Example usage for java.lang Boolean getBoolean

List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean getBoolean


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Boolean getBoolean.


public static boolean getBoolean(String name) 

Source Link


Returns true if and only if the system property named by the argument exists and is equal to, ignoring case, the string "true" .


From source file:net.unicon.sakora.impl.csv.CsvSyncServiceImpl.java

public void setCleanupData(String cleanupDataString) {
    this.cleanupData = Boolean.getBoolean(cleanupDataString);

From source file:org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.DatabaseGraph.java

private void map(final DBRoot r, final String tableName, final Set<String> tableNames) throws SQLException {
    // either we refresh the whole root and we must know which tables to use
    // or we refresh only one table and tableNames is useless
    assert tableName == null ^ tableNames == null;
    final SetMap<String, String> metadataFKs = new SetMap<String, String>();
    final List<Object[]> importedKeys = this.base.getDataSource()
            .useConnection(new ConnectionHandlerNoSetup<List, SQLException>() {
                @Override/*  w w w.ja  va  2s .c o m*/
                public List handle(final SQLDataSource ds) throws SQLException {
                    final DatabaseMetaData metaData = ds.getConnection().getMetaData();
                    return (List) SQLDataSource.ARRAY_LIST_HANDLER.handle(metaData
                            .getImportedKeys(r.getBase().getMDName(), r.getSchema().getName(), tableName));
    // accumulators for multi-field foreign key
    final List<SQLField> from = new ArrayList<SQLField>();
    final List<SQLField> to = new ArrayList<SQLField>();
    final SQLSystem sys = this.base.getServer().getSQLSystem();
    Rule updateRule = null;
    Rule deleteRule = null;
    String name = null;
    // Follow the JDBC to the letter and order by PKTABLE_CAT, PKTABLE_SCHEM, PKTABLE_NAME,
    // KEY_SEQ : thus ignoring FK_NAME
    if (sys == SQLSystem.MSSQL) {
        Collections.sort(importedKeys, IMPORTED_KEYS_COMP);
    final Iterator<Object[]> ikIter = importedKeys.iterator();
    while (ikIter.hasNext()) {
        final Object[] m = ikIter.next();

        // FKTABLE_SCHEM
        assert CompareUtils.equals(m[5], r.getSchema().getName());
        // FKTABLE_NAME
        final String fkTableName = (String) m[6];
        assert tableName == null || tableName.equals(fkTableName);
        if (tableNames != null && !tableNames.contains(fkTableName))
        // not by name, postgresql returns lowercase
        // "FKCOLUMN_NAME"
        final String keyName = (String) m[7];
        // "KEY_SEQ"
        final short seq = ((Number) m[8]).shortValue();
        // "PKCOLUMN_NAME"
        final String foreignTableColName = (String) m[3];
        // "FK_NAME"
        final String foreignKeyName = (String) m[11];

        final SQLField key = r.getTable(fkTableName).getField(keyName);

        final SQLTable foreignTable;
        try {
            foreignTable = getTableFromJDBCMetaData(r.getBase(), (String) m[0], (String) m[1], (String) m[2]);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find what " + key.getSQLName() + " references", e);

        metadataFKs.add(fkTableName, keyName);
        if (seq == 1) {
            // if we start a new link add the current one
            if (from.size() > 0)
                addLink(from, to, name, updateRule, deleteRule);
        assert seq == 1 || from.get(from.size() - 2).getTable() == from.get(from.size() - 1).getTable();
        assert seq == 1 || to.get(to.size() - 2).getTable() == to.get(to.size() - 1).getTable();

        final Rule prevUpdateRule = updateRule;
        final Rule prevDeleteRule = deleteRule;
        // "UPDATE_RULE"
        updateRule = getRule((Number) m[9], sys);
        // "DELETE_RULE"
        deleteRule = getRule((Number) m[10], sys);
        if (seq > 1) {
            if (prevUpdateRule != updateRule)
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Incoherent update rules " + prevUpdateRule + " != " + updateRule);
            if (prevDeleteRule != deleteRule)
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Incoherent delete rules " + prevDeleteRule + " != " + deleteRule);

        name = foreignKeyName;
    if (from.size() > 0)
        addLink(from, to, name, updateRule, deleteRule);

    if (Boolean.getBoolean(INFER_FK)) {
        final Set<String> tables = tableName != null ? Collections.singleton(tableName) : tableNames;
        for (final String tableToInfer : tables) {
            final SQLTable table = r.getTable(tableToInfer);
            final Set<String> lexicalFKs = SQLKey.foreignKeys(table);
            // already done
            // MAYBE option to print out foreign keys w/o constraint
            for (final String keyName : lexicalFKs) {
                final SQLField key = table.getField(keyName);
                addLink(singletonList(key), singletonList(SQLKey.keyToTable(key).getKey()), null, null, null);

From source file:com.wavemaker.tools.data.ImportDB.java

private void checkGenerateOldStyleOps() {

    String s = this.properties.getProperty(GENERATE_OLD_STYLE_OPRS_PROPERTY);

    if (s != null) {
    }//from w  w  w.  j  a v a 2  s  .  c  o m


From source file:org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLTable.java

private int findMinID(SQLField pk) {
    final String debugUndef = "fwk_sql.debug.undefined_id";
    if (System.getProperty(debugUndef) != null)
        Log.get().warning("The system property '" + debugUndef + "' is deprecated, use the '"
                + UNDEFINED_ID_POLICY + "' metadata");

    final String policy = getSchema().getFwkMetadata(UNDEFINED_ID_POLICY);
    if (Boolean.getBoolean(debugUndef) || "min".equals(policy)) {
        final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect(true).addSelect(pk, "min");
        final Number undef = (Number) this.getBase().getDataSource().executeScalar(sel.asString());
        if (undef == null) {
            // empty table
            throw new IllegalStateException(this + " is empty, can not infer UNDEFINED_ID");
        } else {//from  w ww. j  a v a2  s.  com
            final String update = "INSERT into " + new SQLName(this.getDBRoot().getName(), undefTable)
                    + " VALUES('" + this.getName() + "', " + undef + ");";
            Log.get().config("the first row (which should be the undefined):\n" + update);
            return undef.intValue();
    } else if ("inDB".equals(policy)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Not in " + new SQLName(this.getDBRoot().getName(), undefTable) + " : " + this.getName());
    } else if (policy != null && !"nonexistant".equals(policy)) {
        final int res = Integer.parseInt(policy);
        if (res < SQLRow.MIN_VALID_ID)
            throw new IllegalStateException("ID is not valid : " + res);
        return res;
    } else {
        // by default assume NULL is used
        return SQLRow.NONEXISTANT_ID;

From source file:org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.internal.handlers.JDTLanguageServer.java

public CompletableFuture<CompletionItem> resolveCompletionItem(CompletionItem unresolved) {
    logInfo(">> document/resolveCompletionItem");
    CompletionResolveHandler handler = new CompletionResolveHandler(preferenceManager);
    final IProgressMonitor[] monitors = new IProgressMonitor[1];
    CompletableFuture<CompletionItem> result = computeAsync((monitor) -> {
        monitors[0] = monitor;//from  ww  w .  ja  va 2s  .c o m
        if ((Boolean.getBoolean(JAVA_LSP_JOIN_ON_COMPLETION))) {
        return handler.resolve(unresolved, monitor);
    if (monitors[0].isCanceled()) {
    return result;

From source file:org.codice.ddf.itests.common.AbstractIntegrationTest.java

protected Option[] configureSystemSettings() {
    return options(
            when(Boolean.getBoolean("acdebuggerEnabled") && !Boolean.getBoolean("isDebugEnabled"))
                            .debugConfiguration(System.getProperty("acdebuggerPort", "5505"), true)),
            when(System.getProperty(MVN_LOCAL_REPO) != null).useOptions(
                    systemProperty(PAX_URL_MVN_LOCAL_REPO).value(System.getProperty(MVN_LOCAL_REPO, ""))),
            editConfigurationFilePut(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_REL_PATH, "org.codice.ddf.system.version",
                    MavenUtils.getArtifactVersion(DDF_ITESTS_GROUP_ID, "test-itests-common")),
            editConfigurationFilePut(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_REL_PATH, "ddf.version",
                    MavenUtils.getArtifactVersion(DDF_ITESTS_GROUP_ID, "test-itests-common")),
            editConfigurationFilePut(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_REL_PATH, "artemis.diskusage", "100"));

From source file:statechum.analysis.learning.Visualiser.java

public void construct(Graph g, LayoutOptions options) {
    if (!globalConfig.isAssertEnabled()
            && Boolean.getBoolean(globalConfig.getProperty(G_PROPERTIES.ASSERT_ENABLED))) {
        System.err.println("Pass the -ea argument to JVM to enable assertions");
    }//  w  w w.java2  s .  c  om

    if (Boolean.valueOf(GlobalConfiguration.getConfiguration()
    else if (Boolean.valueOf(

    this.addWindowListener(new WindowEventHandler());
    this.addComponentListener(new ComponentListener() {
     public void componentShown(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentEvent e) {}
     public void componentResized(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentEvent e) {
    if (viewer != null) viewer.getModel().getGraphLayout().resize(getSize());
     public void componentMoved(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentEvent e) {}
     public void componentHidden(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentEvent e) {}
    this.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {

        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) {
            Action act = keyToActionMap.get(arg0.getKeyCode());
            if (act != null) {

        public void keyReleased(@SuppressWarnings("unused") KeyEvent arg0) {// this method is intentionally left blank - keypresses/releases are handled by the keyPressed method.

        public void keyTyped(@SuppressWarnings("unused") KeyEvent key) {// this method is intentionally left blank - keypresses/releases are handled by the keyPressed method.

    popupMenu = new JPopupMenu();
    // Icon loading is from http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javaqa/2000-06/03-qa-0616-icon.html
    Image icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
                    + File.separator + "icon.jpg");
    if (icon != null) {

    setStateChumKeyBindings(this, propName, keyToActionMap);
    updatePopupMenu(popupMenu, keyToActionMap);
    WindowPosition framePosition = globalConfig.loadFrame(propName);

    viewer = new VisualizationViewer(
            new DefaultVisualizationModel(
                    new XMLPersistingLayout(propName >= 0 ? new FRLayout(g) : new KKLayout(g))),
            constructRenderer(g, options));

    final DefaultModalGraphMouse graphMouse = new XMLModalGraphMouse();
    graphMouse.add(new PickingGraphMousePlugin());
    viewer.setPickSupport(new ShapePickSupport());

    final GraphZoomScrollPane panel = new GraphZoomScrollPane(viewer);

    restoreLayout(true, currentGraph);
    framesVisible.add(this);// register as an active frame.

From source file:org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer.java

static void handleReplayError(boolean permissible, String message, Object... messageArgs) throws IOException {
    String msg = String.format(message, messageArgs);
    IOException e = new CommitLogReplayException(msg);
    if (permissible)
        logger.error("Ignoring commit log replay error likely due to incomplete flush to disk", e);
    else if (Boolean.getBoolean(IGNORE_REPLAY_ERRORS_PROPERTY))
        logger.error("Ignoring commit log replay error", e);
    else if (!CommitLog.handleCommitError("Failed commit log replay", e)) {
        logger.error(/* w  w  w  .  jav  a  2s. co  m*/
                "Replay stopped. If you wish to override this error and continue starting the node ignoring "
                        + "commit log replay problems, specify -D" + IGNORE_REPLAY_ERRORS_PROPERTY + "=true "
                        + "on the command line");
        throw e;

From source file:org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.PUServiceBeanImpl.java

private void startPU(String springXml) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug(logMessage("Starting PU with [" + springXml + "]"));
    }/*from  w w  w.  j  av a  2s. c  o  m*/

    String puName = (String) context.getInitParameter("puName");
    String puPath = (String) context.getInitParameter("puPath");
    String codeserver = context.getExportCodebase();

    org.openspaces.pu.sla.SLA sla = getSLA(getServiceBeanContext());

    Integer instanceId = this.instanceId;
    Integer backupId = this.backupId;

    // Derive instanceId and backupId if not explicitly set
    if (instanceId == null) {
        boolean hasBackups = sla.getNumberOfBackups() > 0;
        if (hasBackups) {
            instanceId = clusterGroup;
            //the first instance is primary so no backupid
            if (context.getServiceBeanConfig().getInstanceID().intValue() > 1) {
                backupId = (context.getServiceBeanConfig().getInstanceID().intValue() - 1);
        } else {
            instanceId = context.getServiceBeanConfig().getInstanceID().intValue();

    //set cluster info
    clusterInfo = new ClusterInfo();
    String clusterSchema = sla.getClusterSchema();
    if (clusterSchema != null) {
        int slaMax = getSLAMax(context);
        int numberOfInstances = Math.max(slaMax, sla.getNumberOfInstances());
    } else {


    logger.info(logMessage("ClusterInfo [" + clusterInfo + "]"));

    MarshalledObject beanLevelPropertiesMarshObj = (MarshalledObject) getServiceBeanContext()
    BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties;
    if (beanLevelPropertiesMarshObj != null) {
        beanLevelProperties = (BeanLevelProperties) beanLevelPropertiesMarshObj.get();
        logger.info(logMessage("BeanLevelProperties " + beanLevelProperties));
    } else {
        beanLevelProperties = new BeanLevelProperties();

    // set a generic work location that can be used by container providers
    File workLocation = new File(SystemInfo.singleton().locations().work());

    beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().setProperty("com.gs.work", workLocation.getAbsolutePath());

    boolean downloadPU = false;
    //create PU Container
    ProcessingUnitContainerProvider factory;
    // identify if this is a web app
    final InputStream webXml = openUrlStream(codeserver + puPath + "/WEB-INF/web.xml");
    // identify if this is a .NET one
    final InputStream puConfig = openUrlStream(codeserver + puPath + "/pu.config");
    // identify if this is a .NET interop one
    final InputStream puInteropConfig = openUrlStream(codeserver + puPath + "/pu.interop.config");

    String processingUnitContainerProviderClass;
    if (webXml != null) {
        downloadPU = true;
        String jeeContainer = JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider.getJeeContainer(beanLevelProperties);
        String[] classesToLoad = null;
        if ("jetty".equals(jeeContainer)) {
            // pre load the jetty server class so the static shutdown thread will be loaded under it
            classesToLoad = new String[] { "org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server" };
        // setup class loaders correcly
        try {
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).addURLs(BootUtil.toURLs(
                    new String[] { JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider.getJeeContainerJarPath(jeeContainer) }));
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader)
                    .setParentClassLoader(SharedServiceData.getJeeClassLoader(jeeContainer, classesToLoad));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CannotCreateContainerException("Failed to configure JEE class loader", e);
        } finally {

        String className = StringUtils.capitalize(jeeContainer) + "JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider";
        processingUnitContainerProviderClass = "org.openspaces.pu.container.jee." + jeeContainer + "."
                + className;
    } else if (puConfig != null) {
        downloadPU = true;
        processingUnitContainerProviderClass = DotnetProcessingUnitContainerProvider.class.getName();
    } else if (puInteropConfig != null) {
        downloadPU = true;
        processingUnitContainerProviderClass = IntegratedProcessingUnitContainerProvider.class.getName();
    } else {
        processingUnitContainerProviderClass = IntegratedProcessingUnitContainerProvider.class.getName();
        if (beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().getProperty("pu.download", "true")
                .equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            downloadPU = true;

    if (beanLevelProperties != null) {
        processingUnitContainerProviderClass = beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().getProperty(
                ProcessingUnitContainerProvider.CONTAINER_CLASS_PROP, processingUnitContainerProviderClass);

    if (downloadPU) {
        String deployName = puName + "_" + clusterInfo.getRunningNumberOffset1();

        String deployedProcessingUnitsLocation = workLocation.getAbsolutePath() + "/processing-units";

        int uuid = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt());

        deployPath = new File(
                deployedProcessingUnitsLocation + "/" + deployName.replace('.', '_') + "_" + uuid);

        // backward compatible
        beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().setProperty("jee.deployPath", deployPath.getAbsolutePath());

                ProcessingUnitContainerProvider.CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DEPLOY_PATH, deployPath.getAbsolutePath());

        try {
            if (isOnGsmHost()) {
                copyPu(puPath, deployPath);
            } else {
                long size = downloadAndExtractPU(puName, puPath, codeserver, deployPath,
                        new File(deployedProcessingUnitsLocation));
        } catch (MalformedURLException mle) {
            logger.warn("Could not determine if GSC and GSM are on the same host", mle);
            // fallback to download
            long size = downloadAndExtractPU(puName, puPath, codeserver, deployPath,
                    new File(deployedProcessingUnitsLocation));
        } catch (UnknownHostException unhe) {
            logger.warn("Could not determine if GSC and GSM are on the same host", unhe);
            // fallback to download
            long size = downloadAndExtractPU(puName, puPath, codeserver, deployPath,
                    new File(deployedProcessingUnitsLocation));
        } catch (RemoteException re) {
            logger.warn("Could not determine if GSC and GSM are on the same host", re);
            // fallback to download
            long size = downloadAndExtractPU(puName, puPath, codeserver, deployPath,
                    new File(deployedProcessingUnitsLocation));

        // go over listed files that needs to be resolved with properties
        for (Map.Entry entry : beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().entrySet()) {
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            if (key.startsWith("com.gs.resolvePlaceholder")) {
                String path = (String) entry.getValue();
                File input = new File(deployPath, path);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Resolving placeholder for file [" + input.getAbsolutePath() + "]");
                BeanLevelPropertiesUtils.resolvePlaceholders(beanLevelProperties, input);

    boolean sharedLibEnabled;
    if (beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().containsKey("pu.shared-lib.enable")) {
        sharedLibEnabled = beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().getProperty("pu.shared-lib")
    } else {
        sharedLibEnabled = System.getProperty("com.gs.pu.shared-lib.enable", "false").equals("true");

    final boolean disableManifestClassPathJars = Boolean.getBoolean("com.gs.pu.manifest.classpath.disable");
    final boolean disableManifestClassPathCommonPuJars = Boolean

    // this is used to inject the manifest jars to the webapp classloader (if exists)
    List<URL> manifestClassPathJars = new ArrayList<URL>();

    CommonClassLoader commonClassLoader = CommonClassLoader.getInstance();
    // handles class loader libraries
    if (downloadPU) {
        List<URL> libUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
        File libDir = new File(deployPath, "lib");
        if (libDir.exists()) {
            File[] libFiles = BootIOUtils.listFiles(libDir);
            for (File libFile : libFiles) {

        if (!disableManifestClassPathJars) {
            File manifestFile = new File(deployPath, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);

            if (manifestFile.isFile()) {
                try {
                    InputStream manifestStream = new FileInputStream(manifestFile);
                    manifestClassPathJars = getManifestClassPathJars(puName, manifestStream);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        logger.warn(failedReadingManifest(puName), e);


        // add to common class loader
        List<URL> sharedlibUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
        File sharedlibDir = new File(deployPath, "shared-lib");
        if (sharedlibDir.exists()) {
            File[] sharedlibFiles = BootIOUtils.listFiles(sharedlibDir);
            for (File sharedlibFile : sharedlibFiles) {
        sharedlibDir = new File(deployPath, "WEB-INF/shared-lib");
        if (sharedlibDir.exists()) {
            File[] sharedlibFiles = BootIOUtils.listFiles(sharedlibDir);
            for (File sharedlibFile : sharedlibFiles) {

        if (sharedLibEnabled) {
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).setSlashPath(deployPath.toURI().toURL());
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).setLibPath(libUrls.toArray(new URL[libUrls.size()]));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug(logMessage("Service Class Loader "
                        + Arrays.toString(((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).getURLs())));

            commonClassLoader.addComponent(puName, sharedlibUrls.toArray(new URL[sharedlibUrls.size()]));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug(logMessage("Common Class Loader " + sharedlibUrls));
        } else {
            if (sharedlibUrls.size() > 0) {
                logger.warn("Using old 'shared-lib' directory, will add jars under it as if it was 'lib'");

            // add pu-common jar files
            String gsLibOpt = Locator.getLibOptional();
            String gsPuCommon = System.getProperty("com.gs.pu-common", gsLibOpt + "pu-common");

            final String gsLibOptSecurity = Locator.getLibOptionalSecurity();
            libUrls.addAll(Arrays.asList(BootUtil.toURLs(new String[] { gsPuCommon, gsLibOptSecurity })));

            if (ScalaIdentifier.isScalaLibInClassPath()) {
                String gsLibPlatform = Locator.getLibPlatform();
                // note that we assume BootUtil.toURLs does not work recursively here
                // i.e, only gs-openspaces-scala.jar will be added and not all the files under /lib
                String gsLibPlatformScala = gsLibPlatform + "scala";
                libUrls.addAll(Arrays.asList(BootUtil.toURLs(new String[] { gsLibPlatformScala })));

            if (!disableManifestClassPathJars && !disableManifestClassPathCommonPuJars) {
                URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(BootUtil.toURLs(new String[] { gsPuCommon }),
                        null /* parent */);
                InputStream puCommonManifestMF = urlClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
                if (puCommonManifestMF != null) {
                    List<URL> manifestClassPathComonPuJars = getManifestClassPathJars(puName,

            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).setSlashPath(deployPath.toURI().toURL());
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).setLibPath(libUrls.toArray(new URL[libUrls.size()]));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug(logMessage("Service Class Loader "
                        + Arrays.toString(((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).getURLs())));
        try {
            prepareWebApplication(deployPath, clusterInfo, beanLevelProperties);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CannotCreateContainerException("Failed to bootstrap web application", e);
    } else {
        // add to service class loader
        List<URL> libUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
        WebsterFile libDir = new WebsterFile(new URL(codeserver + puPath + "/lib"));
        File[] libFiles = libDir.listFiles();
        for (int i = 0; i < libFiles.length; i++) {
            libUrls.add(new URL(codeserver + puPath + "/lib/" + libFiles[i].getName()));

        if (!disableManifestClassPathJars) {
            InputStream manifestStream = readManifestFromCodeServer(puName, puPath, codeserver, workLocation);
            if (manifestStream != null) {
                manifestClassPathJars = getManifestClassPathJars(puName, manifestStream);

        // add to common class loader
        WebsterFile sharedlibDir = new WebsterFile(new URL(codeserver + puPath + "/shared-lib"));
        File[] sharedlibFiles = sharedlibDir.listFiles();
        List<URL> sharedlibUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
        for (File sharedlibFile : sharedlibFiles) {
            sharedlibUrls.add(new URL(codeserver + puPath + "/shared-lib/" + sharedlibFile.getName()));
        sharedlibDir = new WebsterFile(new URL(codeserver + puPath + "/WEB-INF/shared-lib"));
        sharedlibFiles = sharedlibDir.listFiles();
        for (File sharedlibFile : sharedlibFiles) {
            sharedlibUrls.add(new URL(codeserver + puPath + "/WEB-INF/shared-lib/" + sharedlibFile.getName()));

        if (sharedLibEnabled) {
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).setSlashPath(new URL(codeserver + puPath + "/"));
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).setLibPath(libUrls.toArray(new URL[libUrls.size()]));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug(logMessage("Service Class Loader "
                        + Arrays.toString(((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).getURLs())));

            commonClassLoader.addComponent(puName, sharedlibUrls.toArray(new URL[sharedlibUrls.size()]));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug(logMessage("Common Class Loader " + sharedlibUrls));
        } else {
            if (sharedlibUrls.size() > 0) {
                logger.warn("Using old 'shared-lib' directory, will add jars under it as if it was 'lib'");
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).setSlashPath(new URL(codeserver + puPath + "/"));
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).setLibPath(libUrls.toArray(new URL[libUrls.size()]));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug(logMessage("Service Class Loader "
                        + Arrays.toString(((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).getURLs())));

    // handle mule os if there is one class loader
    try {
        ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).addURLs(BootUtil.toURLs(new String[] {
                SystemInfo.singleton().locations().lib() + "/optional/openspaces/mule-os.jar" }));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        // no mule

    //apply the following only if the pu has the rest element
    if (springXml.contains("<os-core:rest")) {
        String jeeContainer = JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider.getJeeContainer(beanLevelProperties);
        // pre load the jetty server class so the static shutdown thread will be loaded under it

        String[] classesToLoad = new String[] { "org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server" };
        String jettyJars = System.getProperty("com.gigaspaces.rest.jetty",
        // setup class loaders correctly
        try {
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).addURLs(BootUtil.toURLs(new String[] { jettyJars,
                            + "/platform/jetty/org.apache.jasper.glassfish-2.2.2.v201112011158.jar",
                    SystemInfo.singleton().locations().lib() + "/optional/spring/spring-web-4.1.1.RELEASE.jar",
                            + "/optional/spring/spring-webmvc-4.1.1.RELEASE.jar",
                    SystemInfo.singleton().locations().lib() + "/optional/jackson/jackson-core-2.3.0.jar",
                    SystemInfo.singleton().locations().lib() + "/optional/jackson/jackson-databind-2.3.0.jar",
                            + "/optional/jackson/jackson-annotations-2.3.0.jar",
                    SystemInfo.singleton().locations().lib() + "/platform/rest/xap-rest.jar" }));
            ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader)
                    .setParentClassLoader(SharedServiceData.getJeeClassLoader(jeeContainer, classesToLoad));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CannotCreateContainerException("Failed to configure class loader", e);
        } finally {
            //TODO check if we need this

    //apply the following only if the pu has the mapdb-blob-store element
    if (springXml.contains("<blob-store:mapdb-blob-store")) {
        String mapdbJar = System.getProperty("com.gigaspaces.blobstore.mapdb",
                SystemInfo.singleton().locations().lib() + "/optional/blobstore/mapdb-blobstore.jar");

        ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).addURLs(BootUtil.toURLs(new String[] { mapdbJar }));

    //apply the following only if the pu has the rocksdb-blob-store element
    if (springXml.contains("<blob-store:rocksdb-blob-store")
            || springXml.contains("class=\"com.gigaspaces.blobstore.rocksdb.RocksDBBlobStoreHandler\"")) {
        String rocksdbJar = System.getProperty("com.gigaspaces.blobstore.rocksdb",
                SystemInfo.singleton().locations().lib() + "/optional/blobstore/rocksdb-blobstore.jar");

        ((ServiceClassLoader) contextClassLoader).addURLs(BootUtil.toURLs(new String[] { rocksdbJar }));

    final Map<String, String> puTags = buildPuTags(clusterInfo);
    MetricRegistrator puMetricRegistrator = metricManager.createRegistrator("pu", puTags);
    this.metricRegistrators = metricManager.registerProcessMetrics(puTags);
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : puTags.entrySet())
        beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().setProperty("metrics." + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    //inject quiesce state changed event in order let space know to be initialized in quiesced mode
    if (quiesceDetails != null && quiesceDetails.getStatus() == QuiesceState.QUIESCED) {
    factory = createContainerProvider(processingUnitContainerProviderClass);

    // only load the spring xml file if it is not a web application (if it is a web application, we will load it with the Bootstrap servlet context loader)
    if (webXml == null && factory instanceof ApplicationContextProcessingUnitContainerProvider) {
        if (StringUtils.hasText(springXml)) {
            // GS-9350: if this is a processing unit with gateway declarations, always try to
            // re-load the pu.xml to support "hot-deploy" (refresh)
            if (springXml.contains("os-gateway:")) {
                String deployPath = beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().getProperty("deployPath");
                if (StringUtils.hasText(deployPath)) {
                    String newSpringXml = readFile(deployPath + "/META-INF/spring/pu.xml");
                    if (StringUtils.hasText(newSpringXml)) {
                        springXml = newSpringXml; //override with new one
            Resource resource = new ByteArrayResource(springXml.getBytes());
            ((ApplicationContextProcessingUnitContainerProvider) factory).addConfigLocation(resource);

    container = factory.createContainer();

    // set the context class loader to the web app class loader if there is one
    // this menas that from now on, and the exported service, will use the context class loader
    ClassLoader webAppClassLoader = SharedServiceData.removeWebAppClassLoader(clusterInfo.getUniqueName());
    if (webAppClassLoader != null) {
        contextClassLoader = webAppClassLoader;


    ArrayList<Object> serviceDetails = buildServiceDetails();



    this.puDetails = new PUDetails(context.getParentServiceID(), clusterInfo, beanLevelProperties,
            serviceDetails.toArray(new Object[serviceDetails.size()]));

    if (container instanceof ApplicationContextProcessingUnitContainer) {
        ApplicationContext applicationContext = ((ApplicationContextProcessingUnitContainer) container)

        // inject the application context to all the monitors and schedule them
        // currently use the number of threads in relation to the number of monitors
        int numberOfThreads = watchTasks.size() / 5;
        if (numberOfThreads == 0) {
            numberOfThreads = 1;
        executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(numberOfThreads);
        for (WatchTask watchTask : watchTasks) {
            if (watchTask.getMonitor() instanceof ApplicationContextMonitor) {
                ((ApplicationContextMonitor) watchTask.getMonitor()).setApplicationContext(applicationContext);
            executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(watchTask, watchTask.getMonitor().getPeriod(),
                    watchTask.getMonitor().getPeriod(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);