List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean parseBoolean
public static boolean parseBoolean(String s)
From source
public static Boolean getAttribAsBoolean(Element e, String name, Boolean dft) { if (getAttribute(e, name) == null) return dft; else// ww w .ja va 2s . co m return Boolean.parseBoolean(getAttribute(e, name)); }
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public static Boolean getElementAsBoolean(Element e, String name, Boolean dft) { if (getElement(e, name) == null) return dft; else//from www . ja v a 2 s. co m return Boolean.parseBoolean(getElement(e, name)); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try {/*w w w . j a v a2s . c o m*/ // program arguments Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("i", "server-ip", true, "[mandatory] NV Test Manager IP"); options.addOption("o", "server-port", true, "[mandatory] NV Test Manager port"); options.addOption("u", "username", true, "[mandatory] NV username"); options.addOption("w", "password", true, "[mandatory] NV password"); options.addOption("e", "ssl", true, "[optional] Pass true to use SSL. Default: false"); options.addOption("y", "proxy", true, "[optional] Proxy server host:port"); options.addOption("t", "site-url", true, "[optional] Site under test URL. Default: Default: HPE Network Virtualization site URL. If you change this value, make sure to change the --xpath argument too"); options.addOption("x", "xpath", true, "[optional] Parameter for ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(...)) method. Use an xpath expression of some element in the site. Default: //div[@id='content']"); options.addOption("a", "active-adapter-ip", true, "[optional] Active adapter IP. Default: --server-ip argument"); options.addOption("m", "mode", true, "[mandatory] Test mode - ntx or custom"); options.addOption("n", "ntx-file-path", true, "[mandatory in ntx mode] File path of an .ntx/.ntxx file - used to start the test in ntx mode"); options.addOption("z", "zip-result-file-path", true, "[optional] File path to store the analysis results as a .zip file"); options.addOption("k", "analysis-ports", true, "[optional] A comma-separated list of ports for test analysis"); options.addOption("p", "packet-list-id", true, "[optional] A packet list ID used for capturing a specific packet list and downloading its corresponding .shunra file"); options.addOption("c", "packet-list-file-path", true, "[optional] .pcap file path - used to store all captured packet lists"); options.addOption("s", "shunra-file-path", true, "[optional] .shunra file path for download"); options.addOption("b", "browser", true, "[optional] The browser for which the Selenium WebDriver is built. Possible values: Chrome and Firefox. Default: Firefox"); options.addOption("d", "debug", true, "[optional] Pass true to view console debug messages during execution. Default: false"); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "[optional] Generates and prints help information"); // parse and validate the command line arguments CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("help")) { // print help if help argument is passed HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("", options); return; } if (line.hasOption("mode")) { mode = ((String) line.getOptionValue("mode")).toLowerCase(); } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -m/--mode <mode>"); } if (!mode.equals("custom") && !mode.equals("ntx")) { throw new Exception("Mode not supported. Supported modes are: ntx or custom"); } if (mode.equals("ntx")) { if (line.hasOption("ntx-file-path")) { ntxFilePath = line.getOptionValue("ntx-file-path"); } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -n/--ntx-file-path <ntxFilePath>"); } } if (line.hasOption("server-ip")) { serverIp = line.getOptionValue("server-ip"); if (serverIp.equals("")) { throw new Exception( "Please replace the server IP argument value ( with your NV Test Manager IP"); } } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -i/--server-ip <serverIp>"); } if (line.hasOption("server-port")) { serverPort = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("server-port")); } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -o/--server-port <serverPort>"); } if (line.hasOption("username")) { username = line.getOptionValue("username"); } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -u/--username <username>"); } if (line.hasOption("password")) { password = line.getOptionValue("password"); } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -w/--password <password>"); } if (line.hasOption("ssl")) { ssl = Boolean.parseBoolean(line.getOptionValue("ssl")); } if (line.hasOption("zip-result-file-path")) { zipResultFilePath = line.getOptionValue("zip-result-file-path"); } if (line.hasOption("packet-list-id")) { packetListId = line.getOptionValue("packet-list-id"); } if (line.hasOption("packet-list-file-path")) { packetListFilePath = line.getOptionValue("packet-list-file-path"); } if (line.hasOption("shunra-file-path")) { shunraFilePath = line.getOptionValue("shunra-file-path"); } if (line.hasOption("site-url")) { siteUrl = line.getOptionValue("site-url"); } else { siteUrl = ""; } if (line.hasOption("xpath")) { xpath = line.getOptionValue("xpath"); } else { xpath = "//div[@id='content']"; } if (line.hasOption("proxy")) { proxySetting = line.getOptionValue("proxy"); } if (line.hasOption("active-adapter-ip")) { activeAdapterIp = line.getOptionValue("active-adapter-ip"); } else { activeAdapterIp = serverIp; } if (line.hasOption("analysis-ports")) { String analysisPortsStr = line.getOptionValue("analysis-ports"); analysisPorts = analysisPortsStr.split(","); } else { analysisPorts = new String[] { "80", "8080" }; } if (line.hasOption("browser")) { browser = line.getOptionValue("browser"); } else { browser = "Firefox"; } if (line.hasOption("debug")) { debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(line.getOptionValue("debug")); } String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String testDescription = "*** This sample demonstrates all of the Test class APIs except for the ***" + newLine + "*** real-time update API, which is demonstrated in ***" + newLine + "*** You can start the test in this sample using either the NTX or Custom modes. ***" + newLine + "*** ***" + newLine + "*** You can view the actual steps of this sample in the file. ***" + newLine; // print the sample's description System.out.println(testDescription); // start console spinner if (!debug) { spinner = new Thread(new Spinner()); spinner.start(); } // sample execution steps /***** Part 1 - Initialize the TestManager object to pass logon credentials, the NV Test Manager IP, the port, and so on *****/ printPartDescription( "\b------ Part 1 - Initialize the TestManager object to pass logon credentials, the NV Test Manager IP, the port, and so on"); initTestManager(); printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 2 - Set the active adapter and start the NV test *****/ printPartDescription("------ Part 2 - Set the active adapter and start the NV test"); setActiveAdapter(); startTest(); testRunning = true; connectToTransactionManager(); printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 3 - Start packet list capture, get the packet list information and print it to the console (if the --debug argument is set to true) *****/ printPartDescription( "------ Part 3 - Start packet list capture, get the packet list information and print it to the console (if the --debug argument is set to true)"); startPacketListCapture(); getPacketListInfo(); printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 4 - Start the NV transaction and navigate to the site *****/ printPartDescription("------ Part 4 - Start the NV transaction and navigate to the site"); startTransaction(); transactionInProgress = true; buildSeleniumWebDriver(); seleniumNavigateToPage(); printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 5 - Get the NV test statistics and print the Client-in statistics to the console (if the --debug argument is set to true) *****/ printPartDescription( "------ Part 5 - Get the NV test statistics and print the Client-in statistics to the console (if the --debug argument is set to true)"); getTestStatistics(); printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 6 - Stop the NV transaction and the packet list capture, get the packet list information and print it to the console (if the --debug argument is set to true) *****/ printPartDescription( "------ Part 6 - Stop the NV transaction and the packet list capture, get the packet list information and print it to the console (if the --debug argument is set to true)"); stopTransaction(); transactionInProgress = false; stopPacketListCapture(); getPacketListInfo(); printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 7 - Disconnect from the transaction manager and stop the NV test *****/ printPartDescription("------ Part 7 - Disconnect from the transaction manager and stop the NV test"); disconnectFromTransactionManager(); stopTest(); testRunning = false; printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 8 - Analyze the NV test and print the results to the console *****/ printPartDescription("------ Part 8 - Analyze the NV test and print the results to the console"); analyzeTest(); printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 9 - Download the specified packet list and the .shunra file *****/ printPartDescription("------ Part 9 - Download the specified packet list and the .shunra file"); downloadPacketList(); downloadShunra(); printPartSeparator(); doneCallback(); } catch (Exception e) { try { handleError(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e2) { System.out.println("Error occurred: " + e2.getMessage()); } } }
From source
/** * // w w w. j a va2 s . c om * @param object * @return */ protected static Boolean toBoolean(Object object) { String str = toString(object); if ("".equals(str)) return true; else return Boolean.parseBoolean(str); }
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/** * Safely converts an object into an boolean * * @param obj//ww w .j av a 2 s . c o m * The object to convert. * @return a Boolean representing the boolean value of the Object (null if * the object cannot be converted to Boolean) */ public static Boolean safeJsonToBoolean(Object obj) { Boolean booleanValue; try { booleanValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(safeJsonToString(obj)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { booleanValue = null; } return booleanValue; }
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/** * Parses the value of the given attribute as an boolean. * @param attributeName the name of the attribute. * @param map the map that contains all the attributes. * @return the float value.// ww w .ja v a 2s .c o m */ public static boolean parseBoolean(String attributeName, NamedNodeMap map) { org.w3c.dom.Node attr = map.getNamedItem(attributeName); return attr != null ? Boolean.parseBoolean(attr.getTextContent()) : false; }
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/** * parse value to boolean/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ */ public static boolean toBoolean(String value) { return TextUtils.isEmpty(value) ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
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/** * This method parses the given value into the specified primitive or wrapper class. * @param clazz - primitive or wrapper class used to parse * @param value - string to be parsed/*from w w w .j ava 2 s . c o m*/ * @return object of type clazz parsed from the string * @author Trisan Bepler */ public static Object toObject(Class<?> clazz, String value) { if (Boolean.TYPE == clazz) return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); if (Byte.TYPE == clazz) return Byte.parseByte(value); if (Short.TYPE == clazz) return Short.parseShort(value); if (Integer.TYPE == clazz) return Integer.parseInt(value); if (Long.TYPE == clazz) return Long.parseLong(value); if (Float.TYPE == clazz) return Float.parseFloat(value); if (Double.TYPE == clazz) return Double.parseDouble(value); if (Boolean.class == clazz) return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); if (Byte.class == clazz) return Byte.parseByte(value); if (Short.class == clazz) return Short.parseShort(value); if (Integer.class == clazz) return Integer.parseInt(value); if (Long.class == clazz) return Long.parseLong(value); if (Float.class == clazz) return Float.parseFloat(value); if (Double.class == clazz) return Double.parseDouble(value); if (Character.class == clazz) return value.charAt(0); if (Character.TYPE == clazz) return value.charAt(0); return value; }
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public static Boolean getAttributeValueAsBoolean(Node node, String attributeName) { final Node attributeNode = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem(attributeName); return attributeNode != null ? Boolean.parseBoolean(attributeNode.getTextContent()) : null; }
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public static boolean toBool(String b) { try {//from w w w. j a v a2 s. co m return Boolean.parseBoolean(b); } catch (Exception e) { } return false; }