Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ /* * DatabaseGraph created on 13 mai 2004 */ package org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph; import static org.openconcerto.xml.JDOMUtils.OUTPUTTER; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import org.openconcerto.sql.Log; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.ConnectionHandlerNoSetup; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.DBFileCache; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.DBItemFileCache; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.DBRoot; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.DBSystemRoot; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.FieldRef; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.LoadingListener.GraphLoadingEvent; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLBase; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLDataSource; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLField; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSchema; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLServer; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSystem; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLTable; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.TableRef; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.Where; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.Link.Direction; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.Link.Rule; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.ToRefreshSpec.ToRefreshActual; import org.openconcerto.utils.ArrayComparator; import org.openconcerto.utils.CompareUtils; import org.openconcerto.utils.FileUtils; import org.openconcerto.utils.SetMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Level; import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy; import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jgrapht.Graphs; import org.jgrapht.graph.DirectedMultigraph; /** * Le graphe de la base de donne. Les noeuds tant des tables, les liens les relations de clefs * trangres. Cette classe utilise SQLKey pour deduire les relations entre tables. * * @author ILM Informatique 13 mai 2004 * @see org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.SQLKey */ @ThreadSafe public class DatabaseGraph extends BaseGraph { /** * Whether to infer foreign constraints from fields' names. * * @see SQLKey */ public static final String INFER_FK = "org.openconcerto.sql.graph.inferFK"; private static final String XML_VERSION = "20121024-1614"; private static final String FILENAME = "graph.xml"; // Some systems follow the JDBC to the letter and order by PKTABLE_CAT, PKTABLE_SCHEM, // PKTABLE_NAME, KEY_SEQ : thus ignoring FK_NAME static final Comparator<Object[]> IMPORTED_KEYS_COMP; static { // PKTABLE_CAT, PKTABLE_SCHEM, PKTABLE_NAME, FK_NAME, KEY_SEQ final List<Comparator<Object[]>> comps = new ArrayList<Comparator<Object[]>>(); comps.add(ArrayComparator.createNatural(0, String.class)); comps.add(ArrayComparator.createNatural(1, String.class)); comps.add(ArrayComparator.createNatural(2, String.class)); comps.add(ArrayComparator.createNatural(11, String.class)); comps.add(ArrayComparator.createNatural(8, Short.class)); IMPORTED_KEYS_COMP = CompareUtils.createComparator(comps); } // passedBase is the base that was passed for the catalog parameter of getImportedKeys() or // getExportedKeys() public static SQLTable getTableFromJDBCMetaData(final SQLBase passedBase, final String jdbcCat, final String jdbcSchem, final String jdbcName) { final SQLServer server = passedBase.getServer(); final String correctedCat; // h2 doesn't support and jdbcCat is in upper case // postgresql returns null if (server.getSQLSystem().isInterBaseSupported()) { correctedCat = jdbcCat; } else { correctedCat = passedBase.getName(); } final SQLBase base = server.getBase(correctedCat); final SQLSchema schema = base == null ? null : base.getSchema(jdbcSchem); if (schema == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Schema " + correctedCat + "." + jdbcSchem + " does not exist (probably filtered by DBSystemRoot.getRootsToMap())"); final SQLTable res; if (server.getSQLSystem() == SQLSystem.MYSQL) // MySQL returns all lowercase foreignTableName, see Bug #18446 : // INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME always lowercase // also res = getTableIgnoringCase(schema, jdbcName); else res = (SQLTable) schema.getCheckedChild(jdbcName); return res; } private final DBSystemRoot base; @GuardedBy("this") private Map<String, Set<String>> mappedFromFile; // cache @GuardedBy("this") private final Map<SQLTable, Set<Link>> foreignLinks = new HashMap<SQLTable, Set<Link>>(); @GuardedBy("this") private final Map<List<SQLField>, Link> foreignLink = new HashMap<List<SQLField>, Link>(); private final ThreadLocal<Integer> atomicRefreshDepth = new ThreadLocal<Integer>() { protected Integer initialValue() { return 0; }; }; private final ThreadLocal<ToRefreshSpec> atomicRefreshItems = new ThreadLocal<ToRefreshSpec>() { @Override protected ToRefreshSpec initialValue() { return new ToRefreshSpec(); } }; /** * Cre le graphe de la base passe. * * @param root la base dont on veut le graphe. */ public DatabaseGraph(final DBSystemRoot root) { super(new DirectedMultigraph<SQLTable, Link>(Link.class)); this.base = root; this.mappedFromFile = null; } public final void refresh(final TablesMap tablesRefreshed, final boolean readCache) throws SQLException { if (inAtomicRefresh()) { this.atomicRefreshItems.get().add(tablesRefreshed, readCache); } else { refresh(new ToRefreshSpec().add(tablesRefreshed, readCache)); } } private final void refresh(final ToRefreshSpec toRefresh) throws SQLException { synchronized (this.base.getTreeMutex()) { synchronized (this) { final GraphLoadingEvent evt = new GraphLoadingEvent(this.base).fireEvent(); try { // TODO limit to file permission this.mappedFromFile = Collections.unmodifiableMap(AccessController .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Map<String, Set<String>>>() { @Override public Map<String, Set<String>> run() throws SQLException { return mapTables(toRefresh); } })); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { throw (SQLException) e.getCause(); } finally { evt.fireFinishingEvent(); } } } } /** * Whether this thread is in an atomic refresh. NOTE: if <code>true</code> then the graph won't * be up to date. * * @return <code>true</code> if this thread is in an atomic refresh. */ public final boolean inAtomicRefresh() { return this.atomicRefreshDepth.get().intValue() > 0; } /** * Execute the passed Callable with only one refresh at the end. This method is reentrant. * * @param callable what to do. * @return the result of <code>callable</code>. * @throws SQLException if an error occurs. */ public final <V> V atomicRefresh(final Callable<V> callable) throws SQLException { final V res; this.atomicRefreshDepth.set(this.atomicRefreshDepth.get().intValue() + 1); // this method is useful for grouping multiple changes to the structure, so be sure to // prevent other threads from modifying and thus changing the graph synchronized (this.base.getTreeMutex()) { final int newVal; try { res =; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException("Call failed", e); } finally { newVal = this.atomicRefreshDepth.get().intValue() - 1; this.atomicRefreshDepth.set(newVal); assert newVal >= 0; } if (newVal == 0) { final ToRefreshSpec itemsToRefresh = this.atomicRefreshItems.get(); this.atomicRefreshItems.remove(); this.atomicRefreshDepth.remove(); // we need to call refresh() only once to avoid order and cycle issues refresh(itemsToRefresh); } } return res; } /** * The list of roots mapped from file. * * @return list of roots and tables mapped from file. */ synchronized final Map<String, Set<String>> getMappedFromFile() { return this.mappedFromFile; } private final SQLServer getServer() { return this.base.getAnc(SQLServer.class); } /** * Construit la carte des tables * * @param toRefreshSpec the roots and tables to refresh. * @return roots and tables loaded from file. * @throws SQLException if an error occurs. */ private synchronized Map<String, Set<String>> mapTables(final ToRefreshSpec toRefreshSpec) throws SQLException { assert Thread.holdsLock(this.base.getTreeMutex()) : "Cannot graph a changing object"; Map<String, Set<String>> res = new TablesMap(); final Set<SQLTable> currentTables = this.getAllTables(); final ToRefreshActual toRefresh = toRefreshSpec.getActual(this.base, currentTables); // clear graph and add tables (vertices) { final Set<SQLTable> newTablesInScope = toRefresh.getNewTablesInScope(); final Set<SQLTable> oldTablesInScope = toRefresh.getOldTablesInScope(); // refresh all ? final boolean clearGraph = oldTablesInScope.equals(currentTables); // clear cache synchronized (this) { if (clearGraph) { this.foreignLink.clear(); this.foreignLinks.clear(); } else { for (final Iterator<Entry<List<SQLField>, Link>> iter = this.foreignLink.entrySet() .iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final Entry<List<SQLField>, Link> e =; // don't use e.getValue() since it can be null final SQLTable linkTable = e.getKey().get(0).getTable(); if (oldTablesInScope.contains(linkTable)) iter.remove(); } for (final Iterator<Entry<SQLTable, Set<Link>>> iter = this.foreignLinks.entrySet() .iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final Entry<SQLTable, Set<Link>> e =; final SQLTable linkTable = e.getKey().getTable(); if (oldTablesInScope.contains(linkTable)) iter.remove(); } } } if (clearGraph) { this.getGraphP().removeAllVertices(oldTablesInScope); assert this.getGraphP().vertexSet().size() == 0 && this.getGraphP().edgeSet().size() == 0; } else { // Removing a vertex also removes edges, so check that we also refresh referent // tables otherwise they won't have any foreign links anymore which is wrong if // removedTable was just renamed // Also the cache is only cleared for tables in scope, meaning that the cache for // those referent tables will be incoherent with the actual graph final Collection<SQLTable> removedTables = org.openconcerto.utils.CollectionUtils .subtract(oldTablesInScope, newTablesInScope); for (final SQLTable removedTable : removedTables) { final Set<SQLTable> referentTables = getReferentTables(removedTable); // MAYBE add option to refresh needed tables instead of failing if (!oldTablesInScope.containsAll(referentTables)) { throw new IllegalStateException( removedTable + " has been removed but some of its referents won't be refreshed : " + org.openconcerto.utils.CollectionUtils.subtract(referentTables, oldTablesInScope)); } } this.getGraphP().removeAllVertices(removedTables); // remove links that will be refreshed. final Set<Link> linksToRemove = new HashSet<Link>(); for (final SQLTable t : org.openconcerto.utils.CollectionUtils.intersection(oldTablesInScope, newTablesInScope)) { linksToRemove.addAll(this.getGraphP().outgoingEdgesOf(t)); } this.getGraphP().removeAllEdges(linksToRemove); } // add new tables (and existing but it's OK graph vertices is a set) Graphs.addAllVertices(this.getGraphP(), newTablesInScope); } final TablesMap fromXML = toRefresh.getFromXML(); final TablesMap fromJDBC = toRefresh.getFromJDBC(); if (fromXML.size() > 0) { final DBItemFileCache dir = this.getFileCache(); try { if (dir != null) { Log.get().config("for mapping " + this + " trying xmls in " + dir); final long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); res = this.mapFromXML(fromXML); // remove what was loaded fromXML.removeAll(res); final long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.get().config("XML took " + (t2 - t1) + "ms for mapping the graph of " + this.base.getName() + "." + res); } } catch (Exception e) { SQLBase.logCacheError(dir, e); this.deleteGraphFiles(); } // add to JDBC what wasn't loaded fromJDBC.merge(fromXML); } if (!fromJDBC.isEmpty()) { final long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (final Entry<String, Set<String>> e : fromJDBC.entrySet()) { final String rootName = e.getKey(); final Set<String> tableNames = e.getValue(); final DBRoot r = this.base.getRoot(rootName); // first try to map the whole root at once if (!, tableNames)) { // if this isn't supported use standard JDBC for (final String table : tableNames) {, table, null); } }; } final long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.get() .config("JDBC took " + (t2 - t1) + "ms for mapping the graph of " + this.base + "." + fromJDBC); } return res; } private final void addLink(final List<SQLField> from, final List<SQLField> to, String foreignKeyName, Rule updateRule, Rule deleteRule) { addLink(new Link(from, to, foreignKeyName, updateRule, deleteRule)); } private final void addLink(final Link l) { DirectedEdge.addEdge(this.getGraphP(), l); } private boolean map(final DBRoot r, final Set<String> tableNames) throws SQLException { // on PG test goes from 75ms to 18ms if (tableNames.size() <= 1) return false; if (r.getServer().getSQLSystem() == SQLSystem.POSTGRESQL) {, null, tableNames); return true; } else { return false; } } private Rule getRule(final Number n, final SQLSystem sys) { final Rule res = Rule.fromShort(n.shortValue()); // MS SQL incorrectly report RESTRICT as it doesn't support it return sys == SQLSystem.MSSQL && Rule.RESTRICT.equals(res) ? Rule.NO_ACTION : res; } private void map(final DBRoot r, final String tableName, final Set<String> tableNames) throws SQLException { // either we refresh the whole root and we must know which tables to use // or we refresh only one table and tableNames is useless assert tableName == null ^ tableNames == null; final SetMap<String, String> metadataFKs = new SetMap<String, String>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Object[]> importedKeys = this.base.getDataSource() .useConnection(new ConnectionHandlerNoSetup<List, SQLException>() { @Override public List handle(final SQLDataSource ds) throws SQLException { final DatabaseMetaData metaData = ds.getConnection().getMetaData(); return (List) SQLDataSource.ARRAY_LIST_HANDLER.handle(metaData .getImportedKeys(r.getBase().getMDName(), r.getSchema().getName(), tableName)); } }); // accumulators for multi-field foreign key final List<SQLField> from = new ArrayList<SQLField>(); final List<SQLField> to = new ArrayList<SQLField>(); final SQLSystem sys = this.base.getServer().getSQLSystem(); Rule updateRule = null; Rule deleteRule = null; String name = null; // Follow the JDBC to the letter and order by PKTABLE_CAT, PKTABLE_SCHEM, PKTABLE_NAME, // KEY_SEQ : thus ignoring FK_NAME if (sys == SQLSystem.MSSQL) { Collections.sort(importedKeys, IMPORTED_KEYS_COMP); } final Iterator<Object[]> ikIter = importedKeys.iterator(); while (ikIter.hasNext()) { final Object[] m =; // FKTABLE_SCHEM assert CompareUtils.equals(m[5], r.getSchema().getName()); // FKTABLE_NAME final String fkTableName = (String) m[6]; assert tableName == null || tableName.equals(fkTableName); if (tableNames != null && !tableNames.contains(fkTableName)) continue; // not by name, postgresql returns lowercase // "FKCOLUMN_NAME" final String keyName = (String) m[7]; // "KEY_SEQ" final short seq = ((Number) m[8]).shortValue(); // "PKCOLUMN_NAME" final String foreignTableColName = (String) m[3]; // "FK_NAME" final String foreignKeyName = (String) m[11]; final SQLField key = r.getTable(fkTableName).getField(keyName); final SQLTable foreignTable; try { foreignTable = getTableFromJDBCMetaData(r.getBase(), (String) m[0], (String) m[1], (String) m[2]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find what " + key.getSQLName() + " references", e); } metadataFKs.add(fkTableName, keyName); if (seq == 1) { // if we start a new link add the current one if (from.size() > 0) addLink(from, to, name, updateRule, deleteRule); from.clear(); to.clear(); } from.add(key); assert seq == 1 || from.get(from.size() - 2).getTable() == from.get(from.size() - 1).getTable(); to.add(foreignTable.getField(foreignTableColName)); assert seq == 1 || to.get(to.size() - 2).getTable() == to.get(to.size() - 1).getTable(); final Rule prevUpdateRule = updateRule; final Rule prevDeleteRule = deleteRule; // "UPDATE_RULE" updateRule = getRule((Number) m[9], sys); // "DELETE_RULE" deleteRule = getRule((Number) m[10], sys); if (seq > 1) { if (prevUpdateRule != updateRule) throw new IllegalStateException( "Incoherent update rules " + prevUpdateRule + " != " + updateRule); if (prevDeleteRule != deleteRule) throw new IllegalStateException( "Incoherent delete rules " + prevDeleteRule + " != " + deleteRule); } name = foreignKeyName; // MAYBE DEFERRABILITY } if (from.size() > 0) addLink(from, to, name, updateRule, deleteRule); if (Boolean.getBoolean(INFER_FK)) { final Set<String> tables = tableName != null ? Collections.singleton(tableName) : tableNames; for (final String tableToInfer : tables) { final SQLTable table = r.getTable(tableToInfer); final Set<String> lexicalFKs = SQLKey.foreignKeys(table); // already done lexicalFKs.removeAll(metadataFKs.getNonNull(table.getName())); // MAYBE option to print out foreign keys w/o constraint for (final String keyName : lexicalFKs) { final SQLField key = table.getField(keyName); addLink(singletonList(key), singletonList(SQLKey.keyToTable(key).getKey()), null, null, null); } } } } static private final SQLTable getTableIgnoringCase(final SQLSchema s, String tablename) { final List<SQLTable> matchingTables = new ArrayList<SQLTable>(4); for (final String tname : s.getTableNames()) if (tname.equalsIgnoreCase(tablename)) matchingTables.add(s.getTable(tname)); if (matchingTables.size() == 0) // this will throw an exception return (SQLTable) s.getCheckedChild(tablename); else if (matchingTables.size() == 1) return matchingTables.get(0); else throw new IllegalStateException("More than one table matches " + tablename + " : " + matchingTables); } // ** cache /** * Where xml dumps are saved, always <code>null</code> if {@link DBSystemRoot#useCache()} is * <code>false</code>. * * @return the directory of xmls dumps, <code>null</code> if it can't be found. */ private DBItemFileCache getFileCache() { final boolean useXML = this.base.useCache(); final DBFileCache d = this.getServer().getFileCache(); if (!useXML || d == null) return null; else { return d.getChild(this.base); } } private final File getRootFile(String root) { final DBItemFileCache saveDir = this.getFileCache(); if (saveDir == null) return null; return getGraphFile(saveDir.getChild(root)); } private final List<DBItemFileCache> getSavedCaches(boolean withFile) { final DBItemFileCache item = this.getFileCache(); if (item == null) return Collections.emptyList(); else { return item.getSavedDesc(DBRoot.class, withFile ? FILENAME : null); } } final void deleteGraphFiles() { for (final DBItemFileCache i : this.getSavedCaches(true)) { getGraphFile(i).delete(); } } final void deleteGraphFile(String rootName) { getRootFile(rootName).delete(); } private File getGraphFile(final DBItemFileCache i) { return i.getFile(FILENAME); } boolean save(final DBRoot r) { final String rootName = r.getName(); final File rootFile = this.getRootFile(rootName); if (rootFile == null) { return false; } else { assert Thread .holdsLock(this.base.getTreeMutex()) : "Might save garbage if two threads open the same file"; BufferedWriter pWriter = null; try { FileUtils.mkdir_p(rootFile.getParentFile()); pWriter = FileUtils.createXMLWriter(rootFile); pWriter.write("<root codecVersion=\""); pWriter.write(XML_VERSION); pWriter.write("\""); SQLSchema.getVersionAttr(r.getSchema(), pWriter); pWriter.write(" >\n"); for (final SQLTable t : r.getDescs(SQLTable.class)) { final Set<Link> flinks = this.getForeignLinks(t); // now that the atomic level is the table we must explicitly record which tables // have no links (to differentiate from tables which we don't know of) pWriter.write("<table name=\""); pWriter.write(OUTPUTTER.escapeAttributeEntities(t.getName())); pWriter.write("\">\n"); for (final Link l : flinks) { l.toXML(pWriter); } pWriter.write("</table>\n"); } pWriter.write("\n</root>\n"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.get().log(Level.WARNING, "unable to save files in " + rootFile, e); return false; } finally { if (pWriter != null) { try { pWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } /** * Loads all passed saved roots. * * @param fromXML the roots and tables to refresh. * @return the root and tables names that were loaded. * @throws JDOMException if a file is not valid XML. * @throws IOException if a file content is not correct. */ private TablesMap mapFromXML(final TablesMap fromXML) throws JDOMException, IOException { final TablesMap res = new TablesMap(); for (final DBItemFileCache cache : getSavedCaches(true)) { final String rootName = cache.getName(); if (!fromXML.containsKey(rootName)) continue; final Document doc = new SAXBuilder().build(getGraphFile(cache)); final String fileVersion = doc.getRootElement().getAttributeValue("codecVersion"); if (!XML_VERSION.equals(fileVersion)) throw new IOException("wrong format version, expected " + XML_VERSION + " got: " + fileVersion); // if the systemRoot doesn't contain the saved root, it means it is filtered (otherwise // it would have been erased) so we don't need to load it if (this.base.contains(rootName)) { final DBRoot r = (DBRoot) this.base.getCheckedChild(rootName); // checking version in XMLStructureSource is not enough since it can happen that // a DBFileCache is available before this but after the structure was loaded. In // this case no version check has been made and thus this file can be obsolete. final String xmlVersion = SQLSchema.getVersion(doc.getRootElement()); final String actualVersion = r.getSchema().getVersion(); if (!CompareUtils.equals(xmlVersion, actualVersion)) throw new IOException("wrong DB version, expected " + actualVersion + " got: " + xmlVersion); final Set<String> fromXMLTableNames = fromXML.get(rootName); for (final Element tableElem : doc.getRootElement().getChildren()) { final SQLTable t = r.getTable(tableElem.getAttributeValue("name")); if (fromXMLTableNames.contains(t.getName())) { for (final Element linkElem : tableElem.getChildren()) { addLink(Link.fromXML(t, linkElem)); } // t was loaded (even if it had no links) res.add(rootName, t.getName()); } } // rootName was loaded from XML (even if it had no tables) if (!res.containsKey(rootName)) res.put(rootName, Collections.<String>emptySet()); } } return res; } // From + To /** * Renvoie tous les liens qui partent ou arrivent sur la table passe. * * @param table la table dont on veut connaitre les liens. * @return tous les liens qui partent ou arrivent sur cette table. */ public synchronized Set<Link> getAllLinks(SQLTable table) { if (table == null) throw new NullPointerException(); return this.getGraphP().edgesOf(table); } public Set<Link> getLinks(SQLTable table, Direction dir) { if (table == null || dir == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (dir == Direction.ANY) return this.getAllLinks(table); else if (dir == Direction.REFERENT) return this.getReferentLinks(table); else return this.getForeignLinks(table); } public Set<Link> getLinks(SQLTable table, Direction dir, final IPredicate<? super Link> pred) { final Set<Link> allLinks = this.getLinks(table, dir); // don't create instance for nothing return pred == null || pred == IPredicate.truePredicate() ? allLinks :, pred, new HashSet<Link>()); } public Set<Link> getLinksWithOpposite(final SQLTable table, final Direction dir, final String oppositeTableName) { return this.getLinks(table, dir, oppositeTableName == null ? null : new Link.NamePredicate(table, oppositeTableName)); } /** * Get a single link from/to <code>table</code>. * * @param table an end of the link. * @param dir should the link start from or end at <code>table</code>. * @return the single link. * @throws IllegalStateException if not one and only one link matching. */ public Link getLink(final SQLTable table, final Direction dir) { return this.getLink(table, dir, null); } public Link getLink(final SQLTable table, final Direction dir, final IPredicate<? super Link> pred) { return this.getLink(table, dir, pred, false); } public Link getLinkWithOpposite(final SQLTable table, final Direction dir, final String oppositeTableName, final boolean nullIfNone) { return this.getLink(table, dir, oppositeTableName == null ? null : new Link.NamePredicate(table, oppositeTableName), nullIfNone); } /** * Get a single link from/to <code>table</code>. * * @param table an end of the link. * @param dir should the link start from or end at <code>table</code>. * @param pred to filter the links from/to <code>table</code>. * @param nullIfNone if <code>false</code> this method never returns <code>null</code>, if * <code>true</code> it will return <code>null</code> if no link matches. * @throws IllegalStateException if not one and only one link matching. * @return the single link, or <code>null</code> if none matched and <code>nullIfNone</code> is * true. */ public Link getLink(final SQLTable table, final Direction dir, final IPredicate<? super Link> pred, final boolean nullIfNone) { final Set<Link> res = this.getLinks(table, dir, pred); if (res.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("More than one link from " + table + " with direction " + dir + " and predicate " + pred + " : " + res); } else if (res.size() == 0) { if (nullIfNone) return null; else throw new IllegalStateException( "No link from " + table + " with direction " + dir + " and predicate " + pred); } return res.iterator().next(); } Set<Link> getLinks(SQLTable table, Direction dir, final boolean onlyOne) { return this.getLinks(table, dir, onlyOne, null); } Set<Link> getLinks(SQLTable table, Direction dir, final boolean onlyOne, final IPredicate<? super Link> pred) { if (onlyOne) // don't want nullIfNone return Collections.singleton(this.getLink(table, dir, pred, false)); else return this.getLinks(table, dir, pred); } // Foreign /** * Renvoie tous les liens qui partent de la table passe. * * @param table la table dont on veut connaitre les liens. * @return tous les liens qui partent de cette table. */ public synchronized Set<Link> getForeignLinks(SQLTable table) { Set<Link> res = this.foreignLinks.get(table); // works because res cannot be null if (res == null) { res = Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.getGraphP().outgoingEdgesOf(table)); this.foreignLinks.put(table, res); } return res; } public Set<SQLField> getForeignKeys(SQLTable table) { return getLabels(this.getForeignLinks(table)); } public final Set<List<SQLField>> getForeignKeysFields(SQLTable table) { return getCols(this.getForeignLinks(table)); } /** * Return the link corresponding to the passed foreign field. * * @param fk a foreign key. * @return the Link corresponding to the passed field, or <code>null</code> if it is not a * foreign field. */ public Link getForeignLink(SQLField fk) { return this.getForeignLink(singletonList(fk)); } public Link getForeignLink(SQLTable t, List<String> fields) { final List<SQLField> fks = new ArrayList<SQLField>(fields.size()); for (final String s : fields) fks.add(t.getField(s)); return this.getForeignLink(fks); } public synchronized Link getForeignLink(final List<SQLField> fk) { if (fk.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty list"); // result can be null if (!this.foreignLink.containsKey(fk)) { this.foreignLink.put(fk, (Link) CollectionUtils.find(this.getForeignLinks(fk.get(0).getTable()), new LabelPredicate(fk))); } return this.foreignLink.get(fk); } /** * Retourne la table trangre sur laquelle pointe le champ pass. * * @param fk une clef trangre. * @return la table sur laquelle pointe le champ. */ public SQLTable getForeignTable(SQLField fk) { final Link l = this.getForeignLink(fk); if (l != null) return l.getTarget(); else return null; } /** * Retourne les liens de t1 t2. * * @param t1 la premiere table. * @param t2 la 2eme table. * @return les liens de t1 t2. * @throws NullPointerException if either t1 or t2 is <code>null</code>. */ public synchronized Set<Link> getForeignLinks(SQLTable t1, SQLTable t2) { if (t1 == null || t2 == null) throw new NullPointerException("t1: " + t1 + ", t2: " + t2); return this.getGraphP().getAllEdges(t1, t2); } public Set<SQLField> getForeignFields(SQLTable t1, SQLTable t2) { return getLabels(this.getForeignLinks(t1, t2)); } // Referent /** * Renvoie tous les liens qui arrivent sur la table passe. * * @param table la table dont on veut connaitre les liens. * @return tous les liens qui arrivent sur cette table. */ public synchronized Set<Link> getReferentLinks(SQLTable table) { return this.getGraphP().incomingEdgesOf(table); } public Set<SQLField> getReferentKeys(SQLTable table) { return getLabels(this.getReferentLinks(table)); } /** * Renvoie toutes les tables qui pointent sur la table passe. * * @param table la table dont on veut connaitre les rfrentes. * @return toutes les tables qui pointent <code>table</code>. */ public Set<SQLTable> getReferentTables(SQLTable table) { final Set<SQLTable> res = new HashSet<SQLTable>(); for (final Link l : this.getReferentLinks(table)) res.add(l.getSource()); return res; } public Set<SQLTable> findReferentTables(SQLTable table, final String refTable, final List<String> refKeys) { final Set<SQLTable> res = new HashSet<SQLTable>(); for (final Link l : this.getReferentLinks(table)) { if (l.getSource().getName().equals(refTable) && (refKeys.isEmpty() || l.getCols().equals(refKeys))) res.add(l.getSource()); } return res; } public SQLTable findReferentTable(SQLTable table, final String refTable, final List<String> refKeys) { return org.openconcerto.utils.CollectionUtils.getSole(this.findReferentTables(table, refTable, refKeys)); } /** * Find the only referent table named <code>refTable</code>. * * @param table a table. * @param refTable a table name that should point to <code>table</code>. * @param refKeys the names of the fields from <code>refTable</code>, empty meaning don't use * them to filter. * @return the only matching table or <code>null</code> (i.e. if there's none or more than one). * @see #findReferentTables(SQLTable, String, List) */ public SQLTable findReferentTable(SQLTable table, final String refTable, final String... refKeys) { return this.findReferentTable(table, refTable, Arrays.asList(refKeys)); } // Between /** * Retourne tous les liens entre t1 et t2. C'est dire les liens qui partent de t1 pour t2 et * inversement. * * @param t1 la premiere table. * @param t2 la 2eme table. * @return l'ensemble des liens directs entre les 2 tables. */ public Set<Link> getLinks(SQLTable t1, SQLTable t2) { Set<Link> res = new HashSet<Link>(this.getForeignLinks(t1, t2)); res.addAll(this.getForeignLinks(t2, t1)); return res; } /** * Renvoie tous les champs entre t1 et t2. * * @param t1 la premiere table. * @param t2 la 2eme table. * @return l'ensemble des champs qui lient les 2 tables. * @see #getLinks(SQLTable, SQLTable) */ public Set<SQLField> getFields(SQLTable t1, SQLTable t2) { return getLabels(this.getLinks(t1, t2)); } // *** Wheres /** * Renvoie la clause WHERE pour faire la jointure en t1 et t2. Par exemple entre MISSION et * RAPPORT : <br/> * RAPPORT.ID_MISSION=MISSION.ID_MISSION OR MISSION.ID_RAPPORT_INITIAL=RAPPORT.ID_RAPPORT. Pour * un sous-ensemble des liens, utiliser {@link #getWhereClause(TableRef, TableRef, Step)}, pour * un seul champ {@link #getWhereClause(SQLField)}. * * @param t1 la premiere table. * @param t2 la deuxieme table. * @return le OR de tous les liens entres les 2 tables. */ public Where getWhereClause(TableRef t1, TableRef t2) { return this.getWhereClause(t1, t2, null); } public Where getWhereClause(final Step step) { return this.getWhereClause(step.getFrom(), step.getTo(), step); } /** * Renvoie la clause WHERE pour faire la jointure en t1 et t2. * * @param t1 la premiere table. * @param t2 la deuxieme table. * @param fields les liens utiliser, <code>null</code> pour tous. * @return le OR des champs passs. */ public Where getWhereClause(TableRef t1, TableRef t2, Step fields) { // OR car OBSERVATION.ID_ARTICLE_1,2,3 return Where.or(this.getStraightWhereClause(t1, t2, fields)); } // MAYBE allow to pass self reference links in both directions with a SetMap<Direction, Link>, // e.g. find both next and previous mission /** * Renvoie les clauses WHERE pour faire la jointure en t1 et t2. * * @param t1 la premiere table. * @param t2 la deuxieme table. * @param step les liens utiliser, <code>null</code> pour tous. * @return les WHERE demands. */ public Set<Where> getStraightWhereClause(TableRef t1, TableRef t2, Step step) { if (step == null) { step = Step.create(t1.getTable(), t2.getTable()); } else { if (t1 == null) t1 = step.getFrom(); else if (step.getFrom() != t1.getTable()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("step isn't from t1 " + step); if (t2 == null) t2 = step.getTo(); else if (step.getTo() != t2.getTable()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("step isn'ts to t2 " + step); } final Set<Where> res = new HashSet<Where>(); for (final Link l : step.getLinks()) { final Direction dir = step.getDirection(l); res.add(getWhereClause(t1, t2, l, dir)); } return res; } public Where getWhereClause(final Link l) { return getWhereClause(l.getSource(), l.getTarget(), l, Direction.FOREIGN); } /** * The where clause to join t1 to t2. * * @param t1 the first table, can be <code>null</code>, e.g. <code>null</code>. * @param t2 the second table, can be <code>null</code>, e.g. "LOCAL loc". * @param l a link between <code>t1</code> and <code>t2</code>, e.g. LOCAL.ID_BATIMENT. * @param dir how to go through <code>l</code>, either {@link Direction#FOREIGN} or * {@link Direction#REFERENT}, e.g. <code>REFERENT</code>. * @return the WHERE, e.g. loc.ID_BATIMENT = BATIMENT.ID. */ public Where getWhereClause(final TableRef t1, final TableRef t2, final Link l, final Direction dir) { if (l == null) throw new NullPointerException("Null link"); TableRef src, dest; if (dir == Direction.FOREIGN) { src = t1; dest = t2; } else if (dir == Direction.REFERENT) { src = t2; dest = t1; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid direction : " + dir); } if (src == null) src = l.getSource(); else if (src.getTable() != l.getSource()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong source table " + src.getTable() + " != " + l.getSource()); if (dest == null) dest = l.getTarget(); else if (dest.getTable() != l.getTarget()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong target table " + dest.getTable() + " != " + l.getTarget()); final Iterator<SQLField> primaryKeys = dest.getTable().getPrimaryKeys().iterator(); Where w = null; for (final SQLField f : l.getFields()) { assert f.getTable() == src.getTable(); final FieldRef f1 = src.getField(f.getName()); final FieldRef f2 = dest.getField(; w = new Where(f1, "=", f2).and(w); } assert w != null : "Empty fields for " + l; assert !primaryKeys.hasNext() : "Mismatch"; return w; } /** * Renvoie la clause where pour faire la jointure suivant ce champ. * * @param f un champ, eg RAPPORT_GENERE.ID_MISSION. * @return eg "RAPPORT_GENERE.ID_MISSION=MISSION.ID_MISSION". */ public Where getWhereClause(SQLField f) { return new Where(f, "=", this.getForeignTable(f).getKey()); } // *** Jointures public Where getJointure(Path p) { Where res = null; for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); i++) { res = this.getWhereClause(p.getStep(i)).and(res); } return res; } public Set<Where> getStraightJoin(final Path p) { if (p.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path empty"); } else if (p.length() == 1) { final SQLTable previous = p.getTable(0); final SQLTable table = p.getTable(1); return this.getStraightWhereClause(previous, table, p.getStep(0)); } else { final Set<Where> res = new HashSet<Where>(); final Set<Where> wheres = this.getStraightJoin(p.justFirst()); final Iterator<Where> wheresIter = wheres.iterator(); while (wheresIter.hasNext()) { final Where where =; final Iterator<Where> restIter = this.getStraightJoin(p.minusFirst()).iterator(); while (restIter.hasNext()) { final Where w =; res.add(where.and(w)); } } return res; } } public Where getJointure(int ID, Path p) { return new Where(p.getFirst().getKey(), "=", ID).and(this.getJointure(p)); } public synchronized GraFFF cloneForFilter(List<SQLTable> linksToRemove) { return GraFFF.create(this.getGraphP(), linksToRemove); } public synchronized GraFFF cloneForFilterKeep(Set<SQLField> linksToKeep) { return GraFFF.createKeep(this.getGraphP(), linksToKeep); } protected DirectedMultigraph<SQLTable, Link> getGraphP() { return (DirectedMultigraph<SQLTable, Link>) this.getGraph(); } static public <C extends Collection<String>> C getNames(Collection<Link> links, C fields) { for (final Link l : links) fields.add(l.getLabel().getName()); return fields; } static public Set<String> getNames(Collection<Link> links) { return getNames(links, new HashSet<String>()); } /** * Add the labels of <code>links</code> to the passed collection. * * @param <C> type of collection. * @param links a Collection of Link. * @param fields a collection where labels are added. * @return <code>fields</code>. */ static public <C extends Collection<SQLField>> C getLabels(Collection<Link> links, C fields) { for (final Link l : links) fields.add(l.getLabel()); return fields; } static public Set<SQLField> getLabels(Collection<Link> links) { return getLabels(links, new HashSet<SQLField>()); } static public <C extends Collection<List<SQLField>>> C getCols(Collection<Link> links, C fields) { for (final Link l : links) fields.add(l.getFields()); return fields; } static public Set<List<SQLField>> getCols(Collection<Link> links) { return getCols(links, new HashSet<List<SQLField>>()); } }