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 * Licensed to the Sakai Foundation under one or more contributor
 * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
 * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The Sakai Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache
 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package net.unicon.sakora.impl.csv;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import net.unicon.sakora.api.csv.CsvHandler;
import net.unicon.sakora.api.csv.CsvSyncContext;
import net.unicon.sakora.api.csv.CsvSyncService;
import net.unicon.sakora.api.csv.model.SakoraLog;
import net.unicon.sakora.impl.csv.dao.CsvSyncDao;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService;

 * CSV based CourseManagement Sync service
 * @author Dan McCallum
 * @author Aaron Zeckoski
 * @author Joshua Ryan
public class CsvSyncServiceImpl implements CsvSyncService {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CsvSyncServiceImpl.class);

     * Sync context properties key. Points to a String representing the
     * path at which new batches arrive.
    static final String BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR = CsvSyncService.SYNC_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "batch-upload-dir";
     * Sync context properties key. Points to a String representing the
     * path to which the current batch has been moved prior to processing.
            + "batch-processing-dir";
     * Sync context properties key. Is the current batch in a processable state?
     * Will be evaluated as a boolean.
    static final String IS_BATCH_OK = CsvSyncService.SYNC_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "is-batch-ok";
     * Sync context properties key. Is the currently processing action the last
     * in the sequence defined by {@link #sync(CsvSyncContext)}? Will be
     * evaluated as a boolean. Handle nulls as false.
    static final String IS_FINAL_ACTION = CsvSyncService.SYNC_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "is-final-action";

     * @deprecated please use {@link #BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_SAKAI_PROPERTY} instead.
    public static final String BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_LEGACY_SAKAI_PROPERTY = "net.unicon.sakora.csv.basePath";

    public static final String BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_SAKAI_PROPERTY = "net.unicon.sakora.csv.batchUploadDir";

    public static final String DEFAULT_BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_NAME = "sakora-csv";

    public static final String FINISHED_BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR_SUFFIX = "-finished";

    public static final String FAILED_BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR_SUFFIX = "-failed";

    public static final String BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR_BASE_NAME = "sakora-csv-batch";

    private CsvAcademicSessionHandler accademicSessionHandler;
    private CsvCanonicalCourseHandler canonicalCourseHandler;
    private CsvCourseOfferingHandler courseOfferingHandler;
    private CsvCourseSetHandler courseSetHandler;
    private CsvEnrollmentSetHandler enrollmentSetHandler;
    private CsvMembershipHandler courseMembershipHandler;
    private CsvMembershipHandler sectionMembershipHandler;
    private CsvPersonHandler personHandler;
    private CsvSectionHandler sectionHandler;
    private CsvSectionMeetingHandler sectionMeetingHandler;
    private ServerConfigurationService configurationService;
    private CsvCommonHandlerService commonHandlerService;
    private CsvSyncDao dbLog;

    private boolean cleanupData = true;
    private String batchUploadDir;

    private volatile boolean pleaseStop;
     * NOTE: it is not safe for 2 syncs to run at once so this will protect that from happening,
     * at least on the same machine anyway, really we should probably have something in the DB to stop this on
     * the entire cluster but that's something to think about for later
    private volatile boolean running = false; // indicates if there is a sync already running

    public boolean isSyncRunning() {
        return running;

    public String getSyncCurrentId() {
        return commonHandlerService.getCurrentSyncRunId();

    public String getSyncCurrentState() {
        return commonHandlerService.getCurrentSyncState();

     * Algorithm for delegating to individual handlers.
     * @param handler
     * @param action
     * @param syncContext
    private void handleAction(CsvHandler handler, String action, CsvSyncContext syncContext) {
        if (handler == null) {
            log.warn("undefined handler called for " + action);

        try {
            String isBatchOk = syncContext.getProperties().get(IS_BATCH_OK);
            if (isBatchOk != null && !(Boolean.parseBoolean(isBatchOk))) {
                log.warn("Batch marked as being in error, skipping action [" + action + "]");

            if (pleaseStop) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "CSV sync service received a stop request. Abandoning input read. This exception is thrown to ensure proper cleanup of overall batch state.");

            commonHandlerService.setCurrentHandlerState(CsvCommonHandlerService.STATE_START, handler);

            // Batches need to be processed as a group, so move all currently
            // delivered files into a processing dir such that they are
            // less likely to be overwritten during processing by a subsequent
            // upload.
            if (syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR) == null) {
                try {
                    commonHandlerService.setCurrentHandlerState("move", handler);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to move batch for processing", e);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("reading " + action);
            commonHandlerService.setCurrentHandlerState(CsvCommonHandlerService.STATE_READ, handler);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("processing " + action);
            commonHandlerService.setCurrentHandlerState(CsvCommonHandlerService.STATE_PROCESS, handler);

            if (cleanupData) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("cleaning up " + action);
                commonHandlerService.setCurrentHandlerState(CsvCommonHandlerService.STATE_CLEANUP, handler);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Since batches have snapshot semantics and generally need
            // to be handled in their entirety, if handling fails
            // there's probably no sense in retrying that batch unless we
            // were to write logic to attempt to pick up where we left off.
            // It's much, much easier to just skip the rest of this batch
            // and upload a new one.
            commonHandlerService.setCurrentHandlerState(CsvCommonHandlerService.STATE_FAIL, handler);
            syncContext.getProperties().put(IS_BATCH_OK, "false");
            String msg = "Failed to process batch at [" + syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR)
                    + "] during action [" + action + "]. Skipping remainder of batch.";
            log.error(msg, e);
            dbLog.create(new SakoraLog(this.getClass().toString(), msg + "[" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "]"));
        } finally {
            commonHandlerService.setCurrentHandlerState(CsvCommonHandlerService.STATE_DONE, handler);
            String isFinalAction = syncContext.getProperties().get(IS_FINAL_ACTION);
            if (isFinalAction != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(isFinalAction)) {

    public void sync(CsvSyncContext context) {
        if (context == null) {
            String msg = "context is not set for sync method call, invalid state, cancelling sync processing";
            dbLog.create(new SakoraLog(this.getClass().toString(), msg));
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        if (running) {
            String msg = "There appears to be a CSV sync already in process ("
                    + commonHandlerService.getCurrentSyncState()
                    + "), 2 syncs cannot run at once, aborting this sync attempt...";
            dbLog.create(new SakoraLog(this.getClass().toString(), msg));
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        if (!(isBatchUploaded())) {
            String msg = "No batch found in upload dir [" + batchUploadDir + "]. Skipping all processing.";
            dbLog.create(new SakoraLog(this.getClass().toString(), msg));
        running = true;
        try {
            handleAction(accademicSessionHandler, "Sessions", context);
            handleAction(courseSetHandler, "Course Sets", context);
            handleAction(canonicalCourseHandler, "Canonical Courses", context);
            handleAction(courseOfferingHandler, "Course Offerings", context);
            handleAction(enrollmentSetHandler, "Enrollment Sets", context);
            handleAction(sectionHandler, "Sections", context);
            handleAction(sectionMeetingHandler, "Section Meetings", context);
            handleAction(personHandler, "Users", context);
            handleAction(courseMembershipHandler, "Course Membership", context);
            context.getProperties().put(IS_FINAL_ACTION, "true");
            handleAction(sectionMembershipHandler, "Section Membership", context);
        } finally {
            boolean success = true;
            String isBatchOk = context.getProperties().get(IS_BATCH_OK);
            if (pleaseStop || (isBatchOk != null && !(Boolean.parseBoolean(isBatchOk)))) {
                success = false;
            running = false;

    private boolean isBatchUploaded() {
        File dir = new File(batchUploadDir);
        if (!(dir.exists())) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Configured batch upload dir [" + batchUploadDir
                        + "] does not exist, so obviously no new batch has been uploaded.");
            return false;
        if (!(dir.isDirectory())) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Configured batch upload dir [" + batchUploadDir
                        + "] is not a directory, so obviously no new batch has been uploaded.");
            return false;
        for (File file : dir.listFiles()) {
            if (!(file.isDirectory())) {
                return true;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Either no files in configured batch upload dir [" + batchUploadDir
                    + "] or all files therein are directories, so no new batch has been uploaded.");
        return false;

     * Move files in one directory into another. Both dirs must
     * already exist. Bails with an IOException on the first
     * failed file move. Performs no cleanup as the result of
     * such failure. Skips directories.
     * @param from
     * @param to
     * @throws IOException
    private void moveFiles(String from, String to) throws IOException {
        File fromDir = new File(from);
        if (!(fromDir.exists())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source directory does not exist [" + from + "]");
        if (!(fromDir.isDirectory())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source directory is not a directory [" + fromDir + "]");
        File toDir = new File(to);
        if (!(toDir.exists())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target directory does not exist [" + toDir + "]");
        if (!(toDir.isDirectory())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target directory is not a directory [" + toDir + "]");
        for (File file : fromDir.listFiles()) {
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
            File newFile = new File(toDir, file.getName());
            if (!(file.renameTo(newFile))) {
                throw new IOException("Unable to move [" + file + "] to [" + newFile + "]");

     * Non-recursive directory content deletion. Makes
     * an attempt to delete everything except directories, 
     * returning false if any such attempt fails. This behavior
     * allows batch processing dirs to be nested inside the
     * batch upload dir. 
     * <p>If the given path doesn't exist just returns false. If the 
     * given path exists but isn't a directory throws a 
     * runtime exception.</p>
     * @param path
    private boolean deleteFilesInDir(String path) {
        File dir = new File(path);
        if (!(dir.exists())) {
            return false;
        if (!(dir.isDirectory())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Cannot empty directory [" + path + "] because it is not a directory");
        boolean deletedAll = true;
        for (File file : dir.listFiles()) {
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
            if (!(file.delete())) {
                deletedAll = false;
        return deletedAll;

     * Post-DI initialization
    public void init() {

     * DI destruction
    public void destroy() {
        pleaseStop = true;

     * Initializes the batch upload directory.
     * <p>If <code>batchUploadDir</code> is null or the empty string, will
     * default to a Sakai property named 
     * a Sakai property named {@link #BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_SAKAI_PROPERTY} or
     * ${sakai.home}/{@link #DEFAULT_BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_NAME} if that 
     * property is not set.</p>
     * <p>Makes an attempt to ensure <code>batchUploadDir</code> exists,
     * is a directory, and is readable and writable. Will not throw
     * an exception if these conditions do not hold, but batch processing
     * is highly likely to succeed if this is the case.</p>
    private void initBatchUploadDir() {
        if (batchUploadDir == null || "".equals(batchUploadDir)) {
            batchUploadDir = configurationService.getString(BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_LEGACY_SAKAI_PROPERTY);
            if (batchUploadDir == null || "".equals(batchUploadDir)) {
                batchUploadDir = configurationService.getString(BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_SAKAI_PROPERTY);
            if (batchUploadDir == null || "".equals(batchUploadDir)) {
                batchUploadDir = configurationService.getSakaiHomePath() + File.separator
                        + DEFAULT_BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR_NAME;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Initializing batch upload dir at [" + batchUploadDir + "]");
        File dir = new File(batchUploadDir);
        if (!(dir.exists())) {
            if (!(dir.mkdir())) {
                log.warn("Unable to create batch upload dir at [" + batchUploadDir
                        + "]. CSV batch processing is highly unlikely to be successful.");
        } else if (!(dir.isDirectory())) {
            log.warn("The configured batch upload directory is not a directory [" + batchUploadDir
                    + "]. CSV batch processing is highly unlikely to be successful.");
        } else if (!(dir.canRead())) {
            log.warn("The configured batch upload directory is not readable [" + batchUploadDir
                    + "]. CSV batch processing is highly unlikely to be successful.");
        } else if (!(dir.canWrite())) {
            log.warn("The configured batch upload directory is not a writable [" + batchUploadDir
                    + "]. CSV batch processing is highly unlikely to be successful.");
        } else {
            batchUploadDir = dir.getAbsolutePath(); // this will cleanup the path
  "SakoraCSV batch upload directory initialized: " + batchUploadDir);

     * Moves a just-arrived batch into a unique directory.
     * @param syncContext
     * @throws IOException 
    private void moveBatch(CsvSyncContext syncContext) throws IOException {
        if (!(syncContext.getProperties().containsKey(BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR))) {
            syncContext.getProperties().put(BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR, getBatchUploadDir());
        if (!(syncContext.getProperties().containsKey(BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR))) {
            syncContext.getProperties().put(BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR, nextBatchProcessingDir());
        try {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "SakoraCSV Moving batch from [" + syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR)
                        + "] to [" + syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR) + "]");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (!(deleteFilesInDir((String) syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR)))) {
                log.error("Failed to empty batch upload directory ["
                        + syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_UPLOAD_DIR)
                        + "]. Probably not a serious problem in and of itself, but does probably indicate some sort of fundamentally misconfigured file system or JVM process");
            if (!(deleteFilesInDir((String) syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR)))) {
                log.error("Failed to empty batch processing directory ["
                        + syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR)
                        + "]. Probably not a serious problem in and of itself, but does probably indicate some sort of fundamentally misconfigured file system or JVM process");
            throw e;

    private String nextBatchProcessingDir() throws IOException {
        int cnt = 0;
        while (cnt++ < 5) {
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            File processingDir = new File(new File(batchUploadDir), BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR_BASE_NAME + "-" + now);
            if (processingDir.exists()) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            if (!(processingDir.mkdir())) {
                throw new IOException("Unable to create directory at [" + processingDir + "]");
            return processingDir.getPath();
        throw new IOException("Unable to create a batch processing directory after several tries.");

    private void markBatchFinished(CsvSyncContext syncContext) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // trap here his b/c this _is_ the cleanup mechanism
            log.error("Failed to close batch processing path", e);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // trap here his b/c this _is_ the cleanup mechanism
            log.error("Failed to cleanup CSV handling context", e);

    private void cleanupSyncServiceState(CsvSyncContext syncContext) {
        Iterator<Entry<String, String>> entries = syncContext.getProperties().entrySet().iterator();
        while (entries.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, String> entry =;
            if (entry.getKey().startsWith(CsvSyncService.SYNC_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX)) {

    private void closeBatchProcessingPath(CsvSyncContext syncContext) throws IOException {
        String batchProcessingPath = (String) syncContext.getProperties().get(BATCH_PROCESSING_DIR);
        if (batchProcessingPath == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No batch processing path to mark as finished");
        File batchProcessingDir = new File(batchProcessingPath);
        if (!(batchProcessingDir.exists())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No batch processing dir at [" + batchProcessingPath + "]");
        if (!(batchProcessingDir.isDirectory())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "No batch processing dir at [" + batchProcessingPath + "] is not a dir");
        String isBatchOkStr = syncContext.getProperties().get(IS_BATCH_OK);
        boolean isBatchOk = isBatchOkStr == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(isBatchOkStr);
        String newName = batchProcessingDir.getName()
        File newPath = new File(batchProcessingDir.getParentFile(), newName);
        if (!(batchProcessingDir.renameTo(newPath))) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "Unable to rename batch processing dir at [" + batchProcessingPath + "] to [" + newPath + "]");

    public void setCleanupData(String cleanupDataString) {
        this.cleanupData = Boolean.getBoolean(cleanupDataString);

    public void setCleanupData(boolean cleanupData) {
        this.cleanupData = cleanupData;

    public CsvMembershipHandler getCourseMembershipHandler() {
        return courseMembershipHandler;

    public void setCourseMembershipHandler(CsvMembershipHandler courseMembershipHandler) {
        this.courseMembershipHandler = courseMembershipHandler;

    public CsvMembershipHandler getSectionMembershipHandler() {
        return sectionMembershipHandler;

    public void setSectionMembershipHandler(CsvMembershipHandler sectionMembershipHandler) {
        this.sectionMembershipHandler = sectionMembershipHandler;

    public CsvPersonHandler getPersonHandler() {
        return personHandler;

    public void setPersonHandler(CsvPersonHandler personHandler) {
        this.personHandler = personHandler;

    public CsvSectionHandler getSectionHandler() {
        return sectionHandler;

    public void setSectionHandler(CsvSectionHandler sectionHandler) {
        this.sectionHandler = sectionHandler;

    public CsvSectionMeetingHandler getSectionMeetingHandler() {
        return sectionMeetingHandler;

    public void setSectionMeetingHandler(CsvSectionMeetingHandler sectionMeetingHandler) {
        this.sectionMeetingHandler = sectionMeetingHandler;

    public CsvCanonicalCourseHandler getCanonicalCourseHandler() {
        return canonicalCourseHandler;

    public void setCanonicalCourseHandler(CsvCanonicalCourseHandler canonicalCourseHandler) {
        this.canonicalCourseHandler = canonicalCourseHandler;

    public CsvCourseOfferingHandler getCourseOfferingHandler() {
        return courseOfferingHandler;

    public void setCourseOfferingHandler(CsvCourseOfferingHandler courseOfferingHandler) {
        this.courseOfferingHandler = courseOfferingHandler;

    public CsvCourseSetHandler getCourseSetHandler() {
        return courseSetHandler;

    public void setCourseSetHandler(CsvCourseSetHandler courseSetHandler) {
        this.courseSetHandler = courseSetHandler;

    public CsvAcademicSessionHandler getAccademicSessionHandler() {
        return accademicSessionHandler;

    public void setAccademicSessionHandler(CsvAcademicSessionHandler accademicSessionHandler) {
        this.accademicSessionHandler = accademicSessionHandler;

    public boolean isCleanupData() {
        return cleanupData;

    public CsvEnrollmentSetHandler getEnrollmentSetHandler() {
        return enrollmentSetHandler;

    public void setEnrollmentSetHandler(CsvEnrollmentSetHandler enrollmentSetHandler) {
        this.enrollmentSetHandler = enrollmentSetHandler;

    public ServerConfigurationService getConfigurationService() {
        return configurationService;

    public void setConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService configurationService) {
        this.configurationService = configurationService;

    public String getBatchUploadDir() {
        return this.batchUploadDir;

    public void setBatchUploadDir(String batchUploadDir) {
        this.batchUploadDir = batchUploadDir;

    public CsvSyncDao getDbLog() {
        return dbLog;

    public void setDbLog(CsvSyncDao dbLog) {
        this.dbLog = dbLog;

    public void setCommonHandlerService(CsvCommonHandlerService commonHandlerService) {
        this.commonHandlerService = commonHandlerService;
