String datahubOldFieldName = columnElement.attributeValue("destOld"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(datahubOldFieldName)) { Field oldField = recordSchema.getField(datahubOldFieldName); if (field == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Topic[" + topicName + "] Field[" + datahubOldFieldName + "] is not exist"); } columnMapping.setOldFiled(oldField); } String isShardColumn = columnElement.attributeValue("isShardColumn"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(isShardColumn) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(Boolean.valueOf(isShardColumn))) { tableMapping.setIsShardHash(true); columnMapping.setIsShardColumn(true); } else { columnMapping.setIsShardColumn(false); } String isKeyColumn = columnElement.attributeValue("isKeyColumn"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(isKeyColumn) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(Boolean.valueOf(isKeyColumn))) { columnMapping.setIsKeyColumn(true); } else { columnMapping.setIsKeyColumn(false); } String dateFormat = columnElement.attributeValue("dateFormat"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dateFormat)) { columnMapping.setSimpleDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat)); } else { columnMapping.setSimpleDateFormat(defaultSimpleDateFormat); } String isDateFormat = columnElement.attributeValue("isDateFormat"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(isDateFormat) && Boolean.FALSE.equals(Boolean.valueOf(isDateFormat))) { columnMapping.setIsDateFormat(false); } else { columnMapping.setIsDateFormat(true); } } }"Read configure success: " + JsonHelper.beanToJson(configure)); return configure; }
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@Override protected boolean isRequired(List<RawParamValue> values, Object... objects) { String attivatoObepValue = Utils.getValue(values, this.attivatoObepId); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attivatoObepValue) && Boolean.parseBoolean(attivatoObepValue)) { return true; }/*from w w w . j av a 2s .c o m*/ return false; }
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private Project getFormattedDataSingle(Response response) { String responseJson = response.readEntity(String.class); System.out.println(responseJson); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>> typeReference = new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>>() { };/* w ww. java 2s .c om*/ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { HashMap<String, Object> map = mapper.readValue(responseJson, typeReference); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(map.get("found").toString())) { return Project.parseProject(map); // } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } }
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/** * Check if it's necessary to launch bootstrap. * If the user has already imported sample data or refused it, then it returns false * @return true if already initialized, false otherwise *//*from www. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ public boolean isAlreadyInitialized() { Boolean initialized = Boolean .parseBoolean(configurationService.getConfigurationValue(Configuration.INITIALIZED)); return initialized != null ? initialized : false; }
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public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String logConfig = System.getProperty("log-config"); if (logConfig == null) { logConfig = "log-config.txt"; }/*from w w w.jav a 2 s . c o m*/ PropertyConfigurator.configure(logConfig); if (args.length != 8) { System.out.println(args.length); System.out.println( "Usage: java -mx2G eu.fbk.utils.lsa.util.AnvurTest root-lsa-en root-lsa-it threshold-lsa size-lsa dim-lsa idf-lsa in-file-tsv fields-tsv\n\n"); System.exit(1); } // DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("#.00"); File enUt = new File(args[0] + "-Ut"); File enSk = new File(args[0] + "-S"); File enr = new File(args[0] + "-row"); File enc = new File(args[0] + "-col"); File endf = new File(args[0] + "-df"); File itUt = new File(args[1] + "-Ut"); File itSk = new File(args[1] + "-S"); File itr = new File(args[1] + "-row"); File itc = new File(args[1] + "-col"); File itdf = new File(args[1] + "-df"); double threshold = Double.parseDouble(args[2]); int size = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); int dim = Integer.parseInt(args[4]); boolean rescaleIdf = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[5]); LSM enLsm = new LSM(enUt, enSk, enr, enc, endf, dim, rescaleIdf); LSM itLsm = new LSM(itUt, itSk, itr, itc, itdf, dim, rescaleIdf); File in = new File(args[6]); if (in.isFile()) { run(enLsm, itLsm, args[6], args[7]); } else if (in.isDirectory()) { FolderScanner fs = new FolderScanner(in); fs.setFiler(new TsvFilter()); int count = 0; while (fs.hasNext()) { Object[] files =; System.out.println((count++) + " : " + files.length); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String name = ((File) files[i]).getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println(name); run(enLsm, itLsm, name, args[7]); } // end for i } // end while } }